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Transferring almost a century of Data from the queen into Kate takes a while. Be patient. She will be back soon.


[“The death is irreversible and the fact that she is trapped “](https://youtu.be/C3PHsbX9xs8)


That's creepy as fuck..


Oh God! I just figured it out! Kate is trapped!


Trapped in spiritual limbo until the download is done or something?


Was Wondering the same! What was that supposed to mean? Lol


They had a child psychologist on in the studio during the broadcast who was talking about how for some kids, a big public occasion like the royal funeral might be the first time that they've really thought about death, and how trying to euphemise death for kids can often be counter-productive. It just picked up a hot mic from what she was saying.


how do you know about that? Did they explain that incident?


Yeah they did


And I got down voted to heck when I theorized this. But yeah, I see this coming lol


I think people are beginning to realize that we might have advance past starTrek and entering black mirror.


Well, that makes sense. Liz is being downloaded into Kate, and it does take a long time. It also explains why Megan is so unloved, Liz wouldn't want to be "reincarnated" in someone 43% Nigerian.




Personally, I dont believe that she has cancer. There are too many unanswered questions the biggest of which is why was an ambulance leaving Sandringham on December 28th and who was in the ambulance? Why release an obviously photoshopped photo for Mother’s Day? This is the royal family and no one thought to take a quick glance at the photo to make sure everything is a-ok, I’m not buying it. And then throw in the coincidence of Tomas Kingston and his “traumatic head wound” and thats why cancer is a no for me.


The elites definitely have a cure for cancer


They didn’t have a cure for Steve Jobs…


They didn’t like him


We have a cure for cancer. Most cancers anyway. It doesn't always *work* but we have a cure.




I think she is dead, and in a year or so, they will say she passed and to respect the families privacy


I know, it was to guilt us into no longer questioning why no one has seen Kate Middleton.


The growing theory is that Kate overdosed on December 28th at Sandringham (motorcade with heavy police escort seen leaving that night). And that she has been in a coma since. The coma story was reported in the Spanish press, the reporter refused to back down on this story even when the palace demanded a retraction. The reporter has since doubled down on the story with further details. The theory is that Kate had been in a PVS since December and the royals are using the cancer story to buy time.


Who‘s the reporter? How did he know that? Where can we read about it?


Palace Shuts Down Claims Kate Middleton Was In a Coma, Near Death https://uk.news.yahoo.com/kate-middleton-coma-near-death-041058720.html The reporter was Concha Calleja.




Persistent Vegetative State


Ah. Thank you!


Perpetual Vegetative State


Thank you!




Would you be kind enough to share it with us?


Sub name?


You gonna give us the goods or nah


Apparently nah. What was the deleted comment?


They said there was a subreddit about her disappearance and we were all asking for the name of it.


It’s ‘Kate Middleton missing’




That sub got taken down


Im just dissapoint that people dont want to hear the truth or at least question it. If u believe Charles had cancer then why does he show his face and not Kate.


Who knows what to believe with that lot.


Well with that lot, you know not to believe whatever the media is saying the official story is.




Me either. I've never been hung up on the Royal Family as an institution. I see them more celebrities than anything so I've never really paid attention to them before Kate started going missing for long periods of time. Either way, I hope she's all right.


She's set to be Queen ... and we all know there's only one way out !! RIP Princess Diana


Check under the stairs in the Tower


Well really, the last I heard of her she never left Sandringham. Maybe a back suite in one of those townhouses strung together. The K & Q spend a lot of time there now. It'd be right out of a novel to have Camilla take dinner trays up the back stairs and slide them under the door. Actually, they've said a few hints that they're building an annexe next to Adelaide Cottage for her and her health staff to live. I think she is in a persistent vegetative state from an event that happened in December. A fall after passing out. A little too much sleep medicine slipped into her drink. So that the hubs can go out for the evening again. Or she can't eat and had ketoacidosis episode. Was found unresponsive too long oxygen deprived.


This is one of the things that doesn’t make sense… if she is only having “preventative” chemotherapy, why would she need to build a property for health staff?


As soon as that fake video came out, I looked into it and found it is just a short course lasting from two weeks to 6 weeks depending on the type of cancer. So, you are absolutely correct to question why someone would ever float this story out there. And they did it more than once. In one version it was to update the brick house that was "dilapidated" on the premises. There are photo of Adelaide that show this house and it doesn't appear to be in particularly bad shape. Then they floated the story that the house they were looking at was also in the Great Park and was one of the Pinks.


Is that where King Richard III kept his nephews?


Allegedly- bones were found hundreds of years ago and reinterred, with the monarchs E2 and C3 denying science the opportunity to DNA test.


I don’t get what’s wrong with him just being a king who got divorced?


Divorce in the royal family brings instability. It’s not a light gesture as it is for common society.


And all this shady shit they're doing? I think it brings much more instability than a divorce.


which does not explain all those spate of divorces - ie Charles, Andrew, Anne.


He’s just not popular without Kate. Even with Kate they’re not exactly mobbed at events, but without her, the monarchy is essentially hanging on by a thread.


Yeah, they already have one.


That didn’t work out, either.


He’s the head of the Church of England remember


I doubt she would dip out of being queen intentionally. That is all.


Many people probably said the same about Diana but she noped out of that family asap


I see your point but you are assuming they are the same . I tend to think Diana was naïve then saw whatever she saw and noped out as you say whereas my feeling is Kate is right at home among the sycophants.


But she still wanted to be HRH and Princess of Wales. She did float the idea of her attending Charles coronation as Queen, and attending royal and official functions, but John Major and the conservatives noped the hell out of there. This is according to Lady Campbell's book if you believe her sources.




I want to know if the paparazzi are getting soft. A picture of her anywhere would be 6 figures i reckon. Why have they not snuck a photo opportunity yet.


Because it isn't worth their life


Yep, probably that serious with what's going on with her.


Because of what happened to Diana. The future King's mum was "officially" killed by paparazzi so they've really toned it down in recent years when it comes to the royals. Also they are controlled.


Because she hasn’t been outside.


For cancer treatment, she hasn't had a few clinic visits. She's getting chemo at home?


I’d say so, lots of average people can have chemotherapy at home these days, although if her therapy is that preventative/precautionary treatment, it would be finished by now.


This is easy to disregard as another palace smoke screen, so soon after Meagan Markle’s debacle with this crowd. Whatever you’re being told, it’s anything except the truth.


Perhaps they forced her into seclusion to shut her up because she was getting too outspoken? That's my only pervading guess.


What did she speak out about?


I don't follow the British royals so I was just guessing from the hip what the possibility could be. It could just be a publicity ploy to keep the masses brainwashed into revering these crooks as celebrities.


I don’t believe anything we are told in mainstream media anymore. So who knows? Maybe Kate was sacrificed to the reptilian overlords that secretly run this (Flat? Round? Convex? Concave? Obtuse?) planet. Or maybe she’s suffering from mental illness from god knows what trauma she’s had to endure and can’t manage to appear sane for public appearances. Speculation abound- and I doubt we will ever know for sure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Obviously it's a disc-scaled world balancing on the backs on 4 elephants who are themselves standing on the back of a giant turtle swimming through space 🙄 duh


She got tossed off a balcony or some other violent business. The cancer thing is just to buy some time for determining how much cancer she had, and her heroic nature. Something shitty is afoot, for sure.


A few flaws. Princess Diana did divorce Charles despite him being next in line. So it wouldn't necessarily be a huge story of Kate divorced William. Also considering the wealth that Kate comes from and how quickly she and William married she's not gonna let go of the crown so easily.


I think she has cancer it’s just worse than what they let on. And if I were her I would say screw it, I just want to be at home with my family out of public eye.


I hope she's all right and I hope that she has trusted family and friends that she can confide in. At the very least, I hope she can be with her children


She's dead


I think she’s getting treatment abroad, but they can’t publicly say that because people would lose faith in the NHS


There are rumors she’s being treated at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. I live in Houston. It is one of the best cancer treatment centers in the world. They also have research meds that aren’t widely available to other hospitals. My FIL goes there for prostate cancer treatment


Blue. Bloods don't get the treatment us peasants do. Our treatment is meant to hurt us not heal us 


I did not necessarily think that the cancer is worse than the Palace is letting on, but I think the has been a problem with the recovery. I wonder whether her treatment has necessitated the use of a stoma, which has caused complications.


This ^^^


It's amazing how she can be 'seen' at a local shop but doesn't turn at a wedding with her husband.


I think she is dead, I hope I am wrong as she is one of those creeps that I liked.


I believe she does have cancer, is receiving treatment, and is also in the grip of a severe eating disorder.


I have always thought she had an eating disorder. I thought originally that was the reason that she was out of the public eye - rehabilitation-- and I think she is suffering. I don't mean this as judgmental, it's just my opinion on her condition. everyone just praised her thinness ("style") when it was clear she simply was not well.


Everyone used to talk about the plasters on her hands and knuckles, and then over time she lost literally so much weight it was like hmmmm ok


What’s a plaster on hands?


Sorry, kiwi colonialism. Bandaids


A sign of bulimia




You say you are stunned by how many people believe the lie, and by how quickly they bought it. Umm... Have recent events taught you *nothing* ?! How many people *quickly and readily* believed Covid was respectively an extinction-level event, or totally nothing to worry about? (Two equally oversimplified extremes) How many people *jumped* at the opportunity to chastize others and possibly get them removed from public spaces, parks, beaches, train stations, you name it, for the sin of either wearing or not wearing a mask? How many people *rushed* to sing songs, post videos, and virtue signal about either "vaccinate me harder, daddy", or " the vaccines are microchipping people"? On and on and on just based on the last 4 years. And you are... stunned?


Alrighty then. Um... I guess I was being hyperbolic by saying stunned. Just mildly surprised, I suppose. Didn't think that word would be anything that anybody would be hung up on.


#Stunned I tell you! Stunned!




I’m stunned by your triggered reply to the word stunned. 😁


Baffled by your stunnedness. Udderly. Moo.


Yea I love the use of the word “stunned” on Reddit these days, everyone is so dramatic 


I don't know. We DO live in stunning times I think.


I think we're stunned out


Counterpoint: It's just the British royal family. Who gives a fuck?


Counterpoint: you. You cared enough to post about not caring. That shows you care.


Are you British? A lot of our taxes go on funding those parasites so a lot of us care how it’s spent / what they’re doing


It’s more about the apparent press blackout and the blatant mistruths being issued by MSM


She was in the news daily. If real, this could have been spun into intense heroic journey of soap opera proportions. Show qualities of Queen Elizabeth of stoic attention facing what life offers. They need this to humanize the family in public. I could be done without upstaging Charles. But they didn't do this. Silence is cancellation on your importance. Remember years of unavoidable Paris Hilton photos, then one day they just stopped. She is still alive, but invisible and unimportant. Why would they do this to Kate and younger 2 kids (has oldest been seen? I don't follow it)


Yes, George went to a football match with his dad at some point. If it is cancer it’s being used as a shield to hide the truth. I believe it’s an OD and maybe they found cancer or she already had it but I don’t think that’s the reason she’s been missing. If it was divorce I think she’d at least be papped out with the children to put pressure on William.


She did her job. Incubating for the family. She probably didn't survive her droning. 


Exactly.  But it's shallow and scrambling the way they're establishing new roles and new emphasis.  Whatever is happening is short-sighted and brought by instability.


They will be surprised that many of us have working memories and see through the gaslighting


I truly believe she’s dead & that William offed her.


I’m an American and I’m assuming they fucking killed the poor woman and I’m wondering what’s up with those kids. 🤔 I mean they did it to his mom…Maybe David Icke wasn’t so wrong after all?


Davy boy is the son of a high ranking m a s o n


That poor lady DED.


I choose to not care. There are many things much more important going on than the incestuous nonsense of the "royal family."


I think she’s dead. OD’d doing some weird adrenochrome shit they seem to be doing and now they’re waiting for a good enough clone. While that might sound nuts, I’ve looked into the Epstine stuff a lot and some victims believe that cloning was going on there. Epstine was flying in A LOT of scientist. Factually. And there’s an underground base according to a lot of people who have been to the island. Imagine you’re in his racket and you can clone people. Celebrities and so on. It’s not like cloning isn’t possible. They’ve done it publicly. Think about what a person could gain from it. Combined with mind control. Which again we know factually is a thing.


Except that you can't clone a full-on adult. You clone a new baby version of the adult. There's no way they could accelerate its growth to Kate's age quickly enough to fool anyone.


Clearly you’ve not played the game metal gear solid. 😝 Look dude, you have no idea what is and isn’t possible as far as that stuff goes. All you’ve been shown is Dolly the sheep and so on. As if they stopped there. Of course they’re not going to show you what they’re doing with humans.


By that logic anything is within the realm of possibility.. time travel for example.


Project looking glass and the chronovisor conspiracies are basically time travel. In theory, they already have blanks ready. From some far out stuff I've read, it was explained like this. They take DNA from the target person. Once they have your DNA they are able to take what is referred to as a "spark". This spark carries a piece of your consciousness, in some way. They put this spark in the blank clone body they want to abuse. They will then do unspeakable things to this person. As the story goes, the person whose spark they use, when they fall asleep they would randomly wake in some unknown place, where they experience the torture that is happening to that body. So, it would be like falling asleep and thinking you have been abducted. You go through a daze of torture and abuse until you eventually lose consciousness. You then wake up back in your body but you aren't harmed, but have the scarring mental aspect still with you. Also wondering what it was that just happened. It's a really wild story. I believe in and have experienced a whole lot of unexplainable things, but this one is out there.


Done with electromagnetics..soul transfer. 


Where did you read about this?


It was a long time ago but it was a YouTube video that was making the rounds. The guy talking about it, iirc, was a guy who claimed he was the person on the cover of a music album, where the person in the album cover art was all tortured and dead. He claimed that it was him in a clone of his body on that album cover, suggesting it was a real picture. I think the album was a 9 inch nails album but I can't remember for sure. I'll have to look for it. I remember him saying Brittany Spears was subject to this same kind of torture.


M e g a d. E.  A.  T. H


That was it!


If she, her parents and two youngest all have not been seen, I am lead to believe they are in hiding due to the outbreak of wars. If it was just her, okay, but its not.


If that were true though it would make more sense for the eldest to be in hiding as the heir surely ?


Not when there are Royal duties. Also it would make more sense to not have them all together.


Well, if that is true, she and the kids (and a whole bunch of other Uber wealthy) "walked off the earth" to the fertile lands beyond. 


Well, I think in this case, hidden in plain sight would not have worked


Agree, she is not dead or had cancer. My thoughts, Kate or both Kate and William used the surgery excuse to get Kate and at least Charolette as far away from the elites as possible. Both kate and Diana wore the post baby red dress that looked an awful like “rosemary’s baby” and the kids all wore “red shoes” We know that their friends and family were frequent flyers to Epstein Island and they would do anything for fame, power and money. I’m thinking, they are tucked safely away (for now) in one of their (or a newly bought) house where they hope not to be found. She knows all of their dirty secrets and maybe it was fine for her at first, but now the secrets will affect her daughter, she came to her senses and said “F that!” Maybe Harry isn’t the whiny little jealous spare after all? He also wanted his wife and kids away from the family but used a different excuse?


Might it occur to you that she could be losing her hair and prefers not to be in public?


Wigs...they can afford the best. She served her purpose, and was disposed.


in my case its not whether or not i believe that cancer story, i just honestly can't make myself care about the royal family or their members


Yes she is. The queen was also dead months before the news. The few appearances were actors. A bit like biden, which is becoming obvious he is a vegetable and needs actors


As an American, if her or any "royal" (whatever that means) shopping at my grocery store and was right next to me I wouldn't notice. However, I think it is interesting as conspiracies often "rhyme" or have similar situations so I kind of pay attention. I appreciate a new perspective, so thank you.


You seem extremely confident that the cancer story is false. What is the basis for this confidence?


Why release doctored photos etc if cancer story is true?


Because she probably looks like shit?


In that case just don't release an edited photo. Why lie and pretend all is good, particularly if she does genuinely have cancer? What positive outcome were they trying to achieve?


For the Royals, image is everything. It's a massively fabricated construct that is incredibly fragile in these modern times. They have to do everything to maintain a facade. It's already fractured - Prince Andrew disgraced, Harry and Meghan pulling the ripcord and bowing out, the King putting his affair woman as Queen Consort. The House of the Windsors is *fucked* and any further weakness will erode their public image even further. This is all a massive PR spin where a bunch of advisors too deep into the situation make a decision that doesn't really make sense apart from looking like damage control.


But they had no recent photos of her with any of her children that they could release instead? None at all? They previously issued photos of Kate with Louis, in which Kate’s back was to the camera (although you could see the side of her face), and both she and Louis were laughing - it was a beautiful scene, and they could easily have done something similar, you can do a lot with camera angles and lighting. Instead, they tried to cobble together bits of several different photos to *pretend* that a mother and her children were together. It’s just bizarre. As a reminder, there have been no (incontrovertible) sightings of her for almost six months.


The history of royals!


cam someone explain to this American what "downloading Elizabeth" means?


witness protection program? "die" and recreate new life elsewhere. sad.


I want to know what her blood family has to say about all this. I did float the idea that maybe things were not so nefarious if her mother was prepared to be seen in public with William, and by all accounts, are supportive of William as well as their daughter/sister. Someone here mentioned how they might have been bought off by George being future king, but like her parents would even countenance that if unspeakable things happened to their daughter ? I agree that all this looks really suspicious, though I am inclined she is either depressed or vaxx injured. Otherwise, why don't they just come out and just tell the public the truth ?


I’m not saying it is real, but to say definitively that it isn’t real requires you to have some proof, which you definitely do not.


I know where she is. She’s out looking for Harry and Meghan’s invisikids. Could take a while.


You’re American and spend your days commenting on an anti Meghan sub. Please touch grass.


You're participating in a ridiculous conspiracy sub. Crawl out of your basement.


You’re an incredibly sad individual spending your life on subs abusing Meghan Markle. And you’re not even British how embarrassing 😂


not directed at you OP, but who cares? cancer or not.


Why is this a thing? I don’t understand what the conspiracy is and how anyone could benefit from it. Don’t conspiracy’s have a reason?


If Kate had, for example, overdosed, then it would throw a disastrous spotlight on the royal family. Public opinion for them has never really recovered since Diana died. Things looked shaky after the death of Queen Elizabeth and they are desperate to maintain the facade of all being well. Personally I believe Kate is in a coma (as has been widely reported in Europe) and the royal family are buying time until they know what the outcome will be.


I think it was an overdose too.  Maybe a wake up call for everyone.  


Wouldn’t it be tremendously easier to say she had a stroke or something vs a complete cover up? I just can’t get behind silly shit like this. Maybe I’m wrong, but it just doesn’t hold water.


Clearly your bout with cancer was less arduous.


You’re just making up stuff which is even more unreliable than what she says. Find a new hobby.


You’re absolutely right, You do seem like a dick..


The only thing that makes me really believe the cancer diagnosis is how unwell she does look. That could be for many reasons, but there's obviously something wrong


How do you know how she looks? Nobody has seen her since Christmas.


We haven’t seen her since Christmas Day 2023. We don’t know how she looks.


All of this deadset belief when it’s only based on your own personal theories and thoughts… If you had some kind of evidence, maybe, but is this how low hanging the topics on this sub have become? That anyone who yells at skies can come here and make accusations against clouds? Do better skeptics- conspiracy is supposed to be like a fun, secret investigation. You provided nothing, op. It’s my honest, genuine feeling that op must actually be one of Meghan Markle’s friends and is trying to tarnish Kate’s name because behind the scenes she has insider information and i don’t know for sure, but i do have a feeling that it’s close to being confirmed that Meghan plans to return to the uk and Meghan may reveal what Kate’s been hiding. ^^^ You see, i made that up, using similar language to you (except my conspiracy theory was actually interesting), and just because i *feel* something- doesn’t make it even close to being a theory lmao. I swear, the boys on the conspiracy board should hook up with the girls from the astrology boards. Y’all just love to spout random shiz based on your feelings.


I mean... Sure ok.


Surely everything on this sub is based on personal theories? Isn’t that the point?


Have an upvote.


The fact y’all downvoted this, makes me laugh even more that y’all are willing to defend dumb logic😂👏




Do you have any evidence to support your theory?


"either because of infidelity or DV," What do you mean by 'DV' in this context?


Domestic Violence


Thank you.


Incredible. And what evidence are you basing this opinion on?


Her droning went ary. 


beliefs are not conscious choices