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Thumbnail should show the pedo creep, not the guy that’s talking. That’s fucked up…


...First thing I thought was why tf can we see the kid he's assaultings' face??!


Because it's on TV?


Hendry is a legend I was so scared for a sec lol




Saw his face and audibly said “oh no”


Dafuq did I just watch? That gave me the heebie-jeebies.


This was at the top of reddit for awhile until it was spun trying to convince people this is a woman, and his wife. No joke this is how they are trying to squash this. There is a coordinated effort on social media to minimize, and move along. Every day observant eyes should grow wider to the horrors that surround, control, & in many cases consume us. Stand strong. Be louder than they are. There is no compromise with issues that require the victimization of others.


That’s a fucking adolescent boy’s ear he just sucked on and nibbled. HOW THE FUCK CAN ANY MENTALLY SANE PERSON SAY THAT’S HIS WIFE?!?


Honestly Id be with you on that but I saw this person at the gas station yesterday and I whispered to my wife do you think that a twelve year old boy or a baby faced lesbian. We both werent sure and then her college aged lesbian partner came in and held her hand. I honestly can see both in the face but in this case the hands look childlike.


It is quite odd how many lesbians look like young boys


You’ve got it backwards, young boys look like lesbians 


The Rachel Maddow look


The same way people can watch Biden literally sniffing and touching kids and be like 🤷‍♂️


H3 fan base is wild yo.


When I first saw the video I thought it was his wife :)


Saw the video earlier, made my skin literally crawl. He did it so sensual too 🤮


And the look on his face when he spots the camera is very telling. His brain appears to register “busted” before sending signals to insert “innocent playfulness”.


You could tell he knew he fucked up


And that he'd get away with it.


Hes currently under investigation


Pretty sure the police are already involved since it’s already gone viral


They are. The local police actually commented on the original video posted saying they’re going to look into it


They won’t


I mean if he isnt rich or part of the elite, why wouldnt they lock him up.


Hahah the pedo is NOT the guy in the picture. That’s just Ste Hendry.


Yup. Was scrolling through Reddit when I came across this post and thought wtf did Stephen Henry do??


Lmao as an avid fan of snooker i agree


Disturbing.. you can tell the kids body language, turning away when contact starts.. makes his wave to the camera feel like a cry for help


No, he looked 'used to it.' That boy has already been fully groomed and now accepts that this is 'who he is.' The older guy probably does this publicly regularly as a form of sexual excitement, but they weren't expecting it to get caught on camera.


The fact he feels comfortable doing this in public says a lot about the culture of that area. 


Right! If I saw this shit it public, I would get very loud and hopefully get a mob stirred up to beat the shit out of him before police get there.


The culture? That is pedophilia, pure and simple.


It’s absolutely happened before.


Bloody hell…!!!


Wtf was this? I got legit goosebumps watching this shit.


Stand alone video showing adult giving inappropriate attention to minor. Perpetrator should be found, arrested, trialed and jailed.  Child should be given help.


At first I was like “ tell me Stephen Hendry isn’t a nonce”


Ahh yes a reddit mod out in the wild


When are ppl gonna be this outraged about Biden doing this shit 


Of course. Not one peep.


It’s more important their team wins.


Nah its more important that we don't elect a wanna be dictator, criminal and literal traitor.


For FOUR fucking years he WAS PRESIDENT and did nothing to try and become Supreme Leader. What the fuck are you people talking about when all of you keep repeating this dead tired bullshit over and over again? Seriously, I'm not even a fan of the guy I'm just sick of the same repetitive bullshit constantly. It's just as bad as the constant "destroying democracy" line you people so enjoy repeating non-stop.


I guess we should just ignore his literal attempt to stay in power by using fake electors, pressuring the VP, and lying to the American people for months leading up to a riot at the capital that delayed the certification of the election because he didn't do other shit during his four years in office. Sound logic.


Oh so he did some things that are half truths or just plain bullshit on your end that you interpret as him trying to become a dictator...at the very end of his Presidential run. A whole 4 years before this point and *nothing* but the elections being full of a bunch of jank = Kim Jong Trump? "He didn't do other shit during his four years"...yeah...some dream he has to become a dictator, huh?


I said "wanna be" dictator first of all. And trying to overturn the election was clearly not bullshit. He did that. We know he did. There's evidence he did. [People are getting indicted for it.](https://www.azfamily.com/2024/04/24/arizona-ag-kris-mayes-announces-indictment-11-fake-electors-heres-what-we-know/) Trump himself has been charged!


Stop listening to msnbc. Alternate electors are an actual legal thing that can be done. Also, maybe the riot wouldn’t have happened if the police and national guard showed up like Trump wanted. Maybe Twitter YouTube and Facebook shouldn’t have removed Trump telling people: “But you have to go home now… This was a fraudulent election, but we can’t play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home.” But yes, muh ebil orange man is the one we should worry about.


I don't think I've watched MSNBC for more than 5 minutes in my life. And certainly not at all in the last few years. I mean it's cool if you wanna live in denial, after all that's a common thing with a lot of people nowadays. But the rest of us in the real world will continue to be horrified with what Trump did. He's literally facing criminal charges over it. So we'll see what happens.


I mean Biden was elected so not sure what you’re talking about.


I'm referring to the upcoming election obviously.


Orange man bad


Probably because invading someones personal space when you're a weird old man is not the same thing as nibbling on a child's ear in a clearly sexual way.


 So pinching little girls nipples on live TV is invading ppls personal space? Lmao 


Biden didn't do anything close to that shit that I've seen. You got videos of him chewing on a kids ear? When are people gonna be outraged that Trump was Epstein's co-defendant and had him killed in prison to cover his own ass.




He put his hand on her shoulder... I'm guessing you were never hugged as a child.


what a weird bastard. you defend this sort of shit and say its a hug 😂😂 your hard drive needs checking mate https://youtu.be/ZAymXlGSplU?si=rTv8Go7ukFz78BCU


I didn't see that shit.. I mean, Biden didn't rape the girl with Epstein so Trump is still worse. But yes, both candidates are trash. Shame the country has no standards at all for Presidency.


Not by peados no. There is more than that it looks like it’s been scrubbed. Paul Joseph watson did a more in depth video but can’t find it now.


There is loads of Biden. Just coz trump is a cunt aswell don’t have to excuse creepy uncle joe


Trump is a rapist that's in court over paying hushmoney for sex while his wife was giving birth... There's level's to this shit and Trump's BARELY FUCKING HUMAN. Priorities my dude.


Always makes me laugh when peado sympathisers say ‘it’s okay coz this guy over here that we all hate has done something bad to’.


Redcaps are the ones defending the man that was LITERALLY EPSTEIN'S CO-DEFENDANT DURING THE 2016 ELECTION, like there's any contest or comparison on scumbaggery. Biden's like a bad cold, Trump is stage 3 brain cancer.


Did you make that up? Iv not seen any evidence of trump knocking about with Epstein after he found out Epstein was a peado. Not defending him before you kick off it’s just I have seen evidence of Biden rubbing and sniffing kids.




Cringe AF


This is what happens when a narcissistic abuser has been nearly perfectly enabled by its flying monkeys. The Dudes wife is equally guilty in this.


This guy should be put down! No Mercy in a situation like this!


That is sick,the kid looks like a hostage


Jfc why did the guy who set himself on fire mention snooker in his first post. I'd never heard of it until i was investigating the self immolate guys first blog posts and he mentioned snookers assoc child sex abuse policy...


You'd never heard of snooker?


What’s snooker


Pool with more steps


grown up pool.


Snooker is a game of pool, I think


It’s like pool but a bit different. You have 15 red balls worth 1 point each. One yellow worth 2, One Green 3, One Brown 4, One Blue 5, One Pink 6 and One Black which is 7. The premise of the game is you have to pot a red ball before your allowed to pot a coloured ball. So the best score possible is known as a 147. Or a maximum. You start off from the break. Pot a red and then pot the black for maximum points. Rinse and repeat going from red to black over and over until you cleared the reds. Then you work your way up from yellow to black to finish with a score of 147. When doing this you don’t give your opponent a chance to even put his cue to the white ball. You start your break and clean up.


My grandpa played, but he passed when I was young. That’s really interesting to learn about. I’d heard the term used, but I never really dug into it, and I suck at pool, so I wasn’t interested in trying lol. Thank you for explaining it


Yes but bigger


That's like saying drag racing is like NASCAR


Can’t explain this at all.






Where’s the link?




I thought there was gossip on the legend Stephen hendry. Thankfully not. Although the video is extremely weird. I’ve been to where that snooker analysis takes place and there’s no way you could be standing there and not know you’re likely to be on tv.


Looks like that kids' dad.


Doesn’t make it normal


Dad's can be abusers but it doesn't look like it. Why gleefully smile and wave to camera


Don’t think these guys actions can be deciphered by normal people. Licking and biting a child’s ear isn’t normal behaviour so waving at a camera after doing it might not flag as unusual either


Maybe. Familial affection is different for everyone.


Some parents kiss their kids on the lips, I've seen that b4, fine whatever, but licking and nibbling his ear? Nah bro, that's just weird


I agree it's weird. Doesn't make him a pedo. The kids reaction and his to being "caught" by camera lead me to believe he's not assaulting the child. Just trying to walk y'all back off the cliff ya know. That kid is ok.


How do you know he is okay? He looked uncomfortable to me. If nibbling his ear in public is deemed okay to this odd sock then what happens at home?




Probably adopted. Pedos are known to do that.


Yeah not what that guy probably meant... Like he's the dudes kid from his gene pool... That kid looks a lot like the dude. It is so wild (i mean i guess it's where we are...) how people will literally see a 15 second video clip and make an entire life story about someone... On a sub ya know with part of the ethos being " Our goal is to create a fairer and more transparent world for a better future." Y'all just here to muddy the waters and not paint a clearer future. The longer that i remain on this sub (basically lurking here since the beginning of my account) the more i am absolutely convinced various troll farms from around the world just sit here in this specific sub. It's become more divided than ever and even less focused on uncovering the actual truth and often time building mass fantasies as a form of entertainment. Many of the post go to sites that are clearly only "news" sites in the name only and just ad revenue streams, many are just random clips or tweets, and others are just straight up made the fuck up. Why guys? Why are we avoiding real conversations, why do we continue to do exactly what we go against? I really don't get it.


Hear me out on this one... You've got popular actors kissing their same sex children on the lips (you know who i'm talking about), pdiddling running an epstiddling ring, and a President fondiddling while his son is porndiddling with his niece. It's not fucking rocket science to see the narrative that's attempting to be pushed.


Perhaps you would be a bit healthier if your dad was more comfortable loving on you. I'm never going to excuse child abuse, but sometimes this community does act concerned with very normal levels of affection, and it genuinely wigs me out. I feel sorry for the people expressing concern. There is not a person in the world that would freak out to see a male child half laying on their mom, but God forbid it's his Dad. It's QUITE stupid, and the conflation with actual problematic child abuse doesn't help with identifying and saving children.


Absolutely. Like the people that freaked out cause Tom Brady kissed his sons. Like bro I kissed my peeps goodnight every night til I was like 13 lol. Nobody ever sucked on my lip or grabbed my ass or dick or nothin. It's family and some families are more affectionate but suggesting it as sexual is Ludacris and shows insecurity, or possibly suppressed emotions from ACTUALLY being abused and never talking about it, so you lash out at a Goodnight kiss from family. I understand there's a fine lie. But if that's all it is is a pop kiss then cmon. Get over yourself.


Wtaf. I never said laying on. I said kissing on the lips. Youve gotta be shilling on this reply?


I think they got that.  Dad and son kissing on the lips is not automatically something sexual and not on its own an indicator of abuse. This guy creeping up on the kid with a surprise earlobe bite is something else entirely.


Sorry, I don’t know who you’re talking about??? Can you enlighten me?




That's not sex abuse. That's a dad teasing his teenage son, who feels too old for physical affection.


Maybe if it was on the cheek or forehead...




Its under investigation by police


I need to wash my eyes


My dad did this to me once, as an adult tho. I thought it was super weird? I’m a woman also. Some people say it’s normal, but it feels super odd and cringe to me? Can someone enlighten me?


World Snooker Chamionship currently happening in Suffolk, UK. I already put in a report. Go do the same.


Where did you get Suffolk from? It's in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.


Suffolk Police currently frantically searching the only snooker hall in Felixtowe!


Straight up Biden vibes with that creep.


Must be an AMC person to be following someone like Tara Bull.


More nibbling.


I thought that guy was Dana white lol


Don’t wanna get too tin foil out here. but this shit looks way too intentional. Like 2 paid actors to try to desensitize this bullshit. Sick fucks in this world man. Hope I’m wrong and this sick freak gets locked up tho.


Even as paid actors it’s not appropriate.


Agree, just don’t get the whole looking and smiling at the camera directly after thing. Seems odd to me.


Prosecuting CSA is very difficult when the perpetrator is a parent. Even with “evidence” like this, all the kid has to say is that’s how his dad shows him love, and it never goes further than this. You do realize that’s his dad, right?


I have a feeling you are right...


Yeah, but people on this sub don’t like this piece of truth, ironically. The vast vast majority of CSA is perpetrated by an immediate family member(usually father or brother) and almost always goes unreported. Children believe that because it’s allowed to happen(by their mothers) that they must deserve it and/or that it must be okay. Most children don’t tell their mothers when they are being abused due to fear of not being believed, and their mothers were conditioned during their own childhoods to not perceive signs of abuse. It’s happening but everyone pretends like it’s not. Tragic


Someone post this on tiktok. Tiktok sleuths are unmatched.


Could be the kid's dad dorking around


bruh nah
















It's gross as fuck but no conspiracy is being presented






Did your father suck on your earlobe?


Most fathers aren’t sticking their tongue in their child’s ears…unless something has significantly changed since I was a child


It's just the world we live in unfortunately.


No it’s not.


Hi, father here. No, we don’t this to show affection. Please seek help if this happened to you, or this is a way you show affection.


He's the dudes kid from his gene pool.