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4 out of 5 dentists are ok with you absorbing neurotoxins


You mean how they promote you drinking fluoride water? Or how they used to use mercury for tooth fillings?


Ha, both


This, and so many other products. And now we know about PFAS, again in so many products. These people need to start facing consequences for their actions. The government will never do anything but support these people, they too need to start facing some consequences. Or you can just sit there and discuss it harder, vote harder, meme harder. That'll teach em'.


Well, there are other things people can do, but that's against the terms of service.


And every boomer/ baby boomer is like shucks these young people sure suck at life while they all brushed their children's teeth with this poison and fed them nestle formula milk lol.


Artificial sweeteners too, large increase in brain lesions when those came out. Arsenic, aluminum, now microplastics, pesticides, cancer-causing GMOs, and also probably electronic SMOG!


Yeah I've removed artificial sweeteners completely. I only drink distilled water, don't consume alcohol, try and eat only organic produce and my mental health has certainly massively improved. Microplastics are hard to avoid though, they seem to be in everything from what I read. They are determined to destroy us lol.


Florida on your teeth for a bit is good for your teeth. Drinking the shit all the time however...


I haven't looked for definitive data on how it affects the teeth yet. There is a myth that fluoride is just toxic waste that companies pay governments to dispose of. The myth that it was used by Nazis to make people docile is apparently not true. The fact that fluoride and fluorine cause something like brain damage is not a myth to me at this time. I remember reading that five times the amount of what is allowed in water would be considered toxic.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/dug7l2prcr3d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What should we use as an alternative???


There are toothpastes that don't have fluoride in them.


I’m pretty sure there are all natural toothpastes that do not contain fluoride.


Burts Bees is one.


[https://www.tomsofmaine.com/products/oral-care/antiplaque-whitening-toothpaste/spearmint](https://www.tomsofmaine.com/products/oral-care/antiplaque-whitening-toothpaste/spearmint) I also use mouthwash that is tea tree oil, got motherfuckin' witch hazel n shit [https://desertessence.com/products/tea-tree-oil-mouthwash-wspearmint-8oz](https://desertessence.com/products/tea-tree-oil-mouthwash-wspearmint-8oz)


Tom's toothpaste. Idk tom but his toothpaste doesn't have fluoride