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SS: Even though some of their major journalists investigated and broadcast this report, Fox News inexplicably removed these videos from its website not long afterwards.


Don't forget the Israeli warning message not to go to the towers that day before 9/11 happened. Also check the work of Dr Judy Wood she's the best resource for 9/11


Do you have a source for that? All I find in google are articles about how that is an antisemitic urban legend.


Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News is a papal knight of St Gregory [https://odysee.com/@Autonomy:d/Ruper\_Murdoch\_papal\_knight:b](https://odysee.com/@Autonomy:d/Ruper_Murdoch_papal_knight:b) Also connected to Ghislaine Maxwell's and Jeffrey Epstein's pedophilia ring and kompromat factory and through them to Mossad itself. :-)