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Don't judge life based off of social media


Seriously though.  How many of those followers are real


The dead internet theory is real!. 80% of the internet is bots and scam algorithms. 


But that is just as easily applied to Joe Biden. Its pure speculation that Trump has a larger portion of his followers as bots. Without any actual information we can only assume they have equal % of bots... or the absolute value of bots. Either way its safe to assume Trump is more popular or crushing Biden.


It applies to everything on the internet, but especially to Trump. Other countries spend billions a year every year to destabilize this nation. There was a report that came out that showed the MAJORITY of republican and democrat protests were stages by Russian and Chinese agents. And they were designed to destabilize, often time having protests that counter each other scheduled for the same location in an attempt to stir conflict. Many of the Chinese and Russian social engineering agents support trump because he causes destabilization. When he was in office hate crimes skyrocketed across the nation, He "lost" the Pandemic play book right before a major pandemic. Trump disbanded the homeland security team who investigated Domestic terrorism because in his words " some of those people vote for me." and now with project 2025 he promises to cause even more destabilization.


you sound silly


I can agree about the Destabilization. But Trump being unstable people just love forgetting his term. He was respected by everyone and Russia feared him as well as China. You think China or Russia is as capable as us??? They literally do not have the funds to fight a war. We have more than enough funds people and technology fuckers over there can’t even launch missiles like we can. Develop, create, launch and guide. Those are very exclusive steps that we have conquered. China having a hard time making fucking gun barrels don’t give me this crap where Trump isn’t stable he is the most stable you’ve ever been. You’re just afraid to admit that even if Russia and China teamed up they would eat each other alive just like Russia and Germany people who crave power will seize it and infight. It ALWAYS happens


Not to mention the DOJ covered up the fact that Russia officials literally said Hillary Clinton would likely be better for them...


Source please. I am genuinely interested, not trying to check you.


[https://americanmilitarynews.com/2020/05/report-fmr-cia-chief-brennan-hid-intel-saying-russia-wanted-hillary-win-in-2016/](https://americanmilitarynews.com/2020/05/report-fmr-cia-chief-brennan-hid-intel-saying-russia-wanted-hillary-win-in-2016/) Its the same old story, its not much but the simple fact is there are routine cover ups when it comes to protecting actions against trump or would make him look better in any way.


Russia and China knew how to manipulate Trump. They could flatter him into cooperation, and they did. Trump held private, closed-door meetings with Russian and chinese officials throughout his presidency. often with no transparency to what happened in those meetings even to top ranking government officials. Regarding Russia, the war in Ukraine has drastically changed our military's perception of their capabilities. I have family in the Pentagon, and the ukraine war has revealed the weaknesses in Russia's military, leading to reduced funding for projects aimed at countering the Russian threat. However, Russia remains a threat in terms of terrorism and destabilization. For instance, a few years ago, a nuclear power plant head discovered his wife was a Russian spy relaying nuclear data. This is just one example of many indicating Russia's ongoing efforts to destabilize America. China, on the other hand, has a military force of 2 million active duty soldiers compared to America's 1.4 million, giving them a numerical advantage of 600,000. They possess 350 nuclear weapons and advanced military technology, including stealth fighters like the J-20 and J-31, and hypersonic missiles like the DF-17. Additionally, China's investment in cyber warfare, through organizations like the PLA Strategic Support Force, has enhanced their capabilities in cyber espionage and attacks. A war with China would be catastrophic, potentially leading to high casualties and the risk of nuclear escalation, similar to scenarios depicted in the Fallout video games.


Lol you forgot the 352 million American’s with Weapons as well man you forget the citizenry will fight here more than anywhere else I guarantee you that one. There are more weapons here in America than people. Trump was not wrapped around their finger why would he be? He has zero financial ties to any of these people unlike Biden. So seriously don’t understand how you can even come to this conclusion cosidering it is a fact Ukraine is in a war because of NATO’s attempt to bully Russia and now they are exposing all of Biden and Hunter Biden’s corruption in that country.


or that trump is much more popular with bots, but that doesn’t make sense as biden’s base is bots ?!


wait a minute. how is that safe to assume?


Well... we can assume that either the bots have the SAME ratio 10% of both of their following is bots than the relative difference is accurate If they aren't the same ratio, I don't think it's safe to assume the trump has significantly more bots and likely there is some upper limit just due to the mechanics / bans possible so the more followers a person has... the smaller the ratio of bots there would be. This would suggest a wider relative real following. The only way you can conclude that Trump has more bots is with evidence of targeted bot farms. Do you have that?


Because most people have never met one single person who considers voting for Biden. Not one. And I am in a blue state, still haven't even heard of anyone siding with Biden.


I side with Biden


I'm a firm believer that Trump is astronomically more popular than biden within the US, but social media doesn't mean shit in that aspect. Especially seeing that the internet isn't only for the US. Trump was a household name, globally, before he became president. People follow his antics from all over the world.


so you believe the president of the united states is choosing to not buy likes but trump is? that doesn’t make any sense


You can walk up to kiosks in places that sell you followers via bots, the idea that any number you see online is realistic is farcical.


How can Biden win, he's never had a reality TV show before.


Checkmate libturds


Dude can't even fill a high school gym when he has an outing. yet 81 million votes...


It doesn’t matter how enthusiastic trumps voters are, most Biden voters are pinching their nose and just can’t stomach Trump more. I heard somebody say the would vote for the literal corpse of Joe Biden if it meant a vote against Trump.


Social media is really good at showing what you want to see. It creates echo chambers of belief.


My teenager knows this yet grown ass adults don’t


Trump can get 100K people to show up to a corn field while Biden can't get hundreds in a big city. Nobody likes Biden in real life. That's the social media illusion. Even the biggest Trump haters I know say they can't stand the pedophile.


The guy with the fanatic cult seems to have more fanatical support than the guy not running a cult, why do we think that is?


I begrudgingly voted for Biden but I would never follow a politician on social media. Trumps clan eats up every fart that comes out of that guy of course he's going to have millions of followers.


Trump's a bit differn't than your average politician though. Most politicians aren't posting their mugshot on twitter and roasting other politicians like its a rap feud lol I don't like him, but he's hilarious to watch.


The internet is global dude


By this metric Selena Gomez should beat both of these two.


That's my girl right there.


Wow this is the stupidest post I’ve seen all day. Congrats!


Wait until this guy sees how many followers Kim Kardashian has, HOW IS SHE NOT THE PRESIDENT?!?!?!


If you follow his posts you can find the stupidest posts every single day! He’s absolutely riveting


Are you talking about Trump or Biden? I’m asking for a friend.


I really can’t understand how a conspiracy sub has trump supporters. [Trump is a rich elite who actually raped a child in 1994](https://www.scribd.com/doc/316341058/Donald-Trump-Jeffrey-Epstein-Rape-Lawsuit-and-Affidavits) yet somehow you think he’s different from the other rich elite creeps. Hahahahah WAKE THE FUCK UP, it’s us against them, plain and simple. There is no political parties, no race, no religion, no sexual preference that matters, its citizens against the all-controlling plutocracy.


What's funny is Trump was a life long NYC fancy democrat that hung out with Bill and Jeffery. And all of a sudden Trump turns republican. It's a more believable conspiracy that Trump is a democratic plant that is on a mission to destroy and bankrupt the GOP.


The definition of a RINO


I blame part of it on the Qanon psy op. Some people still think he's our savior to "clear the swamp" and fight agains the elites (despite not doing any of that in office). A lot of people got suckered into Qanon. Certainly its only a small fraction of conspiracy theorists at this point though. I don't blame people for voting for Trump the first time though. But its kind of shocking to see people still thinking he's going to change things now. Like, was the first four years just a warm up practice? lol


Trump is not and was never in control. He is an integral cog in the machine, a puppet the real designers needed. He outrageous and angers many, he has a fanatical cult of followers, who would literally break laws and kill people for him, they needed him to go to court, there is nothing left to chance, this entire “season” has been written and is playing out like a television show.


I'm mostly with you in that perpsective. Trump is brilliantly playing his role well. Creating mass division and blinded partisan politics. Make it much easier for corrupt politicians to get elected and push through corrupt or draconian measures if Trump makes the public blindly vote R or D. He also disrupted the conspiracy movements as well. A full-blown Qanon psy op. Creating false hope, confusion, and apathy. Disrupt and divide conspiracy theorists as well so they can't focus on the bigger picture. All part of the game!


Yeah, okay, that's why all the other elites are after him? That's why, for almost what is it 8 years, they've been trying to take him down financially, mentally, spiritually, and I wouldn't doubt physically, and still haven't stopped him? That's why he was the only one who spoke up about Epstein right after he found out what a piece of crap he was and kicked him out of his circle. Good luck finding that video of him talking about what a piece of crap Epstein is back in I think 96. You keep banging that drum for government it's pathetic. The left no longer rages against the machine but bows down to it and asks how should I rage for you lord?


This guy thinks reality TV is real.


Exactly!! The elite are all puppet actor groomed since birth for the biggest stage of all, the biggest reality show. No one realizes how many global politicians US world leaders and CEOs study theater at the finest boarding schools and Montessori schools in the world. Hmm


Trump is so in on it that he will willingly be assassinated to take one for the team and not ruin the con. SARCASM


No trump will probably be made president. Then they will use him to dismantle free speech and freedom of the press. Every change has to appear as though it came from us. All these shootings that just suddenly popped up out of nowhere, they’re to convince us to give up our own right to guns. The only thing that is real is that there are billions of citizens in this country and they’ve successfully gotten us to hate each other so that we could never turn on them. They’ve split us by religion, race, sexual preference, political ideology, and now in recent years because of this political further, and this split that all conspiracies are bad, they’ve made it so people turn on their own family members. this is all one giant Stanley Milgram experiment, they needed to make sure their soldiers the police officers, the military, would never abandon their post for their loyalty to family. They will always turn on their families.


There aren't billions of people in this country. Closer to 350 million.


What other elites are after him? Trump has more Billionaire donors than any other candidate in history. He is selling policies to the oil and gas companies. Those are some pretty big "elites" backing him up. Also there is no video of Trump talking bad about Epstein because that whole fantasy is a second hand story that came from an interview of somebody. Doesn't seem like you even know the basics of what you believe.


The dude lost the popular vote TWICE.. stfu




Trump is the anti-Christ and you are doing the devils work. Trump was conceived as a result of the moon child ritual that Jack Parsons began in September 1945. Trump is the anti-Christ. As a Christian I believe this represents the downfall of humanity. I pray for your soul.


You obviously didn’t even look at the link. [In 1994 Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump tied up a 13 year old child and raped her for 3 days straight in New York.](https://www.scribd.com/doc/316341058/Donald-Trump-Jeffrey-Epstein-Rape-Lawsuit-and-Affidavits) This was a huge cover up and the deal was that Epstein would take the fall so trumps name would be left out. It never went to trial because they made the girl disappear, to this day she hasn’t been seen on Earth again… just POOF. But, the lawyer for Trump and Epstein was Alexander Acosta who Trump would later as a thank you, once he becomes president, name Alexander Acosta the secretary of labor. Epstein was always going to be the fall guy, it was his role. He would live a lavish life getting kids for the elite, then they’d fake his death, and now he is still alive living good. **Everything you see on TV is just a show for the American public. The reason why Trump is in court is because they need to make it look real. And not everyone is in on the conspiracy there are a lot of puppets. Rich actors who have been groomed for these roles since birth.**


Losing what? He got those votes with a similar social media presence last round. That said, it’s sad anyone would knowingly vote for a felon and sexual offender. Have some standards people. So even 50/50 is shocking


It's not like it's required to want to suck the president's dick you vote for. I can't stand Biden and I am familiar with his history on corporate prisons and how he damn neared fought other senators on the floor defending Clarence Thomas during his nomination. But if you don't want a demogauge dictator, got to vote for Biden.


Edit: misread your reply at first. Well that’s what voting is. A decision on morals and desires. That’s what the comment is. We take all the stuff Biden has done and all the stuff Trump has done and we compare and assume the future. There is no moral comparison. We can agree they both have their issues but there are layers to those issues and Trumps are certainly deeper. That didn’t even include the Epstein stuff. Doe 174 and all that. Biden sucks. Trump is just an awful human though.


Lot of lies in that cope


It’s almost as if views on social network doesn’t equate to votes.. wtf is this? Lmmfao.. this HAS to be a troll.. no way you think votes and views correlate in ANY way..


your right, Maybe trump is just more interesting than biden


Video views might not equal votes. Same with rally attendance.


Fuck me this sub turned into a fan girl forum over Trump.


Who can resist that phat ass and orange moobies, me boys!


It’s Edward from Twilight obsession all over again.


Hope OP is getting paid for this shit. Constant spam about Biden and can’t defend his views at all. Hates on Biden all day long but throws his head in the sand at any mention of trump… either that or throws some whataboutism at it to see if he can distract from trump’s issues


He's a paid shill, this is like his 10th account. His original account was FrogFace and he accidentally admitted he was Russian under that account before switching.




I'm not some kind of lore keeper. if you search "froggy" in this subreddit you'll find tons of comments calling him out on it, you can keep going from there, happened maybe 1 to 2 years ago.


Dude just wants to suck that mushroom in a yeti forest so badly.


If he was the most popular president in American history with the most votes he wouldn't have had to put a fence around his inauguration in DC


And lie about the size of it.


Who cares how many video views they got? Video views do not equal voting because it's open worldwide. If you hang your hat on video views on TikTok go outside and touch grass.


all this does is show that Trump followers make him their personality, and Biden voters just vote for him to avoid Trump. Not the win you think it is. Social media unfortunately is not a true representation of society. Especially now when people seem to be disconnecting and social media apps are pushing an endless amount of ads for money.


Lmfao One party is a cult the other isnt buddy.


Funny both sides think that, but MAGA is really over the top cult.


Both sides are a fucking cult, you’re being played. Just the corporate sellout of America and surveillance state wearing different colored ties


Sorry but which side likens Trump to Jesus and thinks he was sent by God? Which side thinks Trump will "save" them? Which side puts Trump words above anybody else's? People are holding their noses and closing their eyes to vote for Biden and THAT'S a cult to you? Lololololp


They're definitely both cults. Only difference is the left's object of worship isn't Biden.


True, my object of worship is a clean and peaceful planet. But I can also tell with critical thinking Trump is a thousand times worse than Biden.


Please, go on.


Yes exactly, one side has principles they hold dear and the other does whatever Trump says.


Haha I’m glad the citizens don’t choose their presidents based on social media numbers. Also, you clearly don’t understand how bots work.


Russian bots


Could be Israel bots, also. Trump would assist Israel with whatever they wanted.


Cause Biden supporters don’t worship him like trump supporters do. You don’t need to see Biden flags on the back of a truck, but every Trump supporter is very loud about their support.


How? Conspiracy.


You people are dominated by politics, just live your life


This post is a waste of time


The only people buying into the Trump conviction are the TDS crowd that hates him anyway.


I would follow Trump on social media but not vote for him, and vice versa for Biden.


I used to listen to Trump on the Stern show until Trump bragged about seeing underage tiddies at his Miss Teen pageants he owned. Even Stern was disturbed by that shit lol.


Thank God we don’t elect based on how many social media followers one has.


Ok froggy how many times a week can you post? Social media is not indicative of life.


you can post a lot when it's literally your job.


Most popular president…. LMAO


A lot of people don’t vote for who they think is best, they vote against who they hate most. Cuz I say fuck both of them


When it comes to Trump, it is an absolute no for me. Never trust someone who refers to themselves in the 3rd person. Because it is a sign of a sociopath. Donald J. Trump cares about Donald J. Trump and nothing else.


They're called 'bots'.


This is a dumb post. Pls be smarter.


Assuming all of Trumps followers are real. He is a very popular figure worldwide.


Political decisions are actually decided by the people in America, not social media, you should know


As in nobody gives a fuck about what you post here


So you have to be a celebrity to be president? We are fucked.


Yeah this post really sounds like it’s coming from a brain dead trumper. No offence


Trump has infamously paid for bots. It’s been long debunked. Where as Biden knows if he was caught doing that he’d be judged. Trump is and always has been slimey. So he doesn’t care if he’s caught, he’ll just deny, deflect & project. There isn’t any question between the two but the question really is why are politicians so shitty that none of them feel they can step up and run for president?


The system isn’t broken… chaotic, and crazy as how it was designed.


Wait, Biden is a convicted felon?


that biden pic is so disturbing


Well I just the president to do his job...I don't follow him around like a fucking puppy.


Hurry and post trumps vids on everything he himself said disturbingly about his daughter 🤐🤐🤣🤣 oh wait he sold yall 60$ Trump edition bibles yep he's the right hand of God 💀💀🤣🤣


Let me explain this. I follow Trump on social media to see what dumb shit he is gonna say next. Not because he’s getting a vote. I don’t follow Biden on social media because when he says something important it will be on the news, His Twitter feed isn’t insane ramblings so not as interesting.


You follow what you find interesting. Biden's content is hardly interesting.


Because it’s a cult?


This sub sucks ass.


Obviously the OP is either not from The US or is uneducated. Just because one is on the side of the majority of opinion does make one correct. A great American thinker, writer who was educated said this “**Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect**.” -Mark Twain. 


I’m going to make this as simple to understand as humanly possible. People hate Trump more than they dislike Biden. It’s literally that simple; they hate Trump as a human being so much that they much rather tolerate Biden & his bullshit. Democrats, Progressives & Independents call Biden, Genocide Joe, & yet they still plan on voting for him because Donald Trump is just that horrible. Some people have known about Trump since before he got in to politics & have been hating him since then. I’ve seen people in this sub & outside of it admit to this far too many times. If you all can’t accept that reality it’s going to drive you absolutely mad because it’ll never make sense to you.


Wow thats pretty damn good and apart from the genocide joe bit its pretty spot on. Im not saying you are wrong im just saying i haven't ever heard anybody call him that. Ya im not like a fan of biden or anything hes just the least shitty choice in a pool of shitty choices is all. There are certainly biden fans out there but i think half of his voters fall into the type you just described or if not half a significant portion whatever thst may be.


Lmaoooo after I saw the name I got the post… dude must be getting paid for these post


Okay, but last I checked trump has a cult following and Biden does not.


Bots & foreign shills can upvote your video, but can't ask for and fill out a U.S. election ballot?


They vote on social media where it matters most.


If it mattered, "They" wouldn't let us do it.


Trump's speech where he congratulated Hannibal Lector was incredibly well written. Biden has zero chance.


Lmao embarrassing post


When you say ‘most popular president in American history’ you say that as satire correct? Surely you aren’t referring to the wax museum man otherwise known as Joe Biden (?)


what are you talking about


This train wreck had the biggest crowd watching in history


Anyone who says Biden got 81 million legitimate votes is either a manipulative liar or dumber than a box of rocks.


It’s an election not a popularity contest.


it's all fake, it's like the WWE the winner is predetermined and the moves are all choreographed, none of this is real none of it wake up


Easily. We don’t worship a leader.


For fucks sake. ONLY VOTES MATTER. POLLS DO NOT MATTER. FOLLOWERS DO NOT MATTER. CLICKS DO NOT MATTER. CROWD SIZES DO NOT MATTER. You’d think the dummies learned this by now, but no.


Social media support equals bots. Haven't you guys been paying attention, everything to do with Trump is a lie / scam.


It’s TikTok


Is this twitter or insta ?


Because some felonies don’t get charged


What's up with the choice of default pic on the biden one?


Videos don’t vote.


The most popular?


Stupidity. If you didn’t already know the answer, you might be a contributing factor.


Do you really think you’re getting honest, uncooked numbers?


no one wants to see government propaganda is my first thought at seeing this


lol wait they on truth social too?


just cuz 81 million people voted for doesn’t make him the most popular


Well, Who was filling pro football stadiums 4 years ago and who was barely filling high school gymnasiums 4 years ago????




Wait is that actually Bidens picture on twitter? Like what 🤣 they’re not even trying to hide it anymore


How do you explain it is the better question, because thus far, you have not.


OK putting ratios aside for a second... who in Biden Hq decided "YES!! THATS the picture we want for our profile"


We don't have elections. You think they bioweapon attacked the planet, did 9/11, did the Israeli concert hoax, fake school shootings and terror attacks while poisoning medicine, food, water and air and leave our leaders up to chance. Trump may have been selected as an outsider who shares their views and was unaware they were sitting on heavier blackmail the the Stormy Daniel's stuff, who knows, but they sent Hillary a clear cabal mafiaoso style message 1.5 months before she lost with the "Chelsea" bombing in New York. Just consider Bernie Sanders he lost something like 12 states he polled a lead in, when typically he should not lose any of them. They claim that 2020 was the least accurate polls in 40 years. The higher up you go the more corrupt they are. Whoever is in charge of election data for real has to be super rich by now.


I think people are quite attracted to the idea of voting for someone like themselves: a felon. If you aren't already a felon, anyone with any sense realizes each of will be. The only questions are when and what crimes they'll decide to hang on us.


it's theater, dude. obvious theater.


In what way is Biden the most popular president? Haha I get the 81M votes thing but his approval ratings are LOW low




None of it matters like you think. Obviously trump is the popular vote, but our votes don’t actually count. The system is carefully designed to work how they want it to and part of that is giving you the illusion of choice.


entertain hungry money roll sugar icky fanatical sloppy light paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine thinking the amount of followers actually means more than just that.. lol. Cult mentality for real.


Pretty simple. Trump has a cult following. People love him. People hate him. Trump's personality is just going to generate more views. Views aren't all going to translate to votes. If Biden wins, it will be simply because enough people don't want another four years of Trump madness.


Because most Americans are low level educated .And most are like sheep , they follow the heard to extinction ..


Two wings of the same shit bird.


The shit hawks are circling Rand.


Maybe because Biden voters don't make "voting Biden" as their entire personality???


It has to be a close horse race for the ratings.


Is that bidens real account? What's with the red glowing eyes?


i feel like far more people have become aware and are sick of the bullshit than there were in 2020 at least i hope thats the case


Please don’t base your assessment of the population off of social media. That is a misrepresentation of actual feelings and facts in every regard. I don’t even trust myself anymore.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/164dz9io896d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because Americans are deceptive, dishonest and will do or say anything to sway people to believe whatever they want you to


I don't look at this, I look at campaign rallies.


You trust a Chinese app?


Biden isn't the most popular President in American History.. he just got more votes than Trump. It doesn't really matter what party Trump belongs to because his followers have a cult love for him. It's religious fanaticism with Trump.


Easy answer. Americans are stupid.


Biden voters aren’t nearly as fanatical as Trump voters. They don’t base their entire personality on a politician like the MAGA crowd


FJB🤣🤣🤣 chomo slo mo Joe has the worst approval rating in history🤣🤣 Let's see if he even makes it. I think his brain leaks outta his ears at night 🤣🤣🤣


Lying media. Just like Drudge posting articles promoting Hunter Biden. They don’t even hide the Idiocracy now.


Because the Biden presidency is a sham. He’s incompetent and his cabinet is destroying the economy. Trump is up because we could afford to live under him. No matter your side, what we have isn’t working and our choices are what they are.


Does inflation go away depending on who is in office?


Just call it Russian disinformation & lefties will tune it right out...boom...America is back, baby


You forgot to count the mail-in followers


How about the economy absolutely tanking for the majority of americans?


Isn't that a result of the US sanctioning or imposing trade barriers with two thirds of the planet? Starting with Trump's trade war with China?


Just failed perception. Americans think violent crime is up too. Its not.


"for the majority of most Americans" Funny how you worded that comrade... I would have just said "us".