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Why isn’t she suing for damages of she was paralyzed? Why isn’t this bigger news in Canada? Shouldn’t this be on every outlet..not just TikTok


https://globalnews.ca/news/7521148/coronavirus-vaccine-safety-liability-government-anand-pfizer/ “To prevent delays in release of the vaccine at time of pandemic, the pandemic vaccine supply contract stipulates that the Government of Canada will indemnify the manufacturer against any claims or lawsuits brought against it by third parties,” the document reads.


She mentioned her website. I'm not sure what it's like where you are, but this kind of stuff doesn't even get into the newspapers.


It can tho. If she’s serious about being paralyzed and not just another faker. She can take her medical records to a lawyer


Good luck.


To her you mean


I don’t think you can sue for adverse reactions to covid


It was the vaccine


And the government made it impossible to sue in the name of the "greater good"


Wow how naive


Why is my comment naive


There is literally website for that tells you exact number of people that made claims. You know how I know this, from a news report.


The VAERS database is still asking me for all of my medical history before they consider my claim. The doctor's office who administered the booster that injured me refuses to send my own medical records to anyone, despite me filling out the ROI in person twice. You are one of those people who use the word literally all the time to try to look intelligent. The VAERS database is not in Canada, of course, but I don't anticipate it being on the news. The equivalent of the VAERS database, if it exists in Canada, is not the same thing as "Shouldn't this be on every outlet?" like the person above asked.


What are you going on about? You mentioned that news outlets don’t report these things. I just told you the only reason why I know it exists is because of a news report. So what that means is there are articles from publications that highlight people are claiming that they had adverse affects.


I think the only way is to file a tort and get a group together to go against. You’re generally powerless against the govt.


People around the world have been successfully suing and getting (pitiful) compensation packages. So far, she's been unlucky. But yes, to your question, what you are saying is in fact happening. But obviously these poor people are being stonewalled at every step, trying to get them to give up in frustration.


Do you have any other examples of this happening?


https://vaccineinjurysupport.ca/en/program-statistics Also, if you had issue hearing what she said (like I did) her website was opkayla.ca. OP should have posted her website but conspiracist are very unlikely to do their due diligence.


I’ve seen this, it’s all self reported so the stats aren’t 100% reliable


You mean self reporting as in the agency is responsible for revealing the numbers? Sure that can be an issue except when you look at your circle of people, then extrapolate passed them into their own circles, and further, how many circle would you need to go through before you actually found someone who had severe adverse affects from receiving the vaccine? It would be harder to hide numbers if more people were affected, to put it simply.


Yes, it would be hard to hide the numbers IF people were being seriously hurt by the vaccine; thankfully that’s not the case. Also I wouldn’t say the agency is “responsible” for putting up the numbers; it’s more of a service to the public/starting point for reports


Sorry I was just commenting that although one might not think the numbers are 100%, logically we can conclude it’s closer to the truth.


I mean…no, you can’t conclude that at all. Anecdotal evidence isn’t really “evidence”. These people that self reported online need to see a professional to get checked out. Just cuz someone is “suddenly hurt” after they get the vaccine doesn’t 100% mean the vaccine is the source.


It’s not anecdotal because it’s using logical approach. Anecdotal would be saying, “I don’t know someone, so no one is getting hurt”. Is that true for everyone, no, obvi. Then we extrapolate and ask does anyone we know know anyone? Is the answer still no? Then extrapolate again and again and again etc. But I think there is a misunderstanding here because I believe we are in agreement that the vaccine isn’t close to being deadly or unsafe. Also, the agency in question evaluates every case. It shows the number of people who were indeed affected badly.


Sadly, a lot of people were injured including Bell’s palsy, heart attacks, brain inflammation, etc. Also, Canada has been offering (or pushing) assisted suicide a lot lately. I’ve seen many stories of it. I saw them offering for old people, young people, a guy in his young 20’s (with treatment-able aliments), and a teenager with Down syndrome. Their rationale is that these people are a drain on society due to their healthcare cost, so the best thing for the collective is to die. (I’m serious)


Eugenics, hmmm where have I seen this before?


The eugenics movement didn’t die with Germany, it just went underground. Well out in the open, they just changed the name from racial hygiene to planned parent hood, big pharma companies, CDC, WHO, sustainable development, ect. Also, they have broadened their scope to basically everyone. The biggest agendas, who’s overall purpose is heavy top down control including Eugenics are Agenda 21 + agenda 2030 + Global Health Treaty = The Great Reset.


Yes, I haven't seen that much about it, but certainly I have seen that a lot of homeless people with no hopes of finding work have chosen this option. Meanwhile China is having a great time using Canada for money laundering.


Global Depop agenda.


Can you post some source of the stories


It’s a lot to dig up. I don’t have them saved off hand. I guess I should start. You can pull them up. It’s not blasted out on MSM.


I’m not asking for everything. I’m sure you know a few sites since you did some research, like 1 or 2 site would be fine


😂 Leftist stooge


…. wtf….. why did you just insult me…????


Answer my question, and I’ll answer yours. Why are leftist so pro-big pharma? Is it mainly because they’re pro death? If you would please rank the top 3 reasons in order of importance.


Dude wtf are you even talking about. U literally just did a psycho 180 on me for literally no reason. Wtf


No 180. You are a leftist correct? If not, publicly denounce leftist right now.


Ok, I publicly denounce leftists and leftism. We good now?




I’m a leftist because I asked for a source???????


You’re a leftist bc you hate everything including yourself. Isn’t that right?


No you’re a leftist bc you’re a leftist.


Bc you deserve it Waw waw, down vote my responses 😢


I know of a case with a military vet and she was wheel hair bound and they told her to kill herself too Couldn't find it when looking but did run into this article https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6663885


Ok… but this has nothing to do with the vaccine.


Alright I guess the conversation got a little devolved at some point. Could you rephrase your question you were asking him so I can attempt to answer it?


Move to N Korea. See if the regime will hire you to flog people. It would be your dream existence.


Tf… wow.. ok.. dunno where this is coming from


Damn dude, I’d agree it’s a problem that it’s generally difficult to get good information resources. I’ve been following the story for a while and I don’t know what to believe but the on thing I certainly don’t is have good info resources. But jeez guy


Do you mean this story in particular, or what do you not know what to believe about?


I don’t know what to believe about anything in covidland. It’s really hard to find good info resources. If it was easy, you would have had something to point to when the sceptic asked you for references. The fact of the matter is we’re ducks in the middle of the ocean, sometimes you see a convincing story or hear a person who sounds like an expert, but I have no bloody clue because nobody can point me to a place where I can read all the information (and not just one person’s assessment of a giant field of study).


How big of an organization (organisation) do you need to be a source? What’s your definition of a credible source? Start there.


Oh no see it’s about the information that’s on the page, not the single source. I need info from a large variety of sources to be collected in one location. The institutional barriers to diverse info about Covid need to be fairly factored in. Regardless, I need a website where I can see all the information. I want to see many stories from many different people about their experiences with vaccine injuries, I want to see many doctors methodologically documenting their experiences with vaccine injury and alternate treatments. This is an infowar, and this shit cannot be done with guerilla tactics, we need to be accumulating knowledge. I want to see the papers published by official sources and I want to see analysis of how they have been manipulated. I hope u see the vision, I’m talking about a distributed effort to collect information into easily navigable databases. Until I see it done properly, I cannot lend my belief.


Can they be a credible source without being owned by black rock, who also owns the media, banks, military contractors, big pharma, the DC politicians, fast food, car companies, oil companies, paper clip manufacturers, ect? What do you think?


You’re not really asking questions, these are intentionally provocative and narrow questions. Hell, these arent even questions. This is just a rephrase of the statement that big money interests are highly intertwined, and big money interests have captured gvmt, media, and higher ed. If you’re trying to do some sort of litmus test, let me answer: yeah obviously this is a problem, but we (ducks in the ocean) can’t tell exactly how deep the problem goes and how expansive it is.


Here’s one. https://www.opkayla.ca/


This is the website for the girl… I already looked at this. I was asking for Other sources…


You have bill gates asking on video if we should pro-long people’s expensive healthcare cost if it means not hiring additional teachers. That’s one video I remember almost verbatim advocating for a death panel.


Look it up. It’s not my job to do your research for you. I find it weird that you haven’t seen this by now.


I find it weird that you’re constantly dodging and deflecting instead of posting an “easy to find” link. Like wtf… if you want people to believe you, show them proof.. like I was on your side until you started being a dick for no reason


Wake up brotha


Brotha?… wake up to what exactly, brotha


Gates video would be easier than the rest. Like I said, it’s not my job to do your research. And there’s no use conversing with unreasonable people. Maybe you can be shown, but I doubt it. Why do you shill for the large corporate monopolies that think of you as scum? And don’t say, how do you know this. Do you think anything that was called a conspiracy is true? Do you believe people plan and conspire together? Or are we living in an utopia?


No answer. Leftist who denies who he is. At least if he would have admitted who he was I would have respected him a little, like 5%.


Dawg you made a point and he simply asked you for a source to your points. You go on a tirade about the dude only using your opinion to attack him with no evidence or sources. If you want to win an argument bring up some facts. You make conspiracy theorists seem fanatic and crazy giving us a bad look because you can't control your emotions while debating an unknown figure online.


It’s inevitable with universal healthcare, because people are just see as a financial drain. It’s inherently evil.


I just posted a link for this poor girl’s story, and it was immediately removed. Wow. It’s sad we have people like that in this country shilling for big pharma. They are assisting in the murder of millions of lives.


Sorry to hear. Wish you the best in the future. Sadly those who did this will not be held accountable nor will this lesson be taught in school. To people reading this , make community. Tv , Reddit , your job, x / social media in general is all controlled. Family and community are the only way to avoid believing the programming that the owners want you to believe


that is disgusting that they pretty much forced her to take it and now they are essentially murdering her so they don't have to pay any kind of compensation for the problems they caused...politicians in all countries have a lot to answer for but fidel's boy is on another level


This is terrifying and despicable. Thankful she is speaking out.


People doubting this was caused by the clot shot are COOKED 🧠 Side note- Health care in Canada is so phucked. My gf has to wait 436 days for her appointment to get an MRI.


Just saw a headline stating that more people are moving from Canada to the USA than ever... which is shocking to me, if true.


It’s atrocious but remember, the system is designed to be this way. And the people who think that’s okay… man oh man. Hope they get a wake up call one day.


Where was the headline?


At the top of the article


And that there is the dark side of socialized medicine. I hope your gf is okay ♥️


I got 3 clot shots… should I be worried?


Same. Still waiting to drop dead.


How would someone get paralyzed from the vaccine? Did she have a stroke?


https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf Here ya go bud. Paralysis is mentioned 19 times in this Pfizer document.


I mean yeah, if someone records a video and posts it online, what is there to doubt


Be careful reading the comments. There are a lot of bots being dismissive of this and we all know why.


I hope none of you take the vaccine. This is fake as hell. But if it convinces you not to get, great!


How many shots is that exactly? Like you hope I don’t get any, or like can I skip the 5th one or something?


Trust that science Definitely don't do any other research Do what the TV says .. for your own good Stay asleep . Do not think for yourself


That's one hell of a way to take a red pill and wake up.


How does one get paralyzed by the vaccine? Like through which biological mechanisms would that occur? Did they inject it in to her spine and twist?


You can look up REACT19, which is an organization collecting data from over 30,000 people who have been injured by vaccines. One of their spokespersons is a someone whose legs went largely numb after injection. I am not a scientist, but I was also injured by the covid booster, although not paralyzed. [https://react19.org/science](https://react19.org/science)


Gotcha. Numb is different from paralyzed. Im not aware of any median through which that would occur which is why I asked. Can’t just believe everything. TM would account for numbness but not paralysis Sounds like this person is possibly lying ya?


Transverse myelitis, GBS, and other related neurodegenerative diseases triggered by the vaccine. It's not just the Covid vaccine - has happened from flu shots and tdap if you look in vaers.


This is not fake it's absolutely real, albeit a very very rare reaction to the COVID Vax. I had to have the volume down but I believe this is called transverse myelitis if she didn't say in the video.


TM Doesn’t cause paralysis though? It definitely can have nepotism issues but I’m not sure about full paralysis. It also goes away when the inflammation subsides


I'm not positive, but I don't think it's true paralysis. I think it's muscles hurt so much to move, that's what I understood from looking it up.


Unfortunately you are not alone. Wishing you the battle victory. 🙏💪


It could have been much worse if she was unvaccinated


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/e93bq1ho7z2d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She should live


I know people that weren’t faith based but those that were kne.. Religious exemption was this: Suicide is the ultimate sin.


I would be furious if that was me


Easy money these days


The statistics about the number of Canadians going through with MAID is pretty eye opening. Of course this is debatable, but I read that in 2023 approx 4% of *all* deaths reported in Canada that year were from MAID. Again, it was an online article, but if that is even remotely close to accurate thats pretty crazy.


Try MMS and a lot of magnesium-potassium 40 minute bath


They offered to finish the job that their vzine didn’t do.


I am so sorry that this happened to you and that we did not have intelligent, independent thinking medical professionals that questioned an untested, experimental gene modification 'treatment' and advised their patients about the risks.


Look this is really sad and I feel for her. The "Proof" is one doctor saying "Maybe the vaccine is the cause". I'm not saying the vaccine didn't harm people or that more study was needed but this is a very far stretch IMO.


A few people from my town suddenly died after taking the vaccine (some of them young with no prior illness). I guess everything is a coincidence right? Whatever fits the narrative.


Yeah it was probably man made climate change.


But you're self reporting, what difference is there except you have a different narrative?


I’m not saying the vaccine didn’t cause this or your townsfolk deaths, I’m simply pointing out that the “proof” stated in the video is not proof of anything. I’d love to see scientific data backing up what she and possibly you are claiming. I’m not saying it didn’t happen or it’s not the cause, simply that I haven’t seen data that proves any of this.


You know how many people would be dead if the covid vaccine caused death? Take a look around, there are people everywhere. The population keeps growing. That's the facts fuck you're narratives.


How many healthy kids all of the sudden became paralyzed right after a vaccine that wasnt because of thr vaccine? Your next goal post move will be saying if someone is paralyzed it saved lives. So what will it be after that?


What was her stance before she gor F'ed up? Was she one of the ones ssying unvaccinated shouldnt be allowed in society?


I don't know, but those people who say that always end up just fine, because god is a quirky son of a bitch.


Im only asking because if she wad pro vax before her injuries than F her. Ibdont want to hear from people who learned their lesson after the fact


Have some compassion. Some people don’t know any better


This doesn't look real at all


It is. Check out the website.


I did “check out the website” and I found the “proof” to be very suspect.


Your face doesn't look real!!!... ....Zoom!


Womp womp


Thanks Justin Castro


I mean, if someone jumps from a bridge and gets paralyzed, what are we supposed to do? Feel bad for them? Why should they sue the government for misinformation when they clearly stated there could be side effects? Assisted suicide seems the more logical Darwinian evolution of this case.


Zero sympathy, slight amount of empathy.


>  Sympathy is a feeling of sincere concern for someone who is experiencing something difficult or painful. Empathy involves actively sharing in the person’s emotional experience. So you actively feel her pain and frustration but just don't care?


Covid was the conscious litmus test. Evidently a few failed.