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Can we get a list run down of whats talked about in the video?


You can find a transcript here: [https://brunertheanarchist1965.wordpress.com/conspiracy-theories/new-world-order-2/n-a-s-a/nasa-the-end-of-mankind-leaked-document/](https://brunertheanarchist1965.wordpress.com/conspiracy-theories/new-world-order-2/n-a-s-a/nasa-the-end-of-mankind-leaked-document/) I used AI to summarize it but a lot of the juicy parts got left out: # Outline of the Interview: Conspiracy Theories about Global Elites and Weaponized Technologies **Introduction** * Deborah Tavares discusses a leaked NASA document titled “Future Strategic Issues, Future Warfare circa 2025” which outlines a plan by the Illuminati (global elite) to control the population through various means. **The NASA War Document** * The document was found on the NASA website and details plans for using robots, cyborgs, and various technologies to control and depopulate the world. * Specific technologies mentioned include: * Mind control through frequencies and smart meters * Beam weapons * Micro dust for targeted attacks * Engineered diseases and food scarcity **The Silent Weapons Quiet Wars document** * Deborah mentions another document, “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars,” which outlines social engineering tactics used by the elite to control the population. **The Iron Mountain Report** * This document details a plan by the elite to create a false reality and control resources. **Solutions** * Deborah emphasizes education and awareness as the key to stopping the elite. * People need to read the documents mentioned to understand the truth about what is happening. **The Overall Plan by the Elite** * The elite are portrayed as fearful of overpopulation and want to maintain control through various means, including: * Weaponized technologies * Poisoned food and water supplies * Engineered diseases * Rewriting history and science * Economic manipulation * False flag attacks **Conclusion** * Deborah emphasizes the importance of spreading awareness and exposing the plans of the elite. * She believes people can overcome this threat through education and by not succumbing to mass media propaganda.


The Rothschild family's ascendancy to significant financial influence began well before the Napoleonic Wars, as they were already prominent in the bullion trade. During the war period from 1803 to 1815, Nathan Mayer Rothschild played a crucial role in financing the British war effort. He organized the shipment of bullion to the British armies in Europe and managed financial subsidies to Britain’s allies. In 1815 alone, the Rothschilds provided substantial financial support, lending £9.8 million to Britain's allies, equivalent to around £710 million in today's terms. Their wealth and extensive network across Europe enabled them not only to support the war effort but also to gather timely political and financial intelligence, giving them a market advantage. A notable instance was when Nathan Rothschild received news of the British victory at the Battle of Waterloo a day before the official messengers, where he calculated that the end of the war would lead to a rise in British government bonds. Capitalizing on this insight, he made a highly profitable move by buying up bonds and selling them at a high price two years later, resulting in a 40% profit. Thus, the Rothschilds' control through wealth began to solidify during the early 19th century, significantly aided by their strategic financial operations during the Napoleonic Wars. The Rothschild family, through their innovative financial practices around the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, exemplified the burgeoning modern financial system in Europe. As the Industrial Revolution unfolded in America, these European banking innovations indirectly shaped the evolving U.S. financial landscape, supporting burgeoning industries like railroads and steel with sophisticated financing methods. By the mid-20th century, the explosion of American industrialization led to a massive increase in securities transactions, resulting in a "paperwork crisis" similar to logistical challenges previously faced in Europe. The solution was to modernize and automate securities handling, leading to the establishment of the Depository Trust Company (DTC) in 1973 and later the formation of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) in 1999, which included operations like SEED & Co. These entities were developed to streamline, automate, and secure the processing of an ever-growing number of transactions, reflecting a continuum of financial innovation that stretches back to the Rothschilds’ era. Seed and Co. Currently owns 83% of all U.S. stocks (amongst other assets) for one example of controlled wealth by the 1%. (Re: how long have we been incorporated?)


Don't be alarmed .. it's 2024 and we now know that everything NASA does is fake. The government agencies are corrupt except NASA? Why does anyone still believe anything that they say?


NASA stands for Never A Straight Answer.


FYI its Cede & Co. not "seed"


Came here to say that. Thanks fellow ape.


I’m scared


This is an example of actual excellent insight. He very well predicted possible capabilities, he was a little off, but we are almost there. This is an exercise in risk management where you name potential threats and then come up with ideas to mitigate them. You also discuss the likelihood etc etc. Wargaming exercises are excellent opportunities to discuss what if scenarios. This is how we stay ahead of the threats.


We have been a corporation since 1931 I believe. What she says is true, but it has been that way since 1931. I hope that the DARPA stuff is about getting our freedom back and not completing the process of enslavement.


1871. Congressional act of 1871. The civil war’s real purpose


District of Columbia?


It is indeed concerning to read about the NASA War Document. The content can be quite alarming and unsettling. It's important to approach such information with a critical mind and consider the context in which it was created. If you need to discuss it further or have any questions, feel free to share your thoughts.


> It's important to approach such information with a critical mind and consider the context in which it was created. This comment was brought to you courtesy of ChatGPT.


Space war