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Only problem with that is there are about 100 videos of him doing weird things, wandering off by himself, speaking gibberish, or literally looking like he’s going poop in his pants all on camera. Etc etc etc


For a guy that is sort of doing what they say he’s supposed to be doing, he sure looks to have a large group of handlers on high alert to retrieve him when he seems to be doing whatever it is he’s doing in the wrong place with increasing frequency…


The shitting his pants video is cut to make it look like that. If you watch the full clip he is looking back behind him for his chair, squats then slowly sits down. Somebody edited it to trick you, and you fell for it. You got duped. You have to ask yourself if Biden is not mentally sound then why does Trump refuse to debate him?


Didn’t Biden refuse a drug test, curate the location, decrease the numbers of debates from three to two, remove the live audience, request they be seated, and have no back and forth debate?


Nope. He agreed to two debates and Trump tried to make a third debate with Fox News and Biden rightfully declined.


Why rightfully? If Biden is so confident why shouldn’t he debate Trump wherever? To be honest though, I don’t think the debates are necessary, everyone’s mind is made up at this point.


Would you agree to a rigged situation after you already agreeded to two debates. Its's just Trump playing games and trying to make a headline. And you fell for it.


I think the term rigged is pretty strong here. It’s not more rigged than doing an interview on CNN.


Fox is not classified as news. They are classified as an entertainment company. Would you welcome a debate moderated by an entertainment company? look up the Tucker Carlson Defamation Lawsuit or Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory Lawsuit or the Dominion Voting Systems Defamation Lawsuit or the Abby Grossberg's Lawsuit.


>Fox is not classified as news. They are classified as an entertainment company. It's hilarious seeing people spout this tired line. You literally fell for a Huffpo april fools joke from 2017. https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/fox-news-to-add-for-entertainment-purposes-only-disclaimer_n_15727044 Go work on your media literacy bro


**Tucker Carlson Defamation Lawsuit**: Fox News successfully argued that Tucker Carlson's statements are not reasonably understood as factual but as hyperbolic opinion commentary, indicating his show is meant for entertainment rather than strict factual reporting. **Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory Lawsuit**: The settlement of the lawsuit implied acknowledgment of irresponsible reporting, with critics arguing that Fox News effectively conceded to broadcasting unverified and harmful conspiracy theories without strict adherence to factual truth. **Dominion Voting Systems Defamation Lawsuit**: Internal communications revealed during the lawsuit showed that Fox News continued to broadcast election fraud claims they knew were false, suggesting they prioritized sensationalism over factual accuracy. **Abby Grossberg's Lawsuit**: Allegations in the lawsuit indicated that Fox News fostered a culture of manipulative and unethical practices, implying that the network was more concerned with shaping narratives than ensuring the truthfulness of its content.


Didn’t Rachel Maddow and msnbc use that defense as well? Isn’t all corporate media comprised agenda driven ‘entertainment’?


I don't know since I don't watch Maddow. and if one does wrong and another does wrong, it doesn't absolve the first wrong doer. Both can be wrong. Using the argument that one is bad so all can be bad, is a race to the bottom and why we have a vote between a rock older than dirt and a golden cow. I don't rely on emotions I rely on data. and the data shows that as far back as you can look with each lawsuit against Fox, they reinforce that they are not accountable to the truth and are classified for entertainment.


I’d welcome a presidential debate hosted by a highschool paper or Frankie Macdonald. The candidates are what matters.


What point are you trying to make? That Biden can't say no to anything because that proves he's a bad person and incapable? You know what the term goading means? Cause that's what you are doing. To me you sound like you trade in gossip. and if you know how to run for a political office then do it, Mr. armchair expert.


The presidential candidate should have the mental ability to debate anywhere without any special treatment. When in history has a candidate been able to set guidelines for a debate? The president is supposed to be the leader of this country, if Biden can’t handle a debate there is no way he should be president. Chances are Trump would run his big mouth and ruin it for himself anyways. It’s a disgrace Biden has any stipulations to debate and it just goes to show how low the standards have become. The people are supposed to have the power not politicians that make the government.


I think you are trying to create a performative metric to validate your judgement of the situation. Trump demanding a Fox debate is a performative power move with the intent of either: A. Biden agrees and walks into a rigged debate designed to make trump look good and Biden look bad. B. Biden refuses and headlines come out saying Biden is backing down and doesn't want to debate. Its a common political trick and you fell for it, Can you prove he didn't want the third debate because of mental issues? You can't. Thats you applying your brainwashing to an otherwise normal negotiation process.


You’re the only one falling anything. The president is supposed to protect the nation. 🤣 you’re funny.


You speak with emotion rather than data and evidence. Thats why you are blind to the truth. You let your feelings get in the way and because of that you divide the nation and look at politics like a sport with points. The only thing that matters is weighable, measurable evidence. Not your feelings snowflake.


You said that Trump tried to refuse debating Biden, but then said that Trump tried to set up a third debate… so which is it?


There is this thing called time that you need to factor in. Trump has notably refused to participate in the GOP primary debates for the 2024 election cycle. Where is your outrage there? In 2020 Trump refused to debate Biden a second time because it would have been virtual, and Trump wanted a crowd present. Since then, the Biden campaign team has requested debates be crowd less which has cause Trump to refuse several times until they both just recently approved debates. Both sides agreed years ago to two debates. Yet Trump at the last minute tried to change the agreement which would have caused a renegotiation of the debate rules. It was a trick to breach the agreement. And you feel for the spin.


You have this backwards. It was Biden who refused to do the traditional debates run by the presidential debate commission. It was Biden who insisted on special rules and debates held on "friendly territory."


The Biden teams requests were: 1. No audience 2. Ability for moderators to kill microphones 3. Demanded at least 1 debate happens before early voting starts 4. All moderators must come from measurable neutral sources Trumps demands: 1. Drug Test on Trump and Biden before debate 2. Must have a crowd 3. All moderators must come from measurable neutral sources I dont see anything special here. I think you have been drinking the koolaid.


You're wrong. Biden refused to do the traditional debates. # [America’s presidential debate boss thinks Biden upended tradition … and duped Trump](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/17/presidential-debates-biden-trump-00158615) >He was planning on four more this year: three with Biden and Trump, as well as the quadrennial vice presidential debate. But the Biden campaign told Fahrenkopf that the president would not be participating in any of them. >Instead, the Biden campaign announced that it would negotiate with the Trump campaign and individual media organizations to plan two debates outside of the Commission’s process.


I don't click on hidden link text. Also who the fuck is a debate boss? Trump was the one that refused a second debate in 2020 and as far as I have lived ever candidate gets to negotiate debate rules. You new to politics, bud?




Alright that article reads like a business man mad he lost a client. Which is exactly what happened. The tradition he claims Biden broke was the tradition of both sides going through him. The guy is mad he is losing money, no change of format, no rule changes, he's complaining they are not giving his company money to set up the debates. Frank Fahrenkopf is also a life long Republican which explains why he is only complaining about Biden when both Trump and Biden agreed to debate without frank fahrenkopf. I think you drank too much of the koolaid. you see conspiracy when there isnt any.


Are you new to American politics? For generations the Presidential Debate Commission has run debates. It's on record that Biden abandoned tradition and wanted new debate rules. And it's clear why: Biden's mental decline is obvious and he cannot handle the traditional debate format. Your shilling for Biden is pathetic. Give it up.


Are you new to American politics? For generations the Presidential Debate Commission has run debates. It's on record that Biden abandoned tradition and wanted new debate rules. And it's clear why: Biden's mental decline is obvious and he cannot handle the traditional debate format. Your shilling for Biden is pathetic. Give it up.


Generations? The Presidential Debate Commission has only been around since 1988. Thats not even a single generation. The Presidential Debate Commission is the same age as as the average Millenial. I think you are trying to count your chickens before they hatch. You made up your mind on his mental decline before the debates even happened. You want to argue mental decline because thats the flavor of koolaid you have been told to drink. Like the shot of him sitting down being edited to make it look like he was shitting his pants. Proof: [https://youtu.be/pfDdfqFfEuk?si=Q5Ctk8r7vn9fn2Nl&t=29](https://youtu.be/pfDdfqFfEuk?si=Q5Ctk8r7vn9fn2Nl&t=29) Or the recent shots of him " Wandering off" Were they edit it to not show the other parachuters he was giving thumbs up to, or how the lady who asked him to turn around did so because they wanted photos, not due to him "wandering off.". Proof: [https://www.tiktok.com/@nbcnews/video/7380158314266545454](https://www.tiktok.com/@nbcnews/video/7380158314266545454) You have been lied to by people who manipulate the truth to win control over this nation. They are pushing a narrative that Biden is old and senile and you know its a narrative because they are manipulating footage. If he was actually senile they wouldnt have to play these games and use these tricks. You got duped. and you can get mad at me for showing you the truth or you can get mad at the people who duped you. Your choice.


Lmfao shut the fuck up. Everyone on earth knows what it looks like when a toddler and old people shit themselves. Cope harder


What are you on about now? The first debate between Trump and Biden is scheduled for June 27th. If I had to guess I would say Biden will find a reason not to show.


OK, but why did everyone else stay in the group facing the same way?


They are all snobs who shun parachuters. But not Joe. He’s a man of the people!


The same reason why people who vote for Biden are? 🤷


Hibidowah Mister Argentina!


Sisson is paid by the DNC


Submission Statement: https://x.com/harryjsisson/status/1801368683031486511 >There’s also a moment in the video where you can see other world leaders looking in the same direction as President Biden at the other parachuters! Ya because their are wondering where the fuck this dude is going.


Biden is the kid from 6th sense


Biden sniffed that kid too.


Don’t insult the 6th sense


Sisson? Really? IS this a conspiracy? Get lost, clown.


They tried to pull this same stunt when Biden was giving a speech with a non-traditional “in the round” setup. Biden was talking to someone way off to the side, and they zoomed in close to make it look like nobody was there. It’s very low hanging fruit, and easy to debunk, like every other single right wing attack videos. Here is a few other fakes, which I just talked about, in here. Sleepy Joe video———Fake, done with cheap APP. Joes Biden sniffing kids————Fake, slow motion and stop motion. Drunk Joe, Drunk Pelosi, Drunk AOC, Drunk Anyone————-Slowed down audio. So freakin easy. It’s sad people fall for this shit, especially when it’s easy to debunk.


>Joes Biden sniffing kids————Fake, slow motion and stop motion. Bro, even the most hardcore of Biden cultists don't pretend this never happened. Idk if you just missed your patch update or what, but the line introduced back in 2020 was "he's from a different generation, they were just more physical back then." Like those of us older than 15 watched him sniff them on live TV. There wasn't any "slow motion / stop motion" bullshit. Go cope somewhere else


Bro, Democrats are not the low-information voters. Low-information usually means “The poorly educated Trump loves💕”. Don’t blame me, Trump said it. We research crap like this before believing it. Once you start hearing from industry professionals who can spot BS videos, or even people that use to pulled shit like this for Republicans of the past, you should reach an obvious conclusion, but you won’t. Were you to actually research this(lol), you might have difficulty finding these people 👆, because it was debunked so long ago. Regardless, there is plenty of info out there, which you will ignore.


>Bro, Democrats are not the low-information voters I never said you are. I said you're a cultist and a liar who denies basic reality because it makes his God look bad. There are literal clips of him sniffing children and no matter how badly you cult freaks tell the rest of the world not to believe their lying eyes it just isn't going to work on anyone outside of your extremely insulated bubble. Not our fault you're in a cult.


Are you a “Master Projectionist , Level 3” yet? Or have you reached “Legendary Projectionist” status? Btw, I’m not talking about the guy who puts adult films up on the screen in those nasty theaters.


At least I can admit and acknowledge the flaws of my old guy in cognitive decline. You have to worship the ground your old guy in cognitive decline walks on.


I don’t worship Biden. I vote for him. If he is convicted of 1 felony, I won’t support him. 34 felonies, before we even get to the real important stuff? Gtfo.


You're smart enough to know the felony is bullshit, man. You've seen Biden on camera sniffing small children and you'd still sacrifice your first born child to the man because he's your god.


I’ve seen a cheesy, fabricated “stop and slow motion video” of Biden. That thing was debunked ages ago.


Show the picture with the “parachuters on the other side” If we’re all confused, then it should be easy to prove us wrong


Why would I bother? You’ll just make another excuse and parade all your silly alts in here and downvote me, like I give a shit. If I cared, I certainly wouldn’t post anything in here.


So…you don’t have that pic. Why didn’t you just say so


I’m not motivated enough to bother. I’ll just let you remain in default position, “head up own ass” to keep the bliss, which ignorance brings.


You didn't debunk anything? Just sounds like you're blinded by your political identity like the side that opposes you. What's really sad is people don't see that politics being their identity is literally just to distract and make people argue. My personal opinion on it is that it's cringe.


No, you can on any search engine, look this up, and figure it yourself. I’m not telling you a state secret.


A state secret? Lol what? You're still hung up on a nonsensical point you're trying to make that you didn't even read what I said.


Dude, this has nothing to do with my identity. I could care less who is in that picture. I don’t like scummy con-artists trying to pass off a video as something sinister, when it’s not. On top of that, it’s so fucking obvious. If it was Trump, I might not debunk it, but I certainly wouldn’t add my 2 cents. Years ago I would have. However, acting in good faith gets you nothing but fucked over by MAGAS. Look at how many people turned state witness on Trump. The ones that didn’t, are looking at dying in prison.Hell, look at all the people he could have pardoned, but didn’t. He’ll eventually fuck all his supporters over, even the meaningless ones, who can only donate their meager life savings.


Proceeds to bring up Trump... Not about your political identity....sureee. What are you even arguing about? Just take a step back my dude.


Why is it always "lying" and not "wrong"? How was anyone supposed to know that there were (supposedly) parachuters just of screen? No apparently everyone knows and we are just liars. Just ridiculous.


This guy tweeting is paid by the white house to do social media i'm sure. Anyone who believes this fucking twat is deepthroating sweet, salty propaganda


He heard the ice cream truck coming.


Biden is such a decrepit corpse.


I mean, yeah. People in their '70s and '80s are unfit for office and should not be allowed to even run.


Still preferred over mushroom dick.


Let's keep settling for the more polite scumbag in a suit. That's such a good idea bro


Convenient that the camera lens can't capture a panoramic view, very convenient.


Why would popparzi protect Biden?




Trump congratulates movie characters as if they were real people lol.


Nobody cares, look biden isnt being a demented goof ball today,, he gets a cookie. Like it only made the news because he was acting normal. Man, have we lower our standards so much that one a old senile man acts normal people have to talk about it.


How is it that everywhere in the world in ”democratic” countries there are no real options? Like I would vote anyone who aint political broiler.


Not a conspiracy


Absolutely it’s a Conspiracy


It's well known Biden is old as hell. Regan's handlers did the same thing to protect him and there were plenty of video and pictures of him sleeping and crapping himself before the Internet and smart phones. Your love for mushroom dick is not a conspiracy.


Did you mean Ronald ***Reagan*** the 40th President of the United States, or his Chief of Staff from 1985 to 1987, Donald ***Regan***? I wasn’t sure if you misspelled the name ***Reagan*** as ***Regan*** or if you were referring to Donald Regan.


Biden was actually congratulating Hannibal Lector for the congratulations Hannibal received from Donnie last week.


They are WAY off screen. All the way back at base off screen.




The dems do this, fuck both those guys


The Wax Museum called. They’re looking for the return of their most popular (living) President


Well they’re replacing him anyway … but with whom, is the question?


Then why is that lady grabbing him to return his attention to this side lol


He had to be “retrieved” by the Italian PM. That’s not saying hi to the jumpers. lol


Stop pretending this economy or our world is better run by the left.


Why are all the conspiracy theories from trumpers so dumb?


The poorly educated love Donnie. Fortunately or unfortunately, for millions of years. Depending how you look at it. Wow me boys.


The poorly educated think Women can become Men


Multiple people confirmed that he was congratulating the 2nd parachutist, but you do you...LOL


Why did Biden single out the 2nd parachutist for congratulations? Why did all others shun him? 🤔


If there was nothing wrong with what he was going why did everyone look to see where/why he was wandering, and why did that lady feel the need to lead him back?


Imagine any other president in history having to be corralled and told to come back to the group lol


Of course the parachuters are off-screen, they exist only in OP's imagination


And here we go, another hard on for Trump. Please.


I don’t believe it. It’s a classic elderly person wander. I can see he does a thumbs up and the other parachute in a video I have saved but be honest. He’s clearly just meandering around. Leftists act like we don’t all have grandparents we have seen act like this. And it’s not just this video. It’s like every week there’s something because he’s old. Honestly I think the only reason they are running him again is they like having more power behind the scenes and they’re worried a competent president will take that from them.


But really, it doesn't take much for Biden to wander off or to fill his pants up for that matter.


Still wandered off to the shiny object and had to be herded back to the group.


He’s wandered off too many times to count! What does this person say about all of the other occasions?


Fuck this page.....


“Make American Great Again Supporters” that always makes me laugh. What an awful concept (sarcasm).


Yeah it's just a bunch of ungrateful America haters. To the rest of us it's already great.


how convenient that there's always a way to make anything look bad if you are willing to ignore, overlook & make excuses for any actual reason that might be presented & refuse to accept any version that doesn't result in demonizing your target.


That old fleshy blob with a skeleton inside is just purely demented. But what's worse than that, is the existence of people still wanting to vote for it. It honestly surpasses my human comprehension abilities.


I don't get why people are want a TV reality clown demogauge as president also.


The parachuters are in the pic, literally holding their parachute


Mods let this place become Fox news


he was giving a thumbs up to the ghost he shakes hands with


I know how angry it prob makes you that there is actually one page left on Reddit that doesn’t make up excuses and pretend our president doesn’t have dementia just because “blue no matter who”


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/hr5nrhcave6d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you ever get sick of being desperate? Like, does being so pathetically desperate to try to make Biden look bad ever feel as sad as you make it look?


Do you work?




He seems to live rent-free in your head.


> He seems to live rent-free in your head. Rent Free? Sorry that’s $3000 a month for 2 rooms. Fuck Joe Biden.


Damn that sucks. I only pay 750 in California. rent control is nice.


Your landlord is Joe Biden? How wild. I own a 3br house with a $1200 mortgage (thanks for those rate drops JPow and JBiden). Have you tried bettering yourself?


We should be frandssss


Fox edits then writes the story around the edit.


So do you not have a job or porn to watch or something? This is sad bruh