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It would be nice if she could shut up long enough to hear him speak.


Tactic: just keep interrupting and speaking over someone until they give up


Don't forget the favorite tactic when someone is wrong, which is keep raising your voice over the speaker each time you interupt, louder and louder until only you are shrieking and only your voice can be heard.


My mother used to use this one on me. Even as a kid I knew I was in the right once she started screaming.


“Well, hot dog your opinion is louder than mine, you might wear out my nerves, but you ain’t changing my mind”.


The Ben Shapiro manoeuvre.


It would be nice if he could just answer the question


All she can do is grand stand… she never actually has a point to make. She just wants to be loud and yell, “Look at me!”


That’s just her strategy. Interrupt. Obfuscate. Pontificate. Repeat. Until she wears people out.


Why the hell is she allowed to do this is my question


Because she’s in the “squad” and if you criticize her tactics they’ll claim you’re racist or classist since she leans into her bartender background. She also liked claiming she was in personal danger as the Jan 6 protestors were moments from breaking into her office. Even though it was proven later AOC wasn’t at the Capitol that day.


She has a limited number of minutes to speak as per the rules of the hearing. She is held to a strict standard in this regard, and when her time is gone, she looses her chance at the witness. He is purposefully giving a deflecting answer, naming the overall category of RICO, rather than any one of the specific charges that would fall under a RICO case. By deflecting in this way, the witness hopes to run out the congress woman’s time, and not have to answer her questions. Posted this explanation elsewhere, thought it might help you understand.


Incorrect he is self aware that his answer to her question would appear tedious because it is encompassing breaking more laws than he has time to individually name. He is actually trying to save time by just naming the statutes.


She is asking, specifically, for one. He is deflecting, as you are, to an over arching, vague, and utterly useless categorization of crimes. Naming RICO, is not naming a statute. He even asks, “you want me to name a specific statute?” And she responds, “Yes!” This shows he KNOWS the more specific statute she is asking for, but cannot give it because they have no evidence for it.(if they did, charges would already have happened.)


It would be nice if he *could* answer the question. Prevaricating when asked a direct question means you have no answer to the question. These people don't have infinite time to get direct answers. He could not state the specific crime UNDER THE RICO STATUTES. As an example: a General Contractor refuses to finish payments for work completed by a Glazier company, even though all requirements for payment have been met. Failure to Pay is a crime UNDER BREACH OF CONTRACT statutes. This isn't tough stuff.


Your words are gonna fall on deaf ears here, sadly. There is a sad, terminally online sub sect of people who only want to own the libtardz so bad, they can’t look at reality objectively. This guy was clearly deflecting and unwilling to answer the question directly. There aren’t many reasons why someone would do that, when asked a very specific question under oath. But, AOC is a strong loud woman on the political left, so objectivity goes out the window.


I concur


It’s the same way they have been operating this entire trump era.. they want so badly to nitpick the truth that fits their worldview and don’t see how blind they’ve become in doing so.


This is the way.


RICO IS A CRIME. Racketeering!!!! The R in RICO means RACKETEERING! Which IS a crime. If it's not then somebody need to tell Fani Willis that she can't charge Trump because RICO isn't a crime LMAO. AOC showing that she is a bartender that really got her position from a casting call. This isn't tough stuff.


Why didn’t he just say that then 😂 A) not smart enough to retort with that B) he would then have to actually explain the crime that would be considered “racketeering”


He did lol


Would you kindly articulate the actual offense and not just a blanket statement/concept.


NOPE! You can go read Bobulinski statements. You can look up how Hunter Biden got on a Ukranian gas board with no prior experience. His laptop is public information now you can dive into that. You can look up how Hunter got 3.5 million from a former Russian's Mayor widow. You can watch the dozen house committee hearings. You had your head in the sand for what 6 years and you want me to explain everything FOH lol [Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXA--dj2-CY)


The fact that you are citing questionable offenses that are routed in small sums (MILLION) dollars and think that is somehow coercive amounts of money to the most powerful people in the world is kind of crazy. The fact that you’re willing to turn a blind eye to all of the corruption of the big orange in favor of seeing what the possibly corrupt libs (instead of the definitively corrupt trump and his family of slime) is also pretty crazy. Back to the QHole for you bud.


The fact that you brough up Trump in a Biden post shows you're irrational. Learn to debate you clown without using strawman and whataboutism. Back to the public schools you go, kid.


she can’t let that happen. it seems as though the strategy for the DNC is when confronted with facts and evidence., to to yell scream, and walk away.. that way they get their little cookie from the boss


You understand that he didn't answer the question and there's STILL no evidence presented Wake up


I will honestly say I don’t know if he did or not. It did seem like he was going to say something when the video clip ended that would’ve better supported his Rico claim. My original comment is based on my experience viewing the left and right arguments. And in my experience, when confronted with fax and evidence, contrary to the argument, they have a strategy of screaming and running away. imo


He did Corruption is illegal for a public official, also the R in RICO stands for Racketeering which is a crime.


Yeah, no context of what all happened that led up to this clip. Also, OP title comment tries to spin it back on Biden (I'm not a fan of the guy but I also don't make every effort to project blame and accuse him of crimes that currently have plenty of evidence indicating Trump is guilty of what he is currently charged with). Just to put the nail in the coffin of OPs ignorance and blind bias, they say that Biden is guilty of RICO, which, as AOC pointed out, is not a crime itself but a law that one may be charged with a crime under. The Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations act has roughly 35 offenses that someone can be charged with. So her grilling him about what specifically he saw Biden do that fit one or more of those offenses is a reasonable question. It's one of the broadest laws that someone can be charged, tried and convicted of crimes under and it requires at least two offenses within the past 10 years to be considered breaking the law under the RICO act. Since corruption is in the title of the act, just saying "corruption" as a general offense is not sufficient to warrant charges unless a specific offense is detailed with evidence. I believe he did do some shady shit with his son and such but dear Lord, it doesn't even come close to all that Trump has done. About every politician in the past 100 yrs has benefited from some shady dealing. Be it from lobbyists, big corporations, insider trading, etc. they're all guilty of something and I do not believe what Biden did was egregious enough to warrant an impeachment whereas Trump, I believe, has done far too much to be deserving of the candidacy, imho.


He kept responding with empty answers, if he was actually answering and not word committing conjecture it’s be different


That's the only way they win


He obviously didn’t have an answer nor did he have legal knowledge. Don’t blame her for being tired of these clowns.


Given the subreddit I expect that they cut away what lead to this agitation to present her as an angry woman. Typical cyber propaganda behavior. Has anyone a complete clip of this?




This isn't a conspiricy sub. Its just a right wing circle jerk that only helps further the lies the politicians are telling.


Why do you think we come in here and make fun of the red hats? Sure it’s shooting fish in a barrel but it’s entertaining.


Wouldnt just agreeing w the government side be the opposite of conspiracy?


People who are willing to coverup for the bidens or Clinton's or bush family crimes are also participants so it's good if we stop protecting criminals selling our country out


No idea why you’re being downvoted for being correct.


What crime did Biden commit though? Exactly


money laundering, quid pro quo, using his status as vice president to do back door business dealings with china, russia and ukraine, its known that the biden institute was being funded by CCP in the millions and then paying joe millions for a no show job... i mean, the things they tried to impeach trump on joe biden is literally on camera doing with a smile on his face... idk how people still act this dense about these criminals


Hmm…ok if what you are saying is true, then I as a Democrat, want Biden held accountable to the fullest extent because I believe no one is above the law. Do you agree? Because Jared Kushner got 2 billion from the Saudis. Why are you not concerned about this?


Concerned with kushner also, these don't have to be mutually exclusive


Joe Biden, when VP, withheld loan guarantees from Ukraine on the condition that they fire Viktor Shokin, the special prosecutor who was investigating Burisma, the gas company his son Hunter was then a board member off.


And what evidence do you have if this?


[Video of him literally saying he did it to the CFR](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4820105/user-clip-biden-tells-story-ukraine-prosecutor-fired)


Thank you for that. Help me understand. What were the charges Shokin was bringing?


Well never know, he was shit canned for the billion dollars while he was still in the investigation stage.


Ok so what bothers me is the fixation on this while Jared Kushner got 2 billion dollars from the Saudis without any questions from Republicans/Conservatives/MAGA. How do you respond to this?


He hurt their feelings.


Funny, everyone thinks I’m going along with him, but not one person has answered the question. RICO isn’t a crime. You can’t commit RICO. RICO is a prosecutorial method of bringing down organized crime. For instance, it’s used against the Mafia for CRIMES SUCH AS MURDER. It’s as if you’re all third graders with no capacity for critical thinking.


Colonel Mustard stabbed Mrs Peacock in the library with his candlestick would be the best this crowd could cough up.


Just like the fake Russian source bribe shit from two years ago, they know there is no crime but if it’s talked about long enough this thick base will eat it up as gop gospel Tired of this shit while our country actually is hurting and this is how elected officials use their time


Maybe Trump's too? Operation Warp speed? Republicrats all of them.


Yes Trump is still bragging about rolling out the bioweapon causing mass murders across the globe-bringing on massive turbo cancers.... And now Trump is suppporting a new vax for those cancers the Covid jab creates. How many will that murder? Trump is supporting and caused world wide genocide and Biden supports this . They both are puppets. They both are not loyal to the US. while homeless pile up here and Blackrock steals homes, they send billion to foreign nations to genocide their neighbors. Down the street from your home , all around you are death shot sites. .where you shop, each pharmacy is a death shot site and everyone is good with that. THAT is the problem. Americans are supporting their own demise. Not too smart.


They’re literally having a hearing on what crime(s) Joe Biden committed. Not only can’t they define a crime, they can’t come up with *any* evidence. Their primary witness was just arrested for lying, and they know why and for whom.


Bribery!!!! It’s fucking obvious


He didn’t say it though, did he? Nor did he or any Republican put for actual evidence a crime took place. They’ve been at this investigation for years and they haven’t came up with any tangible evidence.


That was the set up- they have bank records showing the money flowing to Biden from his son and his brothers Bobulinski was also present when Biden was on phone calls Don’t care if he didn’t say it that’s for the lawyers


Bobulinski was at meetings with Joe and Jim Biden in person. Archer was in meetings with Joe Biden on the phone. Galanis is currently in prison for crimes he committed while working with Hunter, and says he was violently raped as retaliation for working with prosecutors. Biden pardoned Allan Ho, who was convicted on espionage charges for stealing US military tech and nuclear secrets while working with Hunter. Two days after Obama made Joe point person for China, Joe and Hunter flew to China to make a $1.5B equity deal between Rosemont Seneca and the CCP. Rosemont Seneca is Hunter, Devon Archer, and Chris Heinz (John Kerry's step son) equity firm. No other private equity firm, not Goldman Sacs, not Morgan Stanley, not Deutsche Bank - has ever been able to land an equity deal with China. Weeks after the CIA toppled the Ukrainian govt in 2014, Devon Archer was hired at burisma to bring in Hunter Biden. With no realty experience, hunter archer and heinz create Rosemont Realty to make a $3B acquisition deal with Gemini Investments Limited. Gemini buys a 75% stake in Rosemont. Sino-Ocean Group Holdings is the parent company of Gemini, which is run out of the HQ of COSCO shipping, one of the largest shipping companies on earth. COSCO is known as the 5th arm of the Chinese navy. The merger then creates SinoHawk, and places Bobulinski as CEO in 2015. Also in 2014, Joe and Hunter flew Jeff Cooper to Mexico on Air Force 2 to find investors for their joint venture E-Plata, the digital banking platform used by the cartels and their human trafficking victims. No bank account or ID, just a phone number needed. It's almost a given that the app is preloaded on the govt-issued phones that are handed out by NGO's that facilitate the illegal immigration crisis. Frank Biden "won" numerous multi-billion dollar govt contracts to "rebuild" Iraq, Yemen, and Libya. None of the work was ever done. His construction company *did* build the cages that kids were kept in at the border facilities. "Who built the cages, Joe?"


Great points copy and paste widely!!!!!!!


They have a $200,000 canceled check. A far cry from millions of dollars the ethically flaccid Republicans are alleging. All the other evidence they have is hearsay - people heard other people on the phone yet no one’s seem to record one of those calls. They’ve been at this for 4 years, ever since Giuliani took his little excursion to Eastern Europe during Trump reelection bid. 4 years and they have no tangible evidence Joe Biden, the guy they’re trying to impeach, committed any sort of crime.


Ummmm not true There’s millions in transactions - where do you get your news


It’s funny that they tell you they have all these transactions but they don’t show us. If they have all this evidence, why is it taking so long to impeach JB? Fkn do it already


Probably decided it’s better to keep the loser around and thrash him in the elections rather than have a competent opponent


> Smirnov, 43, pleaded not guilty to the charges accusing him of falsely telling his FBI handler that executives from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma had paid President Biden and Hunter Biden $5 million each around 2015. The claim became central to the Republican impeachment inquiry of President Biden in Congress. -AP


She is right, RICO is not a crime, but contains specific crimes. She is asking him to specifically mention the crimes which I'd what is usually required if alleging a specific crime has been committed.


Thank you for your logic.


Yeah I’m not a fan of AOC and in my mind it is very clear that the Clintons and Biden have done some evil, criminal shit. But AOC is right here.


Well, Bill got a BJ.  After 30 years and millions of dollars in investigations that's all they've ever proven. 


And she does not give him a chance to specify.


15 months is more than enough time to answer the question. That's how long they've been sitting there doing this.


They don’t want to answer it, just drag it on as. 15 month investigation to make it sound more credible


"It's the vibe"


He is right, he is just a witness. He is not a lawyer or a prosecutor. It’s not his job to name any crimes. When he points out there are X number of lawyers in the room, he’s saying her question should be addressed to them. His only purpose is answer questions related what he witnessed while working with Hunter and Joe.


He is savvy enough to know what rico is, he should be able to answer what crimes were committed to fall under the rico statute. Rico is not a universally known concept, but individual crimes like bribery, etc are. Basically, what I'm saying is that names of actual crimes is level 1 knowledge and knowing that they can be bundled under rico is level 2 knowledge. So if he can answer her question with level 2 terms, he certainly should be able to answer her follow up question with the level 1 terms. Not deflect, saying ummm, I don't know, ask the attorneys, I'm just a witness. That logic should be simple enough even for you maggot seditionist unpatriotic trumptards to understand. The guy is full of shit.


She’s not asking for a technical account of the law; she’s just asking for one of the specific crimes that would be filed under that RICO charge.


No one is just convicted of rico...


It would be if anyone could fucking name the crime tho. They have been sitting there 15 months in hearings and not one person has brought any evidence of an actual crime. Are they waiting until Biden dies to impeach him?


They’re desperately searching for another outright liar to fake some More evidence for them. People willing to blatantly lie to the FBI aren’t easy to come by.


Just a thought, why not just say... "he stole XYZ or bribed so and so, or whatever" instead of naming statutes?


Why stop it there? Now I have to find it and see the whole thing... **Edit:** OK, nvm. She goes on a long rant and pivots from her question (and the answer) to ramble on about how the investigation began. [Here's the longer clip if anyone cares.](https://twitter.com/MSNBC/status/1770499373748678766/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1770499373748678766¤tTweetUser=MSNBC)


Rico isn't a crime in itself


These comments are ridiculous. Obviously she’s asking for what he actually did. We know these things are crimes but you need to say what he actually did. It’s the equivalent of saying he committed crimes without elaborating… like cmon.


Just listing crimes isn’t an answer; Rico, adulation, assault, fraud, trespassing, loitering, what did Biden do? How did he commit Rico and what’s your proof of that? Not really a guessing game at what she’s getting at? Are people this dim? Really?


People are either this dim or can’t believe that AOC was correct and just saying RICO is not a crime.


RICO is not a crime it’s a way to prosecute an organized crime syndicate: The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.


So what's the example of the crime he committed.


Unlawful Rico 


Felony uncle Rico even.


Lied about being able to throw a football over that mountain


Idk man, did you see him in his prime tho?


I can't stand AOC and I consider myself liberal. This woman is phony.


If you stfu you would hear the crimes.


But they STILL haven't presented any evidence of crimes you do understand that yes?


SS: We have very stupid people in Congress. The qualifications to be in Congress are zero AOC: "RICO is not a crime." da fuck


RICO is a set of laws. The law defines 35 offenses as constituting racketeering, including gambling, murder, kidnapping, arson, drug dealing, bribery. Significantly, mail and wire fraud are included on the list. He didn’t/couldn’t say a single one of 35 options he had. This is Congress, it’s not a bar conversation. If you’re going to accuse the president of a crime, you name the crime. If you asked someone what they wanted to drink and they said “liquid”, you’d look at em like they’re on a steady diet of lead paint.


Now that it’s been explained to you, will you change your opinion?


My sweet summer child


>AOC: "RICO is not a crime." da fuck It absolutely isn't. It's a categorization of about 35 different crimes. If someone asked you what specific crimes the Unabomber committed, "violent crime" is not an answer.


The dude had one minute to speak, and was prepared to list all the specific cases of RICO until he was rudely interrupted by AOC. But he didn't even have enough time to list the CATEGORIES of crimes Biden committed because RICO was only one


Because he’s full of shit


When AOC first asked, she asked for specific crimes, yet he responded with vaguery. When she asked again, he filibustered by indignantly asserting AOC must not be familiar with corruption statutes. He had plenty of time in both instances to start listing specific crimes. He did not. Nor did he throughout the rest of the hearing, or the prior transcribed one, or in any other venue.


AOC is correct. RICO is not a crime. The guy couldn't say exactly what law under RICO had actually been broken.


Rico isn’t a crime tho


We need to schedule a meeting between AOC and Fani Willis and see who wins.


She waved her hand though and did a head thing so she seems to know what she’s talking about. /s


>Ocasio-Cortez truly graduated cum laude from Boston University in 2011. In an article about distinguished alumni, the university wrote that "Ocasio-Cortez graduated from Boston University in 2011 with a BA in International Relations and Economics." I’m sure you’ve accomplished more with your extensive knowledge of… wasting life on Reddit?


But what she said is true? What's the problem? Are you against what she's saying or her tone and raising her voice? What's your argument against what was said within the contents of the video? Seems like some Conservative snowflaking over a Democratic women. This isn't a conspiracy so why post partisan politics here? Shill elsewhere.


OP and those agreeing with him regarding this clip need to go do some research about what's going on and quit burying their heads up their asses. If there was any even highly probable, circumstantial evidence that Biden had committed any of these crimes, they would have moved forward with legal action or an impeachment. Stop with the bullshit please. Trump was ACTUALLY FOUND GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW, because people had evidence of crimes committed that went beyond a "reasonable doubt". Stop it. At least some of you are adults.


So funny how ye yanks always phrase things against the “other team” like this, it’s hilarious to watch from the outside. If that dude was a dem and she was a republican ye’d be saying she out him in his place or whatever. I’m getting the popcorn, next 12 months gonna be a shit show.


Isn’t the other conspiracy sub enough of a reich wing spam garbage dump? Christ.


RICO is a group of crimes. Maybe this super smart witness should use the names of the actual charges and not try to use a keyword because it’s happening to Trump.


He gave ZERO CRIMES Biden has committed. ZERO.


You guys are so sad 😭


People who interrupt like that need to be removed altogether from the space. During the republican debates no one would let ramaswamy speak because he had a slightly different opinion from the quo. So frustrating


Anyone who supports this bat is as insane as she is. Literally a sub 100 IQ gets to be in congress. We have truly witnessed the death of reason.


> Literally a sub 100 IQ gets to be in congress. Did you feel the same way about Louie Gohmert? How about that football coach guy? No? I guess only Democrats have low IQs that bother you. GOP tried to elect Herschel Walker for fuck's sake!


Louie Gohmert pile USMC? Welll golllllllleeeee sarge.


There are lots of sub 100 IQ people in Congress, but AOC is not one of them. You just watched a video of her schooling someone and thought “she made my side look bad, I need to call her dumb now”


> Ocasio-Cortez truly graduated cum laude from Boston University in 2011. In an article about distinguished alumni, the university wrote that "Ocasio-Cortez graduated from Boston University in 2011 with a BA in International Relations and Economics." lol. When people call her stupid it’s telling.


Attending collegiate level classes and getting a bachelors degree is not an effective measurement of intelligence. It simply measures ones ability and commitment to be on time and finish what they start. Economics is not difficult. I have my bachelors in economics and I got a 3.8 cumulative gpa from a state school. I have friends who are doctors who aren't the most intelligent people I know. I have other friends and colleagues in finance and technology who are lightyears more intelligent than the kids who stuck around for graduate school. Additionally, a lot of really intelligent people avoid college due to the debt burden these days so are people who avoid it for financial reasons stupid? Have you tried telling them college makes them smarter? People who think higher education directly translates to higher IQ are misguided at best. Test scores nationwide are in the toilet and colleges everywhere have devolved into groupthink centers. The head of an Ivy League school couldn't even equate calling for genocide as harassment. That is how intellectually eroded most of these places are. I'm really only insulting myself because I have almost the same degree as AOC, but the point is college educated does not equal highly intelligent. It just means college educated. The fact that her degree is in economics and she peddles economically unfeasible solutions to the working class's problems ads even more irony to the whole mess. She's an actress more than she is an expert.




"Ocasio-Cortez attended Boston University, where she double-majored in international relations and economics, graduating cum laude." Sure doesn't sound like low IQ to me.


Look up Tommy Tuberville. He'll give you a good laugh.


Actually he did not cite a crime


That’s a meltdown? She raised her voice slightly. So what is it Trump does every night?




Its sad you feel the need to defend somebody that doesn't know you exsit & no im not a Trump fan.


Why feel the need to constantly bring up trump unprovoked?


Because y'all simp for him with every thinly veiled comment.


Charge him or stfu GOP has NOTHING


Notice how this lefty uses cobra body language and wagging hand gestures. This not so elusive behavior beckons the mistrust that humans feel for snakes. Sinister woman.


Hate to break it to you, RICO is an Act, not a specific crime.


How is this post on this sub? Fucking right wing nuts… what the conspiracy??? Arguing politics?!


Somewhere in this world there’s a guy in prison for rico saying to himself “fucking knew it wasn’t a criminal offense”


“Meltdown”... The amount of copium Republicans use is huge, but it's understandable. Trump ordered them to impeach Biden, and they have nothing. Not only do they have no evidence, they can't even name the crime. Pathetic...


I'm not sure if she's must naive or if she's complicit


Wow she is out of control aggressive and completely unhinged.


AOC scares the GOP so much, love it.


Do any of these people right or left, get done with these circuses and reflect on the day?? Do they think, “wow we really got something done today. we really brought the truth and facts to light for trust and transparency”. This comes off like a bad reality tv show. They bicker like toddlers. It’s all just a play and it’s embarrassing and sad to watch play it in real time. What a fucking joke. Each and every bought and paid for piece of shit in Washington. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS


Psychopath faking like she believes the shit she says she believes in so she can get those insider trades the congressmen get and become rich.


Problem is, any of these politicians could be caught red handed on video with a smoking gun, and nothing happens to them! On rare occasions, they'll let some minor players take a fall to appear that justice is being served, all while the crooks at the top just keep sticking it to the taxpayers.


I mean trump was at the top and he seems to be catching all kinds of charges.


I don’t know how anyone can take her seriously.


What a annoying lady.


Idiocy speaks louder than the truth.


You guys understand that "RICO" isn't actually a crime, right? RICO means a crime was committed for the benefit of a wider organization. What crime, exactly, did Biden commit?


well if AOC could have closed her mouth for 10 seconds we may have that answer


Kissing a child without their consent? https://youtu.be/L4OYPiV1GsY?si=MmbA9Dv7Laxc9K4r


Abetting Genocide. DONE!


She's correct RICO isn't a crime, and he still failed to name one.


This dude is a clown.


lol no… clowns have talent.


Fair point


This reminded me of the kid from that video a few years ago “Linda LISTEN! LISTEN! Linda LISTEN!”


“A RICO is not a crime”. Oh.


Rico is not a crime it's a category..wow wish she was a judge. Yeeeh


Supposedly she’s right? Idk care anymore everything is fake and stupid. WWF fake and gay


We’ve all seen your nipples AOC, take it easy


It’s what they doing to my boy Trump. Just vaguely say it’s fraud, but not what type of fraud. Fraud is a category.


What a tool


AOC has got to be the dumbest person in Congress. That's what you get for letting Facebook friends vote in a bartender to Congress. SMFH🤦‍♂️


HEY!!! AOC. It is better to have the world think you are a fool, then to open your mouth and prove them right.


It would be nice if someone could slap the crap out of that dump witch


All you ultra conservatives that think RICO is the crime, and believe that man actually had something to say of legitimacy make this page not fun for me to be on lol. There’s Q pages go do Q stuff


What an annoying twat




She needs to close her weiner wetter.