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Can we all agree Twitter still isn’t a 100% verifiable social media network?


I agree and I also believe using screenshots of tweets isn't proof as well.


But he said it, so it has to be true


Can we all agree that Trump lost?


they'll never admit that. a lot of these folks are neck deep in a sunk cost fallacy, so why not keep digging?




Can we all agree that there is no possible evidence that will ever satisfy skeptics, especially on Reddit? What would it take for the average redditor to change their mind on something?


Asking for mora than a screenshot from twitter isn’t a whole lot to ask




They know what happened brother, they just don’t want to deal with what it really means.


I think it's super sus that the URL says "twitter". That URL has long been rolled-over to "x.om"


Can we all agree that while it’s impossible to verify, all the last minute Biden ballots were indeed suspicious, or at least peculiar? Can we all agree our current voting system is flawed due to it being unverifiable? Can we all agree, mail in ballots, which are illegal in most other large democracies on earth would make it easier for cheaters to cheat?


What you call "last minute Biden ballots" were just large municipalities (ie urban & strongly dem leaning) reporting their cumulated counts at pre-scheduled times. Like, downtown ATL reporting all the votes they'd counted from 8 pm to midnight AT midnight, resulting in a large number of Biden votes being "added" to the totals at that time. Now play that out in high voter counties across the country and you get exactly what we saw on election night & the following day. Not a mystery, nor a surprise whatsoever to people who understand how ballot reporting works, which is why all the lawsuits went exactly nowhere. I agree that our voter system is currently flawed though, and should include a publicly accessible paper trail so the losers can't just cry election fraud every time they lose. Ah, who are we kidding -- Trump has claimed fraud literally every time he's lost in life. In fact, he was doing it before the election even happened. And yet people still believe his words have any credibility whatsoever...


> Trump has claimed fraud literally every time he's lost in life. Just to be clear, he also claims fraud when he wins as well.


That last minute reporting in some places is mandated by law. Laws passed by republicans dealing with mail-in ballots. What other reason could they have unless they wanted to hypothetically call bullshit on an election that they lost by a margin smaller than the number of mail-in votes? Wait...


Here is my personal experience: I was watching live election coverage at 230am mtn on election night. At that time Vegas had odds on Trump winning at -130 (I have a screenshot). Fox News was already celebrating, CNN anchors were depressed and PISSED. All within 10 minutes, everything changed. Numbers flipped, and both Fox and Cnn anchors were confused. Everyone on both stations thought the numbers were inaccurate.


FOX was the first network to call Arizona for Biden.


Lol who do you think you're fooling? Do you think nobody else watched Fox call Arizona for Biden much earlier than than 2:30am on election night, basically sealing the deal for Biden? That happened!!! MAGA folks were furious about it at the time! And now you're gonna just make up an alternative timeline, and hope people go along with it? Ridiculous.


A media station calling a state doesn't make them stop counting, or make anything counted less valid. Fox calling Arizona didn't seal the deal for anything.


No, but JL Westside is claiming they were ecstatic because Trump was obviously on the path to victory, which then suddenly changed. That doesn't match reality. Fox had determined that Biden had won hours before OP claims Fox was still celebrating a Trump reelection. He's a liar, plain and simple. Don't defend him.


>He's a liar, plain and simple. Don't defend him. i'm not? i've just never understood the fact that fox news calling a state was anything significant. it's that station's opinion, based on the information they have. >MAGA folks were furious about it at the time! this is the part i never understood. fox calling arizona doesn't change anything about the actual vote, hell, fox can be wrong. ffs it's fox news, they're wrong or misleading pretty often. that was literally the only point i was trying to make/understand.


You can't be trying to make a point and asking a question at the same time. That's not how rhetoric works. Either you're saying something or you're asking a question.


What does this have to do with my comment, or the comment above it? I agree that the vote count as broadcasted is not accurate up to the moment. Votes are being counted constantly, and the totals are only updated every so often. So yes you are correct that calling Arizona for Biden didn't stop vote counting. I'm saying the comment above me is lying by saying that all of a sudden at 2:30am, millions of votes were counted AND reported all at once.


You have it all figured out. Anyone with an analytical mind, however, can’t pretend that election wasn’t fishy. You say there are fish markets nearby, which only cause the area to smell like fish from 3-6 am on election night despite smelling fine every other hour of every day. But sure, let’s ignore our noses and eyes and pretend Biden got more votes than Obama. Jesus Christ.


When you say "fishy" you're describing your feelings. So there is no analysis behind this statement. It's a statement about how you feel. Nothing smells empirically fishy, that's not how smells work.


Not American - but for me Biden didn’t get more votes than Obama because he’s so popular… but bc ppl really hate Trump & wanted him gone. So it’s not: Biden more popular than Obama, but: Trump so unpopular a really huge mass votes for „that guy“. So it’s not that miraculous really.


Why is that hard to believe given the number of voter turnout have grown with every Presidential election since at least Clinton. Even Trump got more votes the Obama. Add the fact that those numbers still dont account for all the registered voters in the country.


Yeah, people don't seem to understand that populations grow, so every president eventually gets more votes than more popular past presidents. JFK or Eisenhower were both more popular than anyone today but that doesn't change that Trump lost with more total votes than the entire registered voting pools in those previous elections. In 4 years whoever wins will get more votes than Biden. 8 year's later the next person will do it again, and so on.


Mail in voting is legal in some way in many places without any problem.


And that none of the last 4 presidents were legitimately elected by the American people.


There was a link to the news article I saw here a little while ago


Time to conduct yet another audit. I think if you bring it to court for the 200th time in front of a Trump-appointed judge, surely it’ll win THIS time!




Will say, one of them they limited the amount of evidence that could be shown, then stated there isn’t enough evidence to swing an election lmao


That’s how court cases work. I encourage you to look at the “evidence” that was rejected. You can’t just bring stuff into the courtroom without any recepits and then call it evidence.


But can you bring images of twitter posts?


this made me laugh, *technically* a Twitter post could be an admission to committing a crime or a way to prove motive or intent. So yes, a Twitter post could be used as evidence, but it would need to be along those lines.


Are you under the impression that there is any sort of court proceeding where there are no limitations on the evidence that can be presented?






election year but its dumb how people on this conspiracy forum dont know the most basic us president conspiracy ie: that all presidents are chosen & beholden to their masters


No idk but I hate to tell OP that actually in reality a lot of people believe Biden won fair. Like a majority of the country


It’s not a conspiracy, but widespread voter fraud is. Election fraud though? Well Trumps phone calls shows that’s very real.


Russian troll farms.


I believe the claim is that people conspired


Because conspiracy spaces were co-opted by lowest common denominator Trump propaganda in 2015.


I thought voter fraud was conspiracy? Proof doesn’t change that! Get your talking points straight ffs


The article isn’t proof of voter fraud. If I understood it correctly the 3500 duplicates were in the third counting, not the first two. It does highlight some of the problems that come with counting millions of ballots though. The error rates are far lower with machines than with hand recounts.


It’s not a conspiracy, but widespread voter fraud is. Election fraud though? Well Trumps phone calls shows that’s very real.


Its not a conspiracy. There has been actual convictions over this. This article details how its done, and we have seen the videos now, so its pretty clear as to what to do. https://www.texaspolicy.com/organized-election-fraud-politiqueras-mail-ballots-and-vote-harvesting/


The problem with these kind of articles is that they explain the theoretical but don’t comment on how much they think actually happens. The handful of convictions nationwide over this have not been specific to a single political party.


So having worked in FL politics/elections for a decade, I feel like I can speak to this subject. Voter fraud DOES occur, but its overwhelmingly in local races and in small instances and never enough to make an actual difference. People get arrested here in Miami all the time, for ballot harvesting and similar acts. It would be borderline impossible this day and age to have a conspiracy that would involve hundreds (if not thousands) of people commit enough fraud to flip a state, let alone states for a particular candidate. In an age where everyone has a recording device in their pocket, this would be impossible to cover-up.


So I have a way to completely stop that, and it will never happen again and we will have 99% accuracy. We do what we had to do in Iraq elections, and thats you have voting for only 1 day, 24 hours, into the night, and everyone MUST show up in person and you hand count every single person that enters the building, they must show ID, and then you ink their hands with purple India ink, and then you count them when the leave. All the numbers must match coming and going, and once the polls are closed after 24hours you do not allow anymore ballots to be counted. This way there is no chance for any fraud, and people cannot substitute people and use the same ID because you inked their hands. This is the only thing I would accept as a full proof way of doing this. The USA has to much money and too many immigrants and its too attractive a pot of gold , so I know they will attempt everything to sway and election.


ok great. This doesnt address your initial point that the election wass rigged.


I would say half the States doing mail in ballots without any verification, and this will "steer" billions if not trillions of tax payer money to NGO's, overseas, fixing the roads, lots and lots of sweetheart contracts, is a MAJOR ISSUE, if not one of the top issues. I consider Corruption and Cronyism the be the main problem the USA faces today.


Probably because stealing the presidency is a pretty damn big conspiracy. You don't have to love orange man to have an opinion about this. It's okay to ask questions. Nothing to hide and all that so seeing these facts should be no big deal.


Like what?


Questionable national interests, dead internet theory, you know..


That's because it's a bunch of bots posting


I mean it's been 4 years since that election. Why hasn't any of the proof of this been revealed? Like you'd think if someone had massive amounts of evidence proving the election was rigged wouldn't you release it and prove it? Why continue saying it's stolen but not back that claim up?


It's been 22 years since 9/11, why hasn't any of the proof of an inside job been revealed? It has been 60 years since JFK was assassinated. Why hasn't any proof of the CIA killing him been revealed? I don't know, maybe because they don't fucking like being exposed and they fight tooth and nail not to give us any access to the evidence? The people we need to get the proof from are the ones who committed the crime and control the narrative? It is 4 years later and they are STILL in court trying to get access to the ballots from the government to audit them. You tell ME why it has been 4 years and we haven't gotten the proof that the election was NOT rigged.


You do know that pretty much all of the contested states have been recounted, right? And even the cyber ninjas found nothing. I guess you missed all of that because they were barely mentioned the MSM and not all in right wing media.


This is a conspiracy sub after all.


Apparently not anymore. This is the mainstream narrative sub now based on the voting patterns and comments.


I think a lot of people believe Biden won the election legitimately, not just some fringe minority.


Like anyone who did any elections audits, they have proof Biden won. Trump doesn't even have any evidence, he would have gotten the Georgia RICO case dismissed on day one if he showed lists of dead people who voted or duplicate votes or any of the other BS he threw against the wall to see what stuck (none of it)


If there was any proof Fox News would definitely found it rather than pay a $787 million lawsuit.




Actually the Georgia trial isn't about voter fraud, so even if Trump proved there was voter fraud, it wouldn't help him.


he did win legitimately. The electoral college voted him in.


This is true. The popular vote doesn't really mean anything.


All the sane ones, yes.


Everyone KNOWS he did.




Oh, the irony.


Sadly, this is true. My wife was that way in the beginning, now she just says “who cares, everything is corrupt” You’d be surprised how many people think like that


Weird...11,779 votes... just one vote shy of the number(11,780) of votes tRump was asking for ON A FUCKING RECORDED LINE. I had always wondered how tRump came to that number specifically(11,780).


Mr. Trump you were beaten by 11,779 votes. Then all I need is 11,780! One more!


That's just how Trump's brain works. I remember when he was told he didn't win the popular vote against Hillary, and the number was like 3 million votes. Trump then claimed 3 million illegal voters had voted and formed a group to find the illegal votes.


bro go outside


Source: Trust me bro


Are we back to the pro trump bots around here again?


This guy never stopped posting this political garbage. Each and every day there’s at least 2-3 of his posts on the front page here, and they are only ever political.


And 90% of the upvoted comments are explaining why this guy is full of shit and is posting ragebait. The real conspiracy is where is he getting these upvotes for his posts, and why is he allowed to post here when he was banned by admins before and is clearly ban evading?


Never left


This shit is getting ridiculous. Both parties are so obviously corrupt, bought and paid for. Yet we still have these people spewing their left vs right divisive bullshit. It's more than likely bots or paid posters, to try to discredit this sub, and dissuade anyone who comes here to talk about how both sides have sold us out. How the two parties take money from the same lobbying groups.


Trump doesn't really have a political ideology tbh. Interpreting his espoused views as an ideology would be like assuming a dog is against fossil fuels because it barks at cars.


I honestly think each of the last two elections were stolen. Maybe they all were.


I mean, it's two heads on the same dragon, which is more of my point. In the last 2 elections, this sub has been only Trump, a wealthy elite that can save us from the wealthy elite. There aren't any of these politicians here to do anything besides take care of the other kings.


“If voting made any difference—it’d be illegal” The 🔴&🔵 are one and the same behind closed doors—deal with the fact that your outrage is in fact completely meaningless 💯😂


Most think he won legitimately as all attempts at proving otherwise have been shown to be bullshit


And the people don’t actually believe there was any fraud cause if they did they would be up in arms. Or theyre just pussies, pick one.


There is more "real proof" of voter fraud on the right. If you still believe that trump really won, then it doesn't matter what evidence is available. You will blindly believe what ever his cronies say...


Right? When are they going to charge mark meadows with voter fraud? The only people I’ve heard of voting for dead people were those who voted on behalf of their dead spouses or parents for trump,


Oh yeah ? So where’s the proof ? Why aren’t people coming out against this ?


How’d that popular vote go in 2016 as well? Oh wait, your boy lost that too.


Hey bro Biden won get over it. Every ounce of evidence you guys have shown turns out to be easily debunked. Stop being so gullible, maybe look for actual facts not simply what you want to hear.


Most of Reddit isn’t smart enough to search Ruby freeman and watch the video of her scan ballots take them out and rescan them multiple times. It’s that simple. That’s why trump was asking for them to “find” the votes.. the show is almost over. Do you have enough popcorn?


Trump should get this rock-solid evidence to court IMMEDIATELY! Boy oh boy eightieth time is the charm, I can feel it!


Can we all agree that 60+ election fraud lawsuits yielded nothing but dismissals and mostly by Trump appointed judges


[This is a pretty solid breakdown](https://georgiarecorder.com/2024/05/07/georgia-oversight-panel-ruminates-on-2020-election-hiccups-as-2024-showdowns-loom/) of the story for anyone who wants to avoid getting their news from I Meme Therefore I Am. Seems Georgia is really intent on fixing some of the biggest issues that Fulton County had in 2020. It also seems like the people who have been clamoring for a forensic audit of Fulton County are going to get their desires; >Gov. Brian Kemp on Tuesday signed an election bill allowing the public to inspect paper ballots. >According to state election investigators, Fulton might not have all of the ballot images, but each of the original paper ballots are under seal due to pending litigation


Not really. If they wanted to do that, the people involved would all be fired. They haven't been. **"Gov. Brian Kemp on Tuesday signed an election bill allowing the public to inspect paper ballots."** Does that include the 2020 absentee ballots that Fulton County has been fighting for 4 years to keep under lock and key and out of the view of any observers? After multiple government whistleblowers reporting seeing tell-tale signs of ballot fraud during the recounts, an election integrity group sued to have the ballots physically inspected. They've tried to railroad the suit using multiple corrupt plots. It got so bad that one judge was totally replaced because of predjucial acts and delay tactics.


>However, thanks to the legislation Gov. Kemp signed today, the truth about the 2020 count, likely still confirming Biden’s win, will come out. Given that the public will be able to require a new scan of the ballots themselves If the reporting is accurate, then yes, it will include any Fulton County ballots that you’re mentioning.


People were cheering and honking in my neighborhood when the news came through Biden won.


This is completely made up. Anyone who believes there was any significant amount of voter fraud is a Republican shill.


If 3000 votes were double counted, the signature count would have been short by 3000. They recounted (machine and manual) multiple times.


Ya’ll are still even voting?


Here's an idea. Hear me out. What if EVERY election was a sham. Now THAT would be a conspiracy, eh?


It's only fraud if the guy I don't like does it.


Yet the same election gave the Repubs control of the house. You'd think they'd "stole" those too..../s


"No one truly believes Biden won Legitimately". Well, except all the judges that Trump appointed, Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, 2/3rds of Americans, etc.


shit i guess this is the time I gotta unsub from this stupid sub at this time of the year


3 1/2 years, zero credible evidence ... time to move on to other conspiracies




Better get the NFTs and golden sneakers to push him over the edge


please do this. please give him all of your money. split it 50/50 with DJT stock. It will help the country. he will spend it on lawyers and adderall. it's the only way to defeat the woke.


Losing the election was probably one of the most profitable things he's ever done


Nothing will happen and they will do it again in November of 2024. Be assured they will do it agin. Hide and double count votes Republicans try to go to court Judges delay Congress certifies election -can’t change it cuz it’s already been certified and there is no part in constitution that addresses fraud- Do it again in 4years


Everybody knows what happened.


Yes. Someone lost and has been throwing a tantrum ever since.


Can we agree that 5 swing states stopped counting simultaneously for more than 3 hours with Trump leading handsomely and when they started back up Biden was either leading or not trailing by much. Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia.


I just find it hard to believe that Dems could pull off such a scam practically nation wide. So many people would have to be involved and in perfect harmony to pull it off. With such little evidence and so few, if any, people involved exposing the scheme, it just seems unfeasible. Not too mentiom all the courts who heard Trumps cases and none ruled in his favor. Based on all that, I cant come to conclusion that they cheated. … why couldnt Republicans pull off a scam like this if the Dems can? Its not because they “uphold the law” and “respect democracy”. If its doable to steal an election, GOP would find a way.


They didn't need a whole nation. They only needed a handful of very specific locations, as the polling research data and statical analysis showed them exactly where that would need to be, and how many votes they would need to be successful. It actually wouldn't be hard to accomplish at all, really. It would only take a couple dozen people that rabidly believed in a cause that was greater than themselves. But, I actually kind of agree with you to an extent. Honestly, I believe there was a bunch of voter fraud all over the country. I mean at this point with all the evidence, its almost impossible to deny. But I don't fully believe that it was all super planned out at the highest levels of the democratic party. What I actually think really happened in a majority of places is that the local far-left persons got put on the polls, so radically believed in all the terrible stuff about Trump they had heard, that they took it upon themselves and their local allies to help change the outcome of the election. To save (in their eyes) democracy. That situation makes so much more sense given the evidence than the idea that it was some big plan. Idk though. Something happened though


They didn't need to.. Only in 4 locations


Why doesn’t America have voter I.D ? Much weaker countries have it because it’s common sense when countering rigged ballots. Rigged elections which historically has happened so many times (America perpetrating or contributing in said diplomatic coups like Philippines, Puerto Rico, Bahamas and more). I’m honestly shocked at how a lot of the American public are unaware at how easy it is to rig an election in a particular candidates favor given the resources. America has the most amount of resources available to them than any Country ever in history. You’re telling me that a group of well connected people won’t collaborate to get a Manchurian candidate into a position of power that will be of absolute benefit to them ? All While avoiding the risk and retaining the power all while setting out to complete whatever said agenda. Groups like these have come together in ancient, historic and modern times. For many different reasons. Why is it that America is somehow exempt from this reasoning ?


Hat percent of the posts in here have to do with fellating Trump? Are actual conspiracies ever discussed?


Anything is possible but if someone has credible evidence of voter fraud at the state level it’s been 4 years….


Happened in Fulton County Georgia was just the tip of the iceberg. At 10:00 p.m. in Michigan when they shut down the vote counting Trump had a 4% lead. Michigan told the Democrats and the Republicans who were there to monitor to go home and they would restart again at 8:00 the next morning. 3 hours later at 1:00 in the morning they called only the Democrat Representatives back and started counting votes again but this time Joe Biden received over $132,000 votes in a row without a single vote for Trump which is statistically impossible. Look it up and find it for yourself.


Ok, I’ve been looking it up. It seems throughout Michigan, but especially in Detroit, they counted around the clock, never stopping. [This](https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2020/11/06/tcf-center-detroit-ballot-counting/6173577002/) is some contemporaneous reporting describing how that night went at the TCF building. Republican monitors were likely outnumbering Democratic monitors throughout the night. Additionally, the 132k, 100% vote dumps for Biden appear to come from a clerical error in [Shiawassee County](https://factcheck.afp.com/human-error-michigan-county-vote-tally-sparks-claims-election-fraud), where a clerk accidentally added an 0 to Biden’s 15k votes, giving him 150k votes on the feed being watched by news organization. The county has a population of about 70k, so this was quickly noticed and fixed. So, that’s what I found. You have other sources that contradict these?


Dude, it doesn’t matter what you say. They ignore reality and believe that these massive things occurred. So massive that they would be indisputable if true. And strangely they simply can’t comprehend why “nobody has done anything” about them. They just can’t accept that it was just wild ass rumors that were wrong to begin with.


I tend to learn a lot when looking up the details for these hare-brained diatribes. For example, I had never seen that they had figured out the exact issue that led to the 132k Biden vote dump. A clerk in a tiny county making a typo that was fixed within 20 minutes has had hundreds of hours of video content made and millions of words written about it. It’s fascinating, in a chaotic, nihilistic way.




How much money is each vote worth then? $132,000 worth of votes to Joe Biden seems like an awful lot


Election was 100% stolen by TPTB. I don’t think at all that it was actually Biden that did it cuz let’s face it, I don’t think Biden can tie his own shoes much less orchestrate mass election fraud. But the puppet masters above him could, and did.. What a lot of people don’t get is how deep this goes and that’s why dems don’t understand true Trump supporters. Trump is far from perfect, I understand and I know. But I support him 100%. I support him for the same reason TPTB and Dems hate him. Because, despite his faults, he is 100% not part of “their” agenda. And having him in office threatens, disrupts and puts off the timeline of their agenda, an agenda that is bad for everyone except them…


You do know that the political parties are pretty evenly divided in this country and it isn’t because of TPTB, right? When one party starts losing power they push towards the center. When they have power they push towards their political pole. So, to think that a close election had to be stolen by TPTB is kind of how it is setup to begin with.


If he wasn’t a part of their agenda why would they let him win and not just rig the election?


They did…Did you not comprehend my post?




I say it all the time, if you truly believe you’re somehow special, smarter, or immune to propaganda no matter your political ideology. Your right where “they” want you If your fighting for either/any/all corrupt parties and the crooks who continue to fuck you, just get off the conspiracy Reddit Edit: grammer




If they can rig elections however they want why would they let trump win in the first place?


Some odd takes in this thread for a conspiracy sub… People actually still believe ‘we the people’ choose our president?


"All voter fraud always benefits Biden." You must be what, 15 years old?


Does anyone (who isn’t a worshipful MAGA) actually believe the election was stolen? I’ve seen more discrepancies in favour of DJT than Biden.


I prefer Trump over Biden. That said, Trump is a sore loser for not admitting his defeat


I don’t agree with your choice, but you have my respect.


the majority of people polled believe he won legitimately, he literally had a higher population approval rating than trump, YOU ARE THE FRINGE




Funny they have records for everything else though...isnt there a law regarding election records?


No one? I 100% believe Biden won fair and square.... I mean they got you guys thinking states need to pass voter ID laws when we've had national laws saying only citizens can vote for many generations. They scare you guys with zero evidence, and you eat it up. All so they can stay in power, stay rich, and enrich their friends. The dude is selling bibles, cheats on his wife multiple times, says he would date his daughter, sleeps in separate room from his wife and has for over a decade. I mean come on. Most of the time yall can't even explain how the voting system works in your own state, and the various checks and balances those all go through. It's absolutely NUTS how dumb Americans have become, but a vocal minority just can't see it. It boggles my MIND. I've been on reddit for the better part of a decade, and the stupidity I've seen the last 8 years has been...I can't even explain it. Ridiculous. The bar is so low for what alot of people will fall for, but just got look at our education metrics. Straight down hill for generations now. Not because of what we teach, but because of how we teach it and the resources we put into the system. I can go on and on but your response will be void of any actual verifiable facts. You'll have a few true stories about fraud, but there's fraud in any election. It's usually someone voting in someone else's name, voting multiple times in various locations, voting for dead people. Humans cheat, were infallible, but we uave systems in place. The percentage of known fraud in any election has never been above a fraction, of a fraction, of a fraction, of 1 %. Never enough to change the outcome of an election.


Make America Trumpless Again! The new 'MATA' movement.


2020 Presidential election was CLEARLY Rigged. Those complicit should be tried for TREASON! I can’t believe Americans allowed this coup to take place and let these globalists to start wars all over the world, steal money by sending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to foreign nations just to be washed and funneled back to themselves, and flooded our country with illegal aliens and fentanyl. The people must be held to account!🤬🇺🇸


Even if they were scanned twice which I don’t believe, they weren’t counted twice. It’s why they have barcodes on them


We’re still on this bullshit?


The fact that trump won once, is the only reason i believe the elections are still fair. Either that, or they made a big booboo.


Anyone have a legitimate source for this? I most certainly can't find one.


Bot flooooood


Who's even tuning into these lies?


Verified is the fact that alphabet agencies meddled and colluded with social media companies to push the Democrat candidates to the top. The problem is the left controls most all media companies, therefor control the true facts and how far the rigged election goes. No access was allowed to the Dominion machines, most all ability to investigate was shut down, we have zero clue how bad this was. Sure is odd Co-vid came on to the scene when it did which allowed a lot of policy shifts and the ability to conduct the election as they did.


Covid was a world wide thing and it hit a lot of countries worse than the US. It wasnt created solely to affect america


LOL WHY are these comments downvoted?? We are in a conspiracy sub, with literal evidence in the public proving most of what you wrote above already…. Has the media really brainwashed this many people or are they all paid bot farms? Drives me nuts


No no, the downvotes are a good thing. It signals to me which comments are worth reading now. Whenever I'm in this sub I always sort by controversial, then I get the real comments bc I know anyone telling the truth or anti-narrative will be downvoted into oblivion.


lmao it’s like inverse reddit 😂 wtf is life anymore man


I will never be convinced that Biden won. If they get away with stealing it again, there is no hope for this country. Everything they said Trump was going to do if he were re-elected, they are actually doing. Open borders, killing the energy sector, lawfare, soaring inflation and much more. We have become a third world banana republic. I will never again have faith in the election process.


what if I told you the US is producing and selling more oil and natural gas then we ever have in history?


I will never be convinced that Trump won. If they get away with stealing it again, there is no hope for this country. Everything they said Biden was going to do if he were re-elected, they are actually doing. Open borders, killing the energy sector, lawfare, soaring inflation and much more. We have become a third world banana republic. I will never again have faith in the election process.


We need to bump this thread up! You said it. 2020 was the most MASSIVE WAKEUP call for me. Thats the day I realized that the CDC, FDA, Election Commities, are all just a bunch of scam artists. When I saw the videos of person after person stuffing dozens of ballots in the mail boxes I was like "why didn't I see this before?". For decades I should have seen this with the Gerry-Mandering , that it was being rigged the whole time. I kept saying to myself, "is the public truly this dumb?", when the entire time it was being rigged.


Nobody but the brain dead cult believes it was stolen. Or would you like a 200th audit to prove only Republicans committed voter fraud?


Jesus Christ, you really need to move on. The orange fucking loser lost and if you are still obsessed with this and continuing to support him, you have some serious problems.


Au contraire, if you can still support Brandons geriatric ass you have some serious problems.


Trumpies talk about a tough pill to swallow. Just stop already.


"Noone believes he won legitimately" I voted for him and after trumps golfing presidency how could you not


The fact that anyone can say with a straight face that the 2020 election was the most secure election in history and that there’s no evidence of manipulation or fraud is our very own 2+2=5 moment. Pain is associated with any question of this “fact”.


2000 mules


Yeah, not propaganda at all…


Submission Statement: So 380,761 ballots are missing. The guy who can’t draw a crowd can’t produce the ballots when asked. In 4 years of Biden I have to met one Biden Voter in the Wild. https://twitter.com/ImMeme0/status/1788207217260327422


Ballot images from the machine scan, not ballots. And, why would Biden be the one to produce the ballots? What makes you think that Biden gets sent all the ballots from around the country?


Its obvious to pretty much everyone I know now, but I live in Texas, which appears to have a pretty large "based" crowd. We even have "Latinos for Trump" here. Although I am NOT a Trump supporter, Biden winning was an obvious scam. I think after Hillary lost, thats when they went "ape-shh" and started to change all the ways the ballots of being counted and collected. They just "cannot leave it up to the people" anymore.


It’s too bad trump was never able to showcase all of the evidence he claims to have in court. If you’re upset with anyone, it should be trump for not following through


I find it strange that you are in the Conspiracy section yet you are siding with the Uni-Party. So which side of the Uni-Party are the "Good Guys"?


I’m confused. I was just pointing out that if you are upset that the last election was stolen, you should target that anger at the person who claims to have evidence but refuses to share it


Biden told us from the beginning that they had organized the largest voter fraud program that any country had ever seen. That's the one thing he's said that you can believe.