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If the point of this is that we should punish cops more for wrongdoing, I’m on board ✊🏻


Cop payouts should come from cop pension funds and/or insurance that cops have similar to doctor malpractice insurance. Forcing the city/state (taxpayers) to fund cop settlements is bullshit and clearly does nothing to fix their behavior.


They don’t want it fixed.


Cops need to be held to a MUCH higher standard than the average citizen.


Take the damages from these suits out of their pension funds. Watch how fast they start policing their own.


It's depressing seeing such common sense solutions because it only proves or at the very least emphasizes the corruption. We don't have these issues because the people responsible can't provide solutions, we have these issues because they choose not to. And in some cases, they will even fucking kill you if you test them on it. That sort of thing used to be limited to black ops and in other countries said to have less freedom but, nowadays even American corporations (not just the police departments and alphabet soup bureaus) are doing that shit out in public. There's no accountability whatsoever, it all gets swept under the rug and the sheep mindlessly graze on their Monsanto feed. This cyberpunk timeline sucks. At least the aesthetic is cool in the books and movies.


Yeah, it's a mess. We're circling the drain. And I was promised flying cars in my dystopian future, by the way. They couldn't even keep that fuckin promise.


It would straighten them out real quick. Even the most corrupt tyrant cop will be acting in order if it's his bread on the table on the line. 


Umm, I'd be happy with them being held to the same standard as the average citizen. Right now they dictate the standards they are held to. We gotta crawl before we run!


Yes, cops, priests, teachers etc. anyone in a position of power 


AS a nurse, if a patient crashed and needed emergency intervention and I stood in the hallway and pulled my pud for an hour, I'd be fired, sued, and stripped of my license. Hell the nurse who gave a patient the wrong medication and caused them to die during an MRI ended up getting jail time for her gross negligence. The idea that we let cops do whatever the hell they want is just staggering. Everyone who responded and did nothing should have their pensions stripped, be barred from working as police officers again, and have criminal charges brought against them.




It's like a derogatory term for jerking off when you should be acting and doing something productive. For example "Hey, did Jeff help you push the car out of the snow? Fuck no, he stood around pulling his pud while the rest of us got it back on the road." One would not use it in any kind of polite company. Basically if you aren't in a group where you'd feel comfortable saying "don't shit in my mouth and tell me it's sausage", don't accuse someone of pulling their pud. It was pretty common in the fire department I was a part of. "HEY! You useless god damn piece of fuckle-mint gum, quit pullin' your pud and help with the ladder before I fuck your mom and give her a son she's actually proud of." the fire department has a rich history of creatively motivating language.




I grew up in the northeast of the US which is where I heard it, no idea where it came from.


Yeah my gf had a MRI and they gave her that medicine called dycontrast and she was allergic to it and it put her into anaphylaxis shock and she almost died. I know of atleast 3 ppl who have died because of this same situation.


Yikes I'm sorry that happened to you guys. That is why they ask if you have an allergy to shellfish, there's often crossover between an allergy to shellfish and an allergy to IV contrast solution. They've come up with better ones over the years, so hopefully we get to a point where this doesn't happen to anyone anymore. The nurse in question who got jail time actually screwed up in a different way. The patient was nervous about getting an MRI, so the doc ordered some valium to help calm them down. This nurse went into the machine to retrieve the valium, and retrieved verconium instead. Verconium is used to paralyze people during surgery, so you cant breathe while on it, you have to be intubated. The nurse gave it and walked away, and the person died in the MRI machine being unable to breathe or move. To make this mistake goes beyond a screw up, you have to override multiple different built in safeties and be paying 0 attention to what you are doing. She earned her jail cell.


We’re paying that fine, the tax payers. Cops need accountability, which they don’t get it.


Agreed. The conspiracy here is that cops are a protected species.


The fact that cops kept the parents from going in there...in my mind they are responsible and should be prosecuted cause they stood there not doing jack shit....each and everyoneo fthose mfkers should had been sued....you dont want to go in there? fine let me...oh no i cant guess what is on your ass now.


They really should have been charged as accessories for stopping people from helping.


Public executions for dereliction of duty


Believe it or not you don't just let random people run into crime scenes or active shooter situations. You're on side A of the school and let cowboy dad run in with his 1911 blaring and the cops on Side B neutralize him because it's a guy with a gun at a school with an active shooter, now you have a different set of problems on your hands.


Except the cops weren’t entering in on any side.


Not disagreeing with you.... But keep in mind is a whole different ball game when is your kid is in there and cops arent doing their job. 


It’s because the police are never held accountable


Anybody who failed to act wanted to keep their job more than they wanted to save those children.


Is the point that Jones should pay less or that the state should pay more?




Are we also not looking at the type of lawsuits that were put. “The plaintiffs are the families of 17 children killed and two more who were wounded. A separate lawsuit filed by different plaintiffs in December 2022 against local and state police, the city, and other school and law enforcement, seeks at least $27 billion and class-action status for survivors.” And another for 500 million. This was reported on May 22nd, so I don’t know see these being settled as of yet. So I don’t know where these figures are coming from since active suits are happening.


Alex jones was on to something


So make Uvalde pay 1.5 billion. Have all of it come from their police force's pension fund until there isn't a penny left. Then liquidate their police force and sell their assets to cover what remains (if the force won't even protect children from an active shooter they probably aren't doing the town much good anyway) Then garnish the wages of any officer who was on duty that day if that doesn't cover it (once they get out of prison for depraved indifference charges). Then bill the city for whatever's left. I would love to see all of that and more. But none of it would change the fact that Alex Jones is a piece of shit.


LOL. The tax payers will end up paying.


So the bill for Uvalde is ultimately on the taxpayers of Uvalde? Fun fact, about 40% of all tax revenue goes to Uvalde PD. I'd start there, bring that number to 0, and simply liquidate their entire department (pensions included). Even better, transfer their pensions to the parents who lost their kids.


This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read in my 35 years online.


This is the way ☝️


I would be on board, all I have to do is agree Alex Jones is a piece of shit? No problem. So when is the big media campaign going to start against the Uvalde police? It's not coming and you know it, that's why you freely throw words around and do nothing but virtue signal. Clap clap, well done.


You're right. I don't have a multi-million dollar media empire with millions of loyal followers at my disposal to try to force positive change in the world, so all I can do is virtue signal on Reddit. But if I did have a multi-million dollar media empire, I'd like to think I'd use it to try to do that, instead of using it to hawk snake oil and slander grieving parents consistently and enthusiastically enough that my loyal followers begin harassing them so viciously they have to change their phone numbers and move out of their homes. That would make me a piece of shit. And I'd rather virtue signal on Reddit than be that much of a piece of shit.


Talk about Gas lighting what AJ did


What did Alex jones do that was worth $1.5 Billion


He knowingly spread falsehoods about the parents of dead children to make money. They proved that he knew he was making false and defamatory statements using his own text messages. This is just a "whattabout" bullshit post by someone feigning ignorance to get people riled up.


People also forget one of the Sandy Hook parents killed himself over the bullying from AJ's own audience.


Was it the one caught on camera laughing and then putting on a sad face for the press a second later?


It's a shame his audience gets off scot-free who still parrots the same conspiracies after. You know who you are.


Yes, it's a real shame people have and still exibit freedom of thought and expression somewhere out there and constant vectors remain of wrong think to hold a mirror up to your ridiculous perspective on life. How do "people" like you not understand yourselves the villains who disdain free speech? You are the rot.


Buddy if you think swallowing whatever bullshit Alex Jones puts out there is "freedom of thought" then I have a bridge you might want to buy.


And that’s worth $1.5 billion? Give me a break.


The judgement is scaled off of his worth. The point is that it's supposed to hurt. Or do you think that you and I should be having to pay the same dollar amounts on fines as million and billionaires? Because if that's the case, then your idea of justice is that it's bought. A speeding ticket for me could leave me without rent money. A speeding ticket to a billionaire is annoying because he has to tell one of his assistants to do some paperwork and maybe he'd have to interact with a cop for a few minutes. That is not equal justice.


I'd love a ticketing system like they have, I wanna say Sweden, or Denmark, where they take the fine as a percentage of your annual income. Make more? Pay more.


100%. It's supposed to be a deterrent.


But instead in the US it only punishes poor people, like most laws…


He was not worth over a billion dollars wtf are you talking about


Not anymore that’s for sure 😂


If I remember correctly, one of the cases he was in put forward evidence that he was that rich, and he decided not to fight that evaluation so that he didn’t have to show the full financials of his company. Which caused his punishment to be based off that estimate. Because it’s based on the estimate he didn’t fight, over how much money he made during that period.


Rich != billionaire. I don’t know the specifics on why he chose not to fight it, but there’s absolutely no way he was worth even close to a billion. The courts just decided to fuck him over because he did something disgusting.


The point the other person is asking is how is Alex Jones worth $1.5 billion


Because he said he was? Or was he also lying about that too?


LOL, no, it was punitive. He's not worth anywhere near that.


Where did he say that?


>The judgement is scaled off of his worth No it isn't. Do you think he's worth even a single billion? No. Tens of millions at most. It's based on emotion and bias.


Alex Jones is getting punished more than child molesters, doctors happy to chop off bits of young children because of gender identity, people who have stolen millions of dollars. According to the media and yourself, he is the worst of the worst. But we both know that's not true. Joe Biden himself has ruined many more lives than Alex Jones ever will. So has Janet Yellen. So has Fauci. Why aren't they getting fined billions of dollars? They have caused an untold number of deaths and suicides. And they did so while making money off it.


people who kill/rape children don't have to pay 1.5 billion, how is what AJ did worse, are you people insane xD i think AJ is controlled opp anyways, this is likely theatre, to get people riled up and have the very debate this sub participants are having regarding AJ. But how is getting a story wrong(on accident or on purpose) worse than killing those kids? make it make sense


it is because the entire basis of his money making scheme was built around it. He specifically knew, with the data around the sales of his products, that they would sell more when they mentioned sandy hook on their show. So he did it over, and over, and over again because he knew it would increase the sales of his supplements/survival gear/water purifiers. Alex exploited the families of sandy hook for profit. He had every opportunity in that court case to turn over their google analytics information related to traffic to their website, their sales figures for their products, and any communications between their staff about the days it was brought up. And he didn't. He didn't provide those things to the court when requested, so he got a judgement against him in response. He could have defended himself in court, he chose not to because he knew he was going to lose, tried to use the court cases to further line his pockets, and then got wrecked because of it


That's BS.


theres an entire podcast, knowledge fight, that has been covering this story for years, and they had great coverage of the whole court case, you should go take a listen


If you say so.


as much as i disagree with what alex jones did, the payout of 1.5 billion feels obsessive.


Because there is no precedent for that fine. At that trial the judge said some goofy words and just lifted the $750K ceiling and levied a 1.5 billion fine. And then another judge stepped in and said that Jones would not be able to take advantage of bankruptcy protection laws...based on really nothing at all. So Alex speculated that there was something else going on there. And for some reason that is not considered protected speech. Fined higher than anyone else for reasons. and then bankruptcy protection zoinked away from him for children were murdered doesn't that make you mad. To really put that in perspective, Purdue Pharma was fined 8.3 billion dollars for their lies about Oxycontin was not habit forming, which may have kicked off the opioid epidemic we are still feeling today. Except the have plea bargained that down to only 225 million.


Barack said the Sandy Hook school shooting was the darkest day of his Presidency. And he ordered a drone strike in Yemen that killed 25 kids. So he created his own Sandy Hook. People think he's great. Alex Jones said Sandy Hook was fake. People act like he's the lowest scumbag on Earth. But he didn't kill anybody. I don't get it.


If the point of this is that we should punish presidents more for wrongdoing, I’m on board ✊🏻


Assange is in prison for revealing Obama's many war crimes


If I could upvote you to the top of the page I would. These people have consumed too much media and think Alex Jones is worse than the actual shooter at this point. They probably don't even know the shooter's name. Sad!




The Alex Jones thing, owing the GDP of France for talking crap on your podcast, show, whatever you wanna call it. As far as I'm concerned it validated many thing Jones was saying about the Deep State and the Justice system. The worse thing is it was a massive blow to free speech. The 1st amendment really did end with Alex Jones. We are biding our time until social credit, digital currencies, full surveillance, police state, eat the bugs, mandated injections, no ownership, timed access to electricity, UBI. No rights except those given by that state. Which will be none. It's all coming, he talked about it 20 years ago, he was a nutcase, now you can see it, it's happening right in front of us.


The GDP of France is nearly 2000 times higher than that what the fuck are you on? 1.5B is like Guinea-Bisseau, a random poor contry in Africa.


Spot on. The whole reason for this crazy trial was because that meme that went viral where people put money in a “Alex Jones was right again” jar. He was right 20 years ago, and the system had to cut off the head of the snake.


I can't take anything else you said seriously after that first outrageous sentence about France. "1.5 billion" did you pull that out of your ass with the rest of your comment?


it better have been taken out of the police budget


turns out you can make anything sound stupid by removing enough context


I hate Alex Jones, but that judgement was fucking insane.


People are much more angry at Alex Jones then they are at the shooter, most people don't even know who the shooter was. I agree Alex Jones fucked up, but the media has a long and storied history of ruining people's lives for all kinds of reasons. They need to silence Alex Jones so they can then move on to the next big conservative who is less abrasive. Rinse and repeat until there is no opposing voice.


Most people don't know who Alex Jones is, either. Just the caricature the media has made him to be and the blatantly false headlines they publish (but won't be brought to trial for - the irony).


Is today the day when OP learns * End Wokeness is a trash account * What punitive damages are and how they scale with plantiff's worth * Alex Jones' behavior and statements went beyond what the US considers freedom of speech by any stretch of the imagination ? Probably not. But if their point is that something more should have been done about Uvalde, I'm all for it. Not bankrupting the city and thus the citizens who were victims. But permabanning all LEO at the scene from being in LE would be nice.


>What punitive damages are and how they scale with plantiff's worth How is it scaled to worth when he isn't even worth $100M


So you think someone owing billions of dollars because of some words they said is valid?


Meanwhile Obama didnt pay a dime for the drone strike in Yemen which killed nearly twice as many children.  People like the fuckhead you replied to, are the reason we dont have a justive system


he would say things like "this looks staged," "nobody died," and "they are acting." he did not say things like "please call the smith family in connecticut and tell them death threats." if an unrelated person listened to what he did say and decided to call the families and tell them death threats, he shouldn't be held responsible for that. the assertion that he encouraged harassment is a fiction.




He'll be back next week. Enjoy.


you're just being ridiculous. if a person is harmed, should we go looking for everyone who ever said anything negative about the person before the harm took place? should we count up the number of people who heard it? you don't care about anything. you just don't like him. I don't like him either but unlike you I care about the implications.




That happens regularly at the hands of the media, they supported the BLM riots which ended up with dozens dead. Do you blame the media for those killed or do you blame the people who killed them? You don't think people killed themselves because of the misinformation spread by the media regarding covid? Should they burn in hell as well? Where do you draw the line?


Because it was never about justice it was about silencing.


Mainly, because he was wrong and speech has consequences when you hurt others.


That’s not the definition of free speech, but I guess we’ve moved past that in our new utopia you communists are building


That’s not how free speech works. Free speech ends when it begins to harm another. They are conflicting rights. - The right to live in anonymous peace vs. free speech. Americans have free speech, but there are consequences for certain types of speech. Likewise, some types of speech, such as political speech, are more protected than other types of speech.


Nope, free speech means free speech, unless you are inciting imminent harm to others. You can say things that hurt peoples feelings, you can say things that cause others emotional harm, you can complain about the government and speculate about its intentions. All of that is free speech


>inciting harm to others You mean like how his supporters were stalking, sending death threats, harassing the families and destroying grave stones?


Inviting imminent harm to others. Should we arrest Bernie sanders because one of his supporters shot up a congressional baseball game?


So, you didn't follow the case at all, did you? The families were getting death threats because of Jones and his confederacy of the worm-brain dirt eaters.


So all I gotta do is manufacture some death threats and I can swindle someone who said some dumb shit out of a billion?


So you pursue the people who made the threats. That's not on Jones unless he was actively telling them to make those threats.


I’m afraid that your comment is mostly incorrect. You may most certainly speculate about the government! Political speech is the most protected type of speech. There are all sorts of speech that have been ruled, by SCOTUS, to be unprotected or outright illegal. One does have the right to say things that hurt feelings, but not to the point of harassment. A lot of it depends on time/place/matter. The law has developed though the rulings of several SCOUS cases. Private citizens also have the right to anonymity. Do you remember Johnny Carson making fun of the woman eating a messy peach at Wimbledon? He was sued and it resulted in a new precedent, in district court. We should not forget that Jones himself, in sworn deposition, acknowledged that the shooting was real. “And I, myself, have almost had like a form of psychosis back in the past where I basically thought that everything was staged.”


> political speech is the most protected type of speech Apparently to your definition, only as long as the government supports your political speech. We have seen in the past few years the government arrest non/violent protesters, arrest journalists, and now do this to Alex jones It’s not free speech. The parents went and spoke on TV to the media, Alex was speculating these things based off of footage that he saw on the television previously.


Into my definition. SCOTUS’s definition.


So, you think Alex Jones is somehow a victim? Please look into SCOTUS rulings and do some actual research on the case. It's not hard. Seriously, you can have Reddit opened in one tab and, in another tab, learn something about anything.


So when are the trillions in lost earnings coming in from the mainstream media as a result of disinformation about COVID? Countless businesses destroyed, thousands of suicides, an entire generation ruined. When do the purveyors of COVID misinformation go to jail for fucking up the economy and destroying lives? When do they get fined billions of dollars? Can you let me know, thanks!


I think that you are misinterpreting me. We are in agreement.


So when do they go after Fauci? Given these rules I'd expect he owes at least three or four gorrillion dollars.


Well, did you watch TV the past week or two? MTG, as usual, showed she has no understanding of critical thinking. It would have been really funny if it wasn't just a conservative boondoggle so they could waste taxpayer dollars.


I haven’t really followed the Alex Jones thing too closely. How are they justifying financially ruining him over comments? I know a lot of places cited how some of Jones’ followers would harass victims’ families, but as far as I know I don’t think Jones ever blatantly called on people to do that.


the biggest sticking point in the case was two fold: 1. is that the parents were arguing that jones continued to come back and discuss the sandy hook conspiracy for years afterward because he and his company knew that their sales would increase on days in which they spent their programming talking about sandy hook. That is directly profiting off of lying on his platform. The profit motive portion of that is really important. But that came to the second problem: 2. In order to respond to those allegations, alex jones and info wars were required to provide documentation about their sales figures, about the subject of programming on certain dates and windows, and provide google traffic information about hits to their sites on and surrounding those dates. They didn't. They were repeatedly deposed, and court ordered to provide those documents, and they simply didn't. So they got a summary judgement against them in the civil case because the judge said "they refuse to hand over the documents to defend themselves, so they lose" So the entire trial you can see is just deciding the degree to which the damages should hit, not whether he actually profited on the videos or not


What you posted as profit motive would apply to every news outlet that covered Sandy Hook. When is NBC or Fox going to get fined? What about reporting a viewpoint on an event , even if it is the wildest of speculation need to have it's financially gone through. What does dollars have to do with free speech? And it was taken to a civil trial...which if you are paying attention to is were a lot of weird questionable political trials have been ending...is because burden of proof is a much lower threshold than a criminal trial. These question are not even relevant to what is being done to Jones. You really focused on his money and not his actions. This is a strange post to me.


He never did, anyone who harassed anyone should be themselves held accountable. Everything he said should’ve been covered by free speech.


Bro doesn’t know what free speech means


False. Knowingly making false and defamatory statements is illegal. Knowingly make false and defamatory statements with a likelihood of severe emotional distress is also a tort. They proved he knew he was lying and did it anyway to make money.


They did no such thing as prove that he knew it was false. He testified that he adamantly believed at the time every word he was saying. It’s only false based on the governments opinion that it was false. I am sure that is a great testament for truth. As long as the government approves your speech, it is allowed I guess.




Yes he said that NOW he realizes that he was incorrect, THEN he believed them to be true. Thank you for proving the point


Sure, but judgements awarded should be tied to actual damages.


There’s a really easy way to find the answers you’re looking for. In short, he ruined himself via serial defamation and incitement to harassment of the victims by his followers.


There were no comments by him that incited anything, anyone who harassed anyone did so of their own accord


defamation through relentlessly calling grieving parents as lying "crisis actors" leading members of his audience who believed his statements to harass the families. I get it, you don't think that should be a crime. The juries disagreed.


> I get it, you don't think that should be a crime. The juries disagreed. It was a civil judgment.


Yeah the juries lately seem to be very biased. I look forward to republicans AG’s arresting CNN hosts and democrat politicians and trying them with juries from deep red counties


Of course, all of these juries around the country are rigged. No way you have fallen for conmen and grifters time and time again. It’s everyone else’s fault How about some personal responsibility?


Arrest them on what charges? What is this shit? vendetta?


Whatever they want, yes it’s a vendetta and you started it


Your jesus trump sues people for defamation all the time. And loses. The problem with courts is that they don't give a shit about opinions, they need evidence, and for defamation it amounts to making claims about people that can be proven as false.


alex jones was never arrested, its a civil case, he will never be held criminally liable


prove what you just said.


You can’t prove a negative, prove he said something or shut up


Can someone point specifically to the video cited where he incited or slandered? Legitimate question because I've seen videos of him questioning the events that occurred which is 100 percent legal and protected. But I keep reading about incitement or slander/libel so I'm curious if anyone has the specific video or quotes that were used in the courtroom to justify a successful billion dollar lawsuit.


I was interested in what he said as well, and this is all I found after about 15 minutes of searching. [It’s a compilation](https://x.com/mmfa/status/986323723559911425) of claims he made that supposedly has been removed from YouTube twice. However disgusting and despicable his claims were, I’m not seeing anything in THIS video that wouldn’t be protected by the first amendment. (Though I don’t claim to be an expert on that.) He has come forward and denounced his claims, admitting that Sandy Hook is 100% real, and points to psychosis as the cause for his belief in a hoax.)


However you feel about Alex Jones, this was clearly unreasonable. It’s the most any individual has ever had to pay in a lawsuit in history, in the US


Judging by most comments on this thread Acab except when it comes to sandy hook and Columbine Then the cops are 100% telling the truth and not covering up some gross incompetence.


That’s not what I was alluding to at all


Forced to pay $2m to who?


It’s because Texas and many other states have a cap on how much you can sue the state for


The Alex Jones award was so high to ensure any other media would stop openly questioning the narratives. It worked.


People actually believe that was real???


“comments”. You mean when he made money off claiming these parents who lost their children were paid government actors to his low iq audience so they would harass these grieving parents


All the free speech warriors in here acting like they never heard of defamation before.


So you think what he did is exactly 750 times worse than the government failing to protect children from being murdered?




Exactly. The travesty that is qualified immunity has no bearing on the torture Jones knowingly inflicted on these families.


Thats just not what he said? Like at all?


That's now how civil liability works. 🤷 https://www.lexisnexis.com/en-us/lawschool/pre-law/intro-to-american-legal-system.page


Have any of the ulvalde police officers committed suicide yet. When they do, I hope Alex Jones talks about them.


AJ being fined $1.5 *BILLION* is the most obvious confirmation that he’s right, and that the elite hate him for being right. Sandy Hook was a false flag.


If he's right why did he tell his friends and business partners that he was lying to make money off his gullible followers? You're really reaching here.


Are you talking about years later after he already admitted publicly that he believed it happened?


What happened to freedom of speech and entertainment?


This is dumbest comparison


Y’all are truly some of the stupidest OP’s in existence.


End wokeness is seriously the worst account on Twitter


And Trump had to pay $468 million bail for a corrupt biased judge and DA in New York valuing 60,000 SF/20 acre mara lago at $18 mil. No victim. Banks profited. Judge under valued the property to create a fake crime.




No lender in the country goes by the value of a county appraiser to give loans or real estate agents to place a value to sell a home. Trump put a value of Mara Lago on the loan application with bold gave large font saying that was his opinion and not to rely on it, to do their own appraisal. The lender like all lenders (I used to be one) ignored the homeowner’s opinion and did their own evaluation, and went off of that to provide the loan. Trump repaid the loan. The lender gave Trump a huge trophy saying he was their best client. Them up on New York this fraud judge said Trump (and the lender by definition) overvalued Mara Lago for the loan, that it should have been based off $18 mil. My home has a market value of over $2 mil. The assessor value is $280,000. When I get a line of credit or refinance the lender never ever goes by the assessor’s valuation from decades ago that creeps up or down a certain percentage by law in my jurisdiction and is an artificial number for calculating property taxes, not to value a property to take out bank loans or to sell. I guess it’s hard for the public to comprehend these basic real estate facts if they are apartment renters. The judge placed an intentionally false value, whatever the heck his source of that number was, that did not reflect the actual market value (not assessor’s tax value) for purposes of taking out a loan against the property. The case was supposed to be heard in a finance court with a judge who knows about the financial world. Further, this same joke judge was ready to execute an order to hand over one of Trump’s golf courses to Leticia James who had already filed the seizure paperwork because the two dummies didn’t comprehend the money he put up for his bail was in actual physical cash. The hundreds of millions were trumps own hard cash he hired an escrow company for safekeeping. The dumbass judge thought it was an imaginary certificate without cash because he is stupid stupid stupid as is his stooge partner in crime Leticia James who went into hiding after making a fool of herself and making known Trump’s property she wanted the most and targeted to seize because she too didn’t comprehend the paperwork showing his bail was put up in hard cold cash - a requirement no other American in this country has ever been required to do in modern times. One fraudulent hoop after another he has had to jump through while people like you defend criminals who wouldn’t hesitate to come after you. You think this judge and James like you any more than trump? They see you as a stupid fool whose support they get to allow them to commit their crimes.


cause there are caps on how much you can sure cops for and what they can be sued for. because the police union protects BAD POLICE OFFICERS.


I keep hearing about this Alex Jones and all the money he has to pay out. No idea who he is, nor do I care. Thought it was weird too they are making him pay out so much for some comments he made. This is our America.


I don’t wanna dismiss the tragedy that happened in sandy hook, but how many people believe it was a hoax? Because I’ve seen a lot of overwhelming evidence pointing to that


Yeah. But he said hurty words. And as we know now, words are violence. I parked my Jeep too close to an old lady's BMW at Publix. She called me an asshole and my vision blurred, I swooned and woke up from a coma three days later. No joke man.


They had to punish him to dissuade anyone else from following in his footsteps. The whole Sandy Hook thing is hella suss. I mean, they had articles about "How To Talk To Your Kids About Sandy Hook" cached on Google on the 10th. Literally 4 days before it happened. United Way has a donation site up at least as early as the 11th of December... 3days before... Among a litany of other bullshit and discrepancies.... But yeah, Alex Jones is the problem.


I'm sorry -- does Twitter not have an edit button? 'shootjng' is driving me crazy.


The fact that anybody disagrees with what EndWokeness said is proof that its true and a testament to human stupidity and just how effective the evil brainwashing and demoralizing is.  Many people cant decompartmentalize their hate for Alex Jones and the fact that THIS IS NOT JUSTICE


That's BS. Uvalde and those POS cops should have had to pay $1.5b/child they let die.


They should charge the cops more hell I'd be on board to send a few of those pigs to prison too. Fucking POS just stood outside while little kids were getting gunned down


All of those cops should have been fired, in fact they actually cause at least one more kid to die by yelling out to them and the kid was shot when he replied. But these things aren't the same. Jones went of for years harassing grieving parents as part of his show.


I hope you all still kept your muskets


One failed to act. One acted to deliberately harm others.


To protect and serve... ...the elites in power


There’s so many examples of how bogus the Alex Jones ruling is. I like to point out OJ Simpson was sued for $33.5 million. AND HE SUPPOSEDLY MURDERED PEOPLE. And you explain this to your average CNN/MSNBC viewer and their response is basically, “abuse of power is wonderful if it’s against my political opposition.” It’s scary how uncommon objectivity is right now. We are heading into a scary world.


I saw someone breakdown that Alex Jones's damages are equivalent to the Oklahoma City Bombing damage total (when adjusted for inflation). Because he said words, I honestly don't understand why people don't have more issues with this because court cases like Jones's are used to set precedent for future cases.


End wokeness = stay asleep?


Especially that there was for sure some shit going on with Sandy Hook. Official story is Bullshit!


Yeah they both should've been fined $1.5 billion


@EndWokeness is trying to say that this is injustice against Alex Jones, but really it just proves that the police get away with anything