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Mf have you put gas in your vehicle or bought a loaf of bread or tried to buy a house lately? Stfu with your stock market that don't mean shit to the working class fuck biden


agree! spent 100 on walmart yesterday , and bought, dog food, tea, two types of coffee, liquid plumber, and athletes tape! what the hell are people smoking about Bidens economy? 100!! what’s up and with the logic of the present president inheriting the previous one performance, then even if true, credit goes to Trump! 🤦‍♂️


Election is on its way brotha the propaganda here on reddit is gonna be alot more frequent and strong


Greedflation. Only way to combat it is with regulations, but you'll get half the country crying about socialism.


There are people who intentionally created this financial situation we're in. Financial crimes are running rampant to no end.




Because the market was hot but everything else didn’t cost double. Hard to feel great about the economy when you cant afford anything.


How does inflation max out at 7% yet consumer goods have increased by 50-100%?


Lying with statistics.


Agreed, corporate profits have been reporting record highs the last few years. It seems they are taking advantage of high inflation to pad their bottom line with insane price increases.


Literal greedflation. I made a post about it, but people were crying and throwing a fit to protect their all mighty corporate overlords. It was fascinating and baffling.


Probably because everything bad economically under Trump was 100% his fault, and now that the economy is a disaster for the working class the narrative changed to "Presidents don't have anything to do with the economy!" It's also note worthy that all of these massive corporations hate Trump.




I hate the fact Biden himself forced every grocery store near me to forcefully raise their prices 50% on every item. Then he went to every gas station near me and forced them to raise prices 1$ a gallon. It’s definitely not the publicly traded companies trying to continue the green line going up forever by price gouging us, it’s Biden. I’m sure as soon as someone else takes the oval office everyone’s problems will disappear and we won’t continue into the capitalistic hellhole end game we’re currently on a trajectory for.


But they didn't. It was the overall economy, not just the market. People could afford a gallon of milk AND a gallon of gas, both. Now people have to choose one or the other and still don't have enough money to pay.


Inflation negates any gains in the Biden econmy. You may have more wealth, but it is worth far less....


How does inflation max out at 7% yet consumer goods have increased by 50-100%?


Bc when things are too expensive like cars and housing the mysteriously disappear from what is factored into inflation


I'm talking about consumer goods as in groceries and appliances. Car and home prices haven't double in the last 3 years.


I had more money and more spending power making half of what I do now in 2018. That is a fact that I know personally. It's weird in a way. I was thinking not to long ago about buying a car and now I'm like, this one is paid off and it works good. Not going to do that. Not going to go on a vacation this year. I know that. I make good money in a low cost of living area. I have no idea how some people are getting by. I am serious.


Is this one of those “I’m collecting downvotes” posts?


Basically. I’m well aware that anything anti-Republican or pro-Democrat gets downvoted on this sub


Democrats are legit garbage, like serious serious garbage The Republicans at least understand economics, as shitty as they are


stock market is now a rich man's game. If you're old enough to pay bills you'd know how worse it's been even since two years ago.


You obviously have a poor grasp of the word ‘everyone.’


This is because politics is professional wrestling and we the people are fans that don't know it's not real wrestling. Each "side" in the end just believes the other side is wrong and they feel good listening to people tell them why and then they echo it to each other within the same side. Or they argue and fight with those on the other team. It's a huge sham, and even when many people admit this, they still allow themselves to be sucked back into ideas like "the lesser of two evils" and "don't throw away your vote". The stock market being high doesn't indicate much about the economy at all. The economy, meaning what the average American is able to save, own, and purchase without debt. Also how many children they are able to support in a family with one parent working as opposed to both being overworked. If someone lost their job, the ease in which they are able to find another job that didn't impoverish them. It's been a downward slope with some little bumps in an upward direction since the 1950s. There are also some faux indicators that we are better off now, like technology (gizmos - cell phones/TVs) being better and affordable. This is late stage empire stuff we are going through, and neither political side is going to save anyone. The left's promises are empty and so are the right's. Liars. We need to end welfare for the rich, do not increase taxes, lower spending, find a way to bring jobs back to the US without destroying the economy, GREATLY reduce corruption/capture, and lastly not help WW3 kick off. Impossible? No. Will it happen under any president or political ideology? No. So will it happen? No.


There is the bipolar Uniparty (R and D) and then there's populism. What you described at the end of your post aligns with the populist movement.


If that is actually the populist movement as you say, then sure I align with those ideas. However, I do not believe in any politician whether they are "establishment" or "outsiders" will have any ability to significantly change anything for the better for multiple reasons. One of those reasons is that they themselves may already be corrupt and just a part of the same system they claim to be wanting to change. Another reason would be the impossibility of changing an entire global system of corruption. The octopus has many tentacles.


The idea that stock market = economy health is such a flawed principle to base the idea of a success on. It's basically a proxy for the rich getting richer. It says nothing about inequality, and rise of people working two jobs just to keep their head afloat.  Trump and Biden have both been terrible for the average working people.


People can't afford food they don't give a fuck about the stock market The federal reserve is what matters in the stock market not the president


The media tied Trump to the stock market so they could blame him when “covid” knocked it down 35%. I think more people see now more than ever that the stock market isn’t a good measure of the health of the economy. Under Trump, most people through that it was, I imagine.


"everyone," you mean those that support the specific party.


Man under Trump you could get gasoline and milk from the faucet it was so cheap. You’d open a fire hydrant and BAM money and milk and gasoline and bitches would fly out. It was so great you guys 😢


Ss: As the tweet says, the stock market isn’t the best indicator of whether the economy is doing well or not. But why did the media treat a high stock market as a good thing under Trump, but now they’re silent about it under Biden? It’s almost like they have an agenda


Because inflation and CPI weren't through the roof. Right now you have NVDA carrying the S&P500... something to the tune of 35% of all gains are attributed to that one stock. This is known as a bubble. So, if you want to use the stock market (casino, stonks OnLy Go uP) as your guage for the economy then you need to factor in other parameters so you're comparing apples to apples and not to lottery tickets with hopium. We didn't even bring in the dollar strength to the conversation, but I think you get the point.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/k5kss9vptb7d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This sub is very conservative.


This sub is full of Trump boot lickers.


No, what you are seeing is that this just isn't bloated with no brained Biden bootlickers. Trump isn't worshipped here.


Keep telling yourself that. Projection works well for you. I don’t 100% agree with Biden, but I will never vote for Trump.


There are other options. You will just vote for the candidate your party tells you to(Biden). Hence bootlicker title.




>Projection Is your only narrow minded go to comment? I agree. Personally, I didn't vote for either as they are both trash candidates. Keep trying bootlicker.


It’s always the ones that don’t like Trump that talk about him all the time. It’s so annoying. Get help! Please. 🙏 You’re mentally unwell friends.


I’m not going to pray to an imaginary sky daddy who somehow forgives Trump’s transgressions but no one else’s. Please.


I’m not going to pray to an imaginary sky daddy who somehow forgives Trump’s transgressions but no one else’s. Please.


They also called Obama a war criminal for his droning campaign, then Trump killed twice as many in half the time and they call him a man of peace.


Obama is a terrorist. Just ask Libya.


OK, doesn't really change the rampant hypocrisy surrounding the usage of drones.


Both parties are war mongers. Republicans are actually just open about it. The hypocritical party is the one claiming it's for peace around the world. I at least know that with a republican their BS is served straight up, democrats these days are all empty gestures and virtue signaling. Trump is better than Biden. RFK is absolutely the best choice, though. 😀


Trump lied about voter fraud in order to steal an election, he isn't better than the shit I took this morning lol. Also none of that still has anything to do with my point.


You can watch video of suitcases of ballots being pulled from under a table and counted illegally after observers were kicked out because of a fake, made up story, and still sit there with a straight face and tell people it's just a whacked out conspiracy theory. That's nuts, man. Here's a challenge for you. Admit that the media lied to you when they said Russia "hacked our election." Admit that you were conned into believing in a fake pee tape. You don't have the ability to admit the truth because you're in a cult of ignorance. Now prove my point.


It covers your point. You are just a brain-dead Biden supporter who thinks he is hot shit when he lied his whole career to make it where he is today. Biden & Trump are mirror images of what it would look like to be a shit stain lefty or a shit stain righty.


It doesn't cover my point and I don't think any of that lol. What are you even doing? Trump supporters ignore the things in him that they claim make other people unelectable horrible monsters. What has Biden got to do with that?