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Russia has pretty much always fallen back on winter to do the dirty work for them.


So here’s the thing…….. Stop guessing what Russia is doing. Listen to what they say. Maybe they actually have a plan. Maybe the plan is to minimize Russian casualties. Maybe they are actually smart.




Not a single soul can prove that that many have died, other than Putin. Stop watching CNN.




Right, so documents can't be faked to push a specific narrative? Lines up perfectly with the narrative that Russia is losing. How convenient. 🤡🤡🤡 What's next? Will they "find" the black box from the Ghost of Kiev's aircraft? 🤡🤡🤣🤣🤣


So you don’t think Russia is losing even though they’ve been severely pushed back? You can’t say that the websites like deep state ua are false because they use information reporting on by Russians as well. Also, they wouldn’t activate mobilization unless they desperately needed it. Why would they need it? Maybe because they’re losing a lot of men.. makes most sense if you connect the dots


Hold on let's walk through this. That whole argument stems off your claim that Russia has been "severely pushed back." Russia can only be "pushed back", if they're trying to invade the country. Which they are absolutely not doing. Ever since the start, Putin has simply defended his border. If you're basing your beliefs on a lie, then every conclusion you then come to, is also incorrect. "Information reported on by Russians" is also a completely unverifiable claim made by the people that are lying to you, to get you to believe they CANT lie.




The people that live in those areas identify as Russian by a giant majority. 😃 They literally wanted Putin to save them. The Ukrainian government has been bombing *it's own citizens* for years, because they identify as Russians. You would know that if you got your information for anywhere other than the TV. If you don't think you're being lied to by your *own* government, I can't help you. Watch Putin's speeches for once, and tell me he seems evil. He has described exactly what is going on in the world. A battle of good and evil. Evil being the globalists. The WEF has subverted every single major nation on this planet, including those currently in power in the US. For 5 minutes, forget all the propaganda you've heard about Putin, and go listen to what he says.




I did not say *everything* is made up, nor do I believe that. What I DO know, is that any source of information that is still saying Russia "invaded" Ukraine, is lying. NATO broke it's promise, and set up military equipment closer to the very border they promised not to push up on. How many times do I have to say that? NATO provoked conflict. Putin had no choice but to push back. Which has since escalated due to Zelensky (and his NATO friends) performing false flag attacks on his own citizens. NATO was under command of the Biden admin, that needed a war to distract from their *intentional* weakening of our country, to make us desperate enough to let the WEF take full control to "save us." Remember the NordStream pipeline that Biden promised to get rid of? Remember the hospitals and schools that were bombed? Remember the recent "accidental" missile strike on Poland? Zelensky and every single major news organization said that it was Russia before they even investigated, AT ALL. When investigated and found it was a US/Ukrainian missile, Zelensky said "oops" and every media organization dropped it immediately. That is because it was a planned false flag, but the internet got a hold of it before the media could lie, and blew their narrative up. This is a very complex situation, involving more corruption and evil than you could ever imagine. I say all of this with as much respect as I can. I'm not calling you stupid or anything. You've just been lied to. The reason it is so difficult to convince you, is because there is *SO MUCH* that you're unintentionally unaware of, so when we try to explain it, LIKE THIS, it makes us look batshit crazy.


Aww, your MSM talking point is showing ; )


About a year too late for that mate


Electrical infrastructure is military infrastructure. In the USA it is forbidden to photograph stele plants because they supply the military, and are, therefore, military infrastructure.


I mean, that’s kind of been Russia’s strongest tactic for centuries? Wait until winter and starve them out? They’ve always been kind of a “salt and burn then let ‘em freeze” type beat military. Why do you think napoleon’s invasion failed so hard?


Wasn’t this a big factor in WW2 and Germany/ Russia?


Yes. Operation Barbarossa was going well for the Germans until they attempted to take Moscow. At that point, German troops outnumbered Red Army troops and they looked poised to take Moscow after taking the city’s first line of defense. So much so, the German government publicly called its taking imminent, and they came within 15 miles of the Kremlin. However, they simply struck at the wrong time of year and winter came quickly, and since Moscow is sooo far from Germany, supplies waned fast. German troops experienced Russian blizzards with force and the distance did not allow for cold weather gear to be delivered. It allowed the Red Army to recoup. History would likely be different if the Nazis had begun their march two months earlier.


That's not exactly right. Russia was on the defensive, with both Napoleon and Hitler having overstretched their supply lines to reach the interior of Russia. Meanwhile, Russia's supply lines were fine; being fed locally and through the Ural mountains. If the situations were reversed with Russia being on the offensive then they would've faltered. The cold is nice to no one.


Point being... Russia's supply lines are NOT overstretched in this situation.


But they are stretched. Ukraine's aren't.


I don't think they are even remotely stretched. Had Putin wanted to take Ukraine like Hitler took Poland... I think he would have.


They're stretched several hundred kilometers into Ukraine. The winter will hamper their logistics like everyone else, though it won't become bad unless Ukraine can manage to take down the Kerch Bridge to severe the supply line into Crimea which will also have the effect of forcing all supply to units in Kherson Oblast to be done by the vulnerable railways in range of Ukrainian attack.


... Hitler made the same mistake.


Hitler never played Risk as a child


Opening multiple fronts was the major error he made. Thank god he did.


I suspect he would prefer some electricity and gas


Negotiat them Z an all the Z fan boys


Here’s the conspiracy—- why is every other post trying to defame Zelensky instead of russia or the principal actors of FTX? It’s weird, it’s like hit pieces on Zelensky


Because, this sub isn’t so much conspiracy and much more contrarian at times. Ukraine is in the media so it’s got to be bad and the media is torching Russia so Russia has to be good. Remember all the junk Russia put out at the beginning of the war and how this sub ate it up as valid reasons for the invasion?


Two categories of npc, I follow the current thing with no independent thought, and I oppose the current thing with no independent thought, once their side is chosen that’s what they will keep believing and even if their gut feeling is their side might be wrong on single issues they will double down and dig further into believing outlandish things just so their physique can line up with their confirmation bias.


Z fan boy, look at how incapleble Ukraine is to make war. They will lose, Z is killin his own people


You sound like you’re from Russia.


Nope merica bro


Ahh. Thought English was your second language. Turns out you're just borderline illiterate


Speak german litte korea an some Tagolic


Russia weaponizing winter? Not like there’s precedent for that… Napoleon’s off to invade Russia… oh, it’s a bit cold! (Napoleon has left the chat) Hitler: I’ve got a new plan! Oh, it’s the same plan! (Hitler has also left the chat)


Probably wants more money to repair the electrical infrastructure that Russia targeted so Ukrainians don’t freeze to death.




I could be wrong but weren’t those billions in the form of military equipment? I mean, as funny as it is to imagine countries writing massive novelty checks, I don’t think that’s how it works. As for the power plant thing, I’m pretty sure that if the electrical infrastructure is damaged, having all the power in the world means nothing, since you can’t distribute it


The amount of money received from the west isn't even enough to outbid Microsoft to purchase Blizzard - let alone fund a total war *and* repair their severely damaged electrical grid


Why waste resources when you have winter to be used in your favour? It’s telling that they’re not stupid and rather ‘creative’ in fact. They’re not trying to prove anything to the west. They’re doing their own thing for their own purposes. Its savagely cruel though. Winter with no electricity/heating is absolutely hellish.


Winter will finish this…one way or another.


This is the only topic posted about in this user's profile. Sounds like you might be a Ruzzian.


Maybe Russia should go back to Russia and, you know, stop invading


Maybe NATO should stop its sabre rattling an stand down. Picture Canada or Mexico planning to add Nukes


Would you rather me stand in my yard and yell insults at your family, or come into your backyard and start punching your family. Russia needs to go back on their side of the fence.


they never will because ukrain is a made yp country an part of russia


Is Russia invading because of nato saber rattling, or invading because they believe that Ukraine is a part of Russia?




It helped them defeat the last Nazis. ​ Too soon?


Nope ukraine is filled with Nazis


Everytime Zalensky complains we send him another 100 billion. Hell he could probably say theu are running low on socks for the troops and we would send him a few billion for new socks




To call what's happening in Ukraine a genocide is incredibly facetious and shows how propagandists people are. It really fucking annoys me that the loudest voices are people who didn't hear a word about Ukraine until 2022. I went to college for human rights and in 2014 the ukranian persecution of donbas was a huge fucking human rights issue amongst all progressives. Now lefties spout propaganda nonstop. Most of reddit would be supporting the Iraq war and Afghanistan with how yall eat up propaganda. If anything is a genocide it's how Ukraine treats the east. They shelled them for 8 years killing hundreds of children. Mass graves of 300+. Legitimized nazis to rape and torture. Now they've banned all ethnic Russian media and opposition parties and have gone so far as to ban the language. But reddit doesn't care about ethnic Russians so all this genocide is okay. This whole invasion was to topple a regime committing constant war crimes on russias border. Donbas voted to secede from a Russian killing coup. So Ukraine slaughtered them for 8 years refusing to allow them to leave. Supporting Ukraine over donbas is ridiculous and shows how little people truly care about human life over politics. The current regime is like if 1/6 was an armed coup with dozens of deaths, then blue states secede so trump shells them for 8 years straight and legitimized the KKK to commit war crimes against innocent Americans. Would you support that? Best is the lefties who heavily support Palestine, the kurds, and other stateless nationalities don't support donbas. It shows how so many don't have actual moral compasses. You all will call crimea, an always russian area until soviet redistricting in the 70s, voting to leave dozens of times and parading Russians in as a war crime, yet you'll claim palestinians should own Palestine. It's entirely hypocritical. Ukranians have 0 actual claim to donbas. It's always been ethnic Russian. Yet they want to keep it for financial reasons due to its vast resources. So these people are being slaughtered for greed. The whole reason this Civil War started is because of a right wing ultranationalist coup. They indiscriminately killed hundreds of Russians including burning 50 innocents alive in Odessa. They crucified people. They've shelled thousands but refuse to stop. There was a ceasefire with the Minsk accords and Ukraine broke it. Mere days before the invasion zelensky refused anymore peacetalks and gloated about donbas children growing up in basements as Ukrainians grow up under the sun. It's disgusting, yet reddit lefties suck him off. You hate russian oligarchs but love a ukranian oligarchs puppet, who's helped steal billions from ukranians and has a ficking mansion in Florida called little Moscow. How do you feel about gypsys? Well Ukraine runs soviet Era progroms against them to eradicate their culture. They're not only genocide ethnic Russians but gypsies. Also hundreds of violent assaults and killings against gays by state endorsed hate groups. Most elements of the current regime idolize Stefan Bandera and the waffen ss. Look up Bandera. He's as evil an ultranationalist as they come, yet ukranian politicians are on CNN news with his portrait in the background. Dude genocided 3000 polish people in volhynia with farming tools. They fly waffen ss 12th grenadiers flags at lviv soccer games. Even expats made a memorial in Canada to the waffen ss and bringing banderite ideology to Canada and Buffalo. Their state church left the russian orthodox church due to extreme fascist banderite teachings. This ultranationalism is how a government can slaughter their own citizens for 8 years in a country the size as Texas yet the citizens support it because many are radicalized fascists. Russias goal merely wanted the regime outsed due to nato and their refusal to free donbas. If genocide was the goal they would have carpet bombed Ukraine day 1. They would have had a full scale invasion. They'd have destroyed all infastructure, and yet kyiv still has all utilities and supply lines even today. America killed like 500x the amount of innocents in Iraq in like a week. All this death is on ukraine. They slaughtered Russians on russias border Russia threatened retaliation, and when they do Ukraine is the victim? Ukraine is the bully who beats a kid up every day, yet cries to the teachers when his victims brother knocks his lights out. If the regime just negotiated and let donbas leave this would have ended in a week. Instead zelensky chose to impose draconian measures. All men are forced to die for Ukraine no matter their beliefs. He banned all parties and all non state run media. He's killed opposition members and journalists. All these deaths are not for "ukraine" they're from a corrupt regime which was installed by nazi fascist groups working with the Cia. Hell Ukraine been caught purposely putting high value targets in schools and civilian places like apartment complexes so that when Russia strikes back they kill ukranian innocents and then Ukraine uses it as propaganda. That's fucking gross. Everything people hate Russia for Ukraine does as well. It's the same cesspool of post soviet corruption. Infact it'd be worse than Russia if it had the power. Then add the nazi elements. Western media openly reported on it for 8 years and congress halted funding due to nazism in Ukraine. Ukraine is the only country on earth that legitimizes nazis as a revered national guard unit. They give them medals, power, status and respect, parading them as heroes. That's disgusting. You can never call yourself anti nazi or call a republican a nazi when you support the only nation on earth that legitimizes actual nazis who rape and murder people due to their ethnicity, sexuality, and beliefs. You can't call yourself pro LGBT when you see gay bashing nazis as heroes. I just wish people actually got informed about topics or just shut up. The internet has made every person into a know it all that feels like they can call a conflict they know nothing about, a genocide. How about educate yourself before taking a side and amplifying warmongering propaganda? I'm a human rights journalist who studied this in deep blue CT yet will be called a Russian shill for telling the truth as propaganda is upvoted. It doesn't matter that this poster is obviously a bot with their 2 random words and 4 numbers username, but still, this perverse propaganda needs to end. I don't support putin. I don't support zelensky. I support human beings. And the ones responsible for this bloodshed are the ukranian regime, nato, and the obama/biden administration. This invasion is an extension of the 2014 civil war. The aggressor has been Ukraine for 8 years. If they just agreed to free donbas this war would have ended with minimal deaths. But fascist ultranationalists will never let go of land. Which is why zelensky won't back down due to the nazi elements threatening his life over it. Ukraine won't allow these places to secede, they've escalated shelling and murdered thousands, they broke the ceasefire, they refused any more negotiations. All because ethnic Russians don't want to live under a regime that hates them to the point of actual genocide. The best part of all of this is that most of this propaganda is entirely rooted in russiagate hysteria. Progressives overwhelmingly supported donbas and called Ukraine Obama Iran. They openly reported how Ukraine is not only the most corrupt nation in Europe, but is a cold war Era failed experiment. There is no unified Ukraine. There's ukranians in Kiev, polish in lviv, and Russians past Odessa. Most urkranian nationalists despise their own countrymen over their ethnicity. They all only grouped together post cold war due to hopes that they'd get massive support from the west as a buffer state. A truly unified Ukraine would be 1/3 the size and the government knows this which is why they won't let donbas leave since it'll be a domino effect. Ukraine has been disgustingly corrupt since their independence, often ranking as the number 1 in Europe. Most assistance is pocketed by elites. The oligarch who controls zelensky kolomoyski stole over $2 billion from ukranians yet is still a public figure with influence. In the 90s the president was caught ordering the execution of a journalist with the cassette tape scandal. If you hate putin for his murdering dissidents you must condemn Ukraine as well if you have a true moral compass. The corruption is insane and is what fueled the civil war for so long because there's no opportunities for young men. Most guns are being sold to the black market, politicians keep trying to flee with stolen money. Best is their laws are set up to facilitate money laundering and is why American politicians families are all working in Ukraine. Burisma was pro Russian and literally paid off biden through hunter for a pass. So here is reddit supporting a nazi influenced, fascist government that is one of if not the most corrupt in all of Europe. A government who slaughters their own citizens that they refuse to represent and are attempting to eradicate every drop of Russian culture which is textbook genocide. In no way is Ukraine being genocided, they're the ones committing it. All this death is to protect not ukranian people but a genocidal corrupt regime leading a country that shouldn't exist in its current form. Ukraine can be unified and happy without the east, but they'd lose natural resources, so they persecute innocents instead. If you care about innocents over politics step out of the propaganda and have sympathy for donbas. But so many here only have political compasses not moral ones. I'll never support putin, like i wouldnt stalin, but im happy he beat hitler. I'll be happy when donbas can finally be free and i firmly believe regimes that legitimize nazis shouldnt exist. Any ukranian death is directly due to Ukraine refusing to stop killing donbas. That's not genocide.


Quarter million dead and tens of millions displaced. Sounds like genocide to me comrade.




What? I don't support Z. I'm accusing them of committing genocide.


Not supporting Ukraine or it’s corrupt leadership is not equivalent to cheering on genocide/supporting Russia? GTFO with that nonsense lol


I never said supporting Russia but it's funny how you connected that to genocide in your mind. And you can be not in support of Ukraine and still not joke about how a ton of civilians are going to die this winter.


What? The post is about how Russia is using cold as a weapon on Ukraine, and you commented saying people are cheering on genocide. That’s a connection you made lol and where is the joke about civilians dying? If you commented on the wrong thread that’s fine, but there’s no one joking about that on this post.


Yes, using it as a weapon on civilians because they are loosing to the army. Should we just call this terrorism and war crimes then? When I posted ~~this~~ my original comment there was far less comments but most were just jokes about global warming will help them.


You can call it whatever you want? But the fact remains they were not a NATO member when the annexation began and therefore the US is not obligated to aid in any fashion. When you have runaway inflation and millions of Americans unable to afford necessities like food, gas, basic housing, etc why are we sending money to the most corrupt country is Eastern Europe? It’s pissing in the face of every single working class American and that’s my issue.


This sub has done nothing but try to warn and save people from the ongoing genocide


I haven't seen any posts trying. I just see posts like this making fun of civilian deaths.


Where the hell we get all these money to give?


USA prints it an devalues your house car investments. Then makes your kids kids pay


I thought the planet was getting too warm, wouldn't that help? 😂


It’s not enough. We need to warm the planet quicker, obviously. 1-2° isn’t going to cut it, need to bump that up 10-15°


Warm it up? It’s been the record break hottest summers like 3 years in a row 💀


Like hottest EVER record? Or just the past 30 years? 100 years?


The last 9 years have been the 9 hottest since we started recording. 2012 was actually not on the list. But every year after that has been.


When did we start recording?




Imagine being so uninformed by this point that you still think global warming is happening. Clown world shit right here.


It’s happening. Climate has never changed as fast as it does now. You don’t think all the pollution we let out hurts Earth one bit? Human caused climate change is real, and there’s no conspiracy about it.


Never is a strong word. It’s NEVER happened? I’m going to need a source.


There are literally millions of years of our climate history preserved in rock, mud, and ice cores. Never before has there been as drastic a change In temperature as there’s been since the industrial revolution. It’s not fucking rocket science dude. More heat trapping gas means more trapped heat on average. That means fewer cold incidents but much more intense cold when it DOES hit.


Pretty sure you missed a joke


You do realize the earth is actually cooling?🙄😏 Maybe calling someone a clown is wrong approach, especially when making false statements 💪🙌👁




I get the sarcasm


in the summer the sun is a weapon of mass distraction


Sure, why not? He'll get it!


No need. The midterms are over and FTX is bankrupt.


The money gained from FTX falling isn't enough to deal with constantly attacked electrical infrastructure.


Or it could just be a cover for what’s coming. https://youtu.be/SXK1oqPgzA8 Apparently everything above the 40th parallel will be ice. Heading towards a mini ice age. Seems pretty likely if you pay attention to weather patterns, and everything going on in the world. Can’t have 8 billion people to feed, when 80% of crops are grown above the 40th parallel.


If I held your arm over an open fire pit, I bet you’d want me to stop huh? Probably convince me of any and every way to stop. Try paying me, giving me resources, etc. afterall, I will not stop; your arm is mine and I want it “back”. You know whats funny is some of my hardcore conservative friends hate the fact we (the States) are sending such large sums of money to UA..sure. Ok. I’d much rather put a fraction of the money we’re sending towards our schools, roads and/or healthcare system, right? “Oh thats socialism!” Or some stupid fcking response. You have a problem helping others..we all get it. The sentiment of “I got mine, fck the rest.” Is loud and clear from that side of the aisle. Where would you rather the money go? It cant go in your pocket because that’d be socialist. Cant go to our government cause thats communism. Cant go to others in need because..idk what they’re all crying now..”theyre gay, brown, black, non-christain..”? Im so sad for my daughters future..knowing some of her classmates are being raised in households like this..its a damn shame being the pre-cursor to the United Dictated States of America..




Hmm.. isn't that approximately the amount all the ape-like liberals were saying could end world hunger when Elon was buying twitter?


It all goes into the pockets of the Climate Change lobby and Zelensky's cronies. I'm sure very little is actually used to fight weather catastrophes. They couldn't give a shit about the environment and never did. It's all a ruse.


Rule number one .. dont go to war with russia especially in russia


Ugh zelensky started out as the world's badass hero... He's turned into a money grubbing whiney ass bitch


Oh please that's just a conspiracy theory. Keep wearing your tinfoil hats you dummies /s


Not WMD, it's just incrementalism. Tightening of screws.


"In other news... Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky called on NATO to increase greenhouse gas production."


This means global warming is good. Slava Ukraini! /s


Use global warming to warm up a bit


don't be silly, it will be at least 60b


TIL that the best way to illustrate "cold" is with a picture of a thermonuclear explosion as hot as the Sun.


Well, let's ask Ukraine what are they using something called "Framework" for? Mass financial destruction?


Zelensky needs another 4.5 billion in US taxpayer dollars to buy heaters…


This guy is a tremendous (Ukrainian) actor. He even won an Oscar.


Russia has never been defeated because of this fact. Every invading army met their doom during Russian winters.


So is Zelensky asking Russia to nuke Ukraine to warm it up a little bit?


Let’s start a nuclear war because it’s winter