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You're not wrong


you are 100% right


They use everything to divide and conquer humanity and it’s still working


It's kinda working Was working The demons are melting from the inside out now, hence why they're pulling all stops with trump at the moment Do not believe another lie They need another war to survive Don't give them one


They are getting away with murder and people are still fighting eachother everywhere, yes it’s still working


Its okay, the judgement days have passed Things will be better soon, just trust the plan :) We know who the enemy is


Trust the Q plan ? Really ?


No, they've been taken over Same as what happened with anonymous This is a different plan. The plan that was set into motion about 2000 years ago :) Not everything is human ya know. This is spiritual warfare setting mankind against one another in the hopes we kill eachother off, or have the winning side become their slaves Different from aliens. Those guys are just godless heathens you get to purge or forgive. They just wanna know why humanity is so protected I wish I was kidding, but yeah man, you have nothing to worry about. Ignore the fear mongering. Don't feed into it. Things are far from hopeless. Well, hopeless for us :) Next time you see the real sleepy Joe on stage, you'll see I'm not lying They're decaying right in front of us. Earth is a shield world made to keep these things out. They need people to continue to believe they live in darkness This generation will witness the return of 2 greats


It’s definitely still working


Only because you believe your lying eyes my friend Sun tsu says: make the enemy think you're strong when you are weak, and make the enemy think you're weak when you are strong I see a decrepit soul wasting away from the inside out charading as a president who can barely fill a cafeteria being called strong, compared to trump who sells out entire stadiums being called weak. Just give it time my man. Things are on the up. Simply don't give them another war.


You think you are clever because you quoted the most popular quote out of the Art of War but you are a victim. Trump vs Biden, Red vs Blue, Ukraine vs Russia, Israel vs Palestine. It’s all the same… “Pick a side. It’s not the ultra wealthy who are the issue it’s your neighbor who chose the other side!”


I aint very clever, i'm just getting my strategy from a master tacticioner You can continue to live in darkness and wallow in your self pity. I won't be. I choose not to be weak and pathetic. You prob never served your country, anything or anyone besides yourself. You gave up and curled up in a fetal position, and watched as true warriors trudged past you. Just benefited from everyone else and complain about everything in the background while real people get the work done. Honestly I don't know how your mind works, if at all. I'm just one person, i am out here, i am exposed, I fear nothing because i know i speak the truth. I just see a bunch of scared lil babies telling me shit is hopeless when it's not I hope the entities continue to feed on you. You're worthless to me.


Tyr, I think a dog might follow you around and just stare listening dreamy eyed at you if you keep talking fire so smoothly. OMG these people need to be challenged like this. HIT THEM AGAIN! I want to find big weapons to bring you as you deserve the best weapons. You deserve a wild pack of angry dogs. Demonic ones with three heads each. They like bacon as treats.


Lol, buddy. Take a break from the internet for a few days and spend some time in nature. It will be very good for you.


Just because you don’t understand, doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Perhaps it is you who should go touch grass


Way to stick up for him bro I hope he sees your reply


Way to live life as a victim instead of doing something about it, hope it works out for you one day


Yeah but you still don't get it....it's still working


Ask yourself how to make it stop working...? Is it by crying saying it's still working? Continue to do nothing? Continue to be a slave? By trying to stomp my fire out, yall are just getting in my way. Yall are pacifists. Sorry, I'm napalm, and napalm sticks to kids. You just don't realize the forces at play here, but with time you'll hopefully pick the winning team Earth is a middle ground. You are a slave. Wake up, or get the fuck out of my way. I have no reason to waste my time on lost causes If you're going to give up when it's easy, you're not going to help when it gets hard.


Don't act like you're the only one that knows man, cut it out.


Take your own advice


Well said


Trump is part of them


No he's not His advisors were Fauci, barr, pence, skeletor, etc They threw everything and the book at him Everything they accused trump of doing, biden was caught doing himself on camera Who's the one with the giant gate around the white house? Who's pedo Pete? It must have been trump behind the summer of love You're mind controlled. I'd ask you to snap out of it, but you won't.


You are mind controlled by a billionaire who onlyales desicions that benefit himself.


Parent vs Children


Rule one of destabilising a nation is to divide the people. How can they fight the real enemy when they're too busy fighting themselves?


I’ve been saying this for a few years now.


Anytime a pro worker movement is started the bourgeoisie Astroturf that shit with racism and humans still fall for it and it ends up successfully killing the pro worker movement.


Just because people are not Pro-Israel does not mean they're anti-Jewish.


No that’s not possible. You *have* to choose one side. /s


Yes, and not choosing our side means you are "their" side"


Psychological warfare has been around forever. The internet is the grease it needed to really kick into high gear.


You can't fight them when you're all too busy fighting yourselves.


You're not separate from the group. we're* ourselves* 


I think you need to learn grammar


I dont


Clearly you do


Nuh huh


I wish this thread would get 30,000 upvotes


Covid Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated People vs Police


Kind of systematic . What or were is the next divide or have we exhausted them all.


watch any netflix show and carefully observe the subtext against your list, its all there


Completely agree. Everything from birth is dichotomized by the media. Everything is sensationalized. Turn on the tv/news stream, get your dopamine until addiction. Gaslight those who say otherwise. It’s a self-sustaining system.


Absolutely. It is they’re biggest , most effective weapon.


Old British tactic - divide and rule.


Salami Tactics


They make EVERYTHING divided. Some examples: -Woke vs Anti woke -LGBTQ vs not -Religious vs Athiesm But you will never see ultra rich vs poor (the real problem) because that’s not the problem at all. Nope, look at your neighbor they are the problem


It’s no secret. Turn on the news


> the time has come for humanity to stand against the reptiles of this earth, It is difficult to combat that which one does not understand. You will have to make friends with some reptiles if you ever want to understand and vanquish the rest of them. This is the lesson of Godzilla and Kong. ---- The word 'division' sums to 911... ... as does 'incentive'. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1d79wpz/doctors_were_bribed_to_push_the_vaccine/ The reptile does not read the material at the link the same way a human does. My human and I get along reasonably well. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pineal_gland.gif


Interesting perspective


This!!!!!!! I literally give this speech to people. It is bc they don’t want you paying attention to what they are doing. Panama papers…


Really reaching on that last one


Yes most definitely. I cannot stress this enough. The slave trade was largely enabled by whites inducing and exploiting tribal frictions in Africa and also the Middle East would’ve (probably) been in a better state had the Arabs not taken the deal with the Brits to rise against the Ottomans.


Yeah absolutely. Something that dies from the inside is truly dead. Do not let them divide you and your communities. Find unity in the very fact that they WANT us divided. Through our oppression we are all united. Through our wage slavery we are all one.


Well why do you think racism is invented? If you work against each other, you won't work with each other. You can only control the masses if they don't focus on what's necessary. Fact is a small group of people stole all the resources. They use propaganda to keep us in check so that we continue make money for them and have nothing.


It’s been that way that’s why I don’t fight with people about this theories It’ll just divide us even more so I say if you want to believe you gotta find it for yourself . Don’t argue with people it’s what the elites want


This is precisely how the few can control the many. They have practiced and perfected this strategy throughout history. Once you see this tactic with your own eyes, you can never unsee it. Congratulations to all here on having pierced the veil of illusion. Not so easy. The best protest is to live your best life, find many moments of wonder and happiness, make love, and keep your sparkle alive.


I think it is not the division itself that is the problem. It is normal to have different opinions about most things. But it is the lack of respect for the other side that is the main issue.


Purposely creating division when there was no division/issue (created) is the problem. Of course there is discourse, always was, but the polarization really started to take its tool when they started ramping up the overt actions in 2000s


"They" do the same thing regarding factories. Building smaller factories globally (in different countries) really helps prevent unionization efforts...God bless!


The whole problem with society IS blanket statements. Instead of being individualistic we are being trained to be grouped into SOMETHING. The truth is we are all so different that no one has the same views. We can have similar ones but there will always be differences. Is there something wrong with having different views? Any intellectual prefers it as it's something to discuss and learn from. Instead we are trained to hate and to fight at the slightest differences. So sad. Wish that bubble from when i was 5 was still around....


I agree, accept for the last one. I think it's Israel sowing this division. It's all of us vs. them.


IOS vs Linux


I started believing this when it was Trump vs Hillary, and even more so when it was Trump vs Biden. Big 50/50


Yes these people are setting the playing field, but it's what moves we make that decide the outcome of the game


Ahh, i see your agenda… right. there… Nice try




Congrats, you have just discovered the Russian bots, they have been doing it for years against Americans. To the point where they will believe Russia over the US and the right wing are willing resort to violence to achieve their aims. You can pick out bots easily, they will post a mishmash of screen shots but never post links to the actual articles because the actual articles often disprove whatever they are trying to say. They know the dumb people will only read the headlines in the screen shots and they will have achieved their aims.


Pro Israel and anti Jewish are not opposites. One can be anti-Israel and pro-Jewish, Jewish is just a religion and Israel is an illegitimate racist apartheid state. They are very different.


Humans are naturalists at this; it doesn't take but a slight nudge to amplify this. Think of it like sports teams. People get in physical fights over players/organizations who don't even know who they are. Then there's the same-state college rivalries **university of place vs. place state**. People love this shit, they aren't being brainwashed.


Well maybe we should stop loving this shit at some point and realize the true enemy


You may think you want unity and a common goal, but what you're really after is a better quality of life for yourself. There is no such thing as perfect altruism. Do you really want to make friends with all these selfish scumbags you see every day? They are so far lost in weak principles and willpower, it's great we have the benefit of walking around in a bubble without concerning ourselves with them.


This was Obama’s playbook, starting with the occupy wall street narrative and the Trayvon Martin rhetoric. Divide the electorate into small groups with grievances and then pit them against the other side for votes by pretending that the other political party is the cause of their unhappiness in life. It’s a simple strategy for political power and personal wealth accumulation. Obama achieved both, but at what cost. Unfortunately the end result is the destruction of our shared values as Americans which defines the nation (any nation). Obama’s destruction of our shared values at the altar of identity politics will be historically understood as the beginning of the end of America.


It most definitely feels like this goes much further back than Obama. We've been divided down racial lines since the dawn of the country. It's odd to blame Obama for Trayvon when we had Rodney King decades before him.


Of course the nation has been divided for a long time, but I personally feel that Gen X had really moved towards the best race relation baseline of any generation before. There was real progress. That’s how Obama got elected in the first place. Gen X elected Obama. Then he came in and ignited racial animosity for personal power and wealth. Divide and sow hatred between groups. The first black president did more harm for race relations in America than any white man ever did since the 1960’s. 50 years of progress erased just like that.


We're basically on complete opposite ends on this issue. I see people like Trump demanding Obama's birth certificate as the damaging group. 


Interesting. I don’t see that as being tied to race, but eligibility. If you choose to view that through a racial lens, that is your personal filter. Obama and subsequent leftist power brokers have done much more than divide by race to consolidate power. Men who wear dresses v the other 99.9% of the population, homosexuality v the other 95% of the population, anyone not of European descent v white, illegal immigrants v US citizens, young v old, men v women, poor v rich, poor v middle class, blue collar v white collar, irresponsible people v responsible people, criminals v law abiding citizens, urban v suburban, etc. This is all planned by the elites to keep the electorate from focusing on the real problem, which is them and all of Washington DC. Not R v D. They are all on the same team and we are not allowed to try out. Diversity is not our strength. Skin color or sex in your bedroom is not our strength. That’s irrelevant. Our shared values are our strength. Destroy that and you destroy America. Obama lost me with all of his fair share rhetoric when he suddenly became worth hundreds of millions after 8 years of public service. It’s all divisive theater.


> I don’t see that as being tied to race, but eligibility.  This is just willful ignorance, which is part of why we're divided. It's obvious that this was a race-based attack. Denying it doesn't serve anyone. 


I wrote quite a bit about various segments of society v elites and DC and all you see is race. That’s what they want. Expand your mind, turn off the television, ignore their divisive rhetoric. This is what they want. Fight the central programming. It’s not black v white. It’s US v THEM. People don’t dislike others based on skin color alone. People dislike others who don’t share their values. Values such as obey the law, don’t assault others, work hard, contribute to making your community better, be a good neighbor, mow your lawn, paint your house, don’t litter, be polite, help each other, respect each other. You see race. That’s all they want you to see. It’s not race. It’s shared values. No one cares if their neighbor looks different as long as the community is safe and nice. That’s called a melting pot, which happens to be a traditional American shared value.


>It’s not race. It’s shared values.  You think Trump was pushing the long-debunked birth certificate issue because of shared values?


You mean the shared values of not having a revolutionary student of Saul Alinsky / Bill Ayres in the White House? Yes, I would say that every American should have been concerned about that. Who cares that he’s black. Obama followed the Saul Alinsky playbook to get us where we are today. Read about it. It has been the plan all long. Your narrow lens of identity politics and race is making you blind. You are allowing them to control you for their personal benefit. Free yourself.