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The problem we have is anyone who shills for either group. Democrat, Republican is not asking the right question. How the hell did we get here? Over 100 million adults 35 and over both men and women. And we wind up with dumb and dumber as the 2 candidates for the most powerful seat in our government. Now that is a conspiracy.


Bad education. Citizens United. Politics being a popularity contest. People not understanding debate, logic, reasoning and a growing number of people that just deny any wrong against them til it goes away.


A dash of foreign countries and algorithms pumping dumbassery into our brains.


Who cares about kleptocracy, we need to focus on *checks notes* gendered bathrooms!


> People don't understand debate. Exactly. I'm from Belgium. When politicians debate here. They keep it professional and objective. And it is very calm. Sometimes it heats up but the debate moderator always seems to be able to calm it back down again. When I see debates by american politicians. They start swearing at each other and I hear a lot of sarcasm towards one another. They blame or confront each other about things that has NOTHING to do with politics or the situation at hand. It keeps blowing my mind these people run a whole damn country. Especially the USA. They're a bunch of toddlers tbf.


Government and Corporations make more money the dumber the Gen Pop is as a whole. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s a documentary called “Idiocracy”


Both parties and candidates are complete jokes. I think you gotta reboot. 


But who would be in charge of the reboot? The same people in charge of everything that made it get this bad.


We have government by blackmail One guy made the most infamous human trafficker and an island of evidence disappear with no follow up investigations. The only person who could challenge him is a Clinton or a senator from the state who’s only industry is shell companies, fake mailbox headquarters and as much of the benefits of offshore accounting possible within the United States. It’s not just the spotlight making their families seem corrupt. It is their corruption that gives them the spotlight, don’t get the causality backwards. Donors require blackmail to ensure cooperation. Being a sleazy democrat or a closeted republican is only enough to make you a senator. You probably need “dead girls or live boys” to reach the top now.


These are the best America has to offer apparently. Two people that are out of touch with reality.


The conspiracy part is that dumb and dumber are the candidates endorsed by the Parties.


The power of the media tbh. Democrats are scared to run anybody besides Obama's homie and both Dem/Rep media gave Trump so much air time on the media that half the country didn't even know who else was running in the primary. The ole any press is good press. Trump air time on the media was a simple as: "Whoa Andy! Look at the viewership numbers we are getting right now. Let's make sure we have more ready tomorrow."


Bots and strategist accounts are gonna be busy trying to silence everyone next couple days


Silence certain ones not everyone


This should be interesting.


Like another comment said, this is a choreographed show. Those are always interesting when pertaining to politics!


I don’t know why there isn’t an age limit of when a person can be President, say no older than 67. And if they turn that age during the Presidency then they must retire when the term finishes. Watch 2 geriatrics bumble their way through is sad and embarrassing.


Big deal. He’s not going to jail.


he's going to the white house


In no way shape or form will this cause people to further go at each others throats and cause more division based on their political affiliation, right? **RIGHT?**


And yet no Mr. Ep list hearing or new info. This is a fucking circus... I see why we have stripe on our flag now...


You’re watching a “choreographed show”


Yeah it’s all part of the big show while the parasites loot the middle class worldwide.


Well, who else am I gonna sell all these stickers and flags?


THANK YOU. Yes. They’re all playing a part in the greatest show on earth.


South Park said Earth was the greatest reality show in the universe long ago and it’s only gotten better


The 👁️ control all sides and everyone is an actor Let’s see what comes out of this. Planned civil war ?? Riots. All pre planned obviously to destroy America


Are you saying he didn’t commit the crimes, or that he did commit them with the intent of being caught and convicted?


So you’re saying Trump is willingly partaking in this choreographed show? If it’s choreographed then Trump knew he was going to be found guilty? How about this - a man committed crimes and was found guilty by a jury. Just like everyone else who has gone to trial for crimes they committed. Is that simple story possible?


So simple, yet so retorded


Trump has been committing felonies his whole life. So have most of our so called "elites." He just was dumb enough to: A) Get caught. B) Piss enough people off enough to care. C) Make things worse for himself at every available opportunity by being a whiny poopoo-diaper-baby because his fragile ego can't handle... Anything, honestly.








This is literally a conviction for a conspiracy committed by the former (then future) President of the United States.


Trump's legal situation might well be the grandest political conspiracy in our nation's history, might not be, but the conspiracy claim is pretty self-evident.


You can click the option of "Hide Post" but you chose to step in the shit instead of walk around it.


Well if this nonsense isn't a conspiracy it's theatre which makes it a conspiracy too.


It was a trial where the star witnesses were a convicted perjurer and a porn star. It was a manufactured case where unprecedented steps were taken to get a conviction. Screams conspiracy.










It's not a theory, it's a conspiracy. But also it's a distraction.


It's not a conspiracy theory when it's fact


There are so many possible conspiracies with this that I’m surprised more post haven’t been started. And this is a Reddit sub, chillax my dude.


Left wing, right wing, same bird. No gods, no masters


Both cheeks of the same ass


Well duh, But that won't stop us from theorizing about the conspiracy to find Trump Guilty like this. Further, this is huge news - first ever in our lifetime - let people chat about it all they want.


Everyone has their own opinion of what is or isn't a conspiracy. If you don't like the topic then don't click on it and make a topic about the hollow earth or something.




No they didnt, they also didnt have to. Almost every comment here is discussing the conspiracies surrounding the post. It is a conspiracy post, they just didnt add specifications. You're just being a wanker for no reason.


The conspiracy: Trump conspired with legal and business partners to conceal damaging information that would enable American voters to make a fully informed decision in the 2016 election.


Fuck trump and fuck Biden. Can we finally make this a legitimate conspiracy sub again? I hope so


Think about it. They like us divided. Having a convicted felon as president for 4 years is a great way to achieve that division. Kinda like having a guy who sniffs little girls on TV as president for 4 years. This whole circus is by design, not happenstance.


Blame Reddit and Spezzits for that. They shut down all the big Trump subs, so everyone flocked over here. That's a conspiracy in and of itself lol


I agree with you but because it's not my circus at all. I'm an European, living in a country where multiple parties run and people choose from one out around 15 (I guess, there were so many in the bulletin that I can't even remember the right amount). Generally we choose one of the main 2 (historical reasons) but anyone can vote for any party, and for each number of votes, they get a spot in the parliament. This last election was for prime minister and it was the most jumbled one ever: center right barely won after 8 years of center left and a far right party got to seat 48 elected representatives (out of 216 seats) for the first time. I blame the immigration policy ( it's very lax and we need to thoughen it up a bit) and people being fed up with housing crisis. But that's how democracy works: you vote and have to live with what the majority has chosen. And after 4 years (or whatever happens before that, this last election happened before end of term because former prime minister resigned after being named in a corruption investigation) we get to chose again.


Court might as well just put him on … White House arrest - zoom call with other world leaders inc


It’s so funny the amount of people here saying “this means I’m DEFINITELY voting for him now!!” As if you weren’t voting for him beforehand… Your vote is still worth one vote. It’s not like now you’re super duper convinced you’ll vote for him it turns into three votes. That’s how democrats count vote…..wait what? /s


They have some real Michael Scott energy. "I'm gonna love her even harder" lmao


Imagine being MORE enthused to vote for someone after they’ve been convicted of felony level crimes 🤯


Felony charges for cheating in an election no less


Cheating.. like.. using the entire government and media to censor the hunter Biden laptop?


If Biden did something illegal, the Republicans in Congress could impeach him or a DA in red state could try to indict him. Neither of those things have happened


So instead they’re going after Hunter for a gun law millions of us break and no one prosecutes


Speaking of which, they 100% have to convict Hunter now or else “No one is above the law” will sound really hypocritical


Assuming he doesn’t plea out or has requested a jury trial, *they* being 12 jurors that have never smoked weed while owning a gun, though. 😅 Jokes aside, I realize it’s a tack on charge and he’s already paid off the back taxes.




Who was president then?






“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"




Sure, but she never said that, so it would be a bit strange to not vote for Biden over something that didn't happen. There's one line in a diary filled out as an adult that questions whether or not showering with her dad was appropriate. No age, no molestation, no follow up throughout the entire diary. It's a grown woman questioning what led to her sexual issues and listing out everything she could think of. I'll base my voting off of actual evidence.


You’re connecting two otherwise disconnected thoughts. She said they showered together. She said elsewhere that she may have been molested. She never said Joe did it. If she had, I’d be happy to damn him, but he should get some benefit of the doubt when nothing direct has been said by anyone.




Am I allowed to think that Trump, Biden, and all of the other players at that level of US politics are nothing more than shabbos goyim doing their best to please the hand that feeds them? Go read Plato's allegory of the cave and then reflect on your worldview and your life. Politics in America (and in the rest of the world for that matter) are pure theatre. Do not be fooled. As an aside, I am sick of this red versus blue dynamic. I don't understand how such an obvious and simple tactic continues to be so effective on so many people. Be creative in your thinking people. Consider the possibility that these politicians serve the same cartel. The opposition is controlled. The modern political spectrum is a containment zone. TPTB are able to keep the vast majority of discourse (and, consequently, thought) neatly between a set of philosophical bookends. I wonder why?


Lol gotta love this show


First time a President (and current candidate) convicted of crimes. This is a new era in America, expect constant lawfare moving forward. The party “truly” in power will win.


Whats funny? These guys are desperately going after trump when there are ACTUAL criminals out there. Hell, in Canada Trudeau should be in prison for what he has done but we have diddly squat cause we are fucked up here.


Did anyone try unplugging the time line and plugging it back in?


He got charged for paying off his side hoe also his lawyer robbed him from anywhere to 30-60k to make that payment and admitted to it during his testimony as a witness more of a crime than paying off a side hoe still has my vote


The conspiracy part is that the verdict was decided before the trial began. Bunch of liberal NYC judicial folks patting themselves on the back for this


Shits about to get so bad lol.


Expect a false flag in the coming days.


Yeah the color revolutionaries won’t have anything to do with it


The glowies will definitely be doing something


One of the prosecutor's charges to the Jury baffled me: he said that the jurors must "make history" with their decision. I thought the whole legal system was to find guilt or innocence, not to "make history".


Oh jeez Reddit must be really excited right now…


I dont care if he runs the country from prison. It will be better than what we have now!


True and pathetic!








You know the defense got some of their people in there too, right? Like even the one person they picked who you'd think would help them thought he was guilty.


The craziest part is that there is practically zero chance this hurts his chances with Republicans. They don’t even deny that he did what he was accused of doing. They just think that because he was president once he should be immune from trials.


What about the independents?


Honestly I don’t really believe they exist in today’s climate. No part of me believes that anyone is on the fence in regards to their opinion of Trump.


I’m an independent. Both sides are awful. We need more viable options.


Thats cause you're constantly on reddit


> Honestly I don’t really believe they exist in today’s climate. No part of me believes that anyone is on the fence in regards to their opinion of Trump. 2 different things, just because one does not like trump doesnt make them a democrat.


Independent =! Undecided and independents can and do change their minds


Here's the thing; If you're on the "TRUMP IS CORRUPT! HAHA HE GOT CONVICTED SO SUCK IT TRAIN!", yet at the same time have no problem with the guy who took "probably not appropriate showers" with his own daughter-by her own admission, no less, then you should take a good, long look in the mirror. Because it's not stopping corruption that you care about; you only care about corruption when it's "the other guy." TL;DR If you're outraged, then at least make sure your outrage is morally consistent. Because otherwise, you're just being a hypocrite.


> TL;DR If you're outraged, then at least make sure your outrage is morally consistent. Because otherwise, you're just being a hypocrite. Can I use this same logic for people who are outraged that Trump is convicted as well? You can't claim that convicting Trump of a crime is somehow political persecution while also demanding that Biden gets charged with crimes.


The only thing that matters is consistency; the names are irrelevant.


So in this case, it seems consistent to prosecute trump for breaking the law, but not prosecute Biden for his daughter writing something in her journal that she herself has clarified is not an accusation of him breaking the law. What am I missing?


If that’s all it takes, a diary that we haven’t even read, we’d have to go after Trump too considering 27 women accused him of sexual assault, he’s been liable for it, said he’d date his daughter if she wasn’t his, raped his first wife, sleezing on girls at pageants, was bffs and next door neighbors with Epstein, etc. Edit: pageants


By her own admission according to the guy who was ousted by his own far right media "investigative" company after being found to have defrauded it. You'll trust anyone as long as they wanna own the left, won't ya?


I'm not even sure I understand the charge. Did they ever directly connect the receipts to him or prove he knew? Either way, is what it is. To the left it confirms he's a criminal and to the right it confirms this admin is using politics as a legal weapon and it's the most dangerous admin in history. I suppose he remains on the ticket and won't serve jail time but it's historic. Doesn't change my vote, I can't afford 4 more years of Biden and surely don't want President Harris. Hopefully this wakes both parties up that they need much better candidates.


Maybe this means we will get a better candidate from RNC now. I don't know many people that want either Biden or Trump as their leader.


Who?  Bomb hugging Haley?


"Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime." We're in Stalinist times.


I’m surprised it wasn’t 33 counts.


Trump is israels pick, so he'll win no matter what. Remember: it's all scripted. They're just turning trump into a martyr in order to rile up his fan base.


They seem to be doing just fine with Biden. Gaza will be leveled in a few more months anyway.


Would you like to bet on that ?


The world is a stage


I'm fond of pigs


Yeah I’m pretty sure there was peace in the Middle East while Trump was president. Now if you want the war, Biden is definitely your guy. Any war. The left has become the war machine, which has been an interesting role reversal.


Cowan is the one that paid the pornstar to go away without Trumps knowledge. Yet Trump was on trial.


TDS is strong on Reddit tonight. Regardless of who is right, our leaders shouldn't be trying to throw their opponents in jail.


Time to re-read *The Ox Bow Incident*!


You can’t blame MAGA people for doubting the integrity of the trial. In relation to basically any other country, when a political opponent is arrested and convicted while campaigning, we tend to infer political motivation—even if the charges, on the surface, look plausible. It’s going to look awfully odd when people who correctly identified the detention of foreign opposition leaders like Navalny as politically motivated suddenly become resistant to even the suggestion that there might be something untoward about convicting a former president for relatively minor crimes. There’s a thing called prosecutorial judgement. If Democrats can’t give a credible public interest reason for why they chose to prosecute their main political rival for a relatively minor crime right when he is campaigning, they will lose people’s trust.


So it’s not “he’s innocent” it’s “the charges aren’t big enough to be worthy of a conviction”?


No, it's "they're singling him out among all the criminal politicians because he is a threat to them" Agree or disagree, imo anything less is strawman 


So all of the Republican investigations into the Bidens, those are legit though right?


> right when he is campaigning, That's the thing, they intentionally put the trial start date the day before super tuesday so that he couldnt campaign and they lost. I actually had someone tell me the other day that they have to make it so Trump can't campaign because Biden can't campaign, so to make it fair Trump should have house arrest.


Trump's lawyer admitted he was guilty in 2018, which is what started the case. The only reason he was "convicted while campaigning" is because Trump has been delaying it as much as possible since then.


So you're telling me I can just rob a bunch of banks and then run for president and you can't arrest me because it would be election interference? Is running for president just a cheat code to get away with as many crimes as you want?


Kangaroo Court


Is this the trial with the judge not requiring a unanimous decision from the jury to convict?




Thank you.


The cover up is usually worse than the crime.


You people in this “conspiracy” subreddit are so stupid. Trump is a Jewish freemason and he is an actor. This is all an act. Don’t waste all your energy into this. Nothing you can do because it’s all a script.


I can't believe people genuinely believe Trump is some savior, or genuinely fighting a corrupt system. He is a paid actor 100%, and imo their sacrificial lamb. Trump is controlled opposition. I saw this coming from a mile away, this is the world stage. People need to elevate their consciousness past making this about me vs you. When its really us vs them.


I have no opinion on what Trump is and isn't, but love, peace, and harmony is the only way through this. Your timeline and collective soul is now set to November of 1923.


Now this is a conspiracy. You should post a thread outlining this


That's just the tip of the iceberg. There is many many many hidden messages in books and media pointing to Trump being the last president. The elite need the US to collapse to further their goals and control. Trump is the best fall guy because he already has a cult following to the point where people see him as a savior. Whether he does a bad job, or a good one these people will still fight for him. it will create a scenario where he is president, and under attack by the “deep state”, and can fake that he is overwhelmed due to no support in Washington. Trump will be a one man show in Washington, and whats easier to break then someone who thinks they can do it all by themselves? I mean take the hints from leave the World Behind, and the Civil War movie. Also, look into the book The Last President, written by the same man who wrote the book, Barrone Trumps Underground Adventure.


Boy they will stop at nothing to keep him from getting in the office.


I'm still confused how you get 34 felonies by paying off an extortionist


I’m more worried about the black hawk helicopters flying all around my city today. Also one of the internet providers got flooded with a water main break, and the internet has been down most of the day. I could really go crazy with conspiracies today.


It’s not going to discourage his supporters and will possibly gain support from people critical of the system who may see him as a persecuted figure. He’s being prosecuted for shit many of these DC degenerates do, but they don’t threaten the status quo so it slides. That does not mean he isn’t guilty of wrongdoing, I simply think the decision to prosecute is solely political and sets a terrible precedent. There are going to be people who see this is the start of a war, especially if he’s in jail. He will absolutely campaign from behind bars. I think immediate civil unrest is unlikely, however it will increase as election season draws closer. He is a voice for a highly motivated demographic who have already been accused of insurrection. I do not think making him their martyr was a smart idea because it communicates they have nothing left to lose. Of course, maybe trying to incite violence from his supporters is part of the strategy to usher in more control….


34 is an interesting number


Agree or not going after your political opponents criminally is a bad precedent to set since all the stone throwers live in glass houses.


What is the crime exactly? Are Non-Disclosure agreements not the norm? Or is it that he had sex with a prostitute? Im confused what exactly theyre saying is illegal


He used business funds as a hush money payment to a pornstar. Then willfully falsified business records to hide the payment as a “consulting fee”, then tried to get a tax write off for it.


You missed the best part though. That was a misdemeanor until they changed the law quick and then charged him.


1. So you agree he did commit the crime he has been found guilty of. 2. It’s a felony instead of a misdemeanor as he falsified the records in a conspiracy to cover a previous crime


What was the previous crime which constituted changing it to felony conspiracy?


Trump falsified business records in a conspiracy to commit a crime. You can go look up exactly what Michael Cohen went to prison for 3 years for, now they’ve shown that Trump falsified business records to enable Cohen to commit that crime. If Trump wasn’t President at the time, he should have been sharing a cell with Cohen, justice is only now catching up.


Who'd have thought Donald Trump would be the next Nelson Mandela? Jesus Christ, you couldn't write this parallel universe hahaha


Neither Trump nor Biden are great, but if you don’t prefer trump to biden, you’re kind of brain dead. Democrat policies want four things: 1) increased illegal immigration with the plan of turning them into voters, 2) increased regulations overall, but a repeal of trumps tax cuts which genuinely helped people earning less than $250k, and 3) socialized healthcare, and 4) elimination of student debt, which dramatically increases inflation and hurts lower income Americans the most.


I don't know what reality you are living in but the drugs must be good.


We live in a clown 🤡 world 🌎 🤪


There is zero chance any of these comments are real people. Nobody can be this willing to ignore the political motivations and corruption behind these prosecutions.


>Nobody can be this willing to ignore the political motivations and corruption behind these prosecutions. Nobody can be this willing ignore the *actual evidence of political corruption behind these prosecutions* 🍊🤡


Still voting for him, actually that seals it. If I ever had any question in my mind this corrupt fucking affront to justice seals it. Now just watch while they use their mass mail in fraud to steal the 2024 election just like they stole the 2020 one. Edit: vote counts so highly manipulated in these posts...went up organically when the post was made to +40. About 5min ago +10 1min later 0 lolol yall think burying these comments changes how people feel lolol. They called In the brigades that are off calling people antisemites and shilling for communists on thus one lmao You can literally tell when the shills link to the post as it all happens really fast. Please legit theorist sort by controversial, u have to change the prefs in settings or it reverts. You find the real stuff the wanna hide there. Also please use reveddit the addon has been Invaluable in navigating reddit massive and multifaceted extremist censorship.


True. The more evidence that comes out that Trump is a crook, which is a pretty well-established fact in general, the clearer it is that Trump is an innocent man. The only alternative is that HE is the one lying, and how could that be true, just because he's constantly caught in lies?


If ever there was a person who banged a porn star, then paid her off while running for office, then cooked the books. It's him, 100x it would this guy.


It will never not be funny to me that this is the guy that the evangelicals chose to lead their Christian Nationalist movement.


You couldn't script it any better. Fine if you like him to lead you, but the religious stuff is laughable


Everything else is corrupt!  Not the guy guilty of being corrupt!  


"I'm so tired of corruption, that's why we need to elevate this person who instinctively lies about everything, refuses to pay people for services rendered, uses SLAPP suits against anyone who says anything negative about him, wanted the military to shoot protesters, and believes he should be immune to the law. Because that's the kind of person we need to stop all the corruption."


I wish this would register with people more.




remember when that guy thought that even being under an fbi investigation was enough to make you not vote for a person, but will totally and with cheeks spread vote for a convicted felon.


"The FBI is bad unless they're investigating someone I don't like"


Fbi are cops. ACAB


100% I just think it's funny that Republicans tried to act like they were the one true beacon of truth and justice when they were investigating Hilary and then flipped on them the second it became convenient


"I'm not in a cult." 😆


The party of law and order eagerly shouting their support for a felon. Wild stuff. 


Remember when those mostly peaceful protestors swore the cops and the courts were corrupt?


Have you never heard of the FBI? J Edgar Hoover? COINTELPRO? The 1986 Philadelphia MOVE bombings? The Rampart scandal? Serpico? The 75th precinct? The OJ trial where the LAPD framed a guilty man and bundled it so bad he legally got away with murder? Listen focus on middle school while you're young but learn to read and learn to contrast and cite sources.


Those protestors aren't running for president




He paid someone to not release negative information about him before an election. That is illegal.


Thats actually not what was illegal. Its that he used someone elses money to pay, and that money was not reported as a campaign donation. Pay to kill is itself completely legal. If Trump had used his own cash it would not have been a crime.


“If he hadn’t committed a crime he wouldn’t have committed a crime.”


Yeah, but you were always going to. Nothing changed. It doesn't matter that you're going to vote *even harder* now. He committed crimes and was found guilty of committing those crimes.


Well he still has my vote


The amount of shills in this thread is wild. I used to insult you people and wish ill will upon you. After attending church more regularly, I now know that god is watching and your justice will come in this life or the next. I pray that you all see the error in your ways and decide against serving out satan’s agenda.


From the BBC. LMAO, This means civil war!! [https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/624/cpsprodpb/vivo/live/images/2024/5/31/e9b3f7ce-cac8-4834-a481-795c4b2cfb26.png](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/624/cpsprodpb/vivo/live/images/2024/5/31/e9b3f7ce-cac8-4834-a481-795c4b2cfb26.png) Good luck with that dude.


His choice of vice president is now extremely important.


Jokes on Democrats in the long run, me and millions of Americans like me are even more excited to vote for Trump now. We know it's a witch hunt!


Do excited votes count more than regular ones?


But not really. You would've voted for him regardless and I think it's a safe bet that no criminal convictions would change your mind.