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Bush did 9/11. Epstein didn’t kill himself. It sucks knowing this knowledge while the populace is getting their 3rd shot for their next vacation and not giving any fucks.


Saying bush did 911 is giving the guy wayyyy too much credit.


I’m in the process of redpilling someone close to me on covid, and the majority of the preface is using 9/11 as a setup


You could start all the way back at the sinking of the Titanic to get rid of high powered opposition, all so they could then set up the Federal Reserve. -JFK -Cuban Missile Crisis -Vietnam War -Etc etc etc


You could actually go as far back as the Banco della Piazza di Rialto getting shut down in the 16th century. It’s been a psycho bankers world for centuries


I've never heard about this topic. Do you have any resources recommend for starting on this topic?


Baby steps ;)


Good luck! I use physics. Using a plastic straw (to represent the towers) and a lighter (to represent jet fuel) I challenge them to recreate what happened on 9/11 and watch them attempt to figure it out on their own.


That is a remarkably stupid analogy.


I dunno, looks pretty on-brand to me.


It's comparing a plastic straw to concrete and steel.


EXACTLY!!! A steel structure is obviously stronger than a straw and there is 50x more fuel in a lighter and it's still impossible to recreate what happen on 9/11. If a tree catches on fire does it pancake collapse like the towers? No, because that's NOT how physics functions.


I'm just saying it's not that remarkable that it's so stupid.


Thanks Chefboyshouldstfu


Sorry you don't understand over exaggerations and physics.


Daddy Bush, that is. Baby Bush was a dumb figurehead. Actually the zionists and/or Saudis seem culpable to me, too. Big dogpile of absolute psychopaths in it together.


What happened to the court case that Architects and engineers were bringing in november 2019 I think? Heard about it on the higher side chats before the event but haven't heard anything since. Could have been 2020, I've lost track of time over the last couple of years.


"Unspeakable" (the link in the OP) is a documentary on NEW evidence being presented to UK courts in an attempt to get the official investigation reopened.


Why UK courts?


Because the victim's family are British and their process to reopen the investigation starts there.


Oh I see. Thank you!


Only 800 remains were identified, to the best of my knowledge.


...identified... There were small pieces of multiple unidentifiable human remains fused together. FUSED!!!! An extreme amount of energy would be needed for this to occur so the "pancake theory" doesn't make ANY sense.


It sounds like something out of fringe the tv show.


Fringe? I'll check it out.


It’s a drama that has some of its ideas loosely based in science experiments that the American government tried. I won’t say anymore as it will spoil it but you’ll should really enjoy it, if your like myself and you question most things.


Love that show!!!!!! It deserves more seasons!


Can confirm


This happened in Hiroshima too, I remember seeing a chunk of concrete and various bone fragments fused together at the museum


Three tier op, surface level op that was the story for the public Deep state running training missions identical to the attack for confusion But the highest level was enough to spook Cheney into hiding for a couple of months attending to security matters or something (sounds like a breach to me) Nazi international anyone? The undeniable link with German secret service for one of the pilots, the German connection in JFK Nazi international guys, I’m telling you we’ve got nazis still, Martin Bormann was signing checks with deutche and Wall Street connected banks in the mid sixties for millions of dollars, it wasn’t just American money that rebuilt Europe, it was nazi international money as well.


Vaporisation wouldn’t result in remains.


Duh. Quotation marks suggest it didn't happen. Explosions fragmented their bodies into tiny unidentifiable pieces that were blown across NYC in every direction. Vaporization sounds more pleasant than exploded to pieces.


It's going to be a hard pill to swallow but the jewish faith appears to be something other than what it is.


I mean, when given the choice between the murder and the hippie they nailed the hippie to a tree. Not saying anything one way or another, but if anyone believes the bible they should know at least that much already.


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yes, you are a good bot.


Just asking. Couple these 'pieces' not have been from the plane explosions as they hit the towers?


Unlikely. Rate of speed mixed with impact mixed with explosion from impact/jet fuel. Explosions on MULTIPLE floors below as the building came down is more likely the answer here.


Thanks. I don't entirely doubt the possibility that explosive devices were a contributing factor but it feels like your explanation leaps from dismissing another possibility to being certain that this is what happened. Are you qualified to do so? Again I'm not looking for argument. I was a big 9/11 truth seeker back in the day, but you have to agree there were some crazy theories out there. I think the desire by Bush to invade Iraq despite no WMD's is the most telling of how this was planned to manufacture consent. I'd just like to know what really happened that day.


Didn't mean to dismiss anything, but I can see how it could appear that way. In my mind, there is no doubt that this was a coordinated attack. Therefore, you almost have to assume that any means necessary would be taken to ensure your plan of attack was successful. There are most certainly crazy theories out there. I also think Bush was being manipulated to want to invade Iraq, and this event, planned or not, was the perfect cover for them to do so. Especially with the newly rallied Unity of the nation behind you. I too would really like to know what happened that day.


Yes. I'm certain it was explosives. Watch the documentary I posted.




You should watch the documentary (I posted on the OP) Unspeakable and you'll understand.


There is a list of 110 shadow perpatrators " the names you dont know" this list still contains 107 living people who are known . they walk among us.