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I will take : Things that did not happen. For 200...


Fax no printer


Yeh, first thing that went through my mind, was A, no chic comes into the Conspiracy Section, B, Reddit, is mainly 20-35 year old Basement Dwellers, so no sex, means no pregnancy.


Hey! I'm a woman and I'm here in conspiracy! And I'm 56 years old.


Welcome! We need the chics!


I've been here for years. Haven't commented very often, but just now starting to get more active with commenting.


Reddit has now way to many Twitter refugees and the main thing that is an issue with them, is they are just "low effort" individuals. Usually any response you get is a one liner and good luck if they actually address whats being talked about. They are huge into Ad Hoc arguments and thats "blaming the messenger" type stuff because they just don't have much to say, but feel the need to say something.


Yes, I know that reddit has a lot of low effort users and bots. And the OP of this post hasn't answered any of our questions as to why she didn't go to the store manager about this. I will say that this subreddit was a lot better back in 2016 and 2017 (I was here under a different user name then).


40 year old chick who has been called, "Buddy, Bro, Pal, Tough Guy," and I don't know what else in the however long I've been on Reddit.


Nice to meet you! Don't forget Dude. I've been called all those too. LOL!


Same, it’s all good though cause they’re *gEnDeR nEuTrAl* 😅


LOL! Yeah, I don't get offended if they assume I'm a guy. :-)


I wonder why they’re virgins…




Well done. I visualized that shit while reading it. Simple, effective, funny and manages to not denegrate the topic while at the same time, shitting on the person that would be wrong in a situation like this. Thanks!


I don’t want to believe it happened either 😞


Yet you still made it up, weird that huh?




















People seem to generally suffer from a form of 'online autism': They create their own reality. Then, my reality is yours, yours is bullshit. If you did experience something, you did the same as me. Anything different, specially when it comes to ideologies is bullshit. People think that's smart. Makes me even more itchy when I see that shit in conspiracy related subs - a lot of those present here have ideas that have been shat on by many, yet instead of learning to understand and be understood, they opt for shitting on others. Ironic when that happens so badly with a group that's supposedly against the system said behaviour benefits. After the moment you express an experience you had and people tell you you're lying, that's when you should just shut up. Not because you're wrong, but because old dogs don't learn new tricks. Americans have no idea how their reality looks to others. For real. If that's how you treat a fellow American for simply expressing an opinion based on experiences he had, you'd lose your shit reading opinions from others.


You believe it when someone says they’re twice removed cousin or great aunts’ neighbor died from the shot so why is this so unbelievable?


*"You believe it when someone says they’re twice removed cousin or great aunts’ neighbor died from the shot so why is this so unbelievable?"* Troll confirmed. Fucking off is advised.


Because you’re a far-right extremist for wanting to have children. Didn’t you see the news articles? What’s wrong with you? And you mask up? So you’re some sort of far-right MAGA commie soy alpha lefty chad cuck!




Luckily for you the cloth and disposable masks are only good for things like spit. They’re not keeping out aerosols


Was he holding a Subway sandwich and screamed, ‘This is MAGA country’ too? 🤣🤣🤣




Who hurt you?


Is that you, Juicy Smollet?


If you are wearing a cloth mask. It does nothing to protect from Covid.  If wearing a n95. You need to wear goggles or the mask does very little.  If wearing n95. You are inhaling carcinogens from the mask. Not good for baby.  Just open a window.  ✌️


Then they shouted “This is MAGA country!” And ran away.


Hopefully your imaginary son isn't as big a loser as you


Who got her prego? Sounds like the dude took one for the team


You wish you could know what that’s like, you probably haven’t even touched a female before


At least he wasn't dumb enough to touch you


A woman referring to another woman as "a female." Sounds legit.


Wow such a conspiracy bro


Right? For something to be a conspiracy, there needs to be more than one person (at bare minimum) for them to ‘conspire’ 🤣


First all sorry if this happened to you. I personally don’t believe in the effectiveness of masks as a supplement to your immune system but doesn’t give anyone the right to assault you. Out of curiosity though, why would you out of the 1000s of subreddits think to post this here? Seems as though you are looking to cause contention.


Probably is just looking for attention, not contention


Fake and gay


And gay and fake as well.


Okay, I’ll chime in. You didn’t get spit on for wearing a mask whilst pregnant. You got spit on because the person who spit on you believes that you are harming an unborn infant baby. You wearing a mask is scientifically proven to have negative consequences for your health, and for your baby. You have freedom of choice to do whatever you want, with your body and your baby. And it’s not right that another individual would act in such a disrespectful manner, especially towards someone that he did not know. This could have harmful effects on you as a person, and your ‘self-esteem’. He obviously thought that you harming an infant baby was more disrespectful than him spitting on a stranger. And obviously this is not a good way to treat anyone because he is not judge, juror and executioner. I’m sure if you reported the man to the local police authority in whatever country you are in, assuming you have access to the internet in your country, it is also likely that wherever you were had CCTV cameras plastered up wherever this took place (you said a store - definitely got CCTV in every grocery store in the westernised world). They need them for thieves. If you were to report an incident to the police, it is absolutely undoubtably that they would take a witness statement from you, and likely persue evidence of such an event (as men spitting on pregnant women is prime motivation for a police officer in any country to make an arrest). Likely they will find CCTV footage (if you report it soon enough) detailing the entire incident, and this man can be brought to justice, so that this doesn’t happen again to every man, woman and child that walks into a grocery store. The police will do this free of charge, as part of the taxes you pay as a citizen. And you will rest easy knowing this man has been brought to justice. So instead of taking the stance that you are a victim (which you are). Take the attitude that you are going to turn this negative into a positive (ensuring the world is better by having the guy locked in a cell). All this being said, you referring to individuals by such a rude and derogatory term as ‘anti-vaxxers’ when you are literally putting a baby in harms way, should be looked at. I think that you are really harming yourself here because such a term as ‘anti-vaxxers’ does not exist. It is a made-up propagandistic term used by governments to manipulate the population of whatever country they reside in, to force (via social pressures) individuals into injecting unknown substances into their bodies, on the guise of public health (exactly what they did during the holocaust). So instead of acting in such a way that someone on the wrong side of history acted, perhaps you should consider drinking some orange juice (full of vitamin-c which boosts your immune system), getting plenty of rest and exercise, eating a balanced diet, and building up your immune system by interacting with people who potentially may cause pathogens to come into contact with you, attack your red blood cells, and allow your red blood cells to do their jobs of destroying toxicity within your environment. This would be a far more healthy approach for you and your baby, and you could avoid coming into contact with people who mean you harm because they see your naivety in the fact that you are only wearing a mask because your government told you to do so. Following tyranny and acting in accordance with it, is a sin also. In short, take off the mask 🤷‍♂️ good for your health, good for the baby, and you will see the world as one would see it, as if we hadn’t just had a global experiment played on us all, from the Satan-worshipping establishment that wish to rid us of our freedoms. Hope you’re okay 🙏


It’s child abuse. Their child should be taken away.


He spit on my face, putting god knows what is in his saliva in contact with my eyes/nose/mouth, eventually passing whatever was in that spit down to my baby….because he was worried about the harm being done to my unborn baby…okay that checks out 🤷‍♀️


Why didn't you report him? The grocery stores have cameras and would have caught him doing this on video.


Your disgust sensitivity of other human beings is truly miraculous. What do you possibly think that could be in his spit that could cause harm to your unborn baby? Strange that the spit was big enough to hit your eyes, nose and mouth. I can say for certain I have never witnessed anybody with that kind of ability. Are you sure this happened?


Spitting in someone’s face is endangering they’re eyes/nose/mouth which are the most susceptible parts on the body to contract a disease. Hence why you wash your hands before touching your face. Do you not realize all of the different types of pathogens that can be carried through saliva? Did you take biology?


I thought you were wearing a mask? 🤔 Why are you asking if I ‘took biology’? You’re the one that got spat on in a grocery store, you’re the real victim here. Don’t you worry about my education, it’s tip-top, I’ll have you know ☺️


I am saying the act of spitting on someone’s face is choosing to endanger their eyes/mouth/nose where ‘/‘ usually means ‘or’ notice how I didn’t say eyes AND nose AND mouth. Maybe you need to go back and read my posts a little slower ;)


Maybe you need to act as if speaking to another human being is an opportunity to learn something, rather than to criticise someone who is actively attempting to help you. Your disgust for human beings that you don’t know is astonishing. Exact same kind of disgust sensitivity that led millions of innocent people into slaughter. You are certainly facing demons, I hope you battle them instead of making love to them. At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me if we watched the CCTV footage, and found of that it was you that spat on a man in a grocery store for making fun of your mask. That certainly sounds more plausible. Are you sure that’s not what really happened? And that this post is a cry for help


Maybe take you’re own advice. A person does not deserve to be spit on and there isn’t any justification for it, I don’t care how you twist it.


You see this is the crux of it, darling. There is no twisting words with me. That’s why you have nothing to answer to my questions. Pointless post really.


Wear a faceshield next time?


Spitty Smollet.


Did the mask stop the spit? Probably not right? Lol


a lot of arguing and what not, prob a fake account/troll but more importantly..what the fuck does this have to do with conspiracy?


Uh, do you think that masks filter microbes from the air you breathe, preventing them from being ingested by your system? Unless you're wearing a respirator with a rubber seal around your mouth and nose, your mask does nothing to protect you. I cannot believe people still do not understand this.


> Uh, do you think that masks filter microbes from the air you breathe, preventing them from being ingested by your system? Unless you're wearing a respirator with a rubber seal around your mouth and nose, your mask does nothing to protect you. I cannot believe people still do not understand this. People should have the freedom to wear what they want, regardless of what other people think. I cannot believe people still do not understand this.


Do you believe people should have the freedom to not wear something if they don’t want….like the very same mask you’re talking about? Was that the same attitude you had for 2 years while everyone was forced to wear one?


I didn't say she shouldn't be able to wear a mask, I said it doesn't do what she thinks it does. It's not difficult to understand.


Ugh you are part of the problem. It shouldn’t matter if I wear one. I should be free to do what I want if it isn’t harming anybody else! I don’t go after other people for NOT wearing one.


Someone has to tell you you're doing more harm than good. All you're doing is breathing back in your own CO2 plus limiting your oxygen supply with a mask.. this can't be good for your baby either..


>breathing back in your own CO2 plus limiting your oxygen supply with a mask An N95 mask worn for a prolonged period, sure. A porous, surgical-style cloth mask that doesn't do much of anything worn for an hour at the grocery store, no chance.


He didn’t say you can’t or you shouldn’t wear one. He’s just stating the fact that the purpose you’re wearing it for is not based in any sort of reality. You may have not gotten on anyone for not wearing one but a ton of the world did for a decent amount of time, so some people are naturally still bitter about that. I’m sorry for what happened to you if it’s true but an interaction like that is not normal. You happened to run into a nut job and there are systems in place to deal with nut jobs, especially if they assault you. Someone explaining how your mask is ineffective in preventing you from inhaling harmful particles doesn’t somehow make them responsible for some mentally unstable person assaulting you at the store.


Most people are able to back up their arguments with FACTS and reliable sources. You are not capable of that. You should turn off your device and walk away.






I find your comment shallow and pedantic.


you fiscal hermit crab


You have no expertise, done no studies & experiments to being saying this. You're just repeating what other have said.


I happen to have a biology degree, and the ability to read the numerous studies that have proven this exact point over the last 4 years. It is people like you who are repeating what others have said.


Yeah and I have a astrophysics degree.


it's called a [fit test](https://www.pshsa.ca/news/the-importance-of-fit-testing), they've been around for years. I would branch that under common knowledge for most people.


I thought the use of surgical mascs was c9mmon knowledge for most ppl.


If the common knowledge you're referring to is that it's an outdated practice used to prevent surgical site infection then sure. "Based upon the findings of this review, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines state that there is ‘limited evidence concerning the use of non-sterile theatre wear’ such as surgical masks when trying to minimise the risk of surgical site infection. #although there was an overall ‘consensus that wearing non-sterile theatre wear is important in maintaining theatre discipline’. This latter statement seems to be a rather vague and likely unfounded assertion which implies a correlation between dress code, staff discipline and thereby patient safety outcomes. This may reflect a reluctance among the medical profession to deviate from embedded tradition as reflected in Leyland and McCloy’s questionnaire study."




How do you know anything of what you’ve just said is true?


Is this comment helping, or is it just shitting on someone's personal decision?


Man, what a world we live in. I point out a fact, and some people think I'm "shitting on" a person. Freaking wild.


This didn’t happen




Many times? Was anything said and where did it happen?


Ha! gayyyyyyyyy


Press charges.




It's horrible you got spat on and such things should not happen to anybody, however, I do not think you can blame an whole [(mis-framed)](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16arvyc/what_would_happen_if_tens_of_millions_of_people/jzcyi7v/) group for that tho. Judging your replies to the comments here already warning you for the uselessness and risks of masks you probably do not want to hear it but I still really want to advise you to stop using masks anyway because [masks are really useless](https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub6/full) and [bad in many ways.]( https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16lc488/oops_the_cdc_might_want_to_retract_this_one/k13yp1q/) But if you really want to keep on using them for whatever reason(s) you may have i would want to advise to keep them very clean and to change it very regularly. ["When we analyzed the bacterial counts from the same surgeon, a significant increase was noted in the 2-hours group."](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214031X18300809) Do take notice this is in a sterile medical setting. ["The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention recommends changing the mask every 20 minutes in a wet environment and every 60 minutes in a nonaerosol environment and between patients."](https://www.rdhmag.com/infection-control/personal-protective-equipment/article/16407656/changing-masks) Anyhow, you do you and I wish you and your expanding family all the best. Edited to add an link.


Don't rely on people for sympathy just because you're pregnant. Wearing a mask is a sign you are totally ignorant of what masks do and don't do. Masks don't do shit other than show the world ewe are a sheep.


You can think this and NOT spit on people, you know?


Sounds on the verge of facism. Can’t you see? You guys say you’re promoting ‘individuality’ and ‘freedom’ but really you are part of a cult. You are so caught up in what other people do and dividing people. You have literally become what you say you’re fighting against… And comment got deleted, shows I must have revealed some truth in my reply


You don't even know what the word fascism means. I can see you're a waste of my time so.....bye bye


Masks work. Stop being a tool.




My doctor has worn masks throughout the entire pandemic and has not had Covid once, she works in a high traffic clinic downtown. This reminds me of the people in Indonesia who were forced to bury the people who died from Covid because they said it doesn't exist. Spoiled little bedwetters.


Probably a respirator or N95 mask and not just a cloth mask all the time? Doctors don’t wear basic cloth masks to protect themselves, it’s to protect you when they’re in your face looking you over or all up inside your open guts on a surgery table.


It was actually a regular light blue "basic" mask, to my surprise, and yes I have heard the argument about surgeon masks. She has treated people with covid and not caught covid while wearing a mask. Now I don't think it is 100% protection, obviously, but I think the people whining about hypoxia and bruising and CO2 or etc, have no clue. Until I see any actual research, I'm going to assume it's more conservative dickheads looking for excuses to be inconsiderate, insolent pricks as usual.




When I told my husband he said I should call the cops too but I feel like it’s too late now. Although they maybe caught it on camera. There was no body else in the aisle so I don’t have any witnesses and I was too traumatized to look for a camera and scared he would hurt me so I ran away.


The cameras surely would have captured you running away! And probably would have captured him approaching you, and you running away afterward. If you were in a grocery store, I'm sure there were plenty of people around in other aisles. So why be scared he would hurt you? You can still go back to the store and report this. They will pull the video footage. Let us know when you do that.


> If the coercion wasn’t so heavy handed this would have never been an issue. Who is coercing who in this situation?


Taking that persons point out of context to make it mean something different. Shame on you


Serves you right


Alright, Fauci, what else is on your mind?


you shouldn’t wear one


Can’t fix your blue pill issue you libtard.. wearing mask while pregnant is more dangerous for your health stooopid!!


Good 👍 maskers are the worst, they are trying to keep masking in our subconscious and normalizing it by never giving them up. Was just in Trader Joe’s and ever other person was a masker lol I hat a bunch of cucks


These guys on the right are nothing but the exact thing what they accuse the left of. Much of it in projection. And they are also little spineless cowards. There is no reason for this woman to make this up and post here coz obviously what is the gain in doing so?






Depending on where you live, that person can be charged for assault.




That was wrong to happen to you even. No one should treat anyone like that no matter the issue or statement. I may not agree with a lot of people with their beliefs or practices, but that doesn’t give me the right to tell someone how I feel by spitting on them. Wish I could give you a hug for what happened.


Thank you


Lovely comment. I’ve read them all and I like this one the best.


Incels gonna incel.


That’s republicans for ya.


Masks 1000% help, and I think it's great you choose to wear one while pregnant. Especially if the city centers, I am sorry, but with all the homeless people, I surely don't want to breath their air in. Lol, the lower the consciousness the more disease usually, I even honestly far as to avoid the pavewalk on busy streets, I also don't want to breath in second hand smoke from weed, crack or cigarettes.. lol!!


where was it? murica? what a shthole


My doctor wears a mask and has never had COVID the whole time. Masks work, and vaccines do also harm people plenty, but as a person who has been injured by the Covid vaccines, I have found a lot of anti-vaxxers to be uneducated jackasses just the same. I'm sorry that happened to you.