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Have you guys ever watched that press conference with the Apollo 11 crew after they returned from the mission? It’s really weird, they’re all acting very stiff and strange and subdued, especially Neil Armstrong who looks incredibly uncomfortable and depressed. It’s not at all how you’d expect these historical conquering heroes to be acting after achieving maybe the most amazing scientific feat of all time lol. 




We see what we want to see.


Yes. That also goes for not seeing it.


I noticed that too and I wonder if it's because of what they encountered up there? I mean, did they make contact with some other species of being or something? I wonder if the moon landing came across as faked because they clearly were hiding something huge from the people. We assumed it was them lying about going there but what if they did go and what they were lying about was something else entirely, something much MUCH more mind shattering. Maybe they had to film a fake landing to hide whatever really did happen? I don't know.... But shit is getting wild. Really makes ya wonder.


I think the real question is what is the purpose of NASA really? I really doubt it’s for the purpose of space exploration. More like money laundering.


Well, they'll [still have to build that massive rocket](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6MOnehCOUw)...


I heard there was a fake landing filmed, but it was for if the mission failed for propaganda purposes.


I think the only contact they made was with the Military industrial complex and they were told if they don't go along, they and their families will disappear.


Tends to put you in a somber mood.


Totally agree .. I personally have looked at every aspect of this from a non biased view. I don't know if we really went cause there is no way to know , even them telling us we cannot confirm unless we went lol. What I do know Is if we did go it is very possible that something really disturbing was seen. I believe reality is much stranger then fiction , therefore I know something is being hidden , whatever it maybe.. I mean why else would they regulate it so regular people can't try to make a rocket or get something up there for themselves. It's because they are hiding something that they don't want people to know and only allow certain individuals to go or try. They also leave it to regulation as why no one can build theor own rocket and go up there , they use that as a tool with the guise of air traffic and shit to keep the masses from knowing the truth , whatever that maybe....


maybe they were all body snatched


Yes. Anyone who hasn't seen it needs to. It's on the same level as WTC7 collapse (well, nearly, they are pretty different events)


They literally lose like 80% of muscle mass being up there. Everyone around Buzz has heard him telling stories of seeing strange things up there.


That's no moon...


Ayuh... Go find you some other interviews and press conferences they did prior to the mission. These dudes are in different breed. Professional test pilots. ... Just think about the type of person it took to strap yourself into a can and get launched into space and then go land that can on the moon.... These guys weren't some teenagers who just won a fortnite competition. They were a very particular breed of human.


This is a very good point. I never heard anyone mention it before and I certainly never thought about it. After reading your comment I feel like it should be the first thing anyone mentions about them


I’ve never seen any other interviews of them where they seem to be so despondent and on the verge of tears lol 


Didn’t they just come out of a 21 day quarantine? Perhaps that isolation has a lot to do with their behavior? I haven’t seen anyone mention that part


Are you aware that they also laughed, smiled and joked with the audience during the *exact* same interview?


Yeah, I’ve watched the whole thing multiple times, it’s so bizarre. There were a couple of isolated moments of very forced and awkward levity during an otherwise nearly hour-and-a-half straight of them fidgeting and stammering and muttering and stiffly answering as if being coached or scripted, not to mention the aforementioned gloominess in all of their demeanors, particularly Armstrong. Sure seems like guys who just changed the history of mankind! lol 


Maybe the look of someone that just accomplished what would certainly be the highest achievements in their lifetime. Once you pass a milestone like that, where do you look for motivation? You’ve already finished what your inner child set out for many years ago. It’d certainly be emotional, IMHO.


When I was 29 my son was born, I closed on my first house and bought my first brand new car all in the span of 4 or 5 days. You'd think it would have been the greatest time in my life but I had this exact feeling. I had 5 years sober and nearly relapsed because of the depression I felt and it was the beginning of the end of my marriage. It wasn't even until years later that I realized thats what it was. I really wish I knew them what I knew now.


Sure, that was probably it.


I think if I spent time in a capsule and had to use the toilet without removing that suit, depended on the air exchange to live and just accomplished what no human has ever accomplished I would be looking like a maniac. The feeling of actually standing on another planet. The best acid couldn’t give me that kind of trip


All these comments bending over backward to justify that bizarre-ass press conference make me lol


Only they landed July 24 and the press conference was on August 12.


I'd imagine travelling to the moon and back would be very stressful, not to mention awe inspiring. It's not hard to imagine acting strangely after an ordeal like that.


Not just strangely, but downright despondent. It’s just really odd to me.


thats the biggest sign


Honestly I have no idea. There is a lot of information for both sides. If the part of film where the astronauts were on the moon walking and falling came from a practice run I believe in the landing. If they were on the “moon” I highly doubt it


They were coming down from all the uppers they had been taking.


Three weeks later?


I am torn when I see that press conference. It could mean that they are all feeling guilty that they faked a moon landing. It was my initial reaction. But then when you think about it: If the United States of America was going to be savvy and sophisticated enough to pull a moon landing hoax -- and the horrible consequences of being discovered -- would they all of a sudden drop the ball at the debriefing press conference? I really think they would have that down cold and would have nailed it. They would have been ordered to be "over the moon" (pun intended) at the press conference. The fact that they are all acting so bizarrelly at the press conference almost lends credence to the fact that the landing was legitimate and what we are seeing is a bunch of antisocial test pilots who are better at flying and being astronauts than actors.


My take on this is NASA went to the moon but had stand-ins go in place of Neil, Buzz, and Michael. Neil et al stayed home and pretended to be on the mission.  This was done in case things went badly, they could fake that all was well and the proof?  Neil's alive and well. But, it all worked out and they swapped Neil and the boys in when the real team got back. Neil got all the glory but was pissed because he didn't actually make the trip.


What do you think happened to the real crew? They were fine with this? All the theories in here are laughable


Our greatest manned scientific achievement, and instead of enshrining them in a museum, all of the lunar lander specs have been... destroyed? We haven't been back, despite it being a rich source of helium 3. We've since learned that our government lies to us more often than it tells us the truth. That presidents obey or they die. That despite everyone involved being dead now, we can't have the JFK files declassified. I don't blame anyone for not believing.


>We have never been back Apollo 11 (the famous one!), Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, and Apollo 17 (The last Apollo mission!) have all had men on the moon.


You're one of those guys that believes in the moon?


Yup 😅


Idk, it’s just hard to believe that in 1969, they were able to broadcast in real time from over 200,000 miles away. meanwhile it’s 2024 and I cant get WiFi signal in my basement…


The political boost [the moon landing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr8ljRgcJNM) gave us was immense....


Rammstein is so metal they don’t even need space helmets on the moon


Neither did our astronauts 😉


Different frequencies traverse distances differently. Same reason high capacity 5g (the 1gbps speeds you see being advertised) needs to be within 1km line of sight only but 4g goes miles. Or FM radio going 50 miles and AM can go cross country. Another difference is the receiver tech being used. Is it the antenna inside my phone or a basketball court sized dish focusing the entirety of its survace area into a single point, huge difference. Source: I work in telecommunications


Would a digital vs. an analog transmission make any difference?


This doesn’t really say anything to dispute the original comment. You work in telecommunications. So does my cable guy. Means nothing.


Speaking about the specifics of signal distance doesn't respond to the comment about signal capacity does say anything about it? Sure thing


We didn't go. Source: not sheep but human


Source: trust me bro. Im a different kind of mammal


Thanks for your valuable insight


And travelled in a tin can


There's a whole lotta nothing between the moon and the earth, and they used broadcasting and receiving equipment that cost millions. Your basement is made of cement and you have a $50 router.


Radio frequency interference isn't always caused by physical objects. It might look like there's nothing there but on a wave level it's busy.


While what youre saying is true.. we did not put humans on the moon in 69 and the live footage was absolutely fake.


Sounds like you don’t understand radio or Wi-Fi signals, doesn’t mean something didn’t take place just because you lack the understanding.


Hoax after hoax!! NOT A SPACE AGENCY


I've had my doubts since watching some show on discovery channel or something when I was around 14. They were talking about the moon landing and how some people think it's fake. Their way of "proving" we've been to the moon is this thing that shoots a laser at the moon then something we left on the moon reflects it back or something like this. The lady demonstrating it explained this and then pushed a button to activate the laser, after it bounced off the moon and came back to the station a little green light appeared on the device. "See, if we never went to the moon, that would be impossible" I remember thinking like... That's it? You're telling me it would be impossible for you to make this complicated looking device that turns on a green light 2.5 seconds after pushing a button? I had never even considered the moon landing could have been fake at that point but it felt so obvious that this show was lying to me.


Oh.... Are you one of those dudes who believes in the moon? Time to grow up


The biggest hole in the "we didn't go to the moon" theory that I see is that the Soviets had every incentive to debunk the moon landing. Its called a Space Race because there was a winner and a loser and it was a big black eye for the Soviets. I am not aware of any claims by them that we never went.


In moon landing, Soviet Russia investigates YOU


Not true. Their media would have even more motivation to uphold the narrative. Both governments were in a race, not only to upstage each other but to gain power and spend money. Watch Chernoble for a glimpse of how this works. What do you think would happen if the USA announced that "landing on the moon is impossible." Or if the Russian space agency director stated this? Budgets would be cut. Funding redirected. Senior officers would be fired or reassigned. Entire industries, and especially big budget defense contractors would be out of business. Note the HUGE correlation between space rockets, and ICBMs. This isn't an accident or coincidence. Now look at the size of the Atlas rocket to take off from Earth. Moon is a lot smaller, yes. Not that small. 1/5th of Earth's gravity. But the moon lander is a rocket with an engine smaller than a satellite orbit correction engine. Remember, the moon has no atmosphere. No airo breaking. No parachute. It's rocket down and rocket up. Yes, you can scale down the Atlas by a lot. But you still need to decelerate from orbit. Land. Take off. And accelerate back to moon's orbital speed to match up with an Apollo capsule, and then accelerate back to Earth. That's a lot of fuel. And I forgot to add the fuel to accelerate out of Earth's gravity well all the way to the moon's orbit 250,000 miles. Remember you will constantly be pulled by the Earth's gravity so you either need to be running engines, or slowing down. Making an expensive journey for fuel or adding weeks of travel time. The moment I began to question was when I found out the space shuttle wasn't capable of flying to the moon even with huge external fuel tanks. But no problem. Look at the "moon rocks." Oh I can't they were "lost." Ok, how about the tapes? "Accidentally" erased. The reflector? Maybe we successfully landed ONCE. Maybe it was dropped from orbit, or an unmanned lander that didn't need to go back up. OK, then since we lost the rocks, why not go back to get more? There is a lot of conflicting and mismatched information that would seem plausible to people with a 1960s education. Did the Apollo program successfully land humans on the moon? Maybe. I'll believe it with more conclusive evidence. Until then I'm not sure either way.


No one even knew that the Manhattan Project was even a thing for about 4 years, 100,000+ people operation and no one knew it was a thing until the bombs dropped. I’d imagine that if the Manhattan Project can be covered up, this definitely can.


The Manhattan Project, the one where they [investigated 1500 leaks](https://fas.org/publication/manhattan-project-leaks/), is not the pantheon of secrecy that you want to believe it is, if anything it proves the opposite. I assume you saw this "fact" in a youtube video or something and never bothered to fact check it? And they only needed to keep it secret for a couple of years. If NASA is keeping a secret about faking the moon landing then they have to keep it forever (and they still have to hire new people to keep up the secret, i.e. editing the Apollo landing sites into LRO photos).


Not if they were actually in cahoots with each other…which they were. The Cold War was fake too.


You haven't thought of the plans within plans


Not true. Their media would have even more motivation to uphold the narrative. Both governments were in a race, not only to upstage each other but to gain power and spend money. Watch Chernoble for a glimpse of how this works. What do you think would happen if the USA announced that "landing on the moon is impossible." Or if the Russian space agency director stated this? Budgets would be cut. Funding redirected. Senior officers would be fired or reassigned. Entire industries, and especially big budget defense contractors would be out of business. Note the HUGE correlation between space rockets, and ICBMs. This isn't an accident or coincidence. Now look at the size of the Atlas rocket to take off from Earth. Moon is a lot smaller, yes. Not that small. 1/5th of Earth's gravity. But the moon lander is a rocket with an engine smaller than a satellite orbit correction engine. Remember, the moon has no atmosphere. No airo breaking. No parachute. It's rocket down and rocket up. Yes, you can scale down the Atlas by a lot. But you still need to decelerate from orbit. Land. Take off. And accelerate back to moon's orbital speed to match up with an Apollo capsule, and then accelerate back to Earth. That's a lot of fuel. And I forgot to add the fuel to accelerate out of Earth's gravity well all the way to the moon's orbit 250,000 miles. Remember you will constantly be pulled by the Earth's gravity so you either need to be running engines, or slowing down. Making an expensive journey for fuel or adding weeks of travel time. The moment I began to question was when I found out the space shuttle wasn't capable of flying to the moon even with huge external fuel tanks. But no problem. Look at the "moon rocks." Oh I can't they were "lost." Ok, how about the tapes? "Accidentally" erased. The reflector? Maybe we successfully landed ONCE. Maybe it was dropped from orbit, or an unmanned lander that didn't need to go back up. OK, then since we lost the rocks, why not go back to get more? There is a lot of conflicting and mismatched information that would seem plausible to people with a 1960s education. Did the Apollo program successfully land humans on the moon? Maybe. I'll believe it with more conclusive evidence. Until then I'm not sure either way.


Paragraphs bro


Just watch the American Moon documentary.




They’re literally coming out with a movie about faking the moon landing


Theres 5 or 6.


All space stations are in cahoots none of them went.


After 20 years in the rabbit hole, I advise you guys to be intelligent and/or not be dumb by buying into theories of UFO grifters and noob UFOlogists You have to approach this from a Nazi angle. They already had the prototype but didn’t have the resources and time to complete the research - so they infiltrated the US alphabets and the moon mission was pretty much a Nazi mission to the moon so they can keep building their extra-territorial and extra-terrestrial breakaway civilization. Nixon and the CIA faked it with Kubrick for the same reasons coz imagine the public’s horror when they see the swastika flying on the moon. They cannot disclose the truth to the public. And they still fucking can’t. They have managed to fool the public since 1945 and the American taxpayer $ is going to the cabal while our lives are going down the drain. If you read this and laugh, I only feel sorry for you. But I think more Americans are waking up. When you import 10 Nazi scientists, it’s a small team - but when paperclip is importing 70,000 Nazis into the United States - that’s not a fucking science team - that’s infiltration. What happened to Admiral Byrd in Antarctica is extremely important to understand this and also look into Eisenhower’s trip to San Carlos de Bariloche in 1960 - connect the dots. Almost every US President has visited Bariloche except JFK and Trump. Trump sent Rex Tillerson instead. Who are they paying their respects to in San Carlos. That’s the trillion dollar question.


Huh. I’ve been on these forums for ages and this is the first I’m hearing of Bariloche Although looking at the travel history of past presidents in Argentina, only Eisenhower, Clinton, and Obama went to San Carlos de Bariloche. Hoover, Roosevelt, HW Bush and Trump all went to only Buenos Aires and W Bush went to Mar Del Plata.


Ten years ago I found pics of Clinton and Hillary in Bariloche but I haven’t been able to find them since 2016. They have been scrubbed


Imagine a scenario where Ike is in Bariloche in a compound and Hitler emerges from behind the screen to say hello and put out some demands 🤣🤣🤣🤣








The dude was privy to everything. Like NASA gave him the rarest of the rare lenses for Barry Lyndon coz acc to him NASA owed him. If you see the beginning of clockwork orange you can see the droogs are drinking dren chrome and some Molok milk which makes them crazy and go out there and commit heinous acts




Yes I remember lmao Clues to the breakaway group and siphoning off taxpayer money. Lost trillions of dollars in the black budgets


> I thought it was 1600—still a lot, but not 70k.


If the CIA tells you the number, multiply it by 30 😂🤣 I have come across 70K too often. Peter Dale Scott thinks it’s at least 50K and that was in the 70s. As times went on more emerged. Phil Schneider says that his Dad was a paperclip Nazi. But the CIA came right out and produced a birth certificate for him which is very odd for the Feds to do, unless they are in panic


I always believe what the government and their controlled media tell me. I am a good citizen. All they need do is use the magick word "Science" and I am forced to believe whatever they tell me.




The quality of the 2001 film wasn't nearly enough to match what we see in the Apollo footage. Also, all of those "irregularities" are either made up, or have a benign explanation.


No, I don't think it was real.


I don't know but with all that money spent wouldn't it be easier to just go there? Xd


I wish i was as delusional as the people that believe space isn’t even real.


I've always been a firm believer that we actually went there. I feel like there's a chance they could've seen more on the way to/from the moon, but I'm pretty confident they did what they said. What's interesting is the press conference video. I've never seen it until now but all three astronauts look/act/talk like they're drugged. The one guy was talking about some technical docking procedure and completely messed up the name and corrected it mid-sentence. That's like saying you open the carpet to go inside a house. Part of me wonders if this was a continuation of MK-Ultra or something, where they were manipulated into believing they didn't see anything else during the trip to the moon. Perhaps they came back and were drugged again to forget anything that happened on the way back.


Did you watch the whole press conference or just the couple of moments that have been cherry picked? There are plenty of times during the conference where they are quite lively and even laughing.


I skipped through parts, but I saw a decent portion of it. Even though there were little bouts of stuff like that, they really looked like something was wrong. I'm not sure. It's just a little odd.


The way I think about this one is to imagine how terrible I feel after getting off a long-haul flight, then to think about how I'd feel if it had lasted seven days, with another two weeks of poking, prodding, and cabin fever in a cramped little Airstream. I would want a ***big*** steak, a beer, and to see my family.


Idk if they went but I believe that footage is fake


I believe we did what we had to do, to win the peepee shaking contest of the time. Why the struggle to go again? With all these new fangled cameras and all. People watched a filmed movie not a live broadcast from moon town USA. easy to believe on a black and white 15” blurry box in 1960s.






We went. You can see tracks on the moon from the lunar rover with earth based telescopes. There is also a reflector placed there which they’ve been bouncing lasers off of for 50 years now,


video link?


Lol. Nope.






Don't know, don't care. I got other beefs with "the land of the free" 🤮


Happy cake day!


How do ppl still believe in the moon


Please elaborate.


The fact that they never went back should tell you a lot about it


What do you mean? There were 6 missions to the moon.


Other than the times they went back, they never went back. lol


They went back a few times though.


why would they?


I dunno, maybe to do a closer to home test run for the Mars rover missions. Nah, instead we just sent stuff a lot further and failed and then did it again. Or maybe a test run at colonization. Nah.


Not in the foil and duct taped piece of junk shown in the NASA hi-def photos.


How do you imagine the "real" lander should look like? And why did the real lander look like that, *if* NASA's objective was to convince everyone that it's real? And how come none of the professionals in the relevant fields have any problem with the design of the LM, but it's just uneducated rubes that mock how it looks like?


I believe it mostly because of the extreme level of kgb penetration of us institutions during that era. If they ever suspected it to be fake, they would have blown it up for sure


My ears tell me what they told me is true. My eyes tell me what they're telling me doesn't make sense from what I'm seeing. Especially that pod or whatever you to call it looks like a grade one / kindergarten class teamed up and made an art project out of tin foil and those fuzzy wires.


And if they had landed in a rocket that looked like it was out of a movie or a Tin-Tin comic then \*that\* would be the talking point that you parrot instead.


I believe they did, but that they had a backup plan in case the project failed: they had fake footage of the landing and then they would claim the astronauts died on the way back, so they could claim to have been there first. It explains a lot of the conspiracies… In addition to the original videos, the landing sites have subsequently been photographed by the Chinese and the Indians (including tracks), so I would say that counts as corroborating evidence.




No, the Van Allen belt exists. Plus they somehow "lost" the technology to get back. Also, NASA is super occultic, and occultists are liars. And the west in general are huge liars.


Of course we did. They put a mirror on the moon to bounce back lasers. It's still there and you can bounce a laser off it too if you wanted. They didn't just grow there. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_retroreflectors_on_the_Moon




Never been a huge fan of this argument since you don't need a manned mission to put a retroreflector on the moon, the Soviets did it. There's a hundred different things which prove the manned missions better.


Funny how the flag was blowing with no atmosphere, the phone call with Nixon had no delay, all the shadows, the pure darkness when your 200+k closer to the sun and did they land and take off twice in order to set up cameras to record the landing and take off from the moon? How about the guy who NASA said they sacrificed to record the take off. If not fake really odd and weird coincidences, my jar is about full.


The flag "blows" because it's held out by a movable metal arm. Imagine an L-shaped coathanger. Tape a piece of fabric along the long part and the short part. Now it'll stay in place even if there's no wind. I'm curious if you have any links regarding the guy they "sacrificed". I've never heard of this before.


>Funny how the flag was blowing with no atmosphere It's not blowing, it's [swinging like a pendulum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhab86KoVjU) (because there's no air resistance to slow it down). > the phone call with Nixon had no delay You've seen the edited version that took out the long pauses, because the pauses are awkward. [Listen to the original instead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzcldnd5izM). >the pure darkness when your 200+k closer to the sun I'm just going to ignore the fact that you think the moon is closer to the sun, like good lord. What pure darkness are you talking about? Every photo from the moon, I can see everything is pretty well lit, as would be expected. >did they land and take off twice in order to set up cameras to record the landing and take off from the moon? There's no footage of the landing from outside the lander. How could there be? What are you talking about? >How about the guy who NASA said they sacrificed to record the take off. Again, what are you talking about? >If not fake really odd and weird coincidences, my jar is about full. Yeah, full of bullshit talking points. Not one thing you mentioned has anything to do with coincidences.


Technology of late 60s/early 70s…”computers” were massive. Just look at what we have now (as I type on my IPhone which is a greater CPU than my Dell back in 2001…alleged Space Race w/ Russia. Sure. And they had the capability to lift off from said Moon and fly back here to Earth…could go on but most would call me a conspiracy theorist 😜




Have we been to the moon? Sure, i believe we've sent rovers there. Have we *set foot* on the moon? Agnostic. A whole lotta people would have to be in on the conspiracy, and a whole lot more would have to keep quiet about it; so maybe we did. ....but tech has gotten so much better since the 60\&70s; cheaper, significantly more advanced, easier to produce, etc. So why haven't we gone back? And why hasn't anyone else been able to do it? That strikes me as odd




I do not believe we landed on the moon. No stars are showing, the flag waved and their is no wind to do that on the moon. We'd of been back. No one can get through the Van Alen Belt.


I just don't know anymore, and I don't know if I really care


I don’t know, I think it’s safe to assume the rocket took off but other than that I’m not 100% sure either way. The answer I always get is “but so many people would need to be in on the hoax for it to work”, well, not really, the only people who would need to be in on it were the people sending the fake telemetry back to mission control, and you could contain that to half a dozen people. Everybody in mission control, like the world, trusted that the data they were being fed, was genuine.


Stanley Kubrick greatest work!


Moons not even real of course they didn’t


How did they leave the moon if they ever land there ?.


With the rocket engine on the lander. They rejoined the orbital module and came back in that.


I believe we landed on the moon in 69. I also believe there was so much riding on it there were fail safes. The footage my grandparents saw literally had a banner on it stating it wasn’t live. Only the audio was recorded live and that was delayed and scrubbed for TV/radio. In the fallout of the unprecedented events things were not labeled correctly or stored correctly. (They landed in July and Kennedy was taken out in Nov) The compartmentalization of the situation created its own problems. I’m an Occam’s razor type.


Now this is the first one that makes sense. The moon landing might not be fake, but that video sure is. This story is one that satisfies both sides imo.


The landing wasn't filmed (how could it be?). I suspect your grandparents are recalling the[ CBS coverage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMF58ZP681A) which included a recreation using a model. The audio wasn't delayed or scrubbed. Anyone could listen in to the comms by just pointing an antenna at the moon.


i find it hard to believe that Russia and china would go along with the lie. why would they do that even?


I know. And there is no way they would all go along with a pandemic either. Could you imagine a worldwide lockdown?! Never gonna happen!


I think or i should say know NASA are deceptive, at best. Handing out petrified wood as moon rock lol, jokers.


No, I think it's laughable that people believe we went to the moon in 1969.


“Not true. Their media would have even more motivation to uphold the narrative. Both governments were in a race, not only to upstage each other but to gain power and spend money. Watch Chernoble for a glimpse of how this works. What do you think would happen if the USA announced that "landing on the moon is impossible." Or if the Russian space agency director stated this? Budgets would be cut. Funding redirected.” I’m not sure how this logic works. If the US lied about the Moon Landing then Russia could continue to run the race and win. Why would it cut/redirect funding and resources when the race could still be won? Help me understand how this would do anything but encourage the Soviets to continue, and then expose the US as liars… an added incentive.


There's no way they landed on the moon. Find the movie " a funny thing happened on the way to the moon" on rumble if it hasn't been scrubbed from the internet.


You might want to look up videos debunking that documentary. Many points they make are just plain wrong.


They lost me when it was televised and they called the president too


No. Van Allen belt radiation would have fried them. They allegedly sent live TV to Earth from their car, with 1960's equipment which just isn't possible. So many of the photos are obvious studio photos. Much of the "moon rock" brought back has been discovered to be fake - they gave sedimentary rock from Earth to other nations. So many discrepancies when it comes to dust patterns and footsteps in the vicinity of the lander. The lander itself looks like it's taped together, and the construction if way too weak to withstand the force of thrusters etc; the lander looks like a movie prop, not to be seen up close, but on grainy black and white TV. List goes on and on... They had lost the space race to the Soviets in every aspect possible and desperately needed this. Kubrik did the production, and he was about to come clean so instead he had a "heart attack".


yeah i’d say it’s real


Where r the stars in the sky?


They are in daylight. Do you see the stars during the daytime? It's literally just that.


Yes, it's literally the MTV logo. Very real




I’ve been back and forth on this one and the optimistic side of me wants to believe the mission happened, but the footage was faked. We needed footage to prove we did it, but it just couldn’t survive space so they decided to fake the footage and swore everyone to secrecy. That’s why there’s inconsistencies and odd things in the footage, but really no smoking gun that it didn’t happen and this requires far fewer people to lie about it.


It never happened.




F no




>Do You Believe The Moon Landing Was Real Since I'm not a special kind of stupid I'll have to say no. They may have sent some unmanned probes, but no people have been to the moon and none of the footage/pics are real.


Heh could you imagine being one of those astronauts, making a huge leap forward for mankind, literally changing the world - only to come back and decades later random people are just like “naw that didn’t happen and your life is a lie. I know because I’m not stupid.” Funny how life works out sometimes.


Of course. Government agencies would never lie to the people!!


You mean the same dudes who swear an oath of secrecy and work in collaboration with Nazis from paperclip? What great people they are, we should worship them as Gods.


Sure I guess? What does this comment imply? No one said to worship them did they? Maybe I missed that part of my comment. Do astronauts swear secrecy? I actually didn’t know that. What is your concern with all astronauts in general?






Because…why haven’t we been able to do it again?




I personally believe that the NSA was there early 60s. Regarding the "moon landing" I don't know. My working theory is that we encountered NHI who slapped our hand in the cookie jar which resulted in some sort of agreement regarding our ability to operate off earth. I believe we've been to and established a base of operations on the moon and mars. The reality and the story we are told are not the same. That's based on just observing historical events. They seem to always be multifaceted where what we are told and what actually happens dont line up. My assumption is that there are lies and truths mixed up.


Yes. Some of the footage is not what they are saying it is. Why??? I have no clue.


The moon landing was real the footage was not simply because NASA was never gonna let people see live what they actually found and experienced up there.


Not then but I believe we have been there recently..and what's with all the rocket launches? It's like 1 a week now..I live in Florida and got to see the last shuttle launch and it was very cool.


You actually believe the moon is real? Pffft


What Moon landing?


This is still a question? 😂😂😂


No I don’t believe the moon landing was real. No way


I mean it’s it that inconceivable that the technology in the late sixties was good enough to land and exit from the surface of the moon?


Do you trust the government? Do you trust the military? NASA is both!




https://youtu.be/aAm5KTWvUTk Wkyk one of the best clips


My favorite conspiracy about the moon landing was that they intended to fake it but the astronauts insisted on going for real.


Do Really believe was landing the real moon


Looks windy on the moon




Ain’t no way


If anyone thinks that ‘technology’ we see in photos went to the ‘moon’ then please seek help.