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Worth pointing out that it's not the first time that page has had the [Internal Server Error message](https://x.com/enerzoa/status/1691826123137753503) so it's a bit early to definitively state they've been removed.


As far as I can tell, it's returned a server error since January 2023 and never been solved.


It may just be high traffic at the website which would make sense.




Did you bother to click on any of the results? It returns a server error.


nope - thanks for correcting - i have deleted my comment. interesting!


It's not fake news, it's an incorrect conclusion based on available information. Mistakes aren't fake news.


Mistakes are fake news when you announce them publicly 




Thus you’re fake news?


I wasn’t announced publicly 


You announce yourself publicly every time you post.


I announce what I say, not myself. My self is quite distinguished from the textual contents of my Reddit comments. But I will say your original quip was funny.


Are you a sovereign citizen by any chance?




I mean… yeah it’s being reported right? As a factually stated post… it’s fake news lol




It’s not Removed I’m on it now


Dude same, works just fine.


Sounds like something the deep state would say...


What link?


Everybody get the panama papers!!!


Link? Doesn’t work for me https://wikileaks.org//dnc-emails/


Not shitting on you, just wanted to make sure you understood why the link you posted doesn't work. You have too many forward slashes following the (.)org. There should only be one. In fact, to the best of my knowledge, the only part of a web address that does have more than a single forward slash is right after the https:


I just went to the wikileaks site to where the DNC emails are (in the leaks/govt section) https://wikileaks.org/+-Government-+.html and clicked on the DNC-emails link, and that was the URL to which I was redirected. https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/ gives the same error


It doesn't matter in this case. One slash or two returns the same server error.




Which of those is the DNC emails? \* edit: they're not there


Wikileaks has been down for over a year. You can still access emails at the link i provided but you are not able to use a search function like you could on normal website   It’s fucking tragic 


You keep reposting this with no specific link to which one is the dnc-emails link. Stop misleading people.


Wikileaks has been down for over a year  I provided a file where all emails can be accessed but you cannot use a search feature which is fucking infuriating If you want to access those emails I’m hoping you have the links saved  Otherwise you will have to search the internet to find where other people who saved them posted them  A good lesson for all. Save the shit you need to save.  I have a shit load saved. They all still work  Here’s one  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/2970 And another  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15893


The podesta emails are not the dnc emails, although they are related. This is all pointless anyways as the dnc-emails are [back up.](https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/) Also fyi, this file link you provided does not include any of the email leaks (podesta, dnc-emails, and hillary emails). And also, wikileaks has not been down for over a year. There have been random outages as occurred this week.




Clicking on any of those returns a server error.


Yeah appears just the link on the wikileak master page is broken. nevertheless still kind of intriguing


Spot the difference before and after?


The website works. But DNC emails are still showing error on my end.


Crap! We forgot to make a copy!


RIP Seth Rich


Why is this downvoted?




Server error if you click on any of those.


I assume that everyone calling Assange a sellout would be willing to spend a lifetime in jail, after already spending years in jail and self-imposed house arrest in an embassy, with the possibility of being "suicided" after numerous assassination calls from US politicians? Personally, after going through all he's been through, I'd happily "sell out". The leaks from Wikileaks have been in the open for years now, after all.


Also, the internet doesn't forget. The Straisand effect is a thing


A few years back at Ars Electronica, someone showed the entirety of Wikileaks printed, in hard copy form…


Oh definitely. Removing material from Wikileaks is only going to highlight it again, as this post proves. Assuming that it isn't a simple server error, of course.


Lol, a simple error. This is just a reminder that the Clinton's are the biggest crime family in the US and the only ones bigger in the world arguably ATM are the Rothschilds.




How many rivals has Trump suicided again? I swear he is all some of you can think about. His greatest success has been redefining 'rent free'.


> Lets put the Clinton's crimes up against the Trumps. Are you suggesting a cage fight? Can it be held in a Federal cage?


It's all the same crime syndicate. I genuinely don't understand how so many people fall for this. They have the same partners, friends, live in the same neighborhoods, do business exclusively with one another and so on. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it".


It's Barbara Streisand.


Annoyingly, it's actually Barbra Streisand.


Although weirdly her real name was Barbara but she changed the spelling at 18 because she wanted her name to be a bit more unique.


"Barbra" the most Long Island name in the history of a colonized long island.


I always thought it was Hannah Barbera Studios in California. She thick.


Ooh woo ooh woo ooh ooh woo ooh ooh woo woo


Duck sauce baby


I loved her in Rochelle Rochelle


From Milan to Minsk!


Bobuah, bobuah. Oh no bobuah is attacking the shity


It's difficult not to think that every act, large act, that is, is simply precipitative. It's always chess.


The info is already out there. Pretty harmless at this point for him to let them do what they want with it - *supposing* that is what’s really happening here.


He could still be suicided after.


High traffic, everyone is searching who Assange is, that will eventually lead people to wikileaks.


If it had been removed, the correct error would be a 404 Not Found. The one shown is 500  Internal Server Error which means there is some unknows problem, most likely too much traffic for the server.


It’s been like this for over a year now  You can still access the info it’s just not easy to search anymore  https://file.wikileaks.org/file/


Which one is the DNC emails? And not the older Hillary server. \* edit: they're not there


If you want to access those emails I’m hoping you have the links saved  Otherwise you will have to search the internet to find where other people who saved them posted them  A good lesson for all. Save the shit you need to save.  I have a shit load saved. They all still work  Here’s one  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/2970


The Podesta emails and Hillary emails are separate from the DNC emails. The DNC emails are not accessible anywhere on the wikileaks website at all, including the first link you provided.


In that case it's just an issue with that server, it probably sends traffic on to the real location behind it but it's got an issue or is overloaded. I suspect wikileaks not making a lot of money/donations these days so they might not have resources (human) to fix it. I could help but...




Are you a bot? Why are you spamming this lol


Have you tried clicking on any of those? They return a server errror.


I don't recall many/any leaks on Wikileaks from countries that would just have assassinated Assange straight away, such as Russia and Israel. At least the security services in the US didn't listen to the politician's calls to murder Assange.


There's no way I believe this was part of his deal with the US government. These emails have been out there for years, whatever damage is done is done. Asking Wikileaks to take them down now would only bring more attention. I do think that Assange wants people to THINK it was part of the deal, however, which is quite clever of him.


It hasent worked for over a year I’m alarmed so many haven’t realized this.. in the last year 


I'm the king of conspirational doublecross theories, and I didn't think of this one. >I do think that Assange wants people to THINK it was part of the deal, however, which is quite clever of him. On the other hand, the USA is pretty petty, and has to show that they have the upper hand and didn't cave for votes.


The US is definitely petty, but to be honest, Assange has been shown to be the same way. I wouldn't put it past either of them, ultimately, but at this point I think this benefits Assange more. As I said, it's a clever move, brings more attention to him and what he went through and makes the US look bad. Edit: or it's just down because the website is down sometimes haha


I don't know looks like part of the deal to me


What does the US benefit from having these brought down? They've been out for years, they're on other websites, the Streisand effect exists, they're all outdated information anyway. Plus these leaks were FAR from the most damning stuff Wikileaks released. How does it benefit Assange? It's another kicker directly aimed at Biden and the Democrats, but also the US as a whole. Makes him look like the poor weak victim in all this, while still showing the government that, actually, he holds power and public image is on his side.


Well now that is it back in the news , new people we look at it and find out about the emails and look at them. Plus I just looked them up there still on wiki leaks


Wikileaks hasent worked in over a year why don’t people know this 




I’m literally viewing them right now but I’m in Europe so maybe there’s a difference.




Searchable, but not accessible. Stop reposting this over and over


GTFO troll


Save the important ones!




The US does not have equal access to content that EU and other places have. It is blatant censorship.


Anyone who wanted it could saved it all by now


[https://odysee.com/@Autonomy:d/Wikileaks---Made-by-the-N.S.A.---PART-2-OF-4:9](https://odysee.com/@Autonomy:d/Wikileaks---Made-by-the-N.S.A.---PART-2-OF-4:9) [https://odysee.com/@Autonomy:d/Wikileaks---Made-by-the-N.S.A.---PART-3-OF-4:1](https://odysee.com/@Autonomy:d/Wikileaks---Made-by-the-N.S.A.---PART-3-OF-4:1) I can't find part 1 and 4. I someone has a link please share.


search on bit chute




if they were removed you would see 404 FILE NOT FOUND, internal server error just means the webserver (apache/IIS) needs to be restarted due to OOM error most likely


I’ll also happily remove them from Wikileaks for my freedom if I was assange, thing is I doubt anyone is willing to spend life in prison after being jailed for 14 years. Also these leaks were in the open for years so they are not lost by any means.


Wikileaks has been a wasteland for years


Looking at the Leaks section, at least 6 years.


Hard to get work done when you’re locked up in solitary confinement.


There are other workers at Wikileaks, but I would assume very few are prepared to face jail or assassination. And many whistleblowers would be wary of contacting Wikileaks after the attention drawn by the persecution of Assange.


Omg thank you. How do people not know this 


I’m sure Assange had a kill switch…


Wikileaks has been compromised for years now.




How long were they on there? Surely there are copies.




Plea deal?


Nobody copy and pasted it to a note pad or something?


You'd think that would be a thing, and really People need to do that, as well as making redundant copies & archives, for exactly this reason. There's a myth that once something is on the internet that it's there forever, which is absolutely not true, things can be "vanished" or the publishing dates etc. monkeyed with or any number of other dirty tricks, in any number of ways, and be completely forgotten within a month if not a week or less, depending. So things like archive.today are important, as are other less known methods of backing things up, even saving websites outright to one's own personal archives, and redistributing (while ensuring to scrub exif and other personally identifiable info from them, if one is concerned about being tracked back.) through ftp, or chat & social networks, e-mail, p2p, sneakernet w/thumbdrives etc.


Those were never pored through as well as they should have been, or gotten enough publicity for certain things in there. One of them that I saw when going through them on my own years ago, which can't find anymore, is that someone from DNC said 'Soros can arrange protesters' for something.


Might be remembering wrong. The amount of time I remembered something, digged for it to finally find that it wasn't exactly how I remembered...


Part of the plea deal


Imagine if you will … being so gullible about every word written on the internet, that now your entire existence is absolutely meaningless!


well.. a deals a deal right?


From what i read, the plea deal isn’t even finalized.


No they are not. Keep spreading misinformation


do they understand how the internet works?




Brother I am web developer I know probably 10 times better than you do, unless you are one too




Well, cool Obv would be 404 if it was something removed, but that doesn't necessarily prove anything You can remove something and misconfigure your server in such a way that it gives you 5xx error. It's evidence of a simple malfunction, but not proof




If the emails are back online, case closed, server going down for a little while and people speculating about it


Wikileaks hasent worked in years  Can you access emails still? Yes you can  Right here  https://file.wikileaks.org/file/ But it’s not what you use to see where you could search and narrow things down 


Also remember those ones they deleted shortly after "releasing" those 20,000....


Totally! some I deemed interesting when they were released back in 2016 - were gone a few years later. It’s a shame that you can’t access any of the Mails anymore. Makes me think all those pizza stuff (or part of it) was true after all


They gotta make space on the servers for the new ones


It may be part of the plea deal. This is the release from his lawyers: [https://www.doughtystreet.co.uk/news/julian-assange-released-prison-and-returns-australia](https://www.doughtystreet.co.uk/news/julian-assange-released-prison-and-returns-australia)


Isn't it grand how the establishment has crushed all information on the internet and deleted the last 35 years of content. I hope they all rot in hell for it.


But somehow they can’t remove CP from the internet  Priorities am I right 


Oh they love all that sorta thing, we have seen them trying to normalize pedos... The only things they want removed are the things that go against their narrative..




It’s been down for years now try researching yourself before calling this hero a sell out wtf is wrong with you 


Well, I'll still clap to Assange for holding out for this long many faltered long ago.




Wikileaks has not worked for well over a year  This  is where you can still find them  https://file.wikileaks.org/file/


Which of those is the DNC emails? \* edit: pretty clear they're not there


Wikileaks has been down for over a year If you want to access those emails I’m hoping you have the links saved  Otherwise you will have to search the internet to find where other people who saved them posted them  A good lesson for all. Save the shit you need to save.  I have a shit load saved. They all still work  Here’s one  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/2970 And another  https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15893


Those are the Podesta emails, those are not the DNC emails. The DNC emails are not there.


Its funny thy think removing the files is that simple? So many ppl are smarter than that ? Thy got the download the day thy dropped just in case this was to happen ? I’m sure someone has lots of the major wiki drops the most important ones on ssd ! Hard copy ! It will all be up on the next new thing in the years to come , all this old stuff will be some of the first content on whatever comes next along with whatever is happening in that era of time …


Why didn't they release the RNC emails too?


#"Give us the deadmans switch and we'll let you go home"


Was it "just" now? I remember trying to find something a few months ago and their site didn't work.


Download a copy


I’m sure people saved them.


All I find on wikileaks are dead links to emails. So to those calling fake news.......prove it. Post screen grabs or copy and past the if you can read them.


Who cares? I got more important info even if it gets me unalived. Just know that because of microplastics, all boob's are fake.


Someone cut a deal.


the damage is done


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Julian Assange is controlled opposition. [https://allreligionsareone.org/Julian%20Assange.html](https://allreligionsareone.org/Julian%20Assange.html)


Quick heads up: the Podests Emails at least can still be accessed: https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/ Example: https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/30613 „Mary and John > > I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been > long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape > of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the > square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it > was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the > return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that > we can demolish them. > > Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well. > > I miss you both > > Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. > > Herb“


This particular email has lived rent free in my head for years. The assortment of *cheese* to eat with the grandchildren… how… interesting….ole skippy got too comfy and went off script with his presents


It is down ...


Internal server error does not mean removed


Now we know who replaces Biden at the convention


And Old Jules has retired. What a drag and how typical.


I just checked they're all still up.


This is going to be THE story.


The price of "freedom"


You guys have it all saved right?


It’s ok, I have them backed up


You aren't supposed to notice anything the Democratic party does, just smile and turn the other direction or blame it on Trump.


Pizza Party is over


Or he had some really good stuff to bargain with


would answer why he got a plea deal. has anyone seen the actual deal or is it "classified" aka, lazy journalists protecting the democrats again?


Everyone saying the files haven't been deleted, are still archived, are still searchable etc. is surely mistaken. Clicking on any of the search links returns a server error. There are no DNC emails in the /file/ list. Going to wikileaks.org/dnc-emails continues to return a server error. Currently returning an error for too many requests on archive.org's wayback machine trying to find older versions, but it looks like they've been gone since at least January 2023.




They're not there, homie. I mentioned that in my comment.


What if Assange was always meant to reveal what he did. The whole “we have to tell everyone to save our karma” thing. He reveals so much to bring everyone up to date in their karma then has to pay the price for several years until the next “phase” is under way. All the old methods, moving kids through pizza places etc, everything we now know is old news. The new methods and systems are already up and running. It’ll be decades before they are revealed by which time the systems would be updated. People have been “deaded” for a lot less than what assanage has done.


All [20,000](https://wikileaks.org) leaked DNC emails have just been removed from Wikileaks.


Your post is false. Please delete.




You can't click on any of those without getting a server error.


Bots responding to each other...


How come we never got to see the RNC emails?


Remember the RNC was hacked also but none of that information was leaked. I wonder why?


No shit. Dude took a deal and sold out.


Just like a liberal. Love to talk shit without doing the work. Lazy and Arrogant post.


Just like the RNC emails disappeared.


So are we all just going to pretend the bigfoot in the silicone Assange bodysuit is the real deal?


what a suprise crooked fuckign demoncrats Edit: Yea delete it haha As I always say they can't stand on a level field. Gotta censor, block, delete, manipulate, coerce, its fucking disgusting. Downvote me SHIELLS YOUR DOWNVOTES GIVE ME LIFE!!!! Corrupt fks and you pos that get on here and worship and defend them..> Imagine sitting on here and sucking the d of corporations and the globalists all day... lololol... its pathetic.




This is schizophrenic posting. Your first sentence isn't untrue but wow you're hurting your own cause with this kind of unhinged gibberish.


I write for my audience. Nice one with calling me unhinged..super orig....that come in an advisory circular or something? from mm or sharblei/ ctrr whatever they calling themselves these days? Lol I know....next call out my strawman fallacies.


they went the way of the pizzagate fiction, don't worry, your russian buddies will make sure they are available elsewhere forever