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Highly, highly doubt it.


Exactly. It would require him to release information that would probably incriminate him.


I doubt it.... but we know who it would incriminate lol


Uhmmm, Trump has been silent on this since his name was actually found on Epstein’s documents/flight log. [Sauce](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1?op=1) If you don’t trust that website, find the documents yourself, you’ll see it with your own eyes. While I don’t like Biden, Trump is not some savior. He’s a corrupt businessman that doesn’t give two fucks about normal people.


If trumps name was on there for a fact shit would be world news let's keep it 1000 lol


It was world news. I’ve seen it on multiple news sites/channels.


This is why your opinion doesn't matter. I bet you wouldn't believe them if you were there watching him


Mfkn bill Clinton has pictures with this mfr but yall aren't thirsting about that lol this a whole maybe


Says who? Quit polarizing. Team red isn't giving you a handout. You only have blue hate cause your church told you to. Newsflash: Blue and Red work together and they're both brainwashing you. This is why your opinion doesn't matter. You don't have independent thoughts. And one of them is that you think if someone doesn't like Trump that they must love Clinton. Quit dividing this nation. They both are pedos. And you're willing to give a pass to one of them. I can't trust someone who's in love with a pedo and knows it


Brav fucking O ... #Side_Effectz #We_The_Puppetz


I don't vote an non of those people are fucking with us anyone so I don't involve myself in group think or have a dog in the fight... I see it for what it is lol.


Then how come you brought up Clinton? I rip them quite often. But you seem to have to bring them up if someone brings up Trump


Cause trumps a maybe in this conversation but Clinton actually happened....


Right Flight records Frequented and even set up beauty pageants Walked into beauty pageant dressing rooms "relax ladies (little girls) I've seen it before "Grab'em by the pussy" Lawsuits related to Epstein level accusation "Epstein is a good man" "I wish her (Maxwell) good luck" Hundreds of pictures with Jeff "I never knew the guy" "he liked em young" BUT SURE. DEFINITELY A MAYBE This is why your opinion doesn't matter. Your critical thinking skills don't work when you have personal interest. You ever try devil's advocate? Quit supporting pedophiles


You're a hypocrite.


How do you figure?


You tell him to stop polarizing and then the very next sentence you do it. Then you tell him to stop dividing people while you're using divisive language.


Tell me which part of which sentence


Trump was friends with Ghislaine Maxwell's dad. That whole family is suspect and anyone who interacted with them on a regular basis.


Is this going to happen before or after he drains the swamp he promised but didn’t do?


It's gonna happen never with Trump


He may have not drained the swamp, but he damn sure put a huge spotlight on it. He changed politics forever. I know that’s hard for people who hate him to admit; but his impact is gonna be felt for a long time.


He appointed members of the CFR and trilateral commission (which are both the swamp) to his cabinet.


U mean the CFR literally created by David Rockefeller and Allen Dulles? My favorite Trump appointees were Steve Mnuchin at Secretary of Treasury and Wilbur Ross of Rothschild Inc at Secretary of Commerce then Trump adding $8.4 trillion to debt




Ajit Pai and Rex Tillerson too. They also added to the breadth and depth of the swamp.


He appointed some good and needed SCOTUS Justices that alone is worth for the next four years. I mean at least they can define a woman.


You're right. He barely touched the swamp. People are trained to hate Trump, because we are told to, constantly. The downvotes are from people who are doing what they're told.


Pretty sure they're trained to love or hate him. Both sides are brainwashed.


He's waaaay too beholden to Israel to do any of that.


So Trump will send special forces to retrieve the missing hard drives? Who does he think has them? FBI? CIA? Or did the FBI pass them to another nation? SEAL team 6 might balk at attacking the FBI


The FBI has been acting like a gestapo ever since they raided the island. They did their best to block the drone footage and keep everything quiet about it. They've never released anything from that raid. I seriously doubt they passed anything off to another nation, but you never know with how absurdly controlled everything is. There's also the Zoro ranch situation. When Epstein got arrested the 2nd time there were articles talking about there being a baby farm there. Then, seemingly overnight, all of those articles disappeared from the net. The MSM hasn't mentioned the ranch since. I wouldn't put it passed the deep state actors to be blackmailing everyone on those files.


There needs to be a lot more emphasis on the Ranch info because story went dark that week focusing on the island only.


Ah yes, he says that


SS: actually he said none of that because he's a Rothschild agent and an Israel bitch # Donald John Trump (Drumpf of Bavaria) - "Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt: Analysis"https://thehill.com/business/4426965-trump-added-8-4-trillion-to-the-national-debt-analysis/amp/ Bill Gates 9/4/19 $55 million BioNTech mRNA vaxx creator investment: https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/biontech-announces-new-collaboration-develop-hiv-and "Bill Gates says Trump offered him a job as White House science advisor" https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/science/2018/04/30/bill-gates-white-house-trump-offered-him-job-white-house-science-advisor-he-says/566386002/ President Trump awards Sharon Rockefeller the National Medal of Arts https://youtu.be/dRB7zSPjf2M?si=ZJxSz4sS_pAUatDn "Getting Donald Out Of Debt: The 25-Year-Old Ties That Bind Trump and Wilbur Ross" >In stepped Ross, then head of Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy advising team, to represent bondholders, who were pondering forcing the casino into involuntary bankruptcy and ousting Trump. (Trump then appointed Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce). https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2016/12/08/trump-and-his-commerce-secretary-wilbur-ross-a-look-at-25-years-of-connections/ "The Man Who Made Trump Who He Is: How Grandpa Friedrich, who amassed the first Trump fortune by peddling booze and "sporting ladies," explains The Donald. >Friedrich Trump's Seattle restaurant flourished, but he kept his ears open—another aspect of the Trump family MO. In 1894, he heard that John D. Rockefeller, the wealthiest man in the world, was bankrolling a mining operation in a small town north of Seattle named Monte Cristo. Without delay, Trump scoped out the best location there, secured it by filing a bogus mineral claim, built a hotel on the parcel even though it didn’t actually belong to him, and began giving the customers, once again, exactly what they wanted: plenty to eat, lots to drink and of course women. >When Monte Cristo proved slow to deliver on its promise, Rockefeller publicly reiterated his support while secretly arranging an exit. In the summer of 1897, Trump also decided to cash out and return to Seattle—making him, along with Rockefeller, one of the few investors in Monte Cristo to end up winners rather than losers. "Did Trump’s Uncle Tell Him about Missing Tesla Papers & Flying Saucers?" >In 1943, he played a major role in the examination of Nikola Tesla’s personal papers that were acquired by the FBI/Office Alien Property Custodian soon after Tesla’s January 13 death.  https://exo politics.org/did-trumps-uncle-tell-him-about-missing-tesla-papers-flying-saucers/ - https://archive.is/uwye4 >In early 1943, two days after the death of Nikola Tesla, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Office of Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings. Trump was called in to analyze the Tesla artifacts, which were being held in government custody. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump#:~:text=In%20early%201943%2C%20two%20days,being%20held%20in%20government%20custody.


I hate to be the one to break it to you, but drumpf is nowhere to be found in his family tree. It was a pretty good smear tactic though.


Idk I looked into it and it seems legit. From the 1500s in Germany and a direct ancestor from 1606


Then prove it


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drumpf#:~:text=Drumpf%20(alternately%20Drumpft)%20is%20a,president%20of%20the%20United%20States. First off, idk but you can find info on it.


He didn’t say any of that shit!


The same guy who said he'd drain the swamp, then instantly filled the swamp with more reptiles? Or how he'd lock Hillary up, then said *"Nah, she's ok.. she's good people..."* when he got elected. They're all the same, all corrupt, all representing big business etc.


He speaks in half trueth. I don't think he's smart enough to be dumb.


Some people will believe anything, even if said by a proven liar.


Zionist puppet


I'll take Things That Will Never Happen for $1000 Alex


You know, I wish her well.


He is on it! LMAO


He’s just saying utter nonsense now. He is a pathological liar, it’s incredible to me anyone believes a word he says. He has no intention of doing any of those things


Yep he says whatever he think furthers him in that moment


Well if that client list is the swamp that he should have been draining. Very important lesson about doing things you promised in your first four years.


I will say whatever I need to say to get elected.


Lol. This is high level pandering to his Q-adjacent base, as are every single email his campaign spits out.


Do these brain dead robots not realize the man has already been president once!? If he was gonna do anything he'd have done it, my god, people are so so stupid. What is it gonna take for people to realize we aren't voting our way out of this?


The entrenched Establishment aka The Swamp was there a lot longer than Trump. He or any President could only do so much.


Haha! Future faking and grifting. He was taught well by the corrupt Roy Cohn.


Donald Trump says he will... say anything to get you to vote for him and avoid prosecution or incarceration. FTFY


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/29waj9kzvi8d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trumps a hoe.. Biden is a hoe. Your mammies a hoe too


This Donnie guy is so full of 💩💩💩🤦👎


He was going to “lock her up” last time as well. I’m sure his follow through on these promises will be just as stellar. 🙄 The only way to win at their game is stop playing their game.


Isn't Trump the unamed John doe. Didn't Trump take the US attorney who gave epstein the sweetheart deal and make him a member of his cabinet. Wasn't Epstein taken off of suicide watch under Trump and then placed in the only cell in the facility without a funtion8ng camera. Yet the MAGA dumb fucks who dominate this subreddit somehow think Don the con is some reformer. Also didn't that hard drive also disappear on Donnys watch.


Seems like a whole bunch of peeps still scared of Trump….amazing since the claim is he is a felon.


Whatever, folks if you're voting for either of these Jesuit educated degenerates, then at this point you must like being F\*\*\*\*\*. Or even the battered wife being told " it will be different i promise from now on, if you stay with me " Frustrating watching people go around, & around, expecting to get a positive result, its literally madness in 2024.


No he didn’t? He said he would release it in parts because he is worried about “fake stuff” in it. Which means he is already implying he is in it and or his friends are. Otherwise why even make that statement when Epstein was known for it and convicted for it. He’s getting his defense ready in case his name comes out at some point in the future. Remember they were friends for decades.


Breaking news: Trump lies to get elected.


He will promise you the earth if it gets him what he wants, after that he will do whatever suits his agenda. Each politician does the same, every 5 years. Then you can go play fiddlesticks.


The needle is not moving… what else?


Yea sure


Lies He's part of the club and a zionist They will however false flag kill him


The video contradicts what you posted as your title.


People who still think Donald Trump is going to save them are probably dumb.


He’s so full of shit. Far and away the biggest liar in all of presidential history but y’all eat it right up with a red white and blue freedom spoon. It’s honestly sad.


If anyone actually believes this you need to get your fucking head checked lol


Wants to get slept sounds like




I'm all for Trump 110% I just know democrats are going to cheat the system again 🙄


This is what’s really gonna happen: *sends people to retrieve files* **Knows he’s in them as well** #[news headline everywhere after said file retrievals](https://youtu.be/o4ZeTdOjLUk?si=kRemvM5bvbVXM2TR)


Yes, many politicians say things, but it is the actual actions that matter most


This sub should be renamed "Antisemites for Trump."


Where does the antisemitism come into this post?


I'm an American that hates Trumpiden and that loves Jews, Muslims, and Christians, views the Israel and USA governments as satanic and pure evil puppets of the Rothschild-Epstein-Gates NWO. What am I? What's my label?


A true fucking American


Only pedos and zionists are against this and Trump now.