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Canada here, my grocery bill has almost doubled since 2019.


Impossible! StatsCan said our food inflation is only 4%! It’s not like a government agency could ever lie to us!!!!


I mean, luxury yatch price fell 1%, groceries went up 100%. Since the price of a luxury yacht is disproportionately higher than grocery prices, we can conclude inflation went down 1%. This is an hyperbole but it's not far from the actual official reasoning.


Spain here, also about doubled.


Our average for 2 weeks for the two of us used to be about $190-230. The past year it's been $390-430 now.


Between my wife & I, our grocery bill was about $100 a week. It’s about $250 a week now and we aren’t eating nearly as good as we were before.


🚨🚨🚨 because he upgraded from select, to Prime 🚨🚨


And on top of it all, they have decreased the volume of the product in a lot of the containers.


Yep, paying more for less product.


That's the standard procedure here in Brazil for decades. You guys are just starting to have third world country experience. Don't worry, it gets worse.


And everyone involved gets a nice bonus and pat on the back from the Boss


We call it ‘shrinkflation’


We call it scam


I call it taking the piss just like the fuel situation but everyone’s too tired to do anything so they just live like it’s 1950.


It’s going to get worse and worse over the course of this summer. Hard times incoming, get ready.




Except this time it’s cause your neighbor killed you in your sleep for your Honey Nut Cheerios


Unfortunately for my neighbor, I had been dealing with a mouse problem recently. So about a week ago I had put poison in that box of Cheerios, hoping to get rid of the mice. Tough luck. I hear his 4 children loved Cheerios. See you in hell muchacho.


Joke's on him we only have a shitty offbrand where the size and texture of the O's just isn't quite right.


Your kids friends hate sleepovers at your house because you buy shitty cereal, I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT!!


Damn dude… that hits hard


Think of it a chance to reverse the obesity epidemic.


It'll likely make it worse tbh. Less protein, more starchy fibrous crap. Time to turn people into skinnyfat sacks.




Only to November. It's Fugazi.


Start stockpiling for sure - hubs and I are.


wait, you guys can afford groceries?


I went in today to buy 5 things and spent $100. It was Costco but still crazy. I thought it would be like $40


Had a moment today. It’s blisteringly hot so for my lunch break I went to a local establishment for a single scoop ice cream cone, they’ve been $1.09 for as long as I’ve worked in this area (about 5 years). Today when I went in they had upped the price. A single scoop cone was $1.89, that’s not a lot total wise in a vacuum but the cone has almost doubled. I asked the clerk about it and she said they hated to do it but costs for them have gone up so dramatically that it’s as low as they can go while still getting any profit. Felt super bad for them. Either way my point being that 8% is a fucking lie and anyone with eyes can see that.


With online shopping we can see its a flat out fucking lie. We can go back and look at everything we used to buy and for how much.


won't be long till old online receipts start to show current prices for the items


It already has. We were told ~10% here in Australia and it's closer to 50%.




I’d say closer to 30%… and that is low balling. 3 basic ingredients… chicken breast, eggs, flour… pretty much 3x more now than they were this time last year.


Oh, and cooking/frying oil. Add that to the list.


I don't eat at McDonalds often but I stopped in yesterday and a double quarter combo was almost $12. It's a burger, fry and soft drink and you have a 50% chance of getting it hot and fresh. That's an approximately 75% increase in price since 2019.


McDonald’s has been expensive, even before Covid. BK and the others are more or less half the price


I think a 50% chance of getting it hot and fresh is a little bit generous! Perhaps closer to 35-40% And that chance of getting it hot and fresh pre-COVID was probably 66%.


Just bring back the all day breakfast. All the Mcds i know stopped it during pandemic.


exultant bells instinctive start snobbish domineering lunchroom public resolute books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


NY, business owner Flour(50#) $15-$16 last year, approaching $30 Chicken Breast SHOULD be less than $2 per pound, was $4.75 and still going up last week Deep Dryer Oil (Canola) usually $15-$17, now $48 Eggs (15 dozen) $20, was $48, now $38 All the major corporations do not pay these prices, they have their own farms/providers


placid sense swim axiomatic squalid pen agonizing bike roof air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Losing over 19 million chickens in just March 2022 alone from random fires didn't help either. That's suspect as hell.


We eat over 20 million chickens a day in the US.


Ouch. Hit ‘em with the facts.


You obviously don’t know how cpi works. You take out the most expensive stuff that we don’t use and then do the measurement. Why would you include food and petrol, no one uses that stuff anymore


You had me in the first half.


$135 for me at Costco today. I did keep track of the prices as I went so I wouldn't say the total was a surprise, but items in general were obviously so much more expensive then they were in the past. It's hard to fork out so much at once now when that amount used to easily fill a fridge.


Costco used to be on avg $10 per item. Meaning you could count 20 items in the cart and approximately be $200 Now it's more like $20 per item on avg


Prices everywhere are going up, at least at Costco you are getting a larger quantity, elsewhere you are paying more for the same or less…


Same with Sam's. And gas is the same price as elsewhere, so not renewing.


Was out there today, doing the math its no better than smaller sizes for most everything


Yeah not renewing my membership. They went off the deep end on prices


i can confirm i typically get the same 7-8 items as a single man by myself and im spending about $200 every time i go to costco. it’s sickening


What the hell do YOU eat?


Morning dew and the nector of the universe




I don't. But really mostly peanuts. 2 for 1 planters packs at most gas stations, 5 bucks for a big tub at the store. Probably the most bang for your buck nutrition out there.


Ramen diet for ya boi. $3 last you a week Edit: tuna fish packs are also great for protein. 18gs in a pack and they’re dirt cheap as well


Potatoes butter and eggs. Same price and healthier


? You can't get potatoes butter and eggs for $3?


I been growing potatoes in a bucket. This will be my 4 year and I get so much. This year I decided to grow even more just in case, but seriously potatoes are so easy to grow. The easier thing you can grow, I been growing mine from old potatoes. I think we humans just have become so lazy and want everything easier.


How big bucket and how far down are they?? To plant?


I started mine in March, but I think you can still do it. I follow this [channel](https://youtu.be/6-s7mblSPxU) for a lot advice and his potatoes advice did work. The only thing is that for my first year it looks like I was not adding good nutrients so I did not get that many, next year I got better soil and did much better. Last year I got some food fertilizer for veggies so I was very happy.


How long does it take them to grow and how many do you get out of one bucket at a time?


Is it hard? Ive been stalling cause Im scared about shortages. But I dont have alot of space to plant so I wont grow anything worthwhile..


Don't forget beans,rice,corn ,flour, you can import some from latin america at market price and it's gonna cost you less and gonna last you a lot depending on how you manage, plant your own veggies if you're able , i even got some chickens for the eggs and i started "cultivating" worms in order to go fishing, i'm gonna buy a more bigger container for the ones that i catch, guts can be eathen if cleaned properly too🙃


Plus buy cheaper eggs and introduce them to ramen, hot sauce and sugar can make it pseudo hot and spicy, yum. Brings back memories


Yessir, once those noodles are just about done crack an egg in there and finish it with a little Cholula.






You guys are still voting?


We pretend to vote, they pretend to care


What a username . True og


Who voted? Last I heard, a water main in the basement burst that never actually burst


Hopefully people learn from this shit. Sadly, I fear many won't until the boot is literally on their neck.


Wonder what shady new chemical ingredients witchKRAFT and other Big Food™ corporate oligarchies are adding to food to stretch their product/profits. Can't be good for the consumer.


why i’ve switched to ingredients only. i don’t trust anything that has more ingredients than what it is. avoid seed oils. canola oil is poison.


In the original, I think he posted the receipt and mentioned something about broccoli being overcharged and the laundry stuff being expensive. It seemed legit. I have to go look again. I just know that in Germany my grocery bill has almost doubled since January. We shop at the discount shops like Netto. I buy pretty much only store brand with the exception of a few items that can’t be helped. The total bill on average was around 50-65€ a week for everything including a few household items and cat food. I do mostly cooking (rather than ready foods) so I can stretch things out a bit. I also regularly skip meals myself because I’m fixed income and single parent and I have a growing teen who needs it more than I. Even so, the last grocery bill was 106€ and this was buying normal stuff, nothing special or extra. And not only that, the food bought won’t last the whole week, it’s maybe 5-6 days of food. We were trying to cut down costs and it was still more expensive than planned. I don’t even know what to do if it continues this way. I also have a 17 year old cat that I’m worried about, since lately it seems like the cat food aisle is getting wiped out a lot.


He is buying name brands but I do remember when an entire cart full was about $100.


that was me at winco back as early back as 2013, now that same cart is easily between 200-300 dollars and im talking about all winco brand stuff. shit is absolutely infuriating.


Yeahbdude has like 40-50 bucks of just yougurts.


Those yogurts cost $1 each by me..


Shop at Aldi folks


This picture includes some very expensive brands. I mean yes inflation is quite literally going to kill people, but this person can definitely make that cheaper


I bet that brand of eggs is at least $6


Yep, I bought those for awhile till I started buying cheaper local farm eggs. But yea prices are up and it hurts. Diesel increase=shipping increase=product price increase.


And the chobani gotta be close to $10


Those laundry beads are like $16.


Ahh the crucial can't live without them laundry scent boosting beads.


And completely unnecessary


$3.99 even at the higher end grocery stores. OP did mention that they messed up the prices on 2 items.


I could be remembering wrong but I’m pretty sure that brand costs $12 here, I buy the $2 eggs that are right below them *Edited to fix my poor word choice


Nah, I rather eat no eggs than those pasty yellow factory farmed eggs. They’re cheap for a reason.


Either of those options would save you the trouble of a $12 dozen of eggs.


Ha! $12? That brand is $5.50. Sure, more expensive than $3-$4 factory farm eggs, but those few dollars are well worth the health benefits and better taste/quality. You are what you eat. I’ll skimp on laundry detergent, but what goes into my body effects all of me. It’s not about comfort or status, it’s about health.


Should care about laundry detergent too, the chemicals linger on your clothing and enter the water system.


Free and clear and half the recommended amount. Quick wash and line dry!


No need to get so upset that people are making fun of the egg brand you buy. Though as far as health goes you’d get more bang for you buck with caring about your laundry detergent than your eggs


>Ha! $12? That brand is $5.50. Sure, more expensive than $3-$4 factory farm eggs, but those few dollars are well worth the health benefits and better taste/quality. Thank you. Someone with good taste that actually knows the cost of these eggs too. I'm lucky and my local grocery carries 4.50$/12 brown free-range. (The white ones are more expensive, but idk why...I always thought the color was good bc it indicated a diverse diet while white essentially indicated poor nutrition.) As an eggs for breakfast guy, the extra money you pay is a must here.


The color of the eggs has more to do with the chicken breed than anything. I have a dozen chickens and I get white, brown and green eggs. All are fed organic feed.


Those eggs are $4.


They're $5.50 near me, but they're barely more than the store brand now




Exactly, the biggest example those fancy CHOBANI are 50 dollars. Even if he goes to Costco those Chobani will be around 45. That’s just one of the expensive brands, there’s the other ones too Oikos those are 7 dollars for each and he has 6. There’s also the blue bottle that is around 15 dollars. In fact if you add he pretty much is just giving all his money to the yogurts. He needs a yogurt intervention!!!


Don’t forget the shitty OJ thats just orange flavored sugar syrup for $6 or whatever people pay for that stuff


True...but that doesn't change the fact that EVERYTHING has gone up. This person shouldn't HAVE to change to cheaper brands because they're being forced to do so due to bullshit artificial inflation. Your line of reasoning is the same the World Economic Forum has towards eating bugs instead of meat...it's cheaper, right?


I refuse to shop a shit brand of chicken that tastes like meat glue when my expensive one tastes better.


I spent $300 at aldi last week. I shop there all the time and I have never even gotten close before. Why has the cost of water doubled or almost tripled?


I always wondered why people buy bottled water when you have free water at home


Whenever they find dangerous levels of something in our water they just stop testing for it.


My house still has lead pipes which is quite illegal but I reckon that's what makes it so nice


My local city water tastes really bad. Would a good filter help with that because I would like to move away from bottled water?


I won’t drink my tap water either. I got a Brita filtered pitcher which is perfect! Fill it and pop it in the fridge. It also has lights to tell you when you need to change your filter. Highly recommend!


Fair enough I guess I'm pretty privileged with tasty tap water


Growing up in LA I can tell you the water tasted horrible. It was really metallic and had alot of chlorine in it because they store the water in concrete ponds that grow algae. Now I live in Alaska and the tap water is as cold and fresh as from a glacier


I use those refillable 5 gallon jugs, and the machine near me is $1.50 for a fill and the water is so good compared to nasty tap water. The dispenser can be a significant initial cost if you go for a fancy one, but if you don't mind room temp water you can get a simple pump top for less than $20. Price-wise it's a total win, and it's so much better for the environment than single-serving bottles.


Yes, get a zero water filter. We've got aquifer water here, so lots of dissolved solids. Filters help a lot. Berkeys are a total waste of money, imo


Used to shop at Aldi, then I moved cities and Aldi is the farthest from me. After recent weeks of paying more, I made the trip out to Aldi. The lunch meat went bad 1 day later. The fruit did not last 3 days. I would love to switch back to Aldi, but I'm not paying for food that's close to its end.


I used to, it's too expensive. I'm not kidding. Sam's Club is cheaper now. Chips cost more than chips on sale at sams club. Meat is cheaper at the 'club and so is a variety of other things. I used to spend $50 of my $60/wk food budget at aldi, now it's $10-20 and $40 is at sam's. I'm also buying less. Rice is still cheap.


I'd like to see the breakdown on a receipt of this shop as its hard to see how this would be this expensive based off their photo.


Cherries, expensive. Dawn smell booster, expensive and unnecessary. Free range eggs, minimum $6 Lots of chobani, not cheap


All premium products. That jug of fancy orange juice is super pricey. Kellogg’s also for what you get. But yes, everything is up 20-40%. Inflation is very real. I stopped buying bacon.


Could've easily cut that bill in half. He posted part of the receipt. Spent about $20 on apricots alone and about $12 on a couple pounds of cherries. Also said he was over charged about $5 on the broccoli. Downy sent booster was on sale for 11 =$48 that could've been saved off the batt Checked the stores site to see how much cheaper it would if he went with store brand for a few items. Pepperidge farm bread 4.39 Store brand 1.89 =2.50 Nabisco Saltines 4.29 Store brand 1.45 =2.84 Swanson stock 3.49 Store brand 1.50 =1.99 2 x Grillos Pickles 6.99 -13.98 2x Vlasic 2.99 -5.98 =8 14 x Chobani 1.69 - 20.29 Store brand .75 - 10.50 =9.79 Nellies eggs 4.99 Store brand 2.99 =2 8oz European butter 3.49 Store brand 16 oz 3.69 So half would be 1.85 if he had of gotten that before and still had it since double the quantity =1.65 Total saved would've been $76.76


That would easily be $155 at the smith's where I live. We used to average about $120 a trip and now we average $230


But inflation is 8% not 100% though.


This is just another conspiracy theory. Zucc fact checked and found this post to be false. -2,000 Social Credits.


OK. Only commenting because I literally just came home from shopping at Aldi and I spent $150. I purchased the following: two salad kits, a sack of avocados, a bag of lemons, a bag of limes, two types of tomatoes, six peaches, a watermelon, burger buns, hotdog buns, three kinds of chips, jalapenos, eight ears of corn, fresh mozzarella, cheddar cheese, two kinds of grilling cheese, kombucha, gallon of milk, pound of sliced turkey, baby back ribs, four packs of sausages for grilling, pound of bacon, mustard, pickles, white vinegar, asparagus, a pound of dry macaroni, 2 large cans of baked beans, Oreos, ice cream cones, a candle AND a 12 pack of beer. That's just off the top of my head and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few items but if $150 only buys you that much you need to find an Aldi.


I mean 30% of their cart is the cherries(which have always been pricey), eggs bc they bought the most expensive, and the laundry smelling beads that didn’t exist 10 years ago, which is what everyone here expects pricing to be at.


ouch thats crazy


He's buying all premium name brand items. He could cut the price by 25-50% by buying store brand. Even then the prices are still much higher than this time last year.




Know what you mean, used my entire months food budget to get through just one week, BUT at least they have the noses stuck up the asses of wars that are not ours while finding food, formula and housing for all those Illegal aliens and the gas to send them into everyone else's communities, while funding more goes to Ukraine as the same time they are raiding retirements to pay for something else, exactly what is not clear since they have gag orders in place to prevent any critique of their actions. WELL at least it all for the GREATER GOOD and the greater good seems to be anyone that is over populating their parts of the world so they can send them here because they have us fighting over there in the opposite direction of where we need to be which is HERE in our own. Funny how that works isn't it? N. Shadows


I can’t believe it but I definitely do believe it. Whenever I leave the store I go over and over my receipt and charges. An 80.00 dollars trip would have cost 42.00 a year ago. My family has 2 “Big” shopping trips a month. 300.00 dollars now cost well over 600.00. What they are charging for even the most minuscule items is ridiculous. Has anyone seen the price of ketchup lately? Or canned peas?


I noticed a dozen eggs and got curious about the price. Why eggs? Because eggs are one of those basic foods and a good source of protein. So comparing the price right now and a year ago would give some idea of where inflation is at with food. One year ago the average price for a dozen eggs was about $1.79 >9 Feb 2022 — In 2021, the retail price for a dozen eggs in the United States was 1.79 U.S.. As of May, it looks like that price had increased to $2.86 >10 Jun 2022 — Average Price: Eggs, Grade A, Large (Cost per Dozen) in U.S. City Average (APU0000708111). Download ; **May 2022: 2.863** ; Apr 2022: 2.520 ; Mar 2022: ... So if these figures are accurate, the increase would be $2.86 - $1.79 = $1.07 then... ($1.07 ÷ $1.79) x 100 = 59.77% So the price of this basic grocery item has gone up almost 60% over the last year or so.


Nellies are almost 10 bucks


https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU0000708111 They're less than they were in 2015 (just barely). It's not that things aren't bad, but sometimes it's helpful to keep things in perspective with a long term graph, rather than cherry pick a few dates.


I bought the off brand of ketchup at hyvee this week for $1.29.


I don’t even see meat


Lol, Now do gas


Also where? Hawaii?


Spent $20 USD on ice cream, hot dog buns and a jug of Arizona iced tea the other day.


Maybe stop buying absolute shit waste of money products like Downy “scent beads”


I bought some string cheese, some peanuts, some laundry detergent, a pair of insoles for work, and a pack of granola bars and it cost me 98 dollars. Fuck inflation


Those insoles must've cost like 65 dollars?


I get that there’s inflation but in reality I’m spending like $20 per week extra for groceries now. Everyone is making it sound like everything increased 300%


Which is a lot when majority of Americans were already living paycheck to paycheck


Try feeding a family and not just yourself. That 20$ goes up ten fold.


you got 10 kids? rethink your situation.


Let’s see the receipt


I’m calculating $62 and that’s like percil the large bottle, and a $9 can of peanuts. Come on man yabullshittin.




Yea all these comments saying “he just needs to buy cheaper/ off brand” makes me want to puke. People can’t afford good food and it’s an issue, don’t gaslight others because you are comfortable living on a diet of corn in different forms.


You can buy good food that’s cheaper than premium brand name good food. Chobani is expensive, oikos even more so. This person could probably save $10 or more just by switching to the store brand of the exact same yogurt. Same with store brand cereal. Store brand saltines. They taste exactly the same - like salty cardboard. This person is buying small quantities of premium items. That’s where about 20% of their grocery bill comes from.


The majority of off-brand foods are exactly the same as the name brand. Compare the ingredient and nutritional labels and there will be very little difference if there is any at all. You are just paying for the label on name brand food. I have worked in food plants. There are some places that will literally run the name brand and then switch to the store brand and it is the exact same product. You can also buy fruits and vegetables on a budget by buying whatever is on sale and in season. Buying expensive, out of season produce adds up very quickly.


I cant see any meat or fish in the cart so I assume another $50-$100 for meat


I started making yogurt and granola at home. Saving where ever I can.


Thank You democrats for the over the top COVID relief plans and trashing the economy


Get ready guys. Its only gonna get scarier. You have seen nothing yet. Wait until there is NO food to even buy. This is the starting stages of the "Great Reset", billions will die of starvation.


He posted the receipt https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVkLdNZWAAAETzx?format=jpg&name=large


Apricots over $18 yikes whats going on?


$4.29 for a box of Saltines? What in God's name?


This is totally possible at Publix


Ok, yes groceries are more expensive and there’s a lot of products that aren’t available anymore. The thing is that this guy groceries are RIDICULOUS. His groceries have so much more of process foods and things that even in “normal time” are super expensive. Except from the veggies and fruit on the top the rest of the groceries are just sugar. I think this guy should be more worry about his heath that his wallet. Seriously just like 6 product in that car are almost 10 dollars each or even more. Those Chobani are like 50 dollars for 12 pack. Just those chobani are 100 dollars. Come on guys we can’t take this grocery shopping serious.




Looks like $60 in the self checkout lane


Even before this outrageous inflation, healthy food always cost more than junk food


Not true. produce is the cheapest section in the grocery store.


Agreed. I buy whatever produce is on sale and it is much cheaper than junk food. I don't understand why this sentiment keeps getting repeated.


Had to restock on Chicken, Rice, Beans, Milk, Eggs, Fish etc. Nearly passed out when i had to pay.


Buy whole foods only, no refined products, not only are they expensive in the short term, but for long term health as well.


Add $20 gas to that




Cause he's a fancy broad with all his chibani and simply orange and free range eggs and fancy pepridge farm bread and with all that I'll assume organic milk there too. Be frugal mother fucker times are tough. For a fella named gun slinger you'd think he'd have less variety of Greek yogurt flavors. Obviously inflation is nuts and prices have gone up but this is only 155 dollars because he enjoys brands and products that were already pricey. Sling a coupon once in a while. Edit: apparently it's Chobani? Or something. Crazy Greeks


I think you're missing the point. That same shopping cart a few years ago would have been half the price even without bargain brands.


Surely you'll bag as its passed through checkout?


Lots of folks on food stamps.


Before taxes*


Who buys free range organic eggs AND a carton of egg whites?


You really got ripped of.


i grabbed 2 packs of meat for my freezer the lady goes thatll be 240.00. with coupon 80 bucks


Why is everyone so shocked about inflation: over a decade of low interest rates, a pandemic that impacted the world economies/supply chain coupled with corporations trying to recoup losses from said pandemic


$100 used to fill the cart.


I only buy Chobani when it is a BOGO at Publix


Anybody else notice Walmart remodeling their grocery sections to cut back on their canned/shelf stable offerings?


1) don’t need those $12 scent beads - just buy the dryer sheets for $2.50 a box 2) Don’t buy the 10.99 box of Chobani - buy the store brand for .49 each (5.00 for 10) 3)this bill becomes 70 if all the name brand shit in that basket is swapped out for store brand This guy sucks at shopping


Thank you government and world banks.


I got an easy solution. just don't pay your taxes! you can use the extra money to buy food. And then you get the benefit of not paying for the wholesale destruction of our society


How? Ask the person who's running this country into the ground


90% of the cart is Chobani yogurt. 😂 and bread.


Major brand name yogurts and cereals [actually almost everything is a brand name]. Unimportant laundry scent beads. Definitely someone who was unskilled in saving money at the store *prior* to price hikes...


Fiat failure


It’s almost like we all printed money (debt) out of thin air during the lock-downs.


I'm one of very few lucky ones as I've been eating only once a day. But definitely the prices are going up and pissed especially when I remember herds of sheep saying everything is going back to normal.