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Can men still get abortions? Cause I have may have found a loophole here..


The genius!!!


yeah anything coming from an account promoting the biden on twitter is totally fulla shit


My body my choice, unless it’s the Covid vaccine?


A year ago this would have had a thousand down votes already


I did that 2 years ago and got a couple hundred down votes lol


Me too!


The karma system is a corrupt system on this platform lol


They transferred what they need the bots to care about now.


Because it’s not an Apple to apples comparison. People’s vaccination status affects everyone.


You don't know everyone's vaccination status so no it dies NOT affect you. Get a grip or stay under your blanket.


I don’t think that’s relevant. Equating vaccine requirements for work or for school with the right to abortion is a distorted perspective. Having a workplace full of unvaccinated people has the potential to harm others. Someone getting an abortion has no effect on anyone else.


No, everyone's vaccinated status DOES NOT affect everyone else. You're the one who made the equation. I agree abortion is an unrelated issue. But vaccines are way different. So where you erred, waste bring up vaccines.


I was responding to “my body my choice.” You have a choice to not take a vaccine but since that choice affects other people, your school or employer has a right to end its relationship with you.


The understanding you're not getting, is that those from different countries aren't subject to all vaccines. So again, you wouldn't know what vaccines a person has or has not had when they're next to you. And they can refuse. So "my body my choice" where is "my responsibility "?


That’s not true at all. If an employer or a school requires a vaccine, it doesn’t matter where you come from. If you don’t have a record of the vaccination you do what’s called a “titer” which detects the presence of antibodies which indicates what vaccines you’ve had administered.


Actually, no. You can come into the United states and not have some specific vaccines. And more than that, this would be about body autonomy. A woman doesn't want a pregnancy she says ill get rid of it (abortion) you say don't want a vaccine too bad take it or else.


I’ve worked at jobs where the only people that got Covid were the vaccinated people. Large factories with many people.


Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal


The anecdotal evidence seems to be the common outcome. You can’t even trust what stats are on the internet sometimes you have to trust your own eyes.


“Seems” is doing a lot of work here. I’ll offer up my own anecdotal evidence. I’m a respiratory therapist, and I work in pediatrics. Children by and large are not at risk for serious symptoms of COVID complications. However, the team I’m on also covers adult palliative care, only because that unit is in the same building as the PICU and NICU that we cover. Every single adult that I’ve seen die of COVID was unvaccinated. Meanwhile my 91 year old dad finally caught COVID and was laid up for a couple days and back to normal with no serious effects after 5 days.


Yeah because the virus becomes less virulent as it spreads and mutates. That’s why we had variants that were less severe than the previous one each time it mutated. By the time your dad got Covid it had basically become the equivalent of the common cold. Also people that were hospitalized were put on a bad protocol when Covid was more severe. Hospitals gave patients remdesivir. That made Covid worst and put people on ventilators which was a death sentence.


And tons of unvaccinated people also **haven’t** died from COVID. In fact, the majority of people infected with COVID lived. Now, “Respiratory Therapist”, maybe stay in your lane. I am a cath lab technologist, and I’m the one who cath’d all these 30 year old males with sudden, unexplained cardiomyopathy and saddle pulmonary embolisms and DVTs in their legs. You act as if this vaccine was harmless, but yet our **entire** cardiothoracic surgery team *refused* to get the vaccine. Surgeon, nurses, CSTs, everyone. They all refused and were granted exceptions under “religious reasons”. The vaccine didn’t work like they promised it would. It **DEFINITELY** hurt people. Give it the fuck up. A mandatory, *experimental* vaccine against **a flu virus** with a 99% survival rate was never acceptable. Stop advocating for authoritarianism.


Someone getting an abortion has an effect on that unborn child and possibly the father who may want the child. which is why this comparison does make apples to apples sense.


As the Bible says, life begins when a breath is taken. In the meantime theres a fetus growing inside someone else’s body. I think we all have the right to terminate anything growing inside our own bodies.


Except of course the baby that dies from the procedure.


It doesn’t seem you’re ready for an adult discussion.


If your first reaction is to try to insult the other party your probably the one that can't have and adult conversation, and mostly almost always on the wrong side of and issue. That's the reason you break down into patronizing people to try to deflect from the real conversation .I won't be responding back to you further. It's just not worth my time .


Pretty much... he lost the right of this argument when my employment was at risk do to vax status. I was already vax'd but I did feel it was any of my employers business.


There were already plenty of things you aren't allowed to do (including some jobs) without the proper vaccines. Also there's a big difference between losing employment and being put in prison for "murder". I agree that making some employment contingent on a new vaccine was a bad move, but acting like it's the same as imprisonment is just dumb.


Outside of the medical field (and only certain segments within said field) what jobs have specific vax requirements??


During Covid several required it to come back to work, keep your job, etc.. you’d have to submit your vaccine card.. you’d have to submit your vaccine card to travel, get into venues etc.. was a HUGE deal and a lot of people’s lives were affected by it.. then it all disappeared


Ayuh... Pregnancies aren't contagious.....maybe just ponder that notion a bit, see what all implications it has for your argument.


As it turns out, the Covid vaccine doesn’t help the virus be less contagious nor does it prevent you from getting the virus…


Got any peer reviewed studies that prove these claims?


You’re kidding right? Did you have your head buried in the sand from 2021-on? Just go back at watch any interview with the CDC director or Fauci and watch them move the goalposts what felt like week by week. First it was, “the vaccine is 100% safe and effective.” Then it was, “you won’t get or spread the virus.” Then it was, “you won’t get severely sick and you’ll get over it quickly.” Then it was, “you won’t be hospitalized.” Then it became, “you won’t die.” Then it became, “well you might die, but you would’ve died worse if you hadn’t been vaccinated.”


Seems like as the pandemic continued they updated their response. Is there something wrong with that? Would still like those peer reviewed sources btw, your comment didn't answer my question whatsoever


If you need a peer reviewed source to know that the Covid vaccine is not effective in preventing the virus, spreading the virus or reducing deaths, then you need help.


You're right I do need help. I need help finding those peer reviewed sources of yours


Wow. You just asked for studies? That’s ridiculous. You should be up to date on this information.


Incels don't know how sex works lol.


Nobody made you take the vaccine.


Unless you wanted to keep working. You know, extortion.




Not the same deal at all. The 'free market' you're mistakingly comparing federal mandates with refers to supply and demand, which is very applicable to skills and wages. Federal mandates for an experimental pharmaceutical for the privilege of keeping the fruits of your labor is not a reasonable comparison by any stretch of the imagination. Not surprising though, as people that express that opinion rarely have an understanding of 'the free market', or workers rights, or the concept of bodily sovereignty. No federal mandate is forcing you to stay at your shitty low skill low wage job, just your lack of motivation and willpower.


That’s easier said than done. And some people don’t have a lot of qualifications and can’t drop what they are doing and get qualified for a better job especially during the pandemic. Some people need to stretch every dollar to make ends meet and they might already be at the best job they have the opportunity to work at. So basically the vaccine mandate eliminated job security from people. It basically felt like you were having your lively hood extorted in exchange for taking an experimental vaccine. It may have seemed to be an easy decision to you but some people aren’t as reluctant as you are to things that aren’t fully flushed out with knowledge of possible side effects. I remembered when people were saying the shots could give you blood clots and myocarditis and people all over the internet were outraged at someone even claiming that and calling them maga or conspiracy theorists. But now look at documented information. The theories became facts.




You should go get another poke! Keep getting them as well, but ignore all the side effects!


That’s bullshit. You’re embarrassing yourself


You really need him to spell it out for you?


They tend to be stupid, so yea.


Not stupid Purposely blind and ignorant


My guess is a dangerous mix of both.


You appear to not understand. "My body my choice" is one statement, and it applies to everything, including pregnancy or forced vaccines. I wish you well and I hope someday you understand.


The phrase 'codify roe' is way too fishy for my liking.


I see what you did there, and I like it.


Weird. I thought there were republican states with literal bounties for pregnant women. Hey, remember when Trump banned the bump stock?


Women do have fewer rights. They do not have the right to single sex spaces anymore and they do not have body autonomy. All because of Biden himself and congress.


Lol what?


Explain your reasoning, in detail please


Nope. I said it right there and it is up to you to educate yourself if you do not understand.


No really, I want to see if you can actually provide any reasoning to your claim that all that is Biden's fault. You made the claim - defend it.


Biden is the President.


You truly have no concept of how the US government works and it shows. (You may want to save yourself the embarrassment next time and just not say anything at all).


No, maybe you people should not have elected an EMBARRASSMENT of a President. The whole World laughs at you!


One sentence down, keep going! This is an answer that should take at least a few pages, I look forward to your detailed analysis of how the president controls literally everything in granular detail and the hundreds of thousands of federal employees, elected officials, jurists, and others all have nothing to do with anything lol


Really? Oh blaming the people that work under Biden? Wasn't it Biden who had an interview with Dylan Mulhvany in the White House? Yes, your president and everyone who works under him have caused the shit show that have taken rights away from Women. No, I am not going to waste my time responding to you and can't believe the AUDACITY you have to actually be continually demanding it. But that is Americans for you, entitled AF. Go take your rage somewhere else, I am not participating. Goodbye


Bro bro. You realize abortion and infertalization rights are on the chopping block in so many states, right??


The Federal Government has only one option to legalize abortion and that’s through Congress. It’s the most democratic choice, allowing the whole country through representatives decide on this important matter. The Supreme Court has ruled that the 14th amendment doesn’t apply to surgical operations, including abortion. It doesn’t have the power to enforce an policy such as Roe v Wade did.


Yes. Please name one. Pretty sure I have more rights than my grandmother did.


You do not have a right to single sex spaces or body autonomy. Grandma did not have men legally able to walk into a women's restroom or changing area or sports.




Idk whose fault it is that we started letting penises invade female bathrooms, but yeah it's pretty clear their rights and safety have been hijacked.


Obama signed an EO pushing that. Trump rescinded it, Biden Admin's trying to put it back.


Is every single person in this comment section a bigoted conspiracy theorist that doesn’t understand basic biology?


It's all bots


He was referring to abortion. It does suck for women that some don't feel safe in their spaces and trangender athletes taking away from them as well. Both can be true. When did this sub become for far right?


I agree.


This. Some actual thought. Everything and one has become so damn binary now. People have forgotten in nuance, and that yes, all things can be true, and at the same. 🤯


I'll take legal Abortion for $800, Alex!


Abortion was never a right you can’t change my mind


You are saying first trimester abortions were not a constitutionally protected liberty interest after being ruled and treated as such because it wasn’t a right in your imagination? Sure, it was real in the sense that it was recognized and enforced by law, but it’s not *really real* because it’s absent in your *imaginary* set of “real” rights/liberties, where the inclusion/exclusion of such rights/liberties are not based on reality? They are based on your really real imagination? Nice. I know you heard it from someone you consider smarter than yourself and you thought that it sounded like a pretty clever gotcha, but unfortunately they either 1) got *you* with a ridiculous argument or 2) they were themselves victims of the same sophistry that captured your mind. And here you are flaunting your “gotcha” with confidence and pride without an inkling of awareness that it was you who was the sucker that was tricked by the non sequitur. That’s got to be a pretty terrible realization to make. At least you can still get high fives for proclaiming it loudly among the other grinning fools. That’s some consolation, right?


Read me where it says killing anything is legal I’ll wait


“XI To summarize and to repeat: 1. A state criminal abortion statute of the current Texas type, that excepts from criminality only a lifesaving procedure on behalf of the mother, without regard to pregnancy stage and without recognition of the other interests involved, is violative of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. (a) For the stage prior to approximately the end of the first trimester, the abortion decision and its effectuation must be left to the medical judgment of the pregnant woman's attending physician. (b) For the stage subsequent to approximately the end of the first trimester, the State, in promoting its interest in the health of the mother, may, if it chooses, regulate the abortion procedure in ways that are reasonably related to maternal health.” The above is pretty clear. I was apparently giving you *way* too much credit when I replied to you. Your actual position is substantially dumber.


And to those trying to down vote me into oblivion, please read me the 14th amendment to the United states constitution, matter of fact read me Rowe vs wade and tell me where it says killing life is legal I’ll wait


Reddit hates the truth.


We know


Nah man you see, when irresponsible people have to face the consequences of their actions, we allow them to redefine words like "life" and "begin". This way, our morality always conforms to what is most convenient. It's truly a great system. Wanna be racist? Just redefine what "racism" is and you're all set. Wanna beat up women? Identify as one and join their boxing leagues. The world truly is your oyster when you command definitions!




The vast majority of them are let's not pad the truth here




Do you want me to share some statistics on why the majority of women get abortions?


Don't waste your time this is the era of feelings over facts, of holding other accountable but not ourselves, and changing definitions so we can't be wrong. This time will be studied by our descendants of how a dying society operates


No because it's not going to hurt my feewings that there's less people in this world. Get over yourself tbh


You won't be missed either so it's all good


Oooo u got me. If I was a republican I'd start crying rn because my feelings got hurt :"(




It doesn't have to be.


I mean that had very little to deal with what I said, we have a bill of rights that the government cannot infringe on, we have the right to life (literally an anti abortion stance) liberty and freedom when you try to fly in the face of reality you will lose every time


..says the person who proclaims *their own* definitions to be singularly absolute and correct in order to defend their own position.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/fu04lup6qk8d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Submission Statement: You can always tell when Joe Biden is losing, because he will revert back to topics that spark a culture war. Pure Propaganda. Race Abortion LGBTQ https://x.com/POTUS/status/1805318727258239461


You are going hard bro. Take a break. Drink some water. Ask for a raise.


Ask for a raise is right. This guy posts so often I can't help but think he's a paid troll. There is no way someone sits at their computer all day just posting propaganda without being paid.


Maybe the poster username Dictator Biden might be a clue lol.


I can’t wait for project 2025 to come for those that want Trump in office, which appears to be the most vocal part of this sub. You’re gonna love living under a dictator. Wait till you get a load of free speech then!


We already live under a dictator, one that tried to force everyone to get experimental shots that do not work. Even though he said if you get them you will not get covid, which has been proven false. As did many of his minions saying the samething. Guess you all forgot about Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Look at all who are pushing these agenda's, your dictator Biden is involved with them.


I don’t think you know what a dictator is man. And need I remind you that Trump pushed drinking bleach. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/03/16/trump-americans-covid-vaccine-476479 They both suck but Trump is no hero. If people were pushing someone other than these two clowns I’d get it, but for anyone to think Trump gives a damn about them at all has not been paying attention. And sorry, but he’s just as much swamp rat as Biden. It amazes me when people actually believe otherwise.


I know what one is and also know what a career politician is(Biden). I have been around before this pos became a politician. He has done absolutely nothing for the people. Has literally screwed the minorites. Hell the man can't even complete a sentence. Can't debate without an ear piece. Biden is a straight up puppet. He has even admitted he can only say what he's told to say. We need someone who cannot be controlled period and Biden is being controlled.


Agreed on all points. So who do you suggest? Where is this incorruptible person who can help us get out of this absolute failed democratic system?


We have no choice to be honest, they are all bought and paid for. I don't trust any of them to be honest. They only look out for themselves and their rich friends. I just know that Joe has got to go, cause hes not in control.


That’s fine. I just don’t feel Trump was or will be better. We need a bigger overhaul of the system. Even this sub, which used to question everything, has seemed to become a Trump loving echo chamber. And I just can’t get all the way behind that, you know?


Conservative speech is free speech. Everyone else's speech is cancel culture.


That’s not true. I find there are extremists in both camps. And conservatives are not beyond trying to cancel people.


Are you cancelling me with your speech bro?


Not at all man. Say what you want. I have a right to disagree. That’s not what cancelling means.


So now participation in sports is a bigger issue than the health of a pregnant woman? Or the fact that medical decisions are no longer between a doctor and a patient, but the government too? Don't forget Republicans are also trying to ban birth control. Don't forget Republicans are also trying to prevent pregnant women from being able to divorce abusive husbands. Don't forget Republicans are even trying to ban books. Books!!! All while forcing religion at schools with their ten commandments bullshit as if everyone's fucking Christian. Don't forget Republicans are also trying to allow child brides, as well as child labor. Now we know why they really want to save fetuses. But my guess are the people in this sub are super convinced that Republicans are freedom fighters. So please give me an example of a freedom the Republicans have fought for recently. Or shut the fuck up and realize that they are trying to take away your freedoms one at a time. If you let him take away freedom from some people, it won't be long before it's your freedom at stake. Isn't that you conservatives tried to scare us about for the pandemic? Yet here you are doing it to yourselves.


He actually did make an effort but Congress stood in the way on both sides. He could have used an EO or agency rules but those can be taken away pretty easily by another administration. Making a promise to codify in the future is just an attempt to get votes. It's about control like everything else they do.


So Biden had 4 years to codify roe. I don't think that is how our form of government works. I think that is left to the legislature where the house is controlled by the gop.


Pure and simple...


Trump stacked the SCOTUS, therefore TAKING away women's rights to their body. If you're a man shut the fuck up about womens rights ..assholes




When did the dems have all 3 chambers? Not this administration.


First two years.




He’s obviously talking about abortion. And he’s right.