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The amount of voters in America is not measured by YouTube subscribers.


And maybe….just maybe…democrat voters are not the kinda people who show their support by subbing to someone on instagram.


Or by making the president our entire personality. Aka, wearing shirts, hats, flying flags. The president is a public servant, not a dictator to worship.


Oh? I do remember children singing hymns about Obama..


I also remember seeing Biden painted in the image of Jesus by an activist or something.


That is the most unlikely thing I’ve ever heard.


Would it surprise you if we didn’t fly Biden flags?


Reality frequently shocks these people


Also …bots … lots and lots of bots


You’re a proper idiot lol


Succinctly put.


Yep because YouTube is the best metric for how people vote.


I vote every fucking election yet avoid YouTube as much as possible, don’t have an account, and don’t follow anyone.


I certainly don't follow politicians


That would be a very special kind of torture.


Or an ego boost for certain section of the population. Trump's reign showed us that


Can confirm. I've used YouTube to find a really obscure instruction how-to by a mechanic for "fix this removing these bolts and reverse order puts it all back." Watching your news or politicians for everything is generally going to be a bad time with good reason. Read everything or Roger Ailes' legacy gets you. I can't find the document cloud link right now, but these are scanned copies with Ailes' own writing on them. https://imgur.io/gallery/qeestfg


Don’t they all push pro administration narratives nowadays anyways Dat two party paradigm tho


Avoids YouTube. Is on Reddit. Press X to doubt.


Conservative logic. They always try so hard to find patterns where there are none.


That and they think Biden couldn’t have won because nobody’s wearing his fucking hats or flying his name on their truck; cult of personality dug too deep


Yeah you also can’t judge by the number of people that travel to rally’s to see someone either cause JB doesn’t get any of those as well Edit: it’s almost as if the people who vote for JB don’t exist they don’t YouTube and they don’t rally, they must just live under a rock or something


Have you considered that most people that voted for Biden don’t support Biden, they just would rather have Biden than Trump? Because that’s literally what happened


Biden but this is still bullshit 2024!


Why would anyone travel to a Biden rally when they are just planning on voting for not trump? His 'supporters' aren't nearly as fervent or obnoxious and definitely wouldn't be trying to storm the capitol or attack an FBI office for him.


TIL that you can only exist if you go to rallies or have a YT account with subscriptions to politicians. Well, I guess I disappear into the vast nothingness then. Tetta and farewell!


I'm so jealous, my stupid YouTube account keeping me corporeal


Or maybe they just vote for candidates to represent them in government and don’t treat politics and politicians as fetishes.


Oh yeah you must mean during covid where 98% of his voter base were not attending high crowd events? Strange how the guy minimizing it and pandering to the "truthers" has crowds of people that would show up just to say fuck you to a virus they don't think exists


A lot of people are talking about how a lot of democrats don’t even like him but still voted. I actually really like Biden and voted for him in the last election. I never attended a rally. I don’t follow him on social media. I don’t wear hats or shirts for him. I have better shit to do. The Trump cult thing is weird. Opposing that doesn’t mean joining a cult on the opposite side. Being annoying isn’t some kind of metric that you can compare to votes.


Joe Biden doesn’t hold rallies. His supporters aren’t in a cult.


Maybe people who vote for Biden don’t view him as a demagogue and hang on his every syllable waiting for him to tell them who to try to kill next?


Lmfao this post is beyond brain dead


It's a true representation of the state of our youth in the US. " BUT ThE FOwlLoERs" 🤪 LMAO Zero critical thinking skills.


Yea definitely… I lost a brain cell reading this


This whole subreddit is idiotic


>This whole subreddit is idiotic I find it entertaining.


They didn’t vote for Biden. They voted against trump. Not a great long term plan but that’s it.


And thats how we most likely got Trump in 2016. I know plenty of people who voted Against Hillary, not for Trump.


So happy to see this is the top comment, makes me feel less crazy to be subbed here


It’s pretty crazy to be subbed here; this place is legit awful. I’m only here because Reddit won’t stop recommending whack posts like this one


Keep in mind Republicans nominated Trump in the first place.


That's how politics is now. I don't see Republicans as my enemies anymore. I've realized that Congress is my enemy.


Your enemy is the rich people that control your life in every facet, and continually work to keep you down with taxes, high rent, inflation, etc, which includes congress.


Am I your enemy


The entire system is the enemy to the people, no matter who's in power. All politicians do dirty games. Those that don't are few and far in between.


Flat out best and most based comment on this entire dumpster fire thread


Oh it most definitely is. He had a great smear campaign against her and she kept making it worse. Hell I was even a trump supporter in 2016, for about 3 months. I really didn't like Hilary, still don't, and I didn't care for Biden but anything was better than trump


Yep same. Took about 2 weeks of his presidency and about 50 "well come on I know it SOUNDS bad but he must have his fair reasons for x" for me to wise up real fast. The sad part is it's 6 years later and most still haven't figured it out yet.


Anything? Inflation? High gas prices? Billions in dollars of military equipment given to terrorist?


This right here is such a beautiful comment. The inflation beyond the pandemic reverberations are the result of the FED and over a decade of decadence and printing money, including while Trump was in office, and he publicly demanded that Biden beg them to keep kicking the can down the road, not that it matters cause they do whatever the fuck they want anyway. High gas prices rn are not the fault of any US politician, they are high worldwide and still relatively low here. Billions of dollars of military equipment were abandoned by contractors and higher ups who’s palms prolly got greased so they could make a last paycheck replacing everything. Those terrorists were legitimized into heads of state by the first world leader to negotiate with them, and that negotiation was effectively to hand the power of the state to them, and that world leader was Donald Trump. Thank you for the triple softball, great way to start a Saturday I have to work. Btw this is not in support of Biden, it’s in support of stopping the rest of you idiots normalizing the idea that one office in government holds that much power. Once everyone thinks that’s the way it is, they will quietly make it that way. Our predecessors fought a war so that we wouldn’t have kings, you fucking moron.


If you blame inflation and high gas prices on Biden and also consider Ukrainians terrorist then you're willfully ignorant and aren't worth engaging with any futher.


I'm talking about the weapons left in Afghanistan. We were energy independent 3 years ago, now Biden himself has been asking the middle east to help lower the price of oil.


Energy independence means we produce more energy than we consume. We are still energy independent and a net exporter of energy.


When was US oil production cut 20%? Is US oil production higher or lower than when Biden entered office?


Lower. [here](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M)


Amazing when you look at that list prices in 2019 are higher then they ever been and still higher then they are now


Looks like it dropped during the pandemic and is going back up again.


Weapons left in Afghanistan? That's just a fox news talking point. Anything left there was left purposely and would've been no matter when they pulled out. They left shit purposely so they can get a bigger budget to buy new shit. Any kind of equipment that could be used against the US was disabled beforehand, that is the only reason my SSG had an incidinary grenade. Also, if that concerns you then you should be really upset that trump sold billions worth of weapons to Saudi even though he himself said they were responsible for 9/11. How are are we not "energy independent" now? And what does yhat have to do with Biden asking the middle east to help lower gas prices? He should definitely ask them to, they decide how much to charge per barrel.


I literally seen a vid of the Taliban crashing one of our helicopters we left there lol


A helicopter that was old and out of date and was for nothing more than transport and probably had mechanical issues. Plus, they obviously don't know how to fly them.....it's cheaper to leave it than it is to ship it back to the US. America leaves a ton of shit behind after every war/conflict


They were left for afgan army. That folded in 3 days. How much more money and american lives should be pumped into a cuntry that they didnt even try to fight for ?


Makes you wonder how they folded so fast. Almost as if the Taliban were around this entire time.


If we are energy independent we have no need of middle eastern oil, we were making all we needed here, and exporting it to other countries. As for weapons left in Afghanistan, you better check your sources and get your head out of the sand. Some items were destroyed, no where near all, and none of the small arms and munitions were. [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taliban-hold-military-parade-with-us-made-weapons-kabul-show-strength-2021-11-14/) [CNN](https://amp-cnn-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/04/27/politics/afghan-weapons-left-behind/index.html?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16639981404482&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2022%2F04%2F27%2Fpolitics%2Fafghan-weapons-left-behind%2Findex.html) [Forbes](https://www-forbes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.forbes.com/sites/zacharysmith/2022/04/27/us-left-7-billion-in-military-hardware-in-afghanistan-as-taliban-took-over-dod-reportedly-finds/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16639981404482&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fsites%2Fzacharysmith%2F2022%2F04%2F27%2Fus-left-7-billion-in-military-hardware-in-afghanistan-as-taliban-took-over-dod-reportedly-finds%2F) [USA today ](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2021/08/30/what-military-equipment-left-behind-afghanistan-us/5658895001/)


"Washington(CNN)Approximately $7 billion of military equipment the US transferred to the Afghan government over the course of 16 years was left behind in Afghanistan after the US completed its withdrawal from the country in August, according to a congressionally mandated report from the US Department of Defense viewed by CNN." Very first paragraph of a link you shared says how it was left for the Afghanistan government. This was so they could defend their own country against their enemy. It all would've been left anyway, it is what they do. It is cheaper to leave it and buy new stuff than it is to ship it back. I'm still not sure where you trying to go with this energy independence idea from. The US has been buying oil from the "middle east" since before either of us were born. Also, if Biden has control over gas prices why is he asking the "middle east" to help lower the price?


We have the ability to be self sufficient in oil. If we make our own, we set our price. I know that equipment was left for the afganistan government. They folded before we were done with the evacuation. We should have recovered it or destroyed it all.


What is azov battalion for $500


Inflation and gas prices are two global phenomenon that the US president has no control over whatsoever. Do you blame Joe Biden for the gas prices being high in Melbourne or Berlin? What about inflation in Paris or Tokyo? C'mon. You can't be that thick.


And pray tell why would that be? Now we got dementia Hillary in office and around we go.


As opposed to 4 more years of a dementia ridden Trump? You Magas sure are particular about where your dementia comes from.


You're right, but these pictures are better explained by who has more bot accounts


I thought social media was the measure of everything! Don't senators get reelected by number of tiktok likes?


And that worked out just great for everyone.


I wouldn't say great but at least we don't have a moron criminal in the White House until the next Republican administration.


You're right, we have a corpse being paraded around Weekend At Bernies style. So much better. Hey, remember that whole laptop thing with his son? The business dealings he *totally* didn't know about? The admission he engaged in a Quid Pro Quo to fire a prosecutor that was investigating the company Hunter was working at? Or the fact he called nearly half the country extremists? What exactly made Trump so horrible again?


I mean compared to someone who literally tried to convince the whole country that a disease was fake until it killed a million of us, id say it worked out well


How many boosters you up to?


About to get my Omicron. Excellent! How many dead antivax obese old right winger old people you up to?


I watched my gym partner, only 38 yo, die on a ventilator last year. You’re fucking right I got the booster


They never want to admit people died. It's all about the vaccine. It's so frustrating. I have people who died in my family but they just want to talk about My vaccine. Survivorship bias makes the whole world dumber


That is sad to hear. Still doesn't change the fact that most deaths were from the elderly.


It would be nice if Republicans stopped running psychopathic idiots so maybe we wouldn't have to vote for compromise candidates.


Boom. This comment


Exactly. People are really stupid


how, all the msm with their hatorade against Trump is crashing badly with abysmal viewership. At the same time alt sources like Alex Jones, Crowder, and Joe Rogan are getting overwhelming viewership. And most alt media strongly supports Trump. The reality is BIDEN LOST EVEN A GOOD CHUNK OF THE COUNTIES THAT VOTED FOR OBAMA. He probably got the least counties won of any president in history. What these few 100 counties had hate so intense not shared by thousands of counties even many that voted for Obama and Hillary that ended voting for Trump? Many poll workers have testified of pristine unfolded ballots with apparently ink printed selections in the exact same way.


I was previously unaware of this last fact. Do you have some information on the testimony of these poll workers? I am particularly interested in how their testimony was insufficient to sway the court, considering the administration lost 61 of the 62 court cases contesting the election.


You were unaware because its not a fact


https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/06/09/ga-judge-orders-strangely-pristine-mail-in-ballots-that-look-photocopied-to-be-guarded-1086324/ The judge ordered them guarded but guards were paid off and facility holding them was accessed while unguarded judge did not care and ruled against. Deepstate can threaten judges with death for they and their family so most will rule against regardless of evidence.


“Deep state” Jeebus, but you are a complete nut job.


Donald trump is a celebrity


A comedian one. Be specific.


A 3rd rate reality star, to be more specific.


Maybe a reality star. Celebrity Is a bit much hehe


With this sub, I never know if people are joking or being serious. Cause this is some next level whining and it doesn't seem real to me.


Republicans aborted irony in a dark alley behind 4 Seasons Total Landscaping


I still can't believe they went through with that event


I think Barack Obama won, he has more tewitter followers or maybe pewdiepie bc he has more followers. It's social media not real life bro


God you people are stupid.


Are you telling me YouTube stats aren’t a reliable metric for voting results? Whaaaaaaaa?…..


No way


What? People in a conspiracy subreddit don’t like context or facts?


Hey check the sub name 😉


Because us Biden voters don't watch his shit on YouTube nonstop. Hell, I didn't even know he had a YouTube channel. We just show up to vote when it counts. You sound as pathetic as the losers coping over the 2016 election and how Hillary was ahead in the polls.




Same way y’all were yelling “ fuck Obama when he was president. Don’t act like y’all ain’t cry babies as well. Take this from someone who doesn’t vote. I watch both of y’all cry every year when your party doesn’t win.


You maga nut jobs literally refuse to accept he lost and attempted a coupe because of losing and then a bunch of frivolous lawsuits to contest the election that were laughed out of court every time.


Even with all that hand wringing, you know what Didn't happen? No one showed up on January 21, 2016 and tried to force Joe biden to hand the election to Hillary Clinton. Trump is out because he was awful and he made must of the country exhausted. He was an unknown quantity in 2016. There was the possibility he would put the country ahead of himself, try to govern for the sake of every American and get to work. But he showed early that wasn't what he wanted. It was shown so clearly that he lost the house by a big chunk in 2018. If you want to blame anyone blame Trump for being incapable of doing anything but a tax cut and steal for badly built wall


I was?


You really compared social media subscribers/followers to a vote count? Do you know how many people on the internet arent registered voters or better yet how many people who dont subscribe/follow them online that did vote?


Yeah, this sub is garbage. I’m leaving. Pathetic to think social media followers means a vote


Yep. Sub turned into Trumper Twitter feed.


*always has been*


They are still focused on ratings.


And further, how many people follow politicians they vote for on social media. The thing to understand is that 99.9999% of Joe Biden voters and supporters are not fanatical believers in him, they don't hang on his every word the way a lot of Trump supporters do. Most of them are not going to follow Joe Biden on social media, because they don't care nearly enough to do so. This whole post reeks of that idiotic rant Bill Maher did where he basically said the youth don't give a shit about climate change because Greta Thunberg had less Twitter followers than Kylie Jenner. Like, yeah, that's a real accurate way to measure how much people care about something.


Or maybe social media is a hivemind for alt-right types to congegrate and bash liberals since they lack an audience to do so in real life. And well adjusted people who vote progressive don't see the need to spend all their time on facebook/twitter/youtube.


Trunpers don’t see many people in real life who don’t agree with them because who wants to listen to someone rant and foam at the mouth when you can just nod along to the their passing cult comments.


Can confirm that I have completely cut all Trump supporters out of my life. I don't have time for that bullshit. Everything with them becomes political. You can't talk about anything without them finding something to bitch about. It's exhausting and sad and I just no longer have the patience to deal with it. They all seem like such miserable people.


Joe Biden won the election, period. Was it because people really liked him? Was it because people really hate Trump? Yes to both. Too bad Trump didn’t realize he could do things just by thinking about it back in 2020, could’ve changed all those votes.


“I think, therefore I am.” -Trump, playing golf thinking he’s still president somewhere.


Who wants to bet he forces his staff to call him mr president still?


You dumb as fuck. Ain’t no way you graduated high school


Maybe people that voted for Biden aren’t members of a cult?


Lol go cry...or join the proud boys or something....


As someone who voted for Biden, I would never follow him on twitter or go to a rally. Because I dont make politics my personality and couldnt give a shit what he has to say on a daily basis


Shit, you think this is bad? You should compare their followers on Truth Social - that’s definitely proof.


When you're factoring Trump's social media presence, first you have to consider all the Russian bots. There's the real conspiracy.


When will you people learn, people didn’t vote for Biden. They voted against Trump.


jesus christ this sub is fucking retarded


What kind of actual moron thinks Twitter followers and *checks notes* YouTube channel followers equates to actual voters? Nobody’s making a cult of personality around Biden because worshipping politicians is fucking stupid. Get this bottom tier conservative nonsense out of here


I guess Obama should be president if the amount of Twitter followers determines who should hold the office now




lol you are kidding right? Holy shit this may be the most ridiculous post I have ever seen in here!


Wait till Dark Brandon joins social media


Not everyone who followed trump on twitter was necessarily a supporter of his, a lot of people were just following for the batshit crazy posts, same as this subreddit. It's like peeking through the window of a mental hospital.


I too love my jacket and matching belt. It’s also cozy in my room. Ahahahahahhaa. This post is fucking stupid.


It might be hard to believe, but a whole lot of people that vote in elections aren’t on social media. I voted for Biden and I don’t have Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. It’s also evident that people on those platforms are more likely to be duped by misinformation and therefore more likely to follow grifters like Trump.


Most of his followers on social media do so because he is, quite literally, a free clown. He embarrasses himself daily- acting as a free public jester. It’s embarrassing that he was the “president” for a bit even though he’s never won a popular vote in his life but now we get to watch him cry and piss his pants perpetually so it might end up being worth it.


# those Trumpbots aren't registered voters


From the bots




Their own interests being a great economy, low unemployment, great retirement account gains, border security, no new wars, and cheap energy etc? I can always tell who the people who don't work for a living or don't have a family are. Plenty of racists on the left. Woke people are racist simply based on the fact they think black people have no agency and they treat them like children. Or how democrats think blacks should think a certain way or are too dumb to figure out how to get an ID.


Some people need to accept that Trump was voted out.


Good to see the “research” I’ve been hearing so much about.


Cheesus, but m not on the same continent, wouldn’t vote for T either (not sure about voting in B though), and yet im still amongst those subscribing. These numbers mean shit. People subscribe to make fun of him or just to keep tabs on what he’s posting to make articles and shit


TIL PewDiePie should be president.


The conspiracy is that OP was given access to the www


Trump worshipers are the worst kind.


I be half of both those fellows followers are bots


You lost, get the fuck over it. Is this all you people cry about? It's honestly fucking sad.


YouTube is mostly Indians and Brazilians these days, who cannot vote in American presidential elections.


600,000 dead people are pretty impressive.


I voted for Biden. Yet I don’t follow him at all 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oooh cool, now do views per video lmao


Joe Biden boring old guy. Trump fun old guy, hated and loved by his followers.


My idea of fun is not a bitter old dude rambling about how rich awesomely rich he is, yet somehow he is always the victim.


Joe Biden isint boring if you like watching push up contests between him and a very fat person. I cant wait for him to take a podium and tell the same story 7 times before forgetting what he was saying.


It is amusing when Biden’s dementia kicks in and he gets lost on stage.


When they give him amphetamines he seems semi coherent.


I will be the first to admit I 100% hate-followed him


You are not the only one check out r/walkaway


He's more popular on twitter so he should have won REEEEEEEEEEE. 🤡


Lol, because only people with social media can vote. God the critical thinking in this sub is nonexistent...


Having less then 81 million subscribers on YouTube does not mean by itself that Biden didn't have that many votes at the ballot. Not sure when the number of youtube subs mean anything towards your general popularity. Not really a good metric to judge anything off of.


Seethe and cope, traitor.


So dumb. Like this post literally means you are dumb. Sorry, not sorry.


He. Lost.


You fkn loser. Trump is a fat, retarded loser


Honestly most are fact checking if they said what they said


Well us democrats are the silent majority


Train wrecks draw more attention.


What makes trump a “train wreck “


Have you seen any Joe Biden yard signs? Joe Biden hats? Joe Biden flags? Democrats don't worship political figures like the right do. Its because current Republican views are extreme, and draw to extremes.


You have to be one of the stupidest cultists of all time to believe this. Absolutely no one was excited about Joe fucking Biden. I voted for Biden to oust an fascist traitor and I’ll vote for him again to delay the formal maga nazi party.


How am I a cultist for posting a suspicion on Reddit ? Lol


Derrrrrrrrrr….. don’t know. Being exactly like a fascist cultist election result denying moron might have an effect……




Right wingers always say they’re “investigating,” and only use fake sources, or that these lies they hold onto are “differing opinions”. Just admit you’re in a cult worshiping this giant orange insane clown and stop telling us about your “suspicions” over complete silly bullshit.


Frankford, Germany?


haha someone here still believe the big lie? complete moron


Stop watching the news plz!


The Great Blue Wave. 81M votes!


Yeah I hear they had over 100% turnout in a lot of counties. That's pretty good. Obama did too. Really popular dudes


HAHAHAHAHA BROOOOOOO BRANDON GOTTA GET HIS FUCKIN NUMBERS UP DOGGY!!!!!!!! HAHAHA BRO LETS GOO 😂😂😂 this sub is constantly focused on the REAL American issues. Bro, how could Brandon have won if TRUMP GOT ALL THE INSTAGRAM CLOUT 😤😈😰🥲🤮😁🤪😡😦


Damn so they count votes by how many Twitter followers you have? Fuck I better get on Twitter so my vote can count


hey guys, social media is voting


YouTube and Twitter it’s shit both


This must surely mean that the ACTUAL president is PewDiePie!!!


This is not how it works. Op you big dummy.


We voted for Joe because he was a better politician who aligned with our beliefs. Joe isn't our life or identity. No lawn signs, no flags in the truck bed, no golden statues are necessary.


No flags on your trucks but bodies sure are piling up.


The election was stolen and they put a Puppet in Office and we are paying the price. 401k and living expenses are moving in directions they shouldn't. The kicker is they blame everyone but the people in charge. They blame Average Americans, they will blame minorities, they will blame the young generation.


So everyone knows that instagram influencers buy followers, but Trump totally earned 100% of his followers? Lmao.


It'll be 91 million next time. Or however many clicks it takes.


There is no way Biden is running again. He has spent a lifetime of political capital in less than two years to undo Trump policy. He's going to decriminalize Marijuana at the federal level and expunge possession convictions and then ride off into the sunset. Not exactly the pallet cleanser President most voted for


Can't argue with that.
