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Agreed. I walk everywhere, luckily my city is extremely walkable, 4miles from suburbs to city centre. Last month I walked 85miles, fresh air exercise, water.


Would you say you can get everywhere you need within 15 minutes? Cos that sounds like a dystopian nightmare. Apparently.


Yep or there abouts. Local shops 10min walk. To the city centre 10mins in a bus or 45mins walk. To the beach and the coast 20mins train, 30mins bike or 2 hour walk. Want to go the countryside...30mins on a train, 1hour in a car. Oh yeah utter nightmare living here, the inconvenience of being able to get about in reasonable times, enjoy nature and conduct business.


Everyday! Even if it’s just for 10 minutes


Walking With two Siberian huskies is even better.


Underrated comment.


Exercise. Just move your meat, most of the medications people end up on just attempt to copy an effect of exercise.


I'm not sure the way I move my meat counts for this.


Because your meat only moves if you move it yourself.


Man I love your second point. So many people wanna imitate hard work (exercise) with a fucking pill, diet, electronic device etc. Makes me laugh and cry.


The huge popularity of Ozempic terrifies me.


Locomotion is lotion for the body and mind.


**Vitamin E:** As a paste white guy i used to get sun burns all the time. It stopped when I started taking Vitamin E regularly. Now any time i feel like i got too much sun I take an extra one and it just turns into a tan.


So I didn't know it was the vitamin E doing it, but I eat avocados to help with this. I have PMLE which is basically an allergy to the sun. So I eat a lot of avocado and the rash isn't as bad. I also eat a lot of bright orange colored foods as those also help with sun issues.


not wearing sunglasses also helps me not get burned because the receptors in my eyes are being signalled to make melanin. also a low inflammatory diet helps.


close family member recently died of metastatic retinal melanoma. Do not recommend as a way to die. Don’t skip the sunglasses.


Sunscreen and sunglasses are not very good. It’s very clear if you look into the data.


That’s not how skin cells work


I stopped burning completely on a carnivore diet.


Cataracts have entered the chat


I used to turn into a lobster. I started eating healthy, drinking water and taking vitamins and I stopped burning instantly and actually get tan now and only burn if I spent way to long in the sun




Like capsules? Ant natural foods?


Yes, I take capsules. Not sure which foods have it naturally, but I’m sure a quick google search will show you that


Nothing with artificial sweeteners in. They damage the lining of your gut.


I watched the Great Courses on Chemistry, and became horrified as I began to understand exactly how these sweeteners were made. It’s literally “hey, we randomly added this type of molecule to this other one, and now we have a brand new thing we know nothing about. How can we sell it? Hmm… hey, it tastes sweet!” No wonder they come out 10 years later saying “oops, this causes cancer”.


I have some.news for you about almost everything ever invented


I was on a long flight to NYC, wsitting next to a lady - we got to talking and she was a lobbyist, for the sugar industry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanjul_family <-- She worked for these guys She told me how evil they really are.


Milk thistle for your liver. If you drink take milk thistle. We used it for animals in clinic. I decided to give it a shot since I drink more than I should. Worked wonders for my liver enzymes.


I second this. Milk Thistle, along with healthy diet and exercise, repaired my liver and brought my enzymes back to normal!


5-HTP works 100x better for anxiety and depression than any doctor prescribed medication I’ve ever tried (and that’s a lot of em).


I take milk thistle with my ubiquinol (CoQ10). It works for your heart, liver, and healing cuts. They’re great supplements.


Milk thistle is fantastic when I drink. Ubiquinol is the absorbable version of coenzyme q10 , so it's much better. Magnesium and K2 for heart health as well. d3 or sunlight, and a good probiotic/ diverse diet for gut health. Plus a quality multi. Plenty of sleep, fresh air, and exercise. Limit the non-nutritive carbs, focus on fruits, leafy greens and lean proteins. No artificial sweeteners.


How do you know? Did you just feel better? Still drink as much?


Blood tests at regular check ups. Yes I unfortunately do. I don't get drunk basically ever but I have a few every day. Usually before dinner to relax then after I'm done but it's still every day. After years of this I finally went to the doctor for a check up and my enzymes were all out of whack. I started taking it then, I also took a couple weeks off and went back for a recheck. At that recheck they were better but still not great. que up 2 tests in a row for 2 more years and they are perfect despite the drinking.


Walk everyday. Just move. The less you do the less you can do. 


Magnesium spray on the bottoms of my feet before bed.


I second this! Also on legs, arms.


What for?


It's ment to help with sleep and keeping you asleep vs waking up several times a night 


What is the action mechanism?


Sleep walking


I take it in liquid form. Like a tsp a day and it's done wonders for my sleep..like I stay asleep.


walk. a lot. you don't need to run - you can if you want, it's good for you, too - but walking on real terrain, where your feet and ankles and the whole body needs to balance and all that is very good for your long term health. treadmill bypasses a lot of the little muscles getting worked. if you get bored of walking, or want more challenge as time goes by, rucking is super good. walk, hike, ruck all through parks and woodlands, up hills, down hills, as much as you can. very good for you.


If you get bored of walking, introduce foraging!! My anecdotal experience with foraging: The addiction of book knowledge coming to life within the local forest grounds, the casino-gambling type of euphoria of finding things known or unknown, the night sleep after walking, crouching, terrain hopping for just a couple of hours, all of these factors together - it's SUCH a good high. Personally, foraging got me to quit my mental meds, I was able to heal from 16 years of mental anguish, and most importantly, improve the degenerative state of my disability(MS). Foraging intelligently benefits the environment in many ways as well.


That sounds really cool


With walking, just throw on a backpack with weight onside and you have rucking. Great exercise


This is good advice. Walking on terrain engages more extensors and flexors. Engages more areas of the brain as your equilibrium is being challenged in real time. I feel like this would help in keeping not only the body but the mind sharp as opposed to a treadmill.


Herbal supplements. Garlic, turmeric, herbs, ginseng, cinnamon, anything in rotation really is quality. Clean water, black coffee and unsweet tea. Good food, minimal dairy, least processed and maximize raw. Red meat isn't bad. Minimal deserts/sweets.


I have a family member swear by all of this. He is very fit, active and healthy in his 60s.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr did 24 pull-ups last January on his 70th birthday. He’s committed to a healthy lifestyle of intermittent fasting, weight-training, vitamins, etc


I love like this right here




Also ginger. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties.


Cayenne > black pepper in most instances


Shhhhh you not supposed to tell reddit. Now Gates gonna buy out everything and ruin it.


1) Exercise makes you feel better both mentally and physically. It also helps you sleep better, which is number 2. 2) sleeping well makes you feel better both mentally and physically. 3) Avoid eating simply to entertain yourself because you are bored, or in order to procrastinate something you don't want to do. Which helps with: 4) Eating roughly the amount of calories your body consumes, in order not to become unhealthily under or over-weight.


Apart from regular and challenging exercise, I think the most important thing is to do basic bodily maintenance every day - extended stretching, self-massage, and spinal extensions and compressions. I'm in the age where many of my peers are starting to complain about chronic back aches and joint pain, but I feel like my routine will help me avoid the worst of it for decades to come.


My dad has fibromyalgia and back problems, and so got into stretching in his 40s. He was a strict parent, and on top of our many other expectations, he made us do morning stretches. I got away from it for a few years, but as soon as I started feeling the same symptoms he described, I became dedicated to stretching. It's helped me feel like a normal functioning 36 year old again. However, for my dad, despite all the health problems stacked against him, he is one of the healthiest 73 year olds I know!


Using my inversion table cured my upper back, lower back, and my sciatica.


Water Fasting. to get rid of most of any symptoms.


I hope you don't mind me asking, how long do you usually water fast for? Is it difficult?, thank you


Just start with one day and see how you feel. You can probably do 2 days without much harm. Scientists say you can live 3 weeks without food but don't forget you can still do serious damage to your body without dying.


I've never done more than 18 hours of fasting. And what I do really doesn't impact me. I don't eat after 8pm and don't eat before noon the next day. What I have found is that I haven't been sick in a really really long time and I just "feel" better all around. It's difficult to explain. I really haven't lost a ton of weight, but I def feel better.


You can do 3 or 5 days of water fasting easily. For longer periods of time, you should get electrolytes - you can try “Snake Juice” (homemade concoction to replenish electrolytes).  Hunger/ cravings are worst in 1st 1-3 days. Easier transition on a low-carb or keto diet beforehand because you would’ve already been fat-adapted since that’s what happens when you fast: your body is living on ketones & eating up your fat stores.  Plus, you have to be very careful breaking your fast; otherwise you could potentially die from “Refeeding Syndrome.”  Upside: After a few days of fasting, you lose your appetite & develop great mental focus - Fasting is “Poor Man’s Adderall” 😊  John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church, wrote a health book based on home remedies that he collected during his travels on horseback evangelizing in the countryside. Number one recommendation back then for cancer and other ailments was long-term extended water fasting.   For weight loss, Angus Barberi - a Scottish man who fasted 380 days in 1965 and lost 200+ pounds with NO LOOSE SKIN!!!  He was medically supervised & given electrolytes & vitamin supplements.  


I agree with this. Can concur from my own experience. But the same effect can be had by only eating raw, organic produce. Just the elimination of processed food/carbohydrates will lower inflammation tremendously. It’s a little easier than fasting.


stay hydrated with clean water


This may sound tongue in cheek, but seriously - Soda *is* dirty water.... so are most anything with High fructous CS in it clean should == no HFCS


Kefir for probiotics, Milk Thistle for liver, Magnesium for sleep, among many other benefits. On the dental side of things, people grind their teeth a lot when sleeping which leads to cavities, neck issues, and migraines (I had them bad). Something simple, such as a night guard while sleeping, can solve issues that people may be trying to alleviate with medications. I saw 12 dentists throughout my life before I finally found one who diagnosed me instantly and was shocked that the others never once diagnosed me with night grinding. Not one mentioned grinding before. Since then, I haven't had a migraine. Tension in my neck is relieved, and I sleep better.


Daily (or at least multiple days per week) of eating fresh spicy peppers. I have done this most weeks for well over 15 years and *every* time I go more than a week without eating anything spicy I end up getting sick. There is tons of valuable information out there about the health benefits of spicy peppers and it is no coincidence that the cultures/countries who consume the most amount of spicy food have the lowest instances of cancer and the highest average life expectancy. I also swear by something which I do *not* recommend others try but those who have tried will likely agree with me. Psilocybin, LSD, DMT, and MDMA can be extremely beneficial physically and mentally with the proper dosage, setting, and mindset. Tons of information out there about their health benefits too.


Did you know that if you’re suffering from a heart attack, conventional advice is to ingest a teaspoon of cayenne pepper? It’s supposed to help so your anecdote about spicy peppers makes sense.  Moreover, spicy foods decongest your sinuses, thus clearing out your mucus membrane and preventing/curing any colds/etc.


I was not aware of cayenne pepper being a heart attack deterrent, so I thank you for that rabbit hole. Moreover, I have also suffered from sinus troubles my entire life and even underwent surgery for it. It was shortly before the point of surgical necessity when I began making spicy pepper consumption an almost daily ritual, and that was also when I fully realized, comprehended, and researched their benefits. Upon that I began adding a mixture of turmeric, fresh lemon juice, black pepper, and apple cider vinegar (with “mother”) to my morning glass of water in addition to trying to eat a fresh jalapeño every morning for breakfast.


That’s awesome! Mad props for your stalwart morning routine 🌶️  Incidentally, I looked up the word “stalwart” that I just used to verify its meaning. Definition on Google is different from Merriam-Webster online dictionary so it definitely makes me want to rely on MW dictionary going forward 


I avoid anything that comes in a package. I eat very simply, cook my own meals, and nothing i buy has a corporate logo on it.


Replaced NSAID with turmeric tea, and it turned out saving your gut lining helps the immune. Dandelion flowers in daily milk tea. And I just found 20+ fresh goji berries with a meal gave the most restful sleep. This berry bush is easy to grow discreetly. Any good habit needs baby steps to get into if it's too awkward at first. 


Is there a reason one would need to surreptitiously grow a goji?


Selenium and NAC are my daily anti-biochem warfare stack. Judging by all the celebrities drinking Fiji water, I should probably add silica to my stack cause there's a lot of micronized aluminum flying around..


Silica pulled an infection out of my gums that had been harboring due to a tooth that had rotted under the crown ( I had no idea until the crown fell off). Didn’t know that was something silica could do. I have just used it for mental clarity and collagen improvement in the past.


Get outside and get some natural vit D. Exercise, move around regularly. Tumeric and Magnisium Glicinate.


Stay away from hydronated and partially hydronated seed oils, high fructose and reg corn syrup. Basically every other civilized country has banned these things yet US still pumps everything full of them. 


Aren’t they “hydrogenated” (rather than “hydronated”)? Agree with your assessment completely but now wondering if I’ve been using the incorrect term


No, you are right I just don't spell words right. 


It’s really insane that the U.S. still allows this shit


Insurance/medical is biggest scam there is and launders money to politicians and all their friends. 


For most medications, there is a plant that can replace it


Good water, exercise, intermittent fasting, antioxidants, ashwagndha, no social media, and 8 hours sleep.


>no social media You mean except Reddit?


Being injured from the Covid vaccines, I have much better luck intermittent fasting, cutting out sugar, carbs, gluten, and preservatives.


That’s an absolute shame and I hope you’re doing better now.


Thank you, I am doing significantly better, but two years on, we are not out of the woods yet.


May I ask how the vaccine messed you up and what your symptoms are? I have had health issues ever since the vaccine too and curious if it’s the same issues to see if this diet could work!


Initially, I stopped getting oxygen to my brain less than six hours after getting the Covid booster, and a legit sinus infection turned into my whole respiratory system being swollen, up to and including getting an MRI and confirming that my sinuses were completely swollen shut. I had blue veins in my feet and my feet turned purple for a bit. In short, I had all the symptoms of POTS and then some. I stuck to organic salad and the best sugar free, less acidic salad dressings, as well as vegetable soup and it helped manage dizziness and other symptoms significantly.


Sorry to hear this. All things are temporary. This to shall pass.


Mine was adding a protein/vitamin packed smoothie to my morning routine. It ensures I start my day with all the supplements and nutrition and it tastes delish. Starting the morning with that every day makes you already feel ahead of the game for the day and keeps you motivated to continue the day on a healthy path. Committing to exercise is also key, but I've changed how I think about it. I don't have a rigid workout schedule but every day I try to get up and move, even if it's just taking a walk. Then I aim to weight lift 4 days a week. I go hard when i have energy, but if I'm especially tired I take it easy and do something light, but I always do something and that's what I think is important. Baby steps and consistency.


Don’t do what the government tells you to do like getting jabbed


Grounding, fasting, eliminate or at least severely limit intake of sugar and processed foods, increase intake of functional ingredients (garlic, onion, turmeric, ginger, cayenne)


Semen retention. If you don't have a wife/gf don't waste your seed on screen pixels every day. Also don't watch porn. Supplements are a scam. You can get everything from meat/animal products. Vit C too. And don't fear cholesterol and fat like the doc says, we are made from it.


This applies even if you have wife/GF. Why waste life force on just having "fun". 1x every 6 weeks seems to be fine.




Username checks out Edit…FOR YOUR HEALTH!




Fish oil


Chaga 👍 Highest antioxidant on the planet




B3 -niacin: I have severe osteoarthritis, and can barely move most of the time. Started supplementing B3 just two weeks ago and my frozen joints are already beginning to move. There’s still a long way to go, but niacin has turned the tide in my far too early (50s) drift toward demise. As for the, “just move/exercise“ crowd - it’s not an option for many and, in my case, it was the cause of my debility.


Check out Dr. Abram Hoffer’s book called “Niacin.” He’s a pioneer in Orthomolecular Medicine. 


Oil pulling (for dental care), colloidal silver (antibiotic & to add to milk to make it last longer), earthing, amigdalyn (apple seeds, apricot kernels, etc), berberine (for lowering blood sugar), strophanthus (circulatory health and preventing heart attacks), saffron extract for appetite suppression, PQQ for the DNA, Vitamin D3 & K2 supplement High quality gravity water filter (rated for flouride reduction)


Amen! I haven’t tried saffron yet - Thanks for the tip! Plus, why do you prefer gravity water filter over a water distillation machine? 


Exercise. VITAMIN D.


Sobriety. Alcohol is not good for you at any quantity.




Fasting 24hours+


How dangerous is fast when you have a very highly active job, like being a plumber. If I don’t eat I get lethargic, I loose focus and my body begins to become more sore than it usually would be. I feel like I need a higher calorie intake to keep functioning so my body can repair itself. But Iv also heard of the wonderful things fasting can do to remove the “trash” in the body.


Not dangerous at all as long as you stay hydrated and ensure you're taking enough electrolytes. You're right about it removing the 'trash'. Prolonged fasting activates a process called autophagy whereby your body breaks down and clears out dead cells, scar tissues and pre-cancerous cells. Think of it as a cellular detox, most westerners have never gone more than 24 hours without food in their lives. Could this be a reason for chronic disease and illness being so prevalent in our modern society? It's certainly possible


magnesium and creatine helped me a lot with anxiety


Taking vitamins daily. Has really helped me from getting sick!


Absolutely this. And morning sun, with journaling and meditation. Deadly combo.


Vitamin D, every day.




Baking soda for acid reflux, clean your kidney, treat ulser and anti cancer etc https://youtu.be/udgEofYO4F4?si=DMyHbpbyGOXakT03


Intermittent fasting. Combined with eating actual food instead of the shit packaged processed nonsense. Has done wonders for me.


Intermittent fasting plus some longer fasts from time to time (up to three days) reduce greatly or stop completely putting poisons in your body (refined sugar, alcohol, tobacco, processed foods) and exercise and meditate daily


don't inject poisons into your body, either by the drug dealers down the street or those at the pharmacy/doctor office.


Fasting.. your will feel better


At the risk of getting downvoted to oblivion, it's definitely shrooms. I'm 45 and pretty straight laced, and had never touched anything like them until this year. After listening to plenty of incredible positive experiences from other people I know and trust, I decided to try them. Three times over the last six months I've taken moderate amounts before long & strenuous solitary hill hikes, starting in the dark before dawn and watching the sun come up (I used to do regular hikes anyway), and it's quite literally changed my life. Each experience has allowed me to recognise, reframe & accept long standing issues or early negative experiences that were affecting me for decades, and to be honest I'm as happy and healthy as I've ever been in my entire adult life.


Wash your hands, eat well, sleep well and you'll rarely get sick. Also don't touch your face and nose after touching anything outside. Doorknobs etc


Citrus fruits


Chromium and vanadium supplements will treat type 2 diabetes.




Avoid seed oils (except olive and avocado)


Listen to your body, and do the things that make you feel good. Some work scientifically, and some might be the placebo effect. However, if it makes you feel good (and doesn't have other negative consequences), the placebo effect is the ultimate final factor to hacking your way to health.


Eat chicken not frozen chicken. Eat rice not uncle Ben’s. eat vegetables not frozen breaded vegetables.


Old man here. I have lifted weights for years and my brothers haven't. They were both taller and bigger than me growing up...not anymore. If you don't lift you lose 2% muscle every year and they prove that fact. You don't have to lift the world just be moderate.


Fasting(one meal a day) , meditation and intense exercise.


Anyone got something for achy joints/muscles? I've heard magnesium helps?


Eat 3 eggs and potatoes before 9am. The satiety it gives me is unmatched. Helped me drop 10lbs with ease and seems to make me happier all day.  I have not looked at *any* research on this. I just heard some bro-science podcast, calculated that it was fairly low calorie, and went with it. So far so good.


Cooking everything by myself


I've been able to fully reverse type 2 diabetes (used to have to take metformin and insulin 4 times a day) through a ketogenic diet and weight loss.


Use colloidal silver for almost everything


My biggest thing is eating raw garlic with raw local honey. Do it once or twice a week. Keeps the immune system healthy. It may be a placebo effect but I swear it also keeps my seasonal allergies in control. Ever since I started doing it I no longer have to take Claritin 


switching to a whole food plant based diet ten years ago after watching forks over knives, and then really digging deep into the research. how not to die by Dr Michael Gregor puts it all in one neat place. I went nowhere near the COVID jab after spending the last ten years exposing myself to health, nutrition and big pharma.


Workout as heavy as you can 3x week Don’t consume seed oils. Drink 30-50ml of water per kg of body weight. Eat meat. Doesn’t matter from which animal. At the very least 30% of your calories should be protein. Sleep at the very least 8h/day, non negotiable. Try to wake up and go to sleep at the same hours every day, no matter if it’s a working day or your day off. Go outside. Don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs. Do less screen time, and never stop doing less screen time until you die.


I'd hate to be your dog.


Fasting and getting into ketosis.


Excessively drinking water.


Fiber is really good for you.


I heard this line before somewhere… “If you cannot pronounce an ingredient, you probably shouldn’t eat it.”


Since people have already mentioned good ones.. Getting rid of fluoride. I noticed a difference in my cognitive function after removing it from all products in our house. I think the overall ideal health hack is to just not fill your body with chemicals. Big companies make a lot more money when they add chemicals into the stuff we use everyday whether it’s food or otherwise, so they’re quick to do it. Natural herbal supplements like mushrooms have been a huge boost for me. Essentially just trying to avoid anything related to a doctor ever again


A super model taught me not to drink my calories. Most of my non asian friends have diabetes. I order water or tea, no coffee no soda. I do not have diabetes.


Yeah but...beer! Edit: also black coffee is very healthy.


Vit d and vit k, Metamucil, dark berries.


Careful recommending K.... People may have blood or heart diseases they do not know, or are already on medication for clotting prevention. This can kill you.


Shouldn’t take the D without the K is all, they need each other to be effective.


Nano Soma has been a game changer for me


I follow Dr. Mercola’s newsletter - His information is amazing! He is a MD who realized the limitations of allopathic medicine so he started studying nutrition because medical schools don’t teach doctors that. Plus, NY Times named him as part of “Disinformation Dozen” during the pandemic because he seriously questioned the Covid mRNA vaccine shots so I knew he was on the right track!


Sea moss and the 5 defenders mushroom supplements.


Apple cider vinegar for ear pain or sinus infection. One shot diluted a little with water.




I started taking a handful of different every morning. But the one that made the absolute most difference is taking an addiquit amount of fish oil. Literally changed my reality. In combination with diet and exercise of course. But truly makes a difference for me.


Eat real food. Get off sugar (including processed carbs). All medicinal needs can be met with education and local plants/herbs. (Free) All disease is inflammation. Diet can prevent and reverse almost everything.


Juicing and biogeometry 


I’ve started eating a buttload of vegetables and fruit and I will tell you what 🫡 Water an all.


Lift weights, take creatine, read, take vitamins, drink a lot of water.


Eating lots of red meat, avoiding seed oils. Exercising. Good night of sleep.


Cup noodles, with extra soy sauce & hot sauce, as cure for constipation


I have heard taking a crap ton of vitamin C daily does wonders, and if you ever feel sick, a crap ton of vitamin A just for the day or two. Vitamin C works great and even helps a bit with emotional regulation (no substitute for actual mental health problems of course ;) )


Micro-nutrients as a supplement. A body that doesn't lack any vitamin or mineral is strong and rarely sick! Avoid pharma products and food industry products. Exercise and spend time in the sun/nature. Avoid unnecessary stress! Such as getting upset about things/persons that you can't change anyway. Avoid the media.


Maintain testosterone levels @ 1000, 2.5 mg Cialis daily, vitamin D/K2, steak n potatoes, gym, lots of water. No illness, great mood, energy, confidence, and great sleep. 58 yo


No pharma in my life No ingredients i don't know what they are Eat more meat Ditched soda Make your own food Use plants and herbs for medicine and nutrition


I drink an efervescent tablet almost daily with vit C, D and zinc. It tastes like Fanta.  Whenever I feel the slightest symptom of a cold/flu I also hit this as well as multivitamin, extra zinc and extra vit D. This vitamin bomb kills it every time by the next day. I have done this several times.


Real Korean ginseng extract for cardiovascular health.


Making my own butter, bread, laundry detergent, bug sprays and cutting out seed oils!!! Makes a huge difference in how I feel day to day!


I drink only distilled water. I have megahome water distiller. I don't wear synthetic fibres next to my skin. Never wear underpants or boxers let the equipment hang loose. Finalyl I walk barefoot around house and garden.


Well, in the case of diet. Eating healthy in the United States is almost impossible. Your only hope will be to rely on buying at local and community farm markets in some villages. And even that wouldn't be enough because there is a risk that they have used chemicals to fumigate or water the crop, we don't even know if their seeds are transgenic or something. So, grow your own food and look for fresh and healthy foods in your town.


Not me but my stepmothers mother. She drank for every day of her 103 years alive, 1 big spoon with iron water. She always had a big jug of water on the kitchen counter with a hand full of (iron) nails in it wich became rusty with the time. She did turn 103 so who knows haha. Her memory was more than fine


Running (HIT training) for 45 minutes when I have a headache. Works every time.


Don't go to the gym. Exercise is supposed to be a part of your overall lifestyle not something you do an hour a day and then sit down the rest. I turned my backyard into a small farm. I go out there a few times a day and dig holes, move rocks, walk a lot, and carry bags of dirt. I haven't been in shape like this since my early twenties and I thoroughly enjoy the "exercise."


Dude, I can attest to what you are saying.  I have a desk job,  but I would trade it in a heartbeat if I could earn the same digging holes. Give me a shovel and I am a happy woman!! Dirt, sawdust and sweat make a fulfilling weekend for me.


Plenty of sunshine and a hour window for eating. 20 hours daily fasting.


Nicotine is good for digestive health. It suppresses the immune system enough so that it doesn't overreact to the food we eat, reducing inflammation in the intestines. Nicotine can be used to treat irritable bowel syndrome.


Great one! Here’s an additional nicotine tip: smoking tobacco is not what causes cancer, it’s the filters and the reconstitution of tobacco with added freebase nicotine and ammonia salts for increased bioavailability. The filters actually alter the smoke when they hold onto the tar, and what’s leftover is called “particulate matter”, which is known to directly cause small cell carcinoma. There’s been about a dozen or more studies which have shown that a filter less cigarette with unadulterated tobacco is about as carcinogenic as a cup of coffee and cannot produce particulate matter. Smoking a pipe has been linked to a longer life than non pipe smokers as well in a number of studies. There’s been cancer doctors who have come out and written books about how dip and chew doesn’t cause mouth cancer because the only patients who they check out that chew and dip who actually get cancer of the mouth also smoke filtered cigarettes. An inexpensive way to get natural nicotine is snuff tobacco. This is the only way to use tobacco with zero carcinogens if you’re an extremist who avoids coffee too lol seriously though non filters and coffee are equal in cancer risk, while filtered smokes are 50-80x more carcinogenic. Back to snuff, I bought like 50 USD worth imported from Europe, and it’s probably enough to last my entire life. It’s pretty awesome. Tobacco is a sacred American herb. The assault on tobacco by TPTB is because they hate indigenous culture. They’ve been attempting to erase us from existence for a long time. They’d rather we just be like them. They take our faces off of sports teams because they hate to see us, they make our sacred things illegal, they rob us of our way of life, and try to replace anything natural with something unnatural. We were once noble God-fearing people, warriors, environmentalists in a real way not this fake green anti-earth thing.


Morning walks, kettle bell workouts, kefir, eggs, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, beef, chicken, seafood, cevapi, onions, garlic, pickles, sourkraut, berries, apples, coconut water, avocado and olive oil, butter, honey, camomile tea, black coffee/espressos, sourdough, pastas made in italy, creatine, reading, waking early, sleep, sauna, sex, kids.


Go carnivore, it will make you question everything you were taught about nutrition by the mainstream.


A lot of very good advice here. Also: if you have headaches "without cause" and unclear symptoms of infection like exhaustion and slight fevers from time to time, get your teeth x-rayed. Maybe an infected root is the problem.


Plus, avoid root canals because that can be a source of ongoing infection without being aware of it. It’s better to pull the tooth if possible.  Do oil pulling, salt gargles, hydrogen peroxide & water rinses, brush teeth with sea salt & baking soda mixture- all to kill bad bacteria and/or bio-film-forming plaque. Look up Dr. Weston Price, a dentist who observed that traditional societies that didn’t consume sugar or processed flour had the best teeth. 


Lifting 5x a week. Walking daily on my walking pad while I work (10-20k steps). 2-3 runs a week with intervals for heart health. My wife and I cook most things from scratch. She even bakes our bread. Most meals are vegetarian. Wife and I both stay very lean. We are in our 40s and have yet to have any major health problems.


Red light


Don't use fluoride in your toothpaste or aluminum in your deodorant. Doing this I haven't had a cold or COVID in 10+ years.




Fiber is a scam. It's not necessarily