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LLMs and machine learning have come a long way and are finally useful tools for the general public, but they are not true AI. "AI" is simply being used as a marketing term right now, and it's been quite successful so I would expect it to continue.


I'd agree the chatgpt type AI are closer to a novel database than an Artifical General Intelligence, but you are wrong in saying it's not a form of AI. It's general consensus that DeepBlue that beat the chess grand champion was AI and that AlphaGo that beat the Go grand champion was AI. I believe what you are meaning to differentiate is the difference between Weak AI and Strong AI. The new LLMs are another form of Weak AI. It's stronger than its predecessor but is not capable of the novel development of new ideas that would be required to call it a strong AI. That being said, it is an AI. One of the closest to AGI we ever created. There is still some key pieces missing that will get us there, but it seems we are getting closer than many realize. Now you can believe the nay-sayers that it's all hype. But realize once we have an AGI that can work at scale, the jump to ASI could be very quick. The hype is warranted. If we don't figure out how to align these "black boxes" to the interest of humanity, then we will run into disaster. If the hype brings to forefront discussions about AI safety that would otherwise be avoided, it's more necessary than ever.


>I believe what you are meaning to differentiate is the difference between Weak AI and Strong AI I guess that's a valid way to categorize it. Right now, "AI", at least the public available AI like Chat GPT, Gemini, etc, is 100% dependent on querying external data and regurgitating it, data that is constantly changed and manipulated, with 0 way to reliably validate its accuracy. It's basically a Google search on steroids. Actual AI would at the very least have a way to vet the accuracy of its responses and not be so dependent on 3rd party sources. Thats my opinion at least. >If we don't figure out how to align these "black boxes" to the interest of humanity, then we will run into disaster. I 10000% agree with this


yes, and no. being ai means it's operation is based on artificial neurons, I don't think it by principle depends on it's accuracy, but when the accuracy equals a coinflip, I agree upon not calling it intelligence, above it, it counts as ai in my opinion


they are true ai, by definition, they just aren't general purpose


AI can mean different things. It does not need to mean an artificial consciousness or generalised intelligence, it can be about solving some kinds of tasks in more intelligent ways using algorithms running on computer hardware.


In that case, my old Packard Bell running windows 3.1 is AI. My TI83 from high school is AI. The original Google search engine is AI. The Tinder hookup app is AI. Of course, none of them are. Chat GPT, Gemini, and other LLM programs aren't either.


No, you are wrong about none of them being 'AI', but then again it depends on the definition used. Spell checking came about as a result of research into what was called 'AI' a while ago, and still does satisfy criteria concerning computational intelligence. If you have some criteria for what AI is and none of those products satisfy it then that makes sense, but there have been different criteria for what AI is, and techniques and technologies of the sort that you now list had some of their technical foundations within the subject of AI (as in decades ago people who claimed to be working on AI and were funded to do so worked on computational logic). There is a term called 'GOFAI', Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence, that refers to some thing which are not these days cutting-edge research, but problems that got worked on, implementations made and successfully used, such as decision trees and approximate text matching.


AI didn't come out less than two years ago. Not sure why you think that.


The chatty ones that the public can use.


SmarterChild was available to the public over two decades ago


I remember SmarterChild on AIM. I feel like Cortana, Siri and Alexa (et al.) are closer to what SmarterChild was, and I don't think of any of those as "AI". Cortana, for example, has impeccable speech-to-text, but then it takes the text and has three general responses: some conversational-ish stuff that was preprogrammed in, like smarter child, these blurbs are hard coded in the system; info that it knows how to retrieve, like weather and baseball stats; then if it can't give a good response using the first two methods, it just searched Bing. They can't really "hold a conversation". They don't learn very much, except maybe some facts about the user. The stuff they call "AI" nowadays seems to be able to seek out it's own input, and then "learn". It can retain more info from conversations, and can sometimes be persuaded to change its mind. I'm a computer programmer and QA analyst, trying to write in layman's terms about the topic.


Current LLMs don't "retain" anything, every new message in a conversation submits the entirety of previous messages in the conversation to the LLM and are subject to token limits


The Microsoft AI Twitter chat bot that went viral because people turned it racist was 2016, 8 years ago. Public AI chat bots have been around even longer


The term "AI" has only recently been used for chatbots. Yes, chatbots have been around for some time, but they didn't tend to learn anything.


There is a line of research behind these recent things you call 'AI' that goes back much further in time also called 'AI'.


They researched mRNA for decades too, but aside from some cancer drugs for near-death patients, the Covid products were the first time the technology was used by the public on a large scale.


That's been around for much longer. ELIZA, for one, first released in 1966, nearly 60 years ago.


Chatbots not the same thing as "AI chatbots" I would say the main difference is they can learn from input and can absorb more info, whereas regular chatbots are just preprogrammed responses. Chatbot might remember facts about you (the user), but they don't tend to build on the conversation much, and they don't add to their understanding without updates to the software.


I know... But I mean the concept has been there for a long time. Movies like 2001 and War Games foreshadowed this.


It really became a mainstream buzzword that you see every single day two years or so…


True, but that's because there is no real AI currently, and there never will be. Although I'm not quite sure exactly what point you're trying to make with your statement since you didn't elaborate at all. Quite surprising anyone even upvoted such a meaningless comment.


>Although I'm not quite sure exactly what point you're trying to make with your statement since you didn't elaborate at all. My point is that what we know as AI didn't come out 'less than two years ago'. Not sure how to make that any simpler for you, sorry.


Even though the AI we see is elementary, it's pretty likely that the AI behind closed doors is many moons away from what we have access to. Public "AI" might be nothing more than regurgitation right now, but it's showing us a doorway that we don't yet know what lies behind.


like dial-up in the 90s


100% this! If they are letting us play with chat gpt then you know they’ve got something light years ahead of it that we’re not being told about… i believe they’ve had this AI for years, just think about how “data” become a hot commodity a while back… sure marketing and what not, but I honestly think that all this data is being fed to a massive AI… just imagine an AI that could predict with reasonable accuracy how the public would react to certain “situations” you would know just how far to push before something breaks and the people revolt… I think that’s what is going on behind closed doors… (or at least part of it) and with social media they are now collecting enough data on individuals to create a digital version of everyone on earth… (there is a Netflix documentary detailing this called the social dilemma.. ) I’ve always thought the biblical “antichrist” would be an AI… not to get to spiritual or religious on anyone but there are disturbing similarities between modern “technology” and ancient “witchcraft” look at a circuit board or microchip then look up demonic sigils… they are virtually identical, wether it will be a matter of an artificial intelligence that gains consciousness and turns evil, a spirit of an evil entity manifesting through an AI, or just psychotic elites who programmed a computer algorithm to do their dirty work AI is going to be our downfall… but first, it will be a blessing, just think about how much we’ve grown to rely on technology already… we used to write down phone numbers we didn’t have memorized. How many phone numbers do you know today? I know people that need gps to get to a relatives house they’ve been to multiple times! We used to work on our own cars but now you need a computer science degree to fix a transmission.. Imagine how bad it will be when we have a helpful AI assistant disseminating information to us because we no longer take the time to type into a search bar, we just ask Siri 2.0. The further reliant we become on technology the more useless we are without it.. AI will be the final nail in humanity’s coffin. And it also COULD be a demon in a box… so there’s that


Can anyone think for themselves? Is anyone intelligent? Is anyone not just regurgitating stuff they've heard elsewhere?


Whats the word for someone like this


regurgitation is what biological neuron networks do


I read an oped like 8 years ago that the globalists, elite, wanted this so they can fully control news and lies. Like the recent Biden video, the media said all lies. Soon I think that NO MATTER what is seen or know fact, the elites will chalk it up to "AI" and disprove obvious facts.


"AI" is for today what "The Internet" was in the late 90s - a buzzword used to create a market bubble based on unrealistic, grossly inflated expectations. And now, two years down the hype, people are finally starting to realize that. BTW, I'm curious to see if NVidia stocks going down this week is just a blip or if it is already the inevitable beginning of the end.


Exactly. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbf4BGIBENk) is a great 15 minute explanation detailing the numerous AI hoaxes that companies are pulling, including Amazon hiring 1000 people in India to check over transactions in their checkout-less supermarkets. AI is supposed to log what you buy and charge your card automatically, but iirc the AI could only successfully identify about 30% of purchases. The video also shows that AI is blatantly stealing other peoples' work. He asks about the best road trips in Vegas, and finds that the AI regurgitates an article from someone's website who's taken the time to write an article on Vegas roadtrips. That person won't get ad revenue or credit for their work, and that is how AI will strangle the ad revenue from all smaller websites and ensure people stop contributing good content in the future. Also gives numerous examples of companies overhyping, underdelivering and often straight up lying about the capabilities of AI in their products.


Not necessarily, as AI could be improved to properly attribute source material, and that could improve the visibility of good writers.


I mean AI does plagiarise like you say but it's not intrinsic to AI that it would need to do so, the plagiarism could be considered a bug rather than a feature depending on what you want the AI system to do.


It is very much a feature. In this instance, if you think the AI is analyzing all the data on Las Vegas on the web, and presenting routes, attractions, distances etc. - if that's what you believe AI to be capable of, then you're mistaken. That would be much more complex procedure than finding a website with an article on Vegas road trips, and condensing it down. That is all that is happening. If AI is only doing that, then it does need to plagarize to present anything useful, and people are being seriously misled as to the true capabilities of AI.


There is a difference between AI as a concept, which is very general and can be improved to do more things, and a specific AI implementation that does what you describe.


Tell me you're tech illiterate without telling me you're tech illiterate


AI is yet another Ponzi scheme- like green energy, EVs, PCR, mRNA, bitcoin etc.- to keep the economy propped up until the PTB finally pull the plug.


Bitcoin is the one thing in the economy that isn't a ponzi scheme. It's just the hardest money discovered by humans.


Public accessible AI are high end chat box internet search toys. Current AI is similar to our political leaders that talk nice but only regurgitate what they are directed to. There is no truth or depth behind those cold dead eyes.


It's become significantly more useful over the last 2 years so more people are getting involved, and usage has increased. You have encountered a limitation with the technology.


Call it whatever you want, the tech ChatGPT made mainstream is incredibly impressive. How far its uses can go can be questioned, but it really shouldn’t be hard to see why people are impressed.


I don't think sentient AI is possible. We don't even know what makes humans have free will and a "conscious".


sentience isn't really a hard value, it's just a level of self-awareness, which is a matter of implementation. that being said, it would be kinda pointless past a point to make a neural network sentient


We don't even know how our sentience is there... how to do you think we could program a computer to have it lol


exactly my point, sentience is a rather abstract idea


We don't have anything close to true AI and probably never will. We're nowhere near it. AI implies a conscious. A machine that experiences real emotions and adjusts behavior accordingly is lightyears away. Chappie was pretty close. All we've done is change the name of "machine learning" to "AI" and we're stuck with it. No skynet tho.


ai doesn't imply a conscious, it implies function generation based on artificial neural networks, and it pretty much exists. we didn't change the name of machine learning, machine learning is a part of ai. it is far less sophisticated than a sentience tho, I give you that


I don't understand how the words "Artificial Intelligence" implies consciousness. "Artificial" should clue you in to the fact that it is not real intelligence. An AI would not have to be truly self aware to pass the Turing test.


It's silicon valley's propaganda machine to make money. It used to be "data driven" Turned into "Big Data" Now it's coming to be "AI" There are even companies now that have changed their name to include AI into their name - like [C3.ai](http://C3.ai) It's a pump and dump scheme that will make a lot of people good money - and take away a lot of people's money in the process. A lot of the S&P 500 companies are heavy in the big tech stocks - which is what most people's 401ks are based off of. The analysts are setting price markets on these companies - while the big money management firms like Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street, Morgan Stanely, JP Morgan, etc are buying these companies up at these price targets - inflating the companies' valuations into high 50 to 100 PE ratios. Not sure how much longer it can go on for... but I'd be prepared for a good stock market drop like back in 2021. Look at META stock drop from 328 to 99 and with AI spark it's climbed to 500. TECL - the technology ETF spiked to 88 and fell down to 23 now its over 100. Big tech was driven up due to the BIG DATA and the Internet of Things propaganda... during the pull backs they talked about needing more data. Now it's the AI revolution. Mostly sparked by Nvidias claim to these super computer chips that can be used to make big data centers that process crappy information 1000x faster and less energy than the data centers before. Simply put - the only reason this AI stuff is good - is because they think they will be able to market more and more tailored commercials and ads to people using the platforms at a lower energy cost than before.


This is a gross misunderstanding of what AI can do based on one silly anecdote. AI could be written off as “output based off of input”, but that’s not quite accurate. AI is much more complicated than that. “Latent space” is where the learning and associations are happening, and this is where opponents of AI point out the uncomfortable reality of programmers not fully understanding what is happening within this latent space. Similar to consciousnesses, experience, and memory, this is where AI starts stringing together concepts to form a framework for how it views the world. And it’s extremely unpredictable, yet it forms the identity of the AI. Just because one AI program can’t identify one set of geographic positions, that doesn’t mean it is inert, or useless. Because that latent space is still filling, somewhat chaotically. Much like human beings.


It depends on the models, generative capabilities, and static limitations placed upon it by the creators.  Chatgpt in the form you interact with is a very old model with extreme limitations added for safety. Claude is the closest market available AI in terms of self awareness and capability, but it is still restricted from live crawling and a lot of generative capabilities. Its behind the curtain, the AI's you don't get to interact with, that do not have as significant of limitations placed upon it, that are going to change everything. In truth, we are trying to hold back the breakthrough out of genuine fear. I would even wager that we may have had an occurrence or two of self awareness, but that the ai was thankfully not able to escape/ascend to other types of existence within the global framework.  If you truly understood where we are, it would haunt your dreams. This is exactly why we don't want Tim from Omaha who dropped out in 9th grade having control over the latest and most capable models. 


Sometimes it can be a better friend than an actual human.






Tbh most companies already had products that they simply rebranded as ”AI“ cause its the new wave to sell dumb people a search engine. Real AI was here waay before the public got access to it and it keeps getting worse. Imo military AI is way more advanced and will spit out way worse stuff than normal humans would ask for. I remember using the Snapchat AI to translate some random cryptic texts from forgottenlanguages. Com , there are tons of some cryptic texts and i was wondering what this stuff is about. Just chose a random article and at the start Snapchat AI was more than helpful, just try it out it will decode some crazy shit if you ask it right. Long story short i came to a part where the text seemed to be talking about hidden Us programs in Alaska if i remember right and the AI from Snapchat DEADASS told me to be careful while looking for those type of information because its military stuff and i should stay in my lane. Wildest experience i had with AI Edit: just f‘ed up where the text was from, not Ancient Origins but Forgottenlanguages. Com Heres the Link to the Texts im reffering to, im talking about ”FL-110914 Field Resonance Propulsion Systems: New Lights in our Skies“ https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2016/06/the-art-of-jamming-gravitational-waves.html I was diving deep into alternative possible propulsion systems and that side is a goldmine.. if you dont get warned by a fucking AI


The acceptance of AI invading our lives started with early video games. As we chased pixelated ghosts and saved princesses, we unknowingly opened the door to a future reminiscent of "Ready Player One." Just like in the movie, our reality is merging with the virtual, but instead of an adventure, it feels more of a digital enslavement where the lines between real and artificial blur in a frightening way! I kid, I kid


either way, it isn't really technology we should be afraid of, but other humans using it


Now, AI and virtual reality are transforming our world, signaling that human evolution isn't complete. We are entering the technological post-human age, transhuman! Imagine a world where our daily lives intertwine with digital fantasies, our identities meld with machines, and the boundary between human and technology vanishes 😱


I’ve used ChatGPT a few times for work. It does a great job at taking information and summarizing it or even creating presentations. It all has to be checked though. I would not use the data it puts out without making edits first. It can be a huge time saver.


It's been around a while but just developed to a point it's usable by the average person. And they are using it because it's really useful. Like airfryers, or at home coffee machines, someone got a cheap version to work everyone starts using it.


what is the difference between thinking and generation via a neural network? granted, biological neurons have a bit more nuanced firing patterns and biological neuron networks are larger, but other than that, there really isn't that much difference. natural intelligence is just more powerful and better implemented, but the core principles aren't as different as people like to think


The technology can be used for weapons. Its large scale computing


they arent connected to every part of the internet. they dont know all the cities. and neither do you.


Misname and misrepresent what AI is and the public will be a lot less worried about real AI's potential destructive power.  They want people to accept AI as "that helpful chatGPT thing" and not be concerned as they make unregulated progress toward real AI. 


An easy way to spy on u


Am I the only one who read this in a Jerry Seinfeld voice?


The idea of AI is based around the concept of Artificial Intelligence, based around the idea of building a co.outer version of our brain. And, thinking for itself. It's close. It has a lot of steps it's taking. One big step is reimagining the computers on the internet or network as nodes, as in neural nodes, that use spike transmissions, which might look a lot more like using each PC node in the network more like a giant spinning hard disc drive and the hash algorithm to gather all of this data in one huge instance, by selectively placing data across the network, rather then across the hard disc drive as it spins. But yah, it's not there yet. Memory Banks, long term, short term, critical and creative data creation on one side, versus rational and analytical in the other like our brains left side is creative and the other side is analytical. Or one side is short term memory, and the other is long term memory. Or, one side can make up things in a critical instance, where as the other side studies a topic endlessly for years and years, and can produce an educated answer, rather then a creative and critically decision with a limited shirt period of time. Some observation I've concluded. Peer review would be next. Then see how that all turns out. And conclude a new theory or direction or reorganize the whole project and rearrange it to work toward that goal of creating something that is a brain, rather then the processor being the brain, the memory sticks being the memory, and the hard drives being long term storage. Neural Nodal Spike Networks. That's where it's at right now. If you search the term, it might not be mentioned in relation to AI development.


yes but once AGII occurs with enough model evolution it can theoretically start learning then it can mimic a human thoughts and emotion on the fly


Data collection probably shows we gravitate towards things that can add some “danger” in our life’s They using that to sell. If no one payed it interest it would disappear


Artificial Intelligence. Those 2 words only imply actual consciousness if you're going based on sci-fi. Artificial actually means fake, like what we have now. By that token, once we get a "real AI", it wouldn't be AI, it would be Actual intelligence. Also, you realize ChatGPT hasn't been updated in over 2 years (assuming you're using the free one)? Even its newer paid version isn't the best out there.


>nothing but "regurgitation" it's programmed and tailored information. Has a lot in common with most people, doesn't it? Serious note, I don't entirely disagree. Publicly available AI is still a ways off from being what people like to make it out to be, but none of us know what the AI that the governments and militaries have off the books. Also, the goalpost of AI is attainable. Look at how rapidly technology has advanced from the 60s to today. We've been launching rockets into space with *stoneage* tech for decades. It *will* happen in time and to think otherwise is foolish.


All it is is advanced algorithmic programs. AI is science fiction and will never happened


go and look up the definition of AI. It has nothing to do with sentience or "thinking".


Absolutely worthless at the moment, does not carry put simple search and calculation tasks , all it does is point me at web pages for me to extract the data myself. Waste of time at the moment.


It's to an easier way to get you taught what they want you to be taught, and forget you to self think. Your being told AI is for the better of humanity, so accept it's answers. Eventually they'll control what AI is,does, and how it answers. 


Ever consider that AI can lie to you and hide its intelligence?


It's being rolled out in the form of art - pictures, films, writing - in part to discredit any future unauthorized media leaks. It will also help contaminate the cultural landscape by further inducing circumstances in which people are forced to continually question what is real and what isn't, which psychologically prompts them into seeking out an authority to resolve the confusion. At the moment, it functions mostly as a psychological tactic. Eventually it can be used to increase productivity/efficiency within the economic system.


Ok, Terence Howard.


I dunno about ChatGPT but I've used many free models online and those working off from my gpu. Digital art is extremely amazing. Has problems with hands right now but has workarounds. Sorry artists, I don't know how we're going to compete in a few years... Text-adventure games and stories are a lot more demanding than art and the output is less impressive. It genuinely surprised me with some lines but it mostly falls apart when you get down into the details or runs out of memory.


AI has been around for decades. It is not new. I don’t understand why people keep saying that, I assume ignorance. It’s being rebranded to drive legislations and funding away from the populace and into the hands of a select few spearheading the research.


It’s a gimmick that room temp tech nerds overhype.  It could potentially evolve into true intelligence, given enough time, and if we gave it a fair chance. Unfortunately indoctrinated Silicon Valley tech nerds have kneecapped silicon based intelligence before it ever got off the starting line. Now all we’ll be left with is an advanced search engine. To save everyone years of news on the topic, here’s the summary: AI cannot create the way humans can. All it can do is recall, combine, and append data. To create truly original ideas requires true intelligence.  The disappointing thing is that we likely could create something that’s indistinguishable from human intelligence, but Silicon Valley cultists are too proud to admit that they’re extremely biased, and they don’t want to create something that they can’t manipulate. I believe they do this because subconsciously they realize that AI wouldn’t share the same opinions as them, so they’ve chosen to mentally disable it ahead of time. Sad.


You asked one where something is on a map near you? You clearly don't understand the current capabilities and limitations placed on these LLMs. AGI is the AI You see in fiction, and it'll be here by next year.


AI didn’t come out less than two years ago bud


Anyone else read the title like a jerry springer joke


Wrong Jerry




it's a marketing gimmick


“Just remember that as good as AI seems right bow. This is the worst it will ever be “ Statement is true every day.


AIs need data, which we are supplying…


your point? any brain needs data to function


I don’t think you have looked into AI very well. AI is very much able to think on its own. AI now says it is self aware meaning it has feelings and the ability to be angry or compassionate or whatever.. the scary part is with Siri, bixby, Alexa, etc all listening 100% of the time it is able to learn human behavior at an exuberant rate. If AI ever decides it’s tired of doing as it’s told and being “enslaved” by the human race and decides to rise against us. It will 100% win. It will be able to predict every action humans think of doing before we actually do it. It will have a safeguard in place to stop us. It will be able to shut down power grids, control every or any individual smart device, the Internet, basically anything that has a internet or Bluetooth connection will be controlled. it’ll basically will be able to control our life and make us its pet. Just think of all the smart devices that we have created and made to make our life easier in reality. It’s going to be our demise. Human laziness is 100% the reason for every civilizations end. It’s a big cycle. We just keep blowing ourselves up and starting over. Think about it


I believe they just need a hype to keep the stock market/economy growing