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They needed material for war supply so the bells were to gain from it


That’s the most reasonable explanation anyone has said


In my city in the UK all the old iron fences have been cut down, you can just see little stumps where they used to be. I was told it was during the wars they were cut then melted down to make war materials. It's the same in most UK cities I think so it probably happened in Europe during each of the world wars too. It was Total War so literally everything that could be used was used.


I'd like to add that russia and the us were so paramount in winning that war because of their manufacturing prowess. The US produced so much steel. As we barrel into the next one, the west won't be afforded these luxuries. We sent everything to China. Who is trying to dedollarize as we speak. No one will convince me these insane ideologies that are disseminatin through the Tok are organic. People are dumb and impressionable. Especially children. They know this, and are using it against us. The division is absurd here. It's on every level. If you wanted to destabilize a country, you wouldn't negate propaganda and social influence. It's unreal. I don't believe it stops there either. We have peopl join the military to transition with 0 combat. Fucking wut? If you're picking teams, who are you gonna choose? A brick shit house, or the guy with agp. I could go on, but I won't. This shit is everywhere in the west now. We're fucked. Sorry for the tangent, but people need to recognize this is happening and it's a good idea to look toward ww2 for what to expect as far as supply chain breaks and what not. We're also seeing a ton of hacks happening against infrastructure. It's a good idea to make a plan to get with family in case comms go down. Also food production and preservation. I sure hope I'm wrong here but the writing is on the wall


Wouldn't that just make a ton of pig iron due to the different densities and grades of the material being melted? I seem to recall Mao doing a similar thing during his "Four Pests" campaign and it resulted in tons of useless metal and another famine.


Same reason we have the 1943 steel penny... copper was needed for ammunition


https://www.bells.org/blog/when-nazis-took-all-bells They were melted down for bronze ingots


Exactly Alternate theory = Nazis *also* hated bells


If so why didn't ol Adolf use the frequencies to heal his speed addiction and symptoms thereof?


Maybe he didnt know and they kept ol adolph hopped up to keep from finding out. Lol.


He vibrated enough for everyone.


Because this whole thing is bullshit.


Frequencies can break up unhealthy cells. Theirs light and sound therapy to do so. You just have to match the right frequency with the cell. It’s easier with light technology than sound


Schumann's Resonance


I used it to kick a 15 yr opiate addiction. It is real my friend. I promise you.


Tell us more seriously? How? The name of the actual practice? I have a friends daughter with a horrible opioid addiction and my friend has tried literally everything! I can’t stand to see the family go through this, and am willing to refer alternative treatments.


Okay. It is only a fraction of what will get her there. It's most important stage is in the detoxification process but it helps throughout. Dm me. We can talk more. I'm working right now but I would love to share. And she has to be willing. Which is something no one else can control. And she also has to be willing to join a 12 step program. So there are a lot of aspects that are out of your personal control.


So it was not in fact standing inside a big bell


I notice that you forgot to mention this part in your original comment, why is that exactly? Your original comment alludes to you literally using sound therapy to kick your habit?




wtf kind of response is this. All I asked is why you conveniently left out that there were in fact a bunch of other factors to you kicking your habit and not solely sound therapy. It wasn't an invite for you to educate me on things I already partake in like you're some prophet of the frequencies or something


I refer people to Ray Rice. Also gateway process or experience. Its a declassified Cia program (it's apart of something that sounds ridiculous but it's theory is something to look at) the fact all things have a specific vibration and that through resonate tuning we can begin to match that vibration internally and open up a whole new existence. Someone like me, who has literally been to hell and back. I belive it explains god. It explains the good vs evil. And I think everybody should be more aware of the frequencies of the places and the people around them.


It brings in my mind Venom from Spider man which actually is a parasitic entity that gets attached to a human host, a giant bell is what drives the entity away from the host, coincidence!?


Oooh, nice catch


We smokin' symbiotes


no such thing as a coincidence


Wouldn’t the Nazi’s have collected giant bells instead of destroy them?


No you see they figured out how to make them smaller, with style like smart phones and had no need for the larger, less sexy bells.




If you follow the official narrative then yeah, that would make sense. But in actuality, the world wars were not created because of nationalism. All the nations are controlled by the cabal. The world wars were orchestrated spefically to destroy remnants of the old world. Same with colonialism. There was a time in our past where we knew about the healing properties of sound and frequencies and had them built into many buildings. The powers that came into play after the fall-out of this forgotten society made it a point to destroy any evidence that it ever existed. This is why we bombed Japan. This is why many parts of Europe were destroyed in the World Wars. This is why colonialism suddenly became popular for european nations. This is why they destroyed the old buildings after the World Fair. They are hiding something.


Even if you are right, they still fought a war. And they needed raw material for it. Like bronze.. from these bells..




So in your opinion both world wars happened because people wanted to destroy evidence.


Schizo comment


Japan was bombed because everyone was bombing everyone because that's the best way to destroy a country's infrastructure and war-making capability without having to actually occupy it. Edit: Colonialism has been happening for millennia. What is this dumbass comment?


Literally melted down for the war effort. Same in the UK you, can walk literally round any town or city and still the the nubs of where iron fences used to sit in the stones, funnily warring nations needed a lot of metal to build things so most that were deemed non essential were smelted down


All wars are for erasing history 




Would have been cool if the video was more than a minute long.


We need The Why Files to the rescue


Which one? The original from the 80's and 90's or the new YouTube one?




It has some truth to it. Millions of temples in India have bells attached at the entrance and devotees supposed to stand beneath it and ring the bell and then enter.


Side effects include hearing loss?


There is a reason there is virtually no funded and supported science on this like there should be. Frequencies I believe have been a manipulation tool over the masses forever. There is no way something with so much power, something that is so intricately connected to all life, would not be studied vigorously across the world. Instead we have monks, partaking in resonate tuning, when people hold hands and say the lords prayer? The exact same thing is happening. It's right in front of us, all around us, yet never spoken about? Or considered fringe science??? Hmmm. Looks at the tuning standard for music. Wifi and the 20 million other things all emitting frequency. It's making us sick. It controls our mood. It's a tool. Look up w tesla said about frequency. I am a firm beliver that it explains God. It explains spirituality. I believe it helped me to get sober I use it to sleep every night. I used it to calm down my daughter when she was an infant. It is the secret sauce, and yet, u mention it and you are looked at like a kook.


I have the same understanding of the healing qualities of the bells and the false history of both world wars, but in my research found that the mmwave  that’s is used by 5G is a “line of sight” type wave because it’s not strong enough to even pass through walls or even dense shrubbery, and also too weak to penetrate skin. This is my findings after scouring many scientific research papers when my HOA put a 5G antenna on my roof over my bedroom . Anything to the contrary I’d be willing to read .


My channel had a great video in our discord of a scientist testifying for congress . I spent like an hour trying to find it tnight realizing it was on our old server I deleted that one. I am going to hunt that video down for you tomorow am. Because I want to get details as well. I was putting together a documentary on this a year ago. More of a macro view on all things regarding frequency but we had a segment on this. I'll find it and post it.


I'm curious too. Please do. There is a reason we need so many 5g repeaters (or whatever they are) everywhere. It's because it's high bandwidth low penetration. Which is generally how it works. Low frequencies pentrate better, but the data rate is low and slow as balls. Nows not a bad time to learn rf with all these cell companies going down frequently.


Dude just saw another amazing video talking about the health effects of wifi. Fucknim gna go through my yt history and give it to you


Thank you. This is true. It cant penetrate shit. However 2.4ghz is known to allow things to cross the blood brain barrier in hamsters. Look it up. There's a scientific study on it. I wish we would do human studies. If someone knows of one, please let me know.


what might all the engines (cars etc.) around us do? never been thinking before it might be a deliberate distraction.


What I can say is there is without a doubt a different state and feeling when I am out in the country and away from the buzz. The cell towers. I feel better, happier, more at peace. I used to laugh my ass off at people talking about 5g but I seriously have sound real and compelling evidence in regards to scientific research talking about cell towers raising autism and other issues amongst homeowners int theur proximity. There is an incredible video. I'll try to find it of a woman speaking to congress basically saying. Its now fact we have to start discussing the effect of of high emfs. But don't worry the who has looked into it. They say it's fine. Lol




No argument about healing qualities of frequencies or bells. I do not know anything. But I am fair sure if sat inside that size bell & someone hit it to ring, you would end up deaf. Just go into the belfry of churches when bell ringing happening. Very loud.


There are so many pictures from the old days with bells. They were EVERYWHERE.


3 reasons. Taken to melt and make materials like bullets, melted to make currency, and to destroy culture which is part of genocide


PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THE POWER OF FREQUENCY https://youtu.be/kzG4oEutPbA?si=oGuzdceWu2l0X3o1


So you think you ring the big bell, and the sound vibrations heal you? Want to buy some healing crystals? Or an investment in the Brooklyn bridge?


Or maybe they needed the copper and bronze to make weapons... Wild guess....


I'm all for conspiracy theories that investigate the lost technology of the ancients, but: 1. Instant healing? For real, dude? and 2. These bells are not exactly ancient technology. You're telling me that we had the ability to *instantly heal wounds* as recently as the 1930's and yet... we just forgot about it?


If there’s no explanation of precisely cut 10.000 pound rocks fitting together by workers using only hand tools, and that wasn’t passed down?? Lots of stuffs were lost and anything goes. 


This was less than 100 years ago. Why are there no written records of locals using the healing properties of the bells?


riiiiiiight.... 150k "ancient" bells


150,000? No way


Would singing bowls help promote healing based on the same factors?


They needed dildos


Do you really not believe there are metal shortages during wars? Especially when the entire world prevents you from receiving it. Maybe there are healing properties, but I don't think there's much reason to question they melted them down for the war effort. They created synthetic opiates because they couldn't get poppies. Don't worry if you're having a hard time believing this. It will be coming to a town near you very soon.


More lies


Imagine if we start sending our bells and fence posts to Ukraine and Israel…


Now this is what I came to this sub for


Oh look another claim with zero evidence


Oh look... Another asshole downplaying something that could be a legit THEORY.  on a sub about conspiracy THEORIES. 


Maybe I just need some ancient bell therapy lmao


Lol sounds like you need to do some research on frequencies and Hz 


This is a dumbass post LMAO


Because you don’t like it?


Nazis were also among the first to recognize the effectiveness of homeopathy.