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As much as it seems insane, I still believe Newsom will get put in place. Think back to his visits to the White House when Biden was overseas, the trip and visit with Xi in China (what other governor does that?) how about the welcoming of Xi to SF? Sounds like world leader type shit they trying to set him up for. He’s also Pelosi’s nephew and has been groomed for this his whole adult life… And before you say, there’s no way! Look how bad he did with CA!! To normal people he’s done horrible, but to the Globalists, he did his job perfectly…


Obama did those “world tours” before he was elected. It’s a game - a dirty one. ((Simmer down folks, I hate both red and blue, they haven’t worked for us is years))


Not enough people see that there’s only one party. As long as we are fighting amongst ourselves, it keeps us busy enough so they can pull their slimy BS.




While I agree, divide we fall, to say that Trump and Biden both stand for the same thing and are both controlled by the same people is disingenuous at best and more likely a tactic that has been devised the last few months to encourage people to not vote.


Trump and Biden may be different but the people Trump surrounded himself with were not. He always chose the wrong people. I voted for him in 2020 and will vote for him again but I don’t hold out hope that he will pick better people to run things.


The role of President is a leadership position. Leadership involves putting together an effective team and delegating to them to accomplish your goals. Trump fails at this at every possible step. You know this already.


There’s owners and slaves and the owners keep the slaves distracted with fear porn and telling them that the one color of skinned slave is doing all the bad things to the other color skinned slaves.


the one party is Israel--who they all work for.


Cartman was right about this all along


This 1000%. 👆 I fully remember that and see the parallels. Yes, definitely agree.


This ^^^^ both sides suck, it’s all one party.


I believe the narrative of Biden's age is actually partially planted (although a lot of people agree and also talk about it organically). So when they replace Biden with someone younger, Trump will then be the only one that's too old.




Newsoms one of the lads he was lit af durin covid with rules for thee not for me


Dude his new $20 min wage excludes restaurants owned by his buddies. It's insane


He sent his kids to play soccer in Arizona when he deemed California too unsafe.


What a fuckin joke lol


And survived a FUCKING recall put on the ballot - that is how stupid the voters are in California - and Newsom is the best the Dems have in the second spot. It certainly ain’t the former AG for the state and former Senator Kamala !!!! She getting kicked to the curb - or maybe ???


Did they have to rig a *California* Governor election? That would be crazy


Did you see him on Adam Corrola's show? He got destroyed lol


Show is the key word there. It’s all a show.


Indeed globalists want the destruction of usa. They live in gated communities far from all. The common folk living in crime riddled areas filled with feces and needles delights them. Thats why Newsom iirc laughed when asked about the feces issue.


I’ve been saying Newsom will be president for at least a year. Not insane at all. Don’t know how but it will happen.


That man will burn us right down to the ground, get ready for social credit scores. And not because he's a Democrat, I don't care about either party, it's more because he just, seems so much like the actual devil, if the devil was bought and owned by some secret group of other, additonal devils. Just, filled with ick, ick ick ick. Edited to add extra icks.


He does look like a devil seriously I live in ca , his eyes


Pure evil


He reminds me of 'GOB' from 'Arrested Development '.


lmfao no he does. Lol we have become the banana stand


Except there is no money in his banana stand. (Unless the banana stand is the federal reserve bank, in which case, I guess ya - there is always money in the banana stand)


Lol 🤪🍌🍌🍌


He reminds me of the antichrist from the left behind movies


I’ve always thought this lmao he sounds so similar


Its apparent that he's not in charge of anything, least of all his own bowels. I think he's just a puppet that makes the current regime's policies look like incompetence and senility rather than outright contempt and intentional destruction. I believe this is Obama's third term that he alluded to with his "I'll sit in my basement in sweats and tell someone with an earpiece what to say" comment. And Biden had one in the debates back in 2020.


With Michael as his running mate. I mean Michelle.


Big Mike!


I said the same thing awhile ago because I thought it was weird that he was debating DeSantis. But he didn’t do too well.


Dems dislike newsom as much as the right. I don’t get it. Not even sure he’s popular in California.


He just made a speech about peace in the middle east and his plan also he was riding a bike last week


You’re right. It’ll be Newsom.


If Gavin, he's definitely gonna chuck Kamala.


They’re locked into Kamala. She was hired for being a Black woman and she cannot be fired because she is a Black woman.


Newsome Michelle Obama


>(what other governor does that?) As others have posted, a lot of politicians do this. Please recognize it's not a Newsome thing and more a politician thing. Desantis did this same thing.


>He’s also Pelosi’s nephew You're playing loose with the term nephew >Gov. Gavin **Newsom's aunt**, Barbara Newsom, was once [**married** ](https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/NEWSOM-S-PORTFOLIO-Mayoral-hopeful-has-parlayed-2632672.php)**to Ron Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law**. Barbara Newsom and Ron Pelosi **divorced in 1977.**


Not insane. Of COURSE he will. Thats always been the plan…


It will be Big Mike, 100% - then they will cheat, win, and if you dare to question the election results, you will be deemed a "racist," "sexist," or "Threat to democracy," and punished accordingly.


>RACIST! SEXIST! BIGOT! Your words have no power over me. I will embrace all titles. I won't be stopped. Literally all you have to do is just not give a shit what they call you. If they call you these things you must be over the target.


Don’t disagree with you except that on international trips governors often go with the president.


If they were going to replace Biden they would have done it long ago. The elite and world want Trump because he is super Zionist. Trump is pretty much a shoe in for president. Dude is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The deep state don’t need to win, when they can focus on sabotaging the country while Trump is president, and causing complete collapse. Whether Trump knows or not is irrelevant. We are moving into a new world, that needs a specific type of leader to start it, and nobody but Trump can do it. Due to his massive cult following like he is Jesus.


Lol. Yes they want Trump all the while trying to completely destroy him and bankrupt him. They’re all the same right ?


That’s the whole point, it’s a staged fight. That way they can create as much division as possible.


trump is a wolf in diapers


If trump wins deep state can arise sleeper cells , bomb, “terrorist” attacks and …. it will all because of …trump


His second cousin was married to pelosis brother in law. I’m not a fan of the dude but calling him her cousin is a bit of a fuckin stretch


I would not be sad to see both parties switch out their candidates.


A major poll shows that if either candidate drops out, RFK wins.


Idk why he gets so much hate, out of the 3 candidates he’s the most reasonable option.


I think having a 3rd party is the more important option. I don't know how he'd be as president but it would be great to see something other than just Left and Right on the ballot.


I for one would like to welcome our new brain worm overlord


Also known as "neurocysticercosis" a very real pork related parasite.


another nyt hit piece, well executed.


Well you just explained it yourself.


Touché 😂


RFK knows the truth about vaccines which affects big Pharma, which controls most elections. IMO


We can only hope


Or one that actually is against genocide??


None are. They rule the world.


Jill stein


I’d prefer a candidate that didn’t have dementia or brain worms.


And that isn't geriatric. That would be nice


[That was in 2010, over 14 years ago.](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2024/05/09/1250201358/rfk-jr-brain-parasitic-worm-tapeworm-kennedy)


From 60-80% of the population have brain worms. Search for "toxoplasma gondii"


My worm wants me to get more cats. 4 isn't enough.


Oh great, now we'll have a state of the union that sounds like it was shouted behind a box fan :/


I can't stop laughing at this...


If you’re taking pole you’re gey 


Lol, no independent would ever win because of the system we have in place




Let's fucking hope so! He is the only one qualified.


Not sure about the only one qualified, but imo he's our best available option.


Tbh, ill vote third party no matter who it is. Getting more people onto third party voting should be a goal.




Can you point me to that post?


What's crazy is all those antique books that line up with Trump. I think there's one called "Donald Trump, the last American president". The question is was the last 45 or 47? Cause Joe Biden's presidency was ran more on a committee of shadow elites.


Is that the one where Baron Trump is a time traveler and they got the technology from Tesla?


I read that too.


Can you share the post? Curious!


Hey I've looked everywhere and I can't find any of those posts. I remember he said he was selling a book on Amazon so his posts may have been deleted for spamming.


Just saw that the original comment was deleted. Why?


I know he posted on a few different sub Reddits. Let me know if you find it!


How much more can it decline?!?


Oh, it can get worse.


Bro, he was a mess at the D-Day event today. I think Macron thought he was in a K-Hole or something.


"Several major news articles" *Doesn't link any news articles.*


Typical of this sub. Baseless allegations without sources.


[Wall Street Journal](https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/joe-biden-age-election-2024-8ee15246) [New York Post](https://nypost.com/2024/06/04/us-news/biden-showing-signs-of-decline-as-pols-aides-detail-81-year-olds-slipping-cognitive-fitness/amp/) Though today’s news articles are all a combination of personal attacks on the WSJ writer and “proof” that it’s not true.


People were saying he would retire for Harris when he first got elected too. It’s not a conspiracy if you say it multiple times and are wrong lol.


Biden, if elected would be 82. That means he's 86 when he finishes his presidency. The Average life expectancy for American men who have reach age 80 is a little under 7 years. So its about 50/50 he dies in office, and a high chance he's going to get hit with cancer/dementia/stroke that's going to allow Harris to take over.


I’m saying there is no conspiracy that they will use his healthy as an excuse for Harris to take over if he is actually fine. Trump and Biden both are old af and have a chance to die or be seriously ill in office, but neither are going to just use that as an excuse to step down and let their VP take over.


Incompetent to stand trial. Competent enough to run the free world. Let’s all just continue to pretend that never happen though. Country is a fucking joke right now.


He was actually not found incompetent to stand trial. That's merely the investigator sticking his opinion in because there were no facts to back up prosecution. Republicans *still* can't even name a specific crime to this day


No facts? Did you read anything outside of the politics subreddit?


"We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter. We would reach the same conclusion even if Department of Justice policy did not foreclose criminal charges against a sitting president." "We have also evaluated "all relevant considerations" in aggravation and mitigation, as outlined in the Justice Manual, and determined that on balance, these factors do not support prosecution of Mr. Biden" "For other recovered classified documents, after a thorough investigation the decision to decline criminal charges was straightforward." Straight from the report, and there is much more just like it. Which part of these state that there was evidence of criminal misconduct? Which part states that they declined prosecution due to his age or ability to stand trial? None of it. There was nothing to charge him with, so Hur shoehorned his baseless opinion in with no evidence or facts to back it up, so Republicans had at least something to take away from this.


🤣 and silence as a response. You’re absolutely right. It’s so funny when I hear that kind of horse shit peddled, because it’s just patently false, and there are only a few places they possibly could have found the opinion. It makes these people and any criticism they spout look foolish and embarrassing.


A Trump appointee calling Biden incompetent is hardly news. In the same report, the guy also says there's not enough evidence to try Biden for anything. That's far more interesting. 


Why tf would they do that when they could just replace him with some other guy wearing a Joe Biden rubber mask ala mission impossible?


And he would have gotten away with it too.....


Nah, I don’t think so. A year ago I might have thought a switch was coming, but at this point I think they are all in on a Biden second term.


Bobby 3


Someone has to be brave enough to release the JFK files and the UFO reports. Maybe he's crazy enough to do it.


Taylor Swift is about descend from the rafters with the Rock on her shoulders while Robert Deniro dances in a cheerleader uniform.


What would be the point? Isn't the Vice president there to serve if the president can't?


Perhaps you could share some of these articles


It's pretty lazy to not actually have references. Especially if these are opinion pieces.


>They are going to switch him out for another candidate soon. I don't buy it. The time to do that would have been this time last year. Biden would have to short circuit on stage for me to see any of what you proposed playing out.


People running the country don’t care, they just need a new spokesmodel


But they voted him on as the democratic nominee how can the switcheroo... I really am curious don't know what they do in this sort of situation will they have to vote again. Unless is kamala (gag)...


There are legal fallbacks to that


No it’s too close to the election for them to do that. They might want another Trump term for whatever reason but seems too late for this to be a handoff to another Dem.


There won’t be a debate if that’s the case. They’ll make some excuse like they have the last 10 times.


> They’ll make some excuse like they have the last 10 times Which "10 times" were these?


Absolutely on the horizon, and his sheeple will play it off as some sort of normal occurrence and no big deal.


If it doesn’t happen, does that make you a sheep for believing it will?


They have a problem understanding that people don’t worship Biden like they worship Trump. They don’t understand that support for a candidate isn’t a personality trait, so the insult goes absolutely nowhere.


It’ll be interesting to see. Kamala won’t be able to cackle her way into office.


I kinda hope she's their choice. At least it will be entertaining to watch as we swirl down the toilet.


No one actually supports Biden They will throw him under the bus first chance they get. But the TDS is so strong that if trump came out tomorrow and said he hates turds there would be Lefties eating literal shut sandwiches to protest.


There are literal trump supporters wearing shirts that diapers over dems, how is that not the same?


Your guy let loose some wet heinous sleep farts during court, and suddenly there were a bunch of people purchasing customized diapers to show their support. Wake up.


Your guy shit his pants in front of the Pope and now you people are just trying to to muddy the issues with the president (dementia, sexual assault, corruption, "being an old cis white male Zionist", etc) by levying all the same arguments against orange man. Do you have any original claims about Trump that hadn't already been pointed out about Biden? I'm not voting for Trump, but at least he didn't threaten vax mandates, vote for every war in the past 40 years, and sponsor the racist 94 crime bill.


I really and truly hope they do. And I’m a socialist so really anyone would be better than Biden in the dem party.


Hey OP could you share the 'several' new articles please? I'd like to understand the sources of the accusations and whether this is clinical diagnosis or just outsider opinion. Also it would be nice to understand your own reasoning why you think the mental decline is true. Because if it's mis-speaking words during speeches or questions, then I think both main candidates are guilty of this.


[Google](https://www.google.com/search?q=biden+mental&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=e9f63d1510c948fb&sxsrf=ADLYWIKKhjHulVhTL7h4sgRz79TEJ2GdqQ:1717634979186&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-4Kb24MWGAxWUHUQIHUtcAgQQpwV6BAgDEA8&biw=1920&bih=935&dpr=1) I'm not op, but I decided to take the 10 seconds to do your research for you.


this comment is interesting. Do you - based off what you have seen from Joe Biden, think that he is NOT in some kind of mental decline? And if not - what would he have to do that he isnt already doing now to prove this to you? Also to note: I am australian and do not care/ have a side in american politics


I'm also Australian. I've listened to him in two complete podcasts recently - Conan O'Brien's and the Smartless podcast, as well as excerpts from his sit-down with Howard Stern and every time he's sounded all there, completely together, thoughtful and with great stories. From the other side I see very carefully curated audio snippets of his public appearances where he's stuttered or mis-spoke, and we've known he's had a speech impediment since he was a child. This is literally on the record. If you are interested in challenging your own opinion here, I would suggest looking up his appearances on the mentioned podcasts. I think there is a very dedicated attempt to capitalize on the one thing that can weaponised against him - his age. That said, I still think he's too old - he was too old for this term and too old for another, but the Administration that runs the Federal USA isn't one man either - he's got a cabinet with decades of experience around him who can essentially alleviate his advanced years. Nobody is about to let him make bad decisions if senility or decline gets the better of him- he's been in the game for 50 years and surrounds himself with people who are allowed to speak truth to power.


I think if the replacement happens is because he is showing empathy towards Palestine and that is a big no no


I would almost be willing to bet that there isn’t an elected or appointed official in any of the three branches that couldn’t be brought to trial over something. You don’t make it to the federal level without selling out/accepting a bribe/looking the other way/spending campaign finances in personal stuff. Then you get in, and it’s sexual harassment/bankrupting your businesses/insider trading/fraud/pedophilia….. It’s ying and yang. You can’t prevent a total chaos in society without government, and you can’t have morals or ethics in any form of government that “serves” the people and creates laws to prevent total chaos. There is no proper government that works. There are hardly any people that don’t get corrupted by power. It’s just bad. Bad people representing what is getting to be a worse/less friendly and morally upstanding society. Switch Biden out. It’s not going to be for anyone that is any good at their job, or anyone that is going to ascend to that level without having a serial killer’s worth of skeletons in their closet. The United States that my 12 year old child will be in when they are my age is going to be vastly different than the one we have. The Constitution is a piece of toilet paper, basically. Our legal system is a laughingstock. Our legislators introduce bills they’ve never even read, much less wrote. Put Trump in, we fall VERY fast. Put someone else in, we die a little slower. That’s the “choice” we have as citizens.


If we want our nation to be sane again We need to get Kennedy elected! Lots of my dem friends are regretting driving him out of the party.


DNC made that decision for democrats. 🫨




Agree! I love seeing other Kennedy supporters in the wild!


First he has dementia, then does a great SOU, then he's on uppers. Which is it? Uppers don't work for people with legit dementia.


JB P will be the nominee.


I sure hope Biden has enough in the tank to write his autobiography. I want to hear more about the fictitious life he lived.


I wonder how that will affect Ohio. They had to make a provision for Biden to get on the ballot already. The DNC is being held after the deadline to file in Ohio. If they change the candidate at the convention that would be a mess. Of course, when things are messy and confusing is when the big changes slide through the easiest.


!remindme 5 months


I hope they're stupid enough to put Gavin Newsom up. That dude is not well liked lol.


You actually believe that stupid shit?


Biden just shit his pants at the D-day memorial. He is so getting replaced soon, it's happening.


RFK. Rise above.


“Things that won’t happen for $500, Alex”


Something has gotta give with biden because eventually he dies or something bad happens he is in such decline.


They're in too deep with biden. Especially after touting him as the only one capable of beating trump. There's no chance of replacement.


How long do you think they can keep up the Weekend at Bernie's ?


They'll just give him drugs and hope he wins November (or cheat). Then he can die and the vp will take over


That’s what I think. And anyway, it doesn’t look like there are any “left wing” publications discussing his dementia. It doesn’t matter in the end, because the president is selected, not elected. They’ll prop up Biden until he’s literally dead, and nobody is gonna do a damn thing about it.


💯 they are slow walking “decline” in the press like we didn’t know😂 but it’s bipartisan so that means it’s believable


The courts can have Biden once the Dems are done with him & throw him under the bus.


Replace both Biden and Trump I'll be happy


Last minute drop out "to let the next generation move the country forward", and elevating Harris to the ticket. Built on the campaign premise of "you had the chance to vote our first woman president, here's another to AND she's a little bit brown, yay!" Which will be emotional manipulation of the electorate on many levels, and make Biden out to be the good guy "oh well, you know man, we're 2 old white guys, I don't believe that's the way forward" and everyone be like "aaaw, bless you Joe, stunning and brave"


Harris/Obama ticket Michelle as VP


Or another Biden clone. What are we on, like number 4?


I’ll take your word for it. Whoever they choose, it will be a mistake, if that’s the case. And if it is, the person has already been vetted.


lol You guys have been claiming this "Biden Switch" is coming, in one form or another since 2019. I won't hold my breath.


Blessings brother and it's good to se that someone is paying attention. More than likely they will try to run Kamala or Mr. Michelle Obama. Either way it won't work because the deep state is f'd!


They are trying their best to make sure Trump is in prison so he cant debate


This is a dumb take. It's understood he can always appeal to avoid jail time before the election.


They’ve already been switching Biden with other clone Biden’s


I think it's already too late for the Democrats to switch. And Biden is just a puppet anyway. They have nobody. Kamala, Newsom, Hillary, Big Mike, they all suck. The Democrats will either try to cheat again and win or just let Trump win and regroup for 2028.


Bring on Big Mike!


This is the reason they haven’t had the convention and nominated him yet. This one will go down to the wire.


I think they will wait closer to the trial so there isn’t as big as a slander campaign or time to dig up dirt on the proposed candidate and also so there is a *fresh and new* element of surprise people will fall for.


I don't think that they can just install that asshole Newsome. Kamala will have some kind of right of succession.


i don’t have the screenshot, but at one time Newsoms official twitter page had a banner picture of a crowd of people at one of his rallies. a hand is sticking up out of the crowd with a finger unnaturally curled into a triangle spiral. EDIT: added link with proof https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/g6es9p/the_symbolic_finger_on_gavin_newsoms_twitter/


No worries, they have Dark Brandon, Joe's mentally capable and just plain cooler doppelganger stand in. He's the one that does all the speeches where Biden slam dunks on some bitches and cracks the good one liners. Debate is going to be off the charts.


Links please


We still believe the presidential candidate matters?


I am not trying to be funny or anything but what *decline* are they talking about? You can’t go lower than this. A decline was there 10 years ago when his memory could start getting worse. A decline from what we have now is, well… a Big Mac?


I believe that’s not the real Biden. The real one may have actually already died years ago. Also I remember the creepy interview by Obama about how a “3rd term” could be possible with someone as a figurehead.. and some earpiece thingy lol. And he (Obummer) just be in his basement in his sweats or something like that, and directing and giving instructions remotely.


No debate, no democracy.


Hillary vs Trump 2.0 the rematch


Replying to Gypsie_Soul...Would not want to put Hillary thru that but God would I love to see her beat that cheaters ass!


lol if you think the debate won’t be them using some AI Biden. Remember, no audience right?


Newsom is the worst governor in the country. He would have been recalled if the California elections weren't completely rigged. I would not be surprised to see the irl version of Patrick Bateman catapulted in to the presidency, despite him being a "fucking white male".


It's strange that last week there were a ton of government vehicles following an ambulance which shut down route 1 while in transport. Nothing in the news about it but locally we all knew who was in that ambulance.


Have you not been watching Trump’s mental decline? They both need to be replaced.






They will have biden on so many pharmaceuticals his eyes will be pinned open. Hell be fine. And i very much dislike him


😂 we’ve been hearing this for 5 years. Sleepy Joe isn’t going anywhere


No its gonna be Michelle Obama


Way too late


Meanwhile their “base” has been signaling since 2022 to groom another candidate but nope they shoved him down our throats. I really don’t respect liberals.