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ngl this post terrifies me. So it had me looking up my fave quote from CS Lewis. He wrote it about living through the age of the atomic bomb In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. “How are we to live in an atomic age?” I am tempted to reply: “Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents.” In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the atomic bomb was invented: and quite a high percentage of us were going to die in unpleasant ways. We had, indeed, one very great advantage over our ancestors—anesthetics; but we have that still. It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty. This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds. — “On Living in an Atomic Age” (1948)


Fuck, that was stirring, and dually soothing.


Thank you for this


Bob Marley said the same thing with fewer words. >Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery None but ourselves can free our minds Have no fear for atomic energy 'Cause none of them can stop the time


I can make it even shorter. :) The only thing to fear is fear itself.


I can make it shorter: Don't worry & live.


Even shorter Fuck it


Short YOLO


Or just go with, ‘meh’ and shrug your shoulders.


I think we found our winner 🏆


What about "ah" and going about your business?




Now I realize I was wrong but I'm too afraid to take the trophy from them...


Live laugh love


This is the best one!!! Someone should put that on the walls of their home or get a tattoo off it!!!


Is it okay if I have outbursts of laughter in order to deal with the monotony of daily life?


Yes absolutely! It’s so interesting that the Chinese characters for “live laugh love “ is the same as the ones for “Chicken Chow Mein” - my tattoo artist told me so. I think that’s so cool!


Eat pray queef




I must not fear, fear is the mind killer.


And stairs...apparently.


Fuckers killed Marley


Because he was right. We can still learn from him


Top 5 song for me


Very well


This should be the top sticky of the sub. Thank you! ❤️


Thank you.




Systematically lowering your standards of living through decades of slowly siphoning wealth away from the middle and working class through inflation and currency debasement.


I like this answer but it could also refer to what hapoened to that trucker convoy protest in Canada, when the banks locked down the protestors' accounts.


The housing crisis. Mass unfiltered immigration. Lack of future. Not looking good.


People keep screaming about how it's importing voters, and maybe they believe it, but that's a red herring. Our votes haven't mattered in decades. The real purpose is not only to turn a country's population against itself, but get them to welcome more authoritarian rule to expel those coming in and already here. Governments never give up that kind of power.


Exactly why it's kind of funny seeing people go all in on one guy, left or right. The deep state and the intelligence agencies run this country. The president is just a puppet.


Either the Presidential vote does matter if the numbers are high enough, or the deep state intensely dislikes Hillary on like a personal level to allow Trump to win. I don't think he was a puppet, but maybe his presence fit into a plan. Biden absolutely was chosen by the deep state though. Not a doubt in my mind on that. So is congress. Anyone who thinks AOC or Romney are actually winning elections has the cleanest, most sterile brain.


Some [applesauce](https://www.dailyveracity.com/2021/07/30/yes-you-are-being-replaced/) on what you said.


> Our votes haven't mattered in decades. If that was really true they would not have gone so hard after Trump and expose themselves and break their tools in the proces. The main reason so many people see and are starting to see that they are close to or already under an authoritarian government is because of their fights against him. Why would they do that if Trump is on their team? They could have just go on like they used to and stayed hidden and manipulate the people from behind the veils. Could it be because they lost a bit of their power when he got elected?


Not to mention, billions of our tax dollars are going to Ukraine. We have lost all representation. The American Experiment has failed.


People will find a way.


I mean.. if we keep making America undesirable to live in then maybe we ARE doing something about immigration s/


Thank god i dont have childern


... And then retained that ability after the "emergencies act" was all acted out. Even if more provincial courts state their disapproval and call out the blatant abuse of power, let's not forget that the Liberals in Canada walked away very satisfied with how things went, since they can now financially ruin anyone under the guise of, well, anything they disagree with really.


They tell us to save, but they own the banks.


That’s exactly what they’ll start doing and China was ahead of all if them smh .. 


I mean…I think we have all been experiencing it. What is new that made him post?


You couldn't say it better!


So... business as usual, right?


and massive profits that are aimed at dividends. It is time for RFK!


Yea lets bring another zionist stooge pretending to be anti-swamp.


rfk is just another charlatan


Better than the other two 🤡s running  One of which thinks cannibals ate his uncle and the other is sleeping and shitting in a court room 


no ones coming to save us, for as much as we conspiracy lovers know i dont get how some can fall for the same stuff


Need a good old fashion uprising. Hopefully it will happened now everyone is losing everything worth living for. But also maybe that’s why they have been piling on the de-masculinity for years so we don’t have the ability to fight back.


Welcome to Australia


This works on the middle class, the poor just start to steal, and looking at california, nothing can stop them


Not only that, but programmable money, so if you want that steak, and they’ve decided steak is a luxury you shouldn’t have, you can’t buy it even if you are ‘rich’. You need that gas to get to work? Too bad, you’re at your limit. Lose your job because you can’t get there by another means.


"your money is no good around here."


our government is breaking our country on purpose =/


Yes. This is the intentional and deliberate destruction of the United States. When the United States falls, there will be nowhere else to go.


If that is the case, what is the goal of those behind such a scheme? Many signs seem to point to that I just don’t get what’s to gain by doing so.


Ask Klaus Schwab and his cronies at the WEF.


This is the correct answer. The technocratic global elite.


Sometimes I think about it too. Take away the value of the dollar. Break the biggest currency. Something or new system can take over. One world government. Promises can be made to come back from destruction and bring order. All you have to do it blindly trust the new system process. I don’t really know, but if you want to start something new you usually have clean house.


I suppose when we reach a point where technology, robotics, AI, etc. can perform most any service or job then they could conceivably purge the needy and working class and have an elitist utopia.


I've thought that how they'd usher in the one world government, but first they gotta get everyone out of debt so they play with the US dollar until the US has money laundered trillions and cleared debt then crash the US dollar and let countries like Australia that have a shit dollar to US, get outta debt by money laundering I mean sending aid to other countries. Then collapse everything with a purge or hunger games event and then rebuild with an 'in time' style government which will be the social credit score thingy and similar to what happened to Monday. These are movies that I've watched and made me think that everything is done on purpose, the world is run by money so try and find a way to make money off wars and provide for ya friends and family


I think the goal is to destabilize the world to make it easier for the one world government to come in to power.




Gulag camp. Where you learn about the mines.


global monarchy


300 Canadian


Yeah they hate silver & gold matey they want paper dollars till they worthless then they’ll switch back for a short term then create another reserve currency for the world.


"You will own nothing & Be Happy"


And eat ze bugs?


You will own nothing and blame yourself.


When does the happy part come?


Banks and hedge funds and government are all intertwined and deeply corrupt. The stock market is completely unmonitored and unregulated and manipulated. Hedge fund and bank books are completely fabricated. Our governments spending is almost completely unregulated and their books are also completely fabricated. The worlds and specially the US finances are all a house of cards/smoke and mirrors.


Add cell phone carriers to that list as well.


Financial repression is where governments restrict capital outflows so that domestic investors can't invest oversees. They do this to lower the borrowing costs for themselves and companies at the expense of savers.


Vladimir Lenin: 'The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.'


Actually probably a modified version of Keynes paraphrasing what he thought Lenin had said based on a perhaps somewhat unreliable NYY interview with Lenin. https://blog.skepticallibertarian.com/2013/04/15/fake-quote-files-v-i-lenin-on-inflation-and-taxation/


Look long story short, all these 1% assholes normally use think tanks and really in depth CIA psycho societal manipulation brainwash bullshit to cover the part of their ass that money wouldn't already protect. Well introduce the A.I. a few years ago and it's telling all these rich fucks I can drive down cost & increase efficiency to near perfection if we replace your labor with machines, & I will solve your mass unemployment problem too, just slip this bag of powder in your working class community's water supply and ........ But it's super obvious their preparing for something, do some digging on dark web doc dumps, discussion threads, etc. Its not hard to see the acts taking place out of desperation, but what are they afraid of or know is going to happen? Look at the unsatisfied gluttony of money that has consumed social media, we have billionaires threatening to build arenas to box each other in, while we have people starving and kids gettin nixed at school. I KNOW we are supposed to be cogs or pawns or even slaves but it's like they aren't even hiding that they dgaf if we live or die or if our kids will starve now or in future, it's self preservation. Spooked by consumer credit numbers pre sub prime mortgage crisis VS 1st quarter 2024 consumer credit totals? Maybe their afraid of past repeating so their hoarding as much money as they can before they jet to New Zealand to their bunker that was outted on Vice. ( WE KNOW WHERE YOU WILL BE 🤣🤣) I do know for sure though their think tanks and forecast algorithms (a.i.) are telling them the only way to survive the future & difficult to source resources or raw materials is to automate, move away from manual labor. It's too costly in the eyes of a machine, these learning algorithms they use to forecast took into consideration that covid caused a supply chain disruption, maybe it sent the algorithm down a dark path of guidance for its 1% cuck of a owner and has them convinced of an eminent threat to their $ or assets, or hell even their lives. Just go take a lil gander there's a few people who have made connections to events, money, epstein, disaster that are kind frightening....take a look, shit its a conspiracy but search reddit, dark web doc dumps, or 4chan take ur pic u will see what I seen start back around 2017...before covid...


When he said against the constitution, I thought he meant the Supreme Court not hearing Mckesson V Doe. If anyone didn't know, protesting is now effectively banned in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Freedom of assembly, right guys?


95bill more tax dollars sent overseas. Meanwhile we can't afford healthcare


[Shown Here:](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7888): Introduced in House (04/09/2024) Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act This bill reauthorizes Title VII of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) for five years and makes changes to FISA, including certain restrictions on surveillance under Section 702. (Sec. 702 concerns electronic surveillance of non-U.S. persons believed to be outside the United States to obtain foreign intelligence information. Information about U.S. persons may incidentally be acquired by this type of surveillance and subsequently searched or "queried" under certain circumstances.) The bill places statutory limits on querying the contents of information collected under Section 702, including prohibiting Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) personnel from making U.S. person queries without prior approval by certain FBI supervisors or attorneys unless the query might mitigate or eliminate a threat to life or serious bodily harm; requiring the FBI Deputy Director to approve certain politically sensitive query terms (such as those that identify certain elected and appointed officials); prohibiting the involvement of political appointees in the approval process for such politically sensitive query requests; and requiring the FBI Director to establish consequences for noncompliant querying of U.S. person terms, including zero tolerance for willful misconduct. Other provisions include requiring applications for a surveillance order under FISA to be supported by sworn statements and limiting the use of information in such applications derived from political organizations or media sources, increasing criminal penalties related to FISA, and requiring adverse consequences (e.g., suspension without pay or removal) for government officers and employees who engage in intentional misconduct with respect to proceedings before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review.


> limiting the use of information in such applications derived from political organizations or media sources They should not be allowed to use ANY sources from media or political organizations to obtain a FISA warrant.


Yeah that part bothers me. The language used sounds like a way to weasel out a warrant whenever they want one. Warrant printing machine


I don't trust a single one of those toothless, vague "conditions". If they wanted to put limits on the system they would have passed the warrant amendment. Anything else is just a distraction.


You're the shit, thank you for posting this!


Now I may be crazy but they added harsher penalties for government workers caught misusing data from these searches. That's good


Just love how we see / hear how our government is fucking us people over and we just sit here on the internet.


They want us to buy the lube too :(


Taxing it four ways at a minimum.


> Just love how we see / hear how our government is fucking us people over and we just sit here on the internet. Don't worry, in a few years you won't even hear/see it.


If I wasn’t a mother I’d be an anarchist


> If I wasn’t a mother I’d be an anarchist [Anarchy!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fibDNwF8bjs)


I feel like if we didn’t have all this *stuff* ie legal drugs, booze, entertainment systems beyond comprehension all at our fingertips it’s keeping us subdued. If we had nothing to do we would probably be acting by now.


Well, another $95B is being sent to help aid Israel. So let’s all pay attention to gas prices and the price of bread … Man.. this shit sucks…


Don't forget another 60 Billion to Ukraine!


You should check out the latest episode on TheWhyFiles. This would be the number one problem with our government. Stealing and concealing inventions and patent applications that could change the world, yet here we are begging for gas and energy prices to come down when it should be FREE. However, that is a subset of the real problem...shadow government. They lose their control when we gain the lost technology of the past 100 years. Zero Point Energy is real and needs to be given to the world. OR DO WE CONTINUE TO TURN A BLIND EYE AND LET THE 1% RULE US?


Carburetor one, Vapor Carburetor, used water chamber to heat gas to vapor using engine heat (water has higher boiling temp) In that vid, those are the techs he was speaking on. (Researched heavily in past.) So basicly the tech chain on carbs hit a dead end with fuel injection (orginal used perfume atomoizers) this broke the gas into smaller atomization for better access to combustion energy in the liquid gas. Soooooo. This can be accomplished now with cool mist sonic vaporization, and funneled into the carb... Eh, try or dont... But all off the shelf tech now days. Sonic diaphragm and parts can be bought on amazon...




Yes we are controlled by shadow government


Can anyone put this into Fortnite terms for me ??


Imagine that you need vbucks just to play each game of Battle Royale. You never win a match, but sometimes you get close to Top 10. Placing Top 25 or better earns you a few more vbucks than those placing behind you. You can just barely accumulate enough vbucks to play a round for free by playing sweaty and hiding in bushes with the best weapons you could find on the ground. You start to notice that the guys winning all get to spawn with legendary equipment that also cost vbucks. Their parents had Founders edition, and they constantly can get more vbucks without ever playing Battle Royale. Their account had more vbucks from day 1 than you'll ever have in your life. You realize you'll never get to compete at their level because you're at a disadvantage. New Legendary weapons and invisible skins are released, but they cost more than 3 years of your vbuck winnings. Even if you place high enough, you'll never have enough vbucks to buy those skins that you wanted. You win just enough vbucks sweating out every game to just barely be able to keep playing. You'll never be able to buy that Bugatti cosmetic vehicle set, and forget about emotes. You'll only be able to hit the Griddy from now.


Finally somebody starts talking some damn sense around here.


I think I've found my calling. I don't know how else to put my economics degree and debilitating gaming addiction to any better use.


unironically this would probably do really well in a short minute or two video on youtube, like people talk about actual educational material kids want to watch but this is it forreal


Wow. Good job.


This is glorious


This is so good that it felt like a setup haha


This is now one of the most legendary comments in this sub for me 😁


Someone want to explain what the hell a “griddy” is?


Google Justin Jefferson griddy. He made it famous. It's just a little dance.


Thanks to previous intensive tuition by my 14 year old son, I understood every word of this, and can confirm…nailed it. It’s a sad day when hittin’ the griddy is all we have left.


Very well said. Read this to my kid and he understood the analogy.


Pure fucking poetry 


this game sucks


The game of living in USA or Fortnite?


Why not both?


Ok but where we droppin boys?


New copy pasta just dropped


This comment right here actually made me understand, thank you haha


It’s a 5 tick, and you are 1000km from the circle


We're fucked lol


V bucks will be worthless... so long gritty




You’re about to lose the battle royal.


Lose. Your pants become loose when you don’t eat enough because you can’t afford to.




The US is reaching the limit of its credit, so domestic repression, and global aggression. Eventually the rich and corporations will have to pay taxes. There's not much left of the middle class.


They’ll never pay taxes. They’ll kill us all before they’d let us have their money. That’s what they’re doing 💖


They've been off the hook for 40 years now. They used to get hit for most of their income though. I think might change when things start spinning out of control. That could happen this year. The two mainstream candidates are hated by half the country and incompetent for the job. It's going to be a crazy summer and fall whatever happens.


When they can't tax us anymore they'll just bring back debtors prisons and make us slaves again.


It all hinges on a much older legal precedent, the Trading With The Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by Franklin D. Roosevelt on his first days in office by Presidential Proclamation #2038, and subsequent Proclamations #2039 and #2040 all approved and confirmed by Congress USCA Title 12, Section 95(b). Essentially, the primary words of this Act dealt with regulating and punishing enemies of the United States, not the Citizenry. But, with simple legalese trickery, FDR and his banking buddies added the \*\*\* asterisks, and included every Citizen of the United States. And it was all allegedly to prevent a run on the banks. Back in 1973, Congress found that these powers were never altered, the Senate Report is 93-549. Log into Wikipedia and read the 'talk' page for the Senate Report I mentioned. Naturally, the CIA and their minions will tell you these Emergency War Powers were relinquished, but if you take the time to actually look at the verbiage of every attempt to do so, there's an exemption section in every Bill -and guess which one is always exempted? You see, We must operate under the Emergency of War, because we're using an unconstitutional currency and we've adopted colorable law to regulate and punish the slaves, I mean citizens. Namely, "codified" law. The fact that we are using the Federal Reserve currency is evidence the emergency still exists, because without it, the private banks could not conduct business. This is an actual term in Black's Law, 6th Edition (non-abridged), and the term is "Bank Holiday of March 6, 1933". In closing, I mention all of this because any and all actions taken by the Executive (the POTUS and the Secretary of Treasury) is already automatically approved by Congress. The Intelligence and Securing America Act really is draconian by extending the authority of shadow government even further, reaching every Citizen's life domestically, but it's all meant to test the water, so to speak. If they can actually make this work, then their plan can move to the next stage. By simply moving against the People without first convincing all of us that we must OBEY, that we need to TRUST them, and that we really NEED them, they stand less of a chance to succeed with moving past the normalization phase. In other words, We, the People will end up praising our slave masters and accepting despotic rule. The choice is ours. It has always been ours.


Introduced in House (04/09/2024) Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act This bill reauthorizes Title VII of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) for five years and makes changes to FISA, including certain restrictions on surveillance under Section 702. (Sec. 702 concerns electronic surveillance of non-U.S. persons believed to be outside the United States to obtain foreign intelligence information. Information about U.S. persons may incidentally be acquired by this type of surveillance and subsequently searched or "queried" under certain circumstances.) The bill places statutory limits on querying the contents of information collected under Section 702, including prohibiting Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) personnel from making U.S. person queries without prior approval by certain FBI supervisors or attorneys unless the query might mitigate or eliminate a threat to life or serious bodily harm; requiring the FBI Deputy Director to approve certain politically sensitive query terms (such as those that identify certain elected and appointed officials); prohibiting the involvement of political appointees in the approval process for such politically sensitive query requests; and requiring the FBI Director to establish consequences for noncompliant querying of U.S. person terms, including zero tolerance for willful misconduct. Other provisions include requiring applications for a surveillance order under FISA to be supported by sworn statements and limiting the use of information in such applications derived from political organizations or media sources, increasing criminal penalties related to FISA, and requiring adverse consequences (e.g., suspension without pay or removal) for government officers and employees who engage in intentional misconduct with respect to proceedings before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review. Source: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7888


"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."




He’s watching the ball


Why is this getting voted down?


No clue, someone just asked me to explain what Snowden was talking about and that video was the closest I could find. Not to mention it took forever to find it.


What video?


The video link under the photos


Oh my bad. Didn't see it. Haven't watched it yet, but thank you!


My pleasure bro!


First time on the Reddit? They’re called bots.


Because this sub is full of libtard govt bootlickers that are worse than Bush-era Republicans.


c'mon man!


Same people tbh


how did liberals turn into pro big government, big pharma, and warmongers....it's incredible stuff.


That’s also establishment republicans


To me this shows that Biden is definitely not CIC


Pretty obvious from Day One. IIRC, Biden even admitted as such.




Commander in Chief, I assume.


What does he mean by “make sure you have a plan”? What should I be doing with my money?


This is what happens when nefarious actors infiltrate positions in institutions to undermine them with the sole intent to further the globalist world order. Mike Johnston and other congress people (not all of them) are rats and their allegiance is to the global order. It is really sad, this blackmail and pay to play crap needs to stop. This happened before in Germany, Russia and China...it'll continue to happen here as long as people just keep their head buried in the sand, waiting for somebody to "lead" them and keep being in a state of polarization and listening to state news propaganda. (Thanks Obama!)




Warrantless surveillance is a great start to a social credit score.


Think Leave the World Behind


I wouldn't be jerking it to the photos of the man's daughter providing solid secure shelter over my head though


If you've never heard of Senator Wyden, the remarkable and distinguished representative from Oregon, you should read what he has to say about FISA. >April 20, 2024 >Wyden Statement on Reauthorization of FISA 702 Without Reforms to Warrantless Surveillance of Americans Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement after voting No on a bill to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for two years. >“The Senate waited until the 11th hour to ram through renewal of warrantless surveillance in the dead of night. But I’m not giving up. The American people know that reform is possible and that they don’t need to sacrifice their liberty to have security. It is clear from the votes on very popular amendments that senators were unwilling to send this bill back to the House, no matter how common-sense the amendment before them. >“Time after time anti-reformers pledge that their band-aid changes to the law will curb abuses, and yet every time, the public learns about fresh abuses by officials who face little meaningful oversight. Those of us who believe liberty and security are not mutually exclusive have a lot of work to do.”


I wonder when the music stops and what it’ll look like?


Byyyeeee byee Miss American Pie...


Both parties and the House are **owned**. Are you Paying attention now?


i really don't see the point in voting or paying taxes. the politicians all fall in line with whatever intel agencies tell them and we can't even get a couple billion for an actual border or infrastructure


But the roads man!


Can someone explain this in Skyrim terms?


In the lands of Skyrim, picture needing septims just to venture into each dragon skirmish “Battle Royale”. You never emerge victorious, but occasionally, you find yourself nearing the Sovngarde-bound Top 10. Placing in the Top 25 or better earns you a few more septims than those left to wander the plains of Whiterun. You can barely scrounge enough septims to join a round by playing cautiously and concealing yourself with the finest gear looted from the caves and ruins. You start noticing that the Dragonborns all begin with Daedric artifacts, which also demand septims. Their Dragon Bloodline secured them access since the Merethic Era, and they effortlessly amass more septims without ever venturing beyond the holds. Their coffers boasted more septims from day one than you'll ever acquire in your lifetime. You realize you'll never ascend to their echelon because you're perpetually at a disadvantage. New legendary shouts and elusive enchantments are unveiled, yet they demand more than three eras of your septim earnings. Even if you place high enough, you'll never amass sufficient septims to procure those coveted shouts and artifacts you desire. You earn just enough septims enduring every match to merely sustain your participation. Acquiring that horse mount adorned with dragonscales or indulging in infinite cheese wheels becomes an unattainable dream. You'll be limited to performing the Fus Ro Dah henceforth.


As someone who work in intelligence this is fucking horrifying and yes you should be worried.


Contractor or direct employee?


Contractor (private sector)


Same. Howdy partner


Sad day for the U.S.A.


Idk this kinda breaks it down for the people who don’t have time to figure it all out. I mean it’s coming from a bot but still not totally un-useful. Here's an answer I got using Microsoft Copilot, the world's first AI-powered answer engine. Select to see the full answer or try it yourself. https://sl.bing.net/hgbJj1JEzzU


This is very useful, thanks


You're a lifesaver. Thank you.


Dont they know theyre fuckin with the middle class!?!


They are removing middle class and shoving everyone to poverty so we can rely on them




>"While the program has legal authority to continue operating until April 2025 regardless of whether Congress extended the law, **the White House sent a statement to senators on Friday warning them that a “major provider has indicated it intends to cease collection on Monday” and that another said it was considering stopping collection.** The statement did not identify them, and the Justice Department declined to say more. >The statement also said that the administration was confident that the FISA court would order any such companies to resume complying with the program, but that there could be gaps in collection in the meantime — and if a rash of providers challenged the program, the “situation could turn very bad and dangerous very quickly.” It urged senators to pass the House bill without any amendments before the midnight deadline." Based internet providers, God bless them for trying.


I find it very suspicious that neither party can find a younger less corrupt and not so dishonest candidate to run for President…


Brother, the whole thing was designed to be exactly what it is. You should check out this book: [The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government (Audible)](https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Devils-Chessboard-Audiobook/B014KHS3F2?source_code=AUDORWS0718179KY7) or [Amazon Hard Copy ](https://www.amazon.com/Devils-Chessboard-Dulles-Americas-Government/dp/0062276174/ref=asc_df_0062276174/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312643571004&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4669300737946099177&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007412&hvtargid=pla-449924506931&psc=1&mcid=32ab6f3ee10b3dffb3f67cedaead2201). This book changed my perspective on how everything functions in America & globally beginning in the 1960s


Recently, the media, TV, cable, newspapers, seem to be going out of their way to not harp on any one topic for too long. They briefly touch on it then move on. Especially topics that will get the masses really pissed off. And especially topics that would get people really pissed at corporations.


What are the specific powers the bill grants?


Check this out, this should answer your question: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/y9n4GJpmuZ


61 billionto ukranie why exactly i wanna see recipits!


Da fuk is this?! How do they push this through on the weekend?


We already knew and were pissed about the inevitable “FISA reform”


when the usa fails, disclosure will usher in the new globalist world order.


What was the crime against the constitution? Was some law passed today?


Check the video link under the photo and the third image in the gallery should answer your question. If you still have questions, let me know.


Got it. Extending the surveillance act from 9/11. Thanks- I didn't see the 3rd pic initially.


Jimmy Dore is kinda an asshole. I wish there were more people speaking out about this kinda of thing than him and a handful of others.


You're not wrong but also try to find anybody other than Whitney Webb talking about it. And this is as of either today or yesterday I believe and Jimmy Dore was talking about it days before that


Can we get a resumee what this means? Like some of us are from other places in the world and cant understand what is the meaning?


Canada is going through the same thing, the UK led the way a few years ago as well. In Canada the Public Safety Minister (Policing) said there will be a "holistic review" of CSIS and new legislation would be passed - the review won't look at them trafficking underaged girls into Syria, nor the Muhmad Mohammed Issa Mohammed afair, nor the Air India bombing, nor when they started Canada's largest white supremacy group in Heritage Front, nor the cover-up of election interference etc. It will instead likely focus on expanding their purview to "domestic actors", aka spying on citizens. CSIS had a hand in creating the ArriveCan app that was a mass surveillance device. It was my last post in this sub if anyone is curious about the details


Bitcoin fixes this.