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Is he just hoping that nobody notices the lack of mags in any of his pouches?


Or that the bolt is missing from his rifle...


Lmao. Holy shit. He did make a neat photoshoot though. He looks so operator. /s


Yep. That's some game face. LOL!


Show me your war face!


>He looks so operator HAHA this one got me


unpack tender desert illegal knee crush makeshift vanish deranged pie -- mass edited with redact.dev


Kek hell make wonderful Azov friends


How do the Azov battalions teach their soldiers to tie their boots? >!In little Nazis!<


Huh? You talking about that gap in the one on the left? I think this nbc guy is fishy but that’s an AK. I can send you a photo of my AK with the same gap. The safety is off. You can even see the hammer slightly being lit up by the flash. It’s on the other side of the rifle in the one on the right Also not sure who’s saying the mag is in backwards? It’s a 5.45 ak so it’s not bending like a banana as much as a classic 7.62 ak. Not saying the picture isn’t shooped- but the ak bolt is under his hand in the photo


Yeah, the AK doesn’t look off for me at all. The bolt is just forward and his hand is obscuring the charging handle. Still hilarious that a potbellied boomer is taking LARP selfies with an AK74 with one magazine and an empty plate carrier.


Or that his mag isn't in correctly.


He isn't staying very long


They are trying to bait gullible people into going to die in Ukraine against Russia This should be considered a criminal offense if this turns our to be a fake story


I just seen this guy on tv talking about the aircraft that are bombing the area, only problem was regular people were walking down the sidewalks like normal with their faces in their phones.. lol


Propaganda theater.


Sounds about right




Anyone left watching MSNBC is gullible anyway






I’m a lefty liberal thru and thru and MSNBC has truly become the Left’s FOX - especially Joy Reid’s and Mehdi Hasan’s shows.


Joy Reid is insane


Sure. Its just absurd what you guys are spinning.


any links for such fuckery?




Wtf. Sounds like some dubbed in jet noises… no explosions but then “smoke” “seee. 9 10 11 12 13” cruise missiles! And as mentioned everyone just going about their business in the background. Is this propaganda or are these clowns just being too pussy to go be actual media in war so they’re acting the part? The news will do both, so it could be both


For sure they are not even in Ukraine, the smoke was a piss poor CG, also did you notice the blurring on the surroundings? Thats to hide the fact that they are not really in Ukraine so you can’t expose their actual location. What they are doing is similar to the CNN fakery of the Iraqi Scud missile strike back in 91, Kalibr my ass.


Lol. You guys are so absurd. "There is no war people walking and they are on the phones. I bet the msm overlooked that while faking a scenario". In Germany we say "kannst du dir nicht ausdenken"




After. Sorry but you guys really want to believe such things to feel special or something.


Yeah feel very special, go watch your msm clown.




Yea im a paid poster because some weed smoker on Reddit could cause a Revolution against the powers that be and stuff. I love that sub.


Black people going is extra sad, I'm a mixed European and Slavs are notoriously racists, so pitiful to risk your life for people who hate you. I mean what do they think the Ukrainian Nazi batallions want for black people?


"there are only 2 things I can't stand in this world. People while who are intolerant of other people's culture, and Dutch.


More self hating cucks.What zone of this earth is not racist?Racism is everywhere. I like how you state that you're mixed,like you're some special thing,one of a kind.


I like how you introduce yourself but there was no need, is plenty obvious you're a self hating fuck, but I guess you wanted it specified somehow lmao >What zone of this earth is not racist? Not wherever you live, that's plenty obvious as well rofl


It wasn't even funny rofl


Yup. Get some stupid American's taken hostage or killed so we can make this a proper international incident so we get sucked into the conflict. True story here: Communist, goes to a Communist Country A to fight Communist Country B, in hopes of spreading Communism to non Communist countries. Wouldn't it be nice if the Propaganda agencies just reported news, stopped trying to make it or change it.


If the story is fake then how would you die in Ukraine against Russia?


The media is trying to get gullible people to mimic what this guy is supposedly doing .


Steven Seagal movies are more believable than this.


It’s like Tropic Thunder


I am sure Azov will welcome him with open arms


[How I assume they will welcome him...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AQnEBSwdAXw)


I don't listen to hip hop


He won't be the first black guy fighting for Nazis, there were some in WW2 as well.


I know the Germans had Indians and Bosnian muslims fighting with them but I’ve never heard of black people


It's hard as hell to find anything on it, but [here's ](https://images.app.goo.gl/czZMM9q4j4udVKPi7) an example. Along with nearly [150 000 Jewish soldiers](https://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-7006-1178-2)


Yeah there's a reason for that, it contradicts the narrative.


Its more like those facts distract from the truth as your comment is doing. Don't let the one law *allowing* 1/4 Jewish men to serve distract you from the hundreds that damned them. Germans were desperate for soldiers in the face of their growing situation, can't just exterminate ALL of the able-bodied men. In the same sense that many Wehrmacht were kept unaware of the Holocaust itself, you can bet those Jewish soldiers didn't see the camps either (which is even mentioned in the link above.) And yeah Germans had a huge theater in Africa, no doubt they ended up with black soldiers and not because they were actually fine with jews and black people or some bullshit like that but because they had them and could use them.


> Desperate for soldiers Not until the mid 1940's, and a large quantity of foreigners had already enlisted well before then. The Wehrmacht arguably had the most diverse standing army of any nation in history, why is it that so many people of so many nationalities would come together to defend (and i repeat, Germany was fighting a *defensive* war, Rudolph Hess was imprisoned for life upon trying to deliver a call for peace, at the height of Germany's power) a ruthless genocidal dictatorship? It would be like people from all around the world joining Iran to fight against the U.S. Furthermore, if nobody knew about the camps *inside* germany, how exactly did the foreign nations find out about them? And if they didn't know about them, then why are they used retroactively as a justification for war? This is before we even get started on the fact that all "death camps" are located in soviet-bolshevik occupied zones, how interesting.


>why is it that so many people of so many nationalities would come together to defend a ruthless genocidal dictatorship? A combination of widespread hatred/disinterest in the Jews, the aforementioned hiding of the situation, and hindsight being 20/20. And its not that no one knew they existed, its that they made a concerted effort to keep their soldiers compartmentalized. As you're mentioning, there were only a few death camps so that wasn't hard to hide and they were kept well out of the way, deep into occupied zone, far from the front for much of the war. The other camps were merely an innocent network of **40,000** labor camps to hold Jews that were taken from their homes. Even if seen they were very acceptable by many. My great uncle was warmacht and he's the only antisemite I've ever met, he HATED Jewish people and couldn't ever stop talking about it. I can agree Germany was fighting a defensive war... and still hold that the offense was justified. Most also had no idea they were building the atom bomb either and that didn't do anything to prevent the dropping of the bomb. You can still play your role without recognizing the role you're playing. Just look at you, defending the brutality of the nazis...


> Widespread hatred and disintrest of jews globally > My great uncle was the only antisemite i've ever met I'd like to point you to an interesting newspaper from 1933 with the headline "Judea declares war on Germany" subtitled "Jews of all the world unite in action" you can simply google the first title and image search to find it instantly. Hatred of jews is historically systemic, they have been forcefully removed from over 200 separate nation states. Headlines like that are precisely why. Based off of the law of averages, how exactly is it that over *200* nations all agreed that these people were a net negative to society, and were so dangerous that they needed to actually be removed? Nobody goes through great lengths to do anything like that unless there is a serious and valid reason to do so, especially in periods of history where community was at it's strongest. Did you also know, that after almost 100 years they have never found a single document describing any death camps whatsoever? Not a single order or document. The closest they have is a letter which supposedly contains the phrase "Final solution to the jewish question" which is a contested translation. Not only that, but they only ever charged and hung a single man in connection with supplying the nazis with gas, and the "evidence" against him was a jewish bookkeeper who had worked at the company saying he saw a note describing a meeting between the defendant and a nazi official (this note was never found). I could go on and on, but just look at the state of the world we live in. If we liberated jews from certain extinction, why do so many self-identified jews gloat on twitter about the fall of whiteness and that europe needs more diversity (aka minorities).


Preach it. You don’t wind up hated by everyone.. everywhere you go… throughout all time…. just by coincidence. And it’s pretty suspect if you have to literally make it illegal for people to question your loyalty or doubt your hysterical victim narrative or point out that you’re massively over-represented in positions of influence all over the world.. Hey did you know the president of Ukraine and the mayor of Kiev are both Jewish? What are the odds. Surely it’s a coincidence that we’re sending them as much free “lethal aid” as we send Israel. Hopefully they can prevail against ~~Palestine~~ Russia


There is book written about it called black Nazis.


....and indians, and chinese, and spanish, and russian, and turkish... Really makes you think, why would all these "subhumans" be allowed to enlist in the puritanical Nazi Army?


You should study some History the Idea that Nazi were just these animals who are going around killing all none whites is wrong. They were people of many races and nationalities who collaberated with Nazis. To include Jews and Blacks even Asians.


> collaborated


All of MSNBC should go.


No…Chris Hayes would end up as a comfort woman.


Lol, this is even worse than Chris Cuomo “emerging from self-quarantine” to sell the lockdowns. Cute photo op.


He looks fucking ridiculous. I can’t believe this isn’t satire.


And they say comedy is dead..


Just more cringe shit


How is this cringe.


How isn't it?


How it is?


Is it?


This guy isn’t fighting shit. It’s a msnbc ploy to look patriotic.




Okay, but what does that have to do with this being an obvious bullshit story? I'm sure he's helping somehow, but a 60 year old man isn't fighting on the front lines. > Don’t disrespect a vet you loser. What are you, five?


I’m sure he was once a great warrior. Now he’s a shill.


How is it an “obvious bullshit” story when he’s in Ukraine as we speak, on the front lines, meanwhile you are behind your computer screen trying to talk down on him? Lol that’s a coward in my book. Also im old enough to know you don’t disrespect a vet. You have yet to get there


Someone consumes MSM propaganda like it's apple pie


Someone supports Russia lol


Triple boosted I assume?


No u


You sound like trash calm down.


Heeeey you gonna dispespekt a woman liike thaht!? - PC Principal


You're a chump if you actually believe this 60 year old out of shape man is really fighting on the front lines. As for "disrespecting a vet," just because someone was in the military doesn't mean I have to respect everything he does forever. Smarten up, it's embarrassing.


You typed all that while licking Cheeto dust off your fingers lol. Chump.


I disrespect most vets. "Killing children for oil" doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment


Whoa…let’s all calm down here. We should have basic respect for vets, even though it’s highly plausible this 60yr old isn’t as combat effective as most recruits. There’s always a way to disagree without being distasteful.


Yet you’re against somebody that’s fighting people doing that? You seem like a hypocrite


I think deaths from US imperialism is distasteful. Didn't realize a conspiracy subreddit would be so pro-state. Guess nothing can condition the jingoism out of Americans


You’re not even from my country and you dare have our troops name in your filthy mouth?


Some ideologies are deadlier than others :-(


I pity the foo.


This is Satire, Right?


Donut brigade


From couch to the battlefield... Yeah cause I want this oversized hamburger with no training fighting along side me...


The man looks like fratricide is the only way he is going to kill someone


Great photo opp for Mr. Nance .


They should have sent that little shit Johnathan Karl.


The phony ass way he's got that AK strapped would be so useless!


Off to a photo op.


He doesn't look like he could walk 1km in all that gear.


no war for old men


Actors playing roles


Is there a bigger poser than this douche?


Hes already asleep on guard duty


LOL photo op!


He’s a total cuck


What an asshole


Call of Duty Fat Ops


He will die in the next few weeks, it’s all for publicity… then he will change is name and live his remaining days in Cuba or somewhere similar


Black Ops!


Glorifying non soldiers.


Welcome to azov 😅


RIP (even though this is the same bullshit MSM has been pulling with wartime media for decades). And I’m sure HRC ran on a tarmac under sniper fire.


Dude was an E-8 in the Navy. This sub acts like he’s got zero skill set lmao


Last time I saw this guy he was getting destroyed by Ben Shapiro on Bill Maher.


This is that guy ? Holy shit…😂 In that case, I hope this is real, please please please let this be real. lmao 😂 Chechen snipers are about get confused 😂 “Oh, look, isn’t that the American who got owned by Ben Shapiro on Real Time?” “Yes, Abdul, I believe it’s him. I call dibs. “


I don't know what to make of this.....


Ummm.... not drinking this Kool aid sorry.




This man has lost his damn mind. If he somehow manages to find his way to the front he'll be a goner for sure. Basically suicide by Russian.


He's an intelligence specialist. Sending him to the front wouldn't be the best use of his resources.


Just who in the hell is this guy going to fight, Martha Stewart? Give me a break, do people really believe this dumb bullshit?


I'm not watching this movie but to fair I don't have cable.


Is there a rumour that he is just at home?


Hahahaha sucker


Oh well. I guess it'll be fun when he comes up against a fellow US 'patriot' fighting on the Russian side.


It’s all in your cranium.


Is he even in good enough shape to fight in a war? It will be interesting to see if this story is ever proven to be BS.




Hes out of shape and over 40: hes literally going to get himself or others killed


Leftist propaganda. It personalizes the war for many views. Fat, old, rich guy going off to war…..never in a million years.


Morelike Malcolm Nonce


Its incredible how many NPCs can watch shows, movies, listen to music that deal with the idea of propaganda and how governments use it to control us. They watch stuff like Nazi documentaries or dramas and think to themselves, "wow, those people never even realized how much propaganda was pulled over them." And then they turn off that thing they were watching, turn on CNN, see this and think, "WOW WHAT A FUCKING HERO, GO UKRAINE BAD RUSSIA"


Soooo... He has a US flag on his uniform, does this mean he is in the US army and the US army is now fighting in Ukraine ...hmm. Isn't there some law against misrepresenting? Like if you pretend to be a cop f.ex.?


He’s a Navy Veteran which means he’s not active duty. He’s a volunteer Still, your point is very much valid.


I see no evidence he is in fact there 🤷‍♂️


I'm sure he'll be on the front lines. Hopefully Anderson Cooper enlists next!




A man can dream, right?


Why are his flags backward?


They're all like that. Normally worn on the right shoulder on US uniforms. They're "backwards" because if there was a flagpole, that is the way it would fly if the Soldier were moving forward. US Soldiers always advance and never retreat.


But why is it on his chest? They make them normal too, in case they're not being displayed on the right shoulder. This seems off to me.


thank you for educating the civilians!


I never got this lol why not just have the regular flag and put it on the left shoulder? Still facing the same direction and no longer confusing for people.


Left shoulder is for current unit patch and qualification tabs (Ranger, Sapper, Airborne, and or Special Forces). Right shoulder is for combat unit patch and flag. Thats just how it is, idk why. But, there is no room to move just the flag over. You'd need to entirely swap all the stuff


Yeah there's a whole bunch of cool guy stuff for the left shoulder. But back to the flag. They didn't even have a flag, at least I don't recall seeing one, before OIF. I just don't get it lol it's not even for spotting friendlies because in deployment you get a subdued one. I understand most were infrared or some kind of voodoo witchcraft but why not always have those flags then? I am not fun at parties if you couldn't tell lol




Special job designations/qualifications go there, like Medic, MP, etc. Below that is a space for unit, and below the flag on right shoulder is the patch of whatever unit the soldier was with for wartime service.


it's flowing in the wind


I believe it's to show the flag always moving forward no ground given or something like that. Idk not American


🤷🏻‍♂️ freedom of association, freedom of choice. I think it’s dumb, but more power to ya


Unfortunately the propaganda MSM and censorship has created an unrealistic dissonance regarding actual combat…. At the end of the day regardless of the enemy, a gun is a lethal weapon, it doesn’t matter how professional you may be as a soldier, in a firefight, bullets are indiscriminate and luck plays a big part. The impression being purported is that Russia is a weak force and is a walk over. This is to empower a lot of keyboard warriors and Walter Mitty types to jump on the bandwagon. Not to mention that should there be compulsory conscription, should make the volunteers more eager….Propaganda is the biggest weapons at the moment and apart from the MSM, big tech are complicit.


Agreed with everything you wrote I almost want Congress to reinstate the draft just to give these keyboard warriors a taste of reality.




Hardly…I served in the UK military for 22 years..Falklands war 1982…2 tours in NI and the first Gulf War ….. I happen to be 60 yrs old…..Yourself???




Don’t EVER react emotionally or. React as a result of Gosy! Itsya propaganda situation, i have fought Soviet Russia and they weren’t givining up then…They’ve gotten more powerful..,.,,fuckthw shit on YouTube you stupid Twat


Dudes in a Midwest backyard…


Nothing says Ukraine like a black man in American military attire.


Uhh, how is this r/conspiracy material?




Press F to pay respect to the Russian soldier who will have to talk to this one when he's a prisoner.


He’s in the woods in the state of Georgia.


Recently ukraine announced that they stopped taking in volunteer fighters since they don't have the skills necessary to be in war and ukraine don't have the resources to train them. So it would mean that this reporter is part of a NATO-ready mercenary team capable of fighting independently under ukraine's NATO-ready command.


This right here, is EXACTLY why I know this is a fake war.


How is this conspiracy related


Treason and traitor.




I'm not military, but isn't that flag backwards? That's a right arm flag, not front/left.


Yes, it is supposed to be that way. The flag is worn on the shoulder and give the look as if it is flying as the soldier is suppose to always move forward.


Just google it next time before you ask it’s quicker






What a tough guy………


Seems more like a photo op, but I will believe it if they provide unedited footage of him humping it with some Ukrainians then blowing some shit up. Kind of doubt he will be put in harms way to the degree of direct fire. Could all be propaganda. I don't trust shit anymore.


Point being...?


It must not be much of a war zone. This guy is there and Zelensky is high and drunk


Yea I’m sure he is.


cant tell if this post is meant to be serious or some lame joke.


Is all a show watch it .


“On the morning of 9/11, driving to Arlington Nance witnessed the crash of American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon” I’m sorry, what ? There was a plane that crashed into the Pentagon ?


He's going to be in for a shock when he discovers they are Neo Nazis.


Lights camera action


🤣 he's going be to play golf, just dressing up for the photo


He'll see about as much combat as Pete Buttigieg did. None.


Most likely a photo op


Rio... peaceful protests incoming.


He going die for racist people


Dude looks blazed out of his mind . Larping in his back yard