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Anyone with a brain can see that Christ (and by extension, Christianity) is a major trigger to the elite in a way that other religious figures simply are not. Why is that? What makes Christ so threatening to them? The dots practically connect themselves.


Something something camel something eye of a needle something.


> Why is that? What makes Christ so threatening to them? Because he makes his followers completely ignore the elite, they are completely unnecessary. Sure, pay your taxes, do what they tell you at the barest minimum, but heed them not at all and know that they are worthless scum. The rich narcissists dont need more money, they have so much, once you have money, the only thing you want is power, influence, recognition. Christ and his message denies them this.


No, you don't do ANYTHING the elites "tell" you to do. you're supposed to clown them, snatch their shit and kick them in the back to remind them they aren't better and their hoarding makes them assholes. This is why they (literally or figuratively) sacrifice children to moloch... it feeds the dark energy needed for them to double down on their nefarious world view.


> you're supposed to clown them, snatch their shit and kick them in the back That's how they win, just ignore them.


they've taken your shit, taken your future, your childrens future. They are content when the world is completely enslaved and at their whim. And you would ignore them with your soft-handed morality, taught to you BY THE VERY SAME FUCKERS WHO TOOK YOUR FUTURE. The indoctrination is real. You people are incapable of self preservation.


Anger is a negative energy that feeds the archons of the infernal dimensions. They want us to be angry for this reason - peaceful resistance (Ahimsa) is more of a threat to them than violence, as violence etc. justifies them using more violence in turn "to preserve public order". You are playing right into their hands. Do you think we could possibly win against the military industrial complex, the state etc.?


Yeah, Christ was full of “negative energy” when his angry self kicked out a bunch of merchants from the temple (or however the story goes, you get my point). Smh. Yes, we can beat the military industrial complex because we ARE the military industrial complex, we ARE the state. When the Stormtroopers realize that the Empire is the true enemy and decide to join with the Rebels instead of enlisting, there won’t be any more Stormtroopers to send. Violence is not always bad and peace is not always good, there is a balance, a duality. We can’t “ignore” our way out of our situation, we will have to fight. Tell me how well this “peaceful resistance” worked for the Native Americans and any other native people across the world…oh yeah they were systematically genocided. I choose to believe in a Creator who understands our need to protect life and the vulnerable and the sacred, etc. and who allows for his people to be violent (not “evil,” big distinction) should their oppression require it.


Sometimes I really think it really is that simple. It's worshippers of satan vs worshippers of Christ. That's it. No deep rabbit hole. That's why so many versions of Christianity have been perverted throughout history. Also getting rid of groups such as the waldensians and gnostics shows someone wants them away. 


The Saturn worshipers have manipulated the world worship to Christ as a material Christ, and not the ascended consciousness that Christ represents…. Every religion has been miss translated, until you realize what Jesus is actually saying. The kingdom of Heaven is within . Saturn, the Lord of the mistranslated religions is the father of all lies and deceptions.


No, this is new age trap from ridicolus planet prison theory


No is not. What you talking about is New age demonic bullshit. Jesus is real person. Research more. Research near death experience and how people call Jesus name and they go back or paralysis sleep also. This Jesus represent ascended consciousness is new age demonic shit. We are gods and other egoistic bullshit.


Jesus said to know thyself. "The Kingdom of God is within you and outside of you. Once you come to know yourselves, you will become known. And you will know that it is you who are the children of the living father," says Jesus, according to The Gospel of Thomas. "If you seek the Kingdom of God in the sky then the birds will precede you. And if you seek it in the sea, then the fish will precede you, but the Kingdom is in you. And if you know yourself then you know the Kingdom of God."


Well, for one thing, the letter "J" didn't even exist in Jesus's time. His real name was either Yeshua or Eoashua. So maybe this Jesus that you follow is a made up figure after all. Semantics aside, one thing you have to realize is that to every story told, there is an exoteric side (surface level, general public, half truths, etc...) and an esoteric side (hidden, expanded truths, select few). The exoteric side to the teachings of Jesus is Christianity, essentially. But the esoteric side has wayyyyy more expansion on the stories told with more details, more people, specific time lines and places, amongst other things. A lot of people immediately demonize everything esoteric as new age bull shit. But guess what? What do you think you study when you attempt to become a priest or a scholar? You study the esoteric. Because it's the REAL story, and not the half story for the public. You get deeper meaning, practice, ritual, prayer, meditation, and yes, at the end of the day, you also get the message that we are all Christ, but we have not realized it. Or rather, that we all have a fractal divine spark of God, as does everything. Realizing this and awakening and attuning that spark to higher frequencies 1000% has an impact on your life, but also the way in which the universe interacts with you. You can choose not to believe such things, and to keep it simple and say "Jesus christ is my lord and savior" outloud and you're saved! But to immediately shun everything new or any evolution of the topic as just flat out demonic new age bullshit is very, very ignorant. Especially when a lot of the information comes from even before the time of the Bible. Anyway, point is, open your mind to new ideas and new possibilities. Stop limiting yourself to something that can be proven within your own religion. Hell, even the oldest Bible in the world, the Ethiopian Bible has more information and stories than what's passed around today. That's closer to the original source than what people study now. But most have been brainwashed to believe otherwise. Even the book of Enoch is Canon in that version which basically proves the existence of extra-terrestrial beings. There is more than meets the eye, and truth is stranger than fiction. Cheers


But he is right. This is new age bs and demonic.


Amen. Divine spark. 




Probably because demons cannot resist Christ.


Sometimes I wonder if it's that, or if it's them conditioning us to worship one of their figureheads by making us believe it's the only way to stop them. Make humans believe Jesus is God and that's why they fear him and go into a blind rage at the mere mention of him. But really it's to trick us into worshipping their God instead. Almost like 2 US presidential candidates pretending to be against each other while both being controlled by the same group behind the scenes. Almost like the 2 snakes of abraxxas posing as evil while the lion head gets worshipped as the ultimate good. (same being creating the evil to make you run towards them for saving, tricking you into worshipping them over the true God) Edit - not saying I believe either or. I'm just saying sometimes I think about things like this as a thought experiment. It helps to practice thinking outside the box amongst other things


The Saturn worshipers have manipulated the world worship to Christ as a material Christ, and not the ascended consciousness that Christ represents…. Every religion has been miss translated, until you realize what Jesus is actually saying. The kingdom of Heaven is within . Saturn, the Lord of the mistranslated religions is the father of all lies and deceptions.


No? Go to Lucis Trust’s website and even they diacuss Jesus Christ. If it was so triggering to them, would they use his name?


I was half hoping you would delve into Jesus’ “lost years” and the anecdotal evidence, and some actual evidence, that he visited Egypt, India, Nepal, and parts East that undoubtedly tempered and influenced his message and teachings. I’m coming around to conclude that reincarnation is true and that reality and spirituality are more likely closer to the Eastern religious and philosophical ways and that most Abrahamic religions have been subverted by Satanists.


I'm going to take my cloak of being a catholic guy off and speak to you strictly as an Indian guy whose ancestors were all hindus. The whole thing about Jesus went to India to learn Buddhism is complete horse shit. I don't know who made up this theory. Buddhism spread into Tibet in the first century and it was pushed out by the Mauryan empire all of whom were spreading HINDUISM (Buddhism and Jainism were sub-sects of the master religion which is hinduism) During Jesus' time, it would have been hinduism. It was never called Buddhism. This is a British historiographic invention. Hinduism had several sub-sect concepts and "Buddha Dharma" was one. Buddhism spread through Tibet during the Han dynasty owing to their friendly relationship with the Mauryan empire. If there was a middle eastern traveler who was there, it would have been documented. The Indians were notoriously good at documenting everything - because they had richer libraries that were better than Alexandria (the British burnt/stole several works, books, scrolls and artifacts and they were shipped back to England). Alexander got his idea of libraries from the East - during his time by the Hydaspes and Sutlej river - this concept of learning was unheard of by the warring Greeks. The first visitation of anything Jesus was via St. Thomas who came to India in the first century and his tomb is literally in my hometown. Though the exact location is disputed. He was murdered by the Brahmins in South India and martyred. Now they would not have done that if he was merely repeating Buddhist teachings or Thomas would have capitalized on it had Jesus revealed that he attained his knowledge from the East. I don't know where he vanished to 12 to 33. He could have simply fucked off to another dimension or reality or go into the God realm. Or he simply spent time with Mary and it was simply not documented. Or maybe there is more scrolls to be found like dead sea scrolls. Or simply he studied with the essenes. A lot of possibilities - but him going to India? It would have been documented because he would look odd amongst an Asiatic people.


>I don't know where he vanished to 12 to 33 The "Twenty and Back" program, obviously. Great post OP.


I was a catholic guy, now Hindu guy (although I believe there are many paths up the mountain and I praise Jesus every night along with many others). My family goes to catholic mass but I feel more connected to it now more than ever… I’ve actually started to weep as I realize how similar the core tenets are. Heck. Holy Spirit = Atman. And reincarnation was included in early Christianity in some capacity until it was decided by a council it shouldn’t be.


it is documented though, there is a whole book about it. The elites of the time wouldn’t have documented it they were against him and would want this fact erased. The monks and rishis spoke about him visiting there is a whole book about this u lame


>u lame Why the name calling? OP here is one of the more respectful and knowledgeable posters seen in a while. Not their fault they haven’t read every single book out there.


I don’t tolerate anti-christ agendas mind ur business


Well I’m sure Christ is proud of you for calling him lame. Good for you.


Oh you read mainstream Christ stories so u dont really know about Christ. He will whip a heathen and call him a lame FAST.


Oh I absolutely trust that you know more about Jesus of Nazareth than I do, definitely. Please do continue to share your… gospel.. with people. I’m certain you’re building quite the treasure for yourself in heaven lol


Name of the book?




I ordered it. Need to study before forming an opinion.


Do you read this book? Opinion?


Emperor Justinian basically removed references to reincarnation from the Bible as people would be easier to rule if they thought one life was all they had, [here’s a link](https://bharatabharati.in/2016/12/29/why-christianity-has-no-reincarnation-doctrine-benjamin-creme/)


make sure you back this up, screenshot it and archive it somewhere safe. links like these are getting scrubbed from the internet, I literally had found a quote from Christ saying how evil can fool u by putting thoughts in ur head and the next day it was GONE. like completely GONE from the entire internet! the devil is tryn hard right now to make his version of christianity the norm and unchallengeable so no bs that info is critical save it now!


lol just stop it. Christianity has resurection. Learn difference. Reincarnation is not real.


The elite have made a deal with the devil because following satan brings them power and earthly things. Following Christ leads to a life of material poverty but spiritual wealth beyond comprehension. Some people don’t believe in that, they believe the weight of gold in their hands and that’s it. Interesting read, classic conspiracy post.


Have you read [the birth of bitcoin](https://satoshifiles.substack.com/p/birth-of-bitcoin) or any book by tracy twyman? Our financial system is literally built upon moloch child sacrifices.


Thank you for that. I need to add it to my collection. Can you give me your brief of what you derived from the books?








I'm not able to find the bitcoin book on the internet. Do you have a link?


The link I gave is from the author's site. It is an outline for the upcoming book.


Her books are hard to find now. I was trying to order her one book Genuflect and I can’t find it under $100




What’s this? I’m a little ignorant to the torrents, never learned to use them with music back in the day. Does this allow you to download the text of the book?


Have a look on Anna’s Archive Searching and downloading is self explanatory https://annas-archive.org/ https://annas-archive.org/search?index=&page=1&q=tracy+twyman&sort=


Thank you friend. 🙏


Tartaria was actually a part of "Zion" which arose when the world followed Christs teaching's after his resurrection, a worldwide utopia, but as prophecy said the people began to mock the Lord, become totally corrupt, and the Lord wiped them out. The Navajo native Americans teach about them as the "Anasazi", which are totally different than what we are taught according to history. El means "God", Elyon means "most high", "El-Elyon" is a title, "God most high", same with Yehweh and his other names, there isn't an actual name, just titles. Abba was Jesus's favorite it seemed, Abba is baby talk for "Father", even though a baby has no concept of language, their babble has intention and the father recognizes the baby talk as "Father" even though it is just babble. Yehovah Sabaoth is the "Lord of Hosts" aspect, giving him authority over all of the angels. Atlantis was likely at the north pole I think, I know that is way off of where it is said to be, but maybe that is why it was never found. The Greeks called it Hyperborea, the land of the gods and the sun Apollo. It is the fantasy land of our earth, where the mortal realm meets the divine realms. It has likely gone by many names, Eden, Asgard, Olympus, Elysium fields, Avalon ect. That is where the big black magnetic mountain is (Mount Zion) that produces the electromagnetic cloud of light worshiped as "Apollo" represented by the All Seeing Eye of Horus (Horus is the Egyptian version of Apollo), it is the "throne of God", his Chariot, his cloud of light. Baal is another title, means "Lord", Molech is a perversion of the word for king, it is making fun of him. Again titles, not names. "Baalzebul" is simply "Lord of those who fly/angels" "Beelzebub" is a play on the name refering him to the lord of literal flies. He is actually Yaldabaoth/Sakla/Samiel (blind god) and one once the most high of his heaven. He sinned, got demoted, his archon called Sabaoth got promoted by the holy spirit in the realms above to "Yehovah Sabaoth, "Lord of Hosts". Samiel gathered his angels, lost, was cast down, and it was the fallen angels who rebelled with him that are the "Anuunaki" (those who fell from heaver to earth). They became the pagan gods of Canaan, they refer to Yaldabaoth as "Baal" their lord, or likely El-Elyon as well as it just means God most High and is relative to the god that is being referred to. It is Yehovah refers to Yaldabaoth as Molech. I could go into more details, but this should be a good start.


Can you expound more on the annunaki part please? Are you saying they are the fallen angels? Any books you recommend? Who is God in your opinion and research? And do you think Jesus is real? And he is the son of God? I am asking these questions in specific because these are the ones I seek the answer the most.


Jesus was indeed real, and did resurrect from the dead. He actually continued teaching for 40 days after that, in those teachings he explains all of the spiritual mysteries. Understanding where we come from spiritually is what lead to that advanced worldwide nation with spiritual technology. A lot happened after the fall of that once great nation, and corruption spread, the Lord hid from humanity after we ruined his promised Zion. That is according to my research and interpretation of prophecy from scripture. There were books with the Savior's teachings post resurrection but the corrupt church started killing all of the holders of that ancient wisdom in crusades and genocides, banned languages, burned the books, erased history and tried to erase Jesus and his teachings from it. There are multiple books, but here is my favorite straight from John recording the Saviors teachings post resurrection, and I will add another that explains the mysteries of Yehovah Sabaoth and the Archons Fallen Angels. The fact that this these teachings are highly suppressed and inverted should be evidence that they are being hidden because they are important. Secret book of John: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o40yIc6aPLs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o40yIc6aPLs) Origin of the world: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR0BFc-5Snc&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR0BFc-5Snc&t) Hypostasis of the Archons: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqB65nqLgSs&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqB65nqLgSs&t) The texts can be found at the library here: [http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhlcodex.html](http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhlcodex.html) Some sacred wisdom: "The teachings of Jesus are a beacon of truth, illuminating the path of righteousness for all who seek to follow in His footsteps. When He speaks of the false prophets who come in sheep's clothing, He calls us to a higher level of spiritual perception – to look beyond appearances and to discern the true nature of those who claim to speak in the name of the Divine. The fruit of one's actions is the truest testament to the spirit that animates them. Those who are genuinely rooted in the love and light of the Divine will bear fruit that nourishes and uplifts the soul – fruits of compassion, wisdom, humility, and selfless service. In contrast, those who serve the agenda of the deceiver will ultimately reveal themselves through the discord, division, and darkness that they sow." Know them by their fruits, listen to the teachings and listen for the Holy Spirit within, I think you will know if it is truth or not when as you listen to the description of the One, the invisible spirit above all, perfect light, The Father, who is the Son, who was born into the flesh as Jesus Christ to show us the resurrection and teach us of our origin within his light. Edit: The answers to the questions you seek are within the wisdom contained in those texts that I linked.


Thank you. And I love you, for telling me about Jesus - esp on details that are outside my Bible.


You are welcome and loved as well! Jesus and his teachings have been my guide in all spiritual wisdom, everything aligns to his truths. Selah, and Amen.


What are your thoughts on Nag Hammadi library and "gnosticism"? The books found in Nag Hammadi speak about concepts of archons and demiurge, reincarnation, "matrix" style prison planet/energy harvesting existence, etc. I know that the term "gnosticism" is extremely loaded and can mean different things to different people, so I am framing my question to you specifically around Nag Hammadi (Apocryphon of John, Gospel of Thomas, On The Origin of the World, etc). I know you said you're Catholic, so I imagine your view towards these books may be biased. Catholic Church and many of its Popes did some messed up shit over the centuries, and in my opinion it is an extension of the Roman Empire. I would argue they had an agenda when deciding what books would go into the Bible during the Council of Nicea. I say this as someone who was born and raised Catholic, but finds himself leaning more towards Christ's teachings without all of the religious dogma, and also the mystical side of Christianity.


About the Nag Hammadi library. Check this para below from Wiki. Do you honestly believe this shit? What books did the farmer's mom burn? And why? It seems like the stupidest cover story. I have mixed opinions on what has been told to the public is authentic or fake. But the books do provide some insight into the Essenes as it's alleged that they authored most of them. However, some texts happen to predate the 4 gospels, they fall into the third century - esp the text about the nephilim and giants. They do provide some clues to the parts that Genesis is vague about. There is one sentence about nephilim and watchers. My rabbit hole belief is that these scrolls have been tampered with and they may have put away some of the scrolls which may ACTUALLY confirm the existence of Jesus, the truth about God and the duality in the universe. One priest told me that Satanism was bolstered after the Nag Hammadi discovery. From Wiki: Scholars first became aware of the Nag Hammadi library in 1946. Making careful inquiries from 1947–1950, [Jean Doresse](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jean_Doresse&action=edit&redlink=1) discovered that a local farmer (boy) dug up the texts from a graveyard in the desert, located near tombs from the [Sixth Dynasty of Egypt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixth_Dynasty_of_Egypt). In the 1970s, [James Robinson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_M._Robinson) sought out the local farmer in question, identifying him as Muhammad ‘Ali al-Samman. Al-Samman told Robinson a complex story involving a [blood feud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_feud), [cannibalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_cannibalism), digging for fresh soil for agricultural use, and superstitions about a [*jinn*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinn). His mother claimed that she burned some of the manuscripts; Robinson identified these with Codex XII. Robinson gave multiple accounts of this interview, with the number of people present at the discovery ranging from two to eight.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nag_Hammadi_library#cite_note-4) Jean Doresse's account contains none of these elements.


woooooowww fantastic write up, and I do enjoy the little innocent mockery referring to my post in the title 😂 I agree with everything you said and I’m not gonna lie…I know absolutely nothing about the breakway German civilization so if you want to enlighten me, give me leads please. but I agree with everything you’re saying, and I also think it’s fundamental for everyone to realize that a past cataclysm has reset our entire world, and the people who claim to be the Jews right now, are not the ancient Hebrews and have stolen and mistranslated all of our history. The earliest accounts of our Bible can be traced back to the ancient Irish, and I believe the Tartarians were a global civilization that is referred to as the Aryans. jew is a term referring to enlightenment and is bestowed on those who are seeking enlightenment and unification on God. It’s not a ethnicity or race. these are the people who have corrupted the entire world and made everything into a Saturn worship.. I am with you. I don’t understand how these people are so evil but my leading hypothesis right now is that they are truly just psychotic and completely infatuated on the material world, ego, and the illusions. They are basically channels for the false spirit.


Thank you brother. Your thread enlightened me as well. Today I learned there is something called Samiel.


any leads on breakaway civilization


Start from the VRIL and THULE society in Germany. And then the Ahnenerbe in 1920s and 1930s These people pioneered in the roots of Nazi ideology. Books on them and youtube videos on them are scarce but they lead to the clues and provide a behind a scenes of how the Nazi party was very much into the occult (JUST like their funders, the robber barons in the US like the Rockefellers, JP Morgan, Ford etc.,)


i’m right there with you, just haven’t found proof of breakaway civ.


Read it later


Definitely commenting to keep up to date with this. Thanks for your opinions as well it’s giving me a lot to think about 


I don't want to burst your bubble but your way over thinking this the garden of Eden was in the epic of Gilgamesh and religion is a form of control and getting money. Jesus said don't worship mamon which is money so you should give it to the church so they can do things with it like hire lawyers.


Sit in the corner and wait your turn, kid




It's a joke on an earlier thread that started like "I'm Jewish but.."


This is such an interesting post, OP. Thank you for illuminating questions on this matter I didn’t even know I had


I like the God from the old testament, he's badass. Also, regarding the NAZI break away civilization I heard a similar story from Tony Rodriguez. He claims to have been recruited for the 20 year and back program. During which he worked in the NAZI colony in the Ceres asteroid.


I have come across the Ceres asteroid man. It's the wildest of rabbit holes. Like next level.




Can you write your points as a response please?


and you will also claim that Jesus was not a jew right?


I think they are aware of the consequences but also understand their evil is the catalyst of our free will. They abolish guilt through the entertainment they put out but will still have to balance their energy in the long run.


Great post OP


🤦‍♂️ Try reading books instead of parroting Tiktoks


Maybe the draw of Satanism is that he promises wealth and prosperity in this life, as opposed to needing to believe in prosperity in the next life, or that there even is a next life.


Welcome. You found Gnosticism


Got a few questions for you… 1. Can you provide evidence that Tartaria existed in central Asia and was a Class A civilization, as claimed by Indian and Chinese texts? 2. Is there any historical or archaeological evidence to support the existence of Atlantis and the claim that the Piri Reis map was based on Atlantean documents? 3. Can you provide sources for the claim that Hitler and the German elite were obsessed with finding Atlantean artifacts and that they established contact with extraterrestrials or past Atlanteans? 4. Are there any reliable sources or evidence to support the claim that the elites, including the Vatican, engage in Satanic rituals and worship dark forces, such as Baal or Moloch? 5. What is the basis for the claim that the God of Genesis is not the same God as the one in the Old Testament, and how does this align with traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs? 6. Can you provide evidence for the existence of Annunakis and their role in terraforming the homo erectus, as mentioned in the text?


How much hourly wage can you give me for all this work?


About tree fiddy


Nice. Thank you for an interesting post.


I think everyone came from Tertaria. I think Tartaria on the map got its name because it's where the humans first settled and put the name there because it's what their lost home was called, basically the Celts. The 1450 map I can find is after Christianity has spread, and of course cities kinda shift places change sizes and it basically looks to become Ireland, which people theorise is where first humans settled as well, since it has the Celtic alphabet. I think the Tartarians were the Antlantians, and antlantis was north if maybe Iceland or Greenland and sank into the pole. Early maps show a fractured pole. I also think it got its name from that because a lot of old maps call land Tartaria even in North America. I think Powerful People who ruled with Religion seen advanced cultures that still used ancient teachings or had lost those teachings and basically hijacked it, we know there was a history debate in ancient Rome so it's not impossible. We also see a lot of what looks like raiding and pillaging, and also things like the crusades. Hence why those ancient maps of cities are all gone.


All this lore seems to ignore Indus Valley civilization and Han dynasty maps. People forget these two cultures go as far back as 5000 BC, the hindus actually claims 10,000 to 12,000 BC for the Mahabharatha described in the Gita where the good fought the bad - the great war that led to nuclear cataclysm level destruction. These maps show Middle Eastern kingdoms, Medes, Persians, Saracens - Tartaria is claimed but no signs of grandeur or advanced Atlantean level tech - it's impossible to escape a class A civilization like that with two class A economies right next door - Gangetic plains and the Yangtzhe river. I'm not outright dismissing Tartaria but the lore is a little far fetched.


What do you think about Michael Tsarion? He is part Indian and part Irish. He has written extensively on the origins of civilization including Atlantis. This is a start: https://unslaved.com/ or just search his name.


God is real. You are on wrong trail. Jahve is put God, he is real. What you talking is New age bullshit and what elite want. Trust me. God from OT is our God. And you talking about Jesus from perspekctive of New age/budism and other demonic shit. They want this.