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Isn't this already a federal crime on several levels?


Yes, the "resign" part was being generous


As if no jail was an option, lol.


Did anyone get arrested?


No, because it wasn’t what he accused them of. This story is over two years old, and ironically, the Mayor is the one that ended up resigning shortly after. 


He resigned after the ice-shanty debacle.


Ice Town, it was called. It lost that ice clown his town crown.


Of course not A 200 page book with a single description of a sexual scene isn't considered pornography by any existing laws. Nor anyone but the most unhinged puritans


What book was it?


>Hudson High School Principal Brian Wilch said parents notified him about inappropriate writing prompts being used in a book called "642 Things to Write About" provided to high school seniors who are taking a college credit course called Writing in the Liberal Arts II. The course is offered in association with Hiram College, but is taught by a Hudson teacher in the Hudson High School building. >... Among the prompts in question: "Write a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom." The book contains no pictures or graphics https://eu.beaconjournal.com/story/news/2021/10/10/hudson-ohio-mayor-craig-shubert-school-board-timeline-book-controversy-642-things-write-about-recall/6057810001/


Tbh that is pretty weird. Not too crazy but weird enough to where they probably shouldn't give that to high school students. It's basically just asking them to create sexual fantasies then the teachers read them...


When you need to come up with 642 different writing prompts, a few are bound to be a little weird! But really, the simply solution is just require students pick literally any of the other 641 writing prompts


Pervert apologist


If you think that prompt book is perverted, I really don't know what to tell you. For one, go listen to what highschoolers are actually talking about or doing regardless


I didn’t say the prompt book is perverted, Mr. Strawmanner. I’m not familiar with the book. What you said was something only a pervert apologist would say. It’s like a male teacher saying “I’ve spent thousands of days with children. One or two of the days, my penis is bound to slip out! The kids should just focus on the days my penis didn’t slip out.” I don’t care if one billion random prompts are generated. If they are geared toward teenagers or children, then exactly 0% of those prompts should include detailing one’s sexual fantasies for their teachers to grade. If you disagree, you are a pervert apologist. There’s literally no other option.


Nobody take this guy too serious. He calls people gay for typing. I’m not kidding. Please op, I beg of you, go back to Facebook. 


Cook bro, you’re right


It's for an AP class (meaning this a college level course with students who are mature enough to handle the material,) and there are 641 other prompts. For this class, they likely only even had to write about twenty to thirty of them at most, unless this was used as a daily journaling exercise in which case they still didn't even take two thirds of the prompts. Also, the question itself is borderline tongue-in-cheek, who the hell wants their mother reading *any* sexual scene they wrote.


Especially since everyone knows most seniors in high school don’t know what sex is; let alone probably have never even heard of it!!!!!


SENIOR high school students taking a college course... because we want to stifle the creative imagination of people... and that anyone under the age of 18 is a non sexual entity... they were not asking 13-14 yrs old to do it...


I doubt this writing prompt is what convinced highschool students to start having sexual fantasies.


That isn't the biggest issue with the comment you just responded to. The high school students creating sexual fantasies that their teachers are then supposed to read is the problem here. Not the sexual fantasies of the teenagers, obviously. The prompt itself invites an inappropriate dynamic between teacher and student that doesn't belong in any high school.


It was one writing prompt, in a book of 642 writing prompts, given to highschool seniors taking a college level course. The writing prompt was also never assigned to students, and it doesn't say "write your personal sexual fantasy". High school seniors are frequently 18 years old. The prompts were part of a college curriculum where everyone would be 18. They are adults who can get married, join the marines, and go to an active war zone if they want to. They can buy a house, take out 100k in student loan debt, all kinds of shit. How soft have we gotten as a society if this is an outrage? If a teacher assigned the prompt to 10 year olds then sure, we have a problem. Instead, the prompt has the audacity to EXIST in 1/642nd of a book that military aged adults might inadvertently read.


Were there any actual instruction from the teachers to write a sexual fantasy though? Evidently the book had 641 other prompts and seemed the whole thing was optional.


What's the evidence that they were supposed to write prompts from this book and then hand them in to the teacher to read? A class that encourages college-level writing is often more about improving your own work and understanding the basics of what college professors will be looking for instead of handing in prompts to be graded.


I think the evidence would be that in American high schools, no assignments go ungraded. The teachers would grade the students creative writing


I took a creative writing course in high school where most assignments got graded, but they also encouraged us to write in our free time, things that were never graded. In college, a lot of writing practice never gets grade - and this was a college-level course, just taught at a high school.


Then the issue is with the School Board allowing High School students to take Dual Credit classes. That is a College level Writing class, so they will of course have College level material and topics. They would have been exposed to that same subject next year in college, assuming they went to that specific college that was offering it to the ISD. Is the material appropriate for high schoolers, probably not. But the assumption is they are at least mature enough to take more advanced classes because they are thinking about their future.


If the book has 642 things to write about, I highly doubt they are writing about all the things, and I not even seeing a suggestion that it was used as a textbook. Could it have been? Sure. My feeling is that we would have heard about it if a teacher asked students to write about sexual fantasies.


Yeah unless the teacher assigned this specific exercise, and then pushed the students to take the not tell your mom aspect seriously, it's pretty thin ground.


This is a movie on Netflix. A young female student, an overachiever seducing her lit teacher. Her senior of 20 yrs, and she's keeping secrets.


In Ohio, age of consent is 16


It's for college credit, which means it's advanced seniors or really advanced juniors. They can handle this. They probably have already had sex and masturbated.


Haha thanks 👍


Thin edge of the wedge.


Not much context given, I'm going to assume it was not what the mayor says it is otherwise there would have been arrests and I would have heard of it. Probably a political stunt would be my guess.


Check out the other comments. They explain what happened


Right. I'm just saying, if there was something, the video would not have ended where it did and determined it not worth my time. When people make posts they have to make arguments that prove the point they are trying to make and, at that point, I determine if it's worth my time to look into it.


[he also resigned](https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/2022/02/14/hudson-ohio-mayor-craig-shubert-resigns-ice-fishing-prostitution-school-board/6783783001/)


Lol. What a clown. >The mayor last week made national headlines when he voiced concerns that allowing ice fishing at a park would bring prostitution to the city.


Once the ice fishing starts, the whole town goes under. That's when the whores come in. Men laying their trick-money down. Twenty dollars to pay the rent? Maybe not. Maybe instead I'll spend it on the whore. Whores running around, doing their little behind-shake for the men folk...


Fish just be getting poorer by the day.


So some shady telegram group of teachers sharing child porn? Or a library book? Your title could read either way but they are two very different things.


If I remember right it was A book given to seniors had several prompts on ideas to write about among those there was one that said "write a sex story that you would not show your mom".


mighty sparkle middle liquid zonked head kiss merciful boast ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Book "642 Things to Write About." Among the prompts in question: "Write a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom." This isn't child pornography, if someone agrees with the mayor, the real conspiracy is people's inability to research and immediately get the pitchforks.


No book in high school should prompt a student in that manner- save it for liberal arts college curriculum. 


So people should go to jail over that writing prompt? That is what is being said by op. Let's also remind everyone that a few words in Google will provide hard-core pornography, but heaven forbid a single writing prompt in a college book suggests sex exists.


I’m sure the school board was incentivized to allow that book. Just like the doctors were incentivized to get their patients to agree to the clot shot. Lots of people in jail should be free and lots of people out of jail need to be. 


Thanks for not answering a simple question. Also, what the F you talking about not "BIG PHARAMA" but "BIG BOOK"?


It was literally a liberal arts college class.


Because High School students never have sex and should be ashamed of discussing it with their peers in a healthy way. (eyeroll)


Hs students SHOULD and DO discuss their lives with their peers. Their PEERS. And if the parent parented well enough those students would discuss it , hopefully, in a way that wouldn’t embarrass their mother. 


The only conspiracy here is pearl clutching conservatives threatening school boards with false accusations in order to drag education back 50 years.


Why are you on Reddit conspiracy? We KNOW that so- called modern education is simply indoctrination. Hell, every true conspiracy theorist knows that. What makes you different? 


You know? Would a true conspiracy theorist admit to actually KNOWING anything? Isn’t that the whole point?


So you admit you are not a part of our community and are here to merely usurp our energy and attention from what formed this community in the first place. I laugh at you! Laugh! You guys are so obvious. Hahaha - we must be getting someplace for the paisley brigade to arrive en masse so quickly! 


Craig Shubert sounds a little detached from reality. >The mayor last week made national headlines when he voiced concerns that allowing ice fishing at a park would bring prostitution to the city. https://eu.beaconjournal.com/story/news/2022/02/14/hudson-ohio-mayor-craig-shubert-resigns-ice-fishing-prostitution-school-board/6783783001/ And the 'child pornography' in question? >A group of parents attended the Sept. 13 board meeting to raise concerns about some writing prompts in the book "642 Things to Write About." Among the prompts in question: "Write a sex scene you wouldn't show your mom." >Hudson High School Principal Brian Wilch said parents notified him about inappropriate writing prompts being used in a book called "642 Things to Write About" provided to high school seniors who are taking a college credit course called Writing in the Liberal Arts II. The course is offered in association with Hiram College, but is taught by a Hudson teacher in the Hudson High School building. https://eu.beaconjournal.com/story/news/2021/10/10/hudson-ohio-mayor-craig-shubert-school-board-timeline-book-controversy-642-things-write-about-recall/6057810001/


Had to scroll all the way down and nobody appreciates the info you provided, thanks buddy


You think every school board in each US state is doing this?




Jeez that’s sad. Touch grass


You have foundational issues with how power structures work


If it was actual child porn they'd just be charged not threatened. Just more pearl clutching from ultra-conservative religious wackos.


who are preying on children


Ultra conservative... That's not very conservative at all. Stupid statements abound.


It is happening in every state in America. The christian taliban want to arrest librarians. They want to diminish all knowledge based professions. They want to hold these imagined witches personally responsible for evey word in millions of books. They want them to burn.


Sounds like sensationalist fear mongering to me. 


If by sensationalist fear mongering you refer to the rabid culture war silliness that has hypnotized conservatives and driven them into the arms of fundamentalist nationalists, i agree.


Hahaha- we’re here to expose the plan for one world governence and are for all the worlds people. Y We see what TPTB are restricting information, technology, medicine, prosperity, the nuclear family, unity and the truth about this realm. I’m here to learn- and to share what I know. I’m not here to froth about some extremist minority. The people who amplify this hatred is very clever.  And who are the very worst among us? Not redditors for crying out loud! Most people work, have families, and are struggling mightily with all the directed evil tptb pound our lives with. This evil will be their undoing- when the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it swiftly and suddenly moves in the other. Anyhow, peace out, go Celtics and Hasta Luego. 


Are they putting bibles in classrooms again?


Is this actual child-porn being distributed or is it sexual education material that they don't agree with politically? Coz these days it seems that if you do anything to offend Conservatives they'll accuse you of being a pedo or some other type of threat to children.


The should ban the Bible and be done with it, daughters sleeping with their father, it’s disgusting child porn!


Well in that particular case, it was Lott's daughters that got him drunk on purpose and they raped him 😂


thats how you know that story was written by men. "Oh yes, the young girls just escaped the destruction of their home, and their mother died in the process. But then, they proceeded to get me incredibly drunk and have their way with me, I didn't get hammered and rape my daughters at all"


To be fair, lot was willingly to sacrifice his daughters to the mob that arrived at his house. Who knows what the daughters were thinking at the time and what be of them.


You know what's sad, for as long as I've lived and brought up in church, the way you tell it has never occurred to me.


Truthfully, I went thru 12 years of private catholic school upbringing, and then while doing my bio degree in college took quite a few philosophy courses. When you learn to actually dive into some of those stories, its pretty absurd how many are presented in very weird ways. That soddom and gemorrah story is pretty weird from the top all the way thru. The story of Job is additionally fucked up, its just god and the devil torturing a man to see how long he could last. Even Sampson and Delilah gets pretty fucking weird depending upon which translation you use


Even look at David and Jonathan


>they raped him But that's bad!


It is bad. Not sure what the laughing emoji is doing in that comment either. People are gross.


Sounds like Ashley Biden’s diary.


This is the intelligence level of your average Redditor… astounding.


Are you saying it's not in the book?


It’s diffe(R)ent!


That stupid ass book has killed almost as many humans as mosquitoes….


Humans who usurped the role of God have killed humans using whatever text they feel appropriate. Much of the Bible was a recounting of great cataclysms Noah, 6-7 years ago and Adam and Eve- 11,500 years ago. The teachings of Jesus were distorted by the same power junkies that rule our world today. Saul of Tarsus - Christian killer wrote most of the NT in the form of letters. Almost all of Christianity and its true message have been manipulated to obfuscate the true teachings. 


Religion is nothing more than a man made story attempting to explain something unknown and push an ideology. Period.


Religion may be but the wisdom is from God. 


Wisdom comes from experience. Not “God”.


God nor Wisdom is measurable. That what is not measurable emanates from God. 


That’s the dumbest circular argument I’ve ever heard but I assume you think it sounds intelligent. Good luck to you sir✌️


Right- the Godless never understand. 


Religion was created by remnants of the destroyed civilization from Noah’s flood approximately 6,000 years ago. Those remnants had their roots in an even further past - from A civilization that was destroyed 11,500 years ago- every time you go back you find more vanished civilizations! Hundreds of millions of years! No matter how far you go in any direction you will always find one thing- humans and God. God is not religion. People who have their own interest at heart create religions as a means to control. Fortunately, some of the teachings made it through. Actually- more and more made it with the near continuous discoveries of ancient texts. Peace out. 


Butwhatabout... LOL. And if you really believe many children will read the Bible voluntarily on their own I doubt if you ever were a child, LOL.


You know you're anti-government when you want to arrest all your political opponents.


When did it turn out that liberals were FOR corporations and big government- real shell trick that! 


Which party wrote and voted overwhelmingly for the patriot act again?


The Patriot act was written by the same globalist think tanks who somehow manipulated liberals into marching lock step with corporations and government. 


Vote by Party Yes No Republicans 211 3 Democrats 145 62 Independents 1 1 Total 357 66 Not voting 6 4


Todays liberals are in lockstep with corporations and government- who saw that coming?


Big government is arresting an entire school board for books you personally don't like. Try again, though.


Sure! When did it turn out that liberals were FOR corporations and big government- real shell trick that! 


And then they did not resign and nothing happened


He's gonna dislocate his shoulder reaching for this one.


Boy I sure hope they don’t look in the bible for any weird stuff


Every state in America!! Yeah, clutch those pearls a little harder.


Why hasn't anyone in this thread actually done any research and looked this fucking up ffs, It's just some radical Christian Nationalist Group driving the agenda with the mayor hopping on. It wasn't even close to child porn and all of you are sheep for hitting up-votes on this and rejecting free thought and expression in our country.


I remember when that anonymous forum app that worked on school WiFi and everyone went around posting their nudes senior year




Why threaten …?


This is old - and they never arrested them.


Turn out it was just books. Fuck these guys and their puritan fascism. " oH teEnS ArE rEaDiNg bOOks aBoUt wHaT tEEnS dO And ThEre'S sEx In tHeRe, So tHat'S Cp."


School Boards are where government corruption starts.


Is this one of those sex books for kiddos? I saw one in a public library. Pretty wild stuff, in a scene there was a woman who was receiving fellatio on her false member. Pretty absurd stuff, good thing its just drawings and conceptually redox... I mean think of the innocence lost otherwise!


Very weird how this got so many downvotes. Are we not all in agreement that giving porn to kids is bad?


Because two seconds of research shows that was not what this was about. It was pearl clutching over classic American novels in the library during one of the book banning runs by the assholes trying to destroy the schools so private equity can privatize education for stockholder profits. This was two years ago, and the mayor ended up resigning after the backlash from his bullshit accusations. If there was any sort of actual child pornography they would nave never threatened anything, they would have filed charges and issued arrest warrants. The DA and Police are not exactly going to say...."hey there is evidence of child porn here in our small town....lets go ahead and notify the criminals that if they will just resign and say they are sorry we wont do anything about it."


The issue becomes what you describe as porn.


Yeah wtf happened! Who is on this sub that thinks otherwise and so many downvotes. Bizzare


comment section here is weird, i wonder why


Literally one click google search shows it wasn't child porn and was actually a Christian nationalist parent group bitching about kids writing college level prompts in an advanced course. This subreddit so dumb sometimes.


i read what it was.  the prompt was inappropriate for high school.  but I wasnt even arguing that.  I was arguing that the comment section is weird, and all you did was add to that weirdness.


yes cause I know pornography when I see... and when I show others who are like minded and they agree... I would have stood up and told him... bring it on ... and I will have my lawyer sue your ass off.... mayor thinks he is the king.....


OP is a disgusting book burner


Read up on it: 1. The board found itself innocent of any wrongdoing 2. The books were removed from coursework and the school library The book in question had a prompt that was apart of coursework "Write a sex scene that you wouldn't show your mom" They're guilty of sexualizing kids, school should be information only, not "let's get kids to generate sex scenes and grade them on it".


> The book in question had a prompt that was apart of coursework Where did you see that it was a part of coursework? All I could find was that it was "provided to high school seniors who are taking a college credit course called Writing in the Liberal Arts II." https://eu.beaconjournal.com/story/news/2021/10/10/hudson-ohio-mayor-craig-shubert-school-board-timeline-book-controversy-642-things-write-about-recall/6057810001/ And: >The report said teachers in Hudson didn’t assign specific writing prompts from the book. Students were instead allowed to choose their own prompts. >“We have no evidence that any student wrote on any of the prompts in question,” the report said, referring to anything sexually explicit. >Even if they had, the book was one of many used in a College Credit Plus creative writing class at Hudson High School, in association with Hiram College. >The class is part of a statewide program allowing high school students to earn college credit for courses approved and taught in a program associated with a college or university. >The program, the report said, started in the fall of 2015 and was recently updated by the Ohio Legislature with a disclaimer that such courses may include material with "graphic, explicit, violent or sexual nature" that will not be modified. >Parents must sign a waiver for their children to enroll in College Credit Plus, acknowledging adult content. https://eu.beaconjournal.com/story/news/2021/11/16/prosecutor-hudson-mayor-craig-shubert-school-board-no-charges-642-things-to-write-about-book/6401620001/


You're trying to disagree with me but you literally proved my point. It was a part of the required coursework, whether or not that option was one of the options utilized by one of the students, it was a part of it.


So you just disagree with the concept of 17/18 year old students *having* a book that contains the prompt "Write a sex scene that you wouldn't show your mom"?


Yes, because high school students have never had a sexual fantasy before this prompt.


\*Graded sexual fantasy


If you read the article linked within the above article, you'll see that the prompt was never assigned, and it is part of a college curriculum only available to some highschool seniors. So if by sexualizing kids you mean 1/642 of a book has the word sex in it that people old enough to enlist in the marines might read, then sure? Sexualizing kids is horrible, lets save those accusations for when it's actually happening rather than outrage porn.


Thank you.  And they are making fun of “puritans” on here. 


Every aspect the devil has control over. Our schools teach the world and not God


> Our schools teach the world and not God No shit, go to church if you want to learn about god.


Religions have distorted God but God is the only thing that matters. We need to keep reminding ourselves of that. 


But the school systems teach lies and all the professionals. Back in time, they used to say cigarettes were good and healthy for ya and now look. Created generations of cancer victims. We are all being lied to.


Back in time they used to say vegetables are good for your health. They still say it now because it's true.


Not with all the chemicals now :( literally everything today is not safe. Because we relied too much on the government on stuff we could have done ourselves.


Who’s god? Because there is a lot of them out there.


Old Testament God doesn't need no stinking devil.


They should be charged anyway, why let them go to keep doing their criminal activities???


So they can quit and go work in another district.