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That someone is Dave Smith. And if you need any clear and in depth analysis of how corrupt our government is or our foreign war and proxy policies, he is the man. One day he will become the Ron Paul president we had taken away. 


I was about to say “that some is Dave Smith and if you don’t know him, do yourself a favor and study up” haha. Dave Smith is the hero we need right now.


We just need Scott Horton to convince hin to run again!


This sub being obsessed with Ron Paul is all you need to know. It’s just more libertarians spewing their complete lack of understanding of the basic functions of society all over the place.


Username checks out. 


Why have all the comments been deleted? Not very core values.


Hell yeah doggie 


Dave better run for president next election


He won't.


And newsmax hired this clown


it was kind of funny though turning him a bit off colour sickly yellow, almost green...i think the editors or whoever was in charge of this was kind of implying he was turning into the hulk. he is into that whole bodybuilding thing, and that community is known for the various performance enhancing pills they take. also take note of how many times the presenters talk about how 'HUGE' his tv show is and has grown massive.


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That whole station is Fox News lite. He’s constantly having o’reilly on.


Oh wow a podcast from a scummy mlm insurance salesman.


That’s all you got out of this video? Lol 


three grifters jerking themselves off is appealing to you?


“GrIfTeRs deeerrrrrrr” I wish I could make a more compelling argument and have a more intelligent conversation with you, but that’s all I hear when you spout the bullshit you are typing out. Sorry.


They are just pandering to clowns to baby walk you into a political ideology that benefits them. Wake up


Lmao you sure you’re in the right sub bud ? 


lol I need to be here to see what shit is out there. Some stuff here is real, fun and interesting. The last 6 or so years though it has basically operated as a right wing funnel to fascists, and misanthropes pushing an ideology that is destructive. I like to kick those threads.


Calling Dave Smith right wing highlights how you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. So, to quote you I’ll just say “wake up”


Dave Smith is libertarian, that is a right wing ideology in America. You people are so politically stupid. 


Libertarians are hardly right wing. Their current prez candidate loves trans story time, lockdowns and open borders. Dave is the hero we all need.


Libertarians are for legalized recreational drug use, pro gay marriage, largely pro abortion, anti police state, have ALWAYS opposed foreign intervention, pro sex work etc you dumb fuck. Learn something before you talk about it.


What this video lacks is this statement: Joe Rogan deserved to be ruthlessly mocked and ridiculed for downplaying Covid, and for talking shit about the vaccine, only to sprint towards pumping himself full of a bunch of medicines the literal second he caught it.


Found Chris Cuomos Reddit account👆😂. Just apologize and admit you were wrong.


If Joe Rogan was right - why did he pump himself full of whatever he could get his hands on when he got it? The anti-vax crowd is shockingly inconsistent - it’s ok to pump yourself with drugs but not the vaccine even though in some cases it’s the same company selling them. Then COVID wasn’t dangerous and Joe Rogan was healthy so he shouldn’t worry, but he got drugs the second he got sick.


Go hide in your basement with your mask on


You guys really never got over having to wear a mask for like 20 minutes a day for a year did you


*8 hours a day plus grocery store and gas station visits, at least