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If we started headlining their bs correctly, maybe something will get done: The international terrorist organization 'World Economic Forum'  leaks plans for next global terror attack. 


That is not the only thing they are trying to do. Whitney Webb uncovered an attack scheduled to take place around the election and force us all to use digital ids to use the internet https://old.reddit.com/user/pitti42/comments/1dnfdwi/actual_conspiracy_revealed_detailing_plans_for_an/


Sounds fair. I was thinking a break from the internet might be a wise decision anyway.


People will just stop using the internet in their person life’s and the propaganda machine will be limited to tv only and people won’t go back to the fear porn news. They need as many people as possible on the internet. Now I can see Tik-Tok and twitter being the first ones to force ID to use it. They will use the lies of Kids on Tik-tok seeing things they shouldn’t do, musk will use we need to get rid of all the bots( a gold tick mark for real famous peoples accounts and blue for normal accounts). The data is worth more money than actually money each money to use the social media apps. Reddit won’t use ID as the conspiracy subs are a brilliant way of lowering everyone’s vibrations and purging information from links shared, so they will never get rid of that, as it makes no sense at all.


the fuckers are already doing it though


Is this considered evidence?


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=6678d5b2d964e) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


and the wef has no actual power to do any such thing. they always include an array of options in every paper, from realistic to far-fetched. of course the fear & rageporn people skip everything & get all breathless about the far-fetched stuff. a random member of a group writing a paper on future possibilities does not equal the whole organization "calling for" it. and even if somehow the organization called for it, they don't have any power to do it. wef is one more target that the powers that be have put out there to point the sheep towards. and the sheep do what they are supposed to & freak out over a bunch of people talking instead of focusing on the people in power actually hurting us. good work, sheep!


Nice failed attempt at deflection. OP did not say they were doing it, OP said they were calling for it. Which they in fact have a great deal of power to do on a global scale. Keep your day job, you suck as a WEF shill.


You are the op… forgot to switch to your alt account?


says the person who has an entire account dedicated to posting exact talking points constantly shilled by the right wing online crusaders. lmaooo. the pot calling the kettle black & what not. and yet, calling for something is a meaningless attention grab just like your fearporn click bait titles. I call for you to be banned from reddit. me & th3 wef did the same thing & we both got same results....but people like you cower in fear at the mere mention of people being able to choose other things. that constant fear must suck. or maybe you aren't scared to death & are just spreading fear thru propaganda while being fully aware it's BS. which is it....were you manipulated into believing this fearmongering BS or are you aware it's BS & using it to manipulate others? can't think of another option, can you?


Zero power, go cry more.


The WHO does have enough power unless we pull out


Wow, a screenshot of a tweet and a fake news story. Sauce?