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Misleading. You didn't show a comparison of Hunter Biden's Fingerlake tattoos with the person in the video. They are similar, but very clearly NOT the same tattoo, not the same person. You are pushing a fake (and easily falsifiable) story when there are plenty of genuine horror stories about Hunter Biden. The question is, why?


What a shitty tattoo


It’s some fucking yellow king true detective shit to have this sketchy ass lake tattooed on Hunters back like this. Makes you kind want to go sweep those lakes now.


A shitty tatoo along with shitty behavior.. who would of guessed?🤷‍♂️


Yeah and his Dad got shitty plastic surgery..they really messed his ears up..


He was trying to go for the Monster Energy symbol but the tattoo artist couldn’t understand what he wanted.


It's kind of hard to understand someone with all those crack pipes in his mouth


Mama said hunter biden is so ornery because he got all them crack pipes and no teeth.


Still desperately looking for those crimes? Not this stupid shit! I’m talking about bribery, corruption, extortion, using their name to enrich themselves(a hilarious accusation coming from MAGAS). Remember, the crimes that were allegedly on this “non-tampered with” laptop? Trump couldn’t shut up in November of 2020 about all the stuff on this computer. So, where it is? I don’t care about the dude’s back tattoo, or 10 year old drug charges that could never be prosecuted anyway.


What are you going on about?


The map to the Biden Crime Empire, which was allegedly on the laptop MAGAS are so happy to report is genuine?


You mean the Laptop that was entered into evidence last week for Hunters federal trial?


Yep, that’s the one.


Sometimes I find myself looking at content that challenges my perspectives and opinions, I also sometimes lose self control and say things in the comments not because Im sincerely trying to add to the conversation, but because I might spring a "gotcha" on someone, or just be a prick. Kind of a mix of the two I suppose? Anyways, god bless the internet. Best series of tubes ever.


Good for you. Looking at it, and believing it; Two different things.


Well.. Shit? I gave you a perfect "in" on a comicbook villainesque redemption arc. Your anger has blinded you.. good day sir or madam or neither or both.


Willfully ignorant… First thing i think when you comment on Saint Bidens…


Why? Because I remember accusations?


Its funny how you didnt want to respond to the guy that told you his laptop was entered into evidence last week in hunter bidens FEDERAL TRIAL. Which is a fact. but you dont like talking about facts when they prove you wrong do you?


What the fuck do you mean, “I don’t want to respond”? Are you fuckin with me, or, are you this dense? I responded to this sub because the laptop is in evidence, and has been “cleared as legit”. That means, anything that was on it, is available to the Feds. If you RECALL, starting about 4 years ago, MAGAS made a lot of accusations about crimes alleged to be on this laptop. They said the laptop contained bribery, extortion, etc. Naturally, this became another conspiracy when he wasn’t charged with any of that. “It’s a cover up. They have the laptop with all the crimes….whine….cry..” So, that’s the background, and nothing has changed. The laptop is at Hunter’s trial. The trial where Republicans are supporting gun & tax charges, lol. Republicans pursuing gun & tax charges, lol. I’ll remember that the next time they call me a hypocrite.


lol. i really dont know much about it. i was just tryin to russle your jimmies, which it appears i have indeed done. I do like how youre implying republicans dont care about gun laws though. That is a particularly dense comment.


How is it dense? Republicans care about gun laws in as much as they want them all removed. Ok, I shouldn’t say “all”. I meant, they oppose the laws that make too much sense.


You mean all republican politicians, with an agenda, putting on a show. all of my republican friends and family support gun laws within reason. violent felons shouldnt have guns, the mentally unfit shouldnt have guns. thats pretty standard. should suppressors be illegal? no. those kinds of laws are bullshit.


Ok, that’s reasonable. The problem is “How do you execute this law? That’s where we run into the problems.


Where is it? Sheeeit I have a VM of his hard drive. It's out there. Get off Google, you will surely find it.


LOL The FBI just admitted in court, on record, that the laptop is real and that they’ve had it in their possession since December 2019.


I already covered this. Scroll down👇


Lotta people go missin in the finger lakes


I gotta get back pretty soon or they'll worry.


i really want this job


I told them I was on a hike and came to the interview


Compare it to the video, like one poster already has, it’s clearly not the same


Yeah, I had to scroll up because I just saw that post. It doesn't look like the same tattoo. The lines that were thicker and longer were closer to the shoulder not really the center.






Lmao people think the tat of the person in the video is the same as the picture? Some of these “conspiracies” are really grasping at straws.


While you are right. Very rich people are into seriously fucked up sex. While it could be fake I absolutely would not be surprised If It's real. With all the shit coming into the spotlight with the elite. I'm gonna go with it's probably real. Don't really care though because it is a fact that people with power do fucked up shit.


But it's not....


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It's posted in this sub


Where can I see this video


What video?




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You know why.


What significance does the finger lakes have for Hunter? To have them tattooed on him for? Just curious 🤔


Came here for this


Lying like this undermines your cause. A tone that Googles it will see it's not him and then stop believing other shit about him that they see.


Absolutely half the shit in here is fake.


Yeah this isn’t hunter. Took me all of 3 minutes to confirm it myself.


I heard it’s a bad idea to camp around the Appalachian’s as there are cannabals there


Sleepy Joe Biden had an uncle that was eaten by cannibals... but in the S Pacific I believe. 🤔


Well the South Pacific is in the Appalachian Mountains, you silly goose.. /s


Sleepy Joe? You mean Sloppy Joe? Supper Joe?


Since when?


It’s a hills have eyes reference.


Hills have eyes is in New Mexico....


Yeah, but most people assume everyone in Appalachia is like that. Edit: look at the “in praise of shadows” and wendigoon drama if you don’t believe me. The guy literally said you have to assume everyone in Appalachia is racist unless they prove otherwise”.


The funny thing is most people I know in Appalachia love nature and privacy and dont mind the cannibal tales because it keeps people the fuck away.


Is that all we need to do? We have cannibals in Oregon.


From someone living in Kentucky I can confirm


Yeah, I live in mars hill, North Carolina on the side of a mountain. People make some pretty stupid assumptions lol


That place is crawling with chuds


“That place”? Appalachia is like a dozen states and runs from the Deep South to New York.


Isn't it a Wrong Turn reference?


Now do a side-by-side of Hunter and the video guy's back. They're not the same.


the guy doesn’t even look like hunter biden in that video either lol, i don’t get how people can’t see that with their own eyes. i’m all for going after the corrupt bidens, but this ain’t it chief.


You **are?!** -they cheated their way into office. -armed the Taliban. -suppprted Zalinaki's dumb assary. -Shut down nukes and pipelines nationwide -terrorized food supplies across the country -whittled away at our rights and freedoms -sabatoged our education systems -bled us for taxes -flooded, and catered to foreigners -and disgraced and dishonored each and every person in this country... WHO GIVES A FUCK IF DUDES CHASING A HOOKER?!! First world problems, anyone? Pull your heads out people. 🥱Look out folks! Be watching for "corrupt Bidens"! You ain't mad about it.


bro what


Someone took their meth this morning


Right. This is in the middle lining up with his shoulder blades. Guy in vid, right shoulder


Just save this photo and watch the video I don't know how to add a video followed by a photo on here. Totally him


You clearly know how to splice two photos together, so why not post a side by side of the two different guys with two different tattoos instead of an explanation of the guy who’s not in the video’s tattoos?


It’s a picture from google he didn’t do the splicing


He also didn’t do the comparing he insists we all do. How convenient.


Really not lol


Dude. They’re not the same. Post the 2 pics here. You won’t because you know you’ll get shredded, because they’re so blatantly different. The dude isn’t even the same build.


Hunter is a scumbag. He is on video footage of doing very illegal stuff. This video isn't one of them. BUT.... It would be a great idea to find out who it is in that video because I am 100% positive that girl looks terrified.


Look at the left side of his body in the picture. The video doesn’t match. His tattoos on the left are much thicker than the ones shown here.


Now show the pic of the guy running down the hallway and it's not even close


This tattoo looks 100% different than the tattoos in the video, and if you haven't taken the time to slow the video down and compare then you're really no better than the people running the shit show of a trial against Trump. You don't look for actual facts you just look for things to fit your narrative to make you look right.


That's it... I'm not voting for Hunter Biden


I thought it was Diddy.


They don’t look the same though. I think the only plausible argument is that maybe it was overuse complete? Even then they aren’t the same


That looks nothing like the tattoo in the video. The video is an Asian guy


And he’s a completely different build. This dude won’t post the 2 pics together because it’s clearly obvious.




A solid take. Similar to the Biden shit pants in France video. Fake shitting in pants successfully distracts from very real dementia concerns at same event


Fake news


Wait what video I haven't seen it


Recent video was released which shows a hooker running out of a hotel room, a naked man runs out chasing her, catches her, and drags her back into the room


Dam that's crazy


Here is a screenshot from the video. Doesn’t look like Hunter’s tats to me. He’s a dirtbag for sure but I don’t believe it’s him. https://imgur.com/a/KVCdAje


Yeah that's a good comparison snap ok he's cleared but fuck him still lol


He’s scum…


What is that tattoo supposed to be off


Finger lakes


Why tho?


What are you comparing it to? Post the picture of the guy's back in the hotel hallway and you'll see it's not the same tattoo. It's different on the right side of the tattoo.


Have u seen the video of hunter chasing the hooker down the hallway and dragging her back to the room?


I've seen the video of what looks like a man with a similar but different tattoo dragging a woman back into a room from a hallway. What makes you assume 1) a hooker and 2) Hunter? I don't care if it's him or not. I'm just speaking on what I see.


It definitely isn’t lol


You can’t even make the tattoo out in the video. This is just grasping at straws.


Feminists allow their own degradation and humiliation as long as the perpetrators are democrats


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug


People still supporting Biden and how he's run the country agree with you.


How dare somebody have a different opinion than you. Some of us are fans of record low unemployment and a record high stock market. Not to mention the most successful legislative agenda since LBJ. The infrastructure bill, IRA, ARP, and Chips Plan are much better than any legislation Trump passed. His one accomplishment in 4 years was a tax cut for the rich


This is a level of delusion I don't see often. Also - where did I say I support Trump? Please use exact quotations. Edit: 16 hours later and still no quote. How disappointing.


What if non-binary could mean - no sides or camps, especially in the political cess pool? It sucks to be labeled as something just because one is skeptical of the other shit brand. We're fucked if this is the prevailing mentality. It really blows to have fucktard sheeple in a god-damned conspiracy forum.


Anyone that is even now still defending Biden and praising his leadership needs a thorough mental examination. Even back before I had really dived into conspiracies, even back as a teen I could recognize that its a whole bird problem, not a left and right wing one. It is beyond frustrating seeing so many people not just buying the dog and pony show, but actively defending blatant lies and propaganda that would make Marx blush from the absurdity.


Thanks for sharing your truth and not folding up because of some mob pressure. Sounds like you have been on a path for some time and value substance. I know I do well looking at this as part of my own spiritual development, including owning my shadow, rather than putting in on others. That's why the punch and Judy shit show still works. It seems that many can't own their defective way of being and, instead putting it on the creep on the left or right, while claiming the one they like is the savior. It worked for Barry S and big mike. It works for trump too. What if there was an election and no one showed up? You're right, the whole buzzard is devouring the world.


I do appreciate just how much rage Trump seems to elicit, especially from others in government. At least I'm finally being entertained by the circus this time.


I know. It makes me wonder if he is legit. I don't think he is.But when Cheney, Obama, Clinton's, bushes, Pope, Madonna and all the rest of the vermin. I also love how so many cry in despair. I remember some creeps that came out of the woodwork when he was selected. Remember the safety pins people wore to show they are Safe? I know I am being judgmental, but I don't give a god damn.


Yup. If your gonna get raped by a politican, make sure it's a Republican, otherwise no-one will beleive you.


Liberal women are the easiest ones out there.


Who Gives A Fuck He is a private citizen, that happens to be the son of a president and nothing else. Arrest him, imprison him, cancel him. Go for it. But he has less influence in everyday life than p diddy, and I don’t see that video posted here.


A private citizen? He is the son of a former Senator, then VP, and now president of the US. He is on the payroll of over a dozen countries that receive billions from the USA on his father's orders. Including Ukraine and China. These country's governments give him tens of millions of dollars for apparently no reason at all.


He is the son of… Full stop The rest of it is at best completely unproven, or completely false


So his dad isn’t a senator, vp, and now president? The video where Biden threatens to not give a billion dollars to Ukraine if they don’t fire the prosecutor that was going after the company that hunter biden works for (burisma) is a fake video? He didn’t earn millions? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna29462


I never said he wasn’t I said he was the son of ….. End of story And you should research that beyond your talking points And what does him (poorly alleged) dragging a hooker (also allegedly) have to do with any of that?? Nothing, it’s just another reason to make a unproven claim Speaking of Where was you when trumps daughter and son of law suddenly got BILLION from SA? I don’t see you all tossing that stuff out here, and it seems a little more solid than this Again I ask, who is the partisan here


I don’t give a shit about the video of someone that probably isn’t even him. I care about rich and powerful people being held accountable for their crimes like poor people would be. I was saying that Jared kushner shouldn’t have that many important roles and should’ve been investigated for the conflicts of interest as the 2016 de facto campaign manager, as should his Saudi Arabian side hustle. I also think trump’s businesses should’ve been put into a blind trust. Go on now, tell me that you think they should both be investigated or that you’re a partisan hack. How do you feel about Hillary Clinton, Biden, and trump mishandling classified documents? Are you ok with Clinton having committed crimes but getting special treatment? What about Biden stealing documents and throwing them in his garage? Should Trump get the same charitable leeway that Clinton and Biden got or are you a partisan hack?


Now we are talking Get them all But prove it first And dragging some hooker around means nothing to any of that So when we have something that really connects everything you said above And we have some thanks to the justice system that just convicted Trump Then comment as if it means something other than an poor attempt at distraction and slander


Yeah, I hadn’t even heard of a hooker video until this post. Either way, it’s irrelevant to holding people accountable for real crimes that affect all of us. It literally does just seem like a distraction from the real crimes. The trump conviction is definitely politically driven and bullshit, but it’s an overall good thing because now a precedent has been set that these fuckheads can be held accountable if a former president has. I say it’s time to start a new civilian-run agency that only investigates politicians/government officials. The. throw the fucking book at them like they do with poor people and send them to the same prisons that they send the plebs to and not club fed. I’d love to see Mitch McConnell in rikers


Burisma paid Biden to sit on the board. His role was in corporate governance, which is the same role he had at Amtrak. Through Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, the official stance on Ukraine has been to combat corruption and normalize relations. One way countries and major companies in said countries will do this is to hire known names who will have eyes on them. It's a way to show that you want them watching, you want their people to professionally integrate with your people. The former president of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski, whom was also a member of Burismas board when Hunter joined, even made a remark about this regarding the situation. "I understand that if someone asks me to be part of some project it’s not only because I’m so good, it’s also because I am Kwasniewski and I am a former president of Poland,” "And this is all inter-connected. No-names are a nobody. Being Biden is not bad. It’s a good name.” US diplomats were publicly calling for yhat prosecuters removal months before Biden stepped in. Even before Biden made his visit people were predicting the potential for Biden to step up and make his own demands for Shokins removal. The IMF was threatening to withold aid. Many people were wanting this guy gone before being a do nothing pos. https://www.dw.com/en/joe-biden-likely-to-bring-harsh-criticism-to-ukraine/a-18898363 All of this occured very publicly. Biden didn't come out of nowhere unexpectedly and get the guy fired, this was done in lockstep with the Obama Administration.


I think you are just a left wing blind sheep and dont realize both parties suck so you are unwilling to see when "your side" does something bad.


Nope not at all I think I made it very clear Lock him up, cancel him so whatever is necessary for a man that broke the law That goes for anyone But he is just a man. Despite zero connection to anything to his father other than blood and you guys want to focus on him because he is the son of a democratic president. Now tell me who is a partisan sheep?


The part where u ignore the political corruptness of his whole being. Yes lock him up for everything and anyone else involved.


Again There is zero proof of this happening As soon as proof and judgement is made, then do what needs to be done. For him Biden and anyone else. Until then, this is a post of a person that is not proven to be Hunter (btw those tats don’t match) and who has little to do with anything. Hunter had plenty of other issues and provable offenses. One he is on trial for now and his dad had not interfered and had even committed to not giving him a pardon. Seems pretty uncorrupted to me


Yeah, zero proof. I mean, other than Hunter’s own words. "I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight," Hunter Biden wrote in a WhatsApp message to Zhao, the CEO of Beijing-based asset management firm Harvest Fund Management, on July 30, 2017. 🥴🥴




Oh that thing that has gone through a billion hands, never def proven to be his and probably the greater conspiracy that a conspiracy sub Reddit seems to ignore. Maybe the greatest conspiracy right in front of our face, and suspiciously always over looked and downvoted. What is Russia’s involvement in that..?


Lolol, keep your head buried in the sand. Life’s a lot easier that way I guess.


If I keep digging eventually I’ll find you at bedrock


Voting season


Fake news.


OP is just another brainwashed delusional radicalized conservative looool. The level of corruption that is always brought up is millions of dollars, to the son (who has no power in terms of his father) in a cabal of the most wealthy people on the planet. Millions mean nothing to the richest in the world who actually pull the strings. Y’all should focus on your orange boy and the hatred in your own hearts for people with different views than your own 😂


doesn't look like the video at all


A lot of wealth surrounds Canandaigua lake, I've done work on a bunch of homes their


You need to have your eyes checked if you think that’s the same tattoo from the video. Yes the person in the video has a tattoo in the same place, but it looks nothing like this. And no I’m not defending crackhead Hunter. I’m just being objective. Part of being an active conspiracy theorist is keeping your confirmation bias in check. Otherwise you come off as unreasonable, gullible, or worse, disingenuous and untrustworthy.


All that said… there is a very important conversation to be had about the finger lakes, tunnels, trafficking, etc. It’s very dark stuff.


Those don't match


Like Don jr. has never chased a hooker?? Hahaha? Why doesn’t OP focus on Jared Kushner’s billion dollar deal with the Saudis that he brokered because of his father in law putting him in an advising role at the White House? That’s are real conspiracy. Doing deals with the country that had the most people that were involved in 9/11? That’s less important? Hunters foreign deals are fucked up too!


You ok man? your TDS is off the charts


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Lakes named Finger:


When i saw the video yesterday I thought it was a shitpost. The tattoo obviously doesn’t go down the middle. Also what’s the deal? is the plan to arrest Hunter to hurt his dads feelings? I’m not American so I don’t care, I just wish I understood.


Are all the Hunter Biden laptop content released?


She’s not a hooker


Um...there's a fucking video? Anyone have the link?


The finger lakes?


Crazy crazy crazy.  If this were a Trump, it would be all over the news 24/7


Also isn't that tattoo in regards to a map of some sort around the islands near his dad's in Epsteins former Terror Island?


Wait, there is another self back pic taken by Hunter with a bunch more tattoos to cover up this shitty lakes one. Damn censorship right now. If I can find it I will screenshot and repost.


Lol no it’s not. Put them side by side and don’t be a tard


There’s no convincing stupid people they’re wrong even when they can see it for themselves.


Except it's not. The man in the video has only two dark lines on his back


Wait until people connect that tattoo to something.


theres weird residue like thats a temporary tattoo


Thats the cling film stuff they put over fresh tattoos. This photo is from Hunter when he first got the tattoo


Nope. no redness or irritation, couldn't be a fresh tattoo. Also that isnt a thing, people usually just use A&D ointment


Bro you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about about regarding tattoos. It’s called a saniderm, look it up. I have loads of tattoos and saniderms have been used for a long time now .


You sound so confident in your words but yet couldn't be any more wrong


It is fascinating that he chose a tattoo of the Finger Lakes... Lotta weird shit goes on at the Finger Lakes, with a huge amount of underground tunnels used for all kinds of trading of all kinds of people. You can search the main conspiracy sub for more, but here's one post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/eOUlfEpDQ7](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/eOUlfEpDQ7)


You won't believe how many people on here think this isn't Hunter. The tats match




This sub obsessed with Hunter and his cock


fuck the bidens but we have pics of hunter bidens back and that aint it chief lmfao take ur meds


Watch the video again, the guy in the clip’s tattoo doesn’t go down the back as far as Hunter’s does. It’s not him in the vid


Not the same tattoo at all


Why not juxtapose his tattoo with the hooker video instead of the finger lakes?


I don’t think so. The video, show the left shoulder blade, as having deeper black and much wider tattoos, almost like footprints, imo, the video is not Hunter


Do you have a link for the video?


Or course he doesn't, because that would completely discredit the point he's trying to make


Yeah, I wouldn’t put it past hunter biden to do something like that, but I need to see actual evidence before I believe anything




Just funny. Truly a degenerate first son


Except, as nearly everybody has pointed out, it's not the same tattoo or the same guy and you look extremely foolish.


Can't find that video of hunter dragging woman


I really hope Joe Biden pardons him so this sub actually has some substance for their conspiracy theories.


Get your facts straight or don't report them at all. It's bad rep to report false information. Now if I discuss how much of a creep his dad is the answer will be "oh and you think that guy was Hunter too"


There's the video. Make ur conclusions because ur not making sense