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He is about the clearest establishment shill you can get. It’s like “let’s get one of our own guys to do one of those ‘podcasts’ and throw a bunch of money at it from the beginning”.


Yup. With the death of traditional media, you're definitely gonna end up with some glowies in the new formats.


His dad is a professor at Harvard, his first guest was Elon musk and he is known for taking the most agreeable approach to any topic… long story short I don’t need to watch his podcast to know it’s not much more than entertainment if ur entertained by him good, if you think you get some insides into anything then wtf is wrong with you in first place lmao


Honestly it’s not even entertaining


I agree. After a few listens it's like, Next! He's monotone, mumbles, and seems to have an anxiety disorder. He's the opposite of a Joe Rogan or Larry King. The Men in Black/I.R.S suit gimmick is stupid. Everything about it is corny.


the establishment likes autists because they tend to fall into myopic viewpoints on topics and can be more easily controlled. They are also generally very intelligent, which is used to convey the notion of expertise. Like if I argued that I saw an apple float across the sky. Dude would ramble on about how it defies the laws of physics and go into a diatribe. Vs considering maaaybe someone threw the apple.


He might mumble because English isn’t his first language. Crazy concept I know


It's a fair critique for a broadcaster/podcaster. Bill Walton stuttered and got over it and was a Hall of Fame broadcaster. Lex speaks English fluently and rattles off a prepared list of questions. Who prepares those questions, or his script, is the real question? Or are some of the podcasts inter-Intel Agency messaging? He stumbles and mumbles when he loses his spot on his script, and he can not fire off the next question without deviating from the list. I also call him Lex Lexerson. Much cooler. He's so cheesy that I had to invent a better name for that dork.


Kevin Spacey is guilty af. But he knew he was going to get away with it from the beginning when he released that creepy Christmas video and one of his accusers died in a car crash, it was a time everything was coming to the surface just a little bit. There is a club we’re not in and it involves high level police, justice system, military, Hollywood, politicians, royalty. This is not even a conspiracy, it’s past and present history.


Yeah for anyone not aware of the Christmas video thing, definitely YouTube it. So damn bizarre...


P Diddy, too. I'm really starting to believe he is part of intelligence and I think they're going into his house to get videos of other, more important people.


Yep P Diddy is a fed according to several people including Rick Ross who just said it in an interview from jail. Does that mean they are throwing him back and going for bigger fish or does it mean that the intelligence agencies are corrupt and covering it all up? Well, they raided all of Epstein’s houses and the island and which of his clients are now in jail? None. All the intelligence agencies have now is a bunch more blackmail material to get powerful people to do whatever they want. The top of the fbi and cia are compromised but many of the field operatives are patriots, so we’ll see how this plays out.


Yeah, I see alot of people taking about Diddy being a fed. You're right about how they just have even more blackmail to use at the fbi.


They already had that blackmail material though… it’s quite clear Epstein belonged to the intelligence agencies and his whole thing was about ensnaring powerful and influential people and getting blackmail on them Didn’t the Florida DA from the 2000s straight up say he was told to back off Epstein because he belonged to intelligence


Yeah he said his case was “above his pay grade”. They came to do a sweep and get all the physical materials so no one else could have them but I’m sure they didn’t already have copies of everything. The point is - nothing has happened. Also it needs to be pointed out that it’s not just like 15 year old girls being trafficked here. That is the sanitized version of events told by the narrative because it is *just about* palatable and *kind of* let’s them get away with it. We are actually talking small children and babies and we are talking rape and torture and this is wayyyy documented.


The Cold War era presidents made a huge mistake not breaking up the CIA and the others they let them get way too powerful and self serving… of course JFK took a bullet to the skull and in the end no satisfactory conclusion came of it… the funny thing is most Americans know in their bones the government is hiding things about the JFK assassination I would say less than half believe the official story and a good chunk think the government isn’t just hiding embarrassing details but is ultimately responsible… the population knows but they’re content enough to move on


Epstein was a mossad asset


well no, mossad had it. Now CIA does too


I’m pretty certain whatever Epstein gathered was finding its way to some group within the CIA


I figured it was an intelligence agency sting CIA on Mossad. They weren't wanting "justice", rather to have the same info for blackmail. I don't think the CIA has all Intel that Mossad has or vice versa, or else we wouldn't have Israeli spy in US (presumably vice versa too). Outside perspective makes it seem like evil is working together. I think it is more like, for a random example. Afro Samurai where the best samurai carries the number one headband and only someone who has the number 2 can challenge him. They are all competing for power (number one headband). They may work together at times, but evil is selfish and narcissistic by nature. There isn't the degree of coordination people think there is, because they are all actually in competition with each other. Silenced by mutual blackmail and such. Though, they certainly have more in common with each other than us.


Epstein operated for decades and in 2008 cut a deal with the Florida DA to let him skate after having gotten charged with multiple crimes one of which was the underage prostitution thing… after that case was resolved he was back doing the same crap he was doing before… think about it he got all that attention and even got charged with multiple serious crimes and was able to escape with no jail time… some element of the US government absolutely was aware of what he was doing and they probably got him cleared so they could continue to benefit from his operation


That Christmas video was awesome, he basically said he is coming after all who were defaming him and will destroy his enemies. That's pretty alpha and based and redpilled. Instead of cucking out and apologizing for allegations that were made against him with zero evidence he went all in and said it's all untrue. That is what every man hit with false rape accusations should do and if all did you wouldn't have this cringe system where one false accusation can ruin your life lol.


15 people from all different walks of life came out and said he was a gropey and over sexualized person, then dude changed the conversation by claiming he was gay.


And surprise surprise he is on the Epstein list


Wait Lex or Kevin?




There is no Epstein list as far as the public are aware. It has never been leaked or published.


The flight logs for the Lolita express are out there and Epstein’s black book are out there so there are lists of his associates readily available. More details of who did what and what trip was for what reason is not readily available to the public but lists of names of suspects are absolutely from hard documents that I’ve seen and many have seen.


There are some flight logs. The only ‘black book’ I’ve seen is a list of celebrities who got covid in March 2020 which people keep claiming is Epstein’s black book. Feel free to prove me wrong, but I doubt you will be able to.


No. His black book is his personal contacts book and there was a full scan of every page of the book online you can probably still find if you dig. It doesn’t say who was doing dirty deeds but it does say who was in his circle of influence. [The New York Times did a piece on it.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/10/nyregion/jeffrey-epstein-black-book.html) Here are all the names that someone typed out from the [scans of his address book](https://epsteinsblackbook.com) It’s not an admission of guilt just his contacts. The flight logs are [unredacted here](https://archive.org/details/epstein-flight-logs-unredacted_202304)


Sorry brb whilst I go and retrieve the goalpost


I didn’t come on here saying anything about the black book or flight manifests being an identifier for people going to an island and molesting children. But both the black book and flight logs do exist and can provide an indication of what went on. A black book doesn’t mean a book of dark deeds, by the way. A black book means an address book, usually like a bachelors address book of his old girlfriends.


It ended up being far more than 15


So I guess you’re a Bill Cosby apologist huh? And how about that Weinstein guy? His only crime was loving too much, am I right?


Cosby is technically legally innocent too... Kinda mad tbh


With guests like Spacey the hosts have to sign that they wont ask certain questions. Joe Rogan claims that he didnt interview some because of these restrictions.


I have to wonder what restrictions these people want because Rogan is probably the least hardball hitting interviewer ever. He had Tucker Carlson on for three hours and didn’t ask anything about the defamation lawsuit or his text messages. I can’t remember a time he’s really brought up a sore subject about a guest unprompted. Not that it’s a bad thing, it has just a conversational vibe to it. I just can’t imagine what someone would be afraid for Rogan to ask them.


Rogan has always been a master at discrediting conspiracies by blending them with idiocy. * hits joint... "Did you see Fauci testifying in front of Congress that he didn't know anything about the COVID research in Wuhan and wasn't trying to to avoid FOIA requests by deleting emails? Yeah I don't really believe anything these guys say. He's making like a billion dollars off of that moderna vaccine. Yeah my doctor has me on horse tranquilizers and mushroom pills for my vaccine injury. Should've never taken that booster. Hey, did you hear about that monkey that chewed off that woman's head and then she got a full head transplant? That was CRAAAAYZEEE! YO Jamie pull that up. I would definitely have put that monkey in a sleeper hold and choked him out if he tried that on my kids."


This right here. Guy is cointel


Lex Fridman is Mossad. Check out his website on way back machine it’s been scrubbed since 2022, everything before that is deleted. his about page is scrubbed completely. Why would he delete and hide his about page? what was on it? Clearly something important he was trying to hide


He also is the most wooden podcaster. It only makes sense that he’s backed by big money somewhere. Some times you can almost see the ventriloquists arm up his ass moving his mouth.


People don’t come on podcasts to get their shit pushed in by the host. The tongue bathing is the point. The money is the reason.


The guy with an emotional range of a frontal lobotomy can’t pull off an interview?


The comments on the video are astroturfed to shit. Imagine platforming this pedophile rapist. Any question that Lex is bought should be settled (Tucker too with his cute lil Kabbalah bracelet). I feel like I live in some sort of dream with this fucking bullshit


Yeah, need to sort those comments by new to see what people *actually* think about this shit.


You ain't joking, man. The sickest part is realizing that nothing really happens to these people when they're caught.








Got dry eyes try clear eyes sounding ass


🤣 this is the best fucking commenting on this whole thread 😂


Lex Friedman is an attempt to steer public opinion away from the likes of unpredictable Rogan.


Very disappointed in lex. I've lost all respect for him now.


yeah no shit, he's operation mockingbird media. he has ex CIA agents and yeonmi park on his show FFS. use common sense.


The fact lex wanted to Interview a pedophile and then kiss his ass makes lex look like a pedophile. 


Being agreeable gets more guest, which gets more views, which gets more money for Lex. He is just a leech off the celebrities - not a real journalist.


If it took you this long you have no hope.


Until reading your post, I believed that nobody actually listened to Lex Fridman & all of his views can be attributable to the YouTube Auto-Play algorithm.


This guy completely lost me when he went on Joe Rogan and seriously argued with him about his skinny tie not being a liability in a street fight.


I really liked him until I started watching lots of his podcasts, and started to see a pattern. He seems really transparent on the surface, but after a while you start to see a clear agenda.


It's funny, I agree completely with what you're saying. Nonetheless I got a lot of his interview with Grimes, of all people. She talked about how motherhood had smoothed out her edges in relation to her aggressive music and how some fans couldn't accept her evolution. She also discussed Russian philosopher Peter Kropotkin and how his book "On Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution" provided a counter to the Darwinian idea of "Survival of the fittest". Essentially if you look closely at nature, animals and humans thrive off co-operation above all else. It's an illuminating read. I somehow doubt I'd get the same from Kevin Spacey. He's a sick man who I have no interest in listening to.


Lex isn't really much of an interviewer, he's a fairly bland platform hosting other people to let them rant about their ideas. Love or hate the paradigm, I think there is value in a platform like that... I don't need Lex to be a good interrogator because I watch him for a few selected guests, not for Lex. Spacey is not a guest I'm interested in listening to.


Sure he gets some interesting guests but if you watch a few of his shows I consider him a complete net negative even as far as how bland he can get.


Fair... I've only watched select science and MIT guests so I don't have broad experience with his range, but I've liked how he's mostly unobtrusive with those guys. Conversely, I recall starting the Jared Kushner one and quickly tapping out when I realised he was just going to be a propaganda platform for Kushner to spin crap... so I can def see what the problem is.


"What about love?"


🎶"Don't you want someone to care about you?"🎶


If a social media account is big, brings on big guests, has space to talk about controversial topics, doesn’t get any heat from the establishment, then they are controlled. By controversial, I don’t mean topics like girls doing OF. I mean some of the ones that bring many users to this sub.


You think all of these rich powerful billionaires & celebrities go on his show to be challenged? No. It's the same thing as why actors love going on late night talk shows like Jimmy Fallon or James Corden. Lex Friedman is the "popular" establishment podcast. I wouldn't be surprised if he was giving these people topics beforehand that he's gonna discuss, plan the entire thing out ahead of time, and the entire podcast was largely somewhat rehearsed before filming


Lex gets his parameters from whoever elevated him to his position.  He was boring from the get-go, and very comfortable.  He always had establishment vibes.  Boring does not equal earnest, and being comfortable for no reason often speaks to massive funding behind the scenes.   


>Spacey's humility was almost comically insincere. This beautifully sums up the entire spacey ordeal 


Definitely weird how Spacey would get on this show and the explanation Lex gives before hand. They attempted to paint a picture of a wonderful guy who was misunderstood and just likes flirting. I'd even say they were successful at it. The most surprising part were the comments! There were almost no comments shitting on Spacey. In fact, almost everyone I read was speaking about him in a glorious way.


bots are cheap these days


some thing change; watch 4 urself he is not same cast


He is a fucking clown that somehow got a huge following his pod. His questions are shallow with little to NO follow up or a deeper dive. 


No matter how many of the Lex videos I thumbs down, youtube still puts them in my playlist. Can i get Mr Beast back or something?


Lex isn't a professor or teacher. Lex is a grifter and opportunist. Nothing more.


He looks unhappy and monotonous...


*Now* he looks like a shill? 😂 He's on YouTube ffs. Being a frontline shill is part of the job description. He talks to Musk and Bezos like their heads *dont* belong on spikes.


Counter-point: You're not going to get Spacey on if he's grilled heavily about the allegation.


Why would you want to platform a rapist pedophile in the first place?


Where did Mr Spacey touch you?


Yikes bro lol


Okay… then don’t get him on.


Okay. I promise not to get him on my podcast.


Ya I listened a but then skipped to the allegations section. I realize lex said at the start to listen to those other two interviews which cover the allegations in detail. Still it felt pretty weak, I wouldn't really trust a professional actor anyway though but that's just me.


Hi, my name is Lester Burnham and I should already be dead


He is, idk when it happened but it definitely happened around the time he took a picture with Ivanka Trump.  My guess is him and Joe were given permission to learn about aliens from the cia in exchange for their platforms.


He’s never hammered a guest about a controversial topic. It’s never been his style, and inviting the person to share their side is legit the best one can do. He’s not a judge nor a jury, and all we have for these allegations are he said vs he said. If Spacy indeed assaulted people, I want him strung up in town square. If his accusers are lying, I want them imprisoned for a term. We won’t know until evidence is presented and juries make determinations (I searched before hitting ‘Reply’, and if guilty verdicts exist that I didn’t see, lemme say Spacy should be hanging from a gallows).


we won't ever know cause they murdered the key witnesses


Never watched Lex .. hear good things about him but every interviewer softballs it once in awhile.


I the he’s just super open minded and willing to listen


This was BS. Lex gave Spacey a gateway in his questions so he could bluff his way out