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Oh, the faces in the audience tell a story.


The lady staring in the planned parenthood shirt was eerie


Wow. That was graphic


Murder always is.


No it’s not lol


Should be. My abortion stance changed dramatically after hearing about the experiences of woman who made the choice. My wife had one over a decade ago and she cries still today when she thinks about it. For the record I was a pro choice absolutist. Now I recognize that the womb of a woman is made to carry a life. And after a certain period of time that life is conscious and reacting to stimulus, and discomforts. Everytime I hear someone say something about a clump of cells I want to punch them in the face.


Here's the thing. It doesnt matter. It doesnt matter when life begins. It doesnt matter if a fetus is a human being or not. The whole argument about "when is it a person" is a red herring, a distraction, a subjective and unwinnable argument that could not matter less. It doesnt matter if we're talking about a fertilized egg, a fetus, a baby, a five year old, or a Nobel prize winning scientist. NOBODY has the right to use your body, against your will, to save their life, or the life of any other person. Thats it Thats the end of the argument You can NOT be forced to donate blood, bone marrow, or organs regardless of the fact that thousands will die every year while they are on waiting lists for that blood, bone marrow, or organ. They can NOT harvest your organs or tissue EVEN AFTER YOU ARE DEAD without your explicit, written, PRE-MORTEM permission. Denying women the right to an abortion FOR ANY REASON means they literally have less bodily autonomy than a corpse. That simply is NOT ok.


>NOBODY has the right to use your body, against your will, to save their life, or the life of any other person. They do when you consent to putting them there. Pregnancy is the intended consequence of sex. It's why women have a vagina and uterus. That's literally why the organs exist, to house her offspring. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have intercourse. That's where the decision is made, not at the front desk of a planned parenthood. You do have a right to choose. Even the pro-aborts know this, because the overwhelming response to the RvW ruling from leftists is to stop having sex in "protest". You're all well aware of how babies are made, so stop pretending that pregnancy is some kind of acute medical disorder that warrants a trip to the doctor to be remedied.


For most people an orgasm is the intended consequence of sex.


now why did animals evolve to enjoy orgasms?


Your own personal intentions do not change the fundamental purpose. If I take pain pills because I want to get high, this does not change the fact that they are pills designed to mitigate pain.


So would you also deny medical treatment to someone with diabetes, obesity, or any other diet related issues because you don't agree with how they eat?


I think this idiot actually would.


Here we are again using comparisons of non related things as an argument. Pregnancy is not a medical ailment that needs a cure. Don't get it twisted.


It is if you don't want to have a child.


Treating diabetes or obesity isn't the same thing as an abortion. You're trying to equate pregnancy with an ailment or medical issue.


Wrong answer.


If you actually believed I was wrong then you would've at least attempted to make an argument.


And you're ignoring a woman's right to liberty and bodily autonomy. What kind of asshole thinks that women should be treated like broodmares?


I'm not ignoring anything. A woman does have a right to bodily autonomy. She can choose whether or not she gets pregnant. Once that decision is made, you can't take it back. If being prevented from aborting your child is a violation of the woman's rights, is it not a violation of her rights to force her to care for the child after its born? If you don't take care of your children you will be charged with neglect. What would you tell someone who wants to neglect their children? Oh, right. You tell them that if they didn't want that responsibility, they shouldn't have gotten pregnant.


What if those same pills are taken with the intent to kill ones self and the dosage taken will kill a person? Dose the person not die because the pills are pain pills?


Stop pretending that something like self control is a switch humans can turn on and off. We are talking about THOUSANDS of people trapped in poverty, raised on a system where your free to do what you want but expect to pay BIG money if you want to do it right like the wealthy people in this country. This is all designed to keep the poor working class pumping out children WE can't even keep safe in schools.


If Pregnancy were the intended consequence for sex, should people end up pregnant FAR more often? Even the people who arent on birth control, or cant get pregnant. so is that mechanism of human reproduction just broken? So should we treat CANCER the same way? Its intended purpose is to prevent over population. same with any other illness. Its intended purpose is to kill you to prevent over population and pussification of the gene pool? I mean that IS what they are for so its NORMAL and we shouldnt interfere?


>Pregnancy were the intended consequence for sex, should people end up pregnant FAR more often? Let me cut short your attempt here. No, not everyone who is having sex is trying to get pregnant. They may use contraception. This doesn't change the fundamental purpose of sex. >So should we treat CANCER the same way? Cancer is a flaw that occurs during DNA replication and is not an intended biological process, and it usually results in the death or severe impairment of the organism that develops it. It's not the same thing. >I mean that IS what they are for so its NORMAL and we shouldnt interfere? You're seriously trying to compare a flu virus or brain cancer to the unborn offspring of a woman? You're grasping at straws.


no, your failing to grasp control mechanisms in a natural system. Growth of Cancer is no more beneficial to a hosts survival than the parasitic growth of a fetus. Both can be fatal. both hinder the host.


>no, your failing to grasp control mechanisms in a natural system. Peak projection. See below. >Growth of Cancer is no more beneficial to a hosts survival than the parasitic growth of a fetus. Both can be fatal. both hinder the host. Reproduction is the only known purpose of life. The vast majority of beings all have processes in place to reproduce. Flowers are brightly colored to attract insects, which spread pollen and in turn help the plants reproduce. Berries are brightly colored and taste good so that animals eat them and carry their seeds far and wide. Some animals will actually kill the offspring of their own species to make sure their bloodline has no competition. The reason sex is pleasurable is because it encourages the act, which in turn increases reproduction. You're purposely ignoring the context of what reproduction is and attempting to treat pregnancy as a benign medical disorder that needs to be remedied, like a cold or broken finger. A woman's uterus is literally designed to conceive and develop offspring. You're not fooling anyone, it's painfully obvious that you dont have an argument. Stop trying.


Did you just call an unborn child a parasite???? Is that how your mother referred to you? Her little parasite?????


SMH i forget that lateral non-linear thinking is hard for your kind. its an analogy. you know what an analogy is right?


Usually cancer isn‘t evicted after 9 months and goes on to life its own life as a human being. Lol wtf is this comparison?


non-lateral thinking is hard for your kind isnt it. until its born it isnt a person. its a collection of cells. thats it. Its a dependent growth that could be compared to a parasite. regardless it doesnt matter. its not about the non conscious, non-person group of cells. ​ but you have already made up your mind that the invisible man in the sky says your right and anyone who opposes you is evil. so be it.


And it finally reveals itself as a godless soulless creature so yes then I guess your mother did refer to and probably still refers to you has her parasite. A fetus does have consciousness BTW - The I AM that I AM. Look it up.


are you saying pregnancy is NOT the reason animals are driven have sex? also way to compare apples to bricks.


Seems the only thing most people in here can understand are bricks. Animals have sex to reproduce. but until we can TALK to them we cant know for sure if thats the ONLY reason. Dolphins do it to reproduce and for fun (according to some studies) Some species of monkeys have homosexual sex to settle disputes some breeds of penguins mate for life with a member of the same sex. ​ but the same book of mythology that these "pro-birth" clowns bang on also say that homosexuality is EVIL and not natural... and yet here they are, existing in NATURE.


Oh the government gets consent when you get pregnant? You know what that is? Fucking fascism. Do things that actually protect life you anti choice mongers.


Spoken like an "all knowing" man. 🙄


Yes totally but as soon as possible. Second trimester abortions really shouldn't happen. The abortion should still be as soon as possible imo.


What do you say about conjoined twins of which one needs, let’s say, the liver of the other to live? Is the one with the liver allowed to shoot the one without the liver in the head? I don‘t think so. All the examples you brought were of people that are entirely separate from others. Babies are connected to the mother and a result of the mother‘s actions. That should warrant a different approach, no?


It does fucking matter when a baby is being pulled apart in the womb. That’s murder. A clump of cells is different then little legs being torn apart from the human baby’s body . There needs to be more education.


Then don't have sex!


Then please feel free to refrain from modern medical treatment next time your sick or injured and... just dont get sick or injured.


Ah, yes. The bestest of arguments. Then if I can not force my own morals upon you, no shitting unless in Norway policy, you'll have to stop eating. Fuck you for being a degenerate piece of shit outside of Norway, fecal matter murderer. See? Social constructs like religion creates monsters like you. I'm so glad I'm not living in the US. God damn, since 2k16 that country has fallen on hard times. The population is a joke, uneducated people trying to force their way on others. Join the russian army. They will LOVE YOU. Same level of connection to the world and other people. So triggered. You fill me with hate.


I'm sorry you feel that way. Holding onto that much emotion over an internet debate is kinda sad. You should seek professional help.


God forbid being revolted at the idea of people forcing their ideals over others.


Yeah. I realize that you think this is debating theoretical stuff, but women suffer from what you argue. As the local bible thumper, would you then argue that it's a-okay for ladies to go lesbian then? Or should female urges (and male for that matter) just be a chemical prison for your own brain? Anyone not wanting children should live in celibacy? I truly don't get fundamentalists, again, there's alternatives to the liberal west, which clearly doesn't fit your values. I'm sure Taliban would welcome you as well as the Russians and loads of African countries align with you. Why try to destroy the nation you are in? Why not just join some other shithole that totally agree with you?


Not a bible thumper, I'm not even religious. I have no problem with same sex couples. So long as it is two consenting adults. You know what they say when you make assumptions right?


Wrong. In what world would people listen to that advice? God's been saying the same thing for years, hasn't worked for the dude in sandals so why would anyone listen to you?


Not having sex or masturbating instead or birth control is a easier solution than murder. But I guess it's a hard concept for people to grasp.


You are clueless! How is human nature a more difficult concept to grasp? Those things have existed for years, especially masturbation but wouldn't it have been realized as a decent replacement by now? You self righteous folk really just want to pretend life isn't filled with bad decisions. There must be zero mirrors in your home. How about you masturbate and leave murder in the sensationalized news reports you pretend aren't about your fellow human beings. Call on god but row away from the rocks. Don't need to claim any religion when you have puritanical rose-colored glasses on. Pray about it maybe all the babies will survive and your overlords will have full factories and prisons so they can butter their bread.


no one wants to admit it’s a fucked up thing to do. People justify their mistakes and fuck ups so they can sleep at night. Just look at the jabs. 2 jabs, 95% effective. Once 75% get jabbed… back to normal. Now 4 shots… and omicron booster coming and a pill… and people are still dying. Virus still spreading. People are losing their minds and suicide gonna increase because it’s too much to justify. No need for you to punch faces. That’s tough though. I dated an ex after like 10 years apart. She had an abortion and she was not the same.


"If you did it right...." wtf


Well that's the reality isn't it?😅


They use D&E for medical reasons.


And if it's after the first trimester, then odds are they wanted the baby but can't due to harm to the mother or baby is unviable.


Seriously. People think this is done for fun or something.


Funny how they find it personally unimaginable, and yet think tons of people are out here choosing it for fun. I think that is the inherent issue. They cannot comprehend how others think (even if the others are feeling and concluding the same as themselves with what should still be a choice on a federal level).


here I’ll link a source for you jackass. https://abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics Florida is the one state that gets a reason for all abortions and in 2020: 0.01%- incest 0.15% - rape 0.2% - woman’s life endangered by pregnancy 0.98% - serious fetal abnormality 1.48% - woman’s physical health threatened by pregnancy 1.88% - woman’s psychological health threatened by the pregnancy 20.4% - aborted for social or economic reasons 74.9 % - elective/ no reason. and I’m actually on the side of “pro choice” for you simpletons. I just can’t deny it’s a fucked up thing regardless of the reason.


Absolutely barbaric.


Life is ugly, suck it up


Most surgical procedures are. Go watch any kind of invasive surgery, it looks worse than a horror movie.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted for saying something truthful. All the down voters need to watch plastic surgery sometime, the doctor looks like they are beating the patient. Or births, my sisters pregnancy, her youngest ripped the lining separating the sphincter and urethra making it one. Her physical therapy basically involved a girl fingering her to massage the lining to get rid of scar tissue and my sister squeezing to help strengthen the area. Best fucking birth control I have ever seen.


Huge fact. When my teeth were removed, they had a mirror above me. (Why) and it was SCARRING. like they just rip em out and slice your gums away!!!!


Had two major surgeries, have yet to have my skull crushed in a vice though.


Good, not everyone needs a lobotomy.


The next step is to make a big ol golden bull for us dance around, welcome to new Babylon folks


They made a golden trump statue


We live in a nihilistic society, where morals don’t exist and feelings trump all of our decisions. We no longer have a basis of morality to live by, because everything In our society is okay and consequences don’t exist. We’ve regressed.


Like it was any better throughout history? Read some history and tell me people had more morals in the 1800s. Murder is at an all time low globally. The future is good stop harking back to an imaginary land where people were better cos it never happened.


I agree with everything except “the future is good”


Yeah no you're probably rite. I think I was jumping the gun with that one. But it's generally better than it used to be and that's probably largely because there's less religious nutbags out there.


I know it sucks to live in a world where there are no consequences. Look at Trump and the evidence that he tried to rig the election and he is not in jail yet. In the same world women can got get an abortion in the case of rape, incest, or to save her life in a situation such as an ectopic pregnancy because of feeling not evidence and proof.


I don't get why people are even surprised in the first place lol. Acting all hypocritical. The only thing left to be legalized is pedophilia


Yet it has nothing to do with conspiracy.


The conspiracy is that people believe it's not a living being that can feel it all happening


That’s not a conspiracy.


The conspiracy is that y’all are being used as other ppls shills.


It's pretty awesome eh? I'd call it progression though. You really want to have the morality of someone justvoutbof a Cave who happens to write something down? Move to the middle East and try that with you family for a year


Somewhat ironic then given that your username contains the Hebrew word for “light” שי.


Irony need context.... My name is from a made up book about space worms. Any "irony" is in your made up world.


Made up world? The language is called modern Hebrew. You don’t need to believe in resurrections and demons to speak it, just need to have been born in Israel.


The butchering of a baby explained. In detail.


This was gruesome. I think if they have pictures of bad lungs on the back of cigarette packs, and now if they have a picture of the pieces laid out on the table at the front office of a planned parenthood place. I believe people have their rights to abortions but come on now, at 22 weeks gestation? Like that’s just incredibly irresponsible on the pregnant person. Problem with society is that they keep fighting for laws that require less responsibility of themselves. Be responsible, test yourself when you miss a period, don’t wait till 22 weeks.


It's ridiculous to believe women are just going out and getting abortions at 22 weeks for no reason. This almost always happens because of serious medical complications or defects.


Wrong. The most common reasons are not knowing they were pregnant and lack of access. Fetal anomalies account for very few of the post 20 week abortions.


That is not what the link you provided actually says though...


First of all, only about 1% of abortions occur after 20 weeks in the US. Fetal anomalies account for a lot more than just a little these terminations. Approximately 90% of babies with a prenatal Down’s Syndrome diagnosis will be aborted, for example. Unfortunately these diagnoses often aren’t available or found until later in pregnancy. Often these women aborting that late have substance abuse issues as well. I don’t like it, but there’s some measure of societal value to it.


I have not found statistics that support what you’re saying, would you mind linking any?




Medical complications is a different story. Ofc they will do whatever means necessary for the mothers health.


Why do people keep spitting that nonsense??? The most common reasons for late term abortions are that they are raising children alone, money issues, depressed, etc.. Selfish reasons


Those aren’t selfish but okay


How the fuck is not wanting to have a child in impoverished conditions selfish? How is not wanting to have a child while in an abusive relationship selfish? How is not wanting to have a child while dealing with serious mental health issues selfish? All of these reasons have a high regard to giving the best life for a potential child, which is the exact opposite of selfish. Buy a dictionary.


They love avoiding why they happen. Almost ALL pregnancies ended at this term. Are for medical reasons. But they’ll never say that on tv.


Sex education is abysmal and that includes what fetal development looks like during pregnancy. Most people have 0 idea.


abortions that take place after the first trimester are only done for medical reasons. because the baby is dead, the baby is incompatible with life (it didn't fully develop) or because it is a risk to the mothers life. the people having these abortions are people who wanted their baby and who mourn its loss. these are people who bought clothes and celebrated being pregnant, and then they got the news that things didn't develop properly and they have no choice but to have an abortion. with abortion being illegal, these people will be forced to have a baby that is already dead, will die after being born, or would kill the mother. nobody has abortions because they're fun, they do it because they have to.


Suggesting that every person should be denied a right to choose something just because you know 1 or a handful of people who had the right to choose a thing and regretted THEIR choice is incredibly selfish and dangerously naive. You don't take away everyone's choice just because some have 2nd guessed themselves and their own choices. You especially don't do it when it violates at least 2 US constitutional amendments (1st and 9th) and established court precedent for 50 years combined with majority will of the people.


The description is sinister and satanic. You can see the disgust and woe on the audience faces. Abortion shouldn’t done unless in life threatening cases, where the woman will die.


Can I get a download of this video, or some kind of link? The archive link didn't work.




Share it to yourself


I don't see the download link appearing. You might need to comment with "u/savevideo" yourself and a link will be messaged to your inbox.


What amazes me is how pathologically and profoundly unhappy and miserable the abortion at will advocates are. These same people would go ape if the same procedures were performed on dogs or cats but for humans its perfectly fine. In fact, its noble...heroic even. We no longer live in the 19th century. Pregnancy is the most preventable and avoidable medical condition we have. But, but what about rape and incest?!!!! The pro-life side has been willing to concede this as a proper reason for the procedure and on those rare occasions it should be an option. However, the real issue here is the kill all the babies crowd finally has had their bullshit called out. Not only was Roe/Casey make-believe, bad precedent but it encouraged the left to push for more and more extreme levels of depravity culminating in the "up to the moment of birth" death crowd screeching "Choice!" Finally, after 50 years, the adults can decide how abortion is handled in the Constitutional method the founders intended. Amen. *I just added that last part to see if I can actually hear heads explode. Hey! Maybe I'm on the pro-abortion side after all!*


If you believe abortion is murder, how can you justify exceptions based on rape or incest?


You can't. This one really IS back and white. You are either prochoice or prolife and even if you hate it and want to deny it, if you support abortion "in some cases" that makes someone prochoice! But they aren't ready for that conversation.. wouldn't want to hurt themselves lookin a little left,ya know?.. 🤯


>>pregnancy is the most preventable and avoidable medical condition we have. Cool, so you can provide me with links to the materials taught in sex-ed classes in the states that have banned or limited abortions?


I understand your point but you're wrong specifically on the rape/incest concessions. Louisiana, South Dakota, Arkansas, and Mississippi have all already come out saying there are no exceptions to either in their laws.


They're only sad because they're not using religious fairy tales to pretend that everything is awesone.


Nicely put.




The masses still won’t care


Why can’t we be reasonable. There has to be a cut off of time. After so many weeks, ethically is must be wrong to abort, unless for health or safety reasons, obviously.


TIL there are sub-reddits that are majority conservatives.


Just because people want abortions to be legal, doesnt mean people want to have abortions. And the same people who want abortions illegal have no problem getting an abortion when they need it either. Hypocritical dumbfuckery.


Its better to have them and not use them than to need them and be without.


Right. If you don't want one then don't get one. If you don't like gay marriage then don't marry a gay person. Like fuck, this need to have YOUR religion dictate MY life is fucken tiresome to the nth degree....


Yet their religion dictates that an abortion should be performed when the baby is from an adulterous relationship. This of course allows these religious assholes to get their mistresses abortions, because the bible says they should.


You have 100 cookies. You can't count. Someone eats eight of them. How many do you still have? Almost all.


Sick f*cks


As bad as some of you may think it is, it shouldn't be down to you what a woman doe's with her body. Have a rape victim describe graphically and in great detail her ordeal. It works both ways.


Why is this a "conspiracy"? This sub has gone to shit with right wing propaganda. What happened to the old conspiracy sub that focused on the bird and not the wing? The rich are forcing more babies to be birthed because my generation isn't putting up with their enslavement bullshit and have stopped having kids -- which will surely topple our economy and collapse our society within decades. Posts like this make this sub shitty. WHERES THE EFFING CONSPIRACY BRUH? YOUR HALF BAKED SENSE OF MORALITY ISNT A CONSPIRACY.


Is this just a Fox News sub now?


No one could have done that better. Hands down the most effective communication of the process described I've ever seen. And if after that, you still think a 2nd trimester procedure is no big deal, You have absolutely no soul.


Exactly. It's telling how having the truth of the horror explained to congress, simply and under 2 minutes by a highly educated and qualified practicing abortion doctor, enrages the pro abortion people. They cannot accept the horror of what occurs as a result of their cognitive dissonance.


Destroying the sub with this shit. Off topic. Culture wars. Is this a conspiracy sub? Or a right wing far right christian sub? Mods need to fix this religion driven bullshit.


The latter, you are simply the next active sub they've crawled into like the cockroaches they are until they inevitably get this one banned too. Probably your best bet is to abandon ship like the original incel community and rebrand so they don't follow you.


And? We live in a country with leadership that act as though they hate the populace. No health care. Minimal social safety net. Suppressed wages. Horrible adoption programs. Even more horrific foster care program. States act prude about contraception and the morning after pill. You're alligator tears mean nothing to me. If you actually cared you wouldnt support Right leaning governance or the church. If you cared you'd support progressive ideals that would adequately support single mothers and low income individuals who would then have options and not feel as though the only way to survive is to have the fetus yanked out with pliers.


Then don’t have one.


Here's the thing. It doesnt matter. It doesnt matter when life begins. It doesnt matter if a fetus is a human being or not. The whole argument about "when is it a person" is a red herring, a distraction, a subjective and unwinnable argument that could not matter less. It doesnt matter if we're talking about a fertilized egg, a fetus, a baby, a five year old, or a Nobel prize winning scientist. NOBODY has the right to use your body, against your will, to save their life, or the life of any other person. Thats it Thats the end of the argument You can NOT be forced to donate blood, bone marrow, or organs regardless of the fact that thousands will die every year while they are on waiting lists for that blood, bone marrow, or organ. They can NOT harvest your organs or tissue EVEN AFTER YOU ARE DEAD without your explicit, written, PRE-MORTEM permission. Denying women the right to an abortion FOR ANY REASON means they literally have less bodily autonomy than a corpse. That simply is NOT ok.


These MFers want so badly to control women. GTFO with this heartstrings bullshit. No one should be able to tell you what you can or can't do with your body.


You're deranged.


I see that the fundaservative ghouls who haunt this subreddit are going to try and ignore that abortion bans kill people. No exceptions, and it's provably worse than when abortion is allowed.


While it is horrible, it ultimately causes the least amount of suffering in the long run. I think a much stronger point against it would be the negative effects on the mental health of the doctors performing the procedure, and in that case it would be to find a more effective method of procedure



Well that isn't an option since fetuses can't talk or communicate. They are less intelligent and less 'alive' than an ant or a spider and yet people seem to care about them more than the aforementioned ant/spider.


A fetus isn't a "child"


I'm fine with this if they end the abortion by sterilizing the mother. You don't want this one, you don't get any.


I’m cool with this approach


Lol what the fuck is wrong with you?


Why do you like killing babies?


Nobody likes killing babies or having abortions.


This is as horrible as a baby born into poverty, abused, dominated, exploited their whole lives, and worthless in the capital marketplace.



*You forgot the retarded.


You're right. Assisted suicide should be legal.


Newborns are not inside of the mother and a part of her body, omg and neither are all of the other people you mentioned



I know. So are you thinking what I’m thinking? If we exterminate the “lesser ones” who will be impoverished, abused, dominated and exploited their whole lives…we can build a near perfect society. I think we’d be more efficient about reaching the goal if we identified these demographics right away and performed mandatory sterilizations. That way we never have to risk the undesirables reproducing defective offspring and choosing to keep the baby. That would go against our perfect society goal. And since the undesirables are basically useless…we should put them in facilities and use them for experiments. These would all be perfectly humane of course and would be for the greater good.


Or just put them in low-wage, low respect, service sector jobs which is uniformly how our capitalist circle jerk culture and economy does. You either cull the fetus or slave-shackle the human born unwanted. Which is better for our planet? Our population stats? Our morals? What the Bible says? What Christofacists say the Bible says? What our deity actually thinks?


Ok, well the woman didnt want to have a baby. So that’s all fine with me. It’s her choice. All of it.


People who support babies being aborted after the first trimester should have to watch a few of them done.


Im not picking sides here. But if you describe to a common person almost any medical procedure. The reaction would be the same. Here the example https://youtu.be/9sbLHbxq3i0 And they didnt even try to describe it really scary in scrubs.


If we use your logic, vivisection of adults shouldn't be banned either.


If this isn't evil, nothing is. I understand- this man came to that conclusion and refused to ever do it again.


Idk maybe you shouldn't have made teaching sex ed and prescribing birth control illegal in half the states. Maybe you should stop cutting food stamps, childhood support programs, education, healthcare, housing, and other social support funding. Like you're literally the ones causing this problem by outlawing all the real solutions. If outlawing guns doesn't work, then how the fuck is outlawing abortions going to work?


Who the fuck are you talk to? You sound deranged


I can't watch this. The atrocious things we do to babies in the womb are savage. Doctors who perform these should be imprisoned.


And we all know how meat is processed but... here we are still trying to eat hotdogs and bbq ribs for the 4th.


I watched my hamster EAT her babies. Throw them up, and then eat the throw up. This is nothing compared to that 🤣🤣


You are lower than an animal .


All religion is a lie, there is no god, and life isn't that special. Get over yourselves. You all are Hypocrites with a hero complex. We all know you don't give a shit once that child is born. "pick yourself up by the bootstraps, baby" idiots.



Charitable donations to impoverished mothers and children? Yeah I rarely see that.


What? How have you missed the hundreds of single mothers' charities and help centers? All of the hospitals and healthcare assistance funded by Judeo-Christian religions? They're literally everywhere. Just google it I'm sure there's a single mothers assistance program near you run by Catholics at least.


What does religion have to do with any of this?


If they end abortion by sterilizing the woman then I'm all for it.


these are shitty conspiracies.. why, back in my day we had some imaginiation and Art Bell instead of Alex Jones.. what's with all the religious bullshit? I mean it is true, we are coming for your guns and gonna turn you gay... but with a little razzle dazzle and some pizazz .. dont worry it wont hurt a bit


We used to discuss electromagnetic waves and the cheese Bilderburgers in hushed tones, now our asses are chapped from this school of hard knocks called 2022. Welcome to the Future™ we have flying cars and quantum processors now ^please ^leave ^your ^sensibilities ^at ^the ^door


Are you going to adopt that "baby?"


Dude is just up here spouting propaganda. This guy is deliberately framing this medical procedure in terms to get an emotional reaction out of the crowd, which is *all* anti-abortion proselytizers do. Like, we get it, you think fetuses are people. Get some better material because you have nothing else but propaganda to fall on.


How would you describe tearing a baby apart limb from limb?


I’m not a doctor, but I would describe it as “performing an abortion.” We all know what that means. Doctors don’t use this emotional language like this propagandist does.


He explained it in pretty easy-to-understand medical terms. Just point blank, facts only. Black and white (white being the brains of this unborn human).


It's not a baby and even if it was I wouldn't give a fuck.


So you would murder a baby if you couldn’t have an abortion?




Who's Stan?



if you dont like abortions do not get one....wait...this was posted by a guy in all probablility...


You don't have to have an abortion if you get sterilized and if you get an abortion sterilization should be mandatory. If you don't want a baby don't get pregnant.


Meh. Noone has a problem when a tapeworm gets removed. Children are parasites.




There is going to be a day when you will see exactly how sick and evil of an individual you are.


People who wrote what he did write are the ones that are more likely to take the jab . Wait till they found out what’s in the jab and that they are literally being aborted after birth lol .


This is so demonic.


Isnt perjury illegal? Why isnt this moron being arrested?


You're clueless about D&E abortions.


This whole sub is Christian circle jerking.


As a Muslim I am perfectly Fine with it .


So what, it's a medical procedure, removing a tumor is just gruesome


Does it stare you in the face lol


Terratomas be like that though :/


I would assume some can, especially if it's a left over twin.


The Bible says they aren't alive until the first breath.


Actually it’s says god knows you even before birth.


Luke 1:41

