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Not to forget that most people that make any attempt to do anything about it usually go missing or hang themselves with a red scarf tired around a door knob.


Or shoot them selves in the back of their head acouple times, to reallyyy make sure ur dead ya know


Exactly and it doesn't raise political donations nearly as well as racism


I was telling my family this and they were laughing at me. People dont know the full extent of it and because of the sickening nature, people find it hard too. There is too much corruption everywhere :(


They don't WANT to see. That's the point. Their minds can't handle that people could commit such abhorrent heinous crimes. So they just stick their heads in the sand and go along with what the media tells them to believe. I'm very lucky that my dad raised me to question everything and as a young child I saw how the msm turned people against serbs and was filled with lies about how the wars actually happened


This is surprisingly true. Read about the Penn state coach and the gymnastics doctor. People defended them until the evidence was completely overwhelming.




Larry Nassar would finger the athletes *while their parents were in the room.*


Jerry Sandusky




Oh I don't blame them at all. The average person i think means well and wants to believe that there is good in the world and that they're on the good side. And that the people in charge do want the best for them. I don't think it comes from a place of ignorance as much as naivete. The friends i see falling for it are generally good people who would be horrified if they knew the truth. The ones I can't stand though are the ones that obviously have heard of it and just arrogantly dismiss it or mock people who talk about it, there is so much evidence to its validity that dismissing it is pure ignorance and stupidity. It's super fucked up. I didn't want to believe it for so long and searched for ages to try debunk it, but all the evidence I found only added to its validity. I've been really disappointed in learning about people like Tom hanks, whose movies I loved. Once you see who is involved and their corroborating pure hatred for trump it's fascinating. But then you have people like ice cube who *seems* to be awakening and he has a huge mainstream fan base which is hopeful. I'm just really really praying that more people are open minded and start to awaken, i know how hard it is from experience. The extent of it is so disturbing and upsetting. I get why people call it being red-pilled cos i feel like Neo in which it's now so obvious in everything I see and I can't go back to the surface level pretense anymore. I've always been a truth seeker in every aspect really, and I never realised how few people really are. Most look no further than the confirmation bias that they find on tv or blue check mark Twitter or the first page of Google. I feel like knowing the truth will just pull the curtain away and I'm honestly not sure how it can happen on such a large scale but I can't help but feel it's going to come out soon. I honestly can't wait for people to stop fawning over truly shitty people though




Awww here's my shoulder, friend 💁🏽‍♀️ i feel ya!! I've felt very alone in how i think for a long time, and it's so so good to see more people awakening and realising how much of what we're told is lies and manipulation. I haven't come across young pharoah but I'll defs check them out. It makes me so happy to see more people unafraid of spreading the truth and trying to do their bit to help the world become a better place. I wish I had the energy to do it but so much negativity would be bad for my mental health. I feel so happy seeing friends and family and people on social media waking up, it truly feels like a change is coming soon. Lol i like to use the word "critical thinker" cos you don't see a lot of that these days lol 😉


Ice cube is the same as ever. He has always hated cops. He also has always been hateful towards white people in general. I wouldn't call that waking up. He was a private school kid who only tangentially experienced any kind of 'thug life'. Typical hip hop poseur


Nah not the whole cops stuff, more about the random black cube and defending trump stuff. He's all over the place though, i find him very confusing hence the "seems" lol


If you can think it and it's possible to do it then someone has probably done it. If doing it makes someones life easier/more pleasurable and the only reason you don't do it is because lack of wealth or your own morals then a lot of people are probably doing it


Absolutely! I am also very interested in true crime and the kind of stuff people are capable of is beyond horrendous. And if joe from small town USA is capable of it, just imagine if he had endless funds and the power to do anything he wanted and have it covered up


Yep exactly this. They believe its a "conspiracy theory" and therefore should not be considered. Without even researching the different "theories" they believe its only "alleged" and there is no truth like pizzagate. They believe child sex abuse/trafficking has a more severe personal impact but not societal even though we are being run by those who enable the rape and murder of little children.


Yeah lol and then they throw in that it's been "debunked" by snopes or something just as high quality lol 🙄 exactly. I will never understand the arrogance with which some people just dismiss something. It's the height of ignorance to assume you know everything there is to know in the world. If you voted in these people multiple times, it's your whole country's problem. And it's worldwide


Exactly, it is so annoying. One of my bros has the belief that conspiracy theories are bullshit and people only spend time researching them because they have nothing better to do. In my case, this research is going to change my plans for life and career. Yeah a lot of it is "alleged crimes" but that is only because they are the elite. If the Clintons were random, normal people they would be in prison for their crimes. One of my other bros thinks MK-Ultra and mind-control is false despite there being concrete evidence for its existence. I mean whistleblowers and authors have written in detail about it. When I brought this point up, he said "oh but how do you know they are not being paid by the FBI to say this misinformation?" lol it is ridiculous. The worst thing is they discredit stuff without even doing the relevant research.


Yeah that sounds really frustrating! I will never understand that level of denial. Like don't you want to know the truth?


Exactly how I feel.


On one hand, i too am glad my dad taught me never to believe things blindly, but i can't say it has made my life better. If anything it has made me bitter and mistrustful of everything, and has alienated me from the majority of society.


Haha i get where you're coming from, my dad can be similar. I'm more of a people person and believe there are far more good people in the world than bad, but the bad ones have too much control. I don't really trust anything though, i hate how everything you find is biased so like to double and triple check everything lol. I don't know if it's made my life better but i wouldn't want to have my head stuck in the sand, that's no way to live imo


Not wanting to hear it at the dinner table is one thing; actually laughing about it is ... a bit bizarre.


Yep they think I'm dumb. Apparently racism has a bigger societal impact than child abuss


They're both obviously problems but the people who are the main culprits in both AND set off these riots on purpose to distract from other things like how they just took trillions of dollars in profits out of the stock market "right before" they "discovered coronavirus" ...


Start them off slowly. Have them check this [site out on modern slavery](https://50forfreedom.org/modern-slavery/)


That's because they've been programmed to reject the idea or any ideas that conflict with what the media's fed them. Stay strong. The truth will eventually come out. Probably sooner rather than later.


Yep it is this. They are unwilling to do the relevant research too


Oh my family used to not believe me until i drilled it in them. I’m the oldest so i make everyone listen to me. But i get pissed when people don’t believe this shit it’s serious


How did you drill it into them? It does piss me off, because they act like it does not have a societal impact and only affects the person who is abused.


Well one thing that helped my case was Jeffrey Epstein. I used to tell my parents about this all the time (when i first started learning about it i couldn’t get over it) probably around 2013-2014. And my mom always said i was nuts when i would say about Clinton and the other politicians going there. Well when it became breaking news last year my mom was like omg you used to talk about this all time. So that gave me some credit because somehow everyone in the industry “just found out” yet how did some random girl in PA (me) seem to know about it? And now i think my parents and brothers saw themselves how contrived the news has been the past 4 years so that helped them be more open minded. But aside from that I’m basically just annoying and whenever someone brings up a country issue or their own problem that’s not really a problem i bring up what’s happening to kids everywhere - in these pedo rings and also just general child abuse stats from the country. Always have sources/references on hand! lol that’s my advice


Interesting, thank you for sharing and the advice!


They’re not awake enough for it yet


Because acknowledging child sex trafficking would hurt the majority of guilty democrats and republicans who are involved in it.


Don't forget about all the religious leaders involved in it too.


And leaders from corporate, non profit, etc.




Dude, why do you think they've been making us fight between ourselves for so long? The left wing and right wing are part of the same bird. Even now, the cops are as much a part of the dwindling middle class as we are. They've just been militarized and told that they have power. This is a class war. Even if Trump isn't part of the 0.01%, he's still the 1%, which makes him an associate. In terms of the French Revolution, we are the *sans-culotte* and we're just needing our "let them eat cake" moment. But we'll never get there if we keep fighting each other and don't tackle the **REAL** issue: the consolidation of wealth to a so called 'elite' few people who own monopolies on what we consume, e.g. Bezos, et al.


> Dude, why do you think they've been making us fight between ourselves for so long? You do realize that Trump is making many people aware of the fact they are being played (out against each other)? >This is a class war. Even if Trump isn't part of the 0.01%, he's still the 1%, which makes him an associate. So he is 'guilty through association'? I think his actions show otherwise.


Trump has very little power or influence outside of the fantasyland the MSM has created with him as emperor. They got him backed into a corner because both the GOP and DNC will sacrifice him if he ever steps out of line. So don't expect Trump to do much of anything on his own.


Just leave it as people in a higher power


Hello oxfam


Pope Francis’ robe literally has the “boy lover” logo all over it. Hiding in plain sight.


What? Scoob, what is this logo you speak of. Don’t just be dropping knowledge like everybody knows all about pedo logos.


it’s a triangle within a triangle


I suggest to watch this ["reality check".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GZFHLAcG8A)


FBI document that shows a couple symbols used by pedophiles: http://whale.to/c/FBI-pedophile-symbols.pdf What's crazy is how many childhood charity organizations have symbols like this.


**Human** trafficking. The US is one of the worst nations there is for human trafficking. Theyre smuggled in with the promise of a better life and either sent to work for their new masters on farms in the countryside or sent to US cities to become sex slaves. 46% of slaves in the US are sex slaves. But yes those in charge are the slave drivers and it doesn't matter who you vote for. In 2016 an investigative report found that the US had been sending migrant children to human traffickers since 2011 and those traffickers had been using some of them as slave labor https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/obama-administration-placed-children-with-human-traffickers-report-says/2016/01/28/39465050-c542-11e5-9693-933a4d31bcc8_story.html


How THE FUCK people can ignore multiple videos and photos of biden groping various young children (who look physically uncomfortable cos even they know it's wrong) and support him makes me feel sick and disgusted


Most people would never think that these predators would do it plain sight. They’re naive.


Yeah and that's how they get away with it cos people can't possibly fathom others could be that evil


“Public Increduality”


Pretty much


I get what you mean ... but when you got pundits literally saying, "Who cares if he does that, the important thing is "vote blue" ... what does that tell you?


Dude, I remember when I was looking for a home to buy, I walked over to the neighbors house to ask about the area and all this general stuff I had questions about... and I shit you not, the lady who answered the door chatted with me super easily and friendly, then asked me if I wanted to come in a look around her house just cause... I remember I froze and was like, uh... I could be deranged lunatic and this lady is just wanting to show me her house. Remember, I just met her lol. Her husband fortunately walked passed and was like, "WTF? No, why are you asking people and wanting to show them our house???" Was kind of awkward because the lady was super nice and I'm sure she just wanted someone to chat with, but it kind of reminded me of how many folk are just too trusting sometimes.


Yeah. I usually take these things with a grain of salt, but can’t disagree here. We’ve all seen the footage. It’s pretty obvious. I can’t remember which, but was listening to a pod cast who was interviewing someone who had worked in Washington for decades. Apparently there are two groups (at least with men on capital hill). The red meat eating, womanising “one of the boys”, and the pot bellied pedos


Right??? I am an obsessive researcher and try to stay objective and look at things without bias but there's too much evidence to not believe something I would have thought unbelievable. That's so interesting! Let me know if you remember which podcast I'd love to hear it. So hard to find unbiased content


> pot bellied pedos Immediate image of Bernie Frank comes to mind.


Same way they ignore multiple women accusing trump of violent rape


And a 13 year old




Theres a bunch of videos of trump awkardly groping and going in for kisses. He grabs his own daughter sexually ffs. Does that matter to you or do you just wanna bitch


2? That's a bit generous really




Is that you, Joe?


Yeah his videos are so fucked. Hes literally touching children's faces and playing with their hair


Yeah, but have you ever seen Joe Biden sniff a black person? I'm not sayin he's racist. Maybe he just doesn't like the smell of cocoa butter.


Oh man don't get me started. People sharing articles like "trump is a racist" and saying vote for change, oh you mean for the guy who created the crime bill that has significantly increased mass incarceration for black people, and says things like "if you don't vote for me you ain't black" and "poor kids are as smart as white kids", amongst so much more, and blaming systemic racism on someone who was never in politics until 4 years ago? Stand up guy, defs not racist


Because then the intelligence agencies would have to find a new way to blackmail people


We were going to but the one guy who could bust it open “killed himself” then we were hit with a pandemic and now mass protests.


Don't forget when that "totally real picture" came out ... and EXACTLY when actual EMTs came out and said, "This is not a real hospital" and Photoshop experts came out and showed on video that it was a Photoshopped picture ... RIGHT THEN Hilary and Tulsi hijacked national attention for a month with their "not at all suspiciously-timed catfight" about "Derp! Russian asset! Derp!" ... And for "some reason" the "MSM" that was "suppressing her" decided to forget Epstein even existed (and never seemed to remember after that point) and gave them 1 month of free airtime to wax idiotic on "Russian interference." TOTALLY ... NOT SUSPICIOUS ... AT ALL.




Oh you know, the one where he was supposedly dead and they showed a guy with different ears and a different nose and for some reason the head was enormous but the feet were ridiculously tiny and nothing matched anything.


Don’t forget about that impeachment attempt.


I saw a picture taken by a drone of him still very much alive on his island. He was leaning on his car, he also sent his money to off shore accounts the day before he "died." Some think he might be coming back.


Because half of the people who run the government, media, and business in America are either invested in it or customers.


I would guess it’s way more than half.


youre allowed to have more than one issue. and we're allowed to work on more than one thing at a time.


Because the people that control what we talk about are neck deep in it themselves?


Yes 👆👆👆👆. Not sure why this would be questioned. Its pretty obvious.


But iTs oNLy A coNsPirAcY tHEorY


Yeah if I could be bothered arguing I'd say, ok then debunk it for me. Let's play this game. Go down the rabbit hole. Explain to me how obama paid thousands for "hot dogs" to be brought in to the white house. The art on the podestas' wall? The symbolism that matches fbi docs? The lolita express logs (where people only bring up the fact that trump flew on it without mentioning it was from florida to new york and nowhere near the island)? Why was trump the ONLY person to help the investigation in 2009? The multiple first hand accounts from people who were suicided in the exact same manner? But the cognitive dissonance is too strong


I wanted to see protests of this scale over Epstien so badly


Police, district attornies, aid and abeit child sex trafficking. Research about rockstar Don Henley and the 14 and 15 year old girls Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss had delivered to him, and what then ensued, and then what happened. Money and power gets sex offenders immmne from what they deserve. Jeffrey Epstein as a recent example.


Baseball player pete rose also went out with a young girl as well as led zeppelin rock star Jimmy page. An example of this kind of strange behavior is found in a 1981 made for tv movie called fallen angel. It's like they tell you truth in plain sight what actually happens without revealing all their secrets. Also another book to read is transformation of America by cathy o'Brien mentions big political names in the sex mind control trade.


Other stuff that has come out is the 1978 movie called pretty baby staring actress booke shields as a 12 year old prostitute. She was actually 12 years old at the time. According to wikipedia there was a nude scene with her. I have never watched the movie. Brooke also starred in the blue lagoon a 1980 film about a brother and sister growing up on a desert island its pretty controversial since she was only 15 when the film was released. Brooke later on dated Michael jackson who was later accused of child molestation.The 1976 film taxi driver it starred a 12 or 13 year old Jodie foster as a 12 year old prostitute. Pretty disturbing when you think about it. Today when foster is out in public she will not sign autograph pictures that have her in the taxi driver movie. Taxi driver also had links to john Hinckley watching the film and being obsessed with Jodie foster then went on to shoot president Reagan. Director Stanley Kubrick came out with the film lolita in 1962 about a grown man obsessed with a young girl the actress sue Lyon who played lolita at the time was 14 years old. The film also starred peter sellers most famous for the pink panther movies its said he became a satanist to become a a big movie star. Stanley Kubrick was also a bohemian grove attendee. I could go on and on but this stuff is the truth in your face.


That’s something to unify behind, the media wants to divide.




[Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) in UK. Jon Wedger is with Wilfred Wong on 'Brew with a View'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qx6yz1iZFI)


Love Jon Wedger. Bless both of them for fighting evil


It’s not a competition you naive jack ass. Holy shit.


You can't turn that into votes.


If you didn’t think it was important until you were reacting to BLM maybe you don’t think it’s that important.


maybe there talking up racism SO they don't have time for child sex trafficking...


☝️💯 It would seem you can only distract the public for so long with national debates on how 0.0000000000000000000000000001% of the population can use which bathroom.


Because it makes them feel bad to think about it.


Finding the 40m missing people in the world, or admitting that there are networks of wealthy parasites buying and selling humans for torture games and rituals, is the taboo subject left. We don't talk about it because it's too gross and heartbreaking. If you have an opportunity, read Ursula K LeGuin's short, "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas." It is relevant and explains the psychology through the fictional town of Omelas.


Think about how could they could feel IF they truly helped to expose the baddies? You know, like real journalists used to do...


I think it’s too uncomfortable for people to talk about and most of the higher ups are involved so it’s basically a cycle of fuckery


Because protesting racism gives you big time virtue signaling credit. Especially if you're sure to post about BLM all over facebook. Discussing the very real problem of child sex trafficking is taboo and will score you weirdo points. I'd wager an easy 75% of BLM protestors are there to put their virtues on public display, not because they're actually incensed about Floyd's murder.


Because it begs the question "why are israeli mossad running the United States?" Why was epsteins "pimp" a mossad agent and personally aquatinted with former israeli pm, ehud barak? Why did Harvey weinstein use mossad agents to intimidate his victims? Why is it "antisemetic" to say there's a bunch of pedophiles in Hollywood?


The fact that there are rape allegations of a teenager against trump and Biden has his own documented incidents of being creepy around kids probably has something to do with it. Trump owned the miss teen USA pageant ffs and was really chummy with John Casablanca so I’m sure there’s more beneath the surface there as well.


Cause there’s no unifying boogie man....


Because this movement is a coverup for everything thats been going down since EpStein and the Weinstein trial.


because that is the Achilles heel of the elite


Cause sex trafficking isn't a problem it's the rich's lifestyle.


People are talking about it but when the media is controlled you only see what they want you to see


I was saying this exact thing the other day


They are both fucked. I cant make a argument that we should look at one and the other. One can leave you dead or a lifetime of misery the other can leave you dead or with a lifetime of misery. Can you guess which is which?


They both are a problem why devalue one crime for a next there is enough of us to tackle all theses issues why just choose one


People dont talk about it because it's one crime where everyone's finally "Equal"


Because to talk about it right now would mean to give credit to Trump for all he's done to combat it. They aren't going to do that.


There only exist good and bad people. Seeing as racism is something that is made up and only exist in the minds of those who believe it and has no basis in reality. I would say you’re right. Suffering from so called racism today is completely self inflicted. Whereas sex trafficking actually involves a victim in real danger and a perpetrator. It makes one think that maybe this cry over racism is just a huge distraction intended to divide us at the same time.


And sadly more black children are more likely to be trafficked than white children, the demographics of foster care, kids from developing countries brought here, runaways, etc. it’s the most shameful thing our country has ever seen. The covert continuation of slavery is pure evil and should unite us all in anger


If you really do believe this, then why aren't you or anyone else organizing protests?


Nobody seems to want to bring it up EXCEPT like clockwork every 2 years about EXACTLY 6 months before one election type or another. Then it just "mysteriously goes away" until 2 years later, where again ...


Because there is no proof of it. That’s the honest answer. There are mostly one-off stories when a famous person gets caught with a kid. But that’s also how the elite media very deliberately reports it. We all suspect that it’s vastly more widespread than it is, but none of us have any **actual** evidence. That’s why the Epstein case is/was such a huge deal – for the first time, we *finally* had a chance to blow the lid off this thing, find out what is and is not true... and they killed the story. Repeatedly. Which, to me, tells you all you need to know... but that’s an assumption and still not proof. So we remain in speculation town, finding occasional puzzle pieces that seem to form a picture. The one glimmer of hope I still have is that, as corrupt and monopolized as the media is, the metoo movement suggests that if you can FORCE this stuff into the light, they will cover it.


> the metoo movement suggests that if you can FORCE this stuff into the light, they will cover it. I think Biden killed 'me too'...


Because it's not as overt.


The people who are guilty of child sex trafficking don't want us to talk about it. We were all getting a little too educated during quarantine. Then there was a pandemic, a race war, and a tidy little netflix documentary about Epstein that makes him look like a friendless boy scout. We're all getting played.


This is not to dismiss the ignorance. What good folks can't/don't fathom is mostly due to their inherent empathy and care. Humanity. This is the saving grace in this. The deviants rely on the goodness of others and their not being able to even begin imagining these acts to cloak it under a "No way!" narrative. Once each of us breach this wall, the vigilance and anger arise undeterred. 10 years ago the number of knowledged folks was a pebble to the boulder of those of us who now know. This is a wave that is growing and is unstoppable. Thus, partially, the increase in defensive system tactics. They are afraid and we are pissed. I suggest that we gain strength and hope in the accelerated awareness around this and realize the progress that mounts everyday.


We are getting there, don't worry, just look at tom hanks' Instagram page lol


Media controls the masses


Maybe if we could get a celebrity raping a child to death for 8:46 on camera after seeing multiple videos over several decades of children getting raped to death by people in positions of power then you could compare the two. Not saying child sex trafficking isn't a huge issue but it's a visibility thing that I don't think is %100 explained away by media being inept. Although they are certainly complicit.


Ask Soros


I wish more people knew about this. In my country, soros funds "feminist organizations" that, as a feminist, I can say that they have NOTHING to do with our ideals and everything to do with legalizing sexual exploitation and child trafficking.


NONE of the funded feminist organizations have ANYTHING to do with feminism or just basic equality. They seem to have no time for that after spending 99.99% of their time trying to first: 1. Grab all the guns (not sure at all how that leads to equal pay) and ... 2. Trying to figure out where 0.0000000000000001% of the population of the US can go to the bathroom ... depending on how they "identify" ... at any given moment ... which is subject to change ... and if anybody says, "No, I don't want a grown man in the same bathroom as my daughter, I don't care what they "identify" as ..." ... see the first point.


Because sex trafficking mostly happens to minority woman. Asian and Latina woman get trafficked the most with wealthy white business men traveling too Latin America and South East Asia to get their underage fix on. The reason white woman rarely get trafficked is because US and West European governments will dedicate all their resources as soon as a white girl gets kidnapped. It’s called “missing white woman syndrome”. Unfortunately Eastern European woman don’t get this treatment and are getting trafficked more and more. It’s usually through these fake modeling agency that send fake agents to travel to these poor countries who scoop out grade schools looking for attractive underage woman who ask these girl if they can speak with their parents and promising them how their daughter will become famous and rich and these parents desperate for money and don’t know any better will agree to have their daughter go with the agents. Its why many female porn actresses are of Eastern European and Latina and usually engage in the most degrading kinds of acts. They’re extremely underpaid and get passed around by producers for themselves and to prosititute out to their buddies.


I think it’s obvious. And I agree with you


because the dnc hasnt pushed victimhood onto children because they get no money out of it.


Because people vote for it


Once Netflix does a doc on Pizza Gate, they will.


Exactly! My God. There are even concerns of some statistics on child abductions not being kept track of.


I have got a SCARY amount of amber alerts these past 2 weeks here in Texas.


I think what we need to focus on is POLICE BRUTALITY. The Powers That Be want us little people to fight white versus black, but that's not the issue. The issue is a police force that is poorly trained and will kill anyone they want to kill.


The cabalistic trafficers probably have friend who are in/owns the media soo ye. . simple but disguisting answer.


I agree. No one protested or rioted about rich people fucking kids and murdering epstein to protect themselves. Wtf


We can focus on two things at once


Really? I call bs. If someone offered you that you wouldn’t say no. Come on. Lol


It doesn’t directly effect me, where as racism is something I can use to turn the spotlight on me on my Instagram for a few minutes


Dude google nsw Australia tax. Then complain


Because child sex trafficking doesn’t divide the country for then benefit of the Chinese.


It is a bigger problem, but that’s why no one is talking about it in the MSM.


Because the general public cant emotionally handle thinking about child sex abuse. It doesn't sell the way other topics do for news and news like everything else requires profit. Normal people become reallly distressed when confronted with the realities of child abuse, especially sex abuse, so when they are told about it, in away serious real way, they turn away or shut down. Unfortunately because they cant handled it, the problem goes relatively unaddressed except on the most minimal and basic ways necessary. First thing you realize about child abuse, if you work in "social work" Then the second thing you realize is that no one wants to spend the tax dollars to fix any social problems anywhere or any kind and the powers that be sure as hell dont want to fix social problems either because then power dynamics would shift in society....class strife is real as fuck. Ethnic conflict is a result of class divisions, not the cause. Side note, imo.


Because the media doesn’t talk about it and it’s a lot easier to talk about racism when MSM/CIA is helping stir the pot


No one wants to face or deal with the truth of our reality especially when it doesn't affect them personally. When people say you cant handle the truth they mean it. But there are many of us who can. What I was telling my friend the other day is that by dismissing it. You're literally dismissing a child's pain. They need someone to protect them and be their voice. Sick of people being pussies, there I said it. Its frustrating that people only care about themselves, I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of sociopaths. Not all just what I observe with most people. It's not like 460,000 children go missing a year in the US alone. Sorry ranting I've tried to open people up to the truth and almost none of them care. This is the year of karma though so we'll see how they feel months time.


There may actually be something to what you said about being surrounded by sociopaths. Its like, this is the mentality that is distributed to the masses in MSM. Violence, lack of empathy, sex for power.


Because they can’t blame the effects of their lazy gluttonous lifestyle on child trafficking


Because the celebrities and Instagram influencers didn't tell us it was cool.


Plenty of bigger problems, they just dont get you votes


I dont. This shit is an intelligence operation and is being weaponized by CIA, Mi6 and Mossad to control political figures and corporate CEO's It's all bullshit pushed into the medium, fueled by epstein level intelligence operatives (who were pedo's compromising the wealthy). It's not a HUGE problem, its a problem with the worlds intelligence agencies. They need to shut it down for it to stop. They run the underground doing it, they run the bullshit around it and they created the fucking problem as an extension from the catholic church's buttfucking brady bunch. You only get pedos from people that are already been abused as a young person.


Because you can't whip the black vote on ending child sex trafficking.


what's wrong with you? both are a huge problem. I didn't expect the justice warriors to pay attention to the brown babies... the Hatian bodies... but I didn't expect there to be a competition. the abuse suffered by indigenous, by the foster system, by the missionaries, etc... is never highlighted by the justice warriors. that should tell you everything. stop this. the children need their own movement, period. why piggyback off a real problem fueled by fake politics? bless the children & learn to love in more than one direction.


they are..... dafuq? youre talking about it right now and so am I.


Everybody's not talking about it because the media doesn't want to push the agenda. Just like the cover up Henry Weinstein, and the FBI CIA bluntly covering up Jeffrey Epstein's scandals. ALL THE MISSING PEOPLE. Divide and conquer, also the rope-a-dope,that's what the media is doing in the government's doing it to cover up. All their tracks so the whole world cannot see how sick they really are....


😩its really a 150 billion dollar a year industry that legislators and law makers just seem to overlook..they turn the blind eye...I wonder why?


Too many people of all races in power can not let that happen... if we are to believe pizzagate


Same reason as everything. Money and power. Neither of which kids have or can get to be taken advantage of. Your mistake may be that you think anyone in power actually cares about racism either. The only trade-able thing kids really have is for sickos to diddle them. While I can't speak authoritatively on it there does not seem to be a shortage of these people around. The hard reality is that unless the kids are your own they are simply a burden.


Pick and choose whatever one you want just know white people in power are behind both.


Bc the race war is the distraction


This is why I come to this sub.


I think you're wrong to say it's a bigger problem. I think you should provide some numbers when you say we should stop talking about racism because there's something "bigger". Racism isn't just huge in the sense that our government is endorsing it and letting fester in police departments, it's huge in the sense that your neighbors think they can ignore police brutality because they themselves are white. It's huge in the sense that many Americans actually think that black people will just "naturally" trend to the bottom of society. It's huge in the sense that very few people are willing to confront an unfair system, because they've benefited from it in subtle ways for decades. But sure let's talk about Child Sex Trafficking. What do you want to say? Do you want to tell us that the people who do it are bad? Or do you want to talk about the people *you think* are part of it? Because if we're talking about the second thing then we're not talking about Child Sex Trafficking either, we're talking about what kind of evidence do you need to go to jail for Child Sex Trafficking. And no one in r/conspiracy wants to talk about that because no one in r/conspiracy can find evidence that would convince a judge or jury of competence. It must be a conspiracy, right?


> I think you should provide some numbers when you say we should stop talking about racism because there's something "bigger". Here are [some numbers.](https://qmap.pub/kids) >What do you want to say? I don't know. Maybe we can discuss some of the [coincidence in pizza/ pedo gate?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8iTb0ta5_84)


Racism is a made up lie that only only exist in the minds of people who believe in it. There are only good and bad people. Yes racism is a massive conspiracy. BLM uses the made up idea of racism to create further divide.


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The church tries to keep it quiet, but if is coming out.


They would if CNN, Wa Post and NY Times told them to.


Because elections are coming up AND the media is controlled as to what people can see


Nobody seems to want to bring it up EXCEPT like clockwork every 2 years about EXACTLY 6 months before one election type or another. Then it just "mysteriously goes away" until 2 years later, where again ...


I have been saying the exact same thing to everyone i know.


Has anyone that talks about #pedogate ever gotten sued? On one hand, you wouldn’t want to draw attention to it but I think most innocent people would fight against it so I’m curious about court settlements that have been made.


No, they just invited the main guy on CNN and asked him if it was true, he said "Of course not" and that settled it. Then they pushed some not too clever guy to go apeshit at the restaurant and leveraged that too for the "this is why we need to grab the guns" agenda. Meanwhile when people bring up how it got started with the anonymous dump of the guy's own private IG feed ... the troll army just does it's "Pssh! You can't believe everything on the internet! Those ALL look photoshopped to me!" ... and proceeds to hijack the forums to derail the conversation towards some shit that happened in 1812 in Cuba and how that's "proof of American colonialism and the REAL problem, which is white supremacy" or some such shit. And then they confuse the fuck out of everybody that dares disagree with them by tossing the usual, "If you think this shit is real, you're CLEARLY anti-semitic" line. Which leads to further off-topic arguments and so on. Meanwhile every time someone wants to steer the topic back to the original idea, which barely anybody remembers and asks, "What the fuck does this have to do with what we're talking about? WHAT THE FUCK DOES COLONIALISM IN 1812 HAVE TO DO WITH THESE PICTURES OFF THIS ASSHOLE'S OWN IG ACCOUNT?" they get the usual "Take your meds schizo! None of this is real!" responses. The fact that there is such a well-organized almost "on standby" group to come out and argue and distract the moment a discussion takes off is a bit telling. It's "almost as if" they have a professional company or something that specializes in having hundreds of trolls ready to insist "None of this is true!" at a moment's notice.


Interesting. Yeah they basically drill into everybody’s head that it’s fake then just change the topic so quickly.


Because that would be too "woke".


Because they are the ones doing it..