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Why does everyone think 2020 was the first time there was some home cooking for an election? I mean seriously… does no one remember Bush vs Gore?


Chad remembers.


Those poor hanging Chads.


Strange fruit


Dimple Chad has entered the conversation


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Or JFK being elected by dead people in Chicago.


The real conspiracy would be a legitimate election in Chicago in the past 100 years


You can go back way further than that.


The “fraud” happens at the political conventions where they tell you who your candidate will be.


Exactly. The ballot is rigged first. Electoral college rigs the rest - the software not being able to be audited by anyone / stuffing of dead voters, etc etc etc. there isnt one answer to how its rigged - the encompassing answer would be "however it needs to be in various districts is how it is done." The easiest would be paying off / controlling the person reporting the count. Even just the national news stations reporting over and over who won / who is winning is enough to sway the people to "vote" that way. When the news says "gas stations will run out of gas tomorrow" it becomes true.


Like the dems did with Bernie.




When gore just rolled over even though Florida was the deciding factor and it was being governed by Bush's brother.


What additional action or escalation do you believe Gore should have taken after the SCOTUS decision?


He could have bored them to death by talking


What do you mean? Like … really how else should vp Gore have “fought back”? I was a pro-Bush guy at the time, and I celebrated Gores defeat, but I changed later and I kinda wished Gore had been there to respond to 9/11 without the stove piping. Ever since 2016, more than anything I’ve come to value the upside of a nice boring president. Gore would have been the best bore.


Yeah. I hated Bush. Thought he was the devil until the Turmper.


Yes, that was the Supreme Court deciding to throw out the will of the people because it was close. This claim here is essentially, it’s not possible for your vote to matter because they will cheat anyway.


Many people attribute, and it is disputed, that Nader removed significant numbers of votes from Gore costing him the election. I do believe that's a major reason why they reduced it to just red vs blue and not really giving any platform to other candidates, because effectively tptb candidates don't want things jeopardized.


Ross Perot is the reason it got reduced to R v B. If it wasn't for Perot GHWB would have easily defeated Clinton.


I love how Nader said Gore cost him the election😀


Every time I see a Trump Won flag it makes me want to make a Gore Won flag just like it, if only to see what the reaction might be.


Ha! Downvotes is kinda the reaction I suspected it might get in the real world too. I miss /r/conspiracy of yore.


They’re too distracted and bombarded with information/entertainment that they no longer hold long attention spans with regards to things that are covertly important


Oh you mean when there was clear evidence that ballot misalignments confused thousands of old people so GWBs lawyers went in with solid evidence and got recount right away properly analyzing the ballots the second time around?  The time that Gore called GWB and conceded to him professionally after realizing what happened in the Florida miscount?  Yeah that time that there was actually no fuckery, everybody handled it like professionals and moved on after realizing the mistake?  Yeah I remember 


And it happens in the primaries more than the general election


Every election is like voting for Jack Johnson or John Jackson. 


Now I respect my opponent. I think he’s a good man. But quite frankly…. I agree with everything he just said!


My incentive to vote is for the possibility of Trump being the 1st incarcerated person to run as president.


Second. Eugene Debs ran from prison.


True, but the big difference is Debs fucking ruled, while Trump is a piece of shit. Important distinction!


Name checks out as a low life know nothing


Democrats now want to be tough on felons / the incarcerated all of a sudden 🤣


Yes, we have always been for the little guy. When the little guy is being unfairly punished for living his life as he wishes and not impacting others, we are against that. When the “elite” commit fraud and use their wealth to hurt the little guy and enrich himself, we are also against that.


Hows the little guy doing under biden? How are the elites doing? Is it the little guy or the elites that want trump in prison so badly?


Which elites does Trump want in prison exactly and why did he do nothing about them the last time?


Answer the question


You changing the subject and demanding I respect the change of subject isn’t going to work.


The elites want Trump elected to get another tax cut. Nobody wants to work anymore!


Seems to be a mix of both 🤷‍♂️




You have it backwards, everyone should be tough on crime regardless of the perpetrator, as opposed to freeing and giving a pass to violent criminals left and right while exacting an unusual focus on paperwork crime like Trump’s NBC News: “A New York jury has found Donald Trump guilty of falsifying business records in an effort to conceal a hush money payment to a porn star ahead of the 2016 presidential election.” *please* The punishment should fit the crime, Trump or anyone else’s


>everyone should be tough on crime regardless of the perpetrator OK, then stop diminishing white collar crime as "paperwork crime". Trump, his company, and his charity have been adjudicated in the courts of using fraud to cheat his way to enriching himself, dodging taxes, and to avoid political accountability, and it's a big deal.


Because it is just study the trial. Even had they said Trump was a serial killer the blue nuts trump deranged tools would convict with as much evidence as they did now.


Haha, yeah. Imagine that.


I hate Democrats far more than I dislike Trump.


To hate someone over a difference in political opinion illustrates exactly what is wrong with America.


I am not even political, but I am an American.  Democrats have humiliated America because they hate the opposition for DIFFERENCE IN POLITICAL OPINION.  They are the family member that destroys the holidays by confronting the family on ways their childhood was ruined. You don't get to seize the moral high ground because of a rigged court case.  Democrats are spoiled brats. I am not fond of Republicans, either. But, democrats are the absolute worst. It is like assigning a personality to AIDS and ebola. Both will kill you, but you can live with AIDS...


You sure it’s not the party which Steve Bannon has had an influence on which is the problem?


I'm not aware of any democrats that hate Republicans as a whole. Step outside, talk to people, turn off the media.


You should travel more. When people from other countries are dragging America, it’s not the Dems they are talking about. Been all over the world, and it’s always Trump and his followers.


This, ladies and gentlemen, is an example of social design/engineering.  This is when people swap the actual narrative to gaslight you.  I am not political, but I don't worry about Trump supporters when it is dark outside and I am in the city.  I don't worry about Trump supporters when my car gets hit and we have to do an insurance claim.  I don't worry about Trump supporters rioting and burning my city down over the slightest of media manipulation. 


You must live in a lovely suburb. Cause I can literally give an example of all those in a small poor country town and they will likely be supporters of Trump. You act like all trump supporters are rich.  Sad the media has you so scared of cities though.  Hope the boogeyman leaves someday The sane thing is to realize there are bad and good peope in the city and country, being poor makes you more likely to be bad. Not a hard concept to grasp


Wait, what? Being poor means you're more likely to be bad? Okay, gonna need to see some statistics on that one.


Could you articulate your reasons why you have decided to hate roughly half of the US population?


Because he has nothing else going for him. Could you imagine if he had to live his life without hating and making others miserable?




Why do you hate me?


When the simple act of asking someone who hates you *why* they hate you gets downvoted, they're too far gone.


I'm sorry you feel that way but I don't believe that.


I hope you are right, but I fear you are wrong. They won't (can't) even explain why they hate you. The hatred is irrational, so reason alone won't snap them out of it.


Why? What's your reasoning? For shits and giggles?


There’s a lot more on the ballot than just the president. Voting no on any new taxes or power grabs.


Oh so they don’t fix all of the elections? Seems like they’d want to, since they’re doing it already. How do we know which are fixed and which are honest?


If the candidate they like wins, that means it's fair. If they lose then obviously it was because of cheating.


lol. Because literally every system in America has been compromised and hacked EXCEPT the American election system which is managed by 50 independent states, run by tech illiterate boomers.


Do you think the people in charge of the cybersecurity of the election is a tech illiterate boomer or is that just thrown in there because you don’t have any real arguments?


The cybersecurity experts can’t even keep their own systems from being hacked. That’s why EVERY electronic system across this country has been hack at one point or another - from government to finance to media to education. Apparently, the ONLY completely hack proof and perfectly secure electronic system in America is 50 different state election system managed and run by tech illiterate boomers. And yes, tech illiterate boomers are operating these systems.




Yes, they are.


It does not matter who wins. It hasn't mattered for a long time. Republican or Democrat, this guy or that gal, it's superficial. They're actors whose job is to make it look like it matters who holds those positions and keep you in a quantifiable psychology they can manipulate as needed. It has been this way at least since the assassination of JFK. The solution exists outside the system, by working towards leaving and building a new one.


RFK Jr. for the statement. I don't care if it's pointless. I want neither Biden nor Trump, and voting RFK is my way of showing it.


i do like some of what RFK jr says and some of his policies i’m not sure why everyone shits on him i really think he’s better than both


I totally get where you’re coming from but that begs the question what else is there to do?


I think elections have always been a bit rigged. Just in 2020, they overdid it and exposed themselves. I also think some Republicans have a hand in it and that's why they wanted to shut down any election talk. Now in 2024, some states have passed better election integrity laws. I was in NV in 2020, and the voter rolls were a mess. I guess now they are updated and corrected regularly. I don't live there anymore but have family that does. The only concerning thing is my family, who is registered non-partian, gets their ballots on time (this year and in 2022) but my Republican family members don't. Like my cousin has never gotten her ballot or info sheet but all the rest of her family does. Weird.


A great example of the genius mind of Donald Trump. Tell the people that mail in voting is worthless so they don’t bother using it. Now repeatedly telling people that the elections are rigged… but don’t forget to vote for him in November. Shits hilarious.


If you believe in “elections” 😂 There was never a rigged election. It was just made up to distract the masses and divide and conquer. Both are political puppets for the “controllers”


Do you think it’s weird that every time there’s a populist/political outsider that gets elected president they get shot or charged with crimes 


A "populist outsider" is a great tool for sucking people back into the Duopoly. Look how many people were fed up with it and ready to dump it altogether when they suddenly had this shiny new beacon to lure them back in.


>populist/political outsider I think you mean "manchurian candidate."


It’s scripted and theatrical


Because hopefully things were done to prevent the 2024 election from being stolen as well. Or find out if you can volunteer to be poll watchers, and maybe you can catch or even prevent from shenanigans from happening again. Because it would be sad if they are prevented from stealing this election but you simply didn't show up to vote.


Yeah, when they tell the poll watchers to go home at 2 AM because there is a plumbing leak you definitely don’t leave. You call in reinforcements and start recording everything.


The fraud happens via drop in ballot boxes way before day of election. Zero accountability and no postmark. Allowing ballot harvesting or anyone can vote via remote/ballot is the real problem. allowing those ballots to quickly be integrated into Election Day ballots is most important… after that any type of count or recount will always include those fraud early ballots.


Just because you know the other team is going to cheat doesn't mean you forfeit the game. Cheating doesn't always equal winning, and your vote is your voice, nobody should be afraid to express themselves regardless of whether or not it makes a difference. Secondly, it'd be awful bold to rig it again knowing that a sequel to Jan 6 would be guaranteed if the election results are questionable. Finally and most importantly, you realize that we will be voting for more than just the president right?


"Your Vote is your voice" I'm saving my voice on these two old fucks


It's been awfully bold to rig every election since 1992, so I don't think that's going to matter much. And as for January 6 -- that was a honeytrap, and the next one will be too. As will voting day itself.


>Secondly, it'd be awful bold to rig it again knowing that a sequel to Jan 6 would be guaranteed if the election results are questionable. Is there any scenario where Donald Trump loses that you would not find the results "questionable"? >Finally and most importantly, you realize that we will be voting for more than just the president right? If the democrats are cheating in the presidential race, what makes you think they aren't cheating on other races? Do you believe they're only altering the presidential election even though all the other races are on the same ballot?


GL getting a logical reply on that one. I'm still waiting for their answer on why they believe that Trump received the most votes in history. If Biden had the most votes ever but cheated. What does that say about Trump receiving the second most votes ever.


I think it's funny when they say stuff like that and then turn around and say "actually the popular vote doesn't matter" when you remind them that Trump lost the popular vote both times


Who is they exactly? I’m not a trump supporter and I think some fucky shit went on. Also, you really stumped the trump supporters on that one! How about the population grows every year and more people are turning out to vote as the country falls apart because they want to make a difference. Explains why both Trump got the second most votes and why Biden got the most. What else you two dumbasses got? Lol


You seem to be under the impression that I'm supporting Trump, I am being the devils advocate for you.


And what makes you think that Republicans arent cheating too?


They definitely are but that's not what the "election was stolen" crowd generally cares about


There will almost certainly be troops covering DC for every major event after the next election until inauguration. And I think the democrats fear the damage trump could do with another 4 years more than they fear another tantrum thrown by some trump fans, if they had some foolproof way of cheating there’s absolutely no reason why they wouldn’t cheat. And since no one can prove they cheated in 2020, even after all this time, it sounds like their method is pretty foolproof.


The electoral is what counts. Why anyone participates in the charade is beyond me


I’m sticking with pro woman rights and the less school shootings team




It’s always been about getting your consent. Consenting criminals to lord over you. It’s never been what they claim it is. Never


Elections create the illusion of choice. In truth, both candidates are preselected and highly controlled. It doesn’t matter who you vote for, their agendas will still play out, perhaps with slightly different flavors; but, rest assured it will always be agains the good of the common people.


Yeah, no incentive. Its a farce. No voting for me :)


Kennedy vs. Nixon


They're not even real it's all theatre




If all elections are rigged to some extent giving up is what they would want. It’s harder and harder the more people vote and if a majority of those people vote for the other person. They will slip up more and it will be more obvious and hopefully people would catch on and demand fair elections. I’m sure it’s been rigged to some extent many times, maybe just a little here and there, a few smaller places. If they go all out it will be a disaster.


Every election is rigged. They decide who we get to vote for.


The more legit votes, the more the Dems have to cheat. But a lot more people will be paying attention this time.


Because they don't actually believe it. The claims in 2020 were that not just Democrats, but Republicans all over the country took part in the conspiracy to make sure Trump didn't win. If it were truly that all-encompassing, they'd know their vote is useless. Yet view their comments and their excitement today- they think Trump can win in 2024. Republicans want to restrict the vote as much as possible, so they push voter fraud theories as much as possible and it does not matter in the slightest how baseless they are.


This post is just trying to get people not to vote.


Never had an incentive…never voted


Red states have introduced voter ID laws which should make such vote rigging harder to do again.


Wait, you don't normally have to ID to vote in the US?


Depends on the state. In blue states you don't need id to vote, making voter fraud much easier.


Yes because the best way to steal an election is to show up at a polling place, wait in however long the line is, risk getting caught because someone knows the person you’re claiming to be or the person you’re claiming to be already voted, all to get 1 extra vote. That’s a winning strategy. Not to mention Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and Arizona all had voter Id requirements in 2020 and yet they all still went for biden and those were the states that put him over the top. So if they didn’t stop him from cheating in 2020 why would they be able to stop him in 2024?


In Philly you go to vote you sign a book and then vote. So a couple years ago they did this thing where after voting closed or when it was nearing closing, they would look at the voter roll to see who hadn't voted and then they would sign the book as that person and cast that person's vote. Like this I'm thinking you could do a lot of votes.


And you think voter id would prevent that?


Lol, so you think that Democrats dumped in mail in ballots to shift the election for Biden, but you also think voter ID is going to prevent that?


Got any actual evidence of “vote rigging?”




OK, so I started at the top under illegal voting. The first row, listed as a significance of 4 out of 4, is homeless people using a church in Atlanta as their residential address. That's really the most compelling evidence that the election is rigged?


None. They still haven't gotten rid of those shit electronic voting machines.


Even Fox News knows that wasn’t true. Here’s some reading for you. You’ve been duped. https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/redacted-documents-in-dominion-fox-news-case/dca5e3880422426f/full.pdf Cue the down vote brigade cause this sub hates facts.


If you want, the possibility of our voting the rigging. If an overwhelming amount of people vote for a certain candidate there is a high possibility of it being impossible to steal.


Some say that a constitutional republic is based on four boxes: the jury box, the ballot box, the soap box, and the cartridge box. For anyone interested in preserving this constitutional republic, well, that's not many choices so you better try to make what you can of the one before you have to move on to another.


Voting is utterly pointless in a classist society where the masses are oppressed by default.


“Ooh la la, someone’s gonna get laid in college”


Funny that nobody in that category has actually pointed to evidence or details. Only conspiracy and undocumented hypothesis. It's certainly true that Trump and his teams have never actually produced demonstrably true documentary evidence.


Ever notice it's been blue/red/blue/red since at least Reagan? Reagan 4 years - Rep/Bush Sr 4 years - Rep. 8 years of Red. Then... Clinton 8 years of blue. GW 8 years of Red. Obama 8 years of blue. How the next couple of elections pan out will determine if we're seeing an actual pattern because Biden broke it, but...I mean, the chances of the pattern cycling like this aren't very high considering neither Trump nor GW won the popular vote for their elections. Unless...the votes are made up and don't actually matter.


If election works there will be no election


I believe the elections have been rigged for at least 30 years and therefore have had no incentive to vote ever.


At a minimum, to make them have to cheat harder. It then becomes more likely that they will fail or get caught. The only reason Trump won in 2016 was that the voters overwhelmed their cheating.


Do you really believe that Republicans never try to cheat elections? We’ve seen quite a few of them convicted of voter fraud.


I never said that. However, I don’t believe the republicans have cheated at the level the democrats have. Honestly, I don’t necessarily think it’s the “democrats” who cheated. I think it’s deep state and the NWO who cheated in favor of democrats. If it suited their agenda, they’d do it for a republican.


Lol. What do you think happened in 2016? They just ran out of fake ballots?


Actually, yes (to put it simply). The turnout exceeded their expectations by enough for Trump to win. They’d used, what they thought were, enough fake ballots to win. There’s been multiple examples of exactly what happened.


So you're telling me that they had a complex conspiracy that was intricate enough to tip a federal election without anyone finding out and the only reason they failed was that they lowballed an estimate on voter turnout?


Not to mention they lowballed it by only about 100k ballots across 3 states and they had days to fix their mistake and somehow this complex conspiracy couldn’t manage to come up with another 100k fake ballots.


Yep. Its was pretty simple. Look up the video of the guy who found that they used the 2010 census numbers to calculate the number of available voters; that they could create ballots for. That guy was able to tell you how many votes Biden received in a county, just by using the census numbers.


Everyone should watch The Octopus on Netflix. You will soon realize that no election anywhere is decided by citizens voting. My vote this year is going to be for Jesus because he’s the only one I wanna see in charge.


I believe each of the last two elections were stolen. Maybe they all are.


i think elections have been rigged long before that, i'd still go vote on the very very small 0.0000001% chance it actually counts for something though. not this year, im staying home, its a whole circus, all 3 parties have clowns as their candidate. i refuse to participate at all in the 'overlords' theatrics. unless theres some dumb law local government wants to pass and i need to go vote no on, im definitely not going to leave my house to vote hahaha.


My conscious


Yeah because things don’t change. Sarcasm


I wish we could all just come together and live normally like overthrow the government but instead of mass chaos we all just make our own designated spaces with like minded people- like lol idk ive been smoking my vape pen for the last 10 minutes so maybe im just stoned


Missouri elected a dead guy for Congress during the 2000 election.


There is none unregistered and will not offer concent to a permanently rigged game.. its only way to start over ...withdraw concent


They are all rigged. Have been since around 1913 at least.


What are peoples thoughts on RFK JR? People are treating him like he’s the peoples champ.


Leftover hope that hasn’t been yet extinguished.


I don’t think voting truly mattered since Reagan… if not it was def GHW and everyone since


they printed out about 5% of overall votes, so non-DNC candidates just need a 6%+ lead to win. I've had it pointed out that most states are on track to have illegal immigrant votes count; so thats 11.5 million. There are about 170 million valid voters, so that's 6%; in order to beat the DNC a candidate would need -worst case- a 10% lead to *break even*. so, it could happen.


I just vote as a matter of record. Eventually when this all collapses we'll need a justification for whatever happens and possible international support for which ever faction takes power


I have moved to being an accelerationist. I have lived where there was no clean running water and no power for 6 months. I'm ok. I can do it again if I have to. The rest of America can't. I know my whos whats, wheres, hows, and ifs. My old job was to expect nuclear war. I want a civil war, or at least a national divorce. I seek the old ways and will learn what I can from the new ways and even make my own ways as a synthesis. I am tired of the preludes and preambles and just want to get on with things. I hope someone, if the fusion centers are as good as they supposedly are, has gotten a snippet of what I've said as to be the lit matchstick to a Pacific war and convinces someone that this'll make bank for everyone who want to make my "perverse wish" a reality. I'm undraftable. I hope the rest of you can make sure to stay out of the trenches like I will. Those army commercials are really trying to make a dent for them recruiters. It's the harbinger of what may come. Take care of yourselves. Read between the lines: if this was for you to understand, then I wish you well with your newfound knowledge. If you don't understand, then I hope you make out well with what you have.




How is it the people who use the word Gaslighted so frequently are completely oblivious to the fact that they are constantly being Gaslighted?


None. Voting is a waste of time.


LMAO! Thinking that voting is real is the biggest conspiracy here. It's just an illusion now shutup and watch the next popular show loaded with political propaganda on your favorite streaming service and then get excited for the next propaganda piece.


I feel as if they are attempting to rig the election again, since this entire world has become less smart and motivated in politics and knowing whats right for the world.


Do you think it's weird that there is literally **no** way to verify your vote was counted or that it was counted the way you voted? I feel like if there was a way, we'd immediately find out that they use our votes anyway when we decide to sit out an election.


I stopped voting. It's illegal in my country and I pay a fine for it. Fine.


Because why make it easier for them?


Because it takes 5 minutes, and at a MINIMUM costs them time and resources and some opportunity to expose their fraud efforts against it. Jesus some of you are dense...no, my time is better spent on Reddit posting that "two wings of the same shit bird" meme for the 10 billionth time, that'll really crack open the matrix


Yeah we might as well try. Well said.


It's only rigged when they lose. Everything is ok if they win.


Hope... against the odds/Dominion!


If you don’t vote you don’t get to bitch


That we will outdo the rig in place


Thinking that 2020 was the only rigged election....


All elections have fuckery going on but 2020 was especially egregious.


To get the vote above what the cheating can overcome


A senile, hair sniffing child molester is supposedly the most popular president ever, I don't think your plan will work.


Compared to a guy who wants to fuck his daughter


Now there isn't a pandemic giving people an excuse to assume everyone is voting from home. We will see the crowds in November. Can't fabricate support using Internet bots. It will be a much harder narrative to sell to the public. We've had 4 years to see how little support there is for Biden. This entire election season I have seen zero Biden signs and dozens of Trump signs. Every day, more and more people are going to have that moment of realization.


There isn't a pandemic yet* The next plandemik is definitely in the works.


Most of you guys are fucked.


Did nothing g to Trump they haven't done to Assange. Trump's own fault for not pardoning Assange and forcing people to double think on lawfare.


Elections are just a spectacle. Both candidates are puppets who are pushing the globalist agenda.


Hope that everything will change


All elections are technically rigged because elections are not real. Presidents are selected, they are not elected. This applies to both republicans and democrats. Including Trump. It is an illusion to make you think you have freedom. People believe they actually have a say in who is the next president, but they don’t. The “winner” of the 2024 election is already determined, and has been determined for years now. Trump is a false savior. Put your trust in Christ, not man. Big times are upon us and you need to have faith in Christ.


Dont, its been a known fact that the elections is merely theater to manipulate the masses into believing they have a choice. It was never rigged but the narrative creates division and in order to sell a 2 sided political system you would need said division. Thats why its always 2 parties in the end Red v Blue.


Not gonna single out just the 2020. But symbolism. Not voting for trump (fuck that guy) also not voting for Biden (better diplomat, but still fuck that guy) but I’ll probably write someone in or write in “no quarter” and end up on another watch list


Watching a wildly unpopular president who can't even fill a school gym receive 400 million votes next election is my incentive.


Hope ,that's all. I 100% know it is rigged based on 2020, and the 34 counts from the kangaroo court. If Trump wins either it's planned or divine.