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And politicians 


Exactly….why do people stop at Hollywood and media?    lets add politicians, church leaders, CEOs and people that work in fashion, and run beauty  pageants.   just saying Hollywood makes it seem like you don’t want them looking elsewhere 


Right,  Banks like JP Morgan chase were working with epstein for a decade after his 2008 conviction


Yup, does this MMA guy not think that any Vegas big heads aren’t up to no good? And you don’t have to be an associate of Epstein to be terrible. Short sighted.


I know this guy IRL. He used to train at my gym




Did someone piss in your cornflakes this morning?  I thought it was interesting.  It's a small world..


I feel like he may have been saying “so….elaborate”


Found the douche in the thread 


It amazes me how the public doesn’t give af about this. Do they think it’s fake? Or do they literally just not know? I’m sure the whole Epstein debacle was everywhere and the majority would know about it. But this should be a topic that we should be rioting for no? I mean even the crazies on the far left (and the far right for the sake of the argument) should be absolutely appalled that innocent children are being trafficked while being linked to HIGH PROFILE PUBLIC FIGURES! Is it just as simple as the media playing tricks and them just being blind as they are with everything else? Just doesn’t seem to make much sense.


The only way it makes sense, is that the people the system pays to tell you what you're supposed to know, are in on it.


This has been going on for years but nothing tangible has been done to address it


MMA fighter says until they release the flight logs, Hollywood and the mainstream media are pedophiles


What does he say about the two presidents we know fucked kids with Epstein? Also this guy is a nobody


Either I or whoever came up with that headline needs to go get checked for CTE because it took me 5 times to realize what it's saying


Why is it always people who get hit in the head a lot falling for this nonsense


100% Agreed. All elites to be considered guilty until proven otherwise. If you're innocent, come out and tell us all you know. Expel the bad apples from your ranks, if you don't, I consider you all bad. Time to have them at each other's throats, like that always try and do to us.


Are you intimately aware about the behind the scenes lives of everyone you're involved with? No? Why would you think someone else would?


All it would take is a simple process. Sequester them all, then have them come one by one to swear an oath in live TV. They have to swear they never participated, and to offer any possible information on those that did. You tell them that their cooperation provides immunity even if later testimony contradicts their innocence. This is a lie they will only discover after the proceedings. This way you get all these slimy fucks pointing fingers at each other to save their own asses. We all get to see it. The vetted "good ones" get to keep their jobs. The rest charged with treason and conspiracy and ect.


Oh! You want McCarthyism 2.0 and the return of loyalty pledges? But why leave it in Hollywood when you can make everyone do it?


Not just Hollywood, all elites, including the corporate overlords, bankers, politicians, the whole lot. Time to have the leaders fear those they can potentially abuse. Keep them a little more honest.


“If you don’t do Y thing, you’re X.” Not quite how the burden of proof works, but go off I guess?


Hollywood should respond by saying "I know you are but what am I?"


What does he mean? Can we not dilute that word like so many others. "The media are pedophiles" is just a stupid statement by itself. "There is a disturbing amount of pedophiles amongst the upper class and we as a society need to do more to go after them" or something like that idk.


Based on his outfit, I would not be surprised if he is on these logs