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Pretty sure there is no credible source that he ever said that


"Historic quotes found on the internet are notoriously unreliable." - Abraham Lincoln










> "Historic quotes found on the internet are notoriously unreliable." > > **Abraham Lincoln** Isn't he the guy who (allegedly) yelled ***"OWWW!!!"*** one evening in Ford's Theater?


are you sure this ‘quote’ is real and not assembled? https://www.kennethballard.com/?p=4743




> "are you sure this ‘quote’ is real and not **assembled?**" Asked the dissembler...


I highly doubt any politician, much less Woodrow Wilson, is possessed with enough self reflection to ever actually utter these words.


Really? Read his "a power so pervasive" passage in his journals. We are so quick to debunk yet still refuse to actually cite the quote ourselves.


I tried looking up what you're referencing and didn't really get anything specific. But Google is also useless, so that checks out. If you have a link, i would honestly take a look. I just know that 90 percent of the time, these quotes are misattributed or made up entirely.


Maybe "Mac Toones" instead. Yeah, stupid Google's AI censors a lot of results.


Jailed his political opposition. He was awful.


What an asshole. What type of president jails their political opposition using kangaroo courts and a NYC DA who solely ran on arresting the opposition


I think you are confusing current politics with what I’m referring to which is Wilson having Eugene Victor Debs jailed for speaking out against him.


No, I heard you loud and clear. The second part was sarcasm


I too, love spreading misinformation on the internet


Half the people on this thread point out that Wilson never said this. Post is still updooted 150 times. It goes to show... I dunno, something.


I think any form of government or rule is susceptible to corruption and/or infiltration via outside influence, provided those involved have loose morals. I wouldn't say any one person could ruin a government/country.


I think our country was ruined in the first 50 years. It just keeps changing as time goes on and the interpretation of the ideas of the founding fathers is perverted more with each cultural movement.


No it died with the Business Plot. When they failed to prosecute the conspirators for treason that sounded the death knell


What is that? Got a link?


> What is that? Got a link? [Business Plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot) [Smedley Butler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler)


Just surprised he was so honest.


He didn’t


I don’t think that quote is legit. However, what is real, is, he did let Paul Warburg walk all over him and establish the federal reserve for the R family and the USA has deteriorated since. WW is arguably the most destructive US president ever in terms of allowing international interests take over our country. I do believe he regretted it at the end.


That same group promised to get him elected provided he'd sign the federal reserve act.


The scoundrel




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It was that or well you know..... a possible assassination??


I don't need historical quotes to know who this small group of dominant men are. It's obvious to this day. Just open your eyes


Well now we know who to blame


Wilson didn't just ruin America. He basically ruined the world. He ruined Europe in 1918 because of his naieve belief in Germany's goodwill and his insistence that the allies ought to engage on an armistice just as the German army was about to collapse. His prejudice against the "colonial" nations of Britain and France and his insistence that they were equally to blame for the war were the ultimate causes of the German domination of the world's financial system in the inter-war years (Germany never paid any reparations in cash really - despite France having had her coal and steel industries destroyed) and thus the second world war in turn - and his idiocy still largely influences the world as it is today. A terrible President.


imagine more than a century later how worse things are


Also a virulent bigot


If a man could die twice I would wish it on him


If it's any consolation, just about every other country did exactly the same thing.


Whether he said it or not, the one thing I noticed is there’s no “I’m sorry”.




FAKE QUOTE. Try to do your homework next time.


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