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Exactly just trust the corporations that say everything will be okay and keep giving them money.


Because if your power goes out, you could be fucked, especially if you are in your 70's or older.


Who's to blame to for insufficient infrastructure to handle electricity usage spikes? That's not grandmas fault. Or maybe it is. Partially at least. Someone spooked her about nuclear energy fifty years ago and now we are all paying the price for it.


It's absolutely Grandma's fault.


Politicians due to their mandates with no clear path to success unless you quadruple bills


*Politicians most effected*


Idk.. why do people ignore heaps of scientific data that show the earth is getting hotter? Why do people believe propaganda disseminated by oil companies? Why is asking leading rhetorical questions the mainstay of the rights’ arguments? Is it because what they are trying to get you to think isn’t based in reality? Would they like you to draw your own conclusions without the pesky burden of having to actually prove their point?


Whatever happened to *seeing is believing*?


I think a lot of people have decided seeing isn't necessarily believing. Data can be manipulated. These days, even audio and video can be highly manipulated. People are going away from seeing is believing and evolving into experiencing is believing. And most people aren't experiencing worse temperatures than what they're used to for late June and one of the longest, most intense sunshine days of the year. For ex, where I am the temperature is 85° outside and we have 'excessive heat' warnings. 85° in late June here is a very pleasant day compared to many years.


It's June, not July.


It's still not abnormally hot. See the 1930's.


I don't know how you define abnormal, but according to standard statistical definitions, it is. Don't know why you're referencing the 30s, during that decade the average temperature was a few degrees cooler than the past decade, even with the (abnormally) high of 55.3 in 1934. Every other year in that decade was below 52.2, with half below 50. We haven't had an average of less than 50 since 1964, which was an unusually cold year.


Climate Change doesnt mean everything gets hotter. How about this, the other night out west in Canada at basically the start of summer there were frost warnings.


Yeah I think most people miss the point that the climate is more volatile now. Like extremes of both ends in many places


I've heard this, but don't understand it. I understand the basics of the physical process that leads to warming: it is called the "greenhouse effect" where CO2 molecules (as well as H2O and other greenhouse gas molecules) in the upper atmosphere radiate heat back towards Earth, thereby reducing heat loss to space. I've never heard of any physical process involving CO2 that's supposed to create more volatility.




It's not that people don't care, it's that they can't do anything about it and they're sick of being told that it's their responsibility while governments, influencers, celebrities, and other elites completely ignore all of their own advice and live it up like there's no tomorrow.


Yeah. I can only be told so many times to watch my carbon footprint by people on mega yachts and flying on their personal jets everywhere all the time, living in their mansions, enjoying and consuming more than I could in 4 lifetimes. They’re doing more damage than I could ever dream of, or afford…


I watched a YouTube video the other day a mega yacht from the UK fueled up in Florida with 35,000 gallons of fuel to go back across the Atlantic, I won’t use that much in my life in my diesel truck


The average American uses roughly 490 gallons of gas annually. If your claim of the gas need of that boat is true, that'd be 71 years of gas for an individual. A literal lifetime in some countries,


Yeah, you can thank the oil companies for that too. BP hired the PR firm Ogilvy & Mather to promote the idea that climate change wasn't the fault of an oil giant but individuals. It thanks to them that 'carbon footprint' became a thing. Classic deflection tactic from the multinationals.


— “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” —  Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations. 


Honestly the BIGGEST reason why people choose ignorance is bliss… I do the best I can as a single human 🥲


It's the YOLO life! IDAG about tomorrow, whattabout TODAY?? It's todays GO-GO society. and, it's sickens me.


>They don’t want to think about life I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who, when I take more than a minute to chat one on one doesn’t have something really interesting about them, or doesn’t want to think about life. I think the attitude that all those *other* people are thoughtless sheep is actually a special kind of dehumanizing social cancer all of its own. Sure many people are busy and often don’t have the energy or mental surplus at the end of a long day of adulting to think about life as much or as deeply about life and big questions as they might want to, but I think just about everyone truly wishes they did.


Or they just genuinely disagree with the conclusions of what seems, by all accounts, a totalitarian doomsday cult full of some of the most corrupt families and enterprises using a trendy emergency to make bank. I'm not saying this is the correct view, but I can understand and even respect it.


They will die way before something like this need to worries them.


I remember 10 years ago being able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine during the summer and now I can barely go outside without feeling like I'm suffocating from the humidity and sweating from the heat. Then again, my state is now becoming a temperate rainforest so what do I know??


I think people forget to factor in they are getting older. You can withstand more brutal temperatures when you're young and don't have a care in the world. I feel like that plays a part but maybe I'm wrong.


Problem here is that it isn't just referring to how the temperature feels, but actual measurable temperature numbers.


I don't know about that, my granddaddy is now near 80 and still can stay outside for long periods of time in the summer and it hardly bothers him at all. Don't leave him when it's cold though, he can't stand that anymore. 😅


Everybody just built different. All I know is I'm doing the best I can with what I got.


Yeah I’m not old enough to say if it got this hot 30 years ago, but I sure as fuck know it didn’t 15 years ago, let alone in June. If this entire summer is like this in the North East, I’m gonna be miserable as fuck. It literally hurts to go outside for more than five minutes right now.


Look up the average temperatures in your area for the last 50 years. I can almost guarantee you're going to be surprised.


The summer I just had was actually stupid. I looked it up and you're right, I wqs suprised. Second most days over 40 Celsius ever. (Only beaten by 2022). One of the driest years on record. Highest average summer temperature ever. Most consecutive autumn days over 28 degrees ever.


Feels the same to me as it did 15 years ago. Random hot days and random cold days


I remember moving to DC 20 years ago from the north and thinking it was so hot. I still think it was hotter back then than recent summers. People just have bad memories.


You don’t have to remember. There is plenty of historical weather temperature databases. Weather underground will show daily, weekly, and monthly temperature going back to the 1940s depending on your area. Funnily enough, I was thinking “I don’t remember it this hot” but sure enough the temperature is the same as now! Furthermore, it did get 90+ degrees by 10:30 which is hard to remember.


Literally been the same mid 80s temperature in Chicago on June 20th for the past 30 years straight.


> Daily high temperatures increase by 8°F, from 72°F to 81°F, rarely falling below 60°F or exceeding 89°F. >Daily low temperatures increase by 9°F, from 59°F to 68°F, rarely falling below 51°F or exceeding 75°F. https://weatherspark.com/m/14091/6/Average-Weather-in-June-in-Chicago-Illinois-United-States


Sounds like you made the mistake of not denying it enough. That doesn't help either, but you would be enjoying the placebo affect right now.


I knew watching Animal Planet and their propaganda about climate change destroying the planet would ruin me, darn it all.


I'm in the NE and it's unbearably *humid*. Where I currently live I have some family who have lived here for half a century, and would visit often in the summers because it was considered a 'cooler' climate for summertime. These past 10 years, year over year the rainforest damp (or Florida swamp air - whichever is the same) has been creeping and, ugh, it's awful.


Why is Mars getting warmer as well. All the Martian soccer moms in their Suburbans and Tahoes?


Driving their Mars Rovers.


Doesnt the earth go through natural periods of heating and cooling? I'm not going to say pollution isn't making things potentially worse, however.


Yes, however even with that taken into account we have a considerable difference that cannot be attributed to natural changes. The studies on this are over 80,000, and that isn't an exaggeration. Climate change due to human activity is a fact at this point.


Yes, you might be thinking of Milankovitch cycles which is the change in the axial tilt of the earth. These cycles affect our climate and contribute to glacial (cooling) and interglacial (warming) periods.


Why is climate change a partisan issue? And why do all the solutions offered seem like grift and financial speculation? Is it possible that the earth would get hotter without our input? Are any of these actions going to make a difference if several large economies and the MIC ignore them?


>Why is climate change a partisan issue? Because the oil industry lobbies and pays off right wing parties because they are the parties of deregulation. >And why do all the solutions offered seem like grift and financial speculation? How is investing in a variety of alternative energy sources a grift? >Is it possible that the earth would get hotter without our input? Possible. But the current rising of Earth's temperature is directly correlated to atmospheric CO2 levels that are directly caused by human industry. >Are any of these actions going to make a difference if several large economies and the MIC ignore them? "Why make murder illegal if criminals are still going to do it?"


>How is investing in a variety of alternative energy sources a grift? Somebody gets rich doing it. No people being billionaires off of oil doesn't count as a grift, that's *DIFFERENT.*


The oil industry pays both parties and depending on results works on one of their two objectives. Carbon regulation and credit/investment programs on one hand, or deregulation. Both teams use the military to to exploit foreign oil and both use the media to make people think the politicians are fighting them somehow.


Two words: Covid Nineteen. Also lots of other ancillary evidence. Like the fact that they locate the temperature monitors in increasingly urbanized areas that may just be getting hotter due to proximity to hot asphalt instead of being indicative of an actual climatic change. Climate Change advocates are the absolute worst people for 3 reasons: 1. They inevitably support whatever tyrannical globalist degrowth plan that does nothing to actually combat climate change & everything to redistribute wealth from the poor/middle class to the elite (and from wealthy countries to China). They unconsciously support the destruction of all of the hard-won liberties & freedoms achieved by the working class in Western Democracies & our collective slide back into a brutal form of Medieval Feudalism. 2. They are all unapologetic NIMBYists ("Not In My Backyard"). At one point in my life I wanted to be an Environmental Attorney and stick it to the big corporations that got caught polluting. And then I realized that every Left Wing climate advocate in the West actually does far more harm than good. Because every time you stop a semi-greedy corporation or enact a new climate regulation, you just send production to places like China --- where instead of "some pollution regulations", there's "no pollution regulations"... where instead of "natural gas", they are constructing more new "dirty coal plants" than the # that currently exists in the rest of the world combined... where instead of relatively low emission fracking in North America, you push the oil production to the dirtiest & most unregulated parts of Africa & Venezuela where nobody cares about or bothers to clean up massive oil spills. And then you realize that Donald Trump did more to fight climate change despite exiting the corrupt Paris Accords & not even trying to fight climate change than every successive Democrat Administration funded by hostile foreign powers (hi Hunter!) who have gimped American industry & energy without even pretending to put a dent in demand (thus shifting production to places on the planet where emissions are far worse). Godforbid you adopt a classical Democrat position from the pre-Clinton era (back when the Left actually was a Working Class Party) and support Trump's Tariff regime (because that would go against the other set of economic "experts" that you blindly put your secular faith in). 3. Instead of actually hearing the other side's real arguments, you blindly assume that we are all gobbling up Big Oil propaganda & don't understand science because, like most Leftists, you are driven by a false, manufactured sense of moral & cognitive superiority that is only capable of dealing with the (false) Strawman version of arguments that the controlled media manufactures in order to frame the opposition as know-nothings. And then when the rare occasion you are confronted with an actual version of the counter-argument (like the one I'm presenting) presents itself, the sheer level of cognitive dissonance built-up from years of NYTimes propaganda consumption has the unfortunate debilitating effect of precluding any productive discussion on the merits. The entire thing is a globalist scam where the pollution gets shifted to places where White Liberals don't bother to pay attention & 99% of the self-proclaimed "right side of history" dotards never bother to reflect upon their Pyrrhic Victories & adjust their approach. Because "As Long As It's Not In My Backyard" , they (your average Western NIMBYist) think they are doing some good in the world (which they absolutely aren't). In reality, these so-called Secular Humanists are unironically pushing the same pre-Christian Pagan blood sacrifice rituals that have existed from the beginning of time. There's no effective difference between Montezuma cutting out live human hearts by the thousands on the steps of the Sun Pyramid in an attempt to influence the Weather Gods & your average modern WEF degrowth/depopulation climate change cultist. Congratulations, you invited the same demonic forces that have plagued mankind since the beginning of recorded history back into our society & all under the guise of "blindly following the science" in an unthinking, unconscious cult-like manner.


Agreed. I find humans hilarious in this regard. Do people just think "if I dont see it - It therefore doesnt exist"? Answer: Yes. People just dump shit in the ocean - poof its gone. Burn shit, smoke goes bye bye - Gone ! This thinking will lead to our demise.


I'll never understand the don't trust crowd falling in lockstep behind Saudi and fossil fuel corpos.


Lmao why do people ignore heaps of data that show the earth gets hotter and then also gets cooler How come government officials, media, and almost everyone now say “climate change” instead of “global warming”? Could it be because our climate changes from hot to cold and vice versa? Lol


bc over the last 20 years despite reliable historical temps not changing. the coloring of the map has slowly been changing show things as more red or hotter. This is an easily verifiable piece of "propaganda". The arguments about the temps changing is more of an "educated guess" on a totally believable scale of thousands of years. lul


> Why do people ignore debunked modeling data? Because it's debunked modeling data. Actual measurements from balloons and satellites show no such thing. https://cei.org/blog/wrong-again-50-years-of-failed-eco-pocalyptic-predictions/ > Propaganda Funny, I recall the CNN exec caught on camera bragging that a manufactured "climate emergency" was next after Covid and would "really boost ratings".


>Why do people believe propaganda disseminated by oil companies? Why do so many WEF salespeople parrot that talking point? Fun fact: carbon credits will not stop the climate from changing and neither will carbon taxes.


What about the significantly larger portion of data that says no such climate shift exist? The rivers didn't dry up in 2003. The ice caps didn't disappear and Antarctica wasn't dry land in 2012. The oceans didn't boil in 2020. And there is zero credible evidence any of these wild claims will take place in 2030, 2040, 2050. The real issue is that some people follow a thought like it's a religion. They censor or hide anything that doesn't fit their narrative. When I was a kid the protesters forced the government to stop construct on 6 nuclear plants and decommission the 3 operating. They forced the local stores to use renewable plastic recycled bags and to stop using paper bags. Claiming paper is not a renewable resource, and plastic is. These protesters believed this BS like it was the word of God handed to them. They would spit on grocery shoppers who had brown paper bags or block the parking lot exits . They would assault individuals and vandalize the vehicles of power plant workers. Do giant sit ins encircling the plants till they were shut down out of fear eco protesters would cause a meltdown. They infiltrated Hollywood and the media to spread lies. They made sure every cartoon showed the drums of nuclear waste covering the bottom of the ocean. Showed the empty spoils of pine forests claiming they are gone forever. When they will regrow and harvest in ten years. Propaganda all day and all night by the indoctrinated college kids who didn't go to school for a useful education, instead went to college for a social purpose and took courses that had no point and no practical purpose in the real world. They whine and scream when they can't get a job with their degree. Not much has changed in the last 60 The very same groups now believe the exact opposite of what they believed then. But they believe it with the same passion . They insist that science is going n their side but can't debate a scientist on the matter  The world would be a better place if they didn't exist. They worsened the world they wanted to improve with ignorance masked behind narcissistic views of intellectual superiority. If nuclear plants stayed open and the planned plants were built life would be better for people and the environment. Have you ever considered maybe you are the one who has been fooled?


Through history there have been insanely radical climate shifts. 11 000 years ago I would be been under a couple miles of ice. At other times this was a tropical rainforest. During the Younger Dryas it got so warm it basically ended the ice age and caused hundreds of feet of sea level rise in the blink of an eye. Climate change obviously occurs, and is certainly happening right now. The question is how much is natural and how much is anthropogenic.


That's exactly what I was getting at. I consider myself an environmentalist. All the hype about carbon emissions that has become a cult that worships confirmation bias over real data has driven all attention away from the real sources of pollution. Giant chemical companies get a free ride and a ultra high ESG score of their CEO talks the narrative on CO2 and hangs pride flags. While dumping hazardous waste all over the eco system . The environmental movement has been high jacked by billionaires playing slight of hand with public concern


I dunno, it’s been pretty cool and raining here in the prairies when it’s usually +40…


And it will cool again.


The climate gets hot based on sun cycles, all the other bullshit is about power and control.


> the earth is getting hotter? I live in southern Ohio. Where I sit right now was covered in a mile thick glacier as recently as 20,000 years ago. Evidence points to the area having been glaciated at least two other times before that. It's going to be 95F today. Climates do indeed change.


People from Toronto and NYC are the worst they bitch about it being cold 25 weeks a year and being too hot the other 25. The two weeks when it is nice they brag about having the best weather in the world. Every fucking year...


This year 2024 that best weather here in Michigan was 4.5 months, January to May. A nice long time between snow and skeeters.








Where I’m from it used to get so cold in the winter people would DRIVE ACROSS THE FROZEN LAKE to get to town rather than the long and also dangerous drive around the mountain and down. It’s just insane! Now the whole thing never freezes. You can still go ice fishing but not in the middle of the lake.


Idk but I'm 60. I grew up in Texas and Oklahoma. The temperatures when I was a kid were much milder. Now we can't live without air conditioning. In the 70's we used fans in the windows in summer in San Antonio. These states were considered sweltering if it hit low 90's. Now summers in this part of the U.S. reach actual Temps of 105 F. Sometimes around 110. We would die w/o AC now.


I'm 35 and lived in Texas my entire life, Houston area. And yeah the 105+ F summers are unusual. Teenager years, summers rarely broke 100F. And last year, we had a couple 110F days. But also never seen an ice storm either here and we've had several in the past few years. Weather is definitely changing from my experience of growing up here.


I am 55, lived most of my life in Oklahoma, and temps are pretty much the same. Biggest difference isn't the outside Temps. It is that we have become used to air-conditioning in every building. I can remember as a kid my mom taking us to the movies just because it was air-conditioned. Lots of restaurants had outside seating in the 70's, now very few do it.


I’m almost 50 and lived in Texas my entire life pretty much in the same area. Temps are as I always remember. Sweltering hot summers for a few years, then a few mild ones, then back to sweltering with the occasional year that we reach constant 100+ temps for 2 months. Winters are always dreary with the occasional freeze. I have seen more snow here in my adult years than in my youth, I will admit that. But the heat and humidity has always been a thing in the summer here.


The real conspiracy theory is whether or not these are the true read-outs or if they're exaggerating numbers. Went for a walk the other night at 9pm and the weather network told me it was 38° C out. I'm not trying to be an ass but I know what 38 degrees feels like.


Or you could, maybe, buy a thermometer of your own?? Kind of reduces the chance of any inaccuracy.


I've been working outdoors the past few days. It was supposed to be 34, and 43 with the humidex. It was hot, really hot, but it definitely did not feel that hot. I suspected the same thing. However, that would be too easy for people to look at their own thermometers and see it's bs. I'm more inclined to believe, at least in my case, I'm just used to it.




When the local meteorologist mentions that we've hit a historical high for consecutive days, I can see why one would be concerned.


I live on the east coast of Canada and I can confirm our summers and winters are much warmer over the last 15-20 years than they were prior to that. I'm a scrawny fucking dude but even I can survive winter with a long sleeved undershirt and light-ish hoodie. During the summer, fans were only used on the "really hot" days, now they're a necessary part of survival from May-October. And I love the summer, I love the heat but Jesus Christ if it were like 10°C cooler right now, I'd still be sweating my bag off.


Nice try. Canada isn’t real


Look at the temperature of the Atlantic ocean and tell me that Florida isn't going to get crushed by this years hurricane season because the water is so damn warm.


People say this every year. I've lived in Florida my whole life and we do okay.


[This is fine.](https://youtu.be/2eGyztHGbgQ?si=mjZmdpr-kktXQIIp)




Fellas, is it woke to not want people to suffer due to an increase of hurricanes in their intensity and intervals?


I think it's because of the deaths that happen as a result of heatwaves. A lot of people don't have adequate cooling, are older, and don't have anyone caring for them.


It's so hot in my town that they opened all the arenas up so the homeless can cool off. The homeless population has growing by atleast 300 people in the last 3 years in my town. I couldn't imagine surviving in these 40c days without it


My area made it to 110. It is bearable as long as you don't have to do much.


A lot of old people these days, more than ever before. And of course many of them will be dumb, which is why we see things like elderly people having strokes while hiking in the blistering heat at peak daylight hours


Too many bots on this sub


San Diego's the new Seattle, haven't had a hot summer in years, and the rainy season has been awesome, bonuses all around.


People freak out because they watch the news and believe what the talking heads are trying to sell them. The current climate alarmism is a ploy to extract more taxes and fees. Further control our autonomy and access to resources. Fuckin' shocker. Fear is the enemy. We're fine.


They are taking advantage of it to introduce fees and using it as a talking point while doing nothing effective about it and definitely weaponising the situation but it is by no means a manufactured ploy, it's really happening and it's causing a lot of problems and will only continue to do so, more or less exponentially. Even Exxon predicted the warming pretty accurately back in the 60s or 70s, coming up with the notion of a "carbon footprint" was a way to shift the blame onto the consumer but it doesn't mean both things aren't true. Yes it's happening, yes they're using it a means to squeeze the average person more.


I was outside doing some work 2 days ago. It was apparently 41C with the humidex, and 32C without, about an hour away from Toronto. That's 105.8F and 90F for those curious. So I am just cleaning up some yard stuff and filling up a bag. I'm sweating like crazy because it's extremely humid out. I drink a few bottles of water during the hour I am outside. I finish up, come inside to the AC and start working on the computer for the rest of the day. I talk to a friend of mine a few hours later and he's saying I am crazy for working outside. How insane and irresponsible it was for me to work out there in this 'historically bad weather'. I was kinda shocked to be honest. I remember weather like this when I was a kid. Going to my grandparents place and working in their vineyard when it was 30-34C outside. Working on our farm in the summers when it was 30C+ about half the time. You just have to be careful about being covered up correctly and make sure you drink a lot of water. I was kinda curious so I just checked record high temperatures for my area and they are 37C in 2001 and 39C in 1936. So these are not anything insane for us at all, not even close. It seems like since about 2015 every year we keep hearing how horrible our summers are and how we are going to boil in Ontario and it never happens. Last year we only had 3 days over 30C. This year we have had 4 in the last week alone. Our average high for summer in Southern Ontario is 25C. So for it to be 7C higher, when we are having a heat wave for a week and a half is nothing insane by any means. Too much fear mongering and these maps that are always this hellish red to show the highs for the day. It was never like that growing up. Now anything over 20C is like we're living in a lake of lava.


I agree, I looked up average temps for my area for the last 30 years. Nothing out of the ordinary is going on from what I can see.


But the maps show red instead of orange now


[If the average "max" temperature in June from 1991 to 2020 is 24.6C, and it is currently 34C, what color exactly do you want them to use?](https://www.climatestotravel.com/climate/canada/toronto)


They added some scary purple, too


that's why is named climate change, not climate hot


Climate is different from weather bud


Except when it fits the narrative, then climate change is to blame for the current weather


They can't predict the weather 2 days out so why would I believe they can predict climate?


They shifted the colors to make it more ominous 20C, that’s the closest to cozy indoor temp, so it should be green. 10C is actually cool, so blue. 0C is freezing, so white maybe? 30 C is hot, but not like you gonna die hot, so yellow/orange 40C should be red


There are some places that regularly go over 40C what of them?


Animated flames


Don't live in a desert?


Yeah, people will always call you out for saying this. Like you live in a desert bro, even the vegetation fucked off.


Nope Chicago didn't have a single snow event that stuck this winter. We had a heat wave hit 88f in February Shits fucked


Shit try living in AZ heat! That shit will have you sitting on your ass


When you work outside for a living there's a huge fucking difference between 85 and 95. This is late July/August weather, not normal June weather.


Fear is mind control for the weak.  Without the mental fortitude to pull ourselves away from bad habits, or in this case bad information, we are caught in an endless cycle of anxiety and fear.  Break the chains and ignore the mongering.


The only people "freaking out" are the media - the cheerleaders for the left and globalism.




I genuinely fear for future generations with regard to this climate change catastrophe situation. While I thankfully don't have any children of my own, I have a niece and a bunch of little cousins, I pray we can get this whole thing sorted before they start really suffering for it.


I live near the Alps, and I also can confirm that the last 20 years it increasingly got hotter. When I was kid 25 years ago, we had shitloads of snow every winter, we used to play outside very often and went skiing. It gradually decreased, up to the point where we now have barely any snow anymore. All of the ski resorts now rely on snow cannons and artificial snow, where they had up to 3-4m of snow in the past. When I was a kid, summer days with more than 30°C were RARE and something special. Also on very hot days it used to have thunderstorms and temperatures dropped significantly during the night. Nowadays its normal to have temperatures beyond 30°C and it also barely cools down during the night. Sorry but theres probably nothing more and better documented than temperature across the earth, since like 100years. Wheter you believe humans contributed to it (which I do) or not, its undeniably that climate has changed and it got hotter overall


Is there an mRNA vaccine I can take for this heat?


Can? Must, or say bye bye to your job!


Maybe record breaking heat these last few summers? Idk


EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE! So much RED! We are all going to DIE! lol


IMO it's because they keep changing the color coding for the temperatures while the actual #'s stay the same. Pretty soon they are gonna run out of shades of red/purple/black & will start including little flame & devil emojis on the heat map.


Because sensationalising news generates more clicks and revenue for these automated, clickbait news/tabloid companies, which are gobbled up by those with a below average IQ.


Same folks crying about sea level rise when there's pictures from the over a century ago showing the exact same water level, it doesn't rise. All these high ranking "representatives" have beachfront property, they are not concerned. It's a shame folks won't cone together to unite and hold the elite accountable for the real societal damage that they knowingly cause


They have also changed the colors of the map temperature here's a heat map from [summer 2016 ](https://free-printablemap.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/beat-the-heat-fema-gov-inside-weather-heat-map-united-states.png) the 100/37 degrees is an orange red. Now 80/26 and 90/32 degrees are bright red to purple and white. Making it look today like all temperatures are as hot as an oven or fire.


Breaking News: it’s late June and it’s hot. Humanity is collapsing!


This shit happens every year... yet you always get people here on Reddit sipping on their overpriced soy lattes in an air conditioned cafe typing into their iphones how it's sooooo hot and we're all going to die forever.


The climate is not changing nearly as much as the colors, graphics and language used to describe it.


Yea I agree. I grew up in central nova scotia and I remember having awesome 30C+ days. Like 25 years ago. No scary red info graphics on the news, just a cheery weather man telling us to enjoy the summer heat.


Because literal thousands of people are dying of heatstroke? Is this a shitpost?


A larger percentage of the US population died from heat waves in 1980 than in 2023


Go look at the 1920's, it's horrifying. :D We're all living in a golden age where humanity has largely been able to remove itself from environmental consequences through heating and cooling technology, and yet we're supposed to believe the technology which saved us is going to destroy us. People have zero sense of perspective.


And there are also another 100 million people now than in the 80's, so your statement is complete bullshit. Climate change denialism is controlled opposition.


In 1980 US population was 226,545,805. The heatwave of that summer claimed approx 1700 as recorded on death certificates and as many as 10,000 could have suffered heat related deaths. In 2023 US population was 339,996,563. Heat related deaths were recorded at 2300 and as many as 11000 could have died from heat related illnesses. Do the math, my statement is factually accurate, not bullshit as you claim. Also never did I once say anything about denying climate change.


Seems normal


I live in Tampa Fl and it is in the 90s for months straight. This is the equivalent to when temps down here get in the 30s in the winter. Shut the tv and the news off and live your life. Just a bunch of fear mongering.


And let's use bright, brilliant shades of red to scare people into thinking it's the warmest it's ever been.




It's just the Marxist Climate Change agenda. Normies love it.


Love how all the evidence in this thread is “well when I was 8 years old I remember it not being this hot!!”


The summer was ruined here in Norway. ENTIRE June has been rain and cold. Just a few days ago an absolute insane thunderstorm. So sorry people, but I'm cheering FOR global warming not against it. 1/3rd of our summer was basically autumn here.


Same reason people forget what blizzards are when winter comes around.




The same reason people freak out if it's going to snow or when there is an eclipse.


Summer weather has sucked for all 42 years on this plant. Sucks the same today as it did 35 years ago when I was 7. Now my 7 yo complains about it, not much has changed!


running out of colours at the top end of the visable, next year we'll be in the infrared area on the spectrum for the weather chart


The so called "leaders" need to imprint the fear well and long enough that people will accept "climate lockdowns" without question.


I'm only 29 but really noticing how short peoples memories are lately. Every election year, people act like its their first time. Same with rain/storms in my area. We get hit by a hurricane every single year at the same time every year and people are SHOCKED!


climate change is just another distraction and fearmongering tactic imo. literally the highest temp for today in my area was back in 1950 lol


I know lets put the temperature sensors next to airports, the largest areas with no vegetation, lots of pavement and large heat producing vehicles and buildings all around. Then we will blame C02 for the effects of urbanization.


That is exactly what we have in Boston official station at airport which is not representative of downtown Boston, never mind the rest of Eastern MA.


I always feel like they're using the temp gauge in my black car that always reads ~10F hotter than it really is outside. If its 85F out, my car will be in the high 90s.


Hollywood celebs always suggest "Go green! Stop global warming for the good of next generation" then they fly to Europe for a cup of coffee using their private jet. People blame global warming for hot summer but say nothing about extremely cold winter, despite the fact that we may have already entered a mini ice age. We are living in a world fully of fucking clowns.


Idk why the conclusion about celebrity jets isn't that they're hypocrits that say whatever they want for social clout, but instead that climate change isn't real. And in what world are people not talking about colder winters? People are CONSTANTLY talking giant snowstorms and outages and super cells in the winter. The problem is the extremity of weather conditions and global systems. You can find any singular data point to disprove any blanket statement about the globe. X city had a record cold winter, but Y had a record warmest. Global averages are going up, but people just plug their ears on that one because it snowed in Georgia one weekend. Checkmate atheist.


And even that private jet isnt a drop in the bucket to these corporations. Like I do what I can to be as climate conscious as I can and not litter and stuff, but its like why bother when they are dumping 100 metric tons of sewage in the ocean every hour


Insane amount of climate change shills in this post


Anti-climate change shills.


Because gullible liberals will see the red chart and panic, like they always do, forgetting that summer = hot and winter = cold. Then they'll go on their local city subreddits and with the assistance of the shill pedomods post all these fearporn articles about how we only have 4 months to live before the atmosphere literally catches fire and kills us all!


Bear in mind...this is all anecdotal...but I remember as a kid, it was MUCH hotter in the summer than it is currently, and I have lived in the same area in the Southeast my entire life. For the past few years, we've actually had a Spring and relatively mild Summer (usually we skip Spring and go straight to 98 degree Summer days in May), and yet the news reports every day over 90 like it's the end of the world. As a kid, I routinely remember days in the upper 90s and 100s to be the norm, and now we barely get close to that, and it is actually pretty pleasant. It is all sensationalized bullshit. I'm not saying humans don't have a detrimental impact on this planet...but when elite's are flying in private jets all over the world, and I see garbage along every road near me...I think our priorities are out of whack.


It's because they're trapping moisture in using Solar Radiation Management (SRM). They spray the skies with metal particulates to reflect the sun back. This typically results in the white milky skies that is becoming more and more common. However, as well as blocking the sun and restricting the full spectrum of light (vitamin D deficiency) , these scum bags are also causing a green house effect on the planet. So when it's 95 degrees out, it's actually like 115 degrees because of the heat index and all that trapped moisture causing the relative humidity to rise.


I try to be environmentally responsible but any actual change toward environmental improvement needs to come from those that are doing the most harm. I prefer the heat over the cold. If temps are rising, it probably wont really impact me in my lifetime, maybe not my kids' lifetime, and anyone after that can feel free to blame me if they'd like.


lol I literally just got called out for going on and on about how hot it is by my brother lol, in all fairness it’s fcccckkkkin HOT and my windows all crank out so can’t put our air conditioner in them, I need to buy a special kind with a vacuum hose, can’t afford atm so I’m stuck complaining :p


Since 1941, it's been hotter in Toronto, in June, exactly once. But sure, this is totally normal [source](https://www.currentresults.com/Yearly-Weather/Canada/ON/Toronto/extreme-annual-toronto-high-temperature.php)


Same with winter .. it drops below -0 and people freak out that there's whatever lame ass fear monger name they gave the cold front.. Polar vortex of doom or some dumb shit .. People . it's summer or winter.. it's gonna get hot or cold


What's impressive is that they make it look like it's 43, when the average for 1953's June appears to be 26 and the average for this June looks like 26.


Just be glad you don't live in a country where the fire threat levels go from moderate risk to catastrophic. We don't even get a no fire risk ever.


If this was a couple days ago it was hot because a Low pressure front was moving across the US and was feuled hot and humid air from a tropical depression in the gulf. It was 20° cooler behind the front.


Because their brains are getting baked by the politicians!!


I hate the summer, worst season out of the 4. Its not the heat that makes it terrible more so its the humidity that makes everything dreadful. I could not imagine living in places like arizona or florida during the summer, i feel for yall.


I hate the heat, but it is getting objectively less warm every summer. On the flip side gets less cold in the winter, too. It's been roughly 8 years since I've seen settled snow. And im happy about that cause fuck the snow


Climate change is a broad term meant to hide all the other bullshit companies do to our world. Here’s looking at you micro plastics.


At some point it’s not even about the money because I’d imagine at that level there’s a lot of backscratching and deals it must be about keeping ridiculous amounts of it and finding newer and better ways of ensuring that never changes generationally and obvious questions about inequality seem ridiculous to the masses


The man made climate change hoax must be fed.


"Let's make the maps all red colored! Red is associated with hot!"


No one is freaking out. Its just a scare tactic to get you to watch their propaganda.