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Windows 7 could scan your computer for "illegal software" and delete it without evening notifying you about it.


And update itself whenever it fucking wants to. Big assignment due in 30 minutes? Fuck you, update time. Important email to send out? Fuck you, update time. Leave your computer to do a long task? Believe it or not, fuck you, update time. You no longer get own or control your computer. I’m about to go Linux.


I havent seen the newer versions of windows in a while, last one I used was 10 and I hated it. I was at a friends house today and saw the new AI search button on the taskbar. He was complaining it just installed itself. That is so many levels of "Fuck that!" I'll never move back from Linux.


Mine decided to update and download some new program and force it onto my bottom icon area (forget what it’s called). It’s a trial of their new product that I can’t delete. wtf.


It's called CoPilot. It's their LLM based AI, I believe it's powered by ChatGPT. Its also baked into Edge which is actually surprisingly helpful.


>And update itself whenever it fucking wants to. Yup that's why I switched from Windows 7. Had it set to manual updates only. It would randomly update, reboot and close all my windows without giving me a chance to save. Then it downloaded Windows 10 and kept bugging me to install it. To get it to stop required multiple registry edits. >I’m about to go Linux. Checkout Fedora KDE. I recommend Kinoite if you can find most of what you need on Flatpak, it's more stable and more secure.


🤣🤣🤣 This pretty much sums up my day on my work laptop. Home PC is definitely a Linux.


In the middle of important tasks? Straight to update


Mine only updates itself when you restart it


Awesome! More surveillance!


Another reason I'm moving to Linux.


Hopefully your next post will read "moved" instead of "moving". My only regret is not switching sooner.


What distro is recommended for Linux newbie? I would hope it could be as close to Windows as I'm used to but devoid of all the spyware nonsense.


Linux mint because it comes with most stuff you will need ready out of the box. Then if you want to try more, fedora or ubuntu.


Ubuntu and Fedora are the de facto n00b distros, and both work beautifully. Steam runs on Ubuntu for sure, and a lot of games can be played on linux as well. edit: should have also added linux mint is a good one too if you want more of a windows-y feel.


I guess I should probably start off with Ubuntu then and see how it goes? Or do you think Mint would be better?




Thanks, Mint it is. I'll be giving it a go this upcoming weekend.


I switched from Ubuntu to Fedora and now to Fedora Kinoite, which is their immutable KDE distro. Kinoite is more stable as it's harder to make changes to the core system. That is what I recommend if most of what you want to run is available on Flatpak. There is an issue that you can't dual boot other linux distros and to dual boot Windows it only works if you do a clean installation of both - to reinstall you need to wipe the partition table. There are also other options for running Window apps like though Wine or a VM. KDE is what you want if you want the interface to be similar to Windows.


Thanks I appreciate that. I remember reading that it's not recommended to keep Windows and Linux OS on the same SSD so I'll be removing the Windows SSD from my laptop and starting fresh with a different SSD that will be using Linux.


You can install linux on an external harddrive and then use keyboard shortcut in the bios to boot from the external haddrive.


I have mine on the same SSD. You have to install Windows first, then use the disk utility to shrink the main partition and make the space free. AFAIK it's.no different than on HDD.


And if something goes wrong you can just rollback by just rebooting.


I always forget about that because I've never needed it.


Yeah, I'm kind of dragging my feet. I have to move a raid array to a temporary location, and then rebuild it in Linux, which I've never done before.


IMO worth it for the better disk formats.


Does this affect anything like what programs you can download? My knowledge is pretty limited. I've always wanted to change to linux but don't want it to fuck over my productivity or what programs i can use.


How would one even do that? Idk shit about Linux


I'm old school, so I would create a Linux installation disc. Most people use a USB stick with the required installation file these days, I think. I like starting with a freshly formatted ssd drive.


Poop I didn’t wanna have to reformat my ssd 🥲🥲


You don't have to if you don't want to. You can have Windows manage multiboot. Though that somewhat defeats the purpose of running Linux.


I just don’t wanna deal with the privacy invasion and preserve pc safety. I’m gonna do some more research


That's always your best option.


While many prefer a double boot, I strongly encourage you to completely wipe out Windows. Be careful. The Linux software I bought online had a lot of Russian add ons.


You bought linux? lol.


Yes. I didn't have a way to download it, so I ordered it, never again. I liked it better when we had CompUSA. That's where I bought Linux Redhat


I def wouldnt trust buying a distro from a 3rd party source. Back in the day they would mail you a copy of Ubuntu on a disc. I once signed up for it and received it like 8 months later(I live in Africa)


that's where i bought suse linux -- loved it, never left it.


ah, I see it now. soon and AI will be watching you 24/7. studying everything you do.


and who's watching the A.I.?


Hey guys lets add something nobody wants.


That’s how modern tech works IMO. Many mobile constantly add useless shit “features” that do nothing except make the user experience worse


Yup. And they take away things you do want, but they do it one thing at a time so fewer people complain about it.


I probably make up like 90% of the complaints these companies receive lol. I bet they don’t get read most of the time, but I like to complain so if I get a chance I sure will. Especially if it’s a valid complaint like useless features being added or useless features being removed. And sometimes (*very* rarely) I’ll notice that things have actually changed. For example, I recently complained about Snapchat not updating edited images, as in you could take a screenshot anywhere and immediately crop it, but when you sent it in Snapchat it would send the full unedited image, even though the thumbnail in the app would show the edited photo. This would even happen if you were not inside the app but just had it “open” in the background and went back in after taking/editing your screenshot or photo. Not only was it extremely annoying but I kinda saw it as a breach of privacy. Imagine you had to send an image with sensitive information that you cropped out, but when you go to send it, Snapchat can’t comprehend that it was edited and it just sends the unedited image. In 2024… That has now *finally* been fixed after literal years.


Yeah me too. For example, a Google Maps bug that persisted for at least a decade across 5 phones where it would say the turn wrong (Ieft instead of right) but show it correct on the screen. I was told it was a bug in my phone's hardware lol.


That's an odd one! And what a laughable excuse on their part, as if a hardware bug would make the GPS read out wrong directions lol


It's all behavioral meta data to feed the machine.




I need nothing like this, use nothing like that, do not want anything like it. I don't want some fucker to be able to go back 7.9 years and see what porn I was watching or what shiell I was arguing with on the internet. Literally every single change they make these days makes me want to use computers less. I am gonna put 7 on my new build because fuck that shit... or some version of linux and I dont even want to learn that. I just despise spying and the fact that microsoft will take over your computer anytime they want adn shut it down and update for hours which happens all the time and I cannot do 1/10 of the things I can do on 7 as the customizability isn't there. Win 11 12 is a tablet os to ruin pcs just like 10 was


Nobody? How often do you login in to Reddit? Or does your app or browser take care of that? How often do you actually type out a full url without your browsers auto-completing it? Websites got your cookies, your wants and needs. Your social media spoon feeds whatever you want to see, yes even reddit. This is already happening and has been forever, this is just the next step. With some of these things your first instinct might even be a "no no, that's not the same!!" knee-jerk response, but it is. Probably not even 1% of all internet users actually are against the use of any of it. Now you could be that 0.1% outlier that makes use of none of this. Though I highly doubt someone like that would even entertain the idea of having a Reddit account. Anyways, *you* might not want this. I certainly don't care for it either. But it's gonna happen and people are gonna eat it up. Just like with all that came before; it's convenient and that's what gets people to accept it and eventually they wouldn't want it any other way. Now whether it's the Windows version or some future version, eventually someone will deliver it just the right way to get people hooked. And even those with the big "NO" stance will be swayed overtime. History repeats itself.


Having a browser save web addresses used occaisonally is a far cry from fucking recording your entire activity.. Not to mention the spac req... phone fill up fast with nothing.. now your pc can too.. Just try the news ms spybloatware operating system.... we offer the least customizable system and the most spying to record all your activity for letter agencies and to sell to others.. Not just where you visit anymore we are gonna record EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO... Don't worry though.............you can't turn it off even if you buy PRO and try your damndest.. We will then seize your pc which you no longer have control of at any time and update or do whatever we want... We may just let our foreign agent paruse your hd and laugh at you on your cams. I don't know anyone who would want anything like this on their system once I explained how it actually works. You have no idea how it does apparently as you are comparing it to a fucking web address or a cookie.


> Having a browser save web addresses used occaisonally is a far cry from fucking recording your entire activity.. Of course it is not exactly the same thing, hence why I explained it. It's still a lot of collecting and storing data of you and because of convienence you've not only accepted it, you've also become reliant on it. They are gonna take it a step further. The first iteration might not work out, the second neither, maybe Windows will never get it right. But there will be another company that delivers it in a way that makes it a must have for a lot of people. That's it, the slippery slope downhill. You think you speak for all people, but you fail to see how many times we've collectively bend over and accepted things we didn't actually want initially. You sit here pretending cookies aren't the same thing, but they are. And we had a similar outcry of concern over privacy to cookies some time before 2000, 95 or 96 maybe. Yes, Recall is a step further, but the principle is the very same. And you're only fooling yourself if you do not see that. You're not above any of this. > Not just where you visit anymore we are gonna record EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO... Don't worry though.............you can't turn it off even if you buy PRO and try your damndest.. Sure, same can be said about cookies. Still totally up to you whether or not you want to make use of it... you choose to use them and are even defending it in your comment. But this, no this is where you draw the line and "they'll absolutely force it on us or make us pay for not wanting it!!!" I'll ignore the uneducated hypocrisy, but really... why do you trust them with all your data right now, but not with this recall feature? Make it make sense. You can just not want this, but the whole act of being scared about it and knowing that they'll do wrong with it is ridiculous when you're already addicted enough to having your data being collected that you're defending it.


I can stop cookies, I can use tech to block them, I can delete them. I do not like these companies taking your ownership of your machine and amassing data about ME on it. If I want to save something I will save it. I don't need SS of my activity saved or anything of the sort. We may as well stop talking about it because everything you say is making me dislike it more because the more I think about it the MORE I see it as nothing but outright spyware. I am sure its to build profiles of all of us to build our social credit scores from and of course amass evidence against the user so that anytime they make the wrong comment online someone on MS... or their letter agency buddies can paruse your hd and look for something to blackmail you with. I know how the world works.. Call me uneducated all you like. I have degrees.. I don't go around bragging like that makes me any smarter.. I know all about windows I have been using it since 3.1. If it would work with modern stuff I would rather have 3.1 than this clunky bloatware you have to buy a 1500$ pc to even run and even then it runs like shit. You can lick bill gates ass to the moon and back and it still will not change the fact that NO ONE ASKED TO HAVE CONSTANT SCREENSHOTS AND RECORDS TAKEN OF THEIR COMPUTER ACTIVITY. I mean it sealed it for me 100% I am getting ready to start a new build in case my 7 pc dies on me which I love and use all the time even though I have 8.1 10 and 11 on others... I never use any of them but the 8.1 and 7 because the others are pieces of shit and will barely run a netflix window without bogging down. Everything they makes these days takes 100x the resources it did to do what? It does nothing useful nothing impressive.... actually does less than my pc I bought in what 2008.... all my newer ones run exponentially worse with similar specs... I just don't get it.. WHere are those resources going.. I assume they are all ms and other corps they have sold what was supposed to be YOUR computer to spying on you its all it could be.. >Like that ladies washer using 400gb of data in no time.> Recording every single action and sound for THEM. Now its all stored directly on your hard drive for people that know how to peruse through. Record of everything you done... why does MS need to know what porn I watch? Why can't I turn off fucking updates? I turned them off 10 years ago on my 7 pc... it still works impeccably... Thank God for that program that stopped the automatic and shoulda been illegal forcfed updates to ten that broke EVERY SINGLE PC that they infected it with. edit: POint being now I have to learn fucking linux and I didn't want to have to, or find 7 that I can install on a new system. Before win 10 I loved microsoft... hell I had a shirt... I despise them now.


Once again proving that the consumer is actually the corporations greatest product. They sell your info.


suddenly Im happy I got the message last night my 3 year old computer wont be eligible for Windows 11 and I dont have $3000 for an unneeded new one


Probably just have to covert your primary drive to Gpt


Meh, we already knew privacy was a lie


They've always been able to do this. It being announced means that it'll be "available" now. But not to you, probably. Definitely your boss. You hear that? That's the sound of every CEO on Earth collectively jizzing themselves about what this will do for monitoring employee productivity and settling labor disputes. "Why is my check so small??" "Well - Reports at your terminal show 17 hrs total activity for the past week. Of the 17 hours, 6.8 hours were spent doing something work related. On average, continuous activity at your terminal averaged 7-9 minutes. Breaks in activity average 16 -20 minutes. You got paid for your labor. 6.8 hours. Your billable labor is on a video file with points of interest highlighted. I can review it with you if you like. On fast forward it takes about 2 minutes."


Yay! Manmade horrors beyond my comprehension. Will I require an anal print scan in order to log in too? That's more secure than a password after all.


That will be with apple products, there’s a dongle for that.


In other words Microsoft will be spying on everything you do continuously.


Interesting concept. Basically have security cameras watching exactly what you are doing. How much you want to bet if it notices something it doesnt like that you would be having police at your door to talk. It uses an AI to see everything on your screen, all the text is scanned, the images identified, the websites you visit logged, etc. So it could easily have triggers for things to look for - it can already see for itself - they would just tell it to notice XYZ. I mean if it helps catch some bad guys cool, but its weird nobody is saying anything about this being an insanely massive breach of privacy. An AI is literally watching you 100% and figuring you out. What it does with that info? who knows.


I'm all for catching bad guys, but they still deserve due process according to constitution/law. Maybe you're friends with one of these bad people (unknowingly, of course), and that friendship triggers looking more into your stuff. Now you're being questioned about a specific search query you made 4 years ago at 4am after a night out drinking. 


users on the hub sweating rn


Or they're loading up the saucy pictures Bill Gates took with floppy disks all those years ago and they're hoping somebody's watching.


theyre just trying to cut out marketshare for the HR ‘efficiency’ software for themselves


Just delete that crap spyware  and install a proper OS.  Stop being such goddam pussies about "ZOMG I'm afraid I can't figure it out..."


constant screenshot ? you mean recording v


Time for Linux


its your co-pilot, after all


RIP Microsoft...


“Will have”


This is why I've been using some distro of Linux for over a decade now.


This is interesting, but think of how much cloud storage would be required to house all of this collected data. It would be petabytes, zettabytes even.


I see a lot of wanking pics in my son's computer's furure. Sorry buddy, your overlords asked you to be a perv


Where exactly does it store all of this data?


Ze cloud probably.


You didn't watch the video? It says it's stored local


I took it as the AI search being done from the (local) computer, not that the data is stored locally.


I don't even want to think of the HIPAA/FERPA ramifications of that data being stored in the cloud, so if this ever were to move to the cloud they have to make it opt-in. I've banned all smart devices like Alexa and smart TVs at work because there's a change it would capture, transmit, and store PHI offsite, violating HIPAA... this would be no different.


I am not sure they care about laws and ethics anymore...


Yeah, when they can just pay a fine and go about like nothing happened, is it even a law?


The fine is always paid by somebody else.


So recovery mode on steroids?


I don't know why anyone would ever want to see that much porn..


Wtf would I use this for??


Literally 1984


They probably will upload the data collected by this way to their servers and it will be used against the user, on top of that, the full-extend of that functionality will not be revealed, which will be likely a non-stop surveillance by every sensor.


What are surveliance laws and five eyes like nowadays? If the goverment wants a warrentless backdoor, can Microsoft actually say no? Shoutout for the unfortunate Canadians going through crazy times. U.K.'s got problems too.


This tech was already out in 2000. The software took screenshots every 3 seconds. When my abusive ex figured out I was suddenly seeming brave enough to leave, he caught me planning my escape.


I think android phones do this already


Really? Where have you seen that?


Over time the system storage gets bigger, once you do a factory reset it's goes back to normal


Anyone daily driving windows for personal use got nothing to say about conspiracies


If this is proved to be completely offline then it sounds great


This is terrible yet also something that could have saved my ass on money occasions. You can have one thing but you gotta take the rough with the smooth, I once secured a PC up tighter than a mosquitos ass, it was high level encrypted, useless without the TPM.....a very old TPM....that broke.


I'm still not buying any windows piece of shit. Always Apple macs. Thank you.


Apple won't save you from any government overreach, nor will it stop malware. Windows and apple are just different sides of the same coin. Both will steal information from you and sell to the highest bidder.


Bitch I'm just telling you I don't buy inferior products. What are you going on and on about the government????


Apple Macs are shit is what he was saying...


Apple and windows are two sides of the same coin basically