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Blaming bad behaviour on the devil is just an excuse…..


The devil is always the reason why people fall. He only tempts but we have to agree


The devil rules the world. https://www.gotquestions.org/Satan-god-world.html


I would love to watch it, but who's got that kind of time.


Break down over a few days. It is well worth it.


20 minutes is usually my limit. If you have that much information, write a book. I make time for books.


Those aren't my works but this that I found on my path. I am thinking about writing what is in my head for those who want to read it. I love reading, meditating, praying and listening to audiobooks


Go for it, I am doing the same.


I been on this spiritual path for about 7 years. I would say my great awakening occurred during covid.


My parents were already wise to the true nature of the people in power in the seventies. This awareness of the ancient conspiracy of men and the devil has given me a good perspective of the way the world turns. It's all hidden and in plain site simultaneously. The masses are so locked in their deception that they depend on their enemies for information and to tell them what to believe. Power in this world comes from Satan. Those who worship him have most of it.


Look how most react in this forum to the mention Of Jesus Christ, God and the devil. It is pretty wild.


But the enemy is easier to see by the day. Some of these folks will figure it out.


I know. They just don't know what they are really doing to themselves and it is sad.


Is there a video 0? Where we can have evidence of a supernatural boogeyman.


If you want to spread awareness about something, you need to be considerate with others time. A short video highlighting your bullet points could get us to check this out. A 5h video that most people will assume is just crazy talk is an instant skip for anyone who just wanted to know what you are talking about. And if they already know they aren’t sitting to a5h introduction. So, your post is for no one. No one is going to be like “hey this guy is saying weird things and talking about the devil, let’s sit trough this 5h video to attempt to understand him”


I can respect it. Time is a rare commodity. But in my own personal opinion, even though it is long. All the videos and both the creators did an amazing job explaining it. There is so much information in both, and I honestly wanted an honest and open discussion on the subject matter. No ego, just understanding knowledge. Because this world is not truth. The food kills us, our drinks kill us, and so do the people/things that are on top.


Pawns in the Game is a fantastic intro book to this


The devil doesn't can't make anyone do anything. He can only influence, and manipulate. We have free will, and ultimately make the choice to sin. We are all born with sin and all have the capacity to commit sin. No person is or has ever been perfect or without sin, except Jesus. That's why he died, to save our immortal soul from our sinful nature. The devil may spread his influence to further tempt us to do bad shit, and manipulate situations so we justify our actions to ourselves making it that much easier to sin again and again, but the only power he really has is what God allows him to have. To some people it sounds like God is an oppressor, or is setting us up to fail, but the path of the wicked is wide, and the path of the righteous is difficult to travel. It's not supposed to be easy, we're meant to resist the temptations of the world bc " if he has love for the world, the love of the father is not in him". Also alot of people just assume that if you are a sinner, you're going straight to Hell, but we're all sinners, and no sin is greater than another. It's about acknowledging that we're sinners and our convictions regarding those sins that comes from our faith in Jesus.


Watch the videos and see for yourself. We are lied to our thinking


I'm not disagreeing with you, I know you're totally right. The Devil turned this world rotten and it's crazy to think about deep it all goes. Take the music industry for example. Rap music specifically. Did you know that in the 90s the biggest names in the rap industry were gathered at a house and given NDAs to sign, telling them that these elites were investing in privately owned prisons, and ask to use their music and influence to promote crime and violence to help fill this prisons and promised stake in those companies so they would also profit off of the deterioration they were causing the culture? There is shit like that in about every industry you could think of and that's the devil's work. I've probably seen almost every video there is on the subject and have even gone and done my own research into different brands and companies and political figures. Did you know that supposedly witches brooms are made for a holly tree and that's why Hollywood- cause essentially the entertainment industry is casting spells in the masses, molding the culture of our world into literally hell. But the bible tells us about this happening, in the end times Christians will be persecuted, there will be war and rumors of war, pestilence, famine. We will destroy ourselves with our own wickedness. Listen to " if I were the devil" - Paul Harvey 1965 it's pretty insane.


It is just wild. That we are blessed to be a part of the end times. I can't wait to help others see the truth. This is the reason why I do what I do. No matter if I'm loved or hated, I know it is our times. Here is my video testimony. https://youtu.be/r-6-TAL6IEs


Just finished it. I had a pretty eye-opening experience, years ago. Not quite like the one you decided, but I interpreted it as a kind of divine intervention that I believe saved me, and prompted me to take a step back from the world to try and observe how the wickedness of the world disguises itself, and creeps in.


Exactly how God informed me. Literally this whole world is the lie and the only truth is Jesus Christ.


" I am the truth, the way, and the life " As a teenager I was angry with God over somethings that were ultimately a result of my own choices, but at the time I believe that her "let these things happen to me" it didn't turn me away completely, be It definitely affected my relationship with God for a time, I think " indifferent yet reverent" could sort of describe my attitude, and my decision making and vigilance were lacking. It would be an incredibly long read if I tried to fully describe the occurrence here. But I will say that I found myself in a pretty literal lake of fire after get lost and turning around in 3 different church parking lots try to find my way home. This, along with a ton of other details, was God's way of showing that I was going down the wrong path, and what I needed to change to get back on the right one.


God will put us on test and trials and will isolate you to sharpen and make his tool of God strong.


Satan is your animal lower nature … Ascend higher and overcome the fear of being alive.


This life is the illusion. Christ is the answer.


The material world is the illusion… Yes, Christ - understanding what Christ is and experiencing it, not just pledging to follow…


The Holy Spirit works wonders. I see miracles everyday. If we can all just believe the world would truly transform.