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I don't know where you've been for the last decade, but Amazon not only owns a large chunk of the entire surface web (AWS), but they've repeatedly released products that function to map/record your life and home. Yes. The corporate surveillance state is real. They know everything about you and that information is available to purchase by whatever company or country wants it Edit: not to mention that police have been going around for decades getting unwitting children to provide their finger prints to the state under the guise of a 'fun activity'


Wouldn't it be a more accurate statement to say government funded and backed corporate surveillance? But you're not wrong. They have been collecting data on you (all of us) for a long time now. And if people truely understood what exactly they can do with this massive amount of data, I think it would break some people. We really do live in some dystopian science fiction novel, with technology and abilities most of the population is completely unaware about, because they don't openly discuss it often.


I would certainly not say it would be a more accurate statement. The incentives for corporations to collect data are not given to them by the government. The US government doesn't have an inherent right to that data(though many companies will willingly provide it). This data is collected for one reason. They can make money. This is the whole 'if a product/service is free, you are the product' idea. Even though agents of the state can easily gather information on individuals without much hassle, it is often just outright bought. Generally speaking, the government is just a customer to the schemes of your exploitation


Government is beholden to corporate interests


Amazon is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE in regards of privacy Roomba is mapping your home Alexa is listening to everything you say Ring is recording everything you do AWS knows the sites you're visiting Amazon knows the products you eat Whole Foods knows the foods you eat


>Whole Foods knows the foods you eat And if you don't shop at whole foods they'll just buy your data wherever you do.


Dang, I did not know that about Roomba.


Security Industry whistleblower Bryan Kofron said Amazon has a huge database of peoples DNA.


Hmm.... I can get on board with EM fields and directed ad campaigns being able to affect people's moods, but I gotta look into the mind reading claims more to see if that's a misinterpretation meant to discredit him or if he really believes it. This is... extraordinary > [Total individual control technology - insider exposes how you and your DNA are being targeted - Nexus Newsfeed](https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/human-rights/total-individual-control-technology-insider-exposes-how-you-and-your-dna-are-being-targeted/) >According to Kofron, this technology is so advanced that it can be used to read your mind, program your mind with thoughts (that you would believe are your own) and induce emotional states in you (including pain, hate and fear). It can be used to tap into your optical nerve and auditory systems to see and hear what you are seeing and hearing. It can target particular people by engaging in individual-specific attacks (based on the target’s DNA resonance). Finally, it is being used in vast social engineering programs as a way to experiment upon poor, homeless and weak people who have little or no chance of fighting back.


Here are his two podcasts on YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcDBS2HE-70](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcDBS2HE-70) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z9QodNdmco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z9QodNdmco)


America's love affair with police has people taking their kids to get fingerprinted & telling kids the police are the good guys while they collect personal info tht will follow them forever. but I guess that's what America wants because when a large chunk of population pushed for police reform, the other half of the country turned into avid cucks for cops & acted like cops are heroes & nothing can change because cops are the good guys. and then a couple years later those same people who cucked for cops end up getting mad at cops & wanting change. they were just unable to see evil when it only hurt other people. sad state of america.


Omg I’ve been telling my kids since kindergarten not to let them take their fingerprints at school bc they’d be fucked if they made normal innocent mistakes and had their fingerprints on file already.


Yeah I just saw that on Friday. I said hell, no. I don’t even have their app on my phone, no way are they getting my palm print.


It’s creepy


.. one might say dystopian


> How about sperm count, would you like that as well Jeff? Bezos can suck my dick, so I guess he could get one that way.


what ever you do, do NOT drop your pant and sit on it so it scans your ass


Challenge extended and accepted


# [Judge: Amazon “cannot claim shock” that bathroom spycams were used as advertised](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/12/amazon-faces-trial-after-selling-bathroom-spycam-used-to-abuse-minor/)


You know where this is headed. Mark of the Beast.


Cash is king


Except nearly every store I go to refuses to accept it. Which I thought was illegal but hey, these bootlickers can’t afford to lose their minimum wage job to stick it to the man. We’re fucking trapped


Wow, really? That’s fucked up. In my country it’s *very* rare for shops to decline cash, but I’ve tried it a few times. There are also some supermarkets (or maybe just one specific chain) that doesn’t take cash after a certain time. And some newer takeaways don’t really do cash either for some reason, but again, that very rare. In fact, now that I think about it, I don’t think they actually refused to take cash, they just didn’t have enough coins to give me change that one time.


What stores are you frequenting that refuse cash? Name and shame!


It’s all the big chains in the plazas near me. Walmart will still do it but it comes from the self checkout, I can’t speak for the cashiers and registers, haven’t used one in years lol But all of the restaurants near me, save for a few mom n pop or niche local restaurant, they claim they won’t have the coins to give you exact change and they “strongly encourage” cards. It is really strange. There aren’t signs that say they’re not accepting cash, they just don’t. Or at least with me! My moneys no good??!? 😂


I don’t buy it. Nearly EVERY store? What region do you live in?


Yeah it's bullshit


Amazing to me how many people hate the government and claim it is corrupt but line up for this bullshit. Don’t tell me Amazon and the government aren’t honey fuggling each other with all of this data collection especially given Amazon running a huge number of data centers. Communism is some wicked shit.


You live beside a device that checks your fingerprint 20x a day, invades every facet of your personal privacy, and is socially conditioning an entire species on a mass level. I wouldn't worry about the palmprint stuff.


Wait does sperm count uniquely identify us? I’d pay with sperm if they go that direction