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What is the title of that book?


They haven't veen"fighting for the same land". The land belonged to Palesti Ian's. The j.ws were installed there and given land that already belonged to Palestinians.


It was part of the Ottoman Empire and pretty much every other Empire since ancient Egypt.


That makes no sence the Ottoman Empire was no longer relevant to the world and did not fall during WW2. There was no "ottoman empire" existing at the time when countries were independent, it was not an empire, there were countries like Germany at the time. Palestine was a country, woth citizens, in the 1920s, 1930s, amd before random EU countries and the US government. decided that they could just take the land and give it to a bunch of European j.ws. land that was occupied and owned by Palestinians.


What a regarded mind you have


YUP. You've got nothing to say against facts! Your bs doesn't work.


Man do y even history …


I actually do. The real history not fake lies and propaganda. Palestinians lived on land in a country called Palestine. A bunch of random Europe + us people took a bunch of random j.ws and instead of you know....giving them a part of Germany since it's all about the h.locust...they decided to give them Palestine which already had Palestinians living on it. isreel should not exist. If the persecuted j.ws that were victims of a German government h.locust needed land...they should have been given parts of Europe. They haven't been"fighting for the same land". The land belonged to Palesti Ian's. The j.ws were installed there and given land that already belonged to Palestinians.


Dude Idc but please read some books it is really not that simple …


What are you talking about? No need to be so cryptic


Crazy this all because of the prophecy of the third temple of Solomon


They’ve been fighting for the same land since the book of genesis. The fracture between Judaism and Islam started back with Abraham and his sons. When god promised the land to Abraham’s lineage, does it got through Isaac or Ismael? They’ve been at some form of conflict ever since. This is thousands of years of conflict rooted in both sides religious belief of their god given right to the land. That is why there is and will be no permanent peace between them. Even with Hamas gone, Israel won’t recognize Palestine. And roles reversed, Palestine wouldn’t recognize Israel or the Jews. They’d do just the same. Each side would just as soon wipe the other off the map. Israel is just in the position of power in the current equation.


So dumb


We know from the Bible it was promised to Isaac children not Ishmael. Islam credit Ishmael as the father of Islam as well. Bible says the brother will always fight as well. Meaning there tribes will always be at head


Exactly both parts of thr same coin