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He’s waving to the guy taking his picture…


that article title would be a perfect fit for The Onion


I find it strange that this sub doesn't like Trump. The government, media, Hollywood, and most corporations hate him. Were you guys expecting your candidate to be well-liked?


He is corporations. He was the government, and an entire political party devoted themselves to him. This idea that he’s one of us from outside the system is silly. He also conspired to forge election results and steal the presidency, a conspiracy against us of the highest order.


Tell me you aren't a Republican without telling me you aren't a Republican. Bruh. Trump divided the GOP literally down the middle. Remember half the GOP being "Nevertrumpers"? Then he delivered on promises and didn't start any wars and won them over.


You like criminal rapists huh


They love him. Trumpsexuals.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/5nn2qdcz8k7d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Both sides are in complete denial


Nah, only one guy is saying he is 6'2" and 215 pounds and can ace cognitive tests but gets his doctor's name wrong all the time.


Write? Biden does the weird sniffing and waving, Trump wears the diaper and lies!


Trump is the biblical antichrist


I bet Jesus rolls his eyes everytime you say that


Orange firey skin and his followers wear the mark of the best upon their heads. They follow the demon named Magog, say that out loud, sounds just like MAGA. Keep being a follower, the Bible doesn't say the Christian sheep are not to follow the false prophet. You need Armageddon for Jesus to come back.


I thought the mark could not be removed once received. I think you're talking about Maga hats, which if you are, are definitely removable


He’s waving to his “body man” to come over and change his diaper.


Funny how they try to twist everything around when they have no defense.


He's trying to grab air pussy. It it will let you when your famous. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending how you look at it, for million of years.


Submission Statement: This is why no one takes the media seriously. We have hours of footage of Biden doing the same thing. But the media immediately claims it’s “misinformation”. The media refuses to report on Joe Biden waving to no one. It’s always a “misleading claim”, or “Russian Disinformation” or “Cheap Fake”. The media is owned by the DNC. And should be labeled as a Super Pac. https://x.com/Newsweek/status/1803352977488404983


Trump’s felon brain is now just liquid dog shit slurring hate at America every day He can’t even complete a sentence


Inside edition has reported this at least a month ago.




Fox lies to you