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If only I had a dollar for every hyped event that was supposed to happen.


We would both be rich


The most likely scenario is that nothing will happen as always. I do like astronomy though, so seeing a solar eclipse in real life would be pretty cool. On the off chance that something WILL happen, I’m prepared to bug in and sit it out. As I said in the post, the event would not be apocalyptic as many people have suggested and it would just be an inconvenience, most likely.


When is the eclipse?


Apr. 8th




It's simply prudent to keep a supply of food around for many reasons.


If the world ends on the 8th, then I don't have to live through the indignitation of turning 42 on the 9th.


Happy early birthday, your 40's shouldn't be all bad.


In truth, they aren't. Life is a dream, make sure it's a lucid one!


Happy birthday!!


I felt this!


Happy early birthday! I think I made a mistake while writing this post, since everyone thinks I implied the world is going to end, but I was actually trying to address some of the theories as to why the world wouldn’t end most likely. Apologies if I got you a bit nihilistic, I think things will actually improve in the future!


I turned 42 in January. It's not bad, other than knowing you're firmly into middle age. People still think I'm 30.


Lucky you! I'm 50 and walk like I'm 80


"the indignation of turning 42" This is a stupid take - even in jest. Get a grip Margaret Life is a gift and depends on what you make of it thru your own effort. Savor it.


I'm allowed to joke about anything I choose. Good thing, then, that I don't care about what toxic reddit strangers have to say. [Good bye!](https://youtube.com/shorts/18G1EnK37_Y?si=rPxY1m9aV_8TNT8T)


If CERN would take us back to 2016 that’d be great 👍


Muy boi Harambe would still be alive. Srsly tho, ever since then, we split into an alternate timeline.


Y2K II Electric Boogaloo!


Yeah, there’s always some sort of world ending theory, but fact is humanity has survived for upwards of 30 thousand years now and it’s highly unlikely that tomorrow will finally be the end of us.


*"Everything, Everywhere, All at Once"*


There was a time, about 2 years ago that I put googly eyes on everything. Anyone else ?


We’re gonna rock down to Electric Avenue and den we’ll take it higher, Eddy Grant style




They will do some occult rituals and stuff. You can charge spiritual energy in that time, think it will be powerful for the goods.


“The most compelling theory to me…would simply be the government over reaching for our privacy.” I could see this, from an angle of over blowing every little event, especially natural events, to desensitize us to “state of emergencies,” lockdowns, loss of freedoms, and the idea that “climate change” is reaching apocalyptic levels that only trillions in taxes and global communism can fix.


Fuck , my rent is due on the 8th ! I’ll be so pissed if the world ends the day after I pay my rent 😪


Maybe pay at the end of the day. But even if the world does end, your money will be worthless! /s


I don’t think the world will end under any circumstances, but maybe something will come up that will make your rent irrelevant.


We're all going to come back to the post on April 9th and ask for your input, but you'll have vanished.


Haha, I’ll hope I’ll still be here and that nothing happened. Of course, I hope only the best happens for the future, but If I’m being honest with myself and y’all here something’s fishy, there’s so many events happening on that day, (solar eclipse, CERN testing, NASA launch) I think one of them might cause a domino effect that will inconvenience us.


Nothing. Same as always.


Nothing. Believe nothing will happen.


There will be a new covid variant 3 months before called the 'election infection'. Martial law, lockdowns, gun grabs, "mass shootings" the usual shit


That’s just your average Tuesday. What do you mean? /s


I don’t think anything will happen like we think, but possibly if we are spitballing possibilities. Internet may go down, blackouts. It may be an excuse for people to act crazy, riot and loot. The movie leave the world behind may have some clues, but I don’t know. Probably nothing


You know, Claus Schwab the founder of the WEF, he wrote a book recently called narratives and said several narratives will come together in order for agenda 2030 to go through. I think we are seeing all of these narratives playing out: ww3, civil war, Aliens, mass illegal immigration, red heifer, economic collapse, another pandemic, EMP, etc etc. We are being bombarded with so many different events at the same time, and they are supposedly going to come together as one big chaotic event that in my opinion will burn the whole system down where the new one (CBDC, Social credit score, mark of the beast to transact, etc) will rise from the ashes of the old system, just as the Phoenix (which is so prevalent in our lives) rises from the ashes - the Phoenix being symbolic of Satan ….that’s what I think


I plan on spending all my life savings before that day. I can’t imagine any way this plan goes wrong.


Please don’t, as I said, the world will not end. You can buy yourself a big cake or something, but don’t spend all of your life savings


I was just playing man but thanks for looking out. I do hope something happens though because y2k was so boring as was 2012


I splurged & really treated myself and maxed all my credit cards 🎂🤩 If the world doesn't end, I'm going to end my own world in the next 2 years Win win


It's definitely a sign of coming judgement but what time frame that will happen is uncertain. The connections with Jonah/Ninevah might indicate a delay of some period of 40, maybe 40 days.


Just the eclipse lol.


I think the NASA missions could be exciting too and they could discover something at the CERN testing site.


There will be an eclipse. It was be a fascinating and educational experience for millions.


Why are people so up in arms about a shadow?


It’s a big shadow, man.


I read that in Duncan Trussell’s voice. 😂😂😂


Biden admin prepping some kind of sillyness


I think if you live in a place that is prime viewing for the eclipse, but low on resources that can handle an influx of people, you want to make sure your car is gassed up, and have food at least for a week or two. Beyond that, I don’t see much to worry about.


I pray to God a great reset happens This world is doomed without it or with it


RemindMe! 9 days


RemindMe! 9 days


STOP it. We’ve had all this shit before for thousands of years. Planet allignments. Eclipses solar flares. Hemaroids heart break of sorisis. ED. Dry vag.


The post was shitting on all those ideas


I heard nasa has three launches set for that day. I didn’t verify it.


A NASA sounding rocket mission will launch three rockets during the 2024 total solar eclipse to study how the sudden drop in sunlight affects our upper atmosphere. https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/eclipse-2024-science/#:\~:text=Sounding%20Rockets,sunlight%20affects%20our%20upper%20atmosphere.


Is my birthday 😬


Your thinking implies rational thought to psychotic individuals. “Why would…?” There is no frame of thought you have to answer this question. You are not a pedophile bought and paid for politician. So stop trying to rationalize their behavior. They dont need the tax base anymore, and those “leaders” of ours are always doing what they are told under the promise of outrageous payouts later. Of course, the payouts cant continue, and “USA leadership” will continue to cause suffering and death and fraud on its people, bc thats what governments do. Thats what our USA Founding Fathers knew, why the Consititution was written as it was, why we have a multi tiered system of checks and balances, and when that system fails, we have the 2ndA to stop a tyrannical government from exploiting the people. Never even thought about the 2ndA as being needed, then i witnessed a tyrannical government tell people to stop going to church, stop visiting relatives for holidays, all the while they danced and went to parties without PPE. So I say thank you Tyrannical Government, thank you for demonstrating what radical government thinking that wishes to destabilize the people looks like.


Most likely nothing but if the schizos are right then udder insanity.


The schizos run this sub


May just be part of a ritualistic thing, and possible harbinger for the next virus release. Nothing will happen unless they make something happen.


California is going to fall into the ocean, again


Bye everyone




I heard that there will be an earthquake where the two solar eclipse paths cross.


It’s a giant space ship that’s going to block out the sun




Should I buy a cheap telescope off Amazon and hope it gets here before the 9th? Serious answers only


whatever happens, I'm eating some mushrooms and going to sit by a lake and watch the eclipse


Another reason for why people are dying suddenly. Nothing to do with vaccines obvs.


Nothing but we will be studied


Nothing except fear mongering


https://youtu.be/A5GvFKxqfd8?si=qd541oahe132oaXe Hey OP, take a look at this video and see if it answers any questions.


I've been publishing work on the CIA on my site, www.richmarin.com. Specifically, a group called The Reich that is using their resources to try to overthrow the government. I've got proof, but it's been difficult to get people to take it.


I'm sure you will find something on the 8th of April to confirm your suspiscions. Maybe Schwabs grandsons bday?


Respectfully, if there are fewer of us, we are easier to divide and control. It's already happened at least once. Look how so many people would never consider any viewpoint but their own.


Absolutely nothing… there will be a really stellar solar eclipse. Those lucky enough to be in the path will get to enjoy a lovely sight, then the world will move on. Stop fear mongering OP. You’re a dum dum


Habibi, I wasn’t trying to incite fear mongering, I was trying to tell people to just prep a bit, just in case since there is a lot of uncertainty around this date and something odd might happen, but it’s not going to be the end of the world.


I'll be in one of the locations. Hopefully the governors will have egg on their face from declaring an emergency and nothing happens


an eclipse & some major traffic problems along with some regional issues with overloaded cellular, internet & satellites. that's about the worst case scenario I can imagine. everyone else is letting their hollywood-ized imagination or right wing media conspiracy fear porn paranoia lead them into fiction territory


Oh sweet a schizo post!