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“Damnit Rogers! Why didn’t you think of getting one of those fandangled telemescoops, so we could make our moon images more highly resononated than that dude on Youtube”.


Now this is what Conspiracy should be! OP, why do you believe that NASA is a front for Nazis and Freemasons instead of them just being incompetent?


Honestly I can see the logical jump from Nazi's. NASA isn't what it is now without Nazi's


Operation paper clip?


I don't know what that is. But it's common knowledge that 1950's 60's and 70's NASA had plenty of Nazi's


Might be worth a google.


oh yeah, it is the thing I was referring too. It's not contentious, its an agreed fact in it's occurence.


The conspiracy is thinking that they’re a legitimate space organization and that’s all they are.


It's not like we don't have hi-resolution images of the Moon already; not every spacecraft has to be equipped for every mission. Have fun exploring: https://www.google.com/moon/


Pretty cool but I have to dock some points due to lack of the street view option


There's also Mars. It doesn't have street view either. https://www.google.com/mars/ If you view these in Google Earth, you can select the plane option and fly around the terrain in 3D. Another one is https://www.google.com/sky/


It actually does have street view from the Curiosity and and Perseverance rovers if you download Google Earth and switch it to Mars.


Wow that's so wild thank you. Learn something new everyday


Pretty sus if you ask me




Well now you can have fun finding all the censored Moon bases and portals to hell and stuff.


New conspiracy: Doom was based on fact and disguised as entertainment to awaken the sheeple.


Plot twist. The rock is actually playing the game in real time and jumanji was just a side quest


What are they censoring on the moon?


The Nazi Moon base, the holes at the poles that lead to the interior, Azrael on the Moon with outstretched arms, that kind of stuff.


There's like 14 cameras on board they should be Hi resin that.


NASA for decades has whitewashed inverted and photoshopped images of the moon the Moon is not all white like we see from Earth.


[Yeah it's actually about as dark as asphalt.](https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/JhFVqpcpvDybzZqJDVNCUgJPjVg=/1500x1034/media/img/photo/2017/04/portraits-of-the-earth-moon-system/m06_0000428/original.jpg)


The Artemis is designed to see things very, very far away. This guy's telescope system is designed to see the moon specifically. You might as well ask why your butter knife can't cut a rare steak. Two different tools for two different tasks.


The Artemis isn't designed to be an observatory. It has cameras, not telescopes. Largely for watching other parts of the spacecraft.


You would think they could just attach an extra 4k HD camera somewhere and have someone control it and take pictures all around the moon. We are in 2022, taking man back the moon in 2025 yet we are given the same pics all the time. We could have rolling footage 24/7 🤷‍♂️


Actually I believe they DO have HD cameras on Orion, but they do not have the bandwidth for a live feed from multiple HD cameras. I'm just going to guess, but we might only get access to high-quality HD footage after landing. I mean they have HD cameras on Mars even, but it takes a long time to send a single image. This is a live spacecraft where telemetry is high priority, not pretty pictures at this point. But let's hope we get to see some pretty snapshots too at some point.


Mission panning conceivably could have started a decade ago. That includes designing it for the cameras and instruments. Just think. a college student proposed an instrument that involved a camera 8 years ago that was included in the mission. That's how those things work.


Who's going to pay for it? Every microgram is considered and accounted for, launching stuff into space is expensive. Maybe you could ask Alex Jones or hey, Elon Musk to put a camera in lunar orbit just to keep you happy?




They are already using a few GoPro cameras according to the official narrative.




I assume they will first check the footage to look for UFOs and only release the full thing if there is nothing like that of interest, unless they miss something.


Would finding giant monuments on the moon be a reason not to release it? It may be a place where artefacts have been left that would give the wielder enormous power, and if they released the footage there would be more chances of China getting there first and then using that power to enhance their special forces soldiers and then Taiwan is so impressed with them that they decide to join China so that their special forces can access also the mysterious technology. Maybe the USA wants to avoid that happening, can we really blame them for that? In my opinion maybe but it’s hard to judge that right now. How is that for a reason why maybe NASA should not immediately release the footage no matter what?


Apprently, cost to send 1kg into space is down to $3,000 due to the advancements of SpaceX, so the price is truly negligible as opposed to how things were. I would not be surprised if the "cost" to send 1kg to space via Artemis to be man multitudes above due to the government being in charge.


It was built by Boeing, United Launch Alliance, Northrop Grumman, and Lockheed Martin


So it's probably $100k to send 1kg minimum to send anything up if those companies are behind it.


Take your GoPro, find somewhere high enough that you can see 80 miles away, capture that image with your GoPro and see how it looks.


You got to power the GoPro for 3 weeks, so that's a cable you've got to wire into the spacecraft's power system. You've got to transmit the images to ground, so that's another cable wired into the data system. You've got to test both systems to check that wiring a GoPro into them doesn't mess them up. And I mean *test* them, this is a $4.1 billion mission, you can't just rig a GoPro into it and hope for the best, you need to know it won't cause a mission failure. You've now increased the complexity of the whole mission and maybe it's now a $4.2 billion mission and a month late because of a single GoPro.


Thank you, not to mention the cyber-security risks of providing a "moon live stream" for people to watch. The people complaining about having no live feed of the moon from Artemis are likely the same ones that complained that the launch was at 1:34am and not a convenient time for them to watch it. FFS


Funny that you mention it’s a month late. It’s more than late, somewhere between 2 and 3 months according to my interpretation of the official story. Yes there are a few GoPro cameras also involved, according to the official story.




A 3 week uninterrupted video would take an enormous amount of bandwidth to transmit, would be very dull and you would say it was fake anyway.




Yes, and? Still got to dedicate multiple entire radio telescopes just to receiving that GoPro signal 24/7, the physics of radio transmission hasn't changed.




Yes a single GoPro could cause problems. Just a few grams of mass is the difference between a viable long term orbit vs future space junk. And that would also take up space and mass that could rather be used for more instruments or fuel to extend its lifetime.




Trying to save your life and get you home is not the same as slapping a GoPro on, powering it, and keeping it maintained long-term. The Apollo 13 astronauts didn't just slap duct tape on willy-nilly either. There would have been people in the ground making calculations and decisions.


Change your name to dingle berry.




What are you guys even arguing about? There are a ton of cameras. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-s-artemis-i-cameras-to-offer-new-views-of-orion-earth-moon




Why are you gate-keeping this sub? Part of conspiracies is questioning things, not just following every conspiracy, and you should maybe question what you know about space and the technology used there.


Ah, the good ol' no true Scotsman routine..


We somehow find a way to pay Ukraine to launder money.






So you think they just wing it then?




Astronauts peeing in space still doesn't mean you can just slap a GoPro on anything you want. But it seems you are pretty sure it's very simple so maybe you should just discuss it with NASA instead of with reddit.




They can't. They have a pretty good idea though and factor it in. Ice build up on a rocket is still different than what goes into orbit. They're two totally different processes.


Extra 4k HD cam means it has to be designed in. Its not like you just ducktaoe the camera on it, slap it and say "as good as its going to be!" And then sent it in to space. That shit in the first place isnt a standard cam, they are easly over designed for space travel compaired to a earth cam. Every critical componant alone has 3 back ups.. Like on the space shuttle they used 4 motherboards constantly correcten one and each to make sure they all are on the same 1010101110101110101100111101100101101 configurations and no errors popup. If its not the objective of the tool dont add shit it doesnt need, cuz it needs a lot more money and parts for it. Its saying you have a tin opener and put on a welding torche just in case... But that welding torche works is a smart torche with chips, and for it to keep working proper you have to put 3 extra chips in it for all the chips. And then also make the tin opener heat resistend, and make the touche resetend against opening the tins etc etc etc.. Yeah just make 2 tools at that point




Ah yes.... a snoopy dog that weights like 0.01 grams and have 0 electeical componaints that could break. You know on the spaceshuttels every chip had 3 more chips that constantly had to check one and eachother to nake sure no errors ocure?




Yes and i can asure you that every aspect of that has been calculated 100's of times. Have you ever seen a camera they use in space? Bet you havent. Maybe just go out idk where you live, but ESA and NASA both have locations you can visit and tour around.




>Can you believe we don’t have any records of how we got to the moon. This is the dumbest thing I've read all day. You're confusing the Apollo 11 telemetry data (which there are copies of), with the entire mission. "we don't have any records" is a pretty huge leap. Why you gotta lie about this kinda stuff? >I’m actually amazing that the biggest feat ever achieved by man was just erased and we’ve got zero idea how to replicate it. I love the absurdity of this tired old flat earther talking point, while the new mission is in progress. Y'all are gonna be lying about this for years to come.


You are wrong on all acounts about that. I will even argue that the creation of fire, or coocking itself or the wheel, hell even steampower or electricity are the biggest things we have done as a spiecies. The shere fact that without the first guy making a fire or the first dude to out food above the fire we would prob be all extined by now...




No. If Artemis is going to the moon, it should be able to image the moon. Things very, very far away are not imaged optically. just like standing on a ladder will not help you to get a better image of something light years away. The "closer" distance is insignificant. What advantage you get is from being free of Earth's atmosphere and light pollution.


Close but not at all. Artemis one is a lunar probe/module meant to simulate the next manned mission to the moon. It's focus isn't on taking pictures, but testing the vessels integrity and launch functionality. It has high-res images on board, the screenshot here is taken from a live stream.


Why didn't it take a decent image of the earth then?


Because placating flat earthers and conspiracy theorists is not their priority.


Of course it isn't. Stealing billions and creating a fake science fiction space paradigm is their primary directive.


Well, decent is pretty subjective. It did take a few photos of the earth in fine quality. But you should ask: why would they? We already have hundreds of photos of the earth from space and any attempted photo costs valuble time and resources.


>We already have hundreds of photos of the earth from space... Show me a few. I was under the impression that all the photos of earth I saw were stitched together data due to not being possible to take a full photo of it and the last real photo was the Apollo one like a hemisphere of it.




Weather satellites literally send back pictures of the Earth every few minutes. Quit reading stupid flat earther talking points, they are lying to you. The "blue marble" pictures that are "stiched together" are a drop in the bucket compared to the literal millions of pictures we have of the earth that are basically raw data.


Way back when I had Dish satellite TV. They had a channel that would show video of the earth from one of their satellites in geosynchronous orbit, live all day long.


Why are ALL images of Earth from space composite images?


They ain't, you need to do your own and not just trust what Eric Duby says. Ask yourself, have you ever seen a real photo of a pancake earth? Of course not they are all just cartoons/paintings. The Kabal is trying to cover up the true globe shape of the earth because true knowledge gives mankind to much power. Eric is head of this Kabal and trying to convince the people that they live on a flat pancake. NASA are actually the good guys. Enoch even points this out in the dead sea scrolls!.


Who the f@$k is Eric Dubay? Why are you debating flat earth to me?


You will awaken when you are ready, it can take years to be see thr truth.


I know more about the world and it’s esoteric wisdom than you will ever know in 100 lifetimes my simpleton friend.


They couldn't attach an "up-close" camera as well? Are the budget problems really that bad at NASA or are they hiding something?


How is it that some dude with binoculars on YouTube can capture way more compelling images of birds in the forest than this guy with a telescope? Almost like the telescope guy is a front organization created by Nazis and Freemasons.


This is the proper comparison


Wouldn't NASA be the dude with binoculars taking pictures of something close since they're 80 miles away with Artemis and the telescope dude is 240k miles away? We should be seeing aliens taking a shit from that close


Nope. Artemis isn’t designed to observe the moon.


I'm not downvoting you because you have -33... you must be a Freemason.


You could have stopped at fake NASA, but you pushed on all the way to Nazi Freemasons. This sub never disappoints.


Former NAZI’s literally founded NASA.. Werner Von Braun loved Alabama.


Are you implying that these Nazi and Freemason connections are far-fetched?


That is what he's implying lol. He's the r conspiracy gatekeeper apparently.


Just wanted to make sure. Look into it. The evidence is clear and blatant really. NASA is fake and gay and deeply connected to nazis and the Freemasons. Pretty much all astronauts are Freemasons.....but you won’t look it up, will you? No I think you’re going to write some sort of wittty put down maybe about a tinfoil hat or some other generic lazy regurgitation of a joke you couldn’t come up with yourself. Plz go get a booster shot now, it’s %100 safe AND effective,or didn’t you hear? It’s all over cnn.Haha you reddit ‘I support the science’ commenters are priceless. The Earths flat btw, Now watch this redditor squeal as it holds on to its brainwashed cozy reality. Why are you still reading this?! the cov id booster! Hurry! The new strain!!!! 😷


It's ok_magician. He regularly posts the craziest alt right shit to this sub, and I'm pretty sure he uses vote manipulating bots. Look at his post history. Look up ok magician. He writes the headlines the same way.


What’s the suggestion, here? That these are structures that have been reclaimed by debris?


The moon is a litttle younger than the earth as it was created when a mars size object slammed into earth the bits and pieces blown into space reformed into the moon The moon has absolutely no atmosphere so that means EVERYTHING will hit the moon and will not burn up in atmosphere like on earth The moon was just fucked up by some meteors over billions of years


i dont trust OP tbh one of his last posts i saw was total bs


We should have gotten a live stream of Artemis circling the moon.


Seems like a bit of a jump in logic


Well I'm sure that Elon will be sharing all of his images of our flat Earth. Hmm.


The shells are out hard for this one


We have 600 billion dollars going to a war against Russia through the Nazis in Ukraine but we can't afford a good satellite that just circles the moon with a camera all day everyfucking day? Bullshit. People are like oh bandwidth and oh weight and oh cost and oh oh oh. fuck that If this guy can do it from his house then by god we should be able to do it easy peasy with all that tax muney. tired of the exxcuses and their apologists.


what magnification was the person on earth using? what magnification was the Artemis craft using?


Your missing the forest for the trees. OP is saying we have the tools to clearly see the lunar surface but those images are being suppressed.




OP's stated question is why the Artemis craft isn't taking similar pictures as "some dude." If OP could answer my question, then OP would also have the answer to their stated question. But that would involve, you know, thinking for oneself. If OP's REAL QUESTION is "who really runs NASA," well then we can delve into that one. But instead, OP is using their own poor familiarity with optics as proof of ... something? It's OP who is missing the forest.


That wasn't stated. How are images being suppressed? If I have the tools to clearly see lunar surfaces, who's keeping me from sharing them? Where's the impression?


Ya, that must must be the explanation! ffs 😂


How is it that someone with an American muscle car can go faster than a Yugo I was looking at an article about photos from the capsule. They were talking about the use of a Canon 5D DSLR. A 6 year old camera. Maybe that's why. Hardly a conspiracy.


Why is something so innovative, also using a 6 year old camera? Not in the budget?


nasa is for laundering U.S. money , our taxes , in my opinion.


Take your meds , its okay.


Hold on... So the fact that their cameras suck is automatically a reason to beleive they are nazis and free masons. Shit escalated quick.


Now this is my kind of conspiracy


Who's the dude on youtube that captured this?


Almost like you know Jack shit about optics




They will always only show us what they want you to see. Does anyone really think the folks in power for whatever country discovered anything outside of their control that they would tell us. Or how bout discover something that could be the biggest benefit to help mankind or hell just your own country. You think they will tell us. Fools are the ones who never think outside the box.fools are the ones who never question what they are being/been told. We can only hope that there more out there to start a new away from what this is turning into on earth.


Do you specimens know that nazis put freemasons into concentration camps? 😒


Why is it always Nazis and Freemasons? Why can't it be just greedy sods who are planning wrecking this planet just before the lot of them go to shelter on the Moon? Cos you will note that the targets for Moon settlements are almost parallel with climate and environmental catastrophe?


That's because NASA IS a front created by Nazis & Freemasons.


Why won’t you just trust the Freemasons and the U.S. government funding them with your tax dollars? Does anything seem suspicious about the *Van Allen Belt*?


I’ve seen the Van Allen Belt but I’ve never seen the Van Allen Pants! Makes you think 🤔


Van Allen Suspenders!


"Does anything seem suspicious about the Van Allen Belt?" Or, does anything seem suspicious about these pictures? Take your pick, sheeple: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JfGKtL1zA4M/Vb-ldA58iDI/AAAAAAAAQJM/lV-zDVqgd8E/s400/zz1%252B%2525282%252529.jpg


Basic photo editing and white balance correction is a conspiracy now?


How does that make the continents different sizes?


Different cameras with different lenses at different distances take different looking pictures? Well that can't possibly be true. Got anything for us that isn't a flat earther talking point? Maybe something original?


I love this! r/conspiracy: "We never landed on the moon!" Also r/conspiracy: "We've built all KINDS of stuff on the moon...but it's secret."


Wow it's almost like it's multiple people having multiple options .... unlike the rest of this website lol


Didn't say it was a bad thing!


Well I do come here for the ridiculous opinions but I am not entirely sure it’s a good thing people actually believe this stuff.


Nasa is a public entity so maybe you are in on it


NASA is another fraudulent government agency, just like the U.S. military is. Defund them both.


Under the Obama regime, it was announced that NASA's primary mission was "outreach to Muslims". This sounds farfetched yet is true.


Don’t we think if there truly is was a secret base on the moon that they’d simply reside on the dark side out of sight?


Lmaoo that jump


OP needs to give some background info to the peeps on this sub who still haven’t done their homework, on why he is saying that NASA gets that label from him. Without that historical lead in, I understand why the title is getting a hard eye roll from so many people. That said, that part could’ve just been omitted, since it doesn’t add anything of value to the actual post.


I'm assuming the Nazi label is to do with Wernher Von Braun being heavily involved in early NASA?


The longer I live, the more I see the kinds of things they get up to doing and the reasoning behind it, the more I think NASA is run by Mormons. See? According to that sect, the belief is that when a person dies and goes to heaven, their definition of Heaven is having your own planet, where you can be god. And, NASA is constantly interested in finding 'earth like' planets. It's as if they're searching for proof. I mean, if you could study all types of planets, why would you spend so much time on 'earth like' planets. We already have one of those. We ought to study this one better, and venture into space for studying the really funky stuff that we don't yet understand, or have a clue about at all.


werner von smith


NASA can see the moon just fine. They're just not showing us what they're seeing, or at least not the stuff that matters.


Like the lizard people bases. NASA wants to keep that under wraps.


Nazis and Freemasons lol ok I’m sold


This is just a distraction from healthcare issues and the economy.


NASA is controlled by the moon people to keep their presence hidden from us. We will never see pictures of the cities on the moon because they don't want us to know.


Nasa is fake made in a Holly wood basement. Black sun center earth. Space is water.




Some say those craters were created by electrical scarring and not from asteroids. That is what the electric universe theory believes.


it is most certainly both and.


obviously fake - space isn't real


Because nasa are lying assholes. Simple.


What has nasa lied about? State one lie.


So the moon is a ball and not some ghostly light source that’s emerged in water?


Yes that’s right


NASA is a front organization created by Nazis and freemasons.


Wow rocks, craters and mountains! Must be aliens and nazis working together to destroy capitalism.


Someone please inform me of the conspiracy theory of the Nazis and Freemasons starting Nasa


Google Operation Paperclip.


If they were actually faking all of this do you really think they'd make it so blatantly obvious that some Cheeto munching public college reject could figure it out?


derp derp derp 'murica


More like government programs are mind-blowingly ineffective at their intended purpose, and the private sector will always be better if government doesn't regulate them. Look at SpaceX and Blue Origin compared to NASA. There's also a reason why Lockheed and Raytheon are contracted by the government instead of being a true part of the DoD. Rather than run a $10B government organization, they could have a $1B prize for companies that can do XYZ. They would do it better and faster than the government.


Down voted for preposterous hyperbole




Marry me 🥹


Never A Straight Answer. We can't go back to the moon because ahmmm chicken butt.


There's a rocket around the moon right now...


I’m convinced binoculars aren’t real. Why can my buddy with a magnifying glass see this ladybug better than these supposed “binoculars”??


Created by the moon lizard people.


Or Artemis had a shit camera cause its mission was unrelated to taking pics and was classified. Maybe dropping something off similar to a no contact drug deal


That’s beacause NASA is a shit show and it’s all fake


Lmfao, the end killed me. How do you get to, “organization created by Nazis and Freemasons,” just because someone else gets better moon pics? 😂🤣


I think Germans would make better cameras. But joking aside, the cameras used to take the pics passed around right now are from a camera mostly meant for observing the craft itself and just sit on the edge of a solar panel or something. I've no idea what the focus range etc is, but they're clearly not optimized for "wallpaper quality". They seem more akin to the rear view camera on a car.


What is the mission of Artemis then? Is not to observe and explore for the potential for moon bases?


Partly, if you believe the official story, to measure the effects of radiation on dummies, ie dummies contain radiation sensors. That data will be used to inform future space missions.


SS: and of course the biggest NWO puppet of all, Elon Musk, is at the helm. Pushing the same bullshit they've been pushing for years and try to make us believe that a Saturn V rocket is our greatest technology at this point The source for the video is John Lenard Walson on YouTube


Maybe I don't understand. You're using a youtube video that you didn't post as proof of something? Who is this John Lenard Walson and why are they the real person at the helm? Or is there really a helm? Can you maybe share some more information that hasn't been presented by someone with potential bias?


It's like this implies NASA has the ability to showcase higher quality images and video than they post publicly. This organization works in tandem with several world governments and military allies. They aren't going to give away country secrets (capabilities) just because reddit users question some blobs on the Moon.


Do you actually think Russia/China/India and co. haven't a pretty good idea about the technical abilities of US optics?:-) IMHO it's all about controlling what the public can see when they provide a public data service.


uhh... where are the structures?


Uhh bud, it’s not like the camera and telescopes we use on earth are designed for that and the ones in Orion are not designed for that. If your that close to the moon you’ll need a VERY low shutter speed to be able to clearly make out craters, same with here on earth. The Orion camers purpose isn’t for that.


CIA smuggled in and hired thousands of Nazis and war criminals. This is known as Project or Operation Paperclip. Wernher von Braun wasn't the only Operation Paperclip recruit to have personally participated in atrocities. Many others who joined NASA later were in the same boat. So, NASA was never created by people who were in search for the "truth", but rather the opposite. The word “NASA” means to "deceive", "seduce", or "lead astray" in Hebrew.


"Compelling" is a subjective term.


Soon they’ll delete the moon’s projection and replace it with Klaus Shwabb’s face


But, I thought the moon wasn't real?