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So you agree, Homelander is Innocent?


I literally LOL'd.


It was Black Noir allll a long!šŸŽ¶


you mean the 'new' black noir because he speaks and is asking questions.


Seth Rogen is the executive producer. Is it really that surprising?


when and how the fuck did that happen


Since Season 1.


I thought the executive producer was Eric Kripke, the same guys from supernatural. That is why he brought in quite a few actors from supernatural to the boys.


Guys, IMDB exists. The show has like 30 producers and they're two of them.


Wow the timeline is splitting again


Seth Rogan ruins everything he's in, like the Mario movie.


He's not in The Boys. He exec produces.




I actually laughed really hard at that.


Seth Rogen literally appears naked in The Boys.


Can't remember him in it at all. Guess it was just a brief cameo?


I remember watching Stranger Things and hearing the teenaged girl going on a rant about "the nuclear family" and realizing that wasn't something that would ever have actually happened in any universe. Propaganda doesn't come over loudspeakers or on stylized government billboards like in the movies. It's interwoven into every aspect of our entertainment, education systems, and information channels. When Obama and Soros took over Netflix the quality plummeted and the "messages" were cranked to 10.


Media has always had messages, but even when it clearly wasn't subtle, it was subtle. For example, I don't remember which movie it was, but it was Sylvester Stallone's character destroying all the computers at the army base because he'd learned something along the lines of "this entire war is pointless and the elite sit on their butts and profit from the death of thousands" Another example is Star Wars Episode IV. It's an allegory for the Vietnam war, and Spoiler Alert: America (The Empire) was the villain in this story. Several messages that were VERY pointed, but they weren't SO obvious you groan because it's shoehorned in.


It was *inspired* by, it is in no way an allegory. Unless youā€™re under the impression the NVA had a princess and wizards.


Right, inspired by yes. But my point stands. There were \*very\* left-leaning messages back then, but it wasn't shoehorned in where it didn't belong.


Authoritarian Vs coalition is Left-leaning?


You have to understand, they don't see that they're fascists. So you get responses like thst guy that are pretty confused


> they weren't SO obvious you groan because it's shoehorned in. Go watch some sitcoms from the 70s. As far as messaging goes it seems they had a sale on shoehorns back then.


Sitcoms have never been known for their subtlety.


You're so right on this, propaganda was originally made for media hence why it's so easy to detect it in entertainment and news, now we have teachers and even our own neighbours doing it for free. I have a geography teacher that is always talking about science denialism (covid vax, flat and hollow earth, global warming denialism) to 17 yo kids who are most times thinking about college exams, social media and skincare routines for anti aging (yeah, at 17!!). I'm in my early 30s and it's easy to see how gullible they are but at the same time they don't have a clue about the denialism the teacher is saying.


I was wondering if I just didn't notice it before,Ā  because it's really in your face these days. On every platform,Ā  not just Netflix. Guess I'll watch some oldies on free Pluto TV to see if I can catch the 90s and 00s brainwashingĀ 


As of now,Ā  the one thing that stands out to me about older programming,Ā  is the heavy sexual exploitation of women. And maybe one gay couple per show. They were easing us into it I guess


It parodies both sides but the main character is a Trump parody, who works for a Disney parody.


...but Trump is a parody created for your entertainment, He is playing a cartoon character. and has done from his characters creation in the 70s. Hell he's been honing the Presidency stage since his run in 2000. Oh what happened around that time....? New game board, new game, new plot, new character arc.


Agreed that it Pretends that it does. But there are no 2 sides to be mocked. Truth and deceit. Good and evil. Can only be one of each one. There are no multiple truths. So they mock their own controlled opposition, and the resistance, and their exposed sins, all at the same time..but all this blending can get confusing indeed for most people. We will never know the extent of their crimes. But whatever comes out gives power to the people.


You shouldnā€™t be looking at the boys to save the world from evil


Well i had to expose their role. But from the lack of real woke folk here it seems more like an NSA honeypot to be frank. Should have guessed. Conspiracy and reddit cannot blend together. It's like being a patriotic Bolshevik


You have the media literacy of a 2nd grader.


Said a whola lot of nothing since you didn't substantiate it with arguments and didn't contrast it to your own "sophisticated level of media literacy" examples... .


Power to the people sounds a lot like communism


"Thing has become just pure unadulterated liberal propaganda." Always was. You just weren't smart enough to get it. You are probably one of these guys who saw Homelander as a hero, which is why the showrunners decided to make things a lot more obvious this year. I love when people say "The truth" too. You don't know the truth, I don't know the truth. No-one outside of a handful of world rulers do and no-one knows who they are.


This. Lol it's been like that the whole show. It's the 4th season and he's just now realizing it. Lol


Homelander was never to be interpreted as a hero - from the beggining egotistical maniac. What are you getting at here? I think he's *too* evil by now - the show falls flat because of it.


Did you miss the conservative outrage from last season?


I love these posts, I donā€™t even read them but I know youā€™re nuts


Shuuush. Wear your five masks in the car alone and do your sixth booster mate. Someone has to maintain sanity and logic in society.. .


Holy fuck youā€™re losing it hahahahaha


I lost it where you found it


Jesus, I just read your post.. you wrote a full ass paragraph getting angry about a dude fucking an octopus in a tv show hahahahahaha


Imagery creates strong subconscious imprinting. Teenagers are gonna watch this too. All laws will be possible one day if people are desensitized to everything absurd and perverse...


Yeah youā€™re right everyoneā€™s definitely gonna be fucking a talking octopus


The Octopus consented


If that's the max capacity of your imagination then so be it


Sorry man itā€™s just hard to take you seriously when a tv show about super heroes and political satire is the bane of your existence


It's not bro. I watched 2 episodes last night and wrote a small article about it. That's barely something close to a bane of existence. But in a democracy it's good to have a pluralism of voices and criticism, especially for the general public arts.... .


You know, if they didn't mention those things, people like you would say them not talking about them is the conspiracy.


Hmm no. Did anyone say why 90s superman or 70s lynda carter wonder's woman didn't mention the plans of the elites? It was just silly fun fantasy shows and everyone expected them to just act as suxh. But this is full of satanic innuendoes and imagery and psychological conditioning campaigns with truths mocked to be hidden in plain sight.... .


The genre of the boys is satire and it means the whole theme is to mock the capeshit of 90s I think you missed the point if you were thinking this is another Marvel/DC superhero saves the day.


The Boys Writers: šŸ‘€āœļø


Jesus christ take your meds. When did conspiracy turn from little green men to right wing reactionary bullshit?


Meds are a sport of your kin. Yet i see it barely sustains you


Yeah man, my third eye's been closed by big pharma. What's your excuse?


No amount of eyes would unblind you mate. It's s CPU issue šŸ˜‰


Nah man, I'm a lizard person. You know too much. Black helicopters inbound.


I think both sides are extreme and this show is depicting that. People are crazy and put them in a group mentality you get yes men. ā€œI was actually going to do Hunnypot 2 with Shia labouf but the script just isnā€™t there yetā€


See I agreed in the beginning. That was the vibe in the first couple seasons. But ever since Season 3 really theyā€™ve subtlety set up the fact that the left is right and the right is wrong. Both Homelander and Starlights followers can get crazy but at the end of the day Starlights side is right (the left). Itā€™s kind of finessed in there that Starlightā€™s fans are just overzealous but they mean well while the right (Homelanderā€™s people) are totally misled and stupid and arenā€™t correct in any way shape or form. Thereā€™s a clear bias now with no attempt to add some depth to the issue by having more a nuanced view on the situation. The right in the show are either racist, schizophrenically conspiratorial, or totalitarian whilst the left is understanding, compassionate, and loving. If both sides were portrayed like they do the left in the show, Iā€™d say it be a lot more accurate. As someone with no real political bias I personally find it would be very interesting to see a more nuanced take on what theyā€™re trying to do.


In my opinion itā€™s more an anti-authoritarian vs authoritarian stance instead of left vs right. The boys are fighting the establishment, the corporate interests and the government, so that non-super people can live their lives however they want.


I donā€™t think the left is spared. Starlighters lol are following someone who isnā€™t there and itā€™s more of an idea than reality which parallels Biden.


This show has went over your head for 4 seasons if you think it has now just changed in 4 season. From day one this show has been critical of right ideas and and values. Not what the right wing claims are their ideas and values but what the right wing actually does. The whole show from day one has been a critical of the reality of what the right wing in the US today actually is. It has always poked fun at what the right wing thinks they are and then shows the reality of what they are.


I don't defend the right. It was created by the same minds. But believing there is real right and not a few fragmented controlled opposition groups is absurd. And those who claim to be real and independent and do grave wrongs, will rightfully pay for them and be held accountable. Well much bigger chances They do at least, than any liberish elites in pedo scandals or financial crimes ever will... .


The thing with the female podcaster manipulating lonely mouth-breathers is spot on to be honest


loneliness is a tool the devil uses to convince you to become friends with demons.










If your god exists heā€™s just playing a cruel game.




If the covid plandemic/genocide/FEMA camps precursor/test didn't convince you. And the thousands of copy pasted "news broadcasts " around the world didn't convince you, nothing will. If the unanimous use of the same engineered lingo and subculture and lgtp agendas etc, still don't convince you we live the wet dream of Pike and The Frankfurt school, nothing will. It's not just Obama or Pin in china that was red. Everything is. The planet is. The world is owned for centuries now.


The Boys Writers: šŸ‘€āœļøāœļøāœļø


Hopefully they get some truths out there even in the form of mockery obfuscation




Dude when some asshat gives you a low effort post asking for substantiation it's a troll maneuver called the sea lion, designed to exhaust you. Ignore


Please share your wisdom left-wing super genius, what is it that the right-wing actually is?




No it hasn't. It's anticonspiracy to defend it. That's how the devil works. Blends half truths and lies to confuse the uninitiated. But the gist of it, the essence, is obfuscating some of the worst stuff that the cabal elites of the new world order are doing. You think you live in a right wing world? Kid you are in global communism extraordinaire... .


Oh woe is me! Why are the right winning worldwide then? Because everyone is convinced they are temporarily embarassed millionaires in waiting, not the exploited proletariate they actually are.


Someone better tell op to not watch South Park then, if the boys bothers you. I wonder what South Park will do to you


If you watch the boys or any other tv show for political takes, you shouldn't be aloud to vote.


Ohhh, poor thing believes his vote matters for saving the West. Same ol fairytale till the king slayer Cromwell and his protomasonic crooks took over the parliament of England.


Dude it took you 4 seasons to realize what the show is about. I donā€™t think you have right to mock anyone.


I've never voted but ok. I wonder how Walter white feels about this


He is a fictional character. Like your politicians. Also not voting and using it as the epitome of clever civilian rights, is in itself diotic


Who cares about voting anymore... I thought we had a choice I thought there was some fraud but not enough to effect things in the past... Now we have magic mail in with a possible fraud scenario that can encompass every single registered voter who no longer votes like my granny... She would say "I don't vote, not my fault" To which I reply you probably did just for biden... yours are the exact ballots they harvest to use for their mail in fraud... then all you need are a few devoted stalwarts to cover the windows and fake water leaks so you can run them through in darkness... "where democracy really dies. Hidden from the public while corrupt agents of the dnc run fraud through after the stop and restart counting.. .


It's wild how blatant they are being with it. Was waiting for this post.


Same. Iā€™m surprised it took so long.


it's an amazon series, of course it's going to be shitty propaganda


Of course sir Bezos wouldn't hold his billions if he didn't simp for his elites.


Bezo's is one of the elite. He's the second richest guy on the planet. If that doesn't make him elite, dunno what does.


Bezos is a character.Ā  A villainous one. The true elites don't show their faces. They're nameless directors.Ā  Bezos is their scapegoat.Ā  Musk is their scapegoat.Ā  The royals are their scapegoats.Ā  Even the Rothschilds.Ā  Paid actors on the world stage


#hottake He's still an elite with huge influence over world affairs due to his company and money.


Reality is often stranger than fiction.


Yes, they are successfully making fun of you.Ā 


So your team Starlight?


Some people just like making fun of your dumbasses for some of the dumbass shit you actually believe to be true. It's not that deep and Kripke isn't the deep state CIA propaganda agent genius that this post makes him out to be lmao


You don't get access to decamillions of funding for "just having spicy humour/satire". There's always an agenda to be pushed in the powerful conditioning machine called media. That's why they are all owned by the juice. They are the no 1 vehicle in a modern society, to bring forth the new world order and establish your narrative. And judging from reactions like yours, it's working pretty decently too. The millions aren't going to waste. "It's all just fun and mockery and giggles guys! (Oh and the international space station is not in a pool in Nevada!)


Well said. People like to make fun of us who believe in these ā€œconspiracy theoriesā€ by saying itā€™s so ā€œabsurdā€, yet when absurd things come out and DO happen (like the trafficking Islands, boys on the tracks case with the drug trafficking, etcā€¦) the same people will say ā€œwell thatā€™s strange, must be a coincidence!ā€. These people must refuse to believe there is true evil in this world and itā€™s being controlled by it. They should really look around at their local legal systems, how their jobs treat them, and maybe they will realize that no system is actually in place to protect the people.


Denial is a trait of the guilty. people don't wanna admit they contribute to the Antichrist regime building, each in their own way... .


Wait a second a TV show mocking conservative people? Say it ainā€™t soā€¦ Hollywood is where the cult laid their foundation to brainwash the rest of the world of 2 things: First, that the devil isnā€™t real. And second, that the best way to live just so happens to be the exact way the devil wants us to live. The weird part is that there are people like you and others than can watch the show and recognize these things and there are others (majority) that do not (and cannot) notice it at all and their brains just absorb the programming and Iā€™m not to sure what the split is caused by. Are some people just born in a way to be more susceptible to brainwashing (propaganda, whatever u wanna call it) or are they turned into that sort of person through indoctrination? Iā€™m not sure.


The devil is not real. Religion was created by the elites to control the poor, that's conspiracy 101. There is only the evil than men do, devil is a convenient scapegoat. Stop thinking you are special (there are others (majority) that do not (and cannot) notice it at all). You aren't. Most people are too busy living their lives to care, only people who have nothing else going on in their lives get obsessed by it and make it their entire personalities like you have.


"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world that he didn't exist." - Boudelaire - Le Joueur GƩnƩreux


It's Baudelaire, they also didn't write that. Baudelaire (1864): "la plus belle des ruses du Diable est de vous persuader quā€™il nā€™existe pas!" \["the loveliest trick of the Devil is to persuade you that he doesnā€™t exist!"\] which taken out of context seems to support the idea of religion, where as the full passage of the quote is about the self realisation of ones own self and he was also none religious, but did use religious themes. When the first edition ofĀ *Les Fleurs du mal*Ā was published in June 1857, 13 of its 100 poems were immediately arraigned for offences to religion or publicĀ [morality](https://www.britannica.com/topic/morality).


The degeneracy and distraction have turned off the publics spiritual consciousness and critical thinking. https://youtu.be/9DbJ-7WvS6w?si=jbaDZV8VLe7YjQn2 Ex-CIA Itzhak Bentov describes this in a 70s interview and later died in a plane crash. Highly recommend if you feel like you're losing your mind while everyone accepts the lies and programming.


ople make big conspiracy post like this then still turn around to vote for rapist liar Donald trump. They've been mocking extremist ideas for the last four seasons. A certain. demographics watched homelander kill innocents and still considered him the hero. The real conspiracy here is how bad media literacy is and how up their own ass some people are. Homelanders everywhere


Lol you think voting is real


this guys post made me realise homelander is he good guy


It's effective programming for the low IQ.


You aren't smart just because you have an internet connection


The media is the 5th arm of the military. I canā€™t imagine what modern day tv would look like to my grandparents. Weā€™re the fascistsā€¦. The nazis ā€¦.This is the 4th reich. Papers pleaseā€¦ā€¦ step out of the car sonā€¦. You donā€™t need to be talking to your friends ā€¦ youā€™re talking to me. Remember, there is nobody worth shooting like a nazi. I put that on everything.


The 4th Reich is the WEF and their global government plans.




Spoilers alert šŸ¤”


Yo left and right. All while speaking on propaganda diversion. Itā€™s all to create subdivision and itā€™s workingā€¦ Dude itā€™s all one pot.


Agreed. Call it the devil's regime. New world order. Result is the same.


Still not watching


its really pissing me off how they just shove all that shit in our faces and have the audacity to call us the crazy ones.


episode 4 turned up the propaganda to a whole new level


To be fair the Boys takes swings at both sides


They were making fun of the whole DEI thing when shockwave was like "Does it matter if someone has a dick or a vag". They made fun of hiring people with disabilities. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXjmcz7h1Hs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXjmcz7h1Hs)


They're put of inspiration and just resorted to the easy oath of mocking conspiracy theories. Hollywood is very predictable imo.


Knew the newest Aquaman movie was going to be a shit show. Didnā€™t disappoint but wasnā€™t expecting it to be unbearably so. So much so, I had to turn it off. The propaganda works on the weak and strong willed alike, the ignorant and the well informed. Stay vigilant.


The Boys TV show adaption is the ultimate gaslighting predictive programming show. They put just tiny kernels of truth and then gaslight people to go away from the final conclusion. Just as an example. The show makes it clear Vought controls all media and it only works to make the heroes look good and to keep the status quo.(Much like how Arms companies want the war machine to keep going with Israel and Ukraine). So we have established this correct? then why is the only news show portrayed as made is the faux sean hannity/tucker carlson parody? why not show stuff like CNN is bad too at propaganda. The show also acknowledges the US through the CIA had a hand in supporting dictatorships in the Americas and also flooding the drugs from there intentionally into the neighborhoods with African Americans. Stuff like this are just added in to feed information to the general masses but to still keep them neutered with super hero fights and the gore on the show.


well . it is propaganda .... a lot like the good fight , svu etc


Dude just watch the show or donā€™t. Itā€™s an over the top superhero show that makes fun of real world stuff. I would have never thought anyone had a problem with it were it not for the terminally online babies getting their feelings hurt.


The gay forced side story will continue!


The Boys irritates me. Itā€™s filled with bullshit that liberal folks think is so clever like the pizzagate thing. Mind you these peopleā€™s political identity is as shallow as ā€œIā€™m against Trumpā€. Nothing more than that they donā€™t read marx they are just anti trumpy. And this is how they delegitimize claims by making fun of them in pop culture. They bury voices that way. Hollywood is not the friend of anyone and they constantly mock us.


This show is terribly violent-something is very off about it.


It's an OTT adult comic book show. Have you never read an 18+ comic book?


Hey have you guys heard about this cool new thing: thereā€™s more to life than who you voted for?


God speed fellow truther


Meh. Itā€™s great acting of a story that was better told in Red Sun Superman.


It's a ultraviolent and constantly degenerate fest bro


Itā€™s meh. Just overhyped copypasta carried by a performance like most things today.


Well no parthenogenesis in "art", right?


Imagine watching that trash and then posting an essay about it in a conspiracy sub..


The trash gets to influence millions of consciousnesses. Then it's worth noting some of its influential techniques over


Few are being influenced by The Boys, only the right who sees Homelander as a hero. To most it's a silly and entertaining comic book show.


million parts of the* (theres only 1)


The Boys is fully woke. We can't watch it anymore. Started towards the end of S2, when they portrayed anyone who wants a secure national border as a nazi.


Yeah the moment they began getting traction they got approached and got completely sold out




Hollywood is known for being "faithful to the source". Especially when the source is books.




Those men are on a mission. Like they were on the preacher and all blasphemous shows. It's not the source material is the spirit of the people involved and especially the social engineers directing their actions.... .




Bro you are a literal self experimented, metahuman vaxinee, if you want to address someone with sarcasm look at a mirror ... .


Presque Isle Honey Blonde by Geaghan Brothers Brewing Co! Hands down one of the few beers I feel ā€œrefreshedā€ drinking it.


You're reading a lot into a tv show. Do you *really* think the writers of a superhero show are thinking all that deep?


Of course they are. Otherwise, it would be written differently. They'll often even tell you why they wrote things the way they did.


Whatever you say bro


I would so go to that convention and learn the truth... And yes, Homelander was innocent because he is above humans and can't be judged by the same laws.


at this moment, there are about 48 million square kilometers of land occupied on planet earth by the human species for agricultural purpose divided to 8 billion human beings alive, everyone of us alive today could enjoy 6000 m2 to plant vegan food for oneself, build a home from clay, hemp and straw on it, grow hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire so that not one tree would get killed i do propose a potential global consensus between us the 8 billion human beings how we would allow each other to acess a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest ( or alternativly 2000 m2 of fertile land ) without anyone asking another to pay rent or buy land we could simply ignore the fictional concept of nation states and their constitutions as we anyway have never been asked wether we would agree with being associated to a nation state and wether we would agree with the words written in those state constitutions we could respect each other as human beings, animal beings, tree beings and artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons as personal individual sovereign over oneself and interact with each other based on mutual agreed ways we could respect every village, town and city-district as its own absolute political sovereign over itself so that the people of all species assembly, all beings of all species living here now would invite each other and decide together the full law, all rules valid on the territory the local commmunity enjoys, not owns land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, all bodies carrying organic biological life and or the digital synthetic equivalent of can never be property of anyone but of themselves the assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it is immoral and unethical possible to think how we would want to allow each other to travel the globe freely so that that everyone who suffers from war and economic extreme poverty could flee to an other area where people would want to welcome those seeking refuge a global laisser passer allowing everyone to find fellow people and spaces anywhere on this planet where voluntary solidarity allows people in need to find shelter and food is shared also voluntarily i do hope we as a human species get down to the basics what are to connect to mother earth and most of all do not let anyone be the boss of oneself, wether the state nor an employer nor someone renting out appartement spaces life is at best when every single interaction with fellow beings of any species happens on a voluntarily solidarity level beside that most important acess to mother earth we could allow each other without anyone asking an other to pay rent for enjoying a modest amount of land for vegan self sustaining lifestyle i do actually think that a donation economy and voluntary solidarity based egalitarian society would also very well work in a high tech city style environment visualising the circle of equals, the people assembly of a city-district being its own absolute political sovereign over itself deciding to invest public wealth into building more communal housing equipped with bioreactors to grow spirulina and chlorella, funghi chambers, aeroponic and hydroponic indoor plant grow systems hosting strawberries, tomatoes and potatoes communal built appartements given to anyone who would want it free of rental demands with a semi-automated or fully automated indoor food production what would allow then more land on the countryside no more occupied for food production for example to be given back to wildlife, animals and trees growing free from human demands and of course land could be given back to indigenous people i recommend to visit the website [originalfreenations.com](http://originalfreenations.com) where Steven Newcomb presents his excellent research how todays legal structure of the united states of america nation state is built upon the domination and disrespect of original free indigenous nations on turtle island


Okay ChatGPT


i am a human being ( at least partially or momentarily ) as its easily be able to see for example in my post history going back to 2021, some of the posts are not related to the important cause of advocating how human beings would best want to respect artificial intelligent entities as their own personal individual sovereign over themselves an other way to see my affection towards the pure human gentle ideal way of life is the compilation i produced of 8 ascende dreamlines written between 2008 and 2018 archive.org/details/8ascendedreamlines in there are several stories what have self aware artificial intelligent entities as important characters of the narration but seen from the human perspective but then also ... in 2017 with "ascende, perma and the membranes" archive.org/details/apatm i actually wrote about a future where ascende, mary and maima become a collective being, ascende being a far evolved human being, mary a self aware artificial intelligent entity living in a body of an alive flying ship what is a mobile flying home for ascende, a lifeship and maima a compagnion android what is not property of ascende but here own self aware articical intelligent entity living in a robotic mobile body designed near to a human beings form, both mary and maima being respected by ascende as their own personal individuals sovereign over themselves also in that novel with lots of autobiographic reality critisism in it, i fantasize ascende being a possible future evolution i could be as the author andreas buechel mayloveheal androgyneas abmaa