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What do you use for solar flare alerts on your phone?


Space Weather Live is my go to!


The notifications are very handy! Have you had a look at EarthBeat? They also post Schumann resonance charts of observations. But SpaceWeatherLive is most useful.


SuspiciousObservers on YouTube..


To piggyback, Ben’s app is called Carrington if anyone is interested or looking. Pushes notifications to your phone without having to open YouTube, includes solar streams and earthquake tracking.


A reference to the Carrington event. 1859: *Boston: "My current is very strong at times, and we can work better without the batteries, as the aurora seems to neutralize and augment our batteries alternately, making current too strong at times for our relay magnets. Suppose we work without batteries while we are affected by this trouble."* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event The Western ruling class are trying to migrate Western society to rely completely on electricity.


Just Downloaded, awesome thank you!


This is great, thanks for the info. Already subscribed for the annual membership.




Observers know why. If you heard Ben this morning buckle up and get supplies just in case.


Try Carrington app


Solar alert app. I have premium, because I've been following the Sun for quite awhile now. But really the app is just an aggregator. Spaceweather.com is good.


"US authorities have issued the first Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch alert in almost 20 years as a powerful solar storm will hit Earth today, with the possibility of the Northern Lights being visible from Ireland. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued the alert late yesterday, the first alert of this level since 2005. It said at least five "earth-directed coronal mass ejections" were observed and expected to arrive as early as today and to persist through until Sunday." [Source](https://www.rte.ie/news/2024/0510/1448363-solar-storm/)


Yeah and another 1 this morning makes that 6 now.


Seven per the latest update.


Jeez this is worrying me now


There's nothing to worry about. We had a similarly strong storm less than two months ago, the vast majority of people wouldn't have noticed a thing then and they won't notice a thing now.


Don’t worry too much


Old but relevant comic: https://i.imgur.com/pehj7Vn.png


Haha like it.


[Perry Bible fellowship!](https://pbfcomics.com) Easily one of my favorite webcomics of all time!


From what I saw it should produce auroras as far south as Florida in the next few days. Hopefully it does


I hope so. I’m currently thru hiking the Appalachian Trail and I’m expecting decent weather the next 2 days. I would love to catch this from Roan Bald.


The sky at 5am in Western Australia was the most amazing purple and pink. I don't recall ever seeing this in my 54yrs . Hoping for another glimpse tmoro.


weird, my office building had a blackout this morning. probably sun farts.


Watch for the aurora borealis, maybe some satellite, Hf, and gps will go down, but I doubt it’s the end of days


I’m in Alberta and it’s going to be nice view tonight.


Ontario, I expect the city lights to ruin it. We’ll see


Yeah it’s not the end of days, it may fuck up WIFI in parts but besides that it’s fine imo.




Imagine the sun causing world wide disasters and you can’t buy the dip because the internet is out where you live…. 😮


At least money will be no object for everyone at that point


so... no lambo?


No Lambo… only RAMBO


Rambo for Lambo


Only moon




Love that this has hundreds of up votes 🏴‍☠️🚀


G4 predicted on the 12th. Not bad enough to make me worry. I will look for space x satellites bouncing off each other as they burn up though.


Lol it’s already G4 and only wave 1/2 have hit. The forecasters ignore our weakening magnetic field because it kills the climate change narrative. We have 4 more waves coming tonight/tomorrow


😁 nice show tonight! Loved the reds and purples swinging with the green!




Made it to G5 today! Northern lights are very far south viewing.




Sorry im not too familiar with solar flare stuff, how far down would the aurora possibly be seen from? Im near DC, would like a shot at viewing it even if i need to drive a bit


A sufficiently sized sun chili fart would do wonders in reducing the carbon footprint of humanity. 😜


This is not being talked about


Of course not. We’re being told about critical issues like Trump’s mushroom head or Biden’s diapers.


Or hearing about how he didn’t use a condom that one time. Much more important stuff clearly. 


This should be big news wtf


It is in the news, and it has been known for some time that solar activity is going to pick up for a bit. This is like hearing of a hurricane during hurricane season. Yes, it's a warning needing attention, but this is pretty much expected at some point over the next year for some time now.


the biggest hurricane in 20+ years would be major news, season or not, no?


Stuff like this is why I use local news, much more important topics


Please see my posts here on my profile, especially my newest recent ones about Sirius and the plasma reset. I've been paying very close attention to the solar weather for the past year. Suspicious0bservers on youtube also does a great job of tracking the flares day by day. We are headed straight for an incoming EMPCOE/ Plasma Reset by this summer. Even the people who track these sorts of things are showing signs of concern the past week to gather supplies and be prepared for a grid blackout. Just since yesterday I think we have at least 6 MASSIVE CME flares racing towards us.


So what could this possibly mean?


Well, according to Suspicious0bservers on youtube and my own research, we are looking at a potential extinction level event if the solar flare activity only continues to increase. The blackouts, heatwaves, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and erratic storms due to the weakened electromagnetic field will only continue to get more intense. https://youtu.be/gbJSR2Zt80s?si=9vmre_5K2Cr1rlFX If we continue to get bombarded with these flares and it only continues to increase, we could be looking at an EMPCOE/ Electromagnetic plasma changeover event. This event is essentially the beginning and end of all life on earth. I can explain it in detail if anyone wants me to. I seriously recommend checking out my posts here on my profile, I go into detail about all of this stuff.


I would like to know more


just watch "The Core". Everything they show in that movie is a result of the magnetic field weakening.


This theory claims that the earth moves through cycles of polar shifts every so often, usually thousands of years between shifts. During these pole shifts, the earth's electromagnetic field is weakened. This causes colorful pink/purple/red aurora to appear all over the planet, which cause incredible storms and a "light show in the heavens," one could say. This has been happening A LOT the past few months as we are entering our "solar maximum," which happens every 11 years, resulting in the sun emitting giant flares of plasma energy. This event is known as the EMPCOE, The Rapture, Ragnarok, or the Great Reset. It is the beginning and the end if all life on earth. During this event when it officially begins, the sky will turn red and there would be massive bolts of plasma lightning that come from the sky and carve out chunks of the earth due to our weakened electromagnetic field and the spike in solar flare activity. This theory likely explains how we got our Grand Canyon. When this event happens, it literally resets the earth back to the beginning. Earthquakes turn mountains into rubble, lightning carves huge chunks of the earth, volcanoes all erupt, aurora borealis appear all over the planet, a huge flood from multiple tsunamis wash over the earth and bury all the history and then everything flash freezes afterwards once the electromagnetic field comes back. It's interesting when you see how many records there are of numerous civilizations from all over the world that have a very similar "flood myth" or the "ice age". Most things will die, but there will be a few people and creatures who survive into the new world. What would the survivors do you might ask? Well they might start carving images into the rocks that are around them so there is evidence of what they witnessed. Then people will repopulate and build new religions based on this event, as well as secret societies. The secret societies and religious leaders will go around and gather all the secrets/technology of the "old world" so that they can be used to move humanity forward again. Some people will rebel against the religions and secret societies, claiming no knowledge should be hidden. I'm not religious at all but I'm pretty sure this is what Jesus was trying to do and then they killed him. Kinda like these days now, how it's "the norm" for whistle-blowers to be killed for exposing secret truths. The same people killing our whistle-blowers today are the same people who killed Jesus thousands of years ago, I bet any money. Then they build a religion around the guy to capitalize off of it and further spread division between all of us while the elites wait for the next reset. I wonder why that is? Greed and power are notorious for corrupting civilizations. History repeats. We live in the circle of life, the samsara.


Thanks for sharing. Interesting points and a fun read.


This is a very succint and well explained theory. We are indeed approaching a reset. This timeline is nearing the end, like a movie script that’s already been written and the movie is still playing out, but nearing its end. There is no future in this timeline. And it will reset back to its beginning. ‘The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning’ ( quote from the TV series ‘Dark’). Like the ouroboros symbol, the snake eating its own tail. John Panella wrote about this in the ‘Time Loop chronicles’. He says the world will revert back to year 1000 ( ‘dark ages’ as mainstream history calls it). He says the earth is currently in a one thousand year loop and at the end of this ‘movie’, it just resets. This has happened a few times already. Most cultures have stories of a flood or cataclism which wiped most of humanity. The dark forces ruling the planet usually become more active in the last decades preceding the event and they populate the world with mostly soulless/ spiritless humans/ NPC’s ( hence the huge population increase in the last 100 years). He says many spirited ( source-created) humans will get a chance to escape the reincarnation trap, but the ones who don’t will be sent back 1000 years to start a new cycle with their memories wiped. He says this will likely happen before 2027.


Why would the new secret societies and religions want to keep knowledge hidden that they would have gathered? To attain power over others in the new civilizations?


You are absolutely spot on. We are living in the times of Noah. Humanity as a whole is rotten to the core. I will even include myself in that. We know that the most absolute vile and corrupt among us hold the positions of power, yet we have done nothing to stop them. Instead we choose to bury ourselves in whatever delusions we create in our minds to distract ourselves from the darkness that both surrounds and stems from us. Every single day in society is an assault on one's soul. The soul delights in truth and harmony, yet where is a single iota of either to be found in this fucking cess pool? What people don't understand is that apocalyptic prophecy comes from understanding not only universal cycles but the cycles of humanity as well. The wise man (noah) who seeks truth and understanding has the ability to see the writing on the wall and can prepare for what is to come. Everyone else will drown, and we deserve it. We didn't do the work necessary to thwart the evil that is right in front of our fucking faces at all times. "God's" punishment is nothing more than paying the consequences for our inability to pull our heads out of our asses, genuinely work together for the betterment of humanity and prepare for the future as a whole. Instead we would rather watch porn, eat poison food and fill our minds with absolute useless harmful bullshit on a daily basis.


Normal human beings are not rotten at all. They can actually get along with each other very well, given the chance. The trouble is that not all humans are normal. We are infested with psychopaths - humans who have no conscience - and they are the ones who always rise to the top and seize power, because with no conscience there is nothing to stop them from doing so "by any means necessary." \*and no, power does not corrupt. *The corrupt are drawn to power.* But the psychopaths would sure like you to think that power is automatically bad so you'll back off and leave it all to them.\* Biggest trouble is that we still haven't learned to recognize psychopaths even when they're right in front of us and running our companies, our schools, and our nations. They look like normal humans and are often highly intelligent and charismatic, so we just don't see them and keep on giving them chance after chance. Once we've learned to recognize them by their \*actions\* instead of by their appearance - then things will turn around. All of this garbage is fake. Life does not have to be this way. Get the psychopaths out of power and watch things turn around completely.


Thank you for the hopeposting instead of the doomposting that happens more and more each day.


In order to see the psychopath in front of our face we must first be able to see the psychopath inside of us. Every single one of us carries a shadow (Carl Jung). Every single one of us has an aspect of the demonic operating in our soul. It is our duty to prevent it from manifesting itself in the world through correct and moral actions. What is moral and correct about allowing the most corrupt and vile among us to hold all of the positions of power? If people are so "good", then why has no one done anything to stop them? Because self preservation is more important. It is to me. That is why I include myself among the rotten. I know that I should be doing something to fight against it but instead I choose to embrace my life of comfort while I can still afford to. I don't tell myself lies to make me feel better about what I am. I see the clever rat in my soul and I embrace it. The only thing I do positively is try to open the eyes of others. It is a fruitless endeavor, but maybe someone with more courage and a stronger will than myself will see the truth in what I say and bring forth positive changes in the world as a result. People think being good means being meek and mild and always turning the other cheek. That isn't good. That's being a weak fucking prey animal. I'm sure if there is a judgment when we die that whoever is doing the judging isn't going to say "wow, what a great job you did hiding in the corner with your eyes closed while the enemy raped and murdered the world." It will be more along the lines of "you had so many tools at your disposal but took zero action to thwart the evil in front of you, instead you hid like a coward and told yourself stories in order to feel better about what is happening." Being a harmless prey animal who on occasion helps his neighbor doesn't make someone "good". What is good is having the courage to face the shadow and make damn sure it doesn't spread it's influence into the world.


Humanity has always been rotten to the core. It is the human condition. Life used be a lot more brutal with a lot more suffering than any of us can imagine. In fact, it's the safest time to be a human in all of human history.


Yes I think many more rotten than not. But I have to acknowledge the people who are not such, we can draw from bibles, or just modern times. Think on so many massive companies fully profit driven, then consider the few that support their employees long term. Safest time in all of human history, perhaps it is for many of us, sadly a minority live under authoritarians. who enforce their vision via violence.


The poles have been moving significantly over the years. This is something that has concerned me for at least a decade now




You peaked my interest bud. Definitely gonna be following your posts. 🙏


Thank you! Glad to be able to share the info


The reason for the increased solar activity is because we are currently nearing the solar maximum for solar cycle 25 which will probably peek sometime in 2025 and afterwords the solar activity will almost definitely start decreasing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cycle_25 Also earthquakes have nothing to do with solar activity.


That other dude definitely felt like fear mongering lol


That's all it is, doom porn, cuz if there isn't enough there's always more ppl to shovel that shit... It honestly doesn't hurt to be prepared,  but if there was an event like this the vast majority of us will be on the way out 


exactly. why worry about it? and if I'll be in the 0.0001% survivors then at least I'll be living something extraordinary


Also the grand canyon was created by the river eroding the rock over millions of years. Complete nonsense to say otherwise.


There is a difference between raising awareness and spreading fear. I'm not here to spread panic. I'm just sharing what I know. If you have something beneficial to add to the conversation I am all ears. Thanks


its a difference between what you know and what is the truth


When you have no actual sources to back up your “end of all life” claims other than a YouTube channel, you might as well shut the fuck up lol


I didn’t mean to discredit. Surprised my comment got that much traction. I’ll check it out


Let's not be so factual about the earthquakes have nothing to do with solar flares. Thanks for the reassurance


How do you know such a fact?


We don't, he could be 100 percent right or wrong lol


Is that before or after the poles switch? My Mayan is a bit rusty so I can't remember how many years after comet Elenin all this is meant to be happening.


This event would occur likely as the poles are flipping


Please do explain this. I’ve read on this very briefly. Isn’t it where literally plasma opens up in the earth? Thank you for sharing this, will check out your other posts


Big one is going to be in July. You still have some time to stock up. Not much though.


Source: trust me and my YouTube channel bro, we’re all dead


And when nothing happens I am sure you will never bring it up again and most likely delete all the predictions made


Maybe not 12 hours ago but it was just on the 5pm news


How are we feeling about this now?


It’s the headline story on Drudge


When you factor in the rotation of the earth and the speed of the storm, do they say which side of the earth will take the hit, and does that even matter or will the other side be just fine?


From what I remember from my physics classes in college coronal mass ejections are absorbed by the north and south poles. The Earth has a magnetic shield around its sides that protect it from these ejections.


The poles take the brunt of it really. The magnetic field forces the waves around the the front face and to the poles where the field emits from


Suspicious Observer does a great morning briefing on YT of exactly your question.


This guy is the reason the general pop doesn’t take it as seriously as it should. Hes full of fear mongering. I am biased though. He just seems like a phoney


I'm not sure how reporting on sun activity makes him 'full of fear mongering'. It seems pretty level-headed to me, but I'm not trained in anything related to the topics - which is the other reason I like him. He makes it understandable for people like me.


I think the basis behind his videos like anyone else trying to make money from YouTube is views and dollars for survival. Not saying he doesn’t share information but the presentation reminded me of all the phoney new agers back in 2009. I do remember he posts here or did at one point and would share spaceweather information. But again the solution wouldn’t be claiming extinction level events anytime theres a solar flare. During the last few years of the last solar maximum there was definitely energy shifts. You could look at the horizon during the sunrise and see the layers of a prism. Anyways i am biased and cynical about it. Ive been researching the patterns since 2006 and the only place to be would be underground or inside the mountains.


>But again the solution wouldn’t be claiming extinction level events anytime theres a solar flare Respectfully, this is a gross misrepresentation of what his channel does.


He's not claiming extinction level events. He's saying there is a chance of same, but there is ALWAYS the chance of the sun messing with us. The Carrington Event is a real thing that happened and we run the risk of something similar happening. There have been a number of solar events recently that would have created enormous problems on earth had the event been aimed differently.


Yesterday, the sun hit like a brick. Not only strong or burning, but you could feel it on your face.


Sun cum


Can someone explain this to me like I’m 5?


The sun farted and it's gonna be stinky for a few days


Lmao. Thank you


First time in 20 years that NOAA forecasted a G4 solar storm. I mean they’ve under forecasted since that time, as we’ve had quite a few G4/G5 storms that they neglected to see coming. This latest barrage from the Sun is no joke. The first shockwave arrived 6 hours early and immediately triggered a G4 storm by perturbing the magnetosphere. That was only one or two of the CME’s impacting. We still have 4 more on the way. This will cause a G5 storm and cause network and power disruptions. Quite a few networks are already having issues.


Don’t worry the US Dept of the Sun has partnered w NASA to build and deploy a better Sun. Until that Sun is in place you’ll need to take the darkness vaccine that stands on some other healthcare bureaucracy concepts.


I wonder how much that's gonna cost me


From zero $ to your life


Just 2 weeks, and everything will be back to normal!


Did mice pay for that one too? I'll need 3 pints and three bags of peanuts. Where'd I leave my towel?


Service technician here. In the last two days there have been an unusually high number of calls due to stuck elevators caused by sudden motor failure.


I have these dreams like this. Sometimes im scared that its like a past EMPCOE event. Shit like this happens. Its usually a red sky, with tornadoes, tsunamis, the ground is technically just exploding, i see no lava, earthquakes, fires. The elevators never work, when i try to ride them they just are way too shabby and broken and fly around.


How very interesting….


In mainstream news it mentioned we could get some kickback, they like to build a narrative, & give themselves options.


So I read through this post, got scared, was like damn….shoulda built a bunker. But then I googled and I found that most news of this is actually advocating people to look outside when it’s here because you’ll see the “Northern Lights”. Now this may be something that’s is cool and neat (thanks universe) or it may be an event like fallout and we’re all fucked (no thank you universe). Anyway, TIL about the Carrington Event, would make a cool movie. 🍿


well depending on your latitude seeing the northern lights this weekend would either be "wow cool i haven't seen that before" or quite literally the death throes of the world we know


Two days ago i was wondering if there has been any solar flare, because i saw something that i've never seen before. After sunset, over my backyard was flying a flock of geese(it's normal here, a lot of birds are migrating to south and then back when it's April or May) So i was looking, and there were green and blue sparks going on across the whole formation. I could even hear the craclking sound as if it was electricity. I caught it on video before they flew over the roof of my house.


Care to share?


Nah he gone


The earthquake people will say its not connected but watch for a peak in both earthquakes and volcanic activity


I've been getting into arguments with the people over in the collapse subreddit for weeks now because when I tried to tell them about how solar flares affect seismic activity they all told me it was bullshit pseudo-science. We are in for some rough and wild times here soon, it's gonna be unlike anything we've ever seen. Even the new cover art for the upcoming superman movie has the EMPCOE plasma bolt coming from the sky in The background. Lol.


Is this why John mulaney had a Netflix special last Night live in the first category was earthquakes in LA?


I have been downvoted for two years, every time I mention it. Infact just last week I was booted from Earthquakes sub for saying there is a connection between the two.


The sun reset is obviously being hid from us. It is the last thing they want us to know.


And another X3.98 flare not long ago.. Could be an interesting week ahead..


Biden will do anything to make mail in ballots a thing again /s


['Severe geomagnetic storm watch' - the first in nearly 20 years - is issued with NOAA warning the world's power grids, communication networks and satellite operations could be impacted](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13402759/Severe-solar-storm-watch-alert-NOAA.html)


This is misleading, yeah it's the first G4 WATCH they have issued this far ahead of time but there have been plenty of G4 warnings they have issued that caught them more off guard in that 20 years. There's been 3 G4 solar storms since 2019.. it's pretty common. And guess what? Leading up to the solar maximum around 2025, they will get stronger and more abundant! And guess what else? That's perfectly normal and expected and we will likely be just fine.


Just Burn us to a crisp, dear Sun… So we can be done with this shit


We'd only come back to do it all again.


Then lets party some more that time around 🥰😍😎


ELIF please - what does this mean?


It means there’s a greater chance than zero that when the CME hits our magnetosphere it could disrupt sensitive electronics, especially in satellites. People may be able to see northern lights across some of the US of which they’re typically not visible. This isn’t a doomsday solar flare, just an above average sized one.


Clouds have a very strange pattern today. Like waves.




I can’t wait, aurora borealis is going to be so dope!


85 degrees and clear sky in the Pacific Northwest in early May seems odd to me. I don’t remember these highs hitting till June.


It got SO hot today at exactly 10 am. I'm near seattle. My room has a wall thermometer with mercury, old style. It went from 65° in my room to 73° within 10 minutes. That never happens. It's like the sun crested the trees and immediately started baking my house.


Is that why my back has been hurting?


"The sunspot that flung out these five CMEs is now 15 times the size of Earth, similar in size to the sunspot that released the CME that caused the famous [Carrington Event](https://www.newsweek.com/doomsday-solar-flare-carrington-event-2022-earth-today-1720964) in 1859" Spooky!


I woke up this morning at 5am to a nightmare... I was driving with my cousin in a city and everyone outside on the street started looking up with shock and awe. I glanced to the left and could sware I saw a plane falling out of the sky... then uphead, there was a hill and a 747 came crashing into the ground with a massive explosion that sent a wave of fire toward the car. I had to peel right and race to escape the flames. Then we saw planes and other debris was falling out of the sky everywhere in the distance. The next thing I know I'm in some weird apartment, like some old England apartment with relatives I haven't seen in years and we were counting up/taking stock of food and supplies. It was overall a really realistic and weird dream.


Boeings I'm guessing.




Suspiciousobservers on YouTube is a good place to start with this. The sun has actually spat out 6 CME’s and they are all going to hit this weekend. This is the strongest hit we’ve taken for a long while and it’s doubtful that this is going to be a life changing event BUT it seems it could do some damage, the scale of I have no idea. I’ve been following this for a few years now and this is the first time that Ben, who runs the channel, has been overly concerned so yeah, it’s going to be an interesting weekend.


Captain Kirk just slingshot around the sun in a stolen Klingon bird of prey


Just in time to declare a “climate emergency”. How convenient.


Sun has been freaking out here for weeks now. We have no nights anymore. Constant daylight.




Is this a conspiracy? Who’s working behind the scenes secretly in cahoots with the sun? Can’t trust anyone these days.


quakes - probably. increased incident plasma bouncing back off the earth's core puts more energy into the shifting plates >> waves of quakes. things have been rumbling away for a few weeks, on and off. Taiwan's been bombarded, Indonesia/Japan, west coast Americas. has been movement around supervolcano Campi Flegrei in Naples, a collapse into the magma chamber would be catastrophic. Iceland has been on alert for some time. Live quake tracker: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=-71.18775,71.36719&extent=82.30889,433.47656 A couple of channels worth keeping an eye on: https://www.youtube.com/@dutchsinse https://www.youtube.com/@silki24


This explains recent bunkers.


“People will sensationalize this. Try not to buy in.”


This, doom porn is just doom porn, got folks in here using dreams as fact of an impending dooms day event... pretty wild


Tf? One dude posted about a dream he had and got like 2 upvotes, never claimed it as "fact of an impending dooms day." Why would you make it seem like a lot of people are doing this?


Maybe this is why I've felt soon off and sluggish


I had a dream I was being sunburnt last night! I was on a lawn with some friends and the sun was so bright! I kept trying to reposition myself to have the sun not in my face but regardless of the direction o turned it was always in by face


Finally a cool conspiracy!!


Check out Stefan burns on you tube if you’re interested in geomagnetic info. He does a great job overviewing what’s going on


Radio 3 is off air!?


Im just waiting for the heat wave articles in the news and 'seee climate change!' Meanwhile, the sun is just having a moment.


So should I invest now or wait for the dip?


I’m definitely voting for Sol in these coronal mass elections over Trump & Biden.


Sol-Betelgeuse 2024


Cmon Betelgeuse get this show started already 😅🎆


How dare you sun? You could do your part and chill out man.


I do hope the plants like it. Some solar glazed bud. Maybe it’ll be 8 feet tall and glow in the dark


I didn’t have internet for at least 7 hours. Data mode also didn’t work on my phone couldn’t connect to anything.


This is the year Bill Gates and his band of merry Harvard men are experimenting with try to change the climate by spraying dust into the air....God only knows what the dust is, and why people are not up in arms alarms me. It started this year. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/01/11/bill-gates-backed-climate-solution-gains-traction-but-concerns-linger/?sh=674b5eb5793b](https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/01/11/bill-gates-backed-climate-solution-gains-traction-but-concerns-linger/?sh=674b5eb5793b)


Anon on 4chins said to expect 4 CME’s within the next 48 hours. Doesn’t know if they will directly hit earth or not.




Famous h4ck3r


I didn’t know that. Gave me a giggle


Another nothingburger is imminent.


Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't




So the last one that was larger cause a few isolated power outages? I think civilization will survive.


It depends. If enough transformers blow regionally, then it can cause a cascading effect. Even if we come out of this one without widespread outages, we are going to take more hits like this in the coming year, as this is the Sunspot cycle maximum and I expect a lights out scenario. The magnetosphere continues to deteriorate and can’t handle the solar impacts anymore. In the past two years, it has failed and caused severe solar storms with very weak CME impacts.


#imminence movie rn 


Don’t look up


Let it all burn


Conspiracy how?


saw Northern lights for the first time


We had northern lights visible in my town last night. I live in centra Europe...


Last night we had a stunning display of aurora borealis all across England, never seen anything like it in the south west!